Append xml elements to a file

Ok. After solve the problem of append to files using a file adapter in osb (Re: Write/Append text file with OSB now i want to know if there is some way to append elements to an existant xml. For each request i will have the following message:
<element />
<element />
<inner_data />
<inner_data />
And, for two requests ai want to log:
<element />
<element />
<inner_data />
<inner_data />
<element />
<element />
<inner_data />
<inner_data />
And no:
<element />
<element />
<inner_data />
<inner_data />
<element />
<element />
<inner_data />
<inner_data />
As i'm doing (in my tests).
Thank you.

do you want to append/insert nodes in the file
or do you want to construct that xml first in the osb and after that insert the xml in the file ?
Message Processing Actions
Insert activity
you can use the insert activity to insert/append xml parts in your payload, and when the format is done, write it to the file

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    A. Dennis

    Please post your question [url]here for quick response.
    thank you.
    [url]OTN Sample Code

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         blabla blabla
    Now I wanna use a XI-File-Adapter to write just a Flat-File with the content (of the element <FlatPayload>):
        blabla blabla
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    Thanks for your help!

    You can suppress the XML Nodes/Elements over here. Not Fields ..
    For e.g if your outout xml is like this
       <flatdata> blabla blabla</flatdatat>
    In this case you can suppress the <FlatPayload> node/element here.. Using Cut Parameter in the Receiver File Content COnversion.
    So in your case, you can restructure your data type as you required.. I have mentioned in vice-versa here
    Hope this helps,
    Message was edited by: Krishna Moorthy P

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    Data Records
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    <TSAppsID>NPS </TSAppsID>
    <CusNum>50902 </CusNum>
    <CusName>YTL Communications Sdn Bhd </CusName>
    <part name="summary">
    <summary>Exception occured when binding was invoked. Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'Put_InboxNew' failed due to: Translation Error. Translation Error. Error while translating message to native format. Please make sure that the payload for the outbound interaction conforms to the schema. ". The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception. Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution. </summary>
    <part name="detail">
    <detail>Element 'Record' not expected.</detail>
    <part name="code">

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    Thank you anyway.

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  • Carriage Returns and Tabs in XML element

    I have a number of carriage returns and tabs within an xml element. When I take that element I would like it to transform to html in which I am then displaying within a JEditorPane. However, when I do this it is one long string. I have tried the xml:space="preserve" within that element and this still is not working.
    Here is part of the xml with the carriage return line feeds. The element that I am talking about is called pseudocode. You can see it is displayed correctly below.
    Design Document XML : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><design-doc><title-page><title>Testing Document</title><class-prepared-for>Lloyd</class-prepared-for><authors>Ben Garbers</authors><date-created>September 23, 2004</date-created></title-page><introduction text="This is the introduction. This is the introduction."/><class-definitions><class-definition class-name="ClassOne" visibility="public" class-complexity="not complex"><global-variables><variable visibility="public" name="VariableOne" object="String" comments="This is a String."/><variable visibility="public" name="VariableTwo" object="Integer" comments="This is an Integer."/></global-variables><methods><method name="MethodOne" synopsis="This will do some things." purpose="public" visibility="public"><input-parms><variable visibility="null" name="firstName" object="String" comments="null"/></input-parms><output-parms><variable visibility="null" name="lastName" object="String" comments="null"/></output-parms><local-variables><variable visibility="null" name="age" object="int" comments="null"/></local-variables><pseudocode xml:space="preserve">/* Ensure that player name exist in the system*/
    if (player =null)
              if (NOT (isPlayerNameExist(player)))
                   throw PlayerNameNotExistException;
              /* Ensure player name exist in the team already*/
              i ? 1;
              while (i <= length(mPlayers)) {
                   if (mPlayers.mPlayerName != playerName)
                        throw PlayerNameNotExistInTeamException;
    this.mPlayers ? this.mPlayers - player;</pseudocode>
    However, when I do the transformation I get the following with the pseudocode:
    /* Ensure that player name exist in the system*/if (player =null)     NullPlayerException;          if (NOT (isPlayerNameExist(player)))               throw PlayerNameNotExistException;          /* Ensure player name exist in the team already*/          i ? 1;          while (i <= length(mPlayers)) {               if (mPlayers[i].mPlayerName != playerName)                    throw PlayerNameNotExistInTeamException;}this.mPlayers ? this.mPlayers - player;
    It looks like it adds some spaces but no carriage returns or line feeds.
    My transformation code is the following:
         public ParseFile(String xmlString) {
              try {
              //Here we will load the correct style sheet for the message
              //that will be formatted.
              String urlString = "DesignDocument.xsl";
              URL url = this.getClass().getResource(urlString);
              System.out.println("URL to style sheet = " + url.toString());
              String styleSheetName = url.getFile();
              System.out.println("Style sheet name : " + styleSheetName);
              InputStream styleSheetInputStream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(urlString);
              //We will than load our SAXParerFactory and parse the message.
              SAXParserFactory SPFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
              SAXParser sp = SPFactory.newSAXParser();
              XMLReader sax2parser = sp.getXMLReader();
              //NO Validation done on for this because we do NOT have a DTD.
              sax2parser.setContentHandler(new FileContentHandler());
              //we create a character array of the length of the xml message String
              char[] messageCharacterArray =
                   new char[xmlString.length()];
              // we then put the xml string into the character array.
              messageCharacterArray = xmlString.toCharArray();
              // after this ew end up creating a CharArrayReader that will be used by the Sax
              // parser to parse the xml.
              CharArrayReader xmlCharArrayReader =
                   new CharArrayReader(messageCharacterArray);
              // we put the xml character array within the Input Source which will then be parsed
              // by the Sax2 parser.
              InputSource in = new InputSource(xmlCharArrayReader);
              // Use a Transformer for outputting the message into our formatted xml using
              // the stylesheet defined up in a messages own sxl stylesheet file.
              TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
              tFactory.setURIResolver(new BasicURIResolver());
              StreamSource stylesource = new StreamSource(styleSheetInputStream);
              Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(stylesource);
    //          transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
    //          transformer.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "2");
    //          Properties properties = new Properties();
    //          properties.setProperty("indent", "yes");
    //          properties.setProperty("{}indent-amount", "2");
    //          transformer.setOutputProperties(properties);
              // We will use a ByteArrayOutputStream to put our transformed xml.
              ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
              StreamResult result = new StreamResult(bos);
              SAXSource source = new SAXSource(in);
              transformer.transform(source, result);
              String s = bos.toString();
              StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
              //This will make sure the Version Line is not shown.
              BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(s));
              String line = "";
              while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
              formattedXmlString = sb.toString();
              } catch (Exception e) {
    I have been searching and trying to figure this out forever. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Bottom line is that I want carriage returns and tabs to work when transferring from the xml to xsl.

    I get the following line when adding the <pre> tags.
    /* Ensure that player name exist in the system*/if (player =null)     NullPlayerException;          if (NOT (isPlayerNameExist(player)))               throw PlayerNameNotExistException;          /* Ensure player name exist in the team already*/          i ? 1;          while (i <= length(mPlayers)) {               if (mPlayers[i].mPlayerName != playerName)                    throw PlayerNameNotExistInTeamException;}this.mPlayers ? this.mPlayers - player;
    On the screen this is shown on 1 line. It looks like the tabs are working correctly. However, the carriage return, line feeds do not seem to be working. The xml that is pushed into the transformation has the carriage returns and line feeds and is formatted correctly. There has to be something happening when the xsl takes the xml String. When I add <BR></BR> within the xml that doesn't seem to work either.
    I am really sumpted. If you could help DrClap I would really be appreciated.

  • SAX, incor. data for XML element, XML 1.1 doc (1.0 ok) in JRE 6 (JRE 5 ok)

    for some reason, the test case below fails when driven with Java 6. Looks like, when long string data is stored in a XML element, DocumentHandler's characters() method will be provided with incorrect data.
    With XML 1.0, parsing works fine in all my tests, Apache Xerces, JRE 5, JRE 6.
    With XML 1.1., parsing works fine with Apache Xerces, JRE5 but not with JRE6.
    I've checked it with latest JRE 6 update 4.
    Anyone else xperiencing such problems with XML1.1 parsing when using JAXP bundled with Java 6?
    I've tried to file a bug at bugdatabase, but for some reason I got no response for my issue - so I'm trying the forum now ;-)
    Thanx for comments
    import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
    import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
    import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
    import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
    import junit.framework.TestCase;
    import junit.framework.TestResult;
    import junit.framework.TestSuite;
    /** snippet to demonstrate problem in SAXParser */
    public class ProblemWithSAXParser extends TestCase
    public static void main(String[] args)
    System.exit(result.wasSuccessful() ? 0 : 1);
    private static junit.framework.Test suite()
    final TestSuite ts=new TestSuite();
    return (ts);
    /** small DocumentHandler, just waiting for one and only XML element <c></c> */
    class MySAXDocumentHandler extends DefaultHandler
    boolean listening=false;
    public void startElement(final String uri, final String localName, final String qName, final Attributes attributes)
    throws SAXException
    System.out.println("startElement uri " + uri + " localName " + localName + " qName " + qName);
    public void endElement(final String uri, final String localName, final String qName) throws SAXException
    System.out.println("endElement uri " + uri + " localName " + localName + " qName " + qName);
    public void characters(final char ch[], final int start, final int length) throws SAXException
    final String str=new String(ch, start, length);
    System.out.println("<c> element, start==" + start + " length==" + length + " ch.length==" + ch.length + " ch=="
    + str);
    private final StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
    /** return what I got for XML element <c></c> */
    public String toString()
    return (sb.toString());
    /** test an XML document with an element <c>, use XML 1.0 and XML 1.1 and some (more)
    * content in the XML element */
    public void testWithSunAndApache() throws Exception
    // test XML element content for <c> element
    final StringBuffer plain_str=new StringBuffer("");
    for(int i=0; i < 500; i++)
    plain_str.append("0123456789 This is some text ").append(i).append(". ");
    final String xml_orig=plain_str.toString();
    // SAX parsers, one Sun, one (original) Apache Xerces
    // accept that Apache Xerces is not in path ...
    final String prop_name="javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory";
    final String prop_val_sun="";
    final String prop_val_apache="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl";
    System.setProperty(prop_name, prop_val_sun);
    final SAXParser sax_sun=SAXParserFactory.newInstance().newSAXParser();
    System.out.println("SaxParser Sun= " + sax_sun);
    assertTrue(("" + sax_sun).indexOf("com.sun.") >= 0);
    System.setProperty(prop_name, prop_val_apache);
    SAXParser sax_apache;
    catch(final Throwable t)
    System.err.println("no Apache Xerces in path? " + t);
    System.out.println("SaxParser Apache= " + sax_apache);
    assertTrue(sax_apache==null || ("" + sax_apache).startsWith("org.apache."));
    // i==0: XML 1.0, i==1: XML 1.1
    for(int i=0; i <= 1; i++)
    assert i == 0 || i == 1;
    final String xml_version=(i == 0 ? "1.0" : "1.1");
    final StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"" + xml_version + "\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><c>");
    final String xml=sb.toString();
    // parse it!
    final StringReader string_reader_sun, string_reader_apache;
    string_reader_sun=new StringReader(xml);
    final InputSource input_source_sun=new InputSource(string_reader_sun);
    string_reader_apache=new StringReader(xml);
    final InputSource input_source_apache=new InputSource(string_reader_apache);
    final MySAXDocumentHandler my_handler_sun, my_handler_apache;
    my_handler_sun=new MySAXDocumentHandler();
    my_handler_apache=new MySAXDocumentHandler();
    sax_sun.parse(input_source_sun, my_handler_sun);
    sax_apache.parse(input_source_apache, my_handler_apache);
    final String xml_sun=my_handler_sun.toString();
    final String xml_apache=my_handler_apache.toString();
    System.out.println("xml version " + xml_version);
    System.out.println("xml " + xml);
    System.out.println("xml_orig " + xml_orig);
    System.out.println("xml_sun " + xml_sun);
    System.out.println("xml_apache " + xml_apache);
    // test the data returned from DocumentHandler
    assertEquals(xml_orig, xml_apache);
    assertEquals(xml_orig.length(), xml_sun.length()); // length seems to be okay
    assertEquals(xml_orig, xml_sun); // content seems to be not okay for XML 1.1

    thanx, DrClap, haven't seen the "code" button for some reason, code is attached again
    The output of my test is like this for JRE6 (truncated)
    xml_sun 456789 This is is some text 0. 0123456789 This is some text 1.
    xml_apache 0123456789 This is some text 0. 0123456789 This is some text 1.
    Notice, xml_sun not only starts wrong ("0123" missing) - for some reason, the text there is not "This is some text" but "This is is some text" - very interesting in a way. I guess there's an issue with repeated text chunks ...
    So, the data in my XML element is kind of changed, the length of the string is okay but the characters are "misplaced" or so :-) I thought about a problem with StringBuffer first, but the StringBuffer works fine for Apache ... so I really think there's an issue with JRE 6's parser for XML 1.1
    import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
    import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
    import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
    import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
    import junit.framework.TestCase;
    import junit.framework.TestResult;
    import junit.framework.TestSuite;
    /** snippet to demonstrate problem in SAXParser */
    public class ProblemWithSAXParser extends TestCase
    public static void main(String[] args)
      System.exit(result.wasSuccessful() ? 0 : 1);
    private static junit.framework.Test suite()
      final TestSuite ts=new TestSuite();
      return (ts);
    /** small DocumentHandler, just waiting for one and only XML element <c></c> */
    class MySAXDocumentHandler extends DefaultHandler
      boolean listening=false;
      public void startElement(final String uri, final String localName, final String qName, final Attributes attributes)
        throws SAXException
       System.out.println("startElement uri " + uri + " localName " + localName + " qName " + qName);
      public void endElement(final String uri, final String localName, final String qName) throws SAXException
       System.out.println("endElement uri " + uri + " localName " + localName + " qName " + qName);
      public void characters(final char ch[], final int start, final int length) throws SAXException
        final String str=new String(ch, start, length);
        System.out.println("<c> element, start==" + start + " length==" + length + " ch.length==" + ch.length + " ch=="
          + str);
      private final StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
      /** return what I got for XML element <c></c> */
      public String toString()
       return (sb.toString());
    /** test an XML document with an element <c>, use XML 1.0 and XML 1.1 and some (more)
      * content in the XML element */
    public void testWithSunAndApache() throws Exception
      // test XML element content for <c> element
      final StringBuffer plain_str=new StringBuffer("");
      for(int i=0; i < 500; i++)
       plain_str.append("0123456789 This is some text ").append(i).append(". ");
      final String xml_orig=plain_str.toString();
      // SAX parsers, one Sun, one (original) Apache Xerces
      // accept that Apache Xerces is not in path ...
      final String prop_name="javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory";
      final String prop_val_sun="";
      final String prop_val_apache="org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl";
      System.setProperty(prop_name, prop_val_sun);
      final SAXParser sax_sun=SAXParserFactory.newInstance().newSAXParser();
      System.out.println("SaxParser Sun= " + sax_sun);
      assertTrue(("" + sax_sun).indexOf("com.sun.") >= 0);
      System.setProperty(prop_name, prop_val_apache);
      SAXParser sax_apache;
      catch(final Throwable t)
       System.err.println("no Apache Xerces in path? " + t);
      System.out.println("SaxParser Apache= " + sax_apache);
      assertTrue(sax_apache==null || ("" + sax_apache).startsWith("org.apache."));
      // i==0: XML 1.0, i==1: XML 1.1
      for(int i=0; i <= 1; i++)
       assert i == 0 || i == 1;
       final String xml_version=(i == 0 ? "1.0" : "1.1");
       final StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"" + xml_version + "\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><c>");
       final String xml=sb.toString();
       // parse it!
       final StringReader string_reader_sun, string_reader_apache;
       string_reader_sun=new StringReader(xml);
       final InputSource input_source_sun=new InputSource(string_reader_sun);
       string_reader_apache=new StringReader(xml);
       final InputSource input_source_apache=new InputSource(string_reader_apache);
       final MySAXDocumentHandler my_handler_sun, my_handler_apache;
       my_handler_sun=new MySAXDocumentHandler();
       my_handler_apache=new MySAXDocumentHandler();
       sax_sun.parse(input_source_sun, my_handler_sun);
        sax_apache.parse(input_source_apache, my_handler_apache);
       final String xml_sun=my_handler_sun.toString();
       final String xml_apache=my_handler_apache.toString();
       System.out.println("xml version " + xml_version);
       System.out.println("xml        " + xml);
       System.out.println("xml_orig   " + xml_orig);
       System.out.println("xml_sun    " + xml_sun);
       System.out.println("xml_apache " + xml_apache);
       // test the data returned from DocumentHandler
        assertEquals(xml_orig, xml_apache);
       assertEquals(xml_orig.length(), xml_sun.length()); // length seems to be okay
       assertEquals(xml_orig, xml_sun); // content seems to be not okay for XML 1.1

  • Oracle xml v2 parser collapses xml element nodes

    Whenever I pass load an XML document and parse it using the DOMParser object, it collapses empty XML elements. Eg, if my XML file has the following element:
    <firstname></firstname>, once it passes through the parser, it becomes <firstname/>!
    How can I prevent this from happening? Is there some setting that I can set to stop it?
    Urgent response required.

    This is an incorrect statement.
    Whether the incoming document had:
    All that will be reflected in the DOM model is the presence of an "X" Element. An Element does not have a value in the DOM model (anyElement.getNodeValue() ALWAYS returns null). In either case, to associate a child text node with the "X" element, you would have to:
    1) Construct a new Text node
    2) Call appendChild() to append the child text node to the "X" element
    There is no semantic difference, in other words, between <x> and <x></x>

  • How to find out the page number of an xml element

    Hi everybody, sorry for my very bad english (french guy! logical). I hope you see what I'm looking for.
    I'm scripting (javascript) an exporting script of every articles from a multi-pages indesign script.
    In fact I could have one or more article in one file, every one of them is on an separate xml element. for each I have to export an xml file named with, first, the page number where appears the xml element, second, the number of exported article.
    I'm success the second purpose, but not the first.
    Someone have an idea ?

    Try this,
    var myDoc=app.activeDocument;
    var root = myDoc.xmlElements[0];
    var docTag = root.evaluateXPathExpression('//doc');
    for(i=0; i<docTag.length; i++)
        var docPos = docTag[i].insertionPoints.lastItem();
        var docFrame = docPos.parentTextFrames[0];
        var docPage;
             docPage = docFrame.parentPage;
            docPage =;

  • How to display the total of a particular xml element page wise

    Hello friends,
    My requirement is like I need to display an xml element Margin along with the other elements..Now I want the sum of margin element for each page... how do I do it in the rtf template.. and the end user views it in pdf form...
    thanks in advance

    Can you check the example in
    You can also check an example in your local machine in C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\samples\RTF templates\Advanced\Page Total

  • Missing XML Element when using asset from library

    This is not really a scripting question but I seem to be unable to find any regular ID forum and it has something to do with a scripting workflow I established for a customer.
    A script places an asset from a library onto a document and then (amongst other things) imports some XML file.
    The asset in the library consists of a number of textframes and has the structure e.g.:
    Now the customer needs new templates (that is assets in the library) and we cannot produce them anymore. It seems that as of CS 3 5.0.4 Adobe changed the behavior of the library. Dragging e.g. two box-tagged boxes with an article parent XML into the library leads to an asset without the article element. Can someone confirm this? And more important is there a reason to it? Or is there a way to configure the behavior?
    I guess I could create a parent xml element by script after placing the element but then I would need to redo all existing libraries.
    Thank you,

    while( testIterator.hasNext() ) {
       Element testElement = (Element);
       String code = testElement.getChildTextTrim("code");
        if( null == code ) {
       String analysis= testElement.getChildTextTrim("analysis");
       //same for description

  • Can i have xml elements with same name but one is having attrbt..?

    Hi all,
    I am suppose to take input from one system into BPEL.That system is auto gererating xml file. But that file is strange. It has two xml element with
    same name but with completely different sequence. First one is having two comlexTypes while second is having 5 simple types.
    Now the difference is First element is having attribute while second is not.
    So is that file is correct.?
    thanks a lot.

    can you post the file? or load the file into JDeveloper and check the syntax or use XMLSpy for validation of the XML.

  • JMS Queue XML: Elements with same name

    I notice that ODI does not do a good job of reverse-engineering JMS queue models where an element name is referenced in different parts of the schema.
    For example:
    In the above, ODI will reverse-engineer the 'event' element under 'load', but not the one under 'unload'.
    I don't have control over the xsd models and was therefore wondering if there is some sort of workaround I can perform in this scenario?

    Actually, I just found the following Oracle note sums this up: 757642.1
    Is it possible to use the SAME ELEMENT as a SUB-ELEMENT in multiple DIFFERENT Elements of an XML File?
    If so, what is the impact of this approach on the reverse engineered Model and Datastores and how can Integration Interfaces be set up to map these identical ELEMENT for which the content is semantically different and as a result to be used differently in different Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) Integration Interfaces.
    The following XML is a simple example in which the ITEM Element is logically set as a sub-element to three other XML Elements:
    Such an approach must be avoided. This is a strict limitation of the ODI XML Driver.

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