3D bar graph: issues using 2D Y-Z plane and timestamp

I'm having issues trying to plot a multiplot 3D bar graph using view towards Y-Z plane property (3D plot properties/View direction). This makes the 3D graph basically look like 2D. Bar graph looks quite ok when it is drawn without y vector (timestamp) but as soon as the timestamp is connected it doesn't make any sense. The bars are basically thin lines plotted to a very small area. Autoscaling or manual scaling doesn't help. Attached is a small example VI with some data which gives an idea what I'm trying to accomplish and what the issue is.
What I would like to achieve is to keep the bar width as in the case before y vector is connected to and have timestamps.
I'll be glad if you had any suggestions that could help.
3D Bar Plot_mod.vi ‏13 KB

Oooh. This is a bug for 3D Bar. The width and internal are not relative to the actual range. I filed CAR 344934.
If you could use 3D projection, you can use value pair (also from Properties or VI Server) as a temporary workaround. Value pair can override scale with any text. Here is an example.
3D Bar Plot_mod3.vi ‏16 KB

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    My Main Class
                   Vector<Integer> vIntOv = OverloadsFactory.getAllOverloadsID();
                   Iterator<Integer> itOvIterator = vIntOv.iterator();
                   Integer cIdOv = null;
                   while(itOvIterator.hasNext()) {
                        cIdOv = itOvIterator.next();
                        System.out.println("ID OV = "+cIdOv);
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                             cPrin = itRestPrin.next();
                             System.out.println("     REST = "+cPrin.getPrincipalName());
                             cPrin = null;
    The getOverloadById method in OverloadFactory class :
         public static Overload getOverloadById(int overloadID) throws OverloadException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SDKException {
              String name="";
              String creationTime="";
              Vector<RowRestriction> vRestrictedRows = new Vector<RowRestriction>();
              Vector<ObjectRestriction> vRestrictedObjects = new Vector<ObjectRestriction>();
              Vector<PrincipalRestricted> vPrincipalRestricted= new Vector<PrincipalRestricted>();
              String boQuery="SELECT * " +
                        "FROM CI_APPOBJECTS " +
                        "WHERE SI_KIND='OVERLOAD' AND SI_ID="+overloadID;
              Iterator<IOverload> itOverload = BoxiRepositoryManager.getInstance().executeQuery(boQuery).iterator();
              if(itOverload.hasNext()) {
                   IOverload currentIOverload = itOverload.next();
                   //System.out.println("OVERLOAD : "+currentIOverload.getTitle()+" / UNIVERSE : "+UniversesFactory.getUniverseById(currentIOverload.getUniverse()).getName());
                   Iterator<IRowOverload> itRestrictedRows=currentIOverload.getRestrictedRows().iterator();
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                        IRowOverload currentRestrictedRow = itRestrictedRows.next();
                        //System.out.println("     RR ("+currentIOverload.getID()+") Where Clause : "+currentRestrictedRow.getWhereClause());
                        vRestrictedRows.add(new RowRestriction(currentRestrictedRow.getRestrictedTableName(), currentRestrictedRow.getWhereClause()));
                   //System.out.println("     RR ("+currentIOverload.getID()+") Size : "+vRestrictedRows.size());
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                        IObjectOverload currentRestrictedObj = itRetsrictedObjects.next();
                        //System.out.println("     RO ("+currentIOverload.getID()+") Object Name : "+currentRestrictedObj.getObjectName());
                        vRestrictedObjects.add(new ObjectRestriction(currentRestrictedObj.getObjectID(), currentRestrictedObj.getObjectName()));
                   Iterator<IObjectPrincipal> itIObjectPrincipal = currentIOverload.getSecurityInfo().getObjectPrincipals().iterator();
                   while (itIObjectPrincipal.hasNext()) {
                        IObjectPrincipal currentIObjPrincipal = itIObjectPrincipal.next();
                        vPrincipalRestricted.add(new PrincipalRestricted(currentIObjPrincipal.getID(),currentIObjPrincipal.getName()));
                   itOverload = null;
                   return new Overload(overloadID,currentIOverload.getUniverse(),name, vRestrictedObjects, vRestrictedRows, vPrincipalRestricted, creationTime);
              } else {
                   throw new OverloadException("This Overload ID is not valid");
    At the beginning I thought it was a problem in my own code but if you comment the following part in the above method, you'll see that the memory increase will not happen anymore :
    Iterator<IObjectPrincipal> itIObjectPrincipal = currentIOverload.getSecurityInfo().getObjectPrincipals().iterator();
                   while (itIObjectPrincipal.hasNext()) {
                        IObjectPrincipal currentIObjPrincipal = itIObjectPrincipal.next();
                        vPrincipalRestricted.add(new PrincipalRestricted(currentIObjPrincipal.getID(),currentIObjPrincipal.getName()));
    Here the error
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
       at java.util.Hashtable.rehash(Unknown Source)
       at java.util.Hashtable.put(Unknown Source)
       at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.security.internal.a.a(Unknown Source)
       at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.security.internal.f.new(Unknown Source)
       at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.security.internal.a.commit(Unknown Source)
       at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.ap.a(Unknown Source)
       at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.ar.if(Unknown Source)
       at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.ar.getObjectPrincipals(Unknown Source)
       at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.ar.getObjectPrincipals(Unknown Source)
    So it why I think that either there is an issue with "getSecurityInfo()" or I'm using it in a bad way. I tried many things like nulling my objects (even if in java the garbage collector does that by itself), changing my code... but no improvements, it's why I m requesting help from the experts
    Thanks to you
    PS : sorry for my grammar, i'm french
    PS 2 : i just want notify that I'm not a java expert so if you have to criticize my code, no prob
    Edited by: Cyril Amsellem on Aug 8, 2008 5:00 PM

    Hi Merry
    Thanks a lot for answering me. I didn't know that "getObjectPrincipal" takes so much memory for running.
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    Thanks again for taking time to help me

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    JDev Version:
    I have one user case ,where I need to show data values on x1-o1 axis . but o1 axis data should display on right side instead of left. is there any way to do this. I went through some blogs, there is one tag markerText . but I dont know how to use it.
    Please suggest me

    Separate the full questions from the chart, and replace them with a short keyword phrase tagged with the question number. Put the full questions into a text box below or beside the chart.
    Do each question as a separate chart. Label the Y axis with the question number. Place the question in a box under the chart.
    Use option-return to force one or more line breaks in your question, without moving pieces of it into a new cell.
    Here's an example of the third option.
    Here is the table on which the chart is based.
    Each 'question' in column A has two option-returns entered in the cell. For multi line 'questions', these follow the space after the last word displayed in the first two lines. In the first and last 'questions' they are placed after the 'question', and serve to keep the spacing constant on the chart.
    Thanks to Cicero and Cab for the questions.

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    subType="BAR_VERT_CLUST" animationOnDisplay="auto" threeDEffect="true"
    seriesRolloverBehavior="RB_HIGHLIGHT" partialTriggers="::graph1"
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    <dvt:zFormat scaling="none" autoPrecision="off">

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    Hi all;
        We are generating the following error stack when trying to build a report on top of a BEX query using Crystal Report for Enterprise :
        |7C4F8ECE44034DB897AD88D6F98B028B3|2011 12 12 17:24:21.277|+0100|>>|E| |crj|20380|  56|ModalContext    | |2|0|0|0|BIPSDK.InfoStore:query|CHVXRIL0047:20380:56.174:1|-|-|BIPSDK.InfoStore:query|CHVXRIL0047:20380:56.174:1|Cut2PbOe3UdzgckPBHn8spEab|||||||||com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InfoObjects||Assertion failed: Java plugin for CommonConnection is not loaded.
         at com.businessobjects.foundation.logging.log4j.Log4jLogger.assertTrue(Log4jLogger.java:52)
         at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InfoObjects.newInfoObject(InfoObjects.java:576)
         at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InfoObjects.continueUnpackHelper(InfoObjects.java:548)
         at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InfoObjects.continueUnpack(InfoObjects.java:489)
         at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InfoObjects.startUnpack(InfoObjects.java:464)
         at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InternalInfoStore$XRL3WireStrategy.startUnpackTo(InternalInfoStore.java:1484)
         at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InternalInfoStore$XRL3WireStrategy.startUnpackTo(InternalInfoStore.java:1464)
         at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InternalInfoStore.unpackAll(InternalInfoStore.java:910)
         at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InternalInfoStore.queryHelper(InternalInfoStore.java:944)
         at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InternalInfoStore.queryHelper(InternalInfoStore.java:929)
         at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InternalInfoStore.query_aroundBody24(InternalInfoStore.java:798)
         at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InternalInfoStore.query(InternalInfoStore.java:1)
         at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InfoStore.query_aroundBody20(InfoStore.java:175)
         at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InfoStore.query_aroundBody21$advice(InfoStore.java:42)
         at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InfoStore.query(InfoStore.java:1)
         at com.businessobjects.mds.securedconnection.cms.services.olap.OlapCmsSecuredConnectionService.getConnectionObject(OlapCmsSecuredConnectionService.java:125)
         at com.businessobjects.mds.securedconnection.cms.services.olap.OlapCmsSecuredConnectionService.getOlapSecuredConnection(OlapCmsSecuredConnectionService.java:191)
         at com.businessobjects.mds.securedconnection.loader.internal.SecuredConnectionLoaderImpl.getOlapConnectionFromSecuredConnection(SecuredConnectionLoaderImpl.java:83)
         at com.businessobjects.mds.securedconnection.loader.internal.SecuredConnectionLoaderImpl.getConnectionFromSecuredConnection(SecuredConnectionLoaderImpl.java:60)
         at com.businessobjects.dsl.services.workspace.impl.DirectOlapAccessDataProviderBuilder.loadSecuredConnection(DirectOlapAccessDataProviderBuilder.java:193)
         at com.businessobjects.dsl.services.workspace.impl.DirectOlapAccessDataProviderBuilder.loadSecuredConnection(DirectOlapAccessDataProviderBuilder.java:176)
         at com.businessobjects.dsl.services.workspace.impl.DirectOlapAccessDataProviderBuilder.provideUniverseFromCms(DirectOlapAccessDataProviderBuilder.java:63)
         at com.businessobjects.dsl.services.datasource.impl.AbstractUniverseProvider.provideUniverse(AbstractUniverseProvider.java:41)
         at com.businessobjects.dsl.services.workspace.impl.AbstractDataProviderBuilder.updateQuerySpecDataProvider(AbstractDataProviderBuilder.java:119)
         at com.businessobjects.dsl.services.workspace.impl.AbstractDataProviderBuilder.updateDataProvider(AbstractDataProviderBuilder.java:106)
         at com.businessobjects.dsl.services.workspace.impl.AbstractDataProviderBuilder.addDataProvider(AbstractDataProviderBuilder.java:49)
         at com.businessobjects.dsl.services.workspace.impl.WorkspaceServiceImpl.addDataProvider(WorkspaceServiceImpl.java:56)
         at com.businessobjects.dsl.services.workspace.impl.WorkspaceServiceImpl.addDataProvider(WorkspaceServiceImpl.java:45)
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.dsl.shared.DSLTransientUniverseServiceProvider.createSessionServicesHelper(DSLTransientUniverseServiceProvider.java:72)
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.dsl.shared.DSLServiceProvider.createSessionServices(DSLServiceProvider.java:428)
         at com.businessobjects.crystalreports.designer.qpintegration.DSLUtilities.getServiceProvider(DSLUtilities.java:279)
         at com.businessobjects.crystalreports.designer.qpintegration.InitializeDSLRunnable.run(InitializeDSLRunnable.java:82)
         at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$ModalContextThread.run(ModalContext.java:121)
    Here seems to be that a plugin is not loaded : com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InfoObjects||Assertion failed: Java plugin for CommonConnection is not loaded.
    could this affect the performance of Crystal Reports for Enterprise and how could I fix this ?
    Best Regards

    Thanks for your response. Please note, however, the transaction RAD1 does not exist. Let me provide more details about the current settings of the InfoObject.
    The Characteristic is 'Item' (0CS_ITEM) and upon going to RSA1 >  Modeling > InfoObjects > Item (0CS_ITEM) > Right Click > Display > Business Explorer (tab) > Text Type is set to 'Long Text' and BEx description is set to 'Long description' already.
    When I run/execute the query with this Item characteristic, the results in BEx Analyzer is showing appropriate long text, however, Crystal Report for Enterprise shows short text only
    Edited by: Kumar Pathak on Feb 3, 2012 6:18 PM

  • Issue using GW 8.x, VBScript and object API

    Greetings folks,
    We have a simple script that we'd run to find the location of a users
    current archive..
    It worked under earlier versions but after upgrading to 8, it runs
    sucessfully, but windows (XP SP3 using GW 8.01/802 clients) will ALWAYS
    throw the following error after it executes (Note that it DOES execute as
    expected, but windows scripting throwing an error after execution is what is
    Here's the error as shown by the event log:
    Faulting application wscript.exe, version, faulting module
    gwxplt1.dll, version, fault address 0x00031470.
    Here's the test script (simply outputs the UID of the account, path to
    archive, and the FID of the account,
    since we can build a real path using the PathToArchive + "of" + FID + "arc"
    On Error resume next
    dim GWApp
    Set GWApp = CreateObject("NovellGroupWareSession")
    dim GWAccount
    Set GWAccount = GWApp.Login()
    msgbox GWAccount.AccountUID &" : " & GWAccount.PathToArchive & " : " &
    set GwApp = Nothing
    set GWAccount = Nothing
    Any idea why calling these methods via VBscript would make windows scripting
    host barf?

    Working fine here with Delphi 2005 ?
    Start by posting the code
    And you are in the correct forum
    Tommy Mikkelsen
    IT Quality A/S, Denmark
    Novell Support Forums SYSOP
    Sorry, but no support through email
    Be a GroupWiseR, go http://www.groupwiser.net

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    I'm sorry you're having troubles making calls, cnasam. From the phone, please try dialing *228 [send], option 1 to program. When completed, restart phone. If this doesn't work, please reach out to PrePay directly at 888-294-6804 and select options 4,6,4 for prompt service.   Thank you, VanessaS_VZW Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport If my response answered your question please click the "Correct Answer" button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

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    Partha ,
    The simple scenario mentioned by you where one supplier/supplier site is there for an item and supplying to two org ... the suggested due date can be different by having different purchasing lead time(pre processing + post processing + processing) set at item org level .
    But this solution will not work when you have multiple supplier/supplier site is there for an item rog combination. However here it can be tried modeling through a combination of post processing lead time at ASL Level and pre processing lead time + post processing lead time at item org level.

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    But I still do not succeed.
     I'll be glad if you had any suggestions that could help.
    Thank you
    xy_bar_graph Version 0.vi ‏21 KB

    Hi Jubchay,
    Here is an example of displaying the given timestamp. Only the 3D vision has the customized marker.
    The 3D Bar is not suitable to display a lot of bars, which make the marker overlapped. So I only input the subset of 15.
    xy_bar_graph Version 1.vi ‏23 KB

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    Using obiee 11g,
    I have a bar graph where i have put default height and weight.
    Now the problem is i have my x axis based on a prompt because of which i can have my width bit dynamic.
    My x axis is username
    Whenever it takes more values i have seen that the some of the names are missing.
    graph will be drawn but no names for some bars.
    When i inc the width it becomes visible.
    Is there a solution other then inc the width of the graph because everytime i cannot change the wdth of the graph and also i cannot predict how many users will be?

    Thanks for the reply.
    Then ill inc the width of the graph if there is no other solution.
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    if the stacked bar one above another is too close.
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    can anybody help me in this matter.
    Thanks in advance

    Use the insert a Shape tool.
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE lundi 8 juin 2009 12:19:55)

  • How do you plot multiple curves on the same graph when using a while loop?

    I am writing a program that will plot the IV Output chracterisitcs curves for a MOSFET transistor. I have two sweep variables Vg and Vd. For each Vg valve selected, Vd is swept from its start to stop voltage creating a graph for that Vg valve. Both of the sweeps are done using while loops. Ideally I would like to display all of the Vg plots on the same graph while having the ability to do real-time graphing. Can anyone help me figure this problem out? I have attached my program. Thanks!!
    outputfin2.vi ‏165 KB

    Hi Tammy & Tica T,
    As far as I see it - this thread is a very bad version of already existing bad version......
    I expected, that an Applications Engineer from NI knows something about  a Transistor and how an Output characteristic looks like !!  Take a look to a typical Transistor Datasheet ( e.g. n-channel MOSFET) - you will see, that there is no relation of ID vs Time like in your example ( values vs time )  but  IDrain vs VDrain at different VGate's ( no relation to Mr. Bill Gates ).
    Find attached a vi, that in general does what you need - drawing of  curves vs x-axis (XY-graph in use)  - in test_sweep.zip.  And that you geet an impression, how it might be done ...... dynamic Output characteristic of a Transistor with Standard Equipment of a Lab ( Scope + Generator + Power Supply ) find in addition a Frontpanel - picture. One of the interesting points here is - the self-heating effect; visible on ch3 of scope - 5µs Pulse is already a very long time...... This measurement was done in order to compare with our own Transistors......... 
    Hope this helps a little bit to understand, what we are talking about.
    test_sweep.zip ‏358 KB
    dynamic Transistor char.png ‏65 KB

  • Javascript won't recognize selected portion of bar graph

    I'm trying to write a script that will recognize a selected portion of a bar graph (selected with the direct-selection tool) and change its fill color. I have a working script that will recognize change the color of a selected box (i.e. one drawn with the Rectangle tool), but I get an error when I try to manipulate a selected piece of my graph.
    "Error 21: undefined is not an object"
    OK, then what is it? Is there any documentation that explains the hierarchy of items within a graph or how they are referenced? Or anyone out there figured it out? The Illustrator Scripting PDFs are less than clear on this point.
    This script is (hopefully) a building block for a later, larger script that would step through an entire graph, change the color of each bar, and save a copy before repeating the process with the next bar (basically I need a bunch of variations on one bar graph with a different data point highlighted in each). But that's not happening unless I can select the bars!
    Any ideas would be appreciated,

    From looking at the graph item object this doesn't appear possible.
    Items within a graphItem do not show up as selected in JS.
    Looks like the only workaround that I can see would be to expand the graph item then work with the path elements.

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    In CO01/02/03 it shows only the planned execution time in Ghantt chart,but it doesnot show the actuals.

    CM07 gives about the information of capacity allocation. It will not show the actual execution from date and to date.
    I want to see the Planned from period to to-period and actual also in bar chart form.

  • Safety stock planning and use of CTM in APO

    I want to use advanced safety stock planning and CTM in APO for a range of finished products.
    For advanced safety stock planning, the available safety stock methods are AS, BS, AT, BT.
    For CTM, I want to use time based safety stock method MB.
    So how can the use of these different methods be reconciled?
    Ady advice appreciated...

    Please check following SDN threads:
    Re: CTM ignores Extended Safety Stock Methods (like BS, BT etc...)
    Please also check OSS note 426563 .
    For Planning a  time phased safety stock ( e.g. when using advanced safety stock methods from SNP) CTM provides two alternative methods  which have their own restrictions:
    1. Standard saftey stock  Planning .The standard safety stock method of CTM consists of two internal runs of CTM engine which are not visible for the user. Because of this two runs it is not possbile to consider decreasing safety stock. CTM interval planning can be used herein.
    2. Alternative saftey  stock  method (Control parameter SSTOCK_MODE). This method carries out only one run.  However there are some restrictions. For details of the above, please check oss note 1413545.

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