BDC / Bapi For  Post Incoming Payment (F-28)

Im creating BDC for F-28. But it got error coming out.
>> It says DB05B-PSZAH(02) is not an input field.
What I do is: First, I search for Line Item then Document Number. Then It return to basic list. Then I loop again for the second Line Item Number and Document Number.
I can activate the first amount but cannot for the next amount and so on.
Anybody could help me on this??
Is there any BAPI for Post Incoming Payment (F-28)?
Thank you.

i dont think there is a BAPI for this Transaction...
i have done a BDC on F-28 myself....pasting the code....hope it helps you....
the parameter in the subroutine is to see if there is a single document or multiple documents being posted.
FORM fill_bdc_data_f-28_9005 USING p_i_mult_doc TYPE c.
**BDC from screen 9005
  DATA : l_amt_bdc(13), l_amt_bdc_remain(13), l_amt_bdc_mult(13),
         l_amt_bdc_mult_remain(13), l_assignment(14), l_period(2),
  CLEAR t_bdcdata.
  REFRESH t_bdcdata.
  PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'SAPMF05A' '0103'.
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BDC_OKCODE' '=AB'.   "OK CODE - doc overview
**get user default date format and pass date in that format
  PERFORM convert_date_to_user_format USING bkpf-bldat.
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BKPF-BLDAT' w_date.  "cheque date
  CLEAR w_date.
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BKPF-BLART' i_blart.  "doc type
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BKPF-BUKRS' i_bukrs.  "comp code
**get user default date format and pass date in that format
  PERFORM convert_date_to_user_format USING bkpf-budat.
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BKPF-BUDAT' w_date.  "posting date
  CLEAR w_date.
  l_period = sy-datum+4(2).
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BKPF-MONAT' l_period. "period
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BKPF-WAERS' 'INR'.    "currency
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BKPF-BKTXT' i_bankl.  "doc. hdr. text
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BKPF-XBLNR' i_xblnr.  "Ref. Document No.
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BSEG-ZUONR' i_zuonr.  "Assignment(Depot Code)
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RF05A-KONTO' i_bank_gl. "Bank GL acc
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BSEG-GSBER' i_gsber.  "Business Area
  l_amount = bseg-wrbtr.
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BSEG-WRBTR' l_amount. "Amount
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BSEG-PRCTR' ''.  "Profit Center
**open items data
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RF05A-AGKOA' 'D'.     "Acc type (D=customers)
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RF05A-XNOPS' 'X'.     "Std OIs check box
**end of first screen
**document overview screen
  PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'SAPMF05A' '0700'.    "Overview Screen
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BDC_CURSOR' 'RF05A-AZEI1(01)'.     "cursor
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BDC_OKCODE' '/00'.     "OK CODE
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RF05A-NEWBS' '19'.    "posting key
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RF05A-NEWKO' i_kunnr. "customer
  PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RF05A-NEWUM' 'B'.     "Spl GL Indicator
**for single document selected
  CLEAR l_amt_bdc.
  IF p_i_mult_doc = ''.
***new screen - next line item
    PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'SAPMF05A' '0303'.
    PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BDC_OKCODE' '=BU'.    "OK CODE
**for single document, use the bouncing amount calculated earlier
    l_amt_bdc = w_amt_ant_bouncing.
    PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BSEG-WRBTR' l_amt_bdc. "amount
**due date - same as posting date on screen
**get user default date format and pass date in that format
    PERFORM convert_date_to_user_format USING bkpf-budat.
    PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BSEG-ZFBDT' w_date.  "due date
    CLEAR w_date.
    CLEAR l_assignment.
    CONCATENATE t_seldoc_ant_bouncing-belnr
                t_seldoc_ant_bouncing-gjahr INTO l_assignment.
    PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BSEG-ZUONR' l_assignment. "assignment
    PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BSEG-GSBER' i_gsber.
**if there is some remaining amount, then go for another line item
    IF w_rem_amt_ant_bouncing > 0.
      PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RF05A-NEWBS' '15'.    "posting key
      PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RF05A-NEWKO' i_kunnr. "customer
**new screen
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'SAPMF05A' '0301'.
      l_amt_bdc_remain = w_rem_amt_ant_bouncing.
      PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BSEG-WRBTR' l_amt_bdc_remain.
      PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BSEG-ZTERM' '0001'.
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'SAPMF05A' '0301'.
      PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BDC_OKCODE' '=BU'.    "OK CODE-SAVE
      PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BSEG-WRBTR' l_amt_bdc_remain.
      PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BSEG-ZTERM' '0001'. "pmt term -hardcoded
      PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BSEG-SKFBT' l_amt_bdc_remain.
**multiple documents
**initialize remaining amount to amt entered on screen
    l_amt_bdc_mult_remain = bseg-wrbtr.
    LOOP AT t_seldoc_ant_bouncing.
      IF l_amt_bdc_mult_remain > 0.
        IF bseg-wrbtr > t_seldoc_ant_bouncing-rem_amt.
          l_amt_bdc_mult = t_seldoc_ant_bouncing-rem_amt.
          l_amt_bdc_mult = bseg-wrbtr.
**remaining amt = screen amt - amt calculated above.
        l_amt_bdc_mult_remain = l_amt_bdc_mult_remain - l_amt_bdc_mult.
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'SAPMF05A' '0303'.
        PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BDC_OKCODE' '=BU'.    "OK CODE
        PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BSEG-WRBTR' l_amt_bdc_mult. "amount
        PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BSEG-GSBER' i_gsber.  "Business Area
**due date - same as posting date on screen
**get user default date format and pass date in that format
        PERFORM convert_date_to_user_format USING bkpf-budat.
        PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BSEG-ZFBDT' w_date.  "due date
        CLEAR w_date.
        CLEAR l_assignment.
        CONCATENATE t_seldoc_ant_bouncing-belnr
                    t_seldoc_ant_bouncing-gjahr INTO l_assignment.
        PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BSEG-ZUONR' l_assignment. "assignment
**posting key 19 for all but last document
        PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RF05A-NEWBS' '19'.    "posting key
        PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RF05A-NEWKO' i_kunnr. "customer
        PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RF05A-NEWUM' 'B'.     "Spl GL
**post remaining amount
  IF p_i_mult_doc = 'X'.
**new screen if there is some amount left
    IF l_amt_bdc_mult_remain > 0.
**posting key 15 with remaining amount
      PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RF05A-NEWBS' '15'.    "posting key
      PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RF05A-NEWKO' i_kunnr. "customer
      PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RF05A-NEWUM' ''.     "Spl GL
**new screen
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'SAPMF05A' '0301'.
      PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BDC_OKCODE' '=BU'.    "OK CODE
      PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BSEG-WRBTR' l_amt_bdc_mult_remain.
      PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BSEG-ZTERM' '0001'. "pmt term - hardcoded
**if no amount is left, no need for a further line item
      PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RF05A-NEWBS' ''.    "posting key
      PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RF05A-NEWKO' ''. "customer
      PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RF05A-NEWUM' ''.     "Spl GL
**clear variables
  CLEAR : l_amount, l_assignment, l_amt_bdc,
          l_amt_bdc_remain,l_amt_bdc_mult, l_amt_bdc_mult_remain.
ENDFORM.                    " fill_bdc_data_F-28_9005

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    we are trying to post the incoming payment thru standard BAPI (BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST) but unable to do so. the error message are coming in Object type and object key fields in header data.
    kindly help me, and if possible pls sent me  sample input parameters(for header and lineitem details) for this.
    It's very urgent
    Points assured.

    what is the error log?
    Pls mention

  • BAPI on Post Incoming Payment (F-28) Enquiry

    Hi all,
    I try to look for BAPI on F-28 and I had search for many info. However, I found that 1 thread saying that we can have 'BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_POST' to do.
    Refer to this site:
    bapi is used to 'post incoming payments (t-code F-28)'
    However, I found that the BAPI is used for transaction FB50. Generally, I use the F-28 to post incoming payment for AR. So I am not so sure that the BAPI can work.
    Besides that, I found another thread claim that no BAPI for the F-28. Refer to this site:
    As my research, I cant find the appropriate BAPI. Please give me some idea on how the BAPI work, and any correct BAPI can be used? Frankly, I a bit confused now.
    Thanks and regards.

    Kindly go through this. I thjink it will clear you.
    Pattern in which function modules are called
    The function module fi_document_process is called 4 times and finally document_post is called once which updates the tables.
    Import Parameters
    T_BKPF          LIKE     BKPF
    T_BSEG          LIKE     BSEG
    T_BSEGZ     LIKE     BSEGZ
    Values to populate import parameters
          i_gjahr                 = '2007'     “Fiscal year from the screen
          i_process              = 'BELEG'    “Constant, can be hard coded
          i_event                  = 'CRBSEGZ'   “Constant, can be hard coded
                  xbkpf-bukrs '1000'.            “ Company code from the screen
                  xbkpf-belnr '$1'.              “ constant , can be hard coded
                  xbkpf-gjahr '2007'.             “ Fiscal Year , from the screen
                  xbkpf-blart 'DZ'.              “ Can be obtained from the invoice document
                  xbkpf-bldat '20070116'.      “ Document Date, from the screen
                  xbkpf-budat ’20070118'.      “ Posting Date , from the screen
                  xbkpf-monat '01'.                  “ constant , can be hard coded
                  xbkpf-wwert '20070118'.       “ posting Date
                  xbkpf-usnam 'SAPUSER'.       “ user name
                  xbkpf-tcode 'FBZ1'.               “ Constant, can be hard coded
                  xbkpf-waers 'EUR'.                 “ currency, from the screen
                  xbkpf-glvor 'RFBU'.                “ constant can be hard coded
                  xbkpf-awtyp 'BKPF'.                “ constant, can be hard coded
                  xbkpf-fikrs ’1000'.              “ customer account number, from the screen
                  xbkpf-hwaer 'EUR'.              “ Currency, from the screen
                  xbkpf-awsys 'ECCCLNT800'.    „can be hard coded
    xbseg Record 1
          xbseg-bukrs  '1000'.           “ Company code from the screen
          xbseg-belnr  '$1'  .           “ constant , can be hard coded
          xbseg-gjahr  '2007'.            „ Fiscal Year, from the screen
          xbseg-buzei  ’001'.             “ constant , can be hard coded
          xbseg-bschl  '40'.          “ constant , can be hard coded
          xbseg-koart  'S'.          “ constant , can be hard coded
          xbseg-shkzg  'S'  .           “ constant , can be hard coded
          xbseg-dmbtr  '10'.           „ Amount, from the screen
          xbseg-wrbtr  '10'.           „ Amount, from the screen
          xbseg-pswbt  ’10'.           „ Amount, from the screen
          xbseg-pswsl  'EUR'.           „ Currency, from the screen
          xbseg-valut  ’20070118'.        “ Posting date, from the screen
          xbseg-altkt  '0000110100'.
          xbseg-vorgn  'RFBU'.      “ constant , can be hard coded
          xbseg-fdlev  'B9'.           “ constant , can be hard coded
          xbseg-fdwbt  '10'.            „ Amount, from the screen
          xbseg-fdtag  '20070118'.        “ Posting date, from the screen
          xbseg-kokrs  ’1000'.             “ Customer account
          xbseg-xkres  'X'.           “ constant , can be hard coded
          xbseg-xopvw  'X'.            “ constant , can be hard coded
          xbseg-hkont  '0000110009'. “ Bank Account number
          xbseg-xbilk  'X'.           “ constant , can be hard coded
          xbseg-fipos  '9620'.            “ constant , can be hard coded
          xbseg-lokkt  '0000110009'.  “ Bank Account number
    xbseg Record 2.
            bseg-bukrs '1000'.      “ Company code from the screen
          bseg-belnr. '$1'      “ constant , can be hard coded
          bseg-gjahr. '2007'     “ Fiscal year from the screen
          bseg-augbl. '*'     “ constant , can be hard coded
          bseg-buzei'002'.      “ constant , can be hard coded
          bseg-bschl. '15'     “ constant , can be hard coded
          bseg-koart. 'D'     “ constant , can be hard coded
          bseg-shkzg. 'H'     “ constant , can be hard coded
          bseg-dmbtr. '10'      “Amount, from the screen
          bseg-wrbtr. '10'     “Amount, from the screen
          bseg-pswbt. '10'     “Amount, from the screen
          bseg-pswsl. 'EUR'     “ currency, from the screen
          bseg-altkt. '0000120100'
          bseg-vorgn. 'RFBU'     “ constant , can be hard coded
          bseg-kokrs. '1000'      “ Customer account number
          bseg-xkres. 'X'     “ constant , can be hard coded
          bseg-xopvw. 'X'     “ constant , can be hard coded
          bseg-hkont. '0000140000'
          bseg-xbilk. 'X'     “ constant , can be hard coded
          bseg-fipos. '9620'     “ constant , can be hard coded
          bseg-lokkt. '0000140000'
          bseg-nebtr. '10'      “ Amount, from the screen
          bseg-xauto. 'X'     “ constant , can be hard coded
          bseg-xzahl. 'X'     “ constant , can be hard coded
          bseg-saknr. '0000140000'
          bseg-zfbdt. '20070116'” Invoice document date
          bseg-hwmet. 'A'     “ constant , can be hard coded
          bseg-kkber. '1000'     “ Customer account number
          bseg-agzei. '1'     “ constant , can be hard coded
    Import Parameters
    T_BKPF          LIKE     BKPF
    T_BSEG          LIKE     BSEG
    T_BSEGZ     LIKE     BSEGZ
    T_AUSZ3     LIKE     AUSZ_CLR
    Values to  populate import parameters
          i_gjahr                 = '2007'     “Fiscal year from the screen
          i_process              = 'BELEG'    “Constant, can be hard coded
          i_event                  = 'CLOSE'   “Constant, can be hard coded
    Table xausz3.
              ausz3-agzei. '1'       “Constant, can be hard coded
           ausz3-waers. 'EUR'     „ Currency from the screen
           ausz3-bukrs. '1000'     „ Company Code
           ausz3-belnr. '1800000076' „ Document number from the screen
           ausz3-gjahr. '2007'        „ Fiscal Year
           ausz3-buzei. '001'          
           ausz3-shkzg. 'S'          “Constant, can be hard coded
           ausz3-dmbtr. '10'         “ Amount, from the screen
           ausz3-wrbtr. '10'          “ Amount, from the screen
           ausz3-koart. 'D'             “Constant, can be hard coded
    Import Parameters
    T_BKPF          LIKE     BKPF
    T_BSEG          LIKE     BSEG
    T_BSEGZ     LIKE     BSEGZ
    T_AUSZ3     LIKE     AUSZ_CLR
    Values to populate import parameters
          i_gjahr                 = '2007'          “Fiscal year from the screen
          i_process              = 'BELEG'         “Constant, can be hard coded
          i_event                  = 'PROJECT'        “Constant, can be hard coded
       I_AUGLV           = 'EINGZAHL' “Constant, can be hard coded
    Step 4. Call POST_DOCUMENT
    Import Parameters
    I_BKDF     LIKE     BKDF
    I_UF05A     LIKE     UF05A
    I_GENER     LIKE     T020-GENER
    I_AUGLV     LIKE     T041A-AUGLV
    T_AUSZ1     LIKE     AUSZ1
    T_AUSZ2     LIKE     AUSZ2
    T_AUSZ3     LIKE     AUSZ_CLR
    T_BKP1          LIKE     BKP1
    T_BKPF          LIKE     BKPF
    T_BSEC          LIKE     BSEC
    T_BSED          LIKE     BSED
    T_BSEG          LIKE     BSEG
    T_BSET          LIKE     BSET
    T_BSEU          LIKE     BSEU
    Values to populate import parameters
    Table xausz1
        xausz1-belnr. '1800000076'    „ Document number from the screen
        xausz1-bukrs. '1000'            „ Company code from the screen
        xausz1-gjahr. '2007'            „ Fiscal year from the screen     
        xausz1-buzei. '001'            “ Constant , can be hard coded
    Table xausz2
            ausz2-bukrs. '1000'            „ Company code from the screen
            ausz2-aktio. 'A'               “ Constant , can be hard coded
            ausz2-augbl. '1400000054'     „ Posted document number..from the function NUMBER_GET_NEXT(Dynamically generated unique number)
            ausz2-augdt. '20070118'          „ Posting Date from the screen
            ausz2-auggj. '2007'          „ Fiscal Year from the screen
    Table xbkpf
    First record of the internal table zbkpf has to be modified with the dynamically generated document number.
    Xbkpf-belnr.  ‘1400000054’
    Table xbkp1
    xbkp1-currj     '2007'   “ Fiscal year, from the screen
    Table xbseg
    Following fields in the table xbseg has to be modified before passing to this function module.
    Record 1
       TO wa_bseg1-belnr. '1400000054' “ Dynamically generated number
       TO wa_bseg1-zuonr. '20070116'   “ Document Date from the screen
    Record 2
       bseg1-belnr. '1400000054' „ Dynamically generated number
       bseg1-augdt. '20070118'   „ Posting date from the screen
       bseg1-augcp. '20070118'   „ Posting date from the screen
       bseg1-augbl. '1400000054'  „ Dynamically generated number
    bseg1-zuonr. '14000000542007' „ Concatenating dynamically generated number                                   and fiscal year
       bseg1-kunnr. '1000'        “ Customer number from the screen
    Table Xbseu
    Record 1
    bseu-waers     'EUR'     “ Currency from the screen
    Record 2
    bseu-waers.      'EUR'           “ Currency from the screen
    bseu-xzver.       'X'            “ Constant Hard coded
    Import parameters
    T_BKPF     LIKE     BKPF
    Values to populate import parameters
      i_gjahr           = '2007'     “ Fiscal Year from the screen
      i_process         = 'BELEG'     “ Constant      
      i_event           = 'POST'     “ Constant
      i_awtyp           = 'BKPF'     “ Constant
      i_awref           = '1400000054'”Dynamically generated posting doc number
      i_aworg           = '10002007'     “ Concatenate comp code and Fiscal Year
      i_awsys           = 'ECCCLNT800'” Constant.

  • Business Transaction Events (BTE) for Post Incoming Payments F-28

    Hi Experts,
    I have a request from a user to add a ship-to-party column inside the Post Incoming Pamyent F-28 for all the 4 tabs (standard, partial payment, res.items, withholding tax). Anyone did this by using BTE? What should be the event name to add the partner field only for F-28 Posting (Incoming Payment)?
    Thanks a lot!

    How are you going to use Ship-to?
    There is no field within a Finance document that it relates to.
    The customer is normally the "Payer" from a SD document, and the "Branch" is the sold to - but there is no financial field that it could map to?

  • BAPI or FM to post incoming payment for transaction F-28?

    Hi all,
    I am looking for a BAPI or FM to post incoming payment through transaction F-28.
    Please guide if someone worked on it.........

    look all these similar threads and u decide what to do .............
    BAPI on Post Incoming Payment (F-28) Enquiry
    BDC / Bapi For  Post Incoming Payment (F-28)
    F-28 -post incoming payment
    bapi is used to 'post incoming payments (t-code F-28)'
    BAPI or FM for F-28 Transaction

  • BAPI for TOCE : FF68 - Posting Incoming Payments from Customers

    Can anybody provide me if there is any BAPI for the transaction FF68 : Posting Incoming Payments from Customers?
    Yash K

    OBZT just controls the display of the various tax codes in the drop down list if MIRO/ FB60 etc.
    You need to maintain the atx coe correctly in FBZP. Go to FBZP and in this tax code and check whether the tax rates etc. have been defined correctly for it.

  • F-28 post incoming payment BAPI

    Hi All
    Please help to find the specific F-28 ( post incoming payment )BAPI to do the above activities.
    1. is this BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST is correct to do the F-28 Posting.
    Please confirm
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi All
    I am trying to post the customer incoming payment(f_28) by using BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST i am getting message as 'document posted successfully' but the document is not posted as i seen in FBL5N for that specific customer.
    Please find the below code if i need to change anything or any other parameter i missed out means
    please let us know.
    gs_documentheader-bus_act    = 'RFBU'.
    gs_documentheader-username   = sy-uname.
    gs_documentheader-header_txt = 'test'.
    gs_documentheader-comp_code  = 'BLE'.
    gs_documentheader-doc_date   = '20090331'.
    gs_documentheader-pstng_date = '20090331'.
    gs_documentheader-fisc_year  = '2008'.
    gs_documentheader-doc_type   = 'DY'.
    gs_documentheader-obj_type   = 'BKPF'.
    gs_documentheader-obj_key    = '$'.
    gs_documentheader-ac_doc_no  = '250037'.
    gs_documentheader-ref_doc_no = 'REF-222'.
    gs_documentheader-obj_sys    = 'SPDCLNT800'.
    gs_accountgl-itemno_acc = '0000000001'.
    gs_accountgl-gl_account = '0000200000'.
    gs_accountgl-item_text  = 'tEST'.
    gs_accountgl-comp_code  = 'BLE'.
    gs_accountgl-plant      = 'BLE'.
    APPEND gs_accountgl TO gt_accountgl.
    gs_currencyamount-itemno_acc = '0000000001'.
    gs_currencyamount-currency   = 'USD'.
    gs_currencyamount-amt_doccur = '285.15'.
    APPEND gs_currencyamount TO gt_currencyamount.
    gs_accountreceivable-itemno_acc  = '0000000002'.
    gs_accountreceivable-customer    = '0000100007'.
    gs_accountreceivable-gl_account  = '0000250000'.
    gs_accountreceivable-pmnttrms    = 'Z000'.
    gs_accountreceivable-bline_date  = '20090331'.
    gs_accountreceivable-item_text   = 'No Text'.
    gs_accountreceivable-comp_code   = 'LTA'.
    APPEND gs_accountreceivable TO gt_accountreceivable.
    gs_currencyamount-itemno_acc     = '0000000002'.
    gs_currencyamount-curr_type      = '00'.
    gs_currencyamount-currency       = 'USD'.
    gs_currencyamount-amt_doccur     = '-285.15'.
    APPEND gs_currencyamount TO gt_currencyamount.
        documentheader          = gs_documentheader
       customercpd             = gs_customercpd
      CONTRACTHEADER          =
       obj_type                = gv_obj_type
       obj_key                 = gv_obj_key
       obj_sys                 = gv_obj_sys
       accountgl               = gt_accountgl
       accountreceivable       = gt_accountreceivable
      ACCOUNTPAYABLE          =
      ACCOUNTTAX              =
        currencyamount          = gt_currencyamount
      CRITERIA                =
      VALUEFIELD              =
      EXTENSION1              =
        return                  = gt_return.
      PAYMENTCARD             =
      CONTRACTITEM            =
      EXTENSION2              =
      REALESTATE              =
    IF NOT gt_return IS INITIAL.
      WRITE:/ gt_return-message.

  • Bapi is used to 'post incoming payments (t-code F-28)'

    hi all
    can any one tell which bapi is used to 'post incoming payments (t-code F-28)'.
    thanks in advance,

    Try 'BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_POST' and fill the parameters correctly.Contact ur functional to fill it correctly.
    That will work.
    If helpful give me points.
    Manas Ranjan Panda

  • Post Incoming Payments - Transaction F-28

    Hello all,
    I need to post Incoming payments from a certain flat file.
    Is there any standard BAPI or  FM which does post the Incoming payments in F-28.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Amit,
    I was searching on SDN for my problem and got your thread,
    I want to post incoming payment for customers using BAPI  BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST.
    But i am missing some paramenters that need to pass.
    When i am executing my program FI document is getting created but with posting key 40 & 50.(BSEG)
    I want document to be created with posting keys 40 & 15 (i.e. Incoming payment document).
    can you just give me any sample code or import values that need to pass & may be i am missing.
    Also my issue is interface between Non-SAP & SAP systems via BAPI for posting & Clearing.
    I know using above BAPI we can only post document but can not clear invoice.
    So is there any alternative to this bapi so that i can post & clear documents?
    Please reply.
    I tried with BDC for f-28 inside zbapi but through f-28 also we can only post documents which are partial payments.
    So is there any way to post via bdc or zbapi and then clear with some other transaction?

  • T-code F-28 (Post Incoming Payments) - only 16 lines to enter invoice doc

    Hope someone can help me on the following issue:
    Issue is pertaining to t-code F-28 (Post Incoming Payments). There are only 16 lines for user to enter invoice documents when we select Document Number for the Additional Selection. For some cases, we do need to enter more than 16 lines.
    1.     Anyway to increase number of lines for user to enter invoice documents
    2.     Any workaround if the number of lines cannot be increased.
    Thank you very much.

    That is standard SAP screen defination.
    You can use "Page Down" button to enter additional 16 document numbers and so on. Or can give the document numbers in ranges.
    If you have a huge list of invoice numbers to be given which can not be met by above, then you need to develop a custom program to call BDC or BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST

  • Error while posting Incoming payments from customers

    Hi Experts,
                      when i am trying to post Incoming payments from customers in F-28,The payment difference amount is Rs 5.
    while simulating the following error 

    OBZT just controls the display of the various tax codes in the drop down list if MIRO/ FB60 etc.
    You need to maintain the atx coe correctly in FBZP. Go to FBZP and in this tax code and check whether the tax rates etc. have been defined correctly for it.

  • Posting Incoming Payment : Message F5 536

    Dear Experts,
    When passing F-28 - Post Incoming Payments, I keep getting this error.
    "Tax-relevant accounts not defined in this area; please correct
    Message no. F5536"
    Any idea ? what can be wrong.
    Pleae asdvise ASAP.
    Best Regards,
    Mitesh Desai

    Check in FS00 for the customers related reconciliation account master data.
    Go to control data tab and check whether anything is given in the tax category column.
    If there is any selection in that, on the next field, please select post without tax allowed .
    Go to FTXP and create the relavant tax codes for customers and vendors. And also check in the customer master data in control tab for the tax selections.
    and also go thru this thread
    Tax Relevant Account
    Hope this helps

  • Posting Incoming Payment

    I am trying to Post Incoming payment through T.Code: F-28
    I suppose I am facing an error with respect to G/L account. I am core SD Consultant & unable to detect, what will be required to repair the following Error:
    Tax-relevant accounts not defined in this area; please correct
    Please Guide.
    Thanks & Warm Regards,
    Rajesh Banka

    Dear Rajesh:
    This is the work of FI Consultant.
    However the following configuration should be done to remove the error.
    Check Whether Tax codes have been defined in T.code FTXP.
    check Whether GL Accounts have been defined for tax OB40
    and also the check The GL Account in T.code FS00 in the tab
    Control data .Mention the tax category or select the check box  - (Posting without tax allowed).
    Please let me know if you need more information.
    Assign points if useful.

  • Posting Incoming payments - F-28

    *Tcode> F-28*
    I am trying to post incoming payment. The customer is created in company code 1050 but, I am getting this error message:
    "The entry 1050 is missing in table T043G"
    How do I correct this error?
    Please, I need step by step how to solve the problem not just general statement or comment. thanks

    Dear David,
    The reason for this is probably as a result of your customizing:
    In table T043G-ZTERM you can define a payment term as a standard
    for carryforward postings. Please have a look at the documentation of
    this field:
    "Standard payment term for carryforward postings
    Terms of payment key which is to be transferred to the line
    item when posting residual items.
    You only need to specify a terms of payment key here if the
    terms are to be transferred from the original document."
    You can customize T043G via SM31 or via IMG.
    You are probably assigned to a tolerance group that has a fixed
    payment term associated with it, in this case 1050.
    Therefore you would either have to delete this fixed payment term
    from the settings of your tolerance group, or maintain the entry
    in table T052.
    You can check this in transaction SE16, enter table name T043G, and
    leave all the selections blank except for 'Fixed Term' where you
    should enter 1050.
    I hope this helps.

  • Posting Incoming Payment via T-code: F-28

    Hi SAP,
    Our users need to post incoming payment via t-code F-28, but when they simulate the
    transaction, only 1 line item was appeared and system gave error
    message;" please correct the marked line item". Then i correct the line item (fill in business area).
    Then, when i enter the next posting for 2nd line item, system gave an
    error message: "You are not authorised for company code 9000". Before
    this our user can do the posting via incoming payment.This problem only
    happened after we upraded the system to ECC.6.
    I try check Txn SU53 to display the error message, unfortunately no error was generated by
    the system. Please help me. I did ask our local consultant before but they asked me to implement note 727973. we already implemented the note but the problem still happened.
    Will give points for those who help me solve this problem.

    Now that you are working on a ECC 6.0 the suitable note will be:
    "1249923 - FB05: F5 413 for field GSBER for automatically created item".
    Please, apply the correction instructions on this note and afterwards the problem should be solved.

Maybe you are looking for

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