Adding Fields to People Search Results Page

Working in SharePoint Online, I've been able to add a few fields to the People Search results page successfully:
Office Locator
Office Location
Work Phone
Mobile Phone
Home Phone
Work Email
All of the above fields are working and display on the People search results page.
I tried to add these and they simply do not display.  There is no error:
University Email
I set them up the same way.  I created the Property in the User Profile area.  I then populated the data for each user.  I then added the property as a Managed property (search schema) linked to the Crawled property from the People category.
Made sure that they were query able, retrievable, searchable, etc.  Then I edited the People Search code and then I waited over the weekend for the search to pick them up.  I came into work this morning and they still do not display.  Here is
my code, just in case I missed something.  Thanks.
<html xmlns:mso="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:msdt="uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882">
<title>UIF People Item with Work Phone</title>
<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
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<mso:MasterPageDescription msdt:dt="string">Displays a result tailored for a person.</mso:MasterPageDescription>
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<mso:TargetControlType msdt:dt="string">;#SearchResults;#</mso:TargetControlType>
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<mso:CrawlerXSLFile msdt:dt="string"></mso:CrawlerXSLFile>
<mso:ManagedPropertyMapping msdt:dt="string">'AboutMe':'AboutMe','AccountName':'AccountName','BaseOfficeLocation':'BaseOfficeLocation','Department':'Department','HitHighlightedProperties':'HitHighlightedProperties','Interests':'Interests','JobTitle':'JobTitle','Organization':'Organization','LastModifiedTime':'LastModifiedTime','Memberships':'Memberships','PastProjects':'PastProjects','Path':'Path','PictureURL':'PictureURL','PreferredName':'PreferredName','Responsibilities':'Responsibilities','Schools':'Schools','ServiceApplicationID':'ServiceApplicationID','SipAddress':'SipAddress','Skills':'Skills','UserProfile_GUID':'UserProfile_GUID','WorkEmail':'WorkEmail','UniversityEmail':'UniversityEmail','OfficeNumber':'OfficeNumber','OfficeLocator':'OfficeLocator','WorkPhone':'WorkPhone','MobilePhone':'MobilePhone','HomePhone':'HomePhone','Assistant':'Assistant','CalendarScheduling':'CalendarScheduling','WorkId':'WorkId','YomiDisplayName':'YomiDisplayName'</mso:ManagedPropertyMapping>
<mso:HtmlDesignStatusAndPreview msdt:dt="string"> Templates/Search/UIF_Item_Person.html, Conversion successful.</mso:HtmlDesignStatusAndPreview>
<mso:HtmlDesignConversionSucceeded msdt:dt="string">True</mso:HtmlDesignConversionSucceeded>
<mso:HtmlDesignPreviewUrl msdt:dt="string"></mso:HtmlDesignPreviewUrl>
<div id="Item_Person">
if(!$isNull(ctx.CurrentItem) && !$isNull(ctx.ClientControl)){
var id = ctx.ClientControl.get_nextUniqueId();
var itemId = id + Srch.U.Ids.item;
var hoverId = id + Srch.U.Ids.hover;
$setResultItem(itemId, ctx.CurrentItem);
var container_id = id + "_peopleContainer";
var hhProps = Srch.U.createXMLDocument("<root>" + ctx.CurrentItem.HitHighlightedProperties + "</root>");
var encodedPath = $urlHtmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Path);
var has_pn = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.PreferredName);
var has_sip = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.SipAddress);
var has_email = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkEmail);
var has_universityemail = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.UniversityEmail);
var has_onumber = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeNumber);
var has_bolocation = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.BaseOfficeLocation);
var has_olocator = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator);
var has_wphone = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkPhone);
var has_mphone = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.MobilePhone);
var has_hphone = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.HomePhone);
var has_assistant = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Assistant);
var has_calendarscheduling = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.CalendarScheduling);
var has_jt = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.JobTitle);
var has_dp = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Department);
var has_org = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Organization);
var has_abme = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.AboutMe);
var has_resp = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Responsibilities);
var has_pp = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.PastProjects);
var has_ski = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Skills);
var has_sch = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Schools);
var has_int = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Interests);
var has_vlm = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth);
var has_vlw = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek);
var has_query = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileQueriesFoundYou);
var isSelfSrch = (has_vlm == true || has_vlw == true || has_query == true);
var delimiter = "";
var userPersonaId = $htmlEncode(id) + "_peopleUserPersona";
var uSip = ctx.CurrentItem.SipAddress;
var uEmail = ctx.CurrentItem.WorkEmail;
var uName = ctx.CurrentItem.PreferredName;
var uPicUrl = ctx.CurrentItem.PictureURL;
var hoverUrl = "~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_Person_HoverPanel.js";
<div id="_#= $htmlEncode(container_id) =#_" class="ms-srch-people-outerContainer ms-srch-resultHover">
<div id="_#= $htmlEncode(itemId) =#_" name="Item" class="ms-srch-people-item" onmouseover="EnsureScriptParams('SearchUI.js', 'HP.Init', event, '_#=$scriptEncode(itemId) =#_', '_#=$scriptEncode(hoverId) =#_', '_#=$scriptEncode(hoverUrl) =#_');" onmouseout="EnsureScriptParams('SearchUI.js', 'HP.Hide');">
<div id="_#= $htmlEncode(hoverId) =#_" class="ms-srch-hover-outerContainer"></div>
<div id="UserPersonaContainer">
<div id="UserPersona">
<div id="_#= userPersonaId =#_"></div>
<div id="UserInfoContainer">
<div id="ContactInfo">
<div id="NameField">
var encodedName = (has_pn == true) ? $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.PreferredName) : $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.YomiDisplayName);
var displayName = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "preferredname");
if ($isEmptyString(displayName)) { displayName = encodedName }
<div id="NameValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis ms-textLarge">
<a clicktype="Result" id="NameFieldLink" href="_#= encodedPath =#_" title="_#= encodedName =#_">_#= displayName =#_</a>
if(has_jt == true) {
<div id="JobTitleField">
var encodedJtitle = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.JobTitle);
var displayJtitle = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "jobtitle");
if ($isEmptyString(displayJtitle)) { displayJtitle = encodedJtitle }
<div id="JobTitleValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedJtitle =#_"> _#= displayJtitle =#_ </div>
if(has_dp == true) {
<div id="DepartmentField">
var encodedDept = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Department);
var displayDept = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "department");
if ($isEmptyString(displayDept)) { displayDept = encodedDept }
<div id="DepartmentValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedDept =#_"> <b>_#= displayDept =#_</b> </div>
if(has_org == true) {
<div id="Organization">
var encodedorg = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Organization);
var displayorg = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "Organization");
if ($isEmptyString(displayorg)) { displayorg = encodedorg }
<div id="OrganizationValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedorg =#_"> _#= displayorg =#_ </div>
if(has_olocator == true) {
<div id="OfficeLocator">
var encodedolocator = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator);
var displayolocator = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "OfficeLocator");
if ($isEmptyString(displayolocator)) { displayolocator = encodedolocator }
<div id="OfficeLocatorValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedolocator =#_"> <b>Office Locator:</b> <a clicktype="Result" id="NameFieldLink" href="_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator =#_">_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeNumber =#_</a></div>
if(has_bolocation == true) {
<div id="OfficeBaseLocation">
var encodedbolocation = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.BaseOfficeLocation);
var displaybolocation = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "BaseOfficeLocation");
if ($isEmptyString(displaybolocation)) { displaybolocation = encodedbolocation }
<div id="BaseOfficeLocationValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedbolocation =#_"> <b>Office Location:</b> _#= displaybolocation =#_ </div>
if(has_wphone == true) {
<div id="WorkPhone">
var encodedwphone = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkPhone);
var displaywphone = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "WorkPhone");
if ($isEmptyString(displaywphone)) { displaywphone = encodedwphone }
<div id="WorkPhoneValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedwphone =#_"> <b>Office Phone:</b> _#= displaywphone =#_ </div>
if(has_mphone == true) {
<div id="MobilePhone">
var encodedmphone = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.MobilePhone);
var displaymphone = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "MobilePhone");
if ($isEmptyString(displaymphone)) { displaymphone = encodedmphone }
<div id="MobilePhoneValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedmphone =#_"> <b>Mobile Phone:</b> _#= displaymphone =#_ </div>
if(has_hphone == true) {
<div id="HomePhone">
var encodedhphone = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.HomePhone);
var displayhphone = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "HomePhone");
if ($isEmptyString(displayhphone)) { displayhphone = encodedhphone }
<div id="HomePhoneValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedhphone =#_"> <b>Home Phone:</b> _#= displayhphone =#_ </div>
if(has_email == true) {
<div id="WorkEmail">
var encodedemail = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkEmail);
var displayemail = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "WorkEmail");
if ($isEmptyString(displayemail)) { displayemail = encodedemail }
<div id="WorkEmailValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedemail =#_"> <b>Foundation Email:</b> _#= displayemail =#_ </div>
if(has_universityemail == true) {
<div id="UniversityEmail">
var encodeduniversityemail = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.UniversityEmail);
var displayuniversityemail = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "UniversityEmail");
if ($isEmptyString(displayuniversityemail)) { displayuniversityemail = encodeduniversityemail }
<div id="UniversityEmailValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodeduniversityemail =#_"> <b>University Email:</b> _#= displayuniversityemail =#_ </div>
if(has_assistant == true) {
<div id="Assistant">
var encodedassistant = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Assistant);
var displayassistant = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "Assistant");
if ($isEmptyString(displayassistant)) { displayassistant = encodedassistant }
<div id="AssistantValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedassistant =#_"> <b>Assistant:</b> _#= displayassistant =#_ </div>
if(has_calendarscheduling == true) {
<div id="CalendarScheduling">
var encodedcalendarscheduling = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.CalendarScheduling);
var displaycalendarscheduling = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "CalendarScheduling");
if ($isEmptyString(displaycalendarscheduling)) { displaycalendarscheduling = encodedcalendarscheduling }
<div id="CalendarSchedulingValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedcalendarscheduling =#_"> <b>Calendar/Scheduling:</b> _#= displaycalendarscheduling =#_ </div>
if(has_resp == true || has_ski == true || has_pp == true || has_int == true || has_sch == true) {
<div id="MoreInfoShort">
if(has_resp == true) {
var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "responsibilities", 3, delimiter);
if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Responsibilities, 3, delimiter))}
if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
<div id="ResponsibilitiesValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
<span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Responsibilities) =#_ </span>
_#= encodedVal =#_
} else if(has_ski == true) {
var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "skills", 3, delimiter);
if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Skills, 3, delimiter))}
if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
<div id="SkillsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
<span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Skills) =#_ </span>
_#= encodedVal =#_
} else if(has_pp == true) {
var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "pastprojects", 3, delimiter);
if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.PastProjects, 3, delimiter))}
if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
<div id="PastProjectsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
<span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_PastProjects) =#_ </span>
_#= encodedVal =#_
} else if(has_int == true) {
var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "interests", 3, delimiter);
if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Interests, 3, delimiter))}
if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
<div id="InterestsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
<span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Interests) =#_ </span>
_#= encodedVal =#_
} else if(has_sch == true){
var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "schools", 3, delimiter);
if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Schools, 3, delimiter))}
if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
<div id="SchoolsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
<span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Schools) =#_ </span>
_#= encodedVal =#_
if(has_abme == true || has_ski == true || has_pp == true || has_int == true) {
<div id="MoreInfoLong">
if(has_abme == true) {
var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "aboutme"), 125);
if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(ctx.CurrentItem.AboutMe, 125)) }
if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
_#= encodedVal =#_
} else if(has_ski == true && has_resp == true) {
var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "skills", 3, delimiter), 125);
if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Skills, 3, delimiter), 125)) }
if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
<span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Skills) =#_ </span>
_#= encodedVal =#_
} else if(has_pp == true && (has_ski == true || has_resp == true)) {
var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "pastprojects", 3, delimiter), 125);
if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.PastProjects, 3, delimiter), 125)) }
if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
<span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_PastProjects) =#_ </span>
_#= encodedVal =#_
} else if(has_int == true && (has_pp == true || has_ski == true || has_resp == true)) {
var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "interests", 3, delimiter), 125);
if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Interests, 3, delimiter), 125)) }
if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
<span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Interests) =#_ </span>
_#= encodedVal =#_
if(isSelfSrch == true) {
<hr class="ms-srch-people-item-separator" />
<div id="SelfSearchInfo">
<div id="Heading">
<a id="EditProfileLink" href="_#= $urlHtmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.EditProfileUrl) =#_"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_EditProfileLink) =#_ </a>
<div id="Frequency">
<span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency) =#_ </span>
<ul id="FrequencyCard">
<li id="MonthlyViews">
var encodedVal = (ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth == 1) ? $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsMonths_Singular, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth)) :
$htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsMonths_Plural, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth));
_#= encodedVal =#_
<li id="DailyViews">
var encodedVal = (ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek == 1) ? $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsWeeks_Singular, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek)) :
$htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsWeeks_Plural, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek));
_#= encodedVal =#_
if(has_query == true) {
<div id="Keywords">
<span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchKeywords) =#_ </span>
var encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileQueriesFoundYou, 5, delimiter), 84));
if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
_#= encodedVal =#_
var lastModifiedTime = ctx.CurrentItem.LastModifiedTime;
var encodedLastModifiedTimeId = $htmlEncode(id + "_lastModifiedTime");
AddPostRenderCallback(ctx, function()
Srch.U.renderFriendlyTimeIntervalString(lastModifiedTime, encodedLastModifiedTimeId);
<div id="LastModifiedTime">
<span class="ms-textSmall">_#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_LastModified) =#_</span>
<span id="_#= encodedLastModifiedTimeId =#_" class="ms-textSmall ms-srch-ellipsis"></span>
AddPostRenderCallback(ctx, function(){
EnsureScriptFunc("clienttemplates.js", "RenderUserFieldWorker", function() {
var getUserPersona = function() {
var renderCtx = new ContextInfo();
renderCtx.Templates = {};
renderCtx.Templates["Fields"] = {};
var fieldSchemaData = { "PictureOnly":"1", "PictureSize": "Size_72px"};
var listSchema = {"EffectivePresenceEnabled": "1", "PresenceAlt": Srch.Res.item_People_NoPresenceAvailable};
var userData = {"title": uName, "email": uEmail, "picture": uPicUrl, "sip": uSip};
var personaControlElement = document.getElementById(userPersonaId);
if (!Srch.U.n(personaControlElement))
personaControlElement.innerHTML = RenderUserFieldWorker(renderCtx, fieldSchemaData, userData, listSchema);
if(typeof(ctx.EnqueueImnRequest) == "undefined") { ctx.EnqueueImnRequest = false; }
if (ctx.EnqueueImnRequest == false) {
ctx.ClientControl.add_oneTimeResultRendered(function(){ if (typeof(ProcessImn) != "undefined") { ProcessImn(); } });
ctx.EnqueueImnRequest = true;

According to your post, my understanding is that you have an issue about adding fields in people search results page.
Per my knowledge, there is no issue in your steps, and the issue may be related to the search crawl in SharePoint online.
For SharePoint server on-premise, we can start the search full crawl, however, for SharePoint online, we could not start the search full crawl manually.
You can wait for some time to complete the search full crawl in SharePoint online, then check whether it works.
As this is the forum for SharePoint server on-premise, I’m not familiar with the SharePoint online search crawl, for this issue, I recommend you can post a new question in the forum for Office 365/SharePoint online.
More experts will assist you, then you will get more information relation to SharePoint Online.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Forum Support
Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
[email protected]
Jason Guo
TechNet Community Support

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  • Add Horizontal Line in People Search Results Page

    Hi everyone
    I have a modified people search results page (SharePoint Online) where I have added a few fields to the results page.  I would like to better organize the fields by placing a horizontal line in there somewhere.
    For instance, I would like to add a light gray horizontal line where I drew the red lines on this image:
    Here is a copy of my current people search results code:
    <html xmlns:mso="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:msdt="uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882">
    <title>UIF People Item with Work Phone</title>
    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
    <mso:TemplateHidden msdt:dt="string">0</mso:TemplateHidden>
    <mso:MasterPageDescription msdt:dt="string">Displays a result tailored for a person.</mso:MasterPageDescription>
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    <mso:TargetControlType msdt:dt="string">;#SearchResults;#</mso:TargetControlType>
    <mso:HtmlDesignAssociated msdt:dt="string">1</mso:HtmlDesignAssociated>
    <mso:CrawlerXSLFile msdt:dt="string"></mso:CrawlerXSLFile>
    <mso:ManagedPropertyMapping msdt:dt="string">'AboutMe':'AboutMe','AccountName':'AccountName','BaseOfficeLocation':'BaseOfficeLocation','Department':'Department','HitHighlightedProperties':'HitHighlightedProperties','Interests':'Interests','JobTitle':'JobTitle','Organization':'Organization','LastModifiedTime':'LastModifiedTime','Memberships':'Memberships','PastProjects':'PastProjects','Path':'Path','PictureURL':'PictureURL','PreferredName':'PreferredName','Responsibilities':'Responsibilities','Schools':'Schools','ServiceApplicationID':'ServiceApplicationID','SipAddress':'SipAddress','Skills':'Skills','UserProfile_GUID':'UserProfile_GUID','WorkEmail':'WorkEmail','OfficeNumber':'OfficeNumber','OfficeLocator':'OfficeLocator','WorkPhone':'WorkPhone','MobilePhone':'MobilePhone','HomePhone':'HomePhone','WorkId':'WorkId','YomiDisplayName':'YomiDisplayName'</mso:ManagedPropertyMapping>
    <mso:HtmlDesignStatusAndPreview msdt:dt="string">, Conversion successful.</mso:HtmlDesignStatusAndPreview>
    <mso:HtmlDesignConversionSucceeded msdt:dt="string">True</mso:HtmlDesignConversionSucceeded>
    <mso:HtmlDesignPreviewUrl msdt:dt="string"></mso:HtmlDesignPreviewUrl>
    <div id="Item_Person">
    if(!$isNull(ctx.CurrentItem) && !$isNull(ctx.ClientControl)){
    var id = ctx.ClientControl.get_nextUniqueId();
    var itemId = id + Srch.U.Ids.item;
    var hoverId = id + Srch.U.Ids.hover;
    $setResultItem(itemId, ctx.CurrentItem);
    var container_id = id + "_peopleContainer";
    var hhProps = Srch.U.createXMLDocument("<root>" + ctx.CurrentItem.HitHighlightedProperties + "</root>");
    var encodedPath = $urlHtmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Path);
    var has_pn = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.PreferredName);
    var has_sip = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.SipAddress);
    var has_email = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkEmail);
    var has_onumber = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeNumber);
    var has_bolocation = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.BaseOfficeLocation);
    var has_olocator = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator);
    var has_wphone = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkPhone);
    var has_mphone = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.MobilePhone);
    var has_hphone = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.HomePhone);
    var has_jt = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.JobTitle);
    var has_dp = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Department);
    var has_org = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Organization);
    var has_abme = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.AboutMe);
    var has_resp = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Responsibilities);
    var has_pp = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.PastProjects);
    var has_ski = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Skills);
    var has_sch = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Schools);
    var has_int = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Interests);
    var has_vlm = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth);
    var has_vlw = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek);
    var has_query = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileQueriesFoundYou);
    var isSelfSrch = (has_vlm == true || has_vlw == true || has_query == true);
    var delimiter = "";
    var userPersonaId = $htmlEncode(id) + "_peopleUserPersona";
    var uSip = ctx.CurrentItem.SipAddress;
    var uEmail = ctx.CurrentItem.WorkEmail;
    var uName = ctx.CurrentItem.PreferredName;
    var uPicUrl = ctx.CurrentItem.PictureURL;
    var hoverUrl = "~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_Person_HoverPanel.js";
    <div id="_#= $htmlEncode(container_id) =#_" class="ms-srch-people-outerContainer ms-srch-resultHover">
    <div id="_#= $htmlEncode(itemId) =#_" name="Item" class="ms-srch-people-item" onmouseover="EnsureScriptParams('SearchUI.js', 'HP.Init', event, '_#=$scriptEncode(itemId) =#_', '_#=$scriptEncode(hoverId) =#_', '_#=$scriptEncode(hoverUrl) =#_');" onmouseout="EnsureScriptParams('SearchUI.js', 'HP.Hide');">
    <div id="_#= $htmlEncode(hoverId) =#_" class="ms-srch-hover-outerContainer"></div>
    <div id="UserPersonaContainer">
    <div id="UserPersona">
    <div id="_#= userPersonaId =#_"></div>
    <div id="UserInfoContainer">
    <div id="ContactInfo">
    <div id="NameField">
    var encodedName = (has_pn == true) ? $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.PreferredName) : $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.YomiDisplayName);
    var displayName = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "preferredname");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayName)) { displayName = encodedName }
    <div id="NameValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis ms-textLarge">
    <a clicktype="Result" id="NameFieldLink" href="_#= encodedPath =#_" title="_#= encodedName =#_">_#= displayName =#_</a>
    if(has_jt == true) {
    <div id="JobTitleField">
    var encodedJtitle = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.JobTitle);
    var displayJtitle = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "jobtitle");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayJtitle)) { displayJtitle = encodedJtitle }
    <div id="JobTitleValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedJtitle =#_"> _#= displayJtitle =#_ </div>
    if(has_dp == true) {
    <div id="DepartmentField">
    var encodedDept = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Department);
    var displayDept = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "department");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayDept)) { displayDept = encodedDept }
    <div id="DepartmentValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedDept =#_"> _#= displayDept =#_ </div>
    if(has_org == true) {
    <div id="Organization">
    var encodedorg = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Organization);
    var displayorg = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "Organization");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayorg)) { displayorg = encodedorg }
    <div id="OrganizationValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedorg =#_"> _#= displayorg =#_ </div>
    if(has_olocator == true) {
    <div id="OfficeLocator">
    var encodedolocator = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator);
    var displayolocator = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "OfficeLocator");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayolocator)) { displayolocator = encodedolocator }
    <div id="OfficeLocatorValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedolocator =#_"> <b>Office Locator:</b> <a clicktype="Result" id="NameFieldLink" href="_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator =#_">_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeNumber =#_</a></div>
    if(has_bolocation == true) {
    <div id="OfficeBaseLocation">
    var encodedbolocation = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.BaseOfficeLocation);
    var displaybolocation = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "BaseOfficeLocation");
    if ($isEmptyString(displaybolocation)) { displaybolocation = encodedbolocation }
    <div id="BaseOfficeLocationValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedbolocation =#_"> <b>Office Location:</b> _#= displaybolocation =#_ </div>
    if(has_wphone == true) {
    <div id="WorkPhone">
    var encodedwphone = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkPhone);
    var displaywphone = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "WorkPhone");
    if ($isEmptyString(displaywphone)) { displaywphone = encodedwphone }
    <div id="WorkPhoneValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedwphone =#_"> <b>Office Phone:</b> _#= displaywphone =#_ </div>
    if(has_mphone == true) {
    <div id="MobilePhone">
    var encodedmphone = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.MobilePhone);
    var displaymphone = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "MobilePhone");
    if ($isEmptyString(displaymphone)) { displaymphone = encodedmphone }
    <div id="MobilePhoneValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedmphone =#_"> <b>Mobile Phone:</b> _#= displaymphone =#_ </div>
    if(has_hphone == true) {
    <div id="HomePhone">
    var encodedhphone = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.HomePhone);
    var displayhphone = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "HomePhone");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayhphone)) { displayhphone = encodedhphone }
    <div id="HomePhoneValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedhphone =#_"> <b>Home Phone:</b> _#= displayhphone =#_ </div>
    if(has_resp == true || has_ski == true || has_pp == true || has_int == true || has_sch == true) {
    <div id="MoreInfoShort">
    if(has_resp == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "responsibilities", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Responsibilities, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="ResponsibilitiesValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Responsibilities) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_ski == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "skills", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Skills, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="SkillsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Skills) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_pp == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "pastprojects", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.PastProjects, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="PastProjectsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_PastProjects) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_int == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "interests", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Interests, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="InterestsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Interests) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_sch == true){
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "schools", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Schools, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="SchoolsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Schools) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    if(has_abme == true || has_ski == true || has_pp == true || has_int == true) {
    <div id="MoreInfoLong">
    if(has_abme == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "aboutme"), 125);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(ctx.CurrentItem.AboutMe, 125)) }
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_ski == true && has_resp == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "skills", 3, delimiter), 125);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Skills, 3, delimiter), 125)) }
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Skills) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_pp == true && (has_ski == true || has_resp == true)) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "pastprojects", 3, delimiter), 125);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.PastProjects, 3, delimiter), 125)) }
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_PastProjects) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_int == true && (has_pp == true || has_ski == true || has_resp == true)) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "interests", 3, delimiter), 125);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Interests, 3, delimiter), 125)) }
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Interests) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    if(isSelfSrch == true) {
    <hr class="ms-srch-people-item-separator" />
    <div id="SelfSearchInfo">
    <div id="Heading">
    <a id="EditProfileLink" href="_#= $urlHtmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.EditProfileUrl) =#_"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_EditProfileLink) =#_ </a>
    <div id="Frequency">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency) =#_ </span>
    <ul id="FrequencyCard">
    <li id="MonthlyViews">
    var encodedVal = (ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth == 1) ? $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsMonths_Singular, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth)) :
    $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsMonths_Plural, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth));
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    <li id="DailyViews">
    var encodedVal = (ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek == 1) ? $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsWeeks_Singular, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek)) :
    $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsWeeks_Plural, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek));
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    if(has_query == true) {
    <div id="Keywords">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchKeywords) =#_ </span>
    var encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileQueriesFoundYou, 5, delimiter), 84));
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    var lastModifiedTime = ctx.CurrentItem.LastModifiedTime;
    var encodedLastModifiedTimeId = $htmlEncode(id + "_lastModifiedTime");
    AddPostRenderCallback(ctx, function()
    Srch.U.renderFriendlyTimeIntervalString(lastModifiedTime, encodedLastModifiedTimeId);
    <div id="LastModifiedTime">
    <span class="ms-textSmall">_#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_LastModified) =#_</span>
    <span id="_#= encodedLastModifiedTimeId =#_" class="ms-textSmall ms-srch-ellipsis"></span>
    AddPostRenderCallback(ctx, function(){
    EnsureScriptFunc("clienttemplates.js", "RenderUserFieldWorker", function() {
    var getUserPersona = function() {
    var renderCtx = new ContextInfo();
    renderCtx.Templates = {};
    renderCtx.Templates["Fields"] = {};
    var fieldSchemaData = { "PictureOnly":"1", "PictureSize": "Size_72px"};
    var listSchema = {"EffectivePresenceEnabled": "1", "PresenceAlt": Srch.Res.item_People_NoPresenceAvailable};
    var userData = {"title": uName, "email": uEmail, "picture": uPicUrl, "sip": uSip};
    var personaControlElement = document.getElementById(userPersonaId);
    if (!Srch.U.n(personaControlElement))
    personaControlElement.innerHTML = RenderUserFieldWorker(renderCtx, fieldSchemaData, userData, listSchema);
    if(typeof(ctx.EnqueueImnRequest) == "undefined") { ctx.EnqueueImnRequest = false; }
    if (ctx.EnqueueImnRequest == false) {
    ctx.ClientControl.add_oneTimeResultRendered(function(){ if (typeof(ProcessImn) != "undefined") { ProcessImn(); } });
    ctx.EnqueueImnRequest = true;
    I'm not a developer, so please keep that in mind. I do appreciate any help. Thanks!

    According to your post, my understanding is that you want to add Horizontal Line in People Search Results Page.
    I recommend that you can use the
    HTML <hr> Tag in the display template file.
    You can add the code below to the html page under the <div id="NameField"></div>
    <div> Office:_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeNumber =#_ </div>
    <div> Department:_#= ctx.CurrentItem.Department =#_ </div>
    <div> Organization: _#= ctx.CurrentItem.Organization =#_ </div>
    <div> Organization:<img id="PicPreview" src="_#= ctx.CurrentItem.Organization =#_"/> </div>
    <div> OfficeLocator:<a clicktype="Result" id="NameFieldLink" href="_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator =#_">_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeNumber =#_</a> </div>
    The result is as below:
    Linda Li                
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • 11.5.9/OAF 5.7 : how to add new fields in iProc "search results" page

    We need to add new fields into iProc "search results" page - "Personalize Self-Service Defn" is et, we can enter the personalization screens (from both the "master" link at top/right page level or from the link above the region) - anyway cannot find how to add new fields. Do we have to go to AK developer and/or XML files or is it feasable from OAF (as it is with 11510) ? TIA.

    It depends on what fields you want to add.
    1. If Oracle has included the fields, just render them via personalizations
    2. If they are brand new fields:
    a) you will need to extend the VO (I do not know the exact name).
    b) change the query to get your extra db columns if necesary
    c) add transient attributes to the VO and map them to b).
    d) Then you need to add the items via personalization and map them to the attributes you created in c)
    Check on metalink for the lates version of OAF Dev Guide and Personalization guide.

  • CL20N can not display added fields in the search result ?

    In needs of displaying storage location for each material in the transaction CL30N , we use the user exit CLCLRS01 and CLCLRS02 to add new field. But after that the added field is not displayed
    Have you ever tried this ?

    Please find below the code for adding the fields. This code is present in the FM 'EXIT_SAPLCLRS_001'.
    If the field added is from database, then the field needs to be added in table 'LT_ONLY_THIS_FIELDS'(see below FM). Else, the fields needs to be added in the table 'ET_FIELDS' as shown below.
                    I_STRUCTURE         = 'MARC'
                    I_LANGUAGE          = I_LANGUAGE
            IT_EXCLUDE_FIELDS   =
                    ET_FIELDS           = ET_FIELDS
                    ET_FIELDS_TEXT      = ET_FIELDS_TEXT.
                    I_STRUCTURE         = 'DRAW'
                    I_LANGUAGE          = I_LANGUAGE
                    I_FIRST_CALL        = 'X'
            IT_EXCLUDE_FIELDS   =
                    ET_FIELDS           = ET_FIELDS
                    ET_FIELDS_TEXT      = ET_FIELDS_TEXT.
    Here a field which are not from a database table is added
      ET_FIELDS-LENGTH    = 2.

  • Display Error - People Search Results Page

    Can anyone help me figure out what I've done wrong with this code to get this error?  I'm not a programmer so I'm just trying to get this one thing fixed.  Thanks!
    Display Error: The display template had an error.  You can correct it by fixing the template or by changing the display template used in either the Web Part properties or Result Types.
    Template '~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/UIF_Item_Person.js' not found or has syntax errors. (LoadTemplate: ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Group_Default.js)
    <html xmlns:mso="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:msdt="uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882">
    <title>UIF People Item with Work Phone</title>
    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
    <mso:TemplateHidden msdt:dt="string">0</mso:TemplateHidden>
    <mso:MasterPageDescription msdt:dt="string">Displays a result tailored for a person.</mso:MasterPageDescription>
    <mso:ContentTypeId msdt:dt="string">0x0101002039C03B61C64EC4A04F5361F385106603</mso:ContentTypeId>
    <mso:TargetControlType msdt:dt="string">;#SearchResults;#</mso:TargetControlType>
    <mso:HtmlDesignAssociated msdt:dt="string">1</mso:HtmlDesignAssociated>
    <mso:CrawlerXSLFile msdt:dt="string"></mso:CrawlerXSLFile>
    <mso:ManagedPropertyMapping msdt:dt="string">'AboutMe':'AboutMe','AccountName':'AccountName','BaseOfficeLocation':'BaseOfficeLocation','Department':'Department','HitHighlightedProperties':'HitHighlightedProperties','Interests':'Interests','JobTitle':'JobTitle','Organization':'Organization','LastModifiedTime':'LastModifiedTime','Memberships':'Memberships','PastProjects':'PastProjects','Path':'Path','PictureURL':'PictureURL','PreferredName':'PreferredName','Responsibilities':'Responsibilities','Schools':'Schools','ServiceApplicationID':'ServiceApplicationID','SipAddress':'SipAddress','Skills':'Skills','UserProfile_GUID':'UserProfile_GUID','WorkEmail':'WorkEmail','OfficeNumber':'OfficeNumber','OfficeLocator':'OfficeLocator','WorkPhone':'WorkPhone','MobilePhone':'MobilePhone','HomePhone':'HomePhone','WorkId':'WorkId','YomiDisplayName':'YomiDisplayName'</mso:ManagedPropertyMapping>
    <mso:HtmlDesignStatusAndPreview msdt:dt="string">, Conversion successful.</mso:HtmlDesignStatusAndPreview>
    <mso:HtmlDesignConversionSucceeded msdt:dt="string">True</mso:HtmlDesignConversionSucceeded>
    <mso:HtmlDesignPreviewUrl msdt:dt="string"></mso:HtmlDesignPreviewUrl>
    <div id="Item_Person">
    if(!$isNull(ctx.CurrentItem) && !$isNull(ctx.ClientControl)){
    var id = ctx.ClientControl.get_nextUniqueId();
    var itemId = id + Srch.U.Ids.item;
    var hoverId = id + Srch.U.Ids.hover;
    $setResultItem(itemId, ctx.CurrentItem);
    var container_id = id + "_peopleContainer";
    var hhProps = Srch.U.createXMLDocument("<root>" + ctx.CurrentItem.HitHighlightedProperties + "</root>");
    var encodedPath = $urlHtmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Path);
    var has_pn = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.PreferredName);
    var has_sip = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.SipAddress);
    var has_email = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkEmail);
    var has_onumber = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeNumber);
    var has_bolocation = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.BaseOfficeLocation);
    var has_olocator = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator);
    var has_wphone = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkPhone);
    var has_mphone = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.MobilePhone);
    var has_hphone = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.HomePhone);
    var has_jt = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.JobTitle);
    var has_dp = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Department);
    var has_org = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Organization);
    var has_abme = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.AboutMe);
    var has_resp = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Responsibilities);
    var has_pp = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.PastProjects);
    var has_ski = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Skills);
    var has_sch = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Schools);
    var has_int = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Interests);
    var has_vlm = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth);
    var has_vlw = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek);
    var has_query = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileQueriesFoundYou);
    var isSelfSrch = (has_vlm == true || has_vlw == true || has_query == true);
    var delimiter = "";
    var userPersonaId = $htmlEncode(id) + "_peopleUserPersona";
    var uSip = ctx.CurrentItem.SipAddress;
    var uEmail = ctx.CurrentItem.WorkEmail;
    var uName = ctx.CurrentItem.PreferredName;
    var uPicUrl = ctx.CurrentItem.PictureURL;
    var hoverUrl = "~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_Person_HoverPanel.js";
    <div id="_#= $htmlEncode(container_id) =#_" class="ms-srch-people-outerContainer ms-srch-resultHover">
    <div id="_#= $htmlEncode(itemId) =#_" name="Item" class="ms-srch-people-item" onmouseover="EnsureScriptParams('SearchUI.js', 'HP.Init', event, '_#=$scriptEncode(itemId) =#_', '_#=$scriptEncode(hoverId) =#_', '_#=$scriptEncode(hoverUrl) =#_');" onmouseout="EnsureScriptParams('SearchUI.js', 'HP.Hide');">
    <div id="_#= $htmlEncode(hoverId) =#_" class="ms-srch-hover-outerContainer"></div>
    <div id="UserPersonaContainer">
    <div id="UserPersona">
    <div id="_#= userPersonaId =#_"></div>
    <div id="UserInfoContainer">
    <div id="ContactInfo">
    <div id="NameField">
    var encodedName = (has_pn == true) ? $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.PreferredName) : $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.YomiDisplayName);
    var displayName = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "preferredname");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayName)) { displayName = encodedName }
    <div id="NameValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis ms-textLarge">
    <a clicktype="Result" id="NameFieldLink" href="_#= encodedPath =#_" title="_#= encodedName =#_">_#= displayName =#_</a>
    if(has_jt == true) {
    <div id="JobTitleField">
    var encodedJtitle = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.JobTitle);
    var displayJtitle = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "jobtitle");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayJtitle)) { displayJtitle = encodedJtitle }
    <div id="JobTitleValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedJtitle =#_"> _#= displayJtitle =#_ </div>
    if(has_dp == true) {
    <div id="DepartmentField">
    var encodedDept = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Department);
    var displayDept = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "department");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayDept)) { displayDept = encodedDept }
    <div id="DepartmentValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedDept =#_"> _#= displayDept =#_ </div>
    if(has_org == true) {
    <div id="Organization">
    var encodedorg = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Organization);
    var displayorg = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "Organization");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayorg)) { displayorg = encodedorg }
    <div id="OrganizationValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedorg =#_"> _#= displayorg =#_ </div>
    if(has_onumber == true) {
    <div id="OfficeNumber">
    var encodedonumber = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeNumber);
    var displayonumber = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "OfficeNumber");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayonumber)) { displayonumber = encodedonumber }
    <div id="OfficeNumberValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedonumber =#_"> <b>Office:</b> _#= displayonumber =#_ </div>
    if(has_bolocation == true) {
    <div id="OfficeBaseLocation">
    var encodedbolocation = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.BaseOfficeLocation);
    var displaybolocation = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "BaseOfficeLocation");
    if ($isEmptyString(displaybolocation)) { displaybolocation = encodedbolocation }
    <div id="BaseOfficeLocationValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedbolocation =#_"> <b>Office Location:</b> _#= displaybolocation =#_ </div>
    if(has_olocator == true) {
    <div id="OfficeLocator">
    var encodedolocator = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator);
    var displayolocator = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "OfficeLocator");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayolocator)) { displayolocator = encodedolocator }
    <div id="OfficeLocatorValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedolocator =#_"> <b>Office Locator:</b> _#= displayolocator =#_ </div>
    if(has_wphone == true) {
    <div id="WorkPhone">
    var encodedwphone = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkPhone);
    var displaywphone = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "WorkPhone");
    if ($isEmptyString(displaywphone)) { displaywphone = encodedwphone }
    <div id="WorkPhoneValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedwphone =#_"> <b>Office Phone:</b> _#= displaywphone =#_ </div>
    if(has_mphone == true) {
    <div id="MobilePhone">
    var encodedmphone = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.MobilePhone);
    var displaymphone = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "MobilePhone");
    if ($isEmptyString(displaymphone)) { displaymphone = encodedmphone }
    <div id="MobilePhoneValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedmphone =#_"> <b>Mobile Phone:</b> _#= displaymphone =#_ </div>
    if(has_hphone == true) {
    <div id="HomePhone">
    var encodedhphone = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.HomePhone);
    var displayhphone = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "HomePhone");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayhphone)) { displayhphone = encodedhphone }
    <div id="HomePhoneValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedhphone =#_"> <b>Home Phone:</b> _#= displayhphone =#_ </div>
    office:_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeNumber =#_
    OfficeLocator: <a clicktype="Result" id="NameFieldLink" href="_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator =#_">_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeNumber =#_</a>
    if(has_resp == true || has_ski == true || has_pp == true || has_int == true || has_sch == true) {
    <div id="MoreInfoShort">
    if(has_resp == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "responsibilities", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Responsibilities, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="ResponsibilitiesValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Responsibilities) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_ski == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "skills", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Skills, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="SkillsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Skills) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_pp == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "pastprojects", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.PastProjects, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="PastProjectsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_PastProjects) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_int == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "interests", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Interests, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="InterestsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Interests) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_sch == true){
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "schools", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Schools, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="SchoolsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Schools) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    if(has_abme == true || has_ski == true || has_pp == true || has_int == true) {
    <div id="MoreInfoLong">
    if(has_abme == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "aboutme"), 125);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(ctx.CurrentItem.AboutMe, 125)) }
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_ski == true && has_resp == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "skills", 3, delimiter), 125);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Skills, 3, delimiter), 125)) }
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Skills) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_pp == true && (has_ski == true || has_resp == true)) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "pastprojects", 3, delimiter), 125);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.PastProjects, 3, delimiter), 125)) }
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_PastProjects) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_int == true && (has_pp == true || has_ski == true || has_resp == true)) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "interests", 3, delimiter), 125);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Interests, 3, delimiter), 125)) }
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Interests) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    if(isSelfSrch == true) {
    <hr class="ms-srch-people-item-separator" />
    <div id="SelfSearchInfo">
    <div id="Heading">
    <a id="EditProfileLink" href="_#= $urlHtmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.EditProfileUrl) =#_"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_EditProfileLink) =#_ </a>
    <div id="Frequency">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency) =#_ </span>
    <ul id="FrequencyCard">
    <li id="MonthlyViews">
    var encodedVal = (ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth == 1) ? $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsMonths_Singular, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth)) :
    $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsMonths_Plural, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth));
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    <li id="DailyViews">
    var encodedVal = (ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek == 1) ? $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsWeeks_Singular, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek)) :
    $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsWeeks_Plural, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek));
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    if(has_query == true) {
    <div id="Keywords">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchKeywords) =#_ </span>
    var encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileQueriesFoundYou, 5, delimiter), 84));
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    var lastModifiedTime = ctx.CurrentItem.LastModifiedTime;
    var encodedLastModifiedTimeId = $htmlEncode(id + "_lastModifiedTime");
    AddPostRenderCallback(ctx, function()
    Srch.U.renderFriendlyTimeIntervalString(lastModifiedTime, encodedLastModifiedTimeId);
    <div id="LastModifiedTime">
    <span class="ms-textSmall">_#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_LastModified) =#_</span>
    <span id="_#= encodedLastModifiedTimeId =#_" class="ms-textSmall ms-srch-ellipsis"></span>
    AddPostRenderCallback(ctx, function(){
    EnsureScriptFunc("clienttemplates.js", "RenderUserFieldWorker", function() {
    var getUserPersona = function() {
    var renderCtx = new ContextInfo();
    renderCtx.Templates = {};
    renderCtx.Templates["Fields"] = {};
    var fieldSchemaData = { "PictureOnly":"1", "PictureSize": "Size_72px"};
    var listSchema = {"EffectivePresenceEnabled": "1", "PresenceAlt": Srch.Res.item_People_NoPresenceAvailable};
    var userData = {"title": uName, "email": uEmail, "picture": uPicUrl, "sip": uSip};
    var personaControlElement = document.getElementById(userPersonaId);
    if (!Srch.U.n(personaControlElement))
    personaControlElement.innerHTML = RenderUserFieldWorker(renderCtx, fieldSchemaData, userData, listSchema);
    if(typeof(ctx.EnqueueImnRequest) == "undefined") { ctx.EnqueueImnRequest = false; }
    if (ctx.EnqueueImnRequest == false) {
    ctx.ClientControl.add_oneTimeResultRendered(function(){ if (typeof(ProcessImn) != "undefined") { ProcessImn(); } });
    ctx.EnqueueImnRequest = true;

    Hi Chasquad,
    From the code in your post, you need to delete the "<!--#_ }_#-->" after the div.
    I also recommend to add this div into the <div
    id="OfficeLocator">, and the code should be like this:
    if(has_olocator == true) {
    <div id="OfficeLocator">
    var encodedolocator = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator);
    var displayolocator = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "OfficeLocator");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayolocator)) { displayolocator = encodedolocator }
    <div id="OfficeLocatorValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedolocator =#_">OfficeLocator: <a clicktype="Result" id="NameFieldLink" href="_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator =#_">_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeNumber =#_</a></div>
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • SharePoint 2010 - People Search Results - About Me Property

    Currently, we have About Me showing in our People Search Results page.
    About Me is a User Profile Property that allows Users to specify information about themselves. This Profile Property is an HTML property and therefore may contain links/URLs. When About Me contains links/URLs, they appear as proper links in the User Profile.
    However, in the People Search Results page, they just appear as plain text. We would like them to appear as actual links similar to the User Profile.
    Is there a way to do this?

    Hi Seth,
    I do know it uses XSLT and have modified this XSLT before for Business requirements.
    However, I'm not even sure if my question is something that can be fixed thru XSLT.
    In XSLT, it is only 1 line that shows the About Me text:
    <xsl:value-of select='substring(hithighlightedproperties/aboutme,1,350)' />
    So I'm not sure if there's any way else to achieve what we want.

  • How to create a Display template for people search results

    I've just installed Sharepoint 2013 and started to play around with it. Seems to be many improvements - among these are the ability to create Display templates.
    On my publishing page there is a default "employee lookup" app which returns prefferred name, title and department as default when I try to search.
    I would love to return mobile number aswell so I have tried to do the following:
    I made a copy of Display _Catalogs/Masterpages/Display Templates/Search/Item_Person.html
    Edited that one with the following:
    1. Added 'MobilePhone':'MobilePhone' to the "Managed Property mapping" in the top of the html   document:
    <mso:ManagedPropertyMapping msdt:dt="string">'AboutMe':'AboutMe','AccountName':'AccountName','BaseOfficeLocation':'BaseOfficeLocation','Department':'Department','HitHighlightedProperties':'HitHighlightedProperties','Interests':'Interests','JobTitle':'JobTitle','LastModifiedTime':'LastModifiedTime','Memberships':'Memberships','MobilePhone':'MobilePhone','PastProjects':'PastProjects','Path':'Path','PictureURL':'PictureURL','PreferredName':'PreferredName','Responsibilities':'Responsibilities','Schools':'Schools','ServiceApplicationID':'ServiceApplicationID','SipAddress':'SipAddress','Skills':'Skills','UserProfile_GUID':'UserProfile_GUID','WorkEmail':'WorkEmail','WorkId':'WorkId','YomiDisplayName':'YomiDisplayName'</mso:ManagedPropertyMapping>
    2. Set a var in the <body> with:
    var has_MobilePhone = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.MobilePhone);
    Created the following based on "DepartmentField":
    if(has_MobilePhone == true) {
    <div id="MobilephoneField">
    var encodedMobilePhone = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.MobilePhone);
    var displayMobilePhone = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "MobilePhone");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayMobilePhone)) { displayMobilePhone = encodedMobilePhone}
    <div id="MobilePhoneValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedMobilePhone =#_"> _#= displayMobilePhone =#_ </div>
    Saved the document to the masterpage galary and edited the search result page to (people search core results webpart) to "use a single template to display items" and selected my display template.
    Now the search result is still working but I get no mobile numbers to show up in the user info (only in the details which is default).
    Anyone has some bright ideas of what i'm missing?. I'm not used to code (which might be the cause :-)). If you also have an idea on how to make the value of the number = Mobile: <mobilenumber>. So the "Mobile:" static text is displayed
    Thanks a lot for your time.

    I did the same with my new SharePoint 2013 (I would like to display the mobile phone too) but without any chance. Have you done anything else ?
    This is my User Property "CellPhone" :
    The ManagedPropertyMapping :
    <mso:ManagedPropertyMapping msdt:dt="string">'AboutMe':'AboutMe','AccountName':'AccountName','BaseOfficeLocation':'BaseOfficeLocation','Department':'Department','HitHighlightedProperties':'HitHighlightedProperties','Interests':'Interests','JobTitle':'JobTitle','LastModifiedTime':'LastModifiedTime','Memberships':'Memberships','PastProjects':'PastProjects','Path':'Path','PictureURL':'PictureURL','PreferredName':'PreferredName','Responsibilities':'Responsibilities','Schools':'Schools','ServiceApplicationID':'ServiceApplicationID','SipAddress':'SipAddress','Skills':'Skills','UserProfile_GUID':'UserProfile_GUID','WorkEmail':'WorkEmail','WorkId':'WorkId','YomiDisplayName':'YomiDisplayName','CellPhone':'CellPhone','HomePhone':'HomePhone'</mso:ManagedPropertyMapping>
    The "if_exist" variable :
    var has_cphone = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.CellPhone);
    And the "display" code :
    if(has_cphone == true) {
    <div id="CPhoneField">
    var encodedCPhone = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.CellPhone);
    var displayCPhone = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "CellPhone");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayCPhone)) { displayCPhone = encodedCPhone}
    <div id="CPhoneValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedCPhone =#_"> Mobile: _#= displayCPhone =#_ </div>
    If I delete the test lines in the display code (if(has_cphone == true) it show "Mobile:" but without any mobile number.
    Thanks for your help if any idea :)
    Best regards

  • MySite Deletion Emails, UPS, People Search Results

    SharePoint 2013
    We exclude disabled accounts from the UPS for a number of reasons - we don't want the overhead of non-employees, we don't want (requirement) these users to show in people search results, etc.
    Problem - Managers who receive the MySite Deletion email cannot access the account because the account does not exist.
    How do we solve this problem?
    If we include disabled accounts in the UPS, can we filter that information so that only accounts disabled within the last X number of days are included? And if that's attainable, how do we then filter out disabled accounts from people search results
    for those users who were imported?
    Is there a better way to accomplish this?
    There seem to be a large number of threads on this topic, but no real definitive answer or best practice, other than just saying 'import disabled accounts into the ups', which isn't a blanket resolution and will not work for us.

    Not sure what you mean by "manager cannot access the account..." When you filter disabled accounts in UserProfile Sync the following things happen
    The disabled user will be missing from the next User Profile Sync.  They will be marked as "Missing from Import".
    When the MySite CleanUp job runs users who are missing from IMport will have their profiles deleted.  Their mySite will also be added to a list which will delete the site after 14 days.  Their manager in AD will also be made the secondary site
    collection admin of the mysite and sent an email with a link to that mysite.  The manager won't be able to login to the mysite home page, but will be able to access all the lists and libraries on the mySite to retrieve any IP stored there.
    After 14 days the MySite will be deleted.
    The user's information will remain in the UserInfo table of each site collection where they contributed content.  That way their name will still show for CreateBy and ModifiedBy entries on content.
    That's how the process works.  If you can explain what you mean by manager cannot access the account I'll try to help and explain further.
    Paul Stork SharePoint Server MVP
    Principal Architect: Blue Chip Consulting Group
    Twitter: Follow @pstork
    Please remember to mark your question as "answered" if this solves your problem.

  • The way SharePoint open office documents will differ if the user try to open them from the document library directly, or if users try to open the document from the search result page.

    I have a document library where I have uploaded an excel sheet to it. Now If I click on the excel sheet directly from the document library page , I will get the following error ““The webpage cannot be displayed””. While if I do a search and I open the excel
    sheet from the search result page , it will open the excel sheet using the excel services inside the browser !!.
    So can anyone advice on this ?
    Also if I have a PowerPoint document , and I try to open it from the document library I will get the following error “The webpage cannot be displayed” , and the URL will be prefix with the following “ms-powerpoint:ofv|u|”. while if i do a search and i open
    the PowerPoint from the search result page i will be prompted to either open or save the document ? So why SharePoint is reacting totally different when trying to open document library items from the document library Or from the search result page?

    The behavior in the document library could be probably because of the Documents handling setting. Please try setting it to default behavior (Open in browser) as i hear from you that the default behavior is to open from browser.
    Thanks, Suneetha
    Currently I have set the following;-
    1. On the library advance setting :- I define  “Open in the client application”
    2. On the web application setting:- I define stricked for Browser File Handling
    And I have noted if I delete the browser cache and I access the document , then I will be prompted with the download dialog. but if I re-click on the same document I will be redirected to the
    The webpage cannot be displayed
    And the ms-powerpoint:ofv|u| will be added to the beginning of the URL. So could this be a caching problem ?

  • Problems getting files to open in browser from SP 2010 search results page

    We are in day 4 of having upgraded from MOSS 2007 to SharePoitn 2010 via database attach.
    When a user looks in their document library, and clicks on a PDF, they are asked if they want to check out and open or just open, and when they make the selection, acrobat reader opens the doc.
    When a user performs a search on the same library, and clicks on a PDF in the results page, the user is prompted if they wish to download the file, and then, after they save it, the file is downloaded and nothing else happens.
    The users do not want their disks filled with unnecessary copies of files.
    Note that I did add an "application/pdf" mime type to the allowedInlineDownloadedMimeTypes property .
    This is only occuring when using the download results page.
    Does anyone know a fix for this?
    Thank you.

    Hi lwvirden,
    Generally, if the PDF is added to the Web Application's AllowedInlineDownloadedMimeTypes property , the PDF files will open in browser when clicking them regardless of on the search result page or the document library.
    I recommend to delete the PDF from the Web Application's AllowedInlineDownloadedMimeTypes property and then re-add it to see if the issue still occurs.
    Here is a table summarizes the various PDF rendering behaviors in search and library in the link below(same for SharePoint 2010):
    More reference:
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Add custom properties to People Search Results

    Good morning,
    I am trying to include some custom properties to our Search Results. These are the steps I have followed so far:
    Create User Profile Service Property and sync to AD. The property is populated for different users.
    Run full crawl
    Create managed property on the Schema, and map this to the crawled property
    Created a new version of the Item_Person.html template and changed its title.
    Upload to the Display Templates gallery, and created a new Result Type with this as its template
    Added the new property to the mso:ManagedPropertyMapping tag
    Went to Search Result Types, and selected "Update" on the Property Sync alert
    On the new template, the new property appears on the object ctx.CurrentItem, but its value is null.
    Am I missing something? Tried running full crawl and incremental crawl. Even tried removing the index first.

    Please try to add custom properties using Central Admin.
    I find a thread with the same question, check this:
    More information:
    Best Regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Different Files Returned when using the Drop Down list on the Search Results Page

    I have a result set of 22 documents when I select Date (Newest) from the drop down on the search results page.  The third document down is called "LL".
    If I now select Date (Oldest) I have a result Set of 22 documents. However, when I move to the second page.  The number of documents has reduced to 20 documents and my document "LL" which I would have expected to be the third from bottom document
    is not there.
    Am I doing something wrong here ?  Search is OOTB.  I have added some refiner columns.
    Nigel Price NJPEnterprises

    Hi Nigel,
    It is by design. The "About x results" is presented when the total number of results is uncertain, and that is when collapsing (i.e. duplicate detection in this case) is enabled and the result set is partially processed. By default, a result page
    shows 10 results at the time. Therefore, for result sets with less than or equal to 10 results you will always get an accurate number of results and hence “About” is omitted. For more than 10 results you will get the “About x results” on the first page until
    you get to the last page of results and only then we know the exact number of results and hence can omit the “About”.
    Note that when you page out in the result set you will notice that the X in the “About X results” can vary quite a lot. That is because the total number of results is estimated based on the collapsing done so far. This is a common way of doing it by other
    search engines as well.
    Here is a simlar post for your reference:
    I hope this helps.
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Search form and search results page

    Hi! I really need some help with my search and search results page. I'm a newbie and am trying to get my site built. My search page will be the most important page and is quite complex. It will have 11 drop down boxes and 8 radio buttons. I have my form set up on the search page. When I try to run it now it returns all results. Because I have so many fields I didn't want to post it all but, here's what my code looks like for my first drop down box:
    <select name="area_search[]" multiple="multiple" id="area_search" form="search" >
                <option selected="selected" value="" <?php if (!(strcmp("", $row_rs_searchpropertyinfo['Area']))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>>Any</option>
                <option value="Downtown" <?php if (!(strcmp("Downtown", $row_rs_searchpropertyinfo['Area']))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>>Downtown</option>
                <option value="Jackson County East" <?php if (!(strcmp("Jackson County East", $row_rs_searchpropertyinfo['Area']))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>>Jackson County East</option>
                <option value="Johnson County" <?php if (!(strcmp("Johnson County", $row_rs_searchpropertyinfo['Area']))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>>Johnson County</option>
                <option value="Johnson County North" <?php if (!(strcmp("Johnson County North", $row_rs_searchpropertyinfo['Area']))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>>Johnson County North</option>
                <option value="Johnson County South" <?php if (!(strcmp("Johnson County South", $row_rs_searchpropertyinfo['Area']))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>>Johnson County South</option>
    <option value="Midtwon" <?php if (!(strcmp("Midtwon", $row_rs_searchpropertyinfo['Area']))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>>Midtown</option>
    <option value="North Kansas City" <?php if (!(strcmp("North Kansas City", $row_rs_searchpropertyinfo['Area']))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>>North Kansas City</option>
    <option value="Northland" <?php if (!(strcmp("Northland", $row_rs_searchpropertyinfo['Area']))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>>Northland</option>
                <option value="Plaza" <?php if (!(strcmp("Plaza", $row_rs_searchpropertyinfo['Area']))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>>Plaza</option>
                <option value="South Kansas City" <?php if (!(strcmp("South Kansas City", $row_rs_searchpropertyinfo['Area']))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>>South Kansas City</option>
    This is the code for a radio button:
    <input <?php if (!(strcmp($row_rs_searchpropertyinfo['Washer_dryer_in_unit'],"yes"))) {echo "checked=\"checked\"";} ?> name="radio_washerdryerinunit" type="radio" id="radio" form="search" value="yes"/>
    The searchresults.php page:
    <?php require_once('/Connections/Property_Info.php'); ?>
    if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
    function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
      if (PHP_VERSION < 6) {
        $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;
      $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);
      switch ($theType) {
        case "text":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "long":
        case "int":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "double":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? doubleval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "date":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "defined":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
      return $theValue;
    $var_area_search_rs_searchpropertyinfo = "%";
    if (isset($_POST['area_search'])) {
      $var_area_search_rs_searchpropertyinfo = $_POST['area_search'];
    mysql_select_db($database_Property_Info, $Property_Info);
    $query_rs_searchpropertyinfo = sprintf("SELECT property_info.Area FROM property_info WHERE property_info.Area LIKE %var_area_search%", GetSQLValueString($var_area_search_rs_searchpropertyinfo, "text"));
    $rs_searchpropertyinfo = mysql_query($query_rs_searchpropertyinfo, $Property_Info) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_rs_searchpropertyinfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_searchpropertyinfo);
    $totalRows_rs_searchpropertyinfo = mysql_num_rows($rs_searchpropertyinfo);
    $rs_searchpropertyinfo_endRow = 0;
    $rs_searchpropertyinfo_columns = 5; // number of columns
    $rs_searchpropertyinfo_hloopRow1 = 0; // first row flag
    do {
        if($rs_searchpropertyinfo_endRow == 0  && $rs_searchpropertyinfo_hloopRow1++ != 0) echo "<tr>";
                      <td><table width="330px" border="0" cellspacing="7" cellpadding="2">
                          <td width="300" height="275" bgcolor="#000000"><p><img src="../Properties/Thumbnail_image/<?php echo $row_rs_searchpropertyinfo['Images']; ?>" alt="" width="290" height="290" /></p></td>
                        <tr style="text-align: center; font-size: 22px; color: #940000;">
                          <td width="300" height="75" bgcolor="#000000"><?php echo $row_rs_searchpropertyinfo['Area']; ?>
                            <p> </p>
                            <p><?php echo $row_rs_searchpropertyinfo['Property_Name']; ?></p>
                        <tr bgcolor="#F7080C" style="text-align: center; font-size: 18px; color: #050505;">
                          <td height="45" bgcolor="#940000" style="font-size: 14px"><img src="/images/Detail button.jpg" alt="Property Details" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('<?php echo $row_rs_searchpropertyinfo['KCRC_detail_page']; ?>','detail','width=600,height=600')"/></td>
                        <tr bgcolor="#F7080C" style="text-align: center; font-size: 18px; color: #FFFFFF;">
                          <td height="29" bgcolor="#940000" style="font-size: 14px"><a href="/checkavailability.php" target="new"><img src="/images/Check availability button.jpg" alt="Check availability" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('./checkavailability.php','availability','width=600,height=600') "/></a></td>
                        <tr bgcolor="#F7080C" style="text-align: center; font-size: 18px; color: #FFFFFF;">
                          <td height="29" bgcolor="#940000" style="font-size: 14px"><a href="/scheduletour.php" target="new"><img src="/images/Schedule tour button.jpg" alt="Schedule tour" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('./scheduletour.php','schedule','width=600,height=600')"/></a></ td>
                        <tr bgcolor="#F7080C" style="text-align: center; font-size: 18px; color: #FFFFFF;">
                          <td height="29" bgcolor="#940000" style="font-size: 14px"><a href="/contactus.php" target="new"><img src=" agent button.jpg" alt="Contact a Rental Agent to answer any of your questions" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('./contactus.php','contact','width=600,height=600')"/></a></td>
                      <?php  $rs_searchpropertyinfo_endRow++;
    if($rs_searchpropertyinfo_endRow >= $rs_searchpropertyinfo_columns) {
    $rs_searchpropertyinfo_endRow = 0;
    } while ($row_rs_searchpropertyinfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_searchpropertyinfo));
    if($rs_searchpropertyinfo_endRow != 0) {
    while ($rs_searchpropertyinfo_endRow < $rs_browsepages_columns) {
        echo("<td> </td>");
    As I said, I'm a newbie. Any help or guidance would be very much appreciated. THanks in advance!

    Thanks for that example, but that is the design based on different technology than mine (ADF BC, and I am using ADF, EJB3/JPA). The link I provided above nowhere presents <methodIterator> nor <methodAction> and these are generated automatically in the page definition file by JDev when you drag-drop collections onto the page. So obviously that manual (online help) does not reflect the internals of current JDev operation. As the matter of fact complete XML schema format seems to be different (although similar to certain extent) than the schema format created by JDev

  • Show the custom popup window on clicking the people name in sharepoint people search result

    Show the custom popup window on clicking the people name in sharepoint people search result
    We are doing the below code to open a popup but while clicking on name link its postback the page and not opening the popup in first click but opening in second click.The same issue occurs while navigate to second page using pagination
    The below code used to show name in item template
    <button id="NameFieldLink" class="temp" style="font-size: 12px;text-decoration:none;color:#0072c6;border:0px solid #fff;background:transparent;margin-left: 1px;height: 15px;padding: 0 10px 17px 0px;text-align: left;cursor:pointer;font-family:
    Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;" title="">_#= DisName =#_</button> 
    The below jquery code used to open popup in control search template
    ctx.OnPostRender = []; 
    ctx.OnPostRender.push(function () {
    $(".temp").on("click", function(event)
    return false;

    I believe the issue is that you are not actually searching against the result source you made in step #1.
    It's not enough to make a result source, you have to tell the search results web part to use it.
    Try this:
    1. Go to the Pages library of Search Center
    2. Create a new Search Results page
    3. Edit the page, then edit the search results web part
    4. Change the source for the search results web part to your source
    5. Add the page to your Search Center navigation
    6. Run the search on that page
    Microsoft SharePoint 2013 App Development
    Professional Business Connectivity Services
    Inside SharePoint 2013
    Twitter, @ScotHillier
    SharePoint Trainer, Critical Path Training

  • How to customise OID search results page

    How do you customise the user search results page in OID 902?
    The default is for the username and email address to display. I wish the first and last names also to display.

    I am also looking to customize the people portlet. I have raised a TAR with Oracle. If I get a repsonse I will post it here.

Maybe you are looking for

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