BDC not working in NO screen mode

Hi All,
We have a BDC in which we need to enter a multiple selection for a document field.
For this we are using the table control concept.
However, how do we fill in more than 8  single selections  (the number of input rows available on the screen)?
We have tried to use the ok code "LINS" that inserts a line at a time. This is working perfectly in ALL screen mode.
However, in NO screen mode what we observed is that the values get overwritten and only 1 document is eventually selected.
Thanks & Regards,

plz have a look at the below code...
FORM bdc_data .
Work area for data record.
  DATA : lwa_header1 TYPE t_header.
Declaration of local variable.
  DATA : lv_index TYPE sytabix.
  IF NOT i_header[] IS INITIAL.
    v_item_cntr = 1.
    v_cond_cntr = 2.
    v_scale_cntr = 1.
    v_cong_flg = 2.
    LOOP AT i_header INTO wa_header.
      lv_index = sy-tabix + 1.
      CASE wa_header-rec_type.
        WHEN c_h.
-- For header of contracts--
          PERFORM header_data_upload USING wa_header.
--For items of contarcts--
        WHEN  c_i.
If the number of lines in the line item screen exceeds
14 then we need to use the newpage okcode for adding
new line items
          IF v_item_cntr GE 15.
            PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMM06E' '0220'.
            PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
            v_item_cntr = 2.
For uploading the item data
          PERFORM item_data_upload USING wa_header.
Read the internal table for next record
          READ TABLE i_header INTO lwa_header1 INDEX lv_index.
          IF lwa_header1-rec_type = c_h OR sy-subrc <> 0.
if no more line items found then the data should be saved
            PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMM06E' '0220'.
            PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
If there exists condition record for that line item
then go to condition screen with OKCODE '=KO'
          ELSEIF lwa_header1-rec_type = c_c.
            PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
--for items conditions--
        WHEN c_c.
Upload the condition data
          PERFORM conditions_data_upload USING wa_header.
Read the internal table for next record
          READ TABLE i_header INTO lwa_header1 INDEX lv_index.
If the next record is an item go back to item screen
          IF lwa_header1-rec_type = c_i.
            PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV13A' '0201'.
            PERFORM bdc_field  USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
If the next record is header then save the data
          ELSEIF lwa_header1-rec_type = c_h OR sy-subrc <> 0.
            PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV13A' '0201'.
            PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
            PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMM06E' '0220'.
            PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
If there exists scale record for that condition
then go to scale screen with OKCODE '=PSTF'
          ELSEIF lwa_header1-rec_type = c_s.
            PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
--for items Scales--
        WHEN c_s.
Upload the scales data
          PERFORM scales_data_upload USING wa_header.
Read the internal table for next record
          READ TABLE i_header INTO lwa_header1 INDEX lv_index.
If the next record is condition record then go to condition
          IF lwa_header1-rec_type = c_c .
            v_cong_flg = v_cong_flg + 1.
            v_scale_cntr = 1.
            PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV13A' '0303'.
            PERFORM bdc_field  USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
If the next record is header the go back to item screen
and save the data
          ELSEIF lwa_header1-rec_type = c_h OR sy-subrc <> 0.
            PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV13A' '0303'.
            PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
            PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV13A' '0201'.
            PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
            v_cond_cntr = 2.
            v_scale_cntr = 1.
            v_cong_flg = 2.
            PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMM06E' '0220'.
            PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
If the next record is item the go back to item screen
          ELSEIF lwa_header1-rec_type = c_i.
            PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV13A' '0303'.
            PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
            PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV13A' '0201'.
            PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
            v_cond_cntr = 2.
            v_scale_cntr = 1.
            v_cong_flg = 2.
      ENDCASE.           "CASE wa_header-rec_type.
If the next record is header or no next record found then
call the transaction
      READ TABLE i_header INTO lwa_header1 INDEX lv_index.
      IF lwa_header1-rec_type = c_h OR sy-subrc NE 0.
        v_cong_flg = 2.
        v_scale_cntr = 1.
        v_item_cntr = 1.
        PERFORM call_transaction USING wa_header2 .
        CLEAR lv_index.
    ENDLOOP.               "LOOP AT i_header INTO wa_header.
  ENDIF.                   "IF NOT i_header[] IS INITIAL.
ENDFORM.                   "bdc_data
       Start new screen                                              *
FORM bdc_dynpro USING pv_program LIKE bdcdata-program
                      pv_dynpro LIKE bdcdata-dynpro.
  CLEAR wa_bdcdata.
  wa_bdcdata-program  = pv_program.
  wa_bdcdata-dynpro   = pv_dynpro.
  wa_bdcdata-dynbegin = c_x.
  APPEND wa_bdcdata TO i_bdcdata.
  CLEAR wa_bdcdata.
ENDFORM.                    "BDC_DYNPRO
       Insert field                                                  *
FORM bdc_field USING pv_fnam LIKE bdcdata-fnam
                     pv_fval TYPE any.
  CLEAR wa_bdcdata.
  wa_bdcdata-fnam = pv_fnam.
  wa_bdcdata-fval = pv_fval.
  APPEND wa_bdcdata TO i_bdcdata.
  CLEAR wa_bdcdata.
ENDFORM.                    "BDC_FIELD
Declaration of local constants
  CONSTANTS : lc_tcode  TYPE tstc-tcode VALUE 'ME31K',
              lc_n      TYPE ctu_mode   VALUE 'N'.
Declaration of local variables
  DATA: lv_msg   TYPE string,
        lv_opt   TYPE ctu_params.
  lv_opt-defsize = c_x.
  lv_opt-dismode = lc_n.
  lv_opt-updmode = c_l.
  REFRESH i_messtab.
Call the transaction to create the Purchasing Contracts
  CALL TRANSACTION lc_tcode USING i_bdcdata
                   OPTIONS FROM lv_opt
                   MESSAGES INTO i_messtab.
  IF NOT i_messtab[] IS INITIAL.
    READ TABLE i_messtab WITH KEY msgtyp = 'E'.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          id   = i_messtab-msgid
          lang = sy-langu
          no   = i_messtab-msgnr
          v1   = i_messtab-msgv1
          v2   = i_messtab-msgv2
          v3   = i_messtab-msgv3
          v4   = i_messtab-msgv4
          msg  = lv_msg.
      MOVE: p_wa_header-lifnr TO wa_error-lifnr,
            p_wa_header-evart TO wa_error-evart,
            p_wa_header-vedat TO wa_error-vedat,
            p_wa_header-ekorg TO wa_error-ekorg,
            p_wa_header-ekgrp TO wa_error-ekgrp,
            p_wa_header-epstp TO wa_error-epstp,
            p_wa_header-knttp TO wa_error-knttp,
            p_wa_header-bukrs TO wa_error-bukrs,
            p_wa_header-kdatb TO wa_error-kdatb,
            p_wa_header-kdate TO wa_error-kdate,
            p_wa_header-ktwrt TO wa_error-ktwrt,
            p_wa_header-waers TO wa_error-waers,
            p_wa_header-wkurs TO wa_error-wkurs,
            p_wa_header-inco1 TO wa_error-inco1,
            p_wa_header-inco2 TO wa_error-inco2,
            p_wa_header-ihran TO wa_error-ihran,
            p_wa_header-angnr TO wa_error-angnr,
            lv_msg            TO wa_error-msg.
      APPEND wa_error TO i_error.
      CLEAR wa_error.
      READ TABLE i_messtab WITH KEY msgtyp = 'S'.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
            id   = i_messtab-msgid
            lang = sy-langu
            no   = i_messtab-msgnr
            v1   = i_messtab-msgv1
            v2   = i_messtab-msgv2
            v3   = i_messtab-msgv3
            v4   = i_messtab-msgv4
            msg  = lv_msg.
        MOVE: p_wa_header-lifnr TO wa_success-lifnr,
              p_wa_header-evart TO wa_success-evart,
              p_wa_header-vedat TO wa_success-vedat,
              p_wa_header-ekorg TO wa_success-ekorg,
              p_wa_header-ekgrp TO wa_success-ekgrp,
              p_wa_header-epstp TO wa_success-epstp,
              p_wa_header-knttp TO wa_success-knttp,
              p_wa_header-bukrs TO wa_success-bukrs,
              p_wa_header-kdatb TO wa_success-kdatb,
              p_wa_header-kdate TO wa_success-kdate,
              p_wa_header-ktwrt TO wa_success-ktwrt,
              p_wa_header-waers TO wa_success-waers,
              p_wa_header-wkurs TO wa_success-wkurs,
              p_wa_header-inco1 TO wa_success-inco1,
              p_wa_header-inco2 TO wa_success-inco2,
              p_wa_header-ihran TO wa_success-ihran,
              p_wa_header-angnr TO wa_success-angnr,
              i_messtab-msgv2   TO wa_success-ebeln.
        APPEND wa_success TO i_success.
        CLEAR wa_success.
  REFRESH i_bdcdata.
ENDFORM.                    " call_transaction

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    Hi Sandra ,
    Thanks for your suggestion throiugh the link.
    Had checked the trouble shooting for  BDC : but the scenario in which i experienc eth eproblem is little different.
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    Moderator message - Please respect the 2,500 character maximum when posting. Post only the relevant portions of code
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    Moderator message - Welcome to SCN
    But please search before asking - post locked
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    You are welcome. I'm glad you got it back up.
    (1) You say you did the symbolic link. I will assume this is set correctly; it's very important that it is.
    (2) I don't know what you mean by "Been feeding the [email protected] for several weeks now, 700 emails each day at least." After the initial training period, SpamAssassin doesn't learn from mail it has already processed correctly. At this point, you only need to teach SpamAssassin when it is wrong. [email protected] should only be getting spam that is being passed as clean. Likewise, [email protected] should only be getting legitimate mail that is being flagged as junk. You are redirecting mail to both [email protected] and [email protected] ... right? SpamAssassin needs both.
    (3) Next, as I said before, you need to implement those "Frontline spam defense for Mac OS X Server." Once you have that done and issue "postfix reload" you can look at your SMTP log in Server Admin and watch as Postfix blocks one piece of junk mail after another. It's kind of cool.
    (4) Add some SARE rules:
    Visit and download the following rules:
    Visit and download the following rules:
    Copy these rules to /etc/mail/spamassassin/
    Then stop and restart mail services.
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    I am facing a strange problem. I am creating or changing PIR ( transaction ME11, ME12) through BDC.
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    Please advice where i am going wrong and how to run it in 'display no screen' mode.
    Thanks in advance.
    abhshek sarkar

    DId you try  OPT-RACOMMIT = 'X' ?
                P_OPT-DISMODE = 'N'.
               P_OPT-UPMODE = 'L'.
               P_OPT-RACOMMIT = 'X'.

  • BDC not working in Background mode

    Hi All,
    I have created a BDC. It is working fine in forground mode but not woking in background mode. Please any one know what could be the problem.

    I think there is some field in your screen is disabled for input. As it will not through you error.
    Please run you BDC in foreground mode and check it and see if you get any message. it will be a sucess message.
    this thing happend to me also as my ship to party was disbled in one of screen of VA02.

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    Thanks in advance,
    Kalyan Venigalla.

    If you look at the documentation of CALL TRANSACTION you can pass BDC options which is of type CTU_PARAMS. In this assign 'X' to field 'RACOMMIT' and try to run the BDC in 'N' mode.
    OPT-DISMODE = 'N'.
    OPT-UPMODE = 'L'.
    Thanks and regards,
    S. Chandramouli.

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    Can anyone help please?

    How to disable the closed-clamshell mode?
    I think, this is what you're looking for ... maybe you want to uproot that question.

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    Hello All,
    I am creating material using BDC. I need to capture errors those occure during creation of material. i need to place these errors in client desktop.
    When I run the BDC in ALL Screen mode all types of errors are getting captured correctly and my requirement correctly done. But when i run the BDC in No screen mode i am getting only one error all the time that is ' NO BAtch input data for Screen' which is a wrong one. i am executing the program with the same data in ALL screen and NO screen modes, to check errors. but in case of no screen mode it is getting failed.
    please help me what should i do to correct this. i need to run the program in No screen mode.

      IN your all screen mode, you should not press enter when there is no POP UP with the OK Codes.
    If you do not get a pop up with the OK Code box, you can still get through the transaction.
    If you do not get a OK_CODE pop up in atleast one instance in your all screen mode, then it means your code is not working

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    Hello Experts,
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    When running in the mode 'A', the navigation should only be through the ok_code pop up and not by pressing enter. If you had to navigate to the next screen only by hitting the enter manually, there is a problem with the recording. Try to re-run the recording else manually add the code for the enter function with reference to a correct recording.

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