Beam data with unknown space string

I want to convert the txt file to array.
I try but only open the file (see the attach LV).
My question, how can I remove the space (if number of space is unkonw) and make it an array or 3 array (1D)
Please help me
Beam ‏2634 KB

There are a ton of ways to do this.  I realized very quickly how large your datafile is, and I think this method is one of the quickest ways to parse your data file.  This assumes there are always 3 columns of data in the file and that the number of rows in a file is not known prior to reading in the file. If utilizing the snippet directly, I had to cut down the number of elements saved as default in the text string in order to upload the snippet.
Good luck,
When converting the selection to a snippet, it made the local variable a value property node plus required reference.  If you are not using the snippet directly, in the disable case is your file read to the text string indicator.
Message Edited by PJS on 11-03-2009 09:35 PM
Paul <--Always Learning!!!
sense and simplicity.
Browse my sample VIs?

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    INNER JOIN v_updateinfo WinUpdate ON v_CIRelation.ToCIID=WinUpdate.CI_ID
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    *Get HIBC 2D Barcode String
    The following attempts does not work
    CONCATENATE with SPACE at end
    Concatenate HIBC SPACE and a dummy variable like 'TEST' into HIBC builds a space in between the dummy and HIBC
    and then when i split it the space is lost again.
    Insert SPACE in the beginning bulding a new variable with 0(1) space followed by HIBC and then SHIFT CIRCULAR BY 1 place
    It will work only if moved to a variable of length which is exactly HIBC + 1 char in length then by default the last char is SPACE.
    Use a replacement variable which is not a HIBC Check Digit like # & ! ? ^ or other for SPACE
    ECC 5.0 and HIGHER
    *CONCATENATE {dobj1 dobj2 ...}|{LINES OF itab}
               INTO result
               [IN {BYTE|CHARACTER} MODE]
               [SEPARATED BY sep]
               [RESPECTING BLANKS].
    *4.7 Version *
    *CONCATENATE f1 ... fn INTO g.
    *1. ... SEPARATED BY h
    *2. ... IN BYTE MODE
    Having the customer upgrade to ECC 5.0 is not feasible to solve this.
    If anyone has any alternative ideas on how to manage this variable length string and respect the trailing space, I would appreciate it.
    I have searched the forums but the only solutions that are close deal with outputting to a file during a download or FTP, or else mention the newer syntax of CONCATENTATE with the option RESPECTING BLANKS, but that is not available in this release.

    If you could predict how long the string is (assuming you might determine whether the last element length is shorter than the db length), you could try to insert your check digit based upon fieldname+your_calculated_length(1) = checkdigit.
    for example if batch is 3 cahr and you have '50' in the data, you could calculate as lv_len = strlen( the value ) .
    lv_len = lv_len + 1.
    move checkdigit to barcodefield+lv_len(1).
    Perhaps something like this would allow you to work around.  At any rate, if you can figure out if there's supposed to be one or ?? blanks on the end, specifying the position by +offset(columns) should do the trick, instead of the concatenate.

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    Input                             Expected Result
    aaa    bbb                       aaa bbb
    ww                vv             ww vv
    ww ss      kk                    ww ss kk

    user11253970 wrote:
    I am in Oracle 9i :( I can not use reg exp
    Assuming strings do not contain CHR(0) (character with ascii code 0):
    SQL> SELECT  'aaa          bbb  aaa bbb' str,
      2          replace(replace(replace('aaa          bbb  aaa bbb',' ',' ' || CHR(0)),CHR(0) || ' '),CHR(0)) new_str
      3    FROM  dual
      4  /
    STR                                 NEW_STR
    aaa          bbb  aaa bbb           aaa bbb aaa bbb
    SQL> SY.

  • Crystal 2013 is casting a function with a date result as a string result, sometimes??

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    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[date_ccyyddd_to_mmddyyyy]
      @JulianDate as Numeric(18,0)
    RETURNS Date
    Declare @ResultDate as Date
    Set @ResultDate = DATEADD(YEAR, @JulianDate / 1000 + 1899, Cast('01/01/0001' as Date))
    Set @ResultDate = DATEADD(Day, @JulianDate % 1000 -1, @ResultDate)
    RETURN @ResultDate
    In many query based reports we have used the function.  It works quite nicely for all but one user.  For this one user Crystal is casting the date result as a string, it will then display as a yyyy-mm-dd format instead of his default mm/dd/yyyy short date format.  It would generally be ok but since it is typed as a string if the user exports the results to excel it is not recognizing the column as a date either.  The strange piece of the equation is that if the user saves the report to the enterprise server and I open it, go to edit the SQL command, do nothing, close the edit box, it gives me the unmapped fields wizard where I can fix the report.  Thus when I open or generate a new report with this function it "knows" the result is a date but with a specific user it sees the result as a string.
    Has anyone had a similar situation or can lead me in the correct direction to fix this?  Unfortunately, this user is our power user, he writes more reports than anyone else.  It appeared as a problem when we upgraded from Crystal Enterprise 2008 to 2013.
    Current work around for user is to use a crystal CDate() function on the report side but I would like to get the correct solution.
    Any assistance appreciated,

    To add to Dell's suggestion:
    If OLE DB then use:
    MS SQL 2005 - OLE DB Provider
    MS SQL 2008 - SQL Native 10
    MS SQL 2012 - SQL Native 11
    MS SQL 2013 - SQL Native 11
    If ODBC then use:
    MS SQL 2005 - SQL Native
    MS SQL 2008 - SQL Native 10
    MS SQL 2012 - SQL Native 11
    MS SQL 2013 - SQL Native 11
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter

  • Problem in converting the String to Date with time zone GMT

    When I tried to convert the string 12/05/2009 to Date, the time zone is set to BST.On the other hand, for the date 12/12/2009, the time zone is set to GMT. What should I do to get the time zone as GMT all the time.?
    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
    String dateString = "12/05/2009";

    I think you are all missing the point. java.util.Date objects always alway always store the date as the number of milliseconds since 1/1/1970 UTC so the only TimeZone they have its the implicit UTC. When you use the Date.toString() method the toString() method gets the default time zone from your environment and formats the data accordingly. This means that the same Date object will, by default, produce a different result for France and Australia and the US.
    So, if you have the date "12/5/2009" as a String then to convert it to a java.util.Date you must specify what TimeZone is implied. If it is your system time zone then you can just create a SimpleDateFormat object with the correct format and then use the parse() method to create the java.util.Date object and this will automatically be converted to UTC. If the date String represents some other time zone then you must explicitly set the time zone of the SimpleDateFormat object before parsing the string.
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    How to replace a character in a string with blank space.
    I have to change string  CL_DS_1===========CM01 to CL_DS_1               CM01.
    i.e) I have to replace '=' with ' '.
    I have already tried with <b>REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '=' IN temp_fill_string WITH ' '</b>
    Its not working.

    Try with this..
    call method textedit- >replace_all
        case_sensitive_mode = case_sensitive_mode
        replace_string = replace_string
        search_string = search_string
        whole_word_mode = whole_word_mode
        counter = counter
        error_cntl_call_method = 1
        invalid_parameter = 2.
    <b>Parameters</b>      <b> Description</b>    <b> Possible values</b>
    case_sensitive_mode    Upper-/lowercase       false Do not observe (default value)
                                                                       true  Observe
    replace_string                Text to replace the 
                                         occurrences of
    search_string                 Text to be replaced
    whole_word_mode          Only replace whole words   false Find whole words and                                                                               
    parts of words (default                                                                               
                                                                               true  Only find whole words
    counter                         Return value specifying how
                                        many times the search string
                                        was replaced

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    My question is : It's possible create an agent or gateway policy without affect the webservice ? I wish manipulate a xml string type and add with a policy a xml data authentication information......
    Thanks in advance.

    Yeah you can certainly do that, but I can tell you that OWSM is not right place to do this.
    - You can create custom step and get hold on the entire payload and change
    - You can create XSLT to do the transformation from old to new.

  • How to parse string to date with defualt format?

    is there any possibilities to parse a string to date if we don't specify the format in SDF?
    In database we have different formats and we need to convert each one convert to date with common format(something like default), is there any possibilities to do in java?

    jwenting wrote:
    Tolls wrote:
    ColinAtWork wrote:
    SumantK wrote:
    In database we have different formats and we need to convert each one convert to date with common format(something like default), is there any possibilities to do in java?Why don't you store the date in the database as a DATE datatype then you can format anyway you like??Because some people seem to fear DATEs and prefer the supposed comforts of a VARCHAR2...after all, who knows what murky goings on occur with a DATE, but at least a VARCHAR2 is readable, or something like that anyway.Just because some people don't know how to work with DATE fields (which is the real reason for their "fear" doesn't mean you shouldn't use them.
    They're the appopriate solution, so use it.Often but not always true.
    For example neither MS SQL Server nor Oracle timestamp types will store the resolution capable with the Java Date type. So if one wants to maintain all of that resolution one requires either a varchar or two columns.
    And although I haven't been able to confirm it (recently at least) at one time one of the Oracle drivers had a bug that a timestamp would wipe out following columns. For that one either one was left with having only a single timestamp as the last column or using a varchar.

  • Import data with nulls in Desktop Intelligence

    I have data with null values (in a measure).  If I export the data as CSV it shows null values as #EMPTY.  If I use that as a datasource, it loads #EMPTY as 0 (zero).
    Is there a way to make desktop intelligence recognize null values?  I tried to remove the #empty and just leave the column empty, it still loads as a numeric zero.
    Same (actually worse) for XML.  It seems if I export my data to XML it can not use that as a datasource.  Odd.  So I created the following XML file:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
      <item key="AAAAAEUK" value="130" category="A" />
      <item key="AAAACGDC" value="66" category="A" />
      <item key="AAAADNJP" value="56" category="A" />
      <item key="AAAAFWRQ" value="222" category="A" />
      <item key="AAAAGITU" category="B" />
    I would expect the value field to be null for the last row.  But the values turns out to be 222!  If I try to put anything else, an empty string "", "#EMPTY", "null", it is always returned as 0.
    This is a problem because 0 an null are differnt when computing averages.

    Hi Florian,
    What is the source of your csv data?
    If I have a table in excel with empty cells, the data goes into the .csv as nothing so your example would look like
    Item key,value,category
    This reads in just fine in DeskI (shows #EMPTY in the view data, treats it as such in the report).
    So I would look to get the data generated in right way, then DeskI can handle it, no problem.
    If all else fails, just run a search&replace and change ,#EMPTY, to ,,
    BTW if you have an alphanumeric value in a column where DeskI already decided there should be numeric,
    it will read in as 0, that is why the #EMPTY string value got transformed to zero.
    Good luck,

  • Dynamic SQL and Data with Single Quotes in it.

    Hi There,
    I have a problem in that I am using dynamic SQL and it happens that one of the columns does contain single quotes (') in it as part of the data. This causes the resultant dynamic SQL to get confused as the single quote that is part of the data is taken to mean end of sting, when in fact its part of the data. This leaves out a dangling single quote that was meant to enclose the string. Here is my dynamic SQL and the result of the parsed SQL that I have captured:
    ****Dynamic SQL*****
    l_sql:='select NOTE_TEMPLATE_ID '||
    'where TRIM(LEGACY_NOTE_CODE)='''||trim(fp_note_code)||''' '||
    'and TRIM(DISPLAY_VALUE)='''||trim(fp_note_text)||''' ';
    execute immediate l_sql INTO l_note_template_id;
    Because the column DISPLAY_VALUE contains data with single quotes, the resultant SQL is:
    ******PARSED SQL************
    And the problem lies with the single quote between teh characters t and d in the data field for DISPLAY_ITEM. How can I handle this?
    Many thanks,

    I have been reliably informed that if one doesn't enclose char/varchar2 data items in quotes, the right indices may not be usedI am into oracle for past 4 years and for the first time i am hearing this.
    Your reliable source is just wrong. Bind variables are variables that store your value and which are used in SQL. They are the proper way to use values in your SQL. By default all variables in PL/SQL is bind variable.
    When you can do some thing in just straight SQL just do it. Dynamic SQL does not make any sense to me here.

  • Fill with blanks(spaces) a VARCHAR2 type

    Thanks in advance,
    I have a VARCHAR2 type rtesta's var of length x(100 char)
    how i can fill(write) it without create a other varchar2 var that it'll be only filled with blanks(spaces). e.g
    rtesta := ' PC'||fil1||'xxx||fill2....
    where fil1 = say 10 spaces.. fill2 = 63 spaces and so on
    I would like something as
    rtesta := ' PC'|| RPAD(null,10)||'xxx||RPAD(null,63) ...
    but.... Oracle treats an empty string as null. And nulls are always a bit special within Oracle. Particularly, rpad('', n) and lpad('', n) returns null.
    Exists a built in for my problem?

    alter table your_table modify(your_column char(100));
    update your_table set your_column = ' '
      where your_clumn is null;  /* (added) But,this is no good for performance */
    alter table your_table modify(your_column varchar2(100));Exapmples.
    SQL> set null (null)
    SQL> create table test (vc varchar2(100));
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into test values ('');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into test values ('a');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into test values ('abcde');
    1 row created.
    SQL> select substr(vc,1,10) vc,length(vc) len from test;
    VC                          LEN
    (null)               (null)
    a                             1
    abcde                         5
    SQL> alter table test modify(vc char(100));
    Table altered.
    SQL> update test set vc = ' ' where vc is null;
    1 row updated.
    SQL> alter table test modify(vc varchar2(100));
    Table altered.
    SQL> select substr(vc,1,10) vc,length(vc) len from test;
    VC                          LEN
    a                           100
    abcde                       100----
    I misread OP's problem, sorry.
    Message was edited by:

  • SYSTEM_NO_ROLL dump when trying to precalculate data with RSRD_BROADCAST_PR

    Dear all,
    At my present customer we are facing a problem when doing a precalculate of data with RSRD_BROADCAST_PROCESSOR.
    The dump message is:
    Runtime Errors                                                       SYSTEM_NO_ROLL                    
    Date and Time                                                       20.08.2008                    3:20:54
         Short text                                                                      
                   Unable to fulfil request for 1082885568 bytes of memory space.                                                            
         What happened?                                                                      
                   Each transaction requires some main memory space to process                                                            
                   application data. If the operating system cannot provide any more                                                            
                   space, the transaction is terminated.                                                            
         What can you do?          
                   Try to find out (e.g. by targetted data selection) whether the
                   transaction will run with less main memory.
                   If there is a temporary bottleneck, execute the transaction again.
                   If the error persists, ask your system administrator to check the
                   following profile parameters:
                   o  ztta/roll_area            (1.000.000 - 15.000.000)
                          Classic roll area per user and internal mode
                          usual amount of roll area per user and internal mode
                   o  ztta/roll_extension       (10.000.000 - 500.000.000)
                          Amount of memory per user in extended memory (EM)
                   o  abap/heap_area_total      (100.000.000 - 1.500.000.000)
                          Amount of memory (malloc) for all users of an application
                          server. If several background processes are running on
                          one server, temporary bottlenecks may occur.
                          Of course, the amount of memory (in bytes) must also be
                          available on the machine (main memory or file system swap).
                          The operating system must be set up so that there is also
                          enough memory for each process. Usually, the maximum address
                          space is too small.
                          Ask your hardware manufacturer or your competence center
                          about this.
                          In this case, consult your hardware vendor
                   abap/heap_area_dia:        (10.000.000 -
                          Restriction of memory allocated to the heap with malloc
                          for each dialog process.
                   Parameters for background processes:
                   abap/heap_area_nondia:        (10.000.000 -
                          Restriction of memory allocated to the heap with malloc
                          for each background process.
                   Other memory-relevant parameters are:
                   em/initial_size_MB:         (35-1200)
                          Extended memory area from which all users of an
                          application server can satisfy their memory requirement.
                   Note which actions and input led to the error.
                   For further help in handling the problem, contact your SAP administrator
                   You can use the ABAP dump analysis transaction ST22 to view and manage
                   termination messages, in particular for long term reference.
         Error analysis          
                   More main memory area was requested.
                   However, all the available space has been used up.
                   Possible reasons:
                   Last error logged in SAP kernel
                   Component............ "EM"
                   Place................ "SAP-Server sapbwp00_PB1_00 on host sapbwp00 (wp 40)"
                   Version.............. 37
                   Error code........... 7
                   Error text........... "Warning: EM-Memory exhausted: Workprocess gets PRIV "
                   Description.......... " "
                   System call.......... " "
                   Module............... "emxx.c"
                   Line................. 1881
                   The error reported by the operating system is:
                   Error number..... " "
                   Error text....... " "
         How to correct the error          
                   Try to decide by analysis whether this request is
                   reasonable or whether there is a program error. You should pay
                   particular attention to the internal table entries listed below.
                   If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to
                   find an interim solution in an SAP Note.
                   If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following
                   SYSTEM_NO_ROLL " "
                   CL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE===========CP or "CL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE===========CM003"
                   If you cannot solve the problem yourself and want to send an error
                   notification to SAP, include the following information:
                   1. The description of the current problem (short dump)
                      To save the description, choose "System->List->Save->Local File
                   2. Corresponding system log
                      Display the system log by calling transaction SM21.
                      Restrict the time interval to 10 minutes before and five minutes
                   after the short dump. Then choose "System->List->Save->Local File
                   3. If the problem occurs in a problem of your own or a modified SAP
                   program: The source code of the program
                      In the editor, choose "Utilities->More
                   4. Details about the conditions under which the error occurred or which
                   actions and input led to the error.
         System environment          
                   SAP-Release 700
                   Application server... "sapbwp00"
                   Network address...... ""
                   Operating system..... "HP-UX"
                   Release.............. "B.11.23"
                   Hardware type........ "ia64"
                   Character length.... 16 Bits
                   Pointer length....... 64 Bits
                   Work process number.. 40
                   Shortdump setting.... "full"
                   Database server... "csu123"
                   Database type..... "ORACLE"
                   Database name..... "PB1"
                   Database user ID.. "SAPPB1"
                   Char.set.... "C"
                   SAP kernel....... 700
                   created (date)... "Jan 23 2008 23:12:46"
                   create on........ "HP-UX B.11.23 U ia64"
                   Database version. "OCI_102 ( "
                   Patch level. 144
                   Patch text.. " "
                   Database............. "ORACLE 9.2.0.., ORACLE 10.1.0.., ORACLE 10.2.0.."
                   SAP database version. 700
                   Operating system..... "HP-UX B.11"
                   Memory consumption
                   Roll.... 8782704
                   EM...... 5091782384
                   Heap.... 2968385120
                   Page.... 49152
                   MM Used. 6350628336
                   MM Free. 1717574096
         User and Transaction          
                   Client.............. 400
                   User................ "*********"
                   Language key........ "N"
                   Transaction......... " "
                   Transactions ID..... "48AB1576041B51CCE10000000A5B0155"
                   Program............. "CL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE===========CP"
                   Screen.............. "SAPMSSY0 1000"
                   Screen line......... 6
         Information on where terminated          
                   Termination occurred in the ABAP program "CL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE===========CP" -
                    in "WRITE".
                   The main program was "RSRD_BROADCAST_PROCESSOR ".
                   In the source code you have the termination point in line 5
                   of the (Include) program "CL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE===========CM003".
                   The program "CL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE===========CP" was started as a background job.
                   Job Name....... "BIBCAST4AVN2YK4QXLZWI2MO0ZD5OD3P"
                   Job Initiator.. "********"
                   Job Number..... 02000600
         Source Code Extract               
         Line               SourceCde
         1               METHOD write.
         3                 IF view IS INITIAL.
         4               * Single field
         >>>>>                   SYSTEM-CALL CONVERT ID 24
         6                                                      " EXPORTING
         7                     DATA data
         8                     ENDIAN me->endian
         9                     IGNORE_CERR me->ignore_cerr
         10                     N n
         11                                                      " IMPORTING
         12                     LEN len
         13                                                       " CHANGING
         14                     CINFO me->cinfo
         15                     BUFFER me->buffer.
         16                 ELSE.
         17               * Structure
         18                   DATA:
         19                     viewstr TYPE xstring.
         20                   viewstr = view->get_view( ).
         22                   SYSTEM-CALL CONVERT ID 25
         23                                                      " EXPORTING
         24                     DATA data
         Contents of system fields                         
         Name                         Val.
         SY-SUBRC                         0
         SY-INDEX                         0
         SY-TABIX                         4
         SY-DBCNT                         2
         SY-FDPOS                         1
         SY-LSIND                         0
         SY-PAGNO                         0
         SY-LINNO                         1
         SY-COLNO                         1
         SY-TITLE                         Broadcasting Framework: doorgegeven instellingen uitvoeren
         SY-MSGTY                         S
         SY-MSGID                         RSRB1
         SY-MSGNO                         803
         SY-MODNO                         0
         SY-DATUM                         20080820
         SY-UZEIT                         24659
         SY-XPROG                         SAPCNVE
         SY-XFORM                         CONVERSION_EXIT
         Active Calls/Events                                                                                                                                  
         No.               Ty.                              Program                                                       Include                              Line
         9               METHOD                              CL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE===========CP                                                       CL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE===========CM003                              5
         8               METHOD                              CL_RSRD_UTILITIES=============CP                                                       CL_RSRD_UTILITIES=============CM006                              8
         7               METHOD                              CL_RSRD_DISTRIBUTOR_MAIL======CP                                                       CL_RSRD_DISTRIBUTOR_MAIL======CM002                              30
         6               METHOD                              CL_RSRD_DISTRIBUTOR_MAIL======CP                                                       CL_RSRD_DISTRIBUTOR_MAIL======CM004                              43
         5               METHOD                              CL_RSRD_SETTING===============CP                                                       CL_RSRD_SETTING===============CM005                              123
         4               METHOD                              CL_RSRD_SETTING===============CP                                                       CL_RSRD_SETTING===============CM005                              144
         3               METHOD                              CL_RSRD_SETTING===============CP                                                       CL_RSRD_SETTING===============CM005                              144
         2               METHOD                              CL_RSRD_SETTING===============CP                                                       CL_RSRD_SETTING===============CM002                              108
         1               EVENT                              RSRD_BROADCAST_PROCESSOR                                                       RSRD_BROADCAST_PROCESSOR                              180
         Chosen variables                                                                                                                                  
         No.               9                    Ty.                         METHOD
         Name               CL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE=>WRITE                                             
                   MIME-Version: 1.0##Content-Type: multipart/related;## boundary="=_48AB15C6041B51CCE10000000A5B                                                  
                                                   00000000000000                                  ##
                   ##41024110#Ā####################ā##¨M퇀##罿N##0000############## ### ###0000#0000#########怀### #
         No.               8                    Ty.                         METHOD
         Name               CL_RSRD_UTILITIES=>CONVERT_STRING_TO_XSTRING                                             
                   MIME-Version: 1.0##Content-Type: multipart/related;## boundary="=_48AB15C6041B51CCE10000000A5B
         No.               7                    Ty.                         METHOD
         Name               CL_RSRD_DISTRIBUTOR_MAIL=>SET_BODY                                             
                   Table IT_77861199[0x296]
                 Table reference: 2400542&n

    Take help of your basis team to extend the Memory allocation for this Job
    or you need to Restrict the Information that you are Broadcasting
    I mean some more restrictions in the report to reduce the Data Size for brodcasting
    Assigning the Points is the way to say thanks in SDN if helpful

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