Hi everybody
I would like to alter the date in the form for specific format, because the date format is the default date format that is DD-MON-YY, so I want the new format for the date as MM-DD-YYYY, when
I alter the date format in the workstation in the SQL PLUS Prompt as
Session altered.
But when I login again the SQL Prompt the default date format is return again, and I want the changed date format to be permanent, so how can I do that.
I do not want to use the date format for solving this
Problem .
Best Regards

Hi Jamil,
I will not be in office till end of next week, so i cannot give you the exact code :
However, you can try the following :
1. Set up the NLS_DATE_FORMAT under windows registry
[Under ->Oracle ]
2. Read the NLS_DATE_FORMAT value in forms from the
windows registry.
There's a FORMS package which does this. I'm not
remembering the name of the package/procedure.
Try and serach for "userenv" or "get_userenv".
Try the FORMS Help and search for "reading registry"
3. Once you have read the NLS_DATE_FORMAT value into a
local variable in forms, use the Set_Item_Property
to change the date format mask for all the date
variables used within the form module.
This code you can add in WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger of the form :
-------------------- CODE ---------------------------
Trigger Text :
lnls_date_format Varchar2(20) := Null;
/* Read the NLS_DATE_FORMAT setting from registry */
lnls_date_format := Read_NLS_DATE_FORMAT_procedure ('NLS_DATE_FORMAT');
/* Please note that Read_NLS_DATE_FORMAT_procedure is not the actual name of the FORMS procedure. Search the actual name using FORMS Help */
/* Lets say, the form has 2 dates being used. Block name = 'CTRL'. Firlds name = DATE1 and DATE2. To change the format mak of DATE1 and DATE2 fields, use the SET_ITEM_PROPERTY */
Set_Item_Property ('CTRL.DATE1', HINT_TEXT, 'Enter Date in ' || lnls_date_format);
Set_Item_Property ('CTRL.DATE2', HINT_TEXT, 'Enter Date in ' || lnls_date_format);
Set_Item_Property ('CTRL.DATE1', FORMAT_MASK, lnls_date_format);
Set_Item_Property ('CTRL.DATE2', FORMAT_MASK, lnls_date_format);
Jamail, hope my explanation is clear. The only thing you have to do is to look for the name of the procedure using FORMS Help which is needed to read the registry values.
- Shailender Mehta -

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    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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    Thanks Gramps.
    I totally forgot about the Xpath filtering.
    Trusty Hammer
    altruistic gramps <[email protected]>
    01/11/2011 05:06 PM
    Please respond to
    [email protected]
    patrick dennis <[email protected]>
    Spry Data Sets and IE8
    A quick fix: add the following to your document
    A better fix: reduce the number of datasets to just one and use Xpath
    filtering triggered by an onclick event, as in clicking the relevant tab.
    For a more specific answer, please supply a link to your site.

  • Alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT and to_date not working

    Hey folks,
    for the sake of simplicity let's assume i want to get the current system time from the table dual in a certain format, e.g. 'YY.MM.DD'.
    Currently the query
    select sysdate from dual;
    The desired output should look like this:
    So, according to the manual, i tried the following:
    alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT = '';
    No effect, date is still displayed as
    Even the following query:
    select TO_DATE (sysdate, '') from dual;
    What am i doing wrong here?
    Additional information:
    -> DB is Oracle 9
    -> I am using the Oracle SQL Developer under Ubuntu Gutsy
    -> No, i did not forget to commit my commands....:-)
    Any ideas?

    select TO_CHAR (sysdate, '') from dual;However the alter session command should work:
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Jan 7 14:32:26 2008
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production
    SQL> alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT = '';
    Session altered.
    SQL> select sysdate from dual;
    SQL> Note: There is nothing to commit here. Only selects, no DML.
    Message was edited by:
    Sven W.

  • Fighting with typed data set and GetChildRows() method

    I have problems with the GetChildRows method of a typed data set of a VS2005 data set designer generated code to get all child rows from a parent table. Its not working the way it should and throws a "invalid cast exception" on the line
    DataSet.T_CHILDRow[] childs = parent.GetT_CHILDRows();
    I don't know if the problem is me and my still limited VS/C# knowledge or the Oracle .NET provider (local installed oracle10gR2 and Oracle .NET provider v2.0.50727) or VS2005 and the code generator for the data set.
    I attach the sample script to create my test table T_PARENT and T_CHILD as well as some test data and my program.cs console test application. To create the data set, just add a new data set to the solution named "DataSet.xsd" and drop the two test tables from the database explorer onto the data set designer window.
    ================ sample.sql =================
    create table T_PARENT (
    PARENT_ID number(10) not null,
    PARENT_NAME varchar2(100) not null,
    constraint T_PARENT_PK primary key(PARENT_ID)
    using index
    create table T_CHILD (
    CHILD_ID number(10) not null,
    PARENT_ID number(10) not null,
    CHILD_NAME varchar2(100) not null,
    constraint T_CHILD_PK primary key(CHILD_ID)
    using index
    alter table T_CHILD
    add constraint T_CHILD_FK1 foreign key(PARENT_ID)
    references T_PARENT(PARENT_ID);
    insert into T_PARENT(PARENT_ID, PARENT_NAME) values (1, 'Parent 1');
    insert into T_PARENT(PARENT_ID, PARENT_NAME) values (2, 'Parent 2');
    insert into T_PARENT(PARENT_ID, PARENT_NAME) values (3, 'Parent 3');
    insert into T_CHILD(CHILD_ID, PARENT_ID, CHILD_NAME) values (11, 1, 'First Child of Parent 1');
    insert into T_CHILD(CHILD_ID, PARENT_ID, CHILD_NAME) values (12, 1, 'Second Child of Parent 1');
    insert into T_CHILD(CHILD_ID, PARENT_ID, CHILD_NAME) values (13, 1, 'Third Child of Parent 1');
    insert into T_CHILD(CHILD_ID, PARENT_ID, CHILD_NAME) values (31, 3, 'First Child of Parent 3');
    ================ program.cs =================
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using TestChildRows.DataSetTableAdapters;
    namespace TestChildRows
         class Program
              static void Main(string[] args)
                   T_PARENTTableAdapter taParent = new T_PARENTTableAdapter();
                   DataSet.T_PARENTDataTable dtParents = taParent.GetData();
                   foreach (DataSet.T_PARENTRow parent in dtParents)
                        Console.WriteLine("\nParent Name: " + parent.PARENT_NAME);
                        DataSet.T_CHILDRow[] childs = parent.GetT_CHILDRows();
                        if (childs.Length > 0)
                             foreach (DataSet.T_CHILDRow child in childs)
                                  Console.WriteLine("\tChild Name: " + child.CHILD_NAME);
                             Console.WriteLine("\tThis parent has no childs!");
                   Console.Write("\nPress any key to end program ");

    I found it: the problem is a bug in VS2005. Even SP1 provides no fix. MS just states that it will be fixed in the next VS release, but provides no info which release this will be.
    For a work arround see:

  • Is it risky to use statement : "alter session set events"

    Hi guys,
    I am extracting data from cxml documents.
    I had to run the following code "EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('alter session set events ''31156 trace name context forever, level 2'''); " to disable the DTD validation...b4 running any xml extract function on it.
    p_cxml IN CLOB
    l_payload varchar2(100);
    l_cXML sys.xmltype := sys.xmltype.createXML(p_cxml);
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('alter session set events ''31156 trace name context forever, level 2''');
    INTO l_payload
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (l_payload);
    The vlaue of the parameter p_cxml could be
    p_cXML clob:=
    '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <cXML payloadID="[email protected]"
    timestamp="2000-10-12T18:39:09-08:00" xml:lang="en-US">
    <Request deploymentMode="test">
    <OrderRequestHeader orderID="DO1234" orderDate="2000-10-12T18:41:29-08:00"
    <Money currency="USD">187.60</Money>
    <Name xml:lang="en">Acme</Name>
    <PostalAddress name="default">
    <DeliverTo>Joe Smith</DeliverTo>
    <DeliverTo>Mailstop M-543</DeliverTo>
    <Street>123 Anystreet</Street>
    <Country isoCountryCode="US">United States
    It is seems to be working.......................
    Is there any risk Involved to Using the
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('alter session set events ''31156 trace name context forever, level 2'''); statment.
    Any Help will be greatly appreciated.

    Most "set events" are workarounds or needed for Oracle support to do some debugging. Using them is at your own risk, and probably not supported by Oracle if you get into trouble.

  • Alter database set TIME_ZONE error

    I am following along in the first Sybex OCA book with Oracle 9i Personal Edition using version 9.2.0...(I believe
    I am using the seed database that contains hr and various others...I got to the following command, but under the hr login, it says I do not have permission. So I tried logging in as system and it claims ORA-02231: missing or invalid option to ALTER DATABASE. The same occurs if I login under sys AS sysdba (or as sysoper) or if I login under system AS sysdba.
    I tried the command (which I no longer remember) to export the init.oca settings (it created INITorcl.OCA or initORCL.oca) as one message indicated it might be the compatibility setting. However that was set to 9.2.0 and the message said it needed to be 9.1 or higher.
    What am I doing wrong?
    It is on P. 142, Chapter 3 (single-Row Fucntions) and the command is simple enough...
    (and it should reply database altered)
    I have also tried ALTER DATABASE SET TIME_ZONE='US/Central'; and many, many other variances. Ideally, after that succeds one should do a
    and then be able to SELECT DBTIMEZONE FROM dual; to get a dbtime of -06:00, but since it thinks my assignment is invalid, I cannot find a way to get it to accept it. Plz help. I have been searching extensively and trying numerous ideas. While I know it is of little importance now, I want to understand every aspect I can.
    This is the book by Chip Dawes and Biju Thomas (OCA/OCP: Introduction to Oracle9i SQL Study Guide)

    You can only change the database timezone if you have no TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIMEZONE columns in the database.
    TSLTZ columns are stored normalized to the database timezone, that means that after changing the database timezone the interpretation of the data would be wrong.
    ORDERS.ORDER_DATE in the demo schema OE is an TSLTZ column
    If you remove this column you can change the database timezone.

  • Execute sql command "ALTER SESSION SET..."

    How can i execute command "ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT ='MM/DD/YYYY'" with JDBC
    And by default?

    I'm not sure that you want to do this in Java. I would imagine that the NLS_DATE_FORMAT would be set by the Oracle DBA, and shouldn't be changed by a Java app via JDBC.
    Besides, when you query the database for a date it's returned as a java.sql.Date, regardless of the settings in the database. Once you have that, you can format it according to your wishes by using java.text.DateFormat and java.text.SimpleDateFormat.
    I thought the point was that the JDBC driver took care of ensuring that you got java.sql.Date objects back from queries, regardless of the NSL_DATE_FORMAT setting in the database.

  • Alter system or alter session set events

    Can we use interchangeably alter session or alter system set events?
    Thank you.

    DBA-ES wrote:
    For example this statement
    alter session set events '8103 trace name errorstack level 3';
    Can it be done at the system level? How to check it?Sure it can be,
    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Oct 21 15:32:54 2011
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SQL> alter session set events '8103 trace name errorstack level 3';
    Session altered.
    SQL> alter system set events '8103 trace name errorstack level 3';
    System altered.
    SQL>And to check, for the alter system , the statement would be logged in the alert log,
    Fri Oct 21 15:31:46 2011
    OS Pid: 4656 executed alter system set events '8103 trace name errorstack level 3'
    D:\app\aristadba\diag\rdbms\orcl112\orcl112\trace>sqlplus / as sysdbaHTH

  • Import err: ORA-20001,ORA-02047,alter session set nls_numeric_characters...

    Hi APEX development team,
    I get mad about an APEX import error which occurs maybe one time every second month.
    ORA-20001: GET_BLOCK Error. ORA-20001: Execution of the statement was unsuccessful.
    ORA-02047: cannot join the distributed transaction in progress <pre>
    begin execute immediate 'alter session set nls_numeric_characters='''||wwv_flow_api.g_nls_numeric_chars||''''; end; </pre>I described the error really detailed inside my APEX blog. The following links will help you understanding what I tried to find a solution for it:
    [APEX error ORA-20001 and ORA-02047 during application import (1)|]
    [Again import error ORA-02047: cannot join the distributed... (2)|]
    [Solution for APEX import error ORA-20001, ORA-02047 (3)|]
    Write now I have two options to solve the error:
    1. Restart Oracle Application Server
    2. Wait a couple of days with the import (restart of my client computer) and it works for a while again
    Apex Version: 3.1.2
    DB Version: Oracle XE database under Windows
    Hope there is a chance to get some help about this annoying error.
    King regards,

    Hi Joel, Scott and the rest of the community.
    I went on determine the import problem. It occurred two more times since the last post.
    First time:
    This time was a bit different. I wanted to create a new workspace and got the error "ORA-02047: cannot join the distributed transaction in progress" when I clicked on the button to create a new workspace after I entered all information to it.
    I restarted the OAS and worked again
    Second time:
    During an application import the error occurred again and I tried the following things:
    As data owner (only one db link exist)
    ALTER SESSION CLOSE DATABASE LINK DBMS_CLRDBLINK;Result no open database links to close
    As sys (all database links)
    -- The following script queries the DBA_DB_LINKS view to access link information:
    -- close of all database links
    ALTER SESSION CLOSE DATABASE LINK username.db_link_name;
    ...Result no database links open. Try of import ended with same error.
    Check of apex_public_user no (open) db_links. No objects locked.
    I had to restart the OAS again.
    Any ideas?

  • Open data set and close data set

    hi all,
    i have some doubt in open/read/close data set
    how to transfer data from internal table to sequential file, how we find sequential file.
    thanks and regards

    Hi Chaitanya,
    Refer Sample Code:
    constants:   c_split         TYPE c
                               VALUE cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab,
               c_path          TYPE char100
                               VALUE '/local/data/interface/A28/DM/OUT'.
    Selection Screen
                                    USER-COMMAND ucomm,    "For Presentation
                 p_f1     LIKE rlgrap-filename
                                          MODIF ID rb1,    "Input File
                 rb_srv   RADIOBUTTON GROUP r1,             "For Application
                 p_f2     LIKE rlgrap-filename
                                         MODIF ID rb2,     "Input File
                 p_direct TYPE char128 MODIF ID abc DEFAULT c_path.
                                                           "File directory
    *-- Browse Presentation Server
      PERFORM f1000_browse_presentation_file.
    *-- Browse Application Server
      PERFORM f1001_browse_appl_file.
        IF rb_pc = 'X' AND screen-group1 = 'RB2'.
          screen-input = '0'.
          MODIFY SCREEN.
        ELSEIF rb_srv = 'X' AND screen-group1 = 'RB1'.
          screen-input = '0'.
          MODIFY SCREEN.
        IF screen-group1 = 'ABC'.
          screen-input = '0'.
          MODIFY SCREEN.
    *&      Form  f1000_browse_presentation_file
          Pick up the filepath for the file in the presentation server
    FORM f1000_browse_presentation_file .
      CONSTANTS: lcl_path TYPE char20 VALUE 'C:'.
          def_path         = lcl_path
          mask             = c_mask  "',.,..'
          mode             = c_mode
          title            = text-006
          filename         = p_f1
          inv_winsys       = 1
          no_batch         = 2
          selection_cancel = 3
          selection_error  = 4
          OTHERS           = 5.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
       MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
               WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
        flg_pre = c_x.
    ENDFORM.                    " f1000_browse_presentation_file
    *&      Form  f1001_browse_appl_file
       Pick up the file path for the file in the application server
    FORM f1001_browse_appl_file .
      DATA:  lcl_directory  TYPE char128.
      lcl_directory  = p_direct.
          directory        = lcl_directory
          filemask         = c_mask
          serverfile       = p_f2
          canceled_by_user = 1
          OTHERS           = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
       MESSAGE e000(zmm) WITH text-039.
       flg_app = 'X'.
    ENDFORM.                    " f1001_browse_appl_file
    *&      Form  f1003_pre_file
        Upload the file from the presentation server
    FORM f1003_pre_file .
      DATA: lcl_filename TYPE string.
      lcl_filename = p_f1.
      IF p_f1 IS NOT INITIAL.
            filename                = lcl_filename
            filetype                = 'ASC'
            has_field_separator     = 'X'
            data_tab                = i_input
            file_open_error         = 1
            file_read_error         = 2
            no_batch                = 3
            gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
            invalid_type            = 5
            no_authority            = 6
            unknown_error           = 7
            bad_data_format         = 8
            header_not_allowed      = 9
            separator_not_allowed   = 10
            header_too_long         = 11
            unknown_dp_error        = 12
            access_denied           = 13
            dp_out_of_memory        = 14
            disk_full               = 15
            dp_timeout              = 16
            OTHERS                  = 17.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE s000 WITH text-031.
       PERFORM populate_error_log USING space
    ENDFORM.                    " f1003_pre_file
    *&      Form  f1004_app_file
         upload the file from the application server
    FORM f1004_app_file .
      REFRESH: i_input.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          READ DATASET p_f2 INTO  wa_input_rec.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    *-- Split The CSV record into Work Area
            PERFORM f0025_record_split.
    *-- Populate internal table.
            APPEND wa_input TO i_input.
            CLEAR wa_input.
            IF sy-subrc <> 0.
              MESSAGE s000 WITH text-030.
    ENDFORM. " f1004_app_file
    Move the assembly layer file into the work area
    FORM f0025_record_split .
      CLEAR wa_input.
      SPLIT wa_input_rec AT c_split INTO
    ENDFORM.                    " f0025_record_split
    Reward points if this helps.

  • Report Builder Wizard and Parameter Creation with values from other data source e.g. data set or views for non-IT users or Business Analysts

    "Report Builder is a report authoring environment for business users who prefer to work in the Microsoft Office environment.
    You work with one report at a time. You can modify a published report directly from a report server. You can quickly build a report by adding items from the Report Part Gallery provided by report designers from your organization." - As mentioned
    on TechNet. 
    I wonder how a non-technical business analyst can use Report Builder 3 to create ad-hoc reports/analysis with list of parameters based on other data sets.
    Do they need to learn TSQL or how to add and link parameter in Report Builder? then How they can add parameter into a report. Not sure what i am missing from whole idea behind Report builder then?
    I have SQL Server 2012 STD and Report Builder 3.0  and want to train non-technical users to create reports as per their need without asking to IT department.
    Everything seems simple and working except parameters with list of values e.g. Sales year List, Sales Month List, Gender etc. etc.
    So how they can configure parameters based on Other data sets?
    Workaround in my mind is to create a report with most of columns and add most frequent parameters based on other data sets and then non-technical user modify that report according to their needs but that way its still restricting users to
    a set of defined reports?
    I want functionality like "Excel Power view parameters" into report builder which is driven from source data and which is only available Excel 2013 onward which most of people don't have yet.
    So how to use Report Builder. Any other thoughts or workaround or guide me the purpose of Report Builder, please let me know. 
    Many thanks and Kind Regards,
    For quick review of new features, try virtual labs:

    Hi Asam,
    If we want to create a parameter depend on another dataset, we can additional create or add the dataset, embedded or shared, that has a query that contains query variables. Then use the option that “Get values from a
    query” to get available values. For more details, please see:
    As to the Report Builder features, we can refer to the following articles:
    Hope this helps.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • OIM 9.1 User data set

    In release note of 9.1 it is mentioned that :
    Display of all OIM User attributes on the Step 3: Modify Connector Configuration page
    On the Step 3: Modify Connector Configuration page, the OIM - User data set now shows all the OIM User attributes. In the earlier release, the display of fields was restricted to the ones that were most commonly used.
    Attributes of the ID field are editable
    On the Step 3: Modify Connector Configuration page, you can modify some of the attributes of the ID field. The ID field stores the value that uniquely identifies a user in Oracle Identity Manager and in the target system.
    Can anyone please guide me how to get both things as I am getting only few fields of user profile in OIM-USer data set and also not able to modify ID field.
    I am using OIM 9.1 on Websphere application server 6.1

    Unfortunately i do not have experience using the SPML generic connector. Have you read through all the documentation pertaining to the GTC?

  • Multiple data sets: a common global dataset and per/report data sets

    Is there a way to have a common dataset included in an actual report data set?
    For one project I have about 70 different letters, each letter being a report in Bi Publisher, each one of them having its own dataset(s).
    However all of these letters share a common standardized reference block (e.g. the user, his email address, his phone number, etc), this common reference block comes from a common dataset.
    The layout of the reference block is done by including a sub-llayout (rtf-file).
    The SQL query for getting the dataset of the reference block is always the same, and, for now, is included in each of the 70 reports.
    Ths makes maintenance of this reference block very hard, because each of the 70 reports must be adapted when changes to the reference block/dataset are made.
    Is there a better way to handle this? Can I include a shared dataset that I would define and maintain only once, in each single report definition?

    The use of the subtemplate for the centrally managed layout, is ok.
    However I would like to be able to do the same thing for the datasets in the reports:
    one centrally managed data set (definition) for the common dataset, which is dynamic!, and in our case, a rather complex query
    datasets defined on a per report basis
    It would be nice if we could do a kind of 'include dataset from another report' when defining the datasets for a report.
    Of course, this included dataset is executed within each individual report.
    This possibility would make the maintenance of this one central query easier than when we have to maintain this query in each of the 70 reports over and over again.

  • SQL Update a Single Row Multiple Times Using 2 Data Sets

    I'm working in tsql and have an issue where I need to do multiple updates to a single row based on multiple conditions. 
    By Rank_
    If the column is NULL I need it to update no matter what the Rank is.
    If the Ranks are the same I need it to update in order of T2_ID.
    And I need it to use the last updated output.
    I've tried using the update statement below but it only does the first update and the rest are ignored. Here is an example of the data sets i'm working w/ and the Desired results. Thanks in advance!
    update a
    set Middle = case when a.Rank_> b.Rank_ OR a.Middle IS NULL then ISNULL(b.Middle,a.Middle) end,
    LName = case when a.Rank_> b.Rank_ OR a.Lname IS NULL then ISNULL(b.LName,a.LName) end,
    Rank_ = case when a.Rank_> b.Rank_ then b.Rank_ end
    from #temp1 a
    inner join #temp2 b on a.fname = b.fname
    where b.T2_ID in (select top 100% T2_ID from #temp2 order by T2_ID asc)

    The Merge clause actually errors because it attempt to update the same record.  I think this CTE statement is the closest I've come but I'm still working through it as I'm not too familiar w/ them.  It returns multiple rows which I will have to
    insert into a temp table to update since the resulting row I need is the last in the table.
    ;WITH cteRowNumber
    Select DISTINCT
    Row_Number() OVER(PARTITION BY a.LName ORDER BY a.LName ASC, a.Rank_ DESC,b.T2ID ASC) AS RowNumber
    ,b.LName as xLname
    ,b.MName AS xMName
    ,b.Rank_ AS xRank
    FROM #temp1 a
    inner join #temp2 b
    ON a.fname = b.fname
    ), cteCursor
    Select a.RowNumber,
    ,CASE WHEN a.Rank_ >= a.xRank THEN ISNULL(a.xRank,a.Rank_) else ISNULL(a.Rank_,a.xRank) end AS Alt_Rank_
    ,CASE WHEN a.Rank_ >= a.xRank THEN ISNULL(a.xMName,a.MName) else ISNULL(a.MName,a.xMName) end AS Alt_MName
    ,CASE WHEN a.Rank_ >= a.xRank THEN ISNULL(a.xLName,a.lname) else ISNULL(a.LName,a.xlname) end as Alt_Lname
    FROM cteRowNumber a
    where a.RowNumber = 1
    Select crt.RowNumber
    ,CASE WHEN Prev.Alt_Rank_ >= crt.xRank THEN ISNULL(crt.xRank,Prev.Alt_Rank_) else ISNULL(Prev.Alt_Rank_,crt.xRank) end AS Alt_Rank
    ,CASE WHEN Prev.Alt_Rank_ >= crt.xRank THEN ISNULL(crt.xMName,Prev.Alt_MName) else ISNULL(Prev.Alt_MName,crt.xMName) end AS Alt_MName
    ,CASE WHEN Prev.Alt_Rank_ >= crt.xRank THEN ISNULL(crt.xLName,Prev.Alt_Lname) else ISNULL(Prev.Alt_Lname,crt.xLName) end as Alt_Lname
    FROM cteCursor prev
    inner join cteRowNumber crt
    on prev.fname = crt.fname and prev.RowNumber + 1 = crt.RowNumber
    SELECT cte.*
    FROM cteCursor cte

  • OBIEE 11g BI Publisher; New Data Set Creation Error "Failed to load SQL"

    I'm trying to create a new SQL data set (from a client machine). I use "query builder" to build the data set. But when I click "OK", it fires the error "Failed to load SQL".
    But strangely, if connect to the OBIEE server's desktop and create the data set it works without any issues. I wonder this would be a firewall issue. If so what are the ports I should open.
    It's a enterprise installation. And we have already open 9703, 9704, and 9706.
    Has anyone came across such a situation?

    First of all you might have more chance of getting a response over in the BIP forum. Other than that all I can think of is: is your MS SQL Server running with mixed mode auth?

Maybe you are looking for

  • Open Other Project - Does Not Function

    Hello - We are finishing a CBT lesson in Cap 3 which includes 29 seperate projects. At the end of each project the student is presented a button to take them to the next project, i.e. "Open Other Project". Here lies the issue, we have set this button

  • Cannot connect to an Exchange account in Outlook 2013 using "Microsoft Exchange Server or Compatible Service"

    Dear All, I cannot connect to my Exchange account in Outlook 2013 using "Microsoft Exchange Server or Compatible Service". First I would like to present my network environment, I have 4 physical servers; The first one is holding the Domain Controller

  • How can I create a flash .flv file?

    I am going to deliver 12 ultrashort films (about 1 min. each) in flv format. How do I do that? I dont have Flash but there seems to be some cheaper converters that can be used - however I wonder if they will produce a quality that is good enough. And

  • Renaming ability + abilty to create custom album

    Please please, i have always bought sony and i absolutely adore your touch in the apps you put to beautifully plate the stock android. What's missing in the album application is 1) the ability to create customized albums in which you'd put pictures o

  • Cost Updating and Standardized cost difference apportion

    Dear All, 1. Cost updating:Standardized cost or average cost change is updated across all sub-inventory simultaneously, but the update should exclude the inventory that lends stocks (we do not want to update the cost of lending stock). 2.Standardized