A trouble with "LIKE" in a select statement

I'm having trouble with "LIKE" in a select statement...
With Access I can make the following and everything works well:
SELECT name, birthday
FROM client
WHERE birthday LIKE '*/02/*';
but if try to do it in my application (it uses Access), it doesn't work - I just can't understand that!!!
In my application the "month" is always the currently month taken from the "System". Look what I'm doing...
String query1 = "SELECT name, birthday " +
          "FROM client " +
          "WHERE birthday " +
          "LIKE '*/" +
          pMonth +
          "/*' " +
          "ORDER BY birthday ASC ";
ResultSet rs = statement1.executeQuery(consulta1);
boolean moreRecords = rs.next();
The variable "moreRecords" is always "false", the query returns nothing although the table "client" has records that attend the query.
Please, anyone can help me?! It's a little bit urgent.

Hi Katia,
I'll bet the problem lies with the characters you're using to escape the LIKE clause. You're using the ones that Access likes to see, but that's not necessarily what's built into the JDBC-ODBC driver class.
You can find out what the correct escape wildcard characters are from the java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.getSearchStringEscape() method. It'll tell you what to use in the LIKE clause.
I'm not 100% sure about your code. It doesn't use query1 anywhere. I'd do this:
String query = "SELECT name, birthday FROM client WHERE birthday LIKE ? ORDER BY birthday ASC";
PreparedStatement statement = connection.createStatement(query);
String escape = connection.getMetaData().getSearchStringEscape();
String test = escape + '/' + pMonth + '/' + escape;
statement.setString(1, test);
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery();
while (rs.hasNext())
// load your data into a data structure to pass back.
statement.close();Let me know if that works. - MOD

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    You need to format your code, so that it's easy to see what statements are in each section (DECLARE, BEGIN, etc.).
    The compiler doesn't care about this, but it will help anyone who tries to read your code, including yourself.
    Type {code} before and after formatted sections when posting messages on this site.
    All statements, including each individual variable declaration) end with a semicolon.
    If a query will return no more than one row, you can capture the results using an INTO-clause, right after the SELECT-clause. For every column in the SELECT-clause, there will be one variable in the INTO-clause.
    Lists, including lists of table names in a query's FROM-clause, are delimited by commas.
    In a query's FROM-clause, the real name of the table comes first, optionally followed by the alias you're using in the query.
    I think this is what you're trying to do:
        dep_id    NUMBER;
        Dep_string VarChar (100);
        select  d.department_id, d.department_name -- , l.city
          into  dep_id,          dep_string
          from  departments  d
             ,  locations    l
          where d.location_id = l.location_id
            and d.location_id = 110;
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (Dep_string);
    /No one should ever have this many errors at one time. Write code in much smaller increments, and test after each one. For example, you know you'll be using dbms_output.put_line, so start with something like:
        dbms_output.put_line ('Hello, world!');
    END;You may have problems if you forget semicolons, or SET SERVEROUTPUT. Solve those before you go any further.
    Once the program above is working, add a little (and I mean a little) to it.
    For example, you know you'll be printing a varibale, not a literal, so change it to a variable:
        dep_string  VARCHAR2 (100) := 'Hello, world!';
        dbms_output.put_line (dep_string);
    END;And so on.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Dec 15, 2008 12:36 PM

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    For those import parameters for which its mentioned as optional, use like condition in the where clause of select statement in the function module.
    try like this,
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    HI Experts,
    Have a small query for you :
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    you have to use ESCAPE statement.
      l_tsobj TYPE tst01-dname VALUE 'HR/_%'.
    SELECT *
      INTO TABLE ltst01
      FROM tst01
      WHERE dname LIKE l_tsobj ESCAPE '/'.
    Regards Marcel

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    hi ,
    check this program..
    data: begin of it_mara occurs 0,
          matnr like mara-matnr,
          meins like mara-meins ,
          mtart like mara-mtart,
          end of it_mara.
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          select matnr
                 from mara
                 into table it_mara
                 where matnr like '%7'.
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    loop at it_mara.
    write:/ it_mara-matnr,

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                KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY n.modified_date),
             MAX (n.modified_date) KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY n.modified_date) , DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR (a.description, 8001, 10000)
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    select nd.id_number,
      from (select a.id_number,
                   MAX (n.next_action_required) KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY n.modified_date) next_action_required,
                   MAX (n.modified_date) KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY n.modified_date) modified_date
              from table1 a,
                   table2 n
             where a.id_number = n.id_number
             group by a.id_number,
           ) nd,
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                             from table2
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    Assuming you are using Office for Mac, you may want to ask your Office for Mac in the Office for Mac forums: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/mac?auth=1.

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    we are running Oracle 8.1.7 Server on Windows 200 Server and connecting from a W2K professional, ADO 2.6 and Oracle OLEDB OLEDB Driver.
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    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
    Set cmd = New Command
    With cmd
    .CommandText = ' some text with more than 2500 characters
    .CommandType = adCmdText
    Set rs = .Execute
    End With
    when i debug using VB6 and when .Execute line is called system hangs or return a message method <<somemethod> of <<some class name>> failed error.
    Any help is appreciated.

    A stored procedure would only slow you down here if it was poorly written. I suspect you want to use the translate function. I'm cutting & pasting examples from the documentation-- a search at tahiti.oracle.com will give you all the info you'll need.
    The following statement translates a license number. All letters 'ABC...Z' are translated to 'X' and all digits '012 . . . 9' are translated to '9':
    The following statement returns a license number with the characters removed and the digits remaining:
    '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', '0123456789')
    "Translate example"
    Translate example
    Also, LIKE '%<string>%' is going to be rather expensive simply because it has to compare the entire string and because it forces full table scans, rather than using indexes. You could speed this sort of query up by using interMedia Text (Oracle Text now in 9i). If you can eliminate one of the '%' options, you could also improve things.
    My guess is that your stored procedure is inefficient and that's causing the problem-- 5k rows per table should be pretty trivial.
    If you post your query over on the PL/SQL forum, there are better performance tuners than I that might have more hints for you. To get really good advice, though, you'lllikely have to get at least the execution plan for this statement and may need to do some profiling to identify the problem areas.

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    from scott.emp
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    I've got to do it with more than three items because the only way to display the < in <ahref is to quote it seperately.
    '< '||'ahref='||ADDRESS FROM DATABASE||etc.etc.
    anyone any ideas?
    should i do it another way?

    Let me explain a bit further.
    If I want to display;
    www.yahoo.com as a link I need add the html tags
    www.yahoo.com is an entry in a database.
    I want to select the entry www.yahoo.com from the database and concatonate it with the html tags.
    select 'Visit
    This does not work
    To concatonate characters like > in a select statement within portal you need to concat. seperately;
    select '< '||'a href="'||ADDRESS FROM DATABASE||'"> '||'Visit< '||'/a> '
    This does not work as you can't concat more than three items.
    Could I write a trigger to add in the html tags to the data stored in the database, when data is entered via a portal form?
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    a trigger or two converts that into;

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    hi ,
    I have built a database procedure having one parameter with in out varchar type. that return value with some addition.
    i am using it with some column in select statement only for display purpuses but i am facing error by doing that in select statement. that procedure is working well with bind variable but not with select statement.
    plz help me how i can use a procedure in select statement. or can i do it or not.

    plz help me how i can use a procedure in select statement. or can i do it or not.A workaround could be to create a wrapper function for your procedure. One that only passes the input parameters and returns the output parameter.
    The simply call this function in your select which internally calls the procedure.

  • Explain plan: "Select statement"

    I'm using the explain plan command to retrieve information about query execution. In particular I want to estimate query execution time.
    Let's consider the following example:
    "| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |"
    "| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 4775 | 484K| 98886 (1)| 00:19:47 |"
    "| 1 | HASH GROUP BY | | 4775 | 484K| 98886 (1)| 00:19:47 |"
    "|* 2 | MAT_VIEW ACCESS FULL| Materialized_view1 | 4775 | 484K| 98884 (1)| 00:19:47 |"
    In the calculation of total execution time should i consider the "select statement" operation?
    The total execution time can be calculated like this: Time(Select statement) + Time(hash group by) + Time(access full)=19.47*3=58.41. Is it right?

    No, the expected time is 00:19:47. No time is expected to be spent in steps 0 and 1.

  • Trouble with city, state in Mysql Query

    I am having trouble with a query I am trying to setup.  Basically, I want the user to type in their city.  Then I want the system to ask them which city,state combo is theirs.  So if they enter "Washington" the system will return:
    Select your city/state:
    Washington, NJ
    Washington, PA
    Washington, DE
    City and state are stored as two fields in my mysql DB.  I was considering using 'select distinct' but I wasnt sure how it would work in relation to two fields.  So how would I go about making sure washington, nj only appears once (its in a database where there will be multiple washington, NJ listed).
    So anyone have any ideas or code samples they have used to do something like this?
    Thanks in advance,

    davella wrote:
    City and state are stored as two fields in my mysql DB.  I was considering using 'select distinct' but I wasnt sure how it would work in relation to two fields.  So how would I go about making sure washington, nj only appears once (its in a database where there will be multiple washington, NJ listed).
    DISTINCT works the same way for single field or multiple fields.  It returns all distinct combinations of the values in the columns you have listed.
    SELECT  DISTINCT City, State
    FROM     Table
    WHERE  City = 'Washington'
    (Data) City, State
    Washington, NJ
    Washington, PA
    Washington, NJ
    Washington, DE
    Washington, NJ
    Washington, PA
    So for your two columns it would distinct combinations of the "City" and "State" values.  But why are there multiple "Washington, NJ" records? Are they actually different cities or duplicate records?
    Washington, NJ
    Washington, PA
    Washington, DE

  • Use of LIKE in where clause of select statement for multiple records

    Hi Experts,
    I have a account number field which is uploaded from a file. Now this account numbers uploaded does not match fully with sap table account numbers but it contains all of the numbers provided in the file mostly in the upright positions.
    For example in file we have account number as 2ARS1 while in sap table the value is 002ARS1.
    And i want to fetch data from sap table based on account number uploaded. So, i am trying to use LIKE with for all entries but its not working as mentioned below but LIKE is not working with FOR ALL ENTRIES.
    data : begin of t_dda occurs 0,
            dda(19) type c,
           end of t_dda.
    data : begin of t_bukrs occurs 0,
            bukrs type t012k-bukrs,
           end of t_bukrs.
    data : dda type t012k-bankn,
           w_dda type t012k-bankn.
                     INTO  W_DDA.
    free t_bukrs.
      FROM T012K
      into TABLE t_bukrs
        for all entries in t_dda
    WHERE BANKN like t_dda-dda.
    Can anybody suggest what should i use to get the data for multiple account numbers using one select statement only instead on using SELECT UP TO 1 ROWS in LOOP....ENDLOOP ?
    Thanks in advance,

    yes, For All entries won't work for LIKE with '%  '.
    I think the other alternative is go for Native SQL by writing sub-query
    sample code is here:
    data: begin of i_mara occurs 0,
              matnr like mara-matnr,
              matkl like mara-matkl,
           end of i_mara.
    exec sql.
    select matnr, matkl from mara where matnr in (select matnr from marc) and matnr like '%ma' into :i_mara
    loop at i_mara.
    write:/ i_mara-matnr, i_mara-matkl.
    hope u got it.
    Edited by: Mahesh Reddy on Jan 21, 2009 2:32 PM

  • Select statement with LIMIT

    I m trying to find if LIMIT is a part of the select statement and if works like
    set rowcount 1 in sybase....if anyone can post the generic select statement with LIMIT in it that would be great!
    any help or input will be greatly appreciated

    i don't know sybase, but it is probably rownum
    select * from scott.emp
    where rownum < 3

Maybe you are looking for