A question about thread safety and the Acrobat SDK

Hi All,
On page 12 of this FAQ: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/Acrobat_SDK_developer_faq.pdf
It says that Use of any Acrobat product in a multithreaded way is technically impossible.
I'm currently writing a command line application to perform some basic data gathering on a PDF file. The Application only makes use of a PDDoc object, and never calls on any other kind of object (i.e. AVDoc).
The application itself is not multithreaded. All of the logic runs in a single thread.
However, the application will be called (via the command line) from another application that /is/ multithreaded. I think that this might be fine, but I wasn't sure. In this case, would this count as a single thread, but spread across multiple processes? And if that is the case, would that be OK with the SDK?
Or would having multiple invocations/calls into the Acrobat DLLs cause the same issue as a multi-threaded application?
Unfortunately, I haven't done a lot of work with threads before. This might be a very silly question.

The application would be called from a perl script that is used to automate several tasks. The app is a console application, written in C# w/ the Acrobat COM components, and Visual Studio 2005.
The console application uses the Acrobat SDK to instantiate a PDDoc object, open a PDF, and get information about the document. It then returns results back to the console.
So, the perl script just calls: "C:\pdfinfo.exe -f=myPdf.pdf" and pipes the result to a log file.
In this case, it never creates a new instance of the Acrobat application, but it does use the SDK.
The reason that I was concerned was that the perl script is multi-threaded. I wasn't sure if acrobat was just sensitive to multiple threads inside a single process, or if it was unable to handle multiple processes as well.
PDL's answer suggests that I should be fine as long as a new process is started each time. This is good to hear.

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    I wrote this Client API for sending requests and receiving responses to / from a multivalue database. The API is called by my Servlet. Now it seems my API is not thread safe because when several people open up the servlet at the same time, the API gets totally confused. When the API calls are inside a synchronized(){} it works just fine, but obviously at a big performance hit. Is that the wrong way of doing it??
    However when I was doing the ACID test locally on my machine, by opening two command prompts and excuting the same java program (with the same code in it as the servlet, but standalone) my API worked just fine. How come?
    Any insights appreciated as I am just learning about thread safety now (the hard way :-( )

    Does this help
    Are you using one connection to the database shared by all instances
    of your servlet
    And is this connection create in the init method of the servlet and stored
    in the servlet context.
    Problem 4 people try and use your servlet at the same time, each servlet trys to
    create a connection to the database and then store it in the servlet context and
    this causes a problem.
    Solution create a listener to create the connection and store it in the servlet context
    when the servlet is created.
    If this is your problem it is not advisable to use only one connection to the db
    try using db pooling

  • Urgent question about Thread-safety

    Hi all,
    the new tiger release provides an "isReachable()" method for the "InetAddress" object.
    I've found, this method is not thread-safe (see the source and output below).
    It returns true for all threads, when multiple threads using this method with different adresses are running at a time and one of the addresses is reachable. This happens only on WinXp. Running on Linux, the output is like expected.
    I've tried to report this as a bug. But the gurus answered, taking care of thread safety would be a "programmers task".
    My question is, what can I do, to be thread-safe in my case?
    import java.util.*;
    import java.net.*;
    public class IsReachableTest_1 extends Thread{
        static volatile int inst=1;
        static final String NET_ADDR="192.168.111.";
        int instance=inst++;
        public void run(){
            for(int i=19;i<23;i++){
                    long start=System.nanoTime();
                        System.out.println(""+instance+"--host found at:"+NET_ADDR+i+"--time:"+(System.nanoTime()-start)/1000000);
                        System.out.println(""+instance+"--no host at:"+NET_ADDR+i);
                }catch(Exception e){System.out.println(""+instance+"--ERROR "+e.toString());}
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                System.getProperty("java.vendor")+" "+
                System.getProperty("java.version")+" running on "+
                System.getProperty("os.name")+" "+
            Vector v=new Vector();
            System.out.println("\nTest 1: One after another:");
            for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
                IsReachableTest_1 t;
                t=new IsReachableTest_1();
                }catch(Exception e){System.out.println("MAIN1: "+e.toString());}
            System.out.println("\nTest 2: All together:");
            for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
                IsReachableTest_1 t;
                t=new IsReachableTest_1();
            for(Iterator i=v.iterator();i.hasNext();)
                }catch(Exception e){System.out.println("MAIN2: "+e.toString());}
                System.out.println("\nALL DONE");
    And here is the output, when running on WinXp:
    Sun Microsystems Inc. 1.5.0-beta running on Windows XP 5.1
    Test 1: One after another:
    1--no host at:
    1--no host at:
    1--host found at:
    1--no host at:
    2--no host at:
    2--no host at:
    2--host found at:
    2--no host at:
    3--no host at:
    3--no host at:
    3--host found at:
    3--no host at:
    4--no host at:
    4--no host at:
    4--host found at:
    4--no host at:
    5--no host at:
    5--no host at:
    5--host found at:
    5--no host at:
    6--no host at:
    6--no host at:
    6--host found at:
    6--no host at:
    7--no host at:
    7--no host at:
    7--host found at:
    7--no host at:
    8--no host at:
    8--no host at:
    8--host found at:
    8--no host at:
    9--no host at:
    9--no host at:
    9--host found at:
    9--no host at:
    10--no host at:
    10--no host at:
    10--host found at:
    10--no host at:
    Test 2: All together:
    1--no host at:
    2--no host at:
    3--no host at:
    4--no host at:
    5--no host at:
    6--no host at:
    7--no host at:
    8--no host at:
    9--no host at:
    10--no host at:
    2--no host at:
    3--no host at:
    6--host found at: <----- this host does not exist!!
    5--host found at: <----- this host does not exist!!
    10--host found at: <----- this host does not exist!!
    9--host found at: <----- this host does not exist!!
    2--host found at:
    7--host found at: <----- this host does not exist!!
    8--host found at: <----- this host does not exist!!
    4--host found at: <----- this host does not exist!!
    1--host found at: <----- this host does not exist!!
    3--host found at:
    6--host found at:
    5--host found at:
    10--host found at:
    2--host found at: <----- this host does not exist!!
    9--host found at:
    7--host found at:
    4--host found at:
    1--host found at:
    1--host found at: <----- this host does not exist!!
    10--host found at: <----- this host does not exist!!
    3--host found at: <----- this host does not exist!!
    6--host found at: <----- this host does not exist!!
    8--host found at:
    5--host found at: <----- this host does not exist!!
    4--host found at: <----- this host does not exist!!
    9--host found at: <----- this host does not exist!!
    7--host found at: <----- this host does not exist!!
    8--no host at:

    I created this test (it's basically the same as your class):
    import java.util.*;
    import java.net.*;
    public class IsReachableTest_2 implements Runnable {
        private final String[] addresses = new String[] {
             "" // www.ibm.com which is not reachable
        public void run(){
            try {
                for (int i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
                    final long start = System.nanoTime();
                    final String address = addresses;
         if (InetAddress.getByName(address).isReachable(5000)) {
         System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": Host found at: " + address +
              " --time: " + (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000);
         } else System.out.println("no host at: " + address);
    } catch(Exception e){
    System.out.println("Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " DONE");
    public static void main(String[] args) {
         System.getProperty("java.vendor") +
         " " +
         System.getProperty("java.version") +
         " running on " +
         System.getProperty("os.name") +
         " " +
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
         final Thread t = new Thread(new IsReachableTest_2(), "THREAD " + (i+1));
    And I get:
    Sun Microsystems Inc. 1.5.0-beta running on Windows 2000 5.0
    THREAD 1: Host found at: www.sun.com --time: 217653
    THREAD 3: Host found at: www.sun.com --time: 214404
    THREAD 6: Host found at: www.sun.com --time: 214900
    THREAD 4: Host found at: www.sun.com --time: 215901
    THREAD 5: Host found at: www.sun.com --time: 216666
    THREAD 10: Host found at: www.sun.com --time: 216620
    THREAD 9: Host found at: www.sun.com --time: 217405
    THREAD 2: Host found at: www.sun.com --time: 220705
    THREAD 7: Host found at: www.sun.com --time: 220845
    THREAD 8: Host found at: www.sun.com --time: 221384
    no host at:
    Thread THREAD 4 DONE
    no host at:
    Thread THREAD 6 DONE
    no host at:
    no host at:
    no host at:
    no host at:
    no host at:
    no host at:
    no host at:
    no host at:
    Thread THREAD 5 DONE
    Thread THREAD 10 DONE
    Thread THREAD 9 DONE
    Thread THREAD 7 DONE
    Thread THREAD 3 DONE
    Thread THREAD 1 DONE
    Thread THREAD 2 DONE
    Thread THREAD 8 DONE
    HOWEVER: I was getting some strange results every so often. Results like:
    Sun Microsystems Inc. 1.5.0-beta running on Windows 2000 5.0
    THREAD 3: Host found at: www.sun.com --time: 261132
    THREAD 9: Host found at: www.sun.com --time: 264183
    THREAD 2: Host found at: www.sun.com --time: 266447
    THREAD 6: Host found at: www.sun.com --time: 266596
    THREAD 8: Host found at: www.sun.com --time: 267192
    THREAD 5: Host found at: www.sun.com --time: 268610
    THREAD 4: Host found at: www.sun.com --time: 269849
    THREAD 1: Host found at: www.sun.com --time: 280978
    THREAD 7: Host found at: www.sun.com --time: 272589
    THREAD 10: Host found at: www.sun.com --time: 273162
    THREAD 3: Host found at: --time: 13657
    Thread THREAD 3 DONE
    THREAD 4: Host found at: --time: 4123
    THREAD 2: Host found at: --time: 9439
    THREAD 5: Host found at: --time: 6681
    THREAD 8: Host found at: --time: 7655
    THREAD 6: Host found at: --time: 8627
    THREAD 9: Host found at: --time: 10586
    Thread THREAD 4 DONE
    Thread THREAD 2 DONE
    Thread THREAD 5 DONE
    Thread THREAD 8 DONE
    Thread THREAD 6 DONE
    Thread THREAD 9 DONE
    no host at:
    Thread THREAD 7 DONE
    no host at:
    no host at:
    Thread THREAD 10 DONE
    Thread THREAD 1 DONE
    Usually the first run after I had compiled the class (!?) This isn't a thread safety problem.

  • Question about limiting matches and the applicability of LimitFilter?

    We have a use-case were the GUI allows the users enter a string that we lookup against an index in the cache using a LikeFilter and by appending "%" to the string entered by the user (the index actually contains the first N characters converted to lowercase and the string entered by the user is converted to lower case and truncated to N positions before the lookup, we have additional logic to handle matching the truncated part of the search string etc but we can ignore this extra complexity for now).
    The problem is that if the user enter few (or in the worst case zero) characters the resulting search takes a very long time (since a large number of keys are collected and sent to the client) and the client is not interested (or able) to receive all the results at once.
    The LimitFilter seems useful for limiting the number of keys actually sent to the client but from what I read in other forum threads it seems like the nested filter is re-executed and the full result built on the server each time the client request a new page of say 100 keys. This sounds like it still would be time and memory consuming on the server if the underlying filter produce a HUGE number of results each time it is invoked!?
    Have I misunderstood the way the Limitfilter operates or is there some other solution you can recommend to the problem?
    Best Regards

    Thanks for the info!
    I do however have two specific cases in mind and would like to know more about what overhead calls to "nextPage" would result in:
    1. The LimitFilter wraps a AndFilter. The N first characters of a string atribute is indexed (ordered index) and LikeFilter is used with a "xxx%" substring as key together with a InFilter on a indexed integer attribute using a small (typically max 4 element) set of integers. The value range for the integer attribute is faily small (no more than like 10-15 values exists today) so this filter will not limit the search that much (even not sure an index makes much sense but that is how we do it today - how would the amount of re-calculations at nextPage be affected if I drop this index?).
    2. A single EqualsFilter on an indexed integer attribute (part of the composite key) using a KeyExtractor as argument.
    Ie if I for each of the cases wrap the filter in a Limitfilter (with a page size of N) how much calculations are performed the first time how much of the calculations would be repeated by Coherence each time i call nextPage?
    Best Regards

  • Question about xml schemas and the use of unqualified nested elements

    I have the following schema:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
        <xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string"/>
        <xsd:element name="age" type="xsd:int"/>
        <xsd:element name="person">
                    <xsd:element ref="name"/>
                    <xsd:element ref="age"/>
                   <xsd:element name="height" type="xsd:int"/>
    </xsd:schema>I am just wondering why would someone have a nested element that is unqualified? here the "height" element.
    Can anyone explain this to me please?
    Thanks in advance,
    here is an instance xml document
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <person xmlns='http://xml.netbeans.org/examples/targetNS'
      xsi:schemaLocation='http://xml.netbeans.org/examples/targetNS file:/E:/dev/java/XML/WebApplicationXML/web/newXMLSchemaThree.xsd'>

    Don't worry about it.
    There are two different styles of schemas. In one style, you define the elements, attributes, etc. at the top, and then use the "ref" form to refer to them. (I call this the "global" style.) The other style is to define elements inline where they are used. ("local" style)
    Within some bounds, they work the same and which you use is a choice of you and the tools that generate the schemas.
    A warning about the local style. It is possible to define an element in two different locations in the schema that are different. It will get past all schema validation, but it seems wrong to my sense of esthetics. With the global style, this will not happen.
    So, how did this happen? Probably one person did the schema when it only had a name and age. Then, someone else added the height element. They either used a different tool, or preferred the other style. I'm aware of no difference in the document you have described between the two styles.
    Dave Patterson

  • Question about timeline navigation and the display list-

    I’ve got a movieclip called “rotatorProxy” that spans the entire timeline. I’ve got nav buttons that jump to various frames on that timeline. I need to get the display depth of rotatorProxy each time the nav buttons move the playhead. The AS3 code is easy enough:
    var zIndex:int = this.getChildIndex(getChildByName("rotatorProxy")) ;
    my problem is where to put it. If I put this code in any script that executes in the target frame, it works, but only if I hit the nav buttons slowly. If I bang on a single nav button rapidly, getChildByName("rotatorProxy”) can return null. I don’t know much about how the display list works but I assume the display list is rebuilt after every jump and the frame scripts are executing asynchronously, so it’s possible my getChildByName call is  executed before the display list is complete. Is there an event or some other handle that would allow me to call my code before the frame is rendered but after the display list is complete?

    Wow, thanks for the fast response...
    “if rotatorProxy exists in all frames, it should never return null.”
    That’s what I thought, but not what I’m seeing, rapidly jumping around on the timeline seems to confuse the player and it temporarily looses track of rotatorProxy.
    You can sort of see it in action here: http://www.appliedcd.com/newACT/act.html
    The zIndex is used to establish the depth of the rotating screens which have been added to the display list via AS. If you bang on the nav buttons quickly you’ll see the stacking order screw up, if you had been in the development environment you’d see the null error thrown.
    I’ll see if I can use the render event to sort this out. I know testing in the frame after the jump will work, but it’s cleaner if I can establish the proper stacking order before the first jump frame is rendered.

  • Question About OAS Portal and the DB conections

    I 'm getting a lot of problems with the portal I'm creating, sometimes my DB goes down
    with this error:
    Fallo de la llamada para ejecutar el origen de datos. [No se ha podido establecer la conexión.
    This line in english says something like:
    Fail calling to execute data. [ It was not possible to stablish the connection
    [Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found The Connection descriptor used by the client was: desarrollo06:1521:infra ]so I have to but down all the services and then put them up again, including the DB, so everything works well again.
    I want to know:
    - How many omniportlets, or conections to the database Can handle the OAS Portal??
    - Does the omniportlet closes the conection when it loaded the information?
    - Can there be a problem if I use many omniportlets (I mean if they don't close their conection?)???
    - And If so, how can i fix that??
    thanks in advance,

    hi Blume,
    1. the number of connections Portal handles with your db are setup in JDBC Connection Pool parameter.
    2. don't think so.
    3. I think, yeah, some of them will be expected behavior (eg, number of connections limit is exceeded) and some of them are due to some bugs (see answer 4.)
    4. there are a few bugs related to this connection problem in Portal 10.1.4.
    for instance, Check this note on Metalink (Doc ID:      394089.1) which says that:
    "OMNIPortlet uses connection object from the JDBC connection pool. When the database is restarted, the cached connection is invalid and the exception wasn't being caught."
    To fix that problem, you may need to apply a patch (Patch 5393955) on your portal midtier. You can get it from Metalink.
    5. btw, shutdown db may not be required to recover/restore connections; try simply restarting OC4J_Portal on AS Control Console.
    hope that helps!

  • A question about movie clips and the eraser

    So I'm kinda new to flash and whatnot, probably not nearly as
    good as half you people with the scripting and I donno what half of
    things you say are.. and yeah.. but I'll learn one day. :]
    Anyways.. so I want to use the eraser tool to erase a
    graphic, but it doesn't seem to be able to do that. Basically I
    have this picture of an eraser and when I l click the link I want
    the eraser to erase the page, but the thing that actually could
    erase doesn't seem to erase things unless they're made in flash.
    Also, how do you make a movie clip stop moving when you hover
    over it?

    Ok - let's go step by step:
    Re-re wrote:
    > In flash CS3 there's an eraser tool that lets you erase
    things, but doesn't let
    > you erase graphics from what I can see.
    "Graphics" is a pretty general term - it can mean anything
    from vectors to bitmaps to symbol
    instances. I have to assume that you are referring to
    imported graphics. Please clarify.
    If you are finding the eraser tool does not erase "graphics"
    then you are either trying to erase a
    bitmap or an instance.
    If bitmap: you must break it apart or Trace Bitmap (convert
    to vectors) before using the eraser
    tool. More importantly, if you are trying to erase part of a
    bitmap, it is probably more
    advantageous to go back to the original source file and edit
    it in your graphics editor and
    re-import into flash.
    If it is an instance of a Graphic symbol, double click the
    symbol to enter Edit Mode - then use the
    eraser tool (assuming the artwork inside this symbol is
    vector art. If a bitmap refer to the
    previous steps.
    > But I have this button that looks like an eraser, and
    when it's clicked I want
    > the eraser to swipe across the page and erase it,
    leaving it white from behind,
    > but sence the ereaser tool in flash doesn't seem to let
    me erase graphics, I
    > was trying to figure out how to exicute my idea.
    Here's where my confusion increases - this is a different
    issue from the first one right? The eraser
    tool and this eraser button are 2 different things? Let's
    assume this eraser button is something you
    made ok? But your last scentence still confuses me - what
    does the Flash eraser tool have to do with
    your eraser button?
    What I think you want might be found by going to
    www.flashkit.com and searching for "scratch lottery
    ticket" or similar.
    > Also, I have a movie clip with a botton on it, and the
    movie clip rotates
    > consantly. I want it to stop rotating when I hover over
    the botton. How do I do
    > that?
    Give the MC an instance name and target it on rollOver of the
    on (rollOver) {
    Chris Georgenes
    Adobe Community Expert

  • Questions about Objects, pointers, and the memory that loves them

    This is all just a theoretical discussion so do understand that the code itself is not germane to the topic.
    I have been mulling over the whole object release/retain/copy thing and need to understand a bit more the real inner workings of the beast. The catalyst for this is the repetitional fervor that most books on the subject of Objective C have employed. Yet they all seem to fail in a complete explanation of the whys and wherefores so that one can determine on her own the correct implementation of this.
    Let's say I have an Object. For the fun of it it is an instance of NSObject and we'll call it myObject.
    When I "create" this object thusly:
    NSObject *myObject = [[NSObject alloc] init];
    What I, in fact get back is a pointer to the object in question, yes?
    So when I "seemingly" add this object to an array like:
    NSArray *myArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObject:myObject];
    What is actually placed in the array? is it another pointer to the original object created by myObject or is it a pointer to the pointer of myObject?
    The reason I ask this is because I have run into a situation where some previous instructions on the subject have caused errors. I was told that if I did something like this and then passed the array to a calling method that I could release this array and it would then be the responsibility of the calling method to handle the memory. Further more if I place an object into an array and then copy it into another object of the same type as the original then I could release the array and still have the reference to the first object in the second object. When I have done this I get unpredictable results, sometimes the original object is there and sometimes it isn't
    At what point should I release the array, after it is passed to the calling method (with the use of an autorelease) or when the class that it is encapsulated in is done?
    Sorry about the length of this but I can't believe that I would be the only one that would be helped by such a discussion.

    Thanks for the detailed reply. I wish I could say that I wasn't still a bit confused by this. I thought I had this down after going through the lessons. It seems to not be working in practice the way that it works in theory.
    My current project is an example
    In a class I have declared a couple of ivars thusly:
    NSMutableString *source;
    NSMutableString *destination;
    @property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableString *source;
    @property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableString *destination;
    This is followed by the appropriate @synthesize directives.
    in the init method for my class I have the following:
    source = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@"customer"];
    destination = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@"home"];
    in a method triggered by a button click I have the following:
    if (sender == sourcePop){
    source = [sourcePop titleOfSelectedItem];
    destination = [destinationPop titleOfSelectedItem];
    NSLog(@"SOURCE-%@", source);
    NSLog(@"DESTINATION-%@", destination);
    When I run the code and change the source selection the console reads the correct value for what is in the source popupbutton and "home" for the destination. If I then change the destination popupbutton I get a crash and nothing written to the console.
    Placing a breakpoint at the beginning of the "if" and running shows me that just before the crash the source ivar is reported as "out of scope." There are no release or autorelease statements for this ivar anywhere in the class. Yet if I change the line that sets the ivar to the value of the popupbutton to this:
    [source = [sourcePop titleOfSelectedItem] retain];
    The debugger will have the correct value for the ivar and when run normally there is no crash.
    I would assume that the problem is that the ivar is being released but I am not the one releasing it. Why does this behavior happen? Shouldn't the retain count still be 1 since the @property directive has it and there is no release in the code? Or is it that the statement that sets the ivar to the value of the popup really just setting it to the pointer and it is the popup that is somehow being released?
    Is there something else that I should be doing?

  • Question about 74GB Raptor and the ubiquitous "F6"

    Hey All,
        I just installed my raptor and Windows XP, then SP2, etc.  without any problems.  I didn't press F6 before the Windows install.  I'm rather disappointed with the speed of the Raptor given all the good reviews I've heard about its speed.  Everything works pretty well and Windows identifies the HD.  I've installed it on SATA3 in case I want to overclock.  Anyway, my question is:  Would reinstalling Windows but doing the whole "F6" SATA Driver install help to improve performance?
    Here's my speed test results from Device Manager:
    Theoretical Limit: 150
    Burst Speed: 113.4
    Sustained Speed: 71.3
    HD is listed as WDC WD740GD-00FLA2
    I have the nVidia nForce3 250 Parallel and Serial ATA Controller (v2.6) listed.  I have installed newest nForce Drivers.  Should I enable Command Queing?  Any BIOS options that would help?   Thanks!
    AMD Athlon 64 3500+  90nm Micron
    MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum
    WD Raptor 74GB
    ATI Radeon 9800 XT
    512 MB PC3200 Corsair at 2.5-3-3-6

    Anyone notice performance increase or decrease of their HD when using the nVidia IDE SW drivers?  particularly with a 74GB Raptor?  I've also heard of burner issues when installing the IDE SW but have not used my burner yet.

  • Quick Question about Cisco 3560 and the Web Device Manager

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    about it.
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    Health, Port Utilization.
    Under the Switch Health there is Bandwidth Used, Packet Error. Those two options just sit
    at zero and do not move. The Port tilization graph is also sitting at zero.
    Is there a way to make them functional?

    Anyone notice performance increase or decrease of their HD when using the nVidia IDE SW drivers?  particularly with a 74GB Raptor?  I've also heard of burner issues when installing the IDE SW but have not used my burner yet.

  • Question about Recovery CD and the Vista anytime upgrade

    I purchased a toshiba laptop about a year ago now, it came pre-installed with vista home premium.
    I would like to do a complete clean of my system as its been useless lately and have not done one since i purchased.
    It only came with - a product recovery disc and windows anytime upgrade.
    But I'm worried because if i do a product recovery i have not got the actual vista disc it SHOULD have and will not have vista on my laptop or any of the files that toshiba put on it.
    What do i do??
    What does a Product Recovery disc actually have on it and do?? What is the Windows anytime upgrade disc????
    I've been told by microsoft and I.T. technicians all over that i should have had a vista installation disc in the box even though the fact that it came pre-installed.
    Please Help

    > It only came with - a product recovery disc and windows anytime upgrade.
    As you said youve got the Product Recovery disk.
    This Toshiba disk contains the Toshiba image.
    The image is a package and it contains Windows OS, Toshiba drivers, tools, Utilities and additional software.
    The usage of the Recovery CD will set the notebook back to the factory settings!!!
    Therefore just boot from the Recovery CD and follow the instruction on the screen.
    Just for info:
    The recovery CD will format the whole HDD but I see that a backup is not important for you.

  • Question about statistics refresh and the job scheduler

    Hi Everyone:
    So this is the Stats job I see in dba_scheduler_jobs.  Reading this it runs the 15th of every month.
    SQL> select JOB_NAME, STATE, LAST_START_DATE, NEXT_RUN_DATE from dba_scheduler_jobs;
    MGMT_STATS_CONFIG_JOB          SCHEDULED       01-JAN-15 AM -05:00                                         01-FEB-15 AM -05:00
    This query shows the status job is currently running in my database.
    select to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') "RUNTIME", db_unique_name,
    status, client_name, window_group, consumer_group
    from dba_autotask_client, v$database;  2    3
    RUNTIME                       DB_UNIQUE_NAME  STATUS   CLIENT_NAME                         WINDOW_GROUP         CONSUMER_GROUP
    21-JAN-2015 18:14:56          DELTAC          ENABLED  auto optimizer stats collection     ORA$AT_WGRP_OS       ORA$AUTOTASK_STATS_GROUP
    First, is there any relationship between MGMT_STATS_CONFIG_JOB in the first query and "auto optimizer stats collection" in the second query?  If so, how do I find the connection?
    Second, This 'auto optimizer stats collection' is show as running but I don't see it listed in dba_scheduler_jobs?
    Now when I check what jobs are running.
    no rows selected
    It shows nothing is running.  Please help explain this huge disconnect I see.

    Hi this is a regular database in a linux environment.  I tried associating the question in a regular rdbms community but it was greyed out.

  • Question about Photoshop Premier and the need for coreaudio.dll drivers

    I downloaded Photoshop Premier Elements. When I run the video edit part of the program, I get an error saying the program cannot find coreaudio.dll and coreaudiotoolbox.dll. I'm using Windows 8.1. Are these drivers necessary? If so, how do I get them? Thx

    There is a dedicated forum for Premiere Elements:
    Premiere Elements
    You'll get the best advice there.

  • Question about AppleScript, iTunes and the app Proximity...

    So I have this application Proximity, which uses bluetooth's proximity to the cpu to run both an out-of-range script and and in-range script. I'm currently using it to activate my screensaver with password lock and vice versa. I'm also using it to sync my Bluetooth phone via iSync. Finally, I'm using it to pause and pause/play iTunes when I come and go from the cpu. The problem I was having was that if I had iTunes closed the script would still open it and then play the first tune. If iTunes is closed I don't want it to start playing. I came up with a workaround, but it seems a little sloppy. Here is what I came up with, but I want to make it as seamless and clean as possible. This is a script for when I enter the proximity of the cpu. If it's in a paused state it will play. If it's in a stopped state (it will quit) or closed from the get go, iTunes will open then subsequently quit.
    -- PlayPause iTunes
    tell application "iTunes"
    if player state is paused then
    end if
    end tell
    tell application "iTunes"
    if player state is stopped then quit
    end tell

    How to Get Apps From the App Store Without a Credit Card
    http://ipadhelp.com/ipad-help/how-to-get-free-apps-from-the-app-store-without-a- credit-card/
    Creating an iTunes Store, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store account without a credit card
    If None is not available - On your computer launch iTunes and click "iTunes Store" in the left navigation pane. Click the "down arrow" next to your name at the top right side of the page and click "Account." Enter your username and password and click "View Account" to log into your account information. Next to your Payment Type, click "Edit." Select the "None" button and click "Done." Confirm that your card has been removed by returning to the Apple account information screen. Under Payment Type, it should say that there is no credit card on file.
     Cheers, Tom

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