Blank space help

set linesize 250
set scan off
set feedback off
set colsep '|'
spool UKGIAEXOFhyperion.txt
TTITLE LEFT "ACL creation date|Application ID|System Name|Staff Number|User ID|Technical description|Business description|Privileged indicator|Application Field 1|Application Field 2|Last login date|Type|Status|Group"
Select f."ACL creation date",f."Application ID",f."System Name",F."User ID" "RACF-id",F."User ID" "User ID",
'','', ================================ Issue Line ====================
f."Privileged indicator",'','','',f.Type ,f.Status,
rtrim(upper(substr(LISTAGG(f."Group", ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY f."Group"),1,65))) as "Group"
SELECT upper(substr(trim(A.OBJECT_NAME),1,8)) as "User ID"
-- ,trim(A. CREATED) as Creation_Date
,to_char(sysdate,'ddmmyyyy') as "ACL creation date"
, substr(trim(DECODE(B.ROLE
               ,B.ROLE)),1,1) as Type
               ,B.ROLE)),1,1) as "Privileged indicator"
, 'A' as Status
     , substr(trim(nvl(d.object_name,'No Group')),1,15) as "Group"
     ,'UKGI – Hyperion' as "Application ID"
--     , 'EUW3300331.via.novonet' as "Essbase Server"
and c.User_ID (+) = b.User_ID
and d.OBJECT_ID (+) = c.GROUP_ID
group by substr(trim(A.OBJECT_NAME),1,8)
-- ,trim(A. CREATED)
, substr(trim(DECODE(B.ROLE
               ,B.ROLE)),1,1) ,substr(trim(nvl(d.object_name,'No Group')),1,15)
-- and c."User ID" (+) = b."User ID"
-- and d.OBJECT_ID (+) = c.GROUP_ID
-- order by A.OBJECT_NAME
Issue : from the above query data is coming properly what I need but I have slected 2 dummy columns with '', ''
in result I am getting empty blank between | seperator, I want with out blank. Can any one help me?
( I have made pointed in above that line with (================================ Issue Line ====================))

I clearly see SQL*plus commands.
Are you sure you wanted to post this in the APEX forum?

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  • Weird blank space above fixed navigation bar. help!?

    Dear all,
    Im a real no no in building websites, so this is already my fifth post in a week
    And i have an issue again....
    on my website: you can see i made a fixed navigationbar. but you will see a blank space above it when you scoll down.
    This is not what i want! I want the content behind it to not be visible.
    See also my printscreen:
    Can someone help me get rid of it?
    Pls find my .HTML & CSS below:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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    <title>VINDDIT - Wij Vinden wat u zoekt!</title>
    <meta name="Description " content=" Wij vinden wat u zoekt" />
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        <p><img src="images/tumblr_lpfamnI7Jp1qz7n3v.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="pic1" /></p>
                <h1>VINDDIT NU!</h1>
                <h2>Vertel ons wat je zoekt en wij gaan persoonlijk voor je opzoek! <a href="vindditnu php version.php">Doe meteen een aanvraag...</a></h2>
      <div id="centercollum">
        <p><img src="images/tumblr_mbflodtX9Z1rtzzyto1_500_large_thumb_550x550.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="pic2"  /></p>
                <h1>Persoonlijke VIND machine</h1>
                <h2>Wij zijn geen zoek machine, wij VINDEN! Onze ervaren personal zoekers zullen jouw artikel vinden naar aanleiding van jouw specifieke wensen. <a href="vindditnu php version.php">Lees meer...</a></h2>
      <div id="rightcollum">
        <p><img src="images/slide 4.jpeg" width="200" height="200" alt="pic3" /></p>
        <h1>Met  gemak GEVONDEN</h1>
        <h2>Ontvang een persoonlijke selectie van 1 tot 5 opties en besluit vervolgens zelf welke keuze je wil maken! <a href="over_ons.html">Lees meer...</a></h2>
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        <div id="insideleft">
          <img src="images/27th.jpg" width="280" height="280" alt="pic4" />
        <div id="insideright">
          <h1>Hoe VINDEN wij voor jou?      </h1>
    <h2>idsfjdspodopsv, dspofjsdfopfj.</h2>
          <h2>sd[vjsdvosv      psdofjsd jsdpofjds pofjdsfpos fspojdsf!      </h2>
         <div class="button2"> <h2><img src="images/button.gif" width="216" height="86" alt="button" onclick="'','Websonic','width=760,height=800,scrollba rs=no,toolbar=no,location=no'); return false"/> </p></h2>
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        <p> </p>
                <h1><img src="icons/shadow-icons-19.png" width="100" height="100" alt="icon1" /></h1>
                <p>vinddit was found in 2014 door Lisa &amp; Annes dsfhdofhafhiofasfoihs</p>
                <p><a href="over_ons.html">lees hier meer over ons....</a></p>
    <p> </p>
                <p> </p>
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          <script type="text/javascript">
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        <div id="slideshow_1-caption"></div>
    <h1>DOOR VINDDIT</h1>
                <h1> GEVONDEN! </h1>
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        <p> </p>
        <h1><img src="icons/shadow-icons-02.png" width="100" height="100" alt="icon2" /></h1>
        <h1>VRAAG &amp; ANTWOORD</h1>
        <p>Heeft u vragen of suggesties. Laat het ons weten </p>
        <p><a href="contact.html">Contact... </a></p>
        <h2> </h2>
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        <div id="insideright2">
          <p>De prijs is afhankelijk van wat je zoekt &amp; Succes gegarandeerd, kunnen wij onverhoopt niet vinden wat jij zoekt? Dan kost het je niets. <br />
            Betalen doe je dus achteraf, dus geen verplichtingen zonder resultaat! </p>
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              height: 100%;
              width: 100%;
              float: left;
              margin-bottom: 20px;
              padding-top: 20px;
              padding-bottom: 20px;
    #Submit, #Reset {
              font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
              .button {
              margin: auto;
              float: none;
              width: 100%;
              text-align: center;
    .button:hover {
              -webkit-filter: opacity(0.7);
    .button2:hover {
              -webkit-filter: opacity(0.7);

    great! thank you! simple solution

  • I'm now using iPhoto '11 (9.3.2), and none of the photos in my library will enlarge.  I can view them all as thumbprints, but when I click to enlarge just a black, blank space shows up.  Occasionally, one will enlarge for a second, then disappear.  Help!

    I'm now using iPhoto '11 (9.3.2), and none of the photos in my library will enlarge.  I can view them all as thumbprints, but when I click to enlarge just a black, blank space shows up.  Occasionally, one will enlarge for a second, then disappear.  Help!

    Just to clarify, I am not getting an "!" mark in a triangle, as I read others have experienced.  The screen is just blank except the grey flag in lefthand corner to flag the photo.

  • How to use blank space replace NULL on discoverer viewer

    There is a report that has a varchar field should show text values, and if NULL, I need it show blank space, and does in disco desktop, but on viewer, the same worksheet shows NULL.
    Even I changed in the Tools - Options - Format menu(desktop), it still show NULL on viewer.
    please help! thanks!

    Hi Sammy,
    Unfortunately ‘some’ of the settings set in Desktop do not carry over to Viewer. These options need to be defined for Viewer itself.
    A temporary way to set the Viewer settings is to click on ‘Options’ when logged in Viewer itself. You’ll have to open a responsibility or report before this option becomes available to select. Within here you’ll be able to change the way NULL values are seen. However this method only makes the change for the User you logged in with.
    To make the change for all users, it’s best to edit the PREF.TXT file on the Discoverer Server. Please view the documentation below for more information on how to configure Viewer. For windows platform click here :,
    For Unix platform click here : Once you’ve run the applypreference script, these settings will be forced down to all users of Discoverer.
    Hopefully this will help ;-)

  • How to remove the extra or blank space from RTF Template

    Hi All,
    Try to remove the extra space from  xml template.
    Here I have attached the .xml file with .rdf, here the issue is when you load the data we will get 2 page output but when I am trying to add any column or extra space in the last page of this template the output getting 4 pages with lot of blank space. Could you please guide me to solve this issue.
    Could you please let me know how to do the attachement in this forum as I am new to this community.

    Can you drop in a mail with RTF, xml data to [email protected], I will help you on the issue.

  • Lots of blank space when printing array with only last element printed

    I have a slight problem I have been trying to figure it out for days but can't see where my problem is, its probably staring me in the face but just can't seem to see it.
    I am trying to print out my 2 dimensional array outdie my try block. Inside the trying block I have two for loops in for the arrays. Within the second for loop I have a while to put token from Stringtokeniser into my 2 arrays. When I print my arrays in this while bit it prints fine however when I print outside the try block it only print the last element and lots of blank space before the element.
    Below is the code, hope you guys can see the problem. Thank you in advance
       import java.lang.*;
       import java.util.*;
       import javax.swing.*;
       public class javaflights4
          public static final String MESSAGE_SEPERATOR  = "#";
          public static final String MESSAGE_SEPERATOR1  = "*";
          public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
             String data = null;
             File file;
             BufferedReader reader = null;
             file = new File("datafile.txt");
             String flights[] [];
                   //String flightdata[];
             flights = new String[21][7];
             int x = 0;
                   //flightdata = new String[7];
             int y = 0;
                reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));   
                //data = reader.readLine();   
                while((data = reader.readLine())!= null)   
                   StringTokenizer tokenised = new StringTokenizer(data, MESSAGE_SEPERATOR1);
                   for(x = 0; x<=flights.length; x++)
                      for(y = 0; y<=flights.length; y++)
                            flights [x] [y] = tokenised.nextToken();
                            //System.out.print("*"+ flights [x] [y]+"&");
                catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e1)
                   System.out.println("error at " + e1);
                catch(Exception e)
                      catch(Exception e)
             int i = 0;
             int j = 0;
             System.out.print(flights [j]);

    A number of problems.
    First, I bet you see a lot of "error at" messages, don't you? You create a 21x7 array, then go through the first array up to 21, going through the second one all the way to 21 as well.
    your second for loop should go to flights[x].length, not flights.length. That will eliminate the need for ArrayIndexOutOfBounds checking, which should have been an indication that you were doing something wrong.
    Second, when you get to flights[0][0] (the very first iteration of the inner loop) you are taking every element from the StringTokenizer and setting flights[0][0] to each, thereby overwriting the previous one. There will be nothing in the StringTokenizer left for any of the other (21x7)-1=146 array elements. At the end of all the loops, the very first element in the array (flights[0][0]) should contain the last token in the file.
    At the end, you only print the first element (i=0, j=0, println(flight[ i][j])) which explains why you see the last element from the file.
    I'm assuming you have a file with 21 lines, each of which has 7 items on the line. Here is some pseudo-code to help you out:
    count the lines
    reset the file
    create a 2d array with the first dimension set to the number of lines.
    int i = 0;
    while (read a line) {
      Tokenize the line;
      count the tokens;
      create an array whose size is the number of tokens;
      stuff the tokens into the array;
      set flights[i++] to this array;

  • How do I clear the blank space between content and footer?

    In the process of revising a Muse website, I deleted some content from one of the pages and revised the content that remained on the page. Now I have a blank area between the bottom of the revised content and the top of the footer, and I can't seem to get rid of the blank space. It doesn't appear that there are any text blocks or other images in that area, so I can't find any objects to delete. Help?
    The website is currently published in a draft mode for client review. You can examine it at: The page in question is the Retreats page. Restarting Muse made no difference. I work on the Mac platform.
    Before I sent this post, I decided to try creating a new page, then copy/paste the content onto the new page, and save the Muse site under a different name. Lo and behold, the page (and the site) works like it should...without any extra space above the footer on that page. It would appear that something went astray when I deleted content on that page. I can use the new page to get the site working properly, but decided to go ahead and send this post so that you can look at the page code and perhaps see what is wrong that is causing the blank case I ever run into this again.
    Thank you.

    Thanks for sending your file.
    There is a graphic at the bottom of the content area of the Retreats page that's been cropped to a size of zero width and 2 pixels in width.
    Unfortunately, there's a bug with pointer tool drag selection (aka marque selection) that prevents it from selecting an item that has zero width or zero height. Therefore the easiest way to select this item to delete it is to select any other item on the page, then hit the tab key repeatedly to cycle through every item on the page. When you get to this item you should see a little pile of selection handles at the left edge of the third column and right at the bottom of the content area. The width and height will display as zero and 2. Delete this item and the page will resize to fit the remaining content.

  • Issues in exporting SSRS report to PDF format in Report Server - Blank spaces are deleted

    Hi Gurus,
    I have a problem in exporting SSRS report to PDF format. It deletes all the blank spaces when I use bullet in a Text box and try to export to PDF formt in Report Server . For example
    •             Project submitted to the TRC
    Result in PDF format:
         • ProjectsubmittedtotheTRC
    I also noted that when I try to export to PDF in Visual Stuio 2005 (Business Intelligence development studio), it does not delete any blank spaces and shows the correct aligned Data in PDF format.
    Please help me as it is frustrating a lot
    I would highly appreciate for your quick response 

    Was there ever a solution found for this as i have the same issue.
    When bullet point is entered in a field all the spaces are removed when exported to PDF
    i tried exporting to excel and it does not remove spaces, however this is no use to me as it needs to be in PDF
    Using IE 7 (Don't think the browser has anything to do with it as this happened via a subscription)
    Didn't know SSRS had specific Service Packs, i though they came as patches to SQL Server (SQL Server is on Service Pack 3)
    This should be easy to replicate all you need to do is copy text containing a bullet point into a sql server database field and then add this field to a report export to pdf and the spaces are gone
    Thanks in advance,
    Mark Brunton

  • How to Remove Blank spaces in the text elements for a smartform

    Hi All,
    Can any one please help me out to remove the blank spaces in the text elements.
    We are printing Labels using the Zebra Printer and we have rotated the windows to 90 degrees.
    We are able to see out text and barcodes. But the issues is when we are printing the label. We are getting spaces in the Text and in the Text elements fields. I have tried to give &g_name(C)&. But it is not working even i worked with style sheet spaces no luck.
    Currently out text and fields are printing like this
    s h r i y a n
    material number
    1111  -001  -000
    They should print like
    According to the ZEBRA suggestions we are using the font helve.
    Plase help us it is very urgent.
    Reward point will be given.

    Just use Condense g_name inside the program lines.
    Just to see how it behaves put a hard breakpoint.
    Break Username. and check the condense statement.
    condense <your field> no-gaps.
    Create program lines ahead of printing. give the field you want to condense in the input and output parameters of the program lines.
    Use condense inside the program lines.

  • Getting blank space after paragraph in RTF template

    Hi there,
    Thanks so much for all your help for your help.
    I am running into one issue in RTF template, wanted to share with you to get any input on this. I have paragraph and Idid put in table at the top and there is xml tag that gives names after that paragraph. but I get blank spaces after paragraph and it shows names from that xml tag.
    I tried to remove spaces by deleting between pargraph and xml tag<name> , still i get blank page between paragraph text and names.
    Can anyone help me or point me to get it resolved that would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks Varma for your prompt response and your time on this. I am still trying to get any other options to get this done as that is the requirement and with that blank page looks not fully satisfied for users and am trying any other ways to do implement this..
    That's the reason I thought of putting this post again to get more inputs that may have.
    Can anyone put some light onthis.
    Thanks a lot..

  • How do i get rid of this annoying blank space?

    I'm using Pages '09 v4.03 on a Mac with OSX 10.9.1 on a MacBook Pro.
    Many of the documents I use on a daily basis are created by others, and I don't know what they're doing to make this annoying blank space appear on my documents.  The screenshot below shows the irritating area in the oval.  My view is set to page width. 
    Wierd thing is...when I go to fullscreen mode, that gray bar is still there!  It's something about the page width setting, perhaps? 
    How can I only view the document?  Help!
    Oops!  forgot to attach screenshot!
    Message was edited by: Hossalicious

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  • Why FileUtils::CopyFile doesn't work with blank space?

    Hi all,
    If I have a destination directory with blank space inside, looks like: "C:\Users\Pattrick James\Documents" for Windows or "Macintosh HD:Users:Pattrick James:Documents" for Mac.
    Then I want to copy a file to that directory, use FileUtils::CopyFile(src, des). Why it doesn't work?
    Can someone please help me to resolve this issue without change my path?

    Sorry, it works fine. It happens because the permission of the directory.

  • How to remove extra blank spaces from log file.

    i have created a log file which contain the logs of a program. the logs are getting created fine for the first execution of the program but from the second time the log file is getting blank space's after every character.
    i have used the code to append the text in log files few examples : 
     'Clean up process started....' >> $log
    File name :'+ $files +'Time-Stamp: '+ $endtime +'Search complete.' >> $log 
    .i want to remove the extra spaces after each character but not all the spaces from the file. Thanks in advance.

    hi  mjolinor
    add-content is used to insert text it does not append text at the file .i used >> to append the text on log file ..
    Get-Help ADd-Content
    Appends content, such as words or data, to a file.
    [string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516270555358646562655775 0645570").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace " "

  • How to insert  blank spaces at end of a record

    Hi All,
    i need to write 10 records each of 80 char size. of these 10 records, each record might have different data and the last field will be a filler field which only has space.
    for example:
    DATA : BEGIN OF gs_mrecord        ,
             id(1)         VALUE'M'     ,
             accno(12)                  ,
             refid(2)      VALUE 'RR'   ,
             sec_cd(4)     VALUE '2437' ,
             sub_typ(1)    VALUE '6'    ,
             sub_dt(5)                  ,
             sub_seq_no(1)              ,
             sec_cd1(4)    VALUE '2437' ,
             sub_dt1(6)                 ,
             record_no(6)  TYPE n       ,
             ext_ind(1)                 ,
             plat_id(1)                 ,
             filler_1(1)               ,
             clear_code(3)              ,
             ex_merc_no(16)             ,
             filler_4(4)               , fill blank spaces
             mech_bin_no(6)             ,
             filler(6)             ,  " fill blank spaces
             END OF gs_mrecord .
    like this there are 10 types with 80 char size, however the last field is a filler, in which we need to fill only blank spaces.
    when i wrtie this data to the application server file i can't see the spaces and when download(to .TXT file) also i can't see the spaces.
    is there anyway that i can keep the spaces at the end of the record.
    Please note, in the middle of the record, we can keep the spaces as there is some data after that.
    Any hint would be of great help.

    Hi Srinivas
    Just a thought, try as below:
    Declare a text variable of length 80 characters. Before transferring the record to Output file, move the work area to the text field and add a New Line character at 80th position. Now tranfer this text field to file with length specification.
    DATA: l_cr(1) TYPE c VALUE cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf,
          l_text(80) TYPE c.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
       LOOP AT <itab> INTO <wa>.
          MOVE <wa> TO l_text.
          l_text+80 = l_cr.
          TRANSFER l_text TO <dsn>.
    Hope that helps, also check the codepage in which you download the file from Application server before Viewing. Maybe checking the file contents via AL11.
    Hope it helps.

  • Blank Space problem in Adobe Form

    Hello Gurus,
    In my Adobe form, One field has to be displayed based on a condition. So, for that field, in Context tab, condition is specified and its working also i.e. It condition is true then data is not displayed in the layout but I find the blank space for it. I dont want that blank space to be displayed.
    In layout, address is in format as shown below.
    Postal code
    Here, I have a condition that, Region field should not be displayed only for Material eq '123' i.e. same address has to be printed as shown below.
    Postal code
    But, If I give condition then address is shown as below.
    >Here, am getting empty space & I dont need this blank space to there in the layout.
    Postal code
    So, Can anyone please help me for this.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Usha,
    1. Remove the Condition from you Context tab.
    2. In the Driver Program check for the condition and fill the value in the internal table which is passed to
        the adobe form.
    3. Make the subform (under which the field is added in the hierarchy view) as flowed.
    4. In the script editor, Select the 'javascript' and write the script to hide the form field specifying the condition here.
    for e.g
    if (xfa.form.FORM.SUB_FORM.matnr == "123") {
        xfa.form.FORM.SUB_FORM.Region = "hidden";
    NOTE: Javascript is Case sensitive and stops working immediately after the line of code where an error occurs.
    Hope this proves to be useful.

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