ABAP Object X Design Patterns X Extreme Program

Hi Evebody,
I’m postgraduate in Object Oriented Analysis and Programming.
I’ve been working with ABAP procedural development for two years and I’ve started to work with ABAP Objects has few months.
I’d like to get deeply knowledge in my development’s skills, could someone tell me if <b>ABAP Object X Designer Patterns X Extreme Program</b> is a good path to follow?
I’d like to share material and guides about this topic.
I’ve already bought these books to help me.
<b>ABAP Objects</b> - H. Keller; Hardcover <i>(Pre-Order)</i>
<b>Design Patterns Explained</b> - Alan Shalloway
I’ll be very grateful with any help.

> And do you think these themes are a great combination
> for ABAP development?
Design pattern are very abstract and can be used with any OO programming language. The implementations will differ but the core concepts are always the same.
XP is an agile development process and can also be used with any programming language.
Learning what design pattern are and how to use them is very important in my opinion. Most companies expect that you are familiar and have experience with them.
Extreme Programming (XP) on the other side is different. When I began to explore XP it got me started on how software should be developed in general. Since the concepts behind XP are quite different, it should at least stimulate you to start thinking about how you develop software at the moment and if there might be better ways of doing it.
If you have only time to study one subject go for the design pattern. You might also consider reading the following books if you want to improve your OO coding skills:
<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Refactoring-Improving-Design-Existing-Code/dp/0201485672/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/102-4989641-7820932?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1173448197&sr=8-1">Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (a true classic)</a>
<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Refactoring-Patterns-Addison-Wesley-Signature-Kerievsky/dp/0321213351/ref=pd_bbs_sr_2/102-4989641-7820932?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1173448197&sr=8-2">Refactoring to Patterns (Shows how to improve code by introducing design pattern)</a>

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    hi sourdi
    Below are the list of Design pattern in abap .
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    should be slightly different as for sets the orderis
    I don't follow. You would presumably only return
    true as a whole if every element in the Set also
    returned true. So, yes, order is irrelevant. just wanted to say that you must return true iff you find a mapping from set1 to set2 where all elements are equals
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    Set set2 = new HashSet();
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      Set s1 = new HashSet();
      Set s2 = new HashSet();
    }Imho, it would break be against the specification in java.util.Set to return false on createSet().equals(createSet()).

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    Hi Bruce,
    I am sorry for saying things that have nothing to do with ABAP , i really thought that what i said about zevolving.com had something to do with ABAP OO, regarding design patterns and OO concepts applied to it.
    See below my reason to think it: (there's much more, i really appreciate this blog and several times i merged these approaches to mine )
    and etc,
    I like to learn concepts, because these are made of ideas. Ideas aren't bonded to physical limitations. Your physical resources may evolve and become obsolete over time, an idea can evolve but it can't die, although it can be changed with a tremendous flexibility, it will never be obsolete over a reasonable amount of time.
    I am a bit sad because you said i am hiding behind the first link i sent . Robert Martin (CEO of Object Mentor) has so much to say about this matter, and his text about Symptoms of Rotting Design says about an absurd quantity of problems i have seen and interacted with in my ABAP experience. The other book i mentioned has so much good concepts and ideas that in here ... i can't put in words.
    I am really sorry for being a nuisance. Lesson learned, i won't talk about matters that are so far from the topic ever again.
    Obs.: About official SAP documentation, in the SAP Official Course TAW12 (since 2007 *when i saw this subject in it), SAP released in part 1, around 300 pages of content about ABAP Objects. And there are others you can check in SAP PRESS

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    actually this question was given in an exam and the
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    i m not able to understand how it applies proxy
    pattern?I understand your confusion.

  • What is a design pattern?

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    Hi Steve.
    The good point to start with design patterns is to read book "Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides. It gives strong, consistent understanding of patterns basis with real life examples.
    Short introduction extract:
    "Christopher Alexander says, "Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice". Even though Alexander was talking about patterns in buildings and towns, what he says is true about object-oriented design patterns. Our solutions are expressed in terms of objects and interfaces instead of walls and doors, but at the core of both kinds of patterns is a solution to a problem in a context.
    In general, a pattern has four essential elements:
    The pattern name is a handle we can use to describe a design problem, its solutions, and consequences in a word or two. Naming a pattern immediately increases our design vocabulary. It lets us design at a higher level of abstraction. Having a vocabulary for patterns lets us talk about them with our colleagues, in our documentation, and even to ourselves. It makes it easier to think about designs and to communicate them and their trade-offs to others. Finding good names has been one of the hardest parts of developing our catalog.
    The problem describes when to apply the pattern. It explains the problem and its context. It might describe specific design problems such as how to represent algorithms as objects. It might describe class or object structures that are symptomatic of an inflexible design. Sometimes the problem will include a list of conditions that must be met before it makes sense to apply the pattern.
    The solution describes the elements that make up the design, their relationships, responsibilities, and collaborations. The solution doesn't describe a particular concrete design or implementation, because a pattern is like a template that can be applied in many different situations. Instead, the pattern provides an abstract description of a design problem and how a general arrangement of elements (classes and objects in our case) solves it.
    The consequences are the results and trade-offs of applying the pattern. Though consequences are often unvoiced when we describe design decisions, they are critical for evaluating design alternatives and for understanding the costs and benefits of applying the pattern. The consequences for software often concern space and time trade-offs. They may address language and implementation issues as well. Since reuse is often a factor in object-oriented design, the consequences of a pattern include its impact on a system's flexibility, extensibility, or portability. Listing these consequences explicitly helps you understand and evaluate them."

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    I agree with dubwai's take on this. These are not design patterns, in my opinion. These are language-specific, very defined, programming algorithms for handling a few typical issues with processsing XML-based data.
    To label these as "design patterns" is a bad thing and just another step to adding to the confusion of what an object-oriented design pattern really is.
    Moreover, the name of an object-oriented design has a very important role. Care should be taken when naming a design pattern; a name should convey the meaning or intent of the pattern. To call a "design pattern" Salami Slice is a joke, in my opinion.
    One of the most important aspects of design patterns is that they are NOT specific, coded solutions to any problem. And, they are design tools to guide the process of designing software. Implementation details are outside the scope of design patterns.
    Generally, I find that these work well with the Provolone and SandwichOil patterns. lol

  • ALV with ABAP objects

    Hi all,
    How to use ABAP objects. I have created a program in se38 and how to call this function. ehat is the function call name. What are the uses.

    Please check the standard SAP Programs
    Goto SE38 and give BCALV and press F4 you will get standard SAP programs for most requirements.
    They use ABAP OO to develop the ALV.
    Also please check these links
    Hope this helps

  • ANN: New Design Pattern (DAO)

    Thanks for your overwhelming response to our previous sample applications demonstrating various [url http://www.oracle.com/technology/sample_code/tech/java/j2ee/designpattern/index.html]design patterns.
    Continuing with the series, this month we have showcased the [url http://www.oracle.com/technology/sample_code/tech/java/j2ee/designpattern/dataaccesstier/index.html]Data Access Object (DAO) Design Pattern which is considered as a best practice for applications accessesing the database or the underlying persistence layer from the business tier.
    The DAO implements the access mechanism required to work with the data source. The data source could be a persistent store like an RDBMS, an external service like a B2B exchange, a repository like an LDAP database, or an XML Repository. Using the scenario of web based News Application, this sample application demonstrates the effective use of this pattern.
    [url http://www.oracle.com/technology/sample_code/tech/java/j2ee/designpattern/dataaccesstier/index.html]Download the sample application to learn more about this pattern.
    More Sample Applications are available at [url http://www.oracle.com/technology/sample_code/index.html]
    OTN Team

    This is because you are not using the latest jdbc driver version. Either use the latest ojdbc14.jar downloadable from the location given in the readme(Oracle Database 10g ( drivers),
    Or simply comment this part in the code.
    Also you may just replace the close method call with ods=null;
    Hope this helps

  • Design Patterns

    I am new to these forums.
    I know that there are 4 types of J2EE Design Patterns.
    1. Fundamental
    2. Structural
    3. Creational
    4. Behavioral.
    Hope that's correct. Can anyone plz tell me what's the difference between them?
    Also, examples for them. ie; Under which category mentioned above, patterns like Singleton,ServiceLocator,Session facade, DAO,DTO etc fall?
    Thanks in advance.

    BigDaddyLoveHandles wrote:
    Kumaari wrote:
    Please give me some explanation in your words.
    Thanks in advance.In software engineering, a design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design. A design pattern is not a finished design that can be transformed directly into code. It is a description or template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different situations. Object-oriented design patterns typically show relationships and interactions between classes or objects, without specifying the final application classes or objects that are involved. Algorithms are not thought of as design patterns, since they solve computational problems rather than design problems.
    Not all software patterns are design patterns. Design patterns deal specifically with problems at the level of software design. Other kinds of patterns, such as architectural patterns, describe problems and solutions that have alternative scopes.
    Brilliant. Bravo sir, bravo

  • Design pattern for several conditions

    I would like to implement an search algorithm which use many conditions (search criteria).
    For Example
    Begin :
    If criteria A && B are OK => if criteria C is OK => etc...
    Else criteria D && F are OK => if criteria C is OK => etc...
    Else etc...
    which design pattern or another design correspond to my requirement ?

    You are missing the point somewhere. Object-oriented design patterns are tools used to design object-oriented applications. There is a certain limit to size that is associated with warranted usage.
    In other words, the issue of your post is a trivial element of conditional processing. There is no such design pattern to apply to such a thing because that is not what design patterns are used for.
    Aside, some forum "genius" is going to post some application of a design pattern to this issue and then call me crazy. Looking forward to it :o)
    Your question would be better suited if it asked for what type of conditional processing algorithm might work well. In Java there are a few to work with. If statement, do while statement , while statement, case, etc.

  • Is MVC a architecture or Design Pattern?.

    It may be simple question,but i need clarification on this.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Model View Controller is an object-oriented design pattern.
    Some individuals may choose to use it (questionably) to describe a piece of a software architecture. In this case they are using the design pattern to describe only an element of an architecture.
    MVC outlines how objects will communicate in a three-tier system consisting of a business model and a presentation layer.
    MVC does not describe hardware configuration, load balancing, clustering, firewalls, routers, security constraints, resource pooling, and other critical details of a software architecture.
    A software architecture design may include and/or use the MVC design pattern to indicate how the technical design of the application should be designed. Here the decision to use MVC is part of the architectural design. It is one specification of the architecture design. There are many other elements of a software architecture design that have nothing to do with MVC.
    MVC by itself is a simple object-oriented design pattern. It cannot be used to describe and/or design a software architecture.

  • ABAP objects design patterns

    hi all,
        can any one send me the Design patterns used for ABAP objects programming in ABAP. eg mvc and sample code which uses the design patterns

    Of course that program is not an object design pattern
    (Its just a little ABAP Objects syntax demo that I wrote  years ago
    I don't know about a list of OO design patterns implemented in ABAP Objects.
    A very simple one, a Singleton might look like this:
    <b>* cl_singleton: Eager Variant
                                  CREATE PRIVATE.
        CLASS-METHODS: class_constructor,
                       get_singleton RETURNING VALUE(singleton)
                                               TYPE REF TO cl_singleton.
        CLASS-DATA singleton TYPE REF TO cl_singleton.
    CLASS cl_singleton IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD class_constructor.
        CREATE OBJECT singleton.
      METHOD get_singleton.
        singleton = cl_singleton=>singleton.
    cl_singleton: Lazy Variant
                                  CREATE PRIVATE.
        CLASS-METHODS get_singleton RETURNING VALUE(singleton)
                                              TYPE REF TO cl_singleton.
        CLASS-DATA singleton TYPE REF TO cl_singleton.
    CLASS cl_singleton IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD get_singleton.
        IF cl_singleton=>singleton IS INITIAL.
          CREATE OBJECT cl_singleton=>singleton.
        singleton = cl_singleton=>singleton.

  • Design Pattern and ABAP Objects

    Hello Friends,
    I would like to know, if ABAP Objects can be used to do pattern oriented programming ?
    For example GANG of four has provided almost more then 30 design pattern ( MVC, singelton, Obserable, FACADE,,,etc) can we implement patterns using ABAP ??
    Many thanks
    Haider Syed

    Take a look at the following site:
    It has all the basic patterns from the GOF and a lot more. I can recommend the ones from Martin Fowler but be sure you start with the ones from the GOF.
    All patterns are described by using UML so it's very easy to translate them into ABAP OO code.
    Regarding your other question. For the observer pattern I used an interface which the SAP had already created if_cm_observer and created my own abstract observable class. The observable class is nearly a 100% copy of the java.util. one

  • Creating module pool programming in abap objects

    I just wanted to know how u create a give modulepool programming in classes and objects.Could anyone tell me the procedure how to do so.And i knew that module pool programming has become obsolete and now everyone are using object oriented concept in module pool programming.soo i want why r they using soo and what is the drawback in using the module pool programming instead of oops concepts.Could anyone give me the clear explanation..

    Hello Chadipriya,
    You can create module pool program for both ABAP and ABAP OO(Object Oriented).
    The thing is in OO u have to declare classes,objects and methods.
    <b>Procedure oriented approach</b>
    1. Emphasis on tasks
    2. Large programs are divided into smaller programs known as functions
    3. Most of the functions share global data
    4. Data move openly around the system from function to function
    <b>Object oriented approach</b>
    Emphasis on things that does those tasks
    Programs are divided into objects
    3.    Data structures are designed such that they characterized the objects
    4.    Functions that operate on the data of an object are tied together in the data structure
    5.    Data can be hidden and cannot be accessed by external functions
    6.    New data and functions can be easily added whenever necessary
    Go to SE80 ---> Select Program ---> Give ur program name and type this code below :-
    CLASS parentclass DEFINITION .
      DATA : commondata(30) type c value 'Accessible to all'.
      DATA : protectdata(40) type c value 'Protected data'.
    private section.
    data : privatedata(30) type c value 'Private data'.
      write:/5 'All data from parentclass shown:-'.
      write:/ sy-uline.
            /5 PROTECTDATA,
            /5 PRIVATEDATA.
    CLASS childclass DEFINITION INHERITING FROM parentclass.
    METHODS : subval.
    method : subval.
      skip 1.
      write:/5 'Data of parent shown from child-'.
      write:/5 sy-uline.
            /5 PROTECTDATA.
      Commondata = 'Public data changed in subclass'.
      Protectdata = 'Protected data changed in subclass'.
      write:/5 sy-uline.
            /5 PROTECTDATA.
    You r using OOPs concepts in module pool program and not  module pool programming instead of oops concepts.
    <b>Reward points if helpful</b>

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