Apex PPR built-in Javascript Functions

Can someone please explain the differences between the following apex built-in js functions as used with ppr reports.
If possible please specify the parameters they take.
1. $a_report();
2. init_htmlPPRReport();
3. html_PPR_Report_Page();
I have a requirement to show different child ppr reports based on the values passed from a parent report. I would like to show these reports dynamically. The child reports all get their values from common page items that I've defined.
I am to do this with one child report, but I'm having difficulty with more than one child report.
I can not create an example on http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn because the db structure it is too big.
I hope somebody understands what I'm talking about and points me in the right direction.

I solved this problem.
It was because when the child reports initially loaded they returned no data because the items contained no values. Note that the items are only populated when i execute the js function from the parent report which pass the current row values of the parent report to the common page items. The common page items are used in the where clause of the child reports.
So initially the apex engine got no data from the db for the child reports. I had to change the where condition that included one of the common page items with the nvl function so that i can get something back if the item is null.
Thus it works perfectly.

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    if(lpartial == 'Y'){
    // Go see if this partial exists for this ISD
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    The confirm() function is a built-in JavaScript function which you can’t alter.
    You can build your own dialog box, with any text and options you need. Search Google for “JavaScript modal dialog” and you’ll get references to a lot of examples. Not all of them are trivial to implement within APEX.
    BTW, if you want your code to maintain its format, you should use the forum internal tags [ code] and [ /code] (without the blanks). This way your code will be readable.

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    Hello Vincent ,
    Carl’s application - http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=38704:1 – is the best source for now.
    The JavaScript library should be officially documented as part of the upcoming 3.1 version.

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    I tried using XMLDB_GEN.CONVERT and it worked for me:
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       v_value_to_save := DBMS_XMLGEN.CONVERT (:t_sql, 1);
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          SET my_column = v_value_to_save
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       HTP.p ('Cache-Control: no-cache');
       HTP.p ('Pragma: no-cache');
       FOR c IN (SELECT my_value
                   FROM my_table)
          v_value_to_select := DBMS_XMLGEN.CONVERT (c.my_value, 0);
          HTP.prn (v_value_to_select);
       END LOOP;
    /Denes Kubicek

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    Many thanks

    Welcome to the forum: please read the FAQ and forum sticky threads (if you haven't done so already), and update your forum profile with a real handle instead of "975636".
    On APEX 4.1
    I found the Add Row button has the built-in javascripts
    I wonder if there is a reference documenation to show all the available built-in functions?
    I found the below page for all javaScripts APIs, but it doesn't include addrow(), so I think there must be another documentation.No, that is all of the API documentation. It may be unintentionally incomplete (i.e. documentation bugs), but some APIs are intentionally not documented as they are intended only for internal APEX use. Oracle may change the signatures, behaviour, or implementation of these undocumented and unsupported methods, or remove them completely without notice. Use of undocumented APIs by developers may result in loss of data, and/or failure of your applications, APEX installation or database. Oracle may not provide support in cases where damage has occurred as a consequence of using undocumented/unsupported features.

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    The LOV, I mean is the item in Application's Shared Components. I don't mean the visible SelectList on the page.
    This is what I found in ApEx's help: "A List of Values can be referenced by page items as well as report fields. It controls the values displayed and limits the user's selection. Lists of Values can be static (based on values you enter) or dynamic (based on a SQL query)."
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  • Apex 3.2 hook javascripts to IR and execute those when report is refreshed

    You propably have see tricks to attache javascript to IR refresh using time out and gReport.l_LastFunction e.g. these.
    Here is alternative solution:
    You need load jQuery 1.4.2 e.g. in page template header
    Create page zero if your application do not have one. Then create HTML region before footer with no template.
    Place code to region source
    <script type="text/javascript">
    /* for bind IR ajax */
    /* check do we have IR on page */
      /* replace apex internal function _BusyGraphic */
        /* ir ajax start trigger htmldbIrAjaxStart event and show loading icon */
        /* check is there data stored to #apexir_WORKSHEET */
          /* store data to #apexir_WORKSHEET */
          /* trigger htmldbIrReady event */
         /* hide loading icon and trigger htmldbIrAjaxEnd*/
    </script>Now your IR will trigger htmldbIrReady event when report is refreshed.
    Usage example
    </script>Also it trigger htmldbIrAjaxStart and htmldbIrAjaxEnd events.
    Usage example
    $(function(){$('#foo').bind('htmldbIrAjaxStart',function(){alert('Ajax start');});});
    $(function(){$('#foo').bind('htmldbIrAjaxEnd',function(){alert('Ajax end');});});
    </script>Or use function $.htmldbIrReady example
    </script>Small demo that logs those events here
    Hope this helps and you post other innovative solutions or usage examples about this

    i have found my bug which prevented the Page from working.
    i have a custom build apex_loader
    <script src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="#APP_IMAGES#jquery.simplemodal-1.3.5.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    * @param pRegionStaticId ID of region to set to modal
    * @param pOptions Options for modal Screen. See: http://www.ericmmartin.com/projects/simplemodal/#options for more info
    goModal=function(pRegionStaticId, pOptions){
      var vDefaults = {persist: true, overlayCss: {backgroundColor: '#606060'}}; // Note: It's important that you leave the persist = true otherwise items values will be cleared
      pOptions = jQuery.extend(true,vDefaults, pOptions);
      // To maintain order of APEX items (see forum posting above)
      $('#' + pRegionStaticId).wrap('<div></div>');
      // toon het ajax laad scherm
      // Laat de region zien, in dit geval 'apexir_LOADER' --> het icoontje bovenin
      //  $('#' + pRegionStaticId).show();
      // Open het modal scherm
      //  $('#' + pRegionStaticId).modal(pOptions);
    }// goModal
    * Sluiten van het modal scherm
       // verberg het ajax laad scherm
    }// modalClose
    // OnLoad tasks
      // Voor alleen uit wanneer er een IR is op de pagina
      if ($('.apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA').length > 0) {
        // See apex_ns_3_1.js for _BusyGraphic
        function dispIRBusyGraphics(pState){
        if(pState == 1){
            // Here apexir_LOADER is the object ID.
            // You can use your own region if you wanted to etc...
         goModal('apexir_LOADER', {position:['30%',]});
        }// dispIRBusyGraphics
        function updateIRJS(){
         // This time out is required since after the report is refreshed
         // via AJAX, need to reattach the l_LastFunction command
            gReport._BusyGraphic = function(pState){dispIRBusyGraphics(pState);};
        gReport = new apex.worksheet.ws('');
        gReport.l_LastFunction = function(){dispIRColGroups();}
        // Need to put timeout since not registering on initialization
        setTimeout(function(){gReport._BusyGraphic = function(pState){dispIRBusyGraphics(pState);};},500);
      } //If IR exist
    </script>and when i disabled this on page 0 the functionality was working correctly.
    Thanks for demoing this in the application.

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    Do you have page 0 (zero) in your application? If you are using page 0 as a parameter in your htmldb_Get function, the page must be public (http://htmldb.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=11933:63).

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    Thank u in advance
    Best Regards

    Hi Chris
    Thank you for your help
    I tried with the next code but it doesn´t work.
    Do you know for what?
    Best Regards
    I paste the next code in the HTML Header :
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function addLoadEvent(func){
    var oldonload = window.onload;
    if (typeof window.onload != 'function'){
    window.onload = func;
    else {
    window.onload = function() {
    function ejecuta()
    addLoadEvent( ejecuta );

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    I have a requirement to call Javascript function inside a After Submit Process.
    clear requirement below:
    1. User selects set of check boxes [ say user want to save 10 files and ticks 10 checkboxes]
    2. user clicks on "save files" button
    3. Inside a After submit process, in a loop, i want to call a javascript function for each of the file user want to save with the filename as a parameter.
    Hope this clarify U.

  • Select list display value in javascript function

    Hi All,
    I have a select list in a tabular form having a display value & return value.
    I am using $x(var_name).value or $v(var_name) for retreving return value of the select list in a javascript function.
    Can anyone let me know how can I get the display value of the select list in a javascript function? Im using Apex 3.2
    Thanks & Regards,

    What if the select list is not an item. Select list I am talking about is in a tabular form.Regardless of how they're generated in APEX, in JavaScript they're all DOM nodes. There are many ways of accessing the node of the required element. Consider the Items for Order... tabular form on page 29 of the Sample Application:
    var productNameLOV = document.wwv_flow.f04[0] // select list containing name of product on first order line
    var productNameLOV = $x("f04_0001") // another way of accessing the same node, using the ID attribute generated by apex_itemWe can see this using the Safari console:
    => productNameLOV = document.wwv_flow.f04[0]
        <select name="f04" id="f04_0001" autocomplete="off">…</select>
    => productNameLOV = $x("f04_0001")
        <select name="f04" id="f04_0001" autocomplete="off">…</select>Once you've got the node&mdash;however you get it&mdash;you then use the methods shown above:
    => i = productNameLOV.selectedIndex
    => productNameLOV.options.text
    "Business Shirt [$50]"
    So it appears you would use:var item = document.wwv_flow.f01[i];
    var selected = item.selectedIndex;
    var selectedOption = item.options[selected].text;
    This is meaningless:...
    var my_var = document.wwv_flow.f01[i].id; // f01 is tabular column of select list
    if ($x(my_var) == 'display_value') //$x(my_var) is having return value, but i need display_value there
    <tt>$x(my_var)</tt> returns a DOM node object, whilst <tt>'display_value'</tt> is a string: they are not comparable.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • Filter items are not set via Redirect to a javascript function

    i have a page with a few filter items and a button which redirects to a javascript function. The problem is that the filter items are NULL in the called javascript function. If i do a submit via another button before then it works.
    Here the details:
    URL Target of the button: javascript:callReport('f?p=&APP_ID.:1:&SESSION.','bir.bir_api.printReportBi?pSessionId=&SESSION.&pBu=&P250_FILTER_BU.&pSupplyTeam=&P250_FILTER_SUPPLY_TEAM.&pMaxBiEff=&P250_FILTER_BI_EFF_MAX.&pGroup=&P250_FILTER_GROUP.');
    Called javascript function:
    function callReport(p_href,p_url)
      var url;
      url = document.getElementById(p_url).value;
      w = open(url,"winRep","Scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=1100,height=800");
      if (w.opener == null)
        w.opener = self;
      // wait 5 seconds before reloading
    Many thanks in advance.

    Hi Martin,
    In my example I do a refresh of the report region using  adynamic action. In the report source I've set my filter item as "Page item to submit".
    To open the link for the pdf report I use a dynamic action that fires after refresh of the report region.
    That's it.
    If you want to use your callReport function and need to submit your filter items first, you could try using a ajax post to send the filter values to the database. There's a nice explanation on ajax post in this blog:
    Good luck,

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    function test(){
    var decision = confirm("Click a button below and watch what pops up next.");

    See: How to call a javascript function from pl/sql?

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