Best way to refresh page after returning from task flow?

Hello -
(Using jdev 11g release 1)
What is the best way to refresh data in a page after navigating to and returning from a task flow with an isolated data control scope where that data is changed and commited to the database?
I have 2 bounded task flows: list-records-tf and edit-record-tf
Both use page fragments
list-records-tf has a list.jsff fragment and a task flow call to edit-record-tf
The list.jsff page has a table of records that a user can click on and a button which, when pressed, will pass control to the edit-record-tf call. (There are also set property listeners on the button to set values in the request that are used as parameters to edit-record-tf.)
The edit-record-tf always begins a new transaction and does not share data controls with the calling task flow. It consists of an application module call to set up the model according to the parameters passed in (edit record X or create new record Y or...etc.), a page fragment with a form to allow users to edit the record, and 2 different task flow returns for saving/cancelling the transaction.
Back to the question - when I change a record in the edit page, the changes do not show up on the list page until I requery the data set. What is the best way to get the list page to refresh itself automatically upon return from the edit-record-tf?
(If I ran the edit task flow in a popup dialog I could just use the return listener on the command component that launched the popup. But I don't want to run this in a dialog.)
Thank you for reading my question.

What if you have the bean which has refresh method as TF param? Call that method after you save the data. or use contextual event.

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    Nikhil, which jdev version do you use?
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    Hi Craig & Raja,
    Let me tell thanks for your response. But your valuable solutions are not working for me. Please, check this code and please let me know that any thing went wrong.
    Here is the code
    My main page is progress.htm
    <script language = "javascript">
        function openOrgTree(){      
           var winvar;
 "organization.htm", '<b>Main</b>','height=450,width=650,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,resizable=yes');
    <htmlb:inputField id          = "InputOrgPlan"
                            showHelp    = "X"
                            onValueHelp = "javascript:openOrgTree()" />
          <% if application->i_desc is not initial.%>
          <htmlb:tableView id              = "tvX"
                           headerVisible   = "false"
                           design          = "alternating"
                           visibleRowCount = "3"
                           fillUpEmptyRows = "true"
                           columnWrapping  = "false"
                           onHeaderClick   = "MyEventHeaderClick"
                           onRowSelection  = "MyEventRowSelection"
                           keyColumn       = "Text"
                           table           = "<%= application->i_desc %>"
                           iterator        = "<%= iterate %>" />
          <% endif. %>
    organization.htm (is the frames container)
      <!-- frames -->
    <frameset  rows="110%,*">
        <frameset  cols="40%,*" >
            <frame name="left" src="tree.htm" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="No" frameborder="0">
            <frame name="right" src="table.htm" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0">
    table.htm (right frame)
       function callSubmit()
    // displays the name as "<b>Main</b>" which i gave at the time opening oraganization.htm
    //        parent.window.opener.refresh();
    // window.opener.location.href = window.opener.location.href ;
             parent.close(); // to close the popup
    // all of the above are not working
      <htmlb:page onLoad = "callSubmit()">
    <htmlb:button id            = "submitbutton"
                        onClick       = "myButtonClick"
                        onClientClick = "callSubmit()"
                        width         = "10"
                        text          = "Submit" />
    i need onClick to populate the internal table and onClientClick to refresh the opener.
    if event->id = 'submitbutton'.
          refresh application->i_desc.
          application->i_desc = i_desc.

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    No matter found something !

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    Shilpa in that case personlization links should not be shown to business users, using profile option
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    create another project
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    public class Detail implements Serializable {
        @JoinColumn(name="HDR_ID", referencedColumnName="HDR_ID")
        private Header header;
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    Best regards,

    Hi Chris,
    First, let me thank you that you take the time to answer my questions. I really appreciate that. I wish to apologize for my late reply but I wasn't around the PC for a while.
    TopLink doesn't refresh an entity based on a view. I will try to explain in more detail. I hope you'll have patience with me because this might be a bit longer even than my previous post. I will oversimplify my actual business case.
    Let's assume we have two tables and a view:
    create table MASTERS
      (id number(18) not null primary key,
       master_name varchar2(50));
    create table DETAILS
      (id number(18) not null primary key,
       master_id number(18) not null,   -- FK to MASTER.ID
       price number(7,2));
    create view DETAILS_VW as
      select id, master_id, price
      from details;Of course, in real life the view is useful and actually peforms complex aggregate calculations on the details. But at the moment I wish to keep things as simple as possible.
    So, I create Entities for the tables and the view. Here are the entities for MASTERS and DETAILS_VW, only the essential stuff (w/o getters, setters, sequence info, etc.):
    public class Master {
         @Column(name="ID", nullable=false)
         private Long id;
         private String masterName;
         @OneToMany(mappedBy="master", fetch=FetchType.LAZY, cascade=CascadeType.REFRESH)
         private List<DetailVw> detailsVw;
    public class DetailVw {
         private Long id;
         @JoinColumn(name="MASTER_ID", referencedColumnName="ID")
         private Master master;
         private Double price;
    }So, now we have the tables and the entities. Let's assume one master row and two detail rows exist:
    MASTER:  ID=1, MASTER_NAME='Master #1'
    DETAIL:  ID=2, MASTER_ID=1, PRICE=8And now let's run the following code:
    // List the initial state
    Master master = em.find(Master.class, 1L);
    List<DetailVw> detailsVw = master.getDetailsVw();
    for (DetailVw dv : detailsVw) {
    // Modify a detail
    EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction();
    Detail d = em.find(Detail.class, 2L);
    // Refresh
    // List the state AFTER the update
    detailsVw = master.getDetailsVw();
    for (DetailVw dv : detailsVw) {
    }And here are some excerpts from the console (only the essentials):
    DetailVw: id=1, price=3
    DetailVw: id=2, price=8
         bind => [1, 2]
         bind => [1]
         bind => [1]
    DetailVw: id=1, price=3
    DetailVw: id=2, price=8You see, the UPDATE statement changes the DETAILS row. The price was 8, but was changed to 1. I checked the database. It was indeed changed to 1.
    Furthermore, due to the refresh operation, a query was run on the view. But as you can see from the console output, the results of the query were completely ignored. The price was 8, and continued to be 8 even after the refresh. I assume it was because of the cache. If I run an explicit query on DETAILS_VW with the hint:
    q.setHint(TopLinkQueryHints.REFRESH, HintValues.TRUE);then I see the real updated values. But if I only refresh with em.refresh(master), then the DetailVw entities do not get refreshed, even though a query against the database is run. I have tested this both in JavaSE and in OC4J. The results are the same.
    An explicit refresh on a particular DetailVw entity works, though:
    DetailVw dvw = em.find(DetailVw.class, 2L);
    System.out.println(dvw);Then the console says:
    DetailVw: id=2, price=1So, the price is indeed 1, not 8.
    If you can explain that to me, I will be really thankful!
    Best regards,

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    Any ideas how I can implement this?
    Appreciate that

    from your description it is not clear why the page doesn't refresh. It could be a problem in your implementation code - who knows. What if you perform the address check on a command button that actually submits the new address? If the check returns true (address exists) you would call row.refresh(forget new row); and re-query the view object so the address coming from the database is displayed. If you wanted to use the doDML then yuou need to be aware that doDML doesn't help removing the row the user created. It just ignores the database update but the entity is still around, which in my suggested solution wont be the case.

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    What is the best way to call a pageflow action from JavaScript?

    How would I do this from a grid??? Unfortunately there are no JavaScript attributes
    on any of the grid tags that I can see.
    "John H" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Thanks John!
    "John Rohrlich" <[email protected]> wrote:
    If you want to put up a confirm dialog before calling an action from
    anchor it is done as follows.
    Here is an example from code of mine that deletes a customer order,if
    user confirms the delete. I pass the order id as a parameter.
    - john
    Here is the JavaScript -
    function confirmDelete() {
    if(confirm('Continue with order delete?'))
    return true;
    return false;
    Here is a sample anchor tag -
    <netui:anchor action="requestToDeleteOrder" onClick="return
    confirmDelete(); return false;">
    <netui:parameter name="orderId" value="{container.item.orderId}"/>
    "John H" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:402138f5$[email protected]..
    Thanks for the replies. I figured it was going to require buildingmy own
    to call the action. I had hoped there was an easier way to do it.Rich,
    reason I want to do this is because I want to call the JavaScript
    when a user clicks on a link (in a repeater/grid) to drop a record,I only
    to call the drop action if the user confirms the drop. Maybe thereis a
    way to do what I am trying to do??? I really appreciate any help
    give me on this, I am pretty new to this sort of stuff.
    "Rich Kucera" <[email protected]> wrote:
    "John H" <[email protected]> wrote:
    What is the best way to call a pageflow action from JavaScript?
    JohnTry figuring out the URL to the pageflow action, create a hidden
    in the
    page, then use JS to submit the form. Why would you want to though,
    the server going to want to send you to the next page?

  • How to automatically actualize UWL after return from WebDYNPRO?

    in the universal worklist (uwl) i have configured a workstep to open a Web Dynpro application instead of the SAP GUI. This works fine and i can process the Workflow.
    But after processing of workstep I returns to the UWL using
    WDPortalNavigation.navigateAbsolute(          "ROLES:portal_content/tm.eop.fd.eop_root/tm.eop.fd.content_root/tmcz.eop.fd.tmcz_root/tmcz.eop.fd.my_workspace/",          WDPortalNavigationMode.SHOW_INPLACE,
                        (String) null,
                        (String) null,          WDPortalNavigationHistoryMode.NO_DUPLICATIONS,
                        (String) null,
                        (String) null,
                        (String) null);
    In the UWL there is non relevant item (item that was processed in WebDynpro) and it angers users.
    It is possible to actualize UWL automatically after return from WebDYNPRO application? WebDYNPRO is opened in the same window and frame as UWL.
    Thanks for your help.
    Ondrej Lednicky

    Followed what vinay and Timo sugguested:
    One solution is to use a af:dialog in the popup where you define a dialogListener  to catch the outcome of the dialog and if it's OK you call your other method.
    I wrote method code in back bean like this:
        public void refreshBillFromDialog(DialogEvent dialogEvent) {
            // Add event code here...
            if (dialogEvent.equals(false)){
            AdfFacesContext adfFacesContext;
            adfFacesContext = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
            BindingContainer bindings2 = getBindings();
            System.out.println(" refreshBillFromDialog:bindings2: "+bindings2);
            OperationBinding operationBinding2 = bindings2.getOperationBinding("ExecuteWithParams");
            Object result = operationBinding2.execute();
            if (!operationBinding2.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
                 return ;
    And it works: the adf table(Bill4NewReceiptPending) in the calling page will be refreshed after the dialog popup was closed!
    Thank you all!
    What's more, I found even if I use bounded workflow calling instead of using popup dialog calling, the  returnListener wasnot executed either.
    And there is still a issue in the popup Dialog: The strange behavior of checkbox selection, see the thread:
    Why the page cannot refresh correctly after making checkbox selection?
    I tried and put aside for some days, and have no idea yet.
    Can anyone give helps?

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    Hi Mertz74,
    Thank you for replying us back!
    Please check with uninstalling power manger and reinstall it with latest driver.
    Download chipset driver from Lenovo drivers page and install it.
    Please check with above option to resolve the issue.
    Below is the link to enter the downloads page and download updates accordingly, please click on "Select Product" then in "QUICK PATH" enter the MTM no. select the exact model.
    Hope this helps. Do post back if issue persists!
    Best regards.
    Hemanth Kumar
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    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"! This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.
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    Check out the assist page below for troubleshooting call connectivity.
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    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    -Norm G.

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    You should make your sidebar1 and sidebar2 fixed positioned. Make your content DIV fluid.
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    Connect the two Macs together (network, firewire target mode, etc) and drag the iPhoto library intact as a single entity from the old Mac to the pictures folder of the new Mac - launch iPhoto on the new mac and it will open the library and convert it as needed and you will be ready move forward.

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    Hi ,
    After compile JSP files manually , now we are facing problem after logging.
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