Adding a progress loader to a dynamic text field / scrollPane

I have a dynamic text field which is loading images from an external html.  This text is named scrollPaneImage and is a child of a movieClip called scrollPaneContent.  I then load scrollPaneContent into a scroll pane named scrollPane
When the user interacts with my swf different images are loaded into scrollPaneImage.  Since some of the images take a few seconds to load, I'd like there to be a progress loader displayed in the scrollpane.
I have tried adding the progress event listner to the dynamic text, the movie clip and the scrollpane and cannot get it to respond or track the loading.
function reportProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void {
    trace(e.bytesLoaded + " loaded out of " + e.bytesTotal);
Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong or of another approach?
thanks in advance,

Hi KGLAD.  Thanks for the response.  Yes my code is a little messy.  Here I have included everything and tried to do a little cleaning.  Is there enough code here for you to get an idea of how/when things are firing?
import com.distriqt.gmaps.kml.utils.*;
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
import com.greensock.TweenLite;
import flash.geom.Point;
import com.greensock.plugins.*;
import com.anttikupila.utils.JPGSizeExtractor;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import fl.controls.UIScrollBar;
import flash.sampler.NewObjectSample;
[Embed(source="ICONS/PHOTO_BLACK.png")]var photoIcon:Class;
[Embed(source="ICONS/BLOG_BLACK.png")]var blogIcon:Class;
var map:Map = new Map();
map.key = "map key";
//map.key = "api key";
//define the size of the map extent....
map.sensor = "false";
map.setSize(new Point(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight));
map.addEventListener(MapEvent.MAP_READY, onMapReady);
map.addEventListener(MapEvent.MAP_READY, createmarkers);
map.addEventListener(MapEvent.MAP_READY, createMarkerArrays);
map.addEventListener(MapEvent.MAP_READY, createPhotoPingers);
map.setSize(new Point(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight));
//on map ready params
function onMapReady(event:Event):void
map.setCenter(new LatLng(48,-113.5), 8, MapType.PHYSICAL_MAP_TYPE);
//Marker options for a photo piece
var photoMarkerOptions:MarkerOptions = new MarkerOptions();
photoMarkerOptions.icon = new photoIcon();
//Marker options for a blog piece
var blogMarkerOptions:MarkerOptions = new MarkerOptions();
blogMarkerOptions.icon = new photoIcon();
//load xml tester
var pntloader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var pntxml:XML = new XML();
pntloader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadpntXML);
pntloader.load(new URLRequest("map_feed.xml"));
// create an array of jpgs to index
var JPGIndexArray:Array = new Array();
//Create array that will be populated with points
var pointsArray:Array = new Array();
//Load the XML
function loadpntXML(e:Event):void {
    pntxml=new XML(;
    pntxml.ignoreWhite = true;
     for (var i:int = 0; i< pntxml.row.length(); i++){
//Create the markers and add them to the map
function createmarkers(event:Event):void
     for (var i:Number = 0; i < pntxml.row.length(); i++) {
     var markerOptions:MarkerOptions = new MarkerOptions();
      if (pntxml.row[i].TYPE=="PHOTO")
           markerOptions.icon = new photoIcon();
           markerOptions.tooltip = "Photo";
      else if(pntxml.row[i].TYPE=="BLOG")
           markerOptions.icon = new blogIcon();
           markerOptions.tooltip = "Blog Entry";
      pointsArray[i] = new Marker(new LatLng(pntxml.row[i].LAT,pntxml.row[i].LONG),markerOptions);
var je : JPGSizeExtractor = new JPGSizeExtractor( );
je.addEventListener( JPGSizeExtractor.PARSE_COMPLETE, jeLoadHandler );
je.addEventListener( JPGSizeExtractor.PARSE_FAILED, jeParseFailed );
function createPhotoPingers(event:Event):void{
     for (var k:Number=0; k <pntxml.row.length(); k++){
     JPGIndexArray[k]=new JPGSizeExtractor();
     JPGIndexArray[k].debug = false;
     JPGIndexArray[k].addEventListener(JPGSizeExtractor.PARSE_COMPLETE, jeLoadHandler );
function pingPhotoUrls():void
     for (var i:Number = 0; i < pntxml.row.length(); i++) {     
      var calledMarkerUrl=pntxml.row[i].URL_OF_CONTENT;
var JPG1=null;
function jeLoadHandler(e:Event) : void {
     trace(e.currentTarget.width + "x" + e.currentTarget.height );
function jeParseFailed( event : Event ) : void {
     trace( "Parse failed" );
var imageWidths = new Array;
//Create blank array for use in indexing
var markerA:Array=[];
var pointindex=null;
function indexCalledMarkerRecord(e:MapMouseEvent):void{
function genIndexPos(a:Array,e:Marker):uint{
     for(var i:uint=0;i<a.length;i++){
               return i;               
               return null;
//           SCROLLPANE FUNCTIONS              //
spHeader.closeBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(eMouseEvent):void
                                                  , .5,{autoAlpha:0,overwrite:true});                                                            
spHeader.forDrag.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, function (e:MouseEvent):void
spHeader.forDrag.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, function (e:MouseEvent):void
scrollPane.source = scrollPaneContent;
scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.condenseWhite = true;
// Add listener.
scrollPane.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeListener);
function completeListener(event:Event):void {
trace('Scrollpane content loaded');
function reportProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void {
    trace(e.bytesLoaded + " loaded out of " + e.bytesTotal);
function scrollPanePopulate(event:Event){     
     //show scroll pane
     scrollPane.y=33;, .5,{autoAlpha:1,overwrite:true});, .5,{autoAlpha:1,overwrite:true});
     //create the temp variables
     var calledMarkerIndex=pntxml.row[pointindex].ID;
     var calledMarkerDate=pntxml.row[pointindex].DATE;
     var calledMarkerDescription=pntxml.row[pointindex].DESC;
     var calledMarkerContent=pntxml.row[pointindex].URL_OF_CONTENT;     
     var imgWidth=JPGIndexArray[pointindex].width;
     var imgHeight=JPGIndexArray[pointindex].height;
     scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.htmlText="<font size='12' color='#000000'>"+calledMarkerDescription;
     var imgBoxHeight=scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneImage.height;
    var txtHeight=scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.height;
    var contentHeight=(imgBoxHeight+txtHeight);
     //size the text box
     //if image is wide or tall, scale accordingly and create a string that will be used
          var imgSource:String = "<img src="+"'"+calledMarkerContent+"'"+"width='"+250+"'"+"height='"+150+"'"+"/>";                    
          var calledImgHgh=160;          
          var imgSource:String = "<img src="+"'"+calledMarkerContent+"'"+"width='"+110+"'"+"height='"+167+"'"+"/>";          
          var calledImgHgh=177;          
     //fill in the text
     //scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.htmlText="<font size='12' color='#000000'>"+calledMarkerDescription;     
     //pan the map to the called position
     //add the header to the SP and scale accordingly
     if (txtHeight>=250){          
          scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.htmlText="<font size='12' color='#000000'>"+calledMarkerDescription+"<br><br>";
     if (txtHeight<=5){
          scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.htmlText="<font size='12' color='#000000'>"+calledMarkerDescription;
     if (txtHeight>=5){
          scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.htmlText="<font size='12' color='#000000'>"+calledMarkerDescription+"<br><br>";
     var scTextY=scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.y;
     var scImageY=scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneImage.y;
     var scTextHeight=scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.height;
     //update the scrollpane and reset the scrollbar
var photoMarkersArray=new Array();
var photoMarkersIndexArray=new Array();
function createMarkerArrays(e:Event):void{
for (var j:int=0; j<pntxml.row.(TYPE=="PHOTO").ID.length(); j++){
          var tempMarkerIndex=pntxml.row.(TYPE=="PHOTO").ID[j];
          var tempMarkerRef="mrk"+tempMarkerIndex;

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    I'm quite new to ActionScript and would be grateful for any help here.
    I want to load text into a dynamic text field (called 'about_tab') using  a class depending on the language selected (by clicking on a flag icon)  by the user.
    I managed to get this to work when the ActionScript was written directly  in the timeline, but am having problems with doing the same thing via a  class.
    This is my class file:
    import flash.display.SimpleButton;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    public class ChangeLang extends SimpleButton
    public function ChangeLang()
    addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, switchLang);
    trace("ChangeLang class working");
    public function switchLang(event:MouseEvent):void
    var lang =;
    var req:URLRequest = new  URLRequest("languages/"+lang+".xml");
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var substance:XML;
    function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void
    trace("function xmlLoaded is running");
    substance = new XML(;
    about_tab.text =  substance.about_lbl;
    loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
    Here's one of my XML files (the other is the same except "About" is  written in German):
    When I run it, it returns my trace statements that the class ChangeLang  and the function xmlLoaded are running, but no text appears in the  dynamic text field (I should/want to see the word 'About'). I get this  error message:
    1120: Access of undefined property about_tab
    The problem, I'm guessing, is in the part in red in my code. I think I need to target the text field in the display list by creating a  reference to it. If so, could someonw point out how I do this, or perhaps a tutorial that would help. I've tried adding the word stage (i.e.,stage.about_tab.text =  substance.about_lbl; ) but it still doesn't connect. I guess there's something really simple I'm missing, so I  apologize if this comes across as a stupid question
    Thanks for any help.

    Hello flashrocket!
    I'm also new to AS3 and I've just started using external classes and I think I know what you should do to put your code to work.
    Instead of using the text field you created inside your flash file, why don't you use the "TextField" class to create an instance of this object? It's the exact same thing as when you create and instantiate a new text field inside Flash.
    First, import flash.text.*; (includes classes like TextField, TextFieldAutoSize, TextFormat, TextFormatAlign, etc)
    Than you just have to create a var like
    public var about_tab : TextField;
    public var about_tab : TextField = new TextField();
    then, to adjust the properties of this tab you use dotsyntax as if it where on your stage like:
    about_tab.x = 50; about_tab.alpha = .5; etc...
    you can even create a function to "config your textField"
              private function createAndConfigTextField() : void {
                   about_tab = new TextField(); //you only need this line if you
              // only typed something like "public var about_tab:TextField;
              // if instead you used "public var about_tab:TextField = new TextField(); outside
              // this function, just skip this first line because you already have an instance of
              // text field named "about_tab"...
                            about_tab.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER;
                   about_tab.background = true;
                   about_tab.border = true;
                   var aboutTextFormat : TextFormat = new TextFormat();
                   format.font = "Arial";
                   format.color = 0x000000;
                   format.size = 11;
                   format.bold = true;
                   format.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
                   about_tab.defaultTextFormat = aboutTextFormat;
    This is just an example of what you can do... I hope you get it... let me know if you have any doubt...

  • Load multiple parts of an XML file into one dynamic Text Field

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    In essence you can just do:
    TextField.text = XML.node1 + XML.node2;

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    And of course, THANKS!!
    Scrolling Text XML by Digital Science |
    /////////////Load XML Data/////////////
    function loadXML(loaded) {
    if (loaded) {
    xmlNode = this.firstChild;
    header = [];
    txt = [];
    total = xmlNode.childNodes.length;
    for (i=0; i<total; i++) {
    = xmlNode.childNodes.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
    = xmlNode.childNodes.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
    } else {
    errorMsg.text = "Error loading XML";
    xmlData = new XML();
    xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
    xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;
    import TextField.StyleSheet;
    var ss:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
    ss.onLoad = function() {
    txt_mc.styleSheet=this; // where yourTF is your textfield
    ss.load("jokes.css"); // where yourSS.css is your css file.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="jokes.css"?>
    <ONE>Tirza Sapir</ONE>
    <JOKE>Founder and choreographer of the RikudNetto dance
    group, teacher and lecturer, researcher, documenter and
    choreographer within the framework of Eshkol-Wachman Movement
    Notation. She was Head of the School of the Arts of Dance at the
    Seminar Hakibbutzim College of Education, 2000–2007, where
    she established the Dance Theatre and the Practicing Teachers
    courses, and specialized training in Teaching and Treatment of
    Learning Disabilities by means of Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation.
    She has written three books containing the movement scores of dance
    suites: Birds, Landscapes, and Hanukka Notebooks. Member of the
    Movement Notation Society, 1968–2008. Student and colleague
    of the late Professor Noa Eshkol who was the co-founder and
    inventor of Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Sharon Reshef-Armony</ONE>
    <JOKE>Head of the School for the Arts of dance at the
    Kibbutzim College of Education in Tel Aviv. Teaches EWMN,
    dance-theatre and composition. Choreographer of theatre plays and
    film. Selected works: Hunger (Tmuna Theatre 2003-09), Film - Live
    (Haifa Theatre 2007-08), Yakish &amp; Pupche (Gesher Theatre
    2007-09), Children of a lesser God (Beer Sheva Theatre 2008-09).
    M.Ed (1997) from Lesley College MA in Creative Arts in Learning.
    Doctoral student at ResCen, Middlesex University/ London.
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 1990.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Tally Ronen</ONE>
    <JOKE>M.Ed. at Lesley University in Integrating Arts in
    Educational instructor at Kibbutzim College of Education and
    teaching dance in schools and at Clore Center, Upper Galilee. Dance
    choreographer for children.
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 1991.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Nira Al-Dor, Ph.D</ONE>
    <JOKE>20 years of Teaching EWMN at the School of the
    Dance Arts in Kibbuzim College of Education and at the School of
    Arts in Tel Aviv. Her study was focused on the impact of learning
    EWMN on the development of coordination.
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 1986.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Henner Drewes</ONE>
    <JOKE>Lectures at the Kibbutzim College of Education in
    Tel Aviv on dance and notation related technology. In 2008 he
    started working as a research assistant at Salzburg University in
    the project Visualizing Dance Archives.
    He was awarded the Tanzwissenschaftwpreis NRW, Germany 2006
    for his research on 3D representation of movement and notation.
    Ph.D. (2002) at the University of Leipzig. He is the author
    of the software EW Notator, a 'word-processor' for creating EWMN
    <ONE>Shlomit Ofer</ONE>
    <JOKE>M.A. at Haifa University at the Faculty of
    Education with distinction, and currently doctoral student there.
    Educational instructor and teacher of EWMN at Kibbutzim
    College of Education. Staging performances of dance theatre in the
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 1993.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Lilach Shalit</ONE>
    <JOKE>M.A. in Expressive Therapies with specialization
    in dance-movement therapy at Lesley University.
    Educational instructor and teacher of EWMN in the course for
    Dance-Theatre at Kibbutzim College of Education. Also teaching EWMN
    in the School for Advanced Studies of the college, course for
    Learning Disabilities, and at Orot College.
    Dance-movement therapist and team coordinator at 'Tom' school
    for learning disabilities and owner of a private clinic for
    dance-movement therapy.
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 1998.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Michal Manor-Amir</ONE>
    <JOKE>M.A. at the University of Leeds (Bretton Hall
    College and Israel Extention) in Arts Education specialization in
    Dance. Doctoral student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in
    the Faculty of Humanities, the School of Education.
    Teaching movement in the Kibbutzim College of Education
    within preparatory courses of Dance, Dance-Theatre and within the
    Preschool course.
    A corrective teacher through movement and EWMN in elementary
    and high schools, and a national teacher-instructor at the dance
    supervisor's office in the Israeli ministry of education.
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 1998.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Amit Chesny-Bahari</ONE>
    <JOKE>B.Ed. at Kibbutzim College of Education.
    Teaching movement and dance to preschool and high school
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 2004.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Orly Yaakov</ONE>
    <JOKE>B.Ed. at Kibbutzim College of Education, and
    graduating from the special education faculty.
    Teaching EWMN and creative movement at elementary schools as
    well as special education school for children ages 6-21 with medium
    to deep retardation. Also teaching creative movement and
    preparation for ballet to preschool children.
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 2006.</JOKE>
    COLOR: #333333;
    DISPLAY: block;
    FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    WHITE-SPACE: normal;
    font-size: 11px;
    MARGIN-BOTTOM: 15px;
    COLOR: #990000;
    DISPLAY: block;
    FONT-SIZE: 11pt;
    FONT-WEIGHT: bold;
    COLOR: #00CCFF;
    DISPLAY: block;
    LINE-HEIGHT: normal;
    MARGIN-BOTTOM: 10px;
    TEXT-ALIGN: left;
    font-size: 11px;
    text-decoration: underline;
    font-weight: bold;
    COLOR: #00CCFF;
    DISPLAY: block;
    LINE-HEIGHT: normal;
    TEXT-ALIGN: left;
    font-size: 14px;
    font-weight: bold;
    white-space: normal;
    COLOR: red;
    DISPLAY: block;
    FONT-FAMILY: Arial;
    FONT-SIZE: larger;
    FONT-VARIANT: normal
    COLOR: black;
    DISPLAY: block;
    FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Black';
    FONT-SIZE: 14pt
    FONT-FAMILY: Arial;
    FONT-SIZE: 8pt;
    FONT-VARIANT: small-caps;
    TEXT-TRANSFORM: uppercase

    In essence you can just do:
    TextField.text = XML.node1 + XML.node2;

  • Displaying images in dynamic text fields

    Hi, I am having some difficulty getting my images to display
    in a dynamic text field. The images are linked from a txt file with
    the <img src=""> tag however they are not showing up in the
    text area. The rest of the html are rendering fine except the image
    tag. My example online is here:
    Here is the code I used in Flash:
    var style_sheet = new TextField.StyleSheet();
    var css_url = "global.css";
    news.StyleSheet = style_sheet;
    My css styles also isn't loadin so i temporarily am using
    html styles for formatting. I'd like to get the css to work as
    My movie is published as Flash Player 6, AS 2.0.
    I'd appreciate any helpful advice.

    1. don't assign the stylesheet property of your textfield
    until loading of global.css is complete. ie, use the onLoad handler
    for stylesheets.
    2. you have movieclip images that are linked for export and
    you're using their linkage id in src property of the img

  • HTML links won't display in Dynamic Text Field

    I am loading external text files in dynamic text fields on my
    webage. These texts contain html links (<a href="page.html"
    target="_blank">Click Here</a> and I have "render as HTML"
    on and "selectable" off in my dynamic text field. Also, I am
    loading a CSS file. Not only do I not have a hand cursor, but I do
    not even have any of the text from that piece of html code down.
    What is going on with this? Please respond asap, as I have been
    struggling with this for a day now. Here is the Actionscript for
    loading the CSS:
    var flash_css = new TextField.StyleSheet();
    flash_css.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
    if (success) {
    zloc_txt.styleSheet = flash_css;
    } else {
    trace("Error loading CSS file.");
    var zloc_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
    zloc_lv.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
    if (success) {
    zloc_txt.text = this.content;
    } else {
    trace("unable to load text file.");
    zloc_txt.html = true;
    zloc_txt.editable = false;
    _global.styles.TextArea.setStyle("backgroundColor" ,
    _global.styles.TextArea.setStyle("border styles" , "solid");
    Here is a sample of the text file code:
    &content=<span class="headline">Northwest Arkansas
    121 Main St.
    Russellville, AK 77801
    (626) 111-1111<br />
    <html><a href=""
    target="_blank">Click Here for Driving
    Directions</a></html><br />
    Thanks for the help,

    The error is here:
    zloc_txt.text = this.content;
    Even if you rendered the textfield as HTML, you still need to
    tell flash that the variable you are inserting is HTML. Therefore
    you need to use the htmlText property.
    zloc_txt.htmlText = this.content;

  • Embed Fonts in Dynamic Text Fields

    Hey, I am relatively new around here although I've been a
    member for years. I am just now starting to utilize my account. I
    do have a question in regards to embedding fonts in Flash 8. I have
    read up on this numerous places and haven't been able to find a
    solution that works for me, whether this my user error or not is
    still TBD.
    I am loading text from a XML document into Flash dynamic text
    fields. I need to be using a handwritting font for these text
    fields. After embedding the handwritten font they are not
    displaying in my dynamic fields but are displaying in my static
    text fields that am I also using on the site. I am controlling my
    dynamic text fields w/ an external stylesheet. I believe I must do
    something "additional" for these dynamic text fields but haven't
    figured out what that is, any help anyone can offer is much
    appreciated! Thanks.

    floateronline wrote:
    > Hey, I am relatively new around here although I've been
    a member for years. I
    > am just now starting to utilize my account. I do have a
    question in regards to
    > embedding fonts in Flash 8. I have read up on this
    numerous places and haven't
    > been able to find a solution that works for me, whether
    this my user error or
    > not is still TBD.
    > I am loading text from a XML document into Flash dynamic
    text fields. I need
    > to be using a handwritting font for these text fields.
    After embedding the
    > handwritten font they are not displaying in my dynamic
    fields but are
    > displaying in my static text fields that am I also using
    on the site. I am
    > controlling my dynamic text fields w/ an external
    stylesheet. I believe I must
    > do something "additional" for these dynamic text fields
    but haven't figured out
    > what that is, any help anyone can offer is much
    appreciated! Thanks.
    the question is a bit too general. There are many ways to
    approach it, from copies
    of text fields with that font off stage, to embedded outlines
    and linkage in the library.
    My guess is that somewhere on the way you did not fully
    complete the outline embed options.
    Either done incorrectly or you miss some action.
    Mind to post detail explanation how you embed the outlines?
    Best if you post an example
    file for us to check.
    Best Regards
    "Never play Leap-Frog with a Unicorn."
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

  • External Embedded Fonts, Dynamic Text Fields, Latest?

    Hi all,
    I'm stuck in Flash8 land. Mostly because I use mProjector and
    MDM Zinc to extend flash projectors and neither support AS3
    correctly to date. That said..
    Is a Flash8 SWF capable of using fonts embedded in "other"
    SWFs? I realize this is an ongoing difficulty and a well known area
    of confusion and well, I'm confused. All the attempts I've made so
    far in linking have succeeded or failed in various ways, but never
    fully work.
    What I'd love to do is use dynamic text fields populated by
    data from a database (or XML file), with CSS styling, using fonts
    that are embedded in a 'master font SWF'. (and I'd like ice cream
    with that too!)
    I import fonts into, say, 'shared.fla'. I set them all up for
    exporting via linkage (to shared.swf). I open up my other FLAs
    (say, main.fla) and I drag the fonts from the shared.fla library
    into main.fla's library. In looking at the linkage, I see it
    properly set it to Import for Runtime Sharing (shared.swf). I can
    see the font available in the main.fla font list and can select it
    and use it just fine. I have to set the dynamic text field to embed
    fonts to actually see them (and also
    Now all that works well and fine, but the kicker is when I
    want CSS to style my text. If I specify a embedded font linkage
    identifyer in CSS, the text disappears. i.e. I load 'style.css' and
    I have h1 { font-family: someEmbeddedFont; }, the <h1> text
    will now disappear.
    Any clues in how I can specify a font to use in CSS that's
    embedded so it'll work, WITHOUT This font needed to be embedded in
    the actual library (as in, not a linked asset)? Because it works
    fine if I embed the font into every single SWF. But when I try to
    use it as a shared asset, this doesn't work.
    Any ideas on how someone can achieve this?
    This is so I can changed my shared.swf and supply all new
    fonts with the same linkage identifiers and change the font in a
    whole project without re-exporting any other SWFs.
    Thanks for any info!

    I guess it's amazing but I honestly, wholly cannot get this
    to work.
    I made a new AS2 Flash 8 FLA (Forte.fla) with only the Forte
    font with a size of 22 in the library. The name of the library
    element was Forte. The linkage was set to "Export for Actionscript"
    and "Export in first frame".
    I made another FLA (main.fla) Flash8 AS2. In actionscript I
    created an empty movie clip named "Asset_Forte" at the next highest
    depth and Asset_Forte.loadMovie("Forte.swf"). I also made a dynamic
    text field on the stage of this main.fla document and set it to
    Arial 22pt (no bold or italics, etc). I did not embed anything into
    I made a TextTormat object (my_fmt) and set my_fmt.font =
    "Forte";. I put some text in the dynamic text field to start so I
    just applied the formatting (status_text.setTextFormat(my_fmt);).
    This did not work. I started adjusting random things like
    naming the font in the Forte.swf library to Forte22 and tried
    my_fmt.font = "Forte22";. That didn't work.
    I adjusted the linkage to "Export for runtime sharing" and
    specified Forte.swf as the SWF to share from. This did not work.
    I then dragged the font from the Forte.fla's library (while
    "Export for runtime sharing" was enabled) into the library of
    main.fla. I checked the link and it was proper, "Import for runtime
    sharing, Forte.swf". I used both linkage attempts again (Forte and
    Forte22) with my_fmt.font and neither worked.
    Would it be possible at all to get a couple FLAs from you
    that examplifies how you do this particular trick? I can't seem to
    get the settings right. I would be indebted to you!

  • Tables in dynamic text field???

    I am trying to organize an html text in flash dynamic text
    field into tables, I tried using
    tabstops='[50,100]'><b>Name\tAge\tDepartment</b>\nTim\t32\tFinance\n<u>Edwin</u>\t46\tMar keting</textformat>
    but this works only when text variable testText is set inside
    flash script. When loaded dynamicly using LoadVars all
    <textformat tabstops... tabs are just not seen and are omitted.
    I tried to google some answers and I found that textformat tabs
    work only for embedded text. Ok, so I used actionscript command
    myText.embedFonts = true;
    but then I lost all visible text. How come that Flash doesn't
    have some easy way to create so basic thing as tables? Thanks for
    any answer,
    here is my fla script:

    nobody any ideas?!

  • Dynamic text field, content and alpha

    I have a MovieClip (mcContainer) that contains a dynamic text
    field (txt1), that was created directly on the Stage. Then I added
    text to the text field with:
    this.mcContainer.txt1.text = "my wonderful text";
    When I change the mcContainer's alpha, the text's alpha
    doesn't change. So, what am I doing wrong?
    Thank you in advance.

    Look up TextField._alpha in the help files. The same rules
    apply if you
    manipulate the _alpha property of a MovieClip containing the

  • Not seeing all letters in dynamic text fields

    I think that I have properly embedded the Verdana font (see image below).  However, in my Flash game, dynamic text fields do not show certain letters, such as X and J.  What am I missing?  Is there a safer font that I should be using besides Verdana?

    First I dressed up as a ninja, then hung upside down from a chandelier by my legs while cradling my laptop with my left arm.  Then I produced the image shown below by accessing Text > Font Embedding.
    I also observed that the embedded font was added to my library (below).

  • Dynamic Text Field is not displaying foreign characters... HELP!

    I have a dynamic text field that is not displaying foreign characters properly. They appear as boxes.
    Here's what I've tried.
    Under properties for the text field, I clicked on the embed characters button. In there, I pasted all the special characters I would need and clicked okay. Shouldn't this be enough for the text to display properly? What am I missing? Please help...

    More info: I'm noticing that in the actual dynamic text field in my .FLA file, if I type a foreign character like é, it pops up as a block. My family font is set to New Caledonia... is it possible that New Caledonia doesn't have those particular glyphs? The thing that doesn't make sense to me though is, last year when I made this card, it worked fine with New Caledonia... Any help is greatly appreciated!!

  • How do I embed multiple font outlines in dynamic text field

    Can anyone tell me how I can embed multiple font outlines in
    Flash MX so I can get smooth text in a dynamic
    text frame? I want to use Regular, bold and italic in various
    parts of the text.
    I was using the Character button in the properties manager
    and tried to include all Characters. That does not work.
    In the Properties manager I can choose Bold and/or Italic.
    But it becomes a universal setting that overrides my HTML tags in
    my external txt file that I am importing. I dont want all my text
    to be bold.
    If I dont select them in the properties, however, Flash will
    not embed the font that it needs.
    Is there a different way to embed fonts other than under the
    Character Tab?
    I tried to import fonts to the library, but can not select
    Your help would really be appreciated.

    ggaarde wrote:
    > Thanks Urami
    > Tried your method and it does not work for me.
    > I put 3 dynamic text fields in the first frame of the
    movie. Set them up to
    > where one is regular, one is bold and one is italic
    Weird, it works for me on first go, always had in fact :)
    Show you an example, try to compare to your file see if you
    missed anything accidentally.
    text file
    Best Regards
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

  • Text jumps after embedding font in dynamic text field!

    this is driving me mad
    Im using a standard font (Gotham rounded) within a dynamic text field. As soon as I embed the numerals within this text field the text lowers within the text field.  Double clicking the field then renders the text higher up!  It seems that the height it shows when I double click is the height it compiles at.
    The other strange and annoying thing is that my colleague working on the same project is using the exact same font and same file but this doesnt happen to him and so the font redners out differently when he compiles!
    Could anybody please help me sort this problem out as its reeeeally annoying
    many thanks!

    nobody any ideas?!

  • Auto scrolling dynamic text field(news ticker)

    > This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader
    does not understand
    this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
    Content-type: text/plain;
    Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
    Does anyone know how to make a scrollable dynamic text field
    scroll on its
    own and also with user interaction?
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Content-type: text/html;
    Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
    <TITLE>Auto scrolling dynamic text field(news
    <FONT FACE=3D"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN
    STYLE=3D'font-size:12.0px'>Does =
    anyone know how to make a scrollable dynamic text field
    scroll on its own an=
    d also with user interaction?<BR>
    Thanks in advance for your help.<BR>

    I found this:
    I copied the actual scroller and put it in my .fla and it
    worked! Now if I can only figure out links in XML...

Maybe you are looking for

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    Help PLEASE When I sync my iCal strange things are now happening. The iCal as it appears on my Mac Book Pro is as I want it (all info is up to date and correct). When I sync my phone using iTunes (actually pluged into the lap top) the information on

  • Function group cannot be processed

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  • Using to submit a PDF and XML attachment in a single email.

    I have a button on a PDF form which emails a PDF and XML attachment of the current form in two seperate emails. The code is as follows:{cURL:"mailto:" +  "[email protected]" +"?subject="+"Request for action " + "&body=Please

  • Cross-Platform Issues?

    I am using contribute on a PC (I'm the administrator) and another office wants a copy of the software but they use a Mac. Am I going to have any issues with this? Thanks.