As2 fullscreen gallery

I want to create a simple but sweet flash portfolio like:
That one is a bit over the top for me though, with al the transitions and stuff.
I want it to start with a menu with btns calling different xmls showing infullscreen my photographs.
I want the gallery to be controlled with next and prev btns on top of the picture. It would be nice to have the cursor changing to arrows when hovering over each side.
Layout jpgs:
I guess the first step is to make the "menu btns" calling each xml gallery.
Its based on Noponies tutorial:
What code do I import.

Furianaxus wrote:
Hi There,
Watch that video tutorial. It should cover absolutely everything you need to get this done.
oh sweet thanks!
Ive been trying to implement the code but im not getting it to work right.
For the moment its working as a slideshow and I think there is something with:
bitmapFadeInterval = setInterval(_root, "loadRandomBitmap", imageTime);
That launghes the loadRandomBitmap function.
thanks for your help
Here is my code:
Terms and Conditions of use
import flash.display.BitmapData;
Stage.scaleMode = "noscale";
import gs.TweenLite;
//load in background images XML details
var backImage:XML = new XML();
backImage.ignoreWhite = true;
var bgImages:Array = new Array();
var p:Number = 0;//track pos in arrays
//Variables pulled in from XML
var minHeight:Number;
var minWidth:Number;
var crossFadeTime:Number;
var imageTime:Number;
var order:String;
backImage.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
     if (success) {
          //get vars from XML file
          minHeight = this.firstChild.attributes.minHeight;
          minWidth = this.firstChild.attributes.minWidth;
          crossFadeTime = this.firstChild.attributes.crossFadeTime;
          imageTime = this.firstChild.attributes.imageTime;
          imageTime = (1000*60)*imageTime;
          order = String(this.firstChild.attributes.order);
          p = 0;
          bgImages = [];//reset the array var, should for some reason you want to load in a different set of images
          xmlNodes = this.firstChild;
          largeImages = xmlNodes.childNodes.length;
          for (i=0; i<largeImages; i++) {
               bgImages[i] = xmlNodes.childNodes[i].childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
          //load random image when we successfully parse XML
     } else {
          trace("Fatal Error - Loading background image XML failed");
//name of your xml file
/*create an empty mc to act as the background smoothed bitmap holder
change the depth etc here should you need to..Note that this is created inside the
small mc on the stage*/
//var to track the fading, we use this to try to resize the temp bitmap with a resize, should the user be resizing the window when we fade in out
var fadingComplete:Boolean = true;
var firstRun:Boolean = true;
function loadRandomBitmap():Void {
     if (order == "random") {
          //create the temp loader mc that we load our unsmoothed bitmap into
          //a limitation of this approach is that as this top image fades in/out it looks a little jagged for 2 seconds or so..
          //random function for loaded images
          randomImg = Math.floor(Math.random(bgImages.length)*bgImages.length);
     } else {
          //sequential loading of images
          if (p == bgImages.length) {
               p = 0;
//MovieClipLoader for bitmap image loading
var bitLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var bitlistener:Object = new Object();
bitlistener.onLoadStart = function(target:MovieClip):Void  {
     //alpha out our image we load our bitmap into
     target._alpha = 0;
bitlistener.onLoadProgress = function(target:MovieClip, bytesLoaded:Number, bytesTotal:Number):Void  {
     //amountLoaded = Math.floor((bytesLoaded/bytesTotal)*100);//calulate a loading percentage!
     //do something with this data if you want
/*here we both draw our bitmap to our offscreen MC and handle the cross fading in and out -
First we load our bitmap into our temp mc which is set to alpha 0, then we resize and fade our
temp mc in so that we achieve the cross fading effect. When the temp MC is at 100% alpha we
attach our bitmap object to our smoothed background MC and then quickly fade out and remove the temp MC.*/
bitlistener.onLoadInit = function(target:MovieClip):Void  {
/*clear the timer interval each time. We do this so that each new iteration of the timer
starts from when the bitmap is loaded, this stops us from trying to fade images etc that have not loaded
and ensures that each bitmap is displayed for the required amount of time on screen. Essentially it negates
download time*/
     //create the bitmap object, each time this is reset, keeping memory footprint fairly low..
     var bitmap:BitmapData = new BitmapData(target._width, target._height, true);
     //draw the bitmap
     //we are starting to fade, so set our var to false and let the temp resize functions run
     fadingComplete = false;
     //resize the temp bitmap to match the size of the bg bitmap
     this.resizeTemp = function() {
          if (Stage.height/Stage.width>target._height/target._width) {
               img_propa = target._width/target._height;
               target._height = Stage.height;
               target._width = Stage.height*img_propa;
               target._y = 0;
               target._x = 0;
          } else {
               img_propa = target._height/target._width;
               target._width = Stage.width;
               target._height = Stage.width*img_propa;
               target._y = 0;
               target._x = 0;
     //fade in the temp bitmap,crossFadeTime,{_alpha:100, onComplete:fadedIn, onCompleteParams:[this], onUpdate:this.resizeTemp});
     function fadedIn(ref):Void {
          //attach our loaded bitmap to our background mc when the temp totally obscures it
          //this is the smoothed bitmap
          //make the bg resize
          fullScreenBg();//This is  abit of a hack to catch user resizes
,.1,{_alpha:0, onComplete:cleanUpTemp});
          function cleanUpTemp():Void {
               //remove the temp mc
               //we are done fading..
               fadingComplete = true;
          //reset the timer
          bitmapFadeInterval = setInterval(_root, "loadRandomBitmap", imageTime);
          //resize the bg image
          //add the stage listener, which fixes an issue with the image being scaled out to
          //some crazy size if a user is resizing as the image loads in for the first time.
          if (firstRun) {
               Stage.addListener(catchStage);//stage resize listener, added here after first image load.
               firstRun = false;
//stage listener to handle resizing images
var catchStage:Object = new Object();
catchStage.onResize = function() {    
     /*simple "OR" conditional to set a min size, if we are below that we don't do any more scaling
     note that we wrap this in a if/else so that the function that we actually use to to the bg
     resizing can be called independently of this check, for instance when we are below the resize
     min but we are fading in a new image, obviously we would want that new image to scale*/
     if (Stage.width<minWidth || Stage.height<minHeight) {
     } else {
          //call the resize function
//screen resize function
function fullScreenBg() {
     if (Stage.height/Stage.width>bgHolder_mc.bg_mc._height/bgHolder_mc.bg_mc._width) {
          img_prop = bgHolder_mc.bg_mc._width/bgHolder_mc.bg_mc._height;
          bgHolder_mc.bg_mc._height = Stage.height;
          bgHolder_mc.bg_mc._width = Stage.height*img_prop;
          bgHolder_mc.bg_mc._y = 0;
          bgHolder_mc.bg_mc._x = 0;
     } else {
          img_prop = bgHolder_mc.bg_mc._height/bgHolder_mc.bg_mc._width;
          bgHolder_mc.bg_mc._width = Stage.width;
          bgHolder_mc.bg_mc._height = Stage.width*img_prop;
          bgHolder_mc.bg_mc._y = 0;
          bgHolder_mc.bg_mc._x = 0;

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    Hi! Although Im extremely noobish to this I understand a little bit off how I see it complex language.
    I want to create a simple but sweet flash portfolio like:
    That one is a bit over the top for me though, with al the transitions and stuff.
    I want it to start with a menu with btns calling different xmls showing infullscreen my photographs.
    I want the gallery to be controlled with next and prev btns on top of the picture. It would be nice to have the cursor changing to arrows when hovering over each side.
    Layout jpgs:
    I guess the first step is to make the "menu btns" calling each xml gallery.
    Its based on Noponies tutorial:
    What code do I import.

    Hi! Although Im extremely noobish to this I understand a little bit off how I see it complex language.
    I want to create a simple but sweet flash portfolio like:
    That one is a bit over the top for me though, with al the transitions and stuff.
    I want it to start with a menu with btns calling different xmls showing infullscreen my photographs.
    I want the gallery to be controlled with next and prev btns on top of the picture. It would be nice to have the cursor changing to arrows when hovering over each side.
    Layout jpgs:
    I guess the first step is to make the "menu btns" calling each xml gallery.
    Its based on Noponies tutorial:
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    // (c) Copyright by Andrew DiFiore. All rights reserved. DO NOT REMOVE.
    fscommand("allowscale", "false");
    Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
    targetPhoto._visible = false;
    slides_xml = new XML();
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    slides_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
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      rootNode = slides_xml.firstChild;
      totalSlides = rootNode.childNodes.length;
      currentSlideNode = rootNode.firstChild;                            
      photos = new Array(totalSlides);
      thumbs = new Array(totalSlides);
      captions = new Array(totalSlides);  
      tx = 0;
      for (i=0; i < totalSlides; i++) { // populate arrays and create thumbnails dynamically
       photos[i] = currentSlideNode.attributes.jpegURL;
       thumbs[i] = [currentSlideNode.attributes.jpegWidth,currentSlideNode.attributes.jpegHeight];
       captions[i] = currentSlideNode.firstChild.nodeValue;
       _root["thumb"+i]._x = tx;
       _root["thumb"+i]._y = 595; // using fixed Y coord
       _root["thumb"+i].tindex = i;
       tx += 22;  
       currentSlideNode = currentSlideNode.nextSibling;
      // initialize values                      <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<IS IT HERE?????
      currentIndex = 0;
      targetWidth=thumbs[currentIndex][0]; // get width
      targetHeight=thumbs[currentIndex][1]; // get height;
    function updateSlide() { // load photo, update caption and status fields
    caption = captions[currentIndex];
    statusField = (currentIndex+1) + "/" + totalSlides;
    function slideShow() {
    if (currentIndex == totalSlides-1) { currentIndex = 0; } else { currentIndex++; }
    targetPhoto._visible = false;
    targetWidth=thumbs[currentIndex][0]; // get width
    targetHeight=thumbs[currentIndex][1]; // get height;
    MovieClip.prototype.loadPhoto = function(fn) { // load external jpeg method + preloader
    this.createEmptyMovieClip("holder", 1);
    this.onEnterFrame = function() { // NOTE: could use this to display percentage to user
      if (Math.floor((this.holder.getBytesLoaded()/this.holder.getBytesTotal())*100) >= 100) {
       delete this.onEnterFrame;

    something like this...not quite working
    function updateSlide() { // load photo, update caption and status fields
    setTimeout(targetPhoto.loadPhoto(photos[currentIndex], 2000);
    caption = captions[currentIndex];
    statusField = (currentIndex+1) + "/" + totalSlides;

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    If you are using MX 2004, change your Google search terms to be: "AS2 XML gallery tutorial"
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    <Grid x:Name="Scrollgrid" Margin="-20,0,-20,0">
    <ScrollViewer x:Name="scrollViewer" Height="500" Width="Auto" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" ZoomMode="Enabled" MinZoomFactor="0.5">
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    <Image x:Name="RssImage"
    Source="{Binding Image}"
    <EntranceThemeTransition FromHorizontalOffset="200"/>
    which is just not sufficient enough.Does anybody have an Idea?
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    I think you have to use FlipView Control in order to render collection images into one possible UI element. It can be swiped to change the images. You make full screen also.  You can use in both windows and windows phone.
    Please refer this link
    If this doesn't meet your answer. Please ask me again. Thank you..

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    on (rollOver) {
    _root.mouse_over_button2 = true;
    on (rollOut) {
    _root.mouse_over_button2 = fstartlse;
    on (press) {
    <link href="css_pirobox/black/style.css" media="screen" title="black" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/pirobox.1_2_min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
          my_speed: 300, //animation speed
          bg_alpha: 0.5, //background opacity
          radius: 4, //caption rounded corner
          scrollImage : false, // true == image follows the page _|_ false == image remains in the same open position
                               // in some cases of very large images or long description could be useful.
          slideShow : 'true', // true == slideshow on, false == slideshow off
          slideSpeed : 3, //slideshow
          pirobox_next : 'piro_next', // Nav buttons -> piro_next == inside piroBox , piro_next_out == outside piroBox
          pirobox_prev : 'piro_prev', // Nav buttons -> piro_prev == inside piroBox , piro_prev_out == outside piroBox
          close_all : '.piro_close' // add class .piro_overlay(with comma)if you want overlay click close piroBox
    <div class="demo"><a href="images/1_b.jpg" class="pirobox" title="Random Layout 1"><img src="images/1.jpg"  /></a></div>
    <div class="demo1"><a href="images/2_b.jpg" class="pirobox" title="Random Layout 2"><img src="images/2.jpg"  /></a></div>
    <div class="demo2"><a href="images/3_b.jpg" class="pirobox" title="Random Layout 3"><img src="images/3.jpg"  /></a></div>

  • No interaction at fullscreen with FP 10.1 // Firefox 3.6.9 from AS2

    I am using FP 10,1,82,76 on Firefox 3.6.9, having tested on Windows XP and Vista, through a Flash movie made with AS2 published to FP9.
    When I engage full-screen, none of the screen elements can be manipulated anymore until I hit ESC to bring it back to normal view.  When in fullscreen, I get the hand cursor but nothing is clickable or draggable:
    It works correctly in IE8 but not in Firefox 3.6.9.  I believe I last tested it in an earlier version of Firefox 3.6, but I can't remember how long ago it was.  Anyone have an idea what could be going wrong?

    Hi, If AS2 refers to Action Script, I don't know anything about how that works. But with Flash Player 10.1, you may turn off hardware acceleration by right clicking on any Flash content. Click on Settings & then Display Settings and UNcheck it. This has helped other users. It is also recommended to update the graphic and video drivers to the latest versions. Sometimes just turning off the H.A. helps.
    Here is the link that explains the H.A.

  • Dynamic Image Gallery AS2

    I have dipped in almost every search engine and this site to
    locate some easier way to create dynamic image gallery in Flash 8
    AS2 using ASP (as i am conversant with ASP only, although i found
    many sites suggesting PHP and XML). I'd be very greatful to u all
    if u could provide me some help in this part of my project.
    I have tried this source also but neither the source throw
    any error nor it displays the images, what could be wrong with the
    source? Please Please Please Please Please Help me!!!!!!!!
    "scroller_sp", 10);
    scroller_sp. setSize (100, 300);
    for(i=0;i< swfThumbs.length;i++){
    scroller_sp.contentPath = clipLoader;
    thanks in anticipation and regards

    I have a picture show.
    It creates its own folder when you first upload images with
    the integrated Image uploader. Then it loads the images in with
    Have a look at
    - click the B1 Image-show.
    When you are interested, the contact is at the site.

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    fullscreen is enabled. I have a context-menu fullscreen trigger and
    a keypress fullscreen trigger built into the loader movie. When I
    load an AS3 movie or an AS1 movie through the loader movie, I can
    go to fullscreen without problems. When I load the AS2 movie, I
    Does anyone have an idea why this might be? I'm struggling.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for your help, but as said ("But also using a
    separated second loader to load the second file is not working.")
    even when using a second loader (with a different name) the second
    file loaded will not work.
    I'm removing any EventListener from the first loader,
    unloading and then nulling it.
    But to me it seems, that the first content is not garbage
    collected and because of that, even when loaded with an other
    loader the first loaded swf-file interferes with the second.
    I came to this conclusion, because the first loaded swf-file
    is still working after trying to load the second file. And just
    more weird: the first loaded file is in the same state and also
    after closing the Flash-Player.
    You can see it for yourself: download the testcase. Start the
    testcase.swf. Load a contentfile. Skip a few pages. Quit the Flash
    Player. Start the testcase.swf again and load the same contentfile.
    You will see it's at the same position like before quiting the
    And I can't help, but that seems like a bug to me...

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    Thanks in advance.......

    Is there any good tutorials on full screen videos for actionscript 2.0? I need the Video to go full screen, and not the movie itself.

  • How do i have a image thumbnail that can zoom to fullscreen without having the arrows for the gallery sliders?

    im only looking to do it with single images  maybe a caption , but wothout having to have teh area where the dots/nubers / sliders go
    if i just drop an image son it doesnt seem to offer trhe fullscreen option
    any ideas?

    iBooks images don't zoom or respond to pinch any way I would expect. They will expand a bit, but snap back to size when released. Even worse, you can't make a picture a link.
    I have heard that you can make an empty text box, lay in on a picture, and then link that, but I haven't tried it. Even if, I don't know if you could link it to an object in the book file. I think we're out of luck for now on this.

  • AS2 XML pdf gallery component

    Hello, Ive been using a gallery component that lets you use XML to call images and their respective thumbnails while on flash. It's really convenient and easy.
    Id like to ask for your kind help on how to achieve exactly that but changing it to a PDF library/gallery that links you to the PDF file instead.
    I have to insert a data base containing 2000 PDFS and it would take too long doing using GetURLs.
    Thanks a lot and excuse my English!!

    Thank you for your answer. I'm not intending on displaying the files inside flash, i just want a xml list/component that that can be editable and links files so they can be downloaed.
    I hope I make myself clear.
    Here's a little image of whats going on:

  • AS2 xml photo gallery

    I'm fairly new to flash, and after reading a few online
    tutorials on trying to make xml photo galleries (specifically the
    one here:
    I'm trying to figure things out.
    I want to make something similar, but have the photos line up
    in columns (not rows), and once there are a certain number of
    photos in a column (in this case, 6) have them load into another
    I have been trying to mess around with the AS given in the
    tutorial as well as what I've been reading on the net, and here is
    what I have so far:
    I'm loading the images and thumbs through the images.xml
    file. On my stage I only have 2 movie clips (loader &
    thumbnails) and a dynamic text field (title_txt). Any thoughts??? I
    really am new to this, but I'm trying hard to figure it out - I'm
    at the point now where I need help.
    Mike ([email protected])

    you want to use:
    thumbnail_mc["t"+k].removeMovieClip();  // where k is defined as in your createEmptyMovieClip() method.

Maybe you are looking for