Call Java method from c/c++ from native thread

I know how to call a method from c/c++ with jni back to Java
but this fails when I try to do this from a native thread.
I can get the object class (jclass) but its seems to fail to get a method from that class.
How to make it work?
Thanks in advance.

Ok, problem has been solved
I just get the jmethodID inside a JNI method and pass it to the thread.

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    Callbacks.c:2:parse error before '*'
    Callbacks.c:In function 'Java_Callbacks_nativeMethod':
    Java_Callbacks_nativeMethod(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint depth)
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    System.out.println("In Java, depth = " + depth + ", back from C");
    } else
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    static {

    Looks like you havn't included the jni header file. Add this to the top of the .c file:
    #include "jni.h"

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    Thanx in advance !
    here is the source of the native method :
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_TestDll_Proc_1Mul_1Int_1Var_1Var_1Stdcall (JNIEnv * env, jclass jcl, jint jarg1, jint jarg2) {
    int arg1;
    int arg2;
    int arg3;
    jint res;
    char * ch = "test";
    jfieldID fid;
    jmethodID mid;
    int (* procedure) (int *, int * ,int *);
    int mch;
    arg1 = (int )jarg1;
    arg2 = (int )jarg2;
    procedure = GetProcAddress(libraryHandle,"Proc_Mul_Int_Var_Var_Stdcall");
    res = (jint) arg3;
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    printf("(*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jcl, mid);\n");
    (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jcl, mid);
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    here is the source of the java file:
    public class TestDll {
    static {
    System.out.println("java: Library testdllwrap.dll loaded");
    public TestDll() {
    public native int Proc_Mul_Int_Var_Var_Stdcall(int jarg1, int jarg2);
    public void test() {
    System.out.println("java: test()");
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    TestDll access = new TestDll();
    int a = 5;
    int b = 6;
    int c = 0;
    System.out.println("Calling Proc_Mul_Int_Var_Var_Stdcall");
    c = access.Proc_Mul_Int_Var_Var_Stdcall(a,b);
    System.out.println("Java Result = " + c);

    Something is wrong with the code you posted here.
    Since your native method is not static, it should have the jobject instance as a parameter in the function prototype, not a jclass. Also, you should be calling CallObjectMethod with a jobject, not jclass.
    Check out Jace at
    To call the java method you would do:
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_TestDll_Proc_1Mul_1Int_1Var_1Var_1Stdcall
    (JNIEnv * env, jobject jTestDll, jint jarg1, jint jarg2) {
      TestDll testDll( jTestDll );
    }God bless,
    -Toby Reyelts

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    As pointed by others, you must expose your method as a custom function, registering with JDeveloper (for development time) as well as with SOA Suite (for runtime).
    In the link below you will find a simple step by step example:
    Luis F. Heckler

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    OK. So, I think we can all conclude that you don't need to call any Java method, can't we? And, that wfUpdateMetadata is the command that will update your metadata.
    Now, the question is what are its arguments. It has two - the first is the name of a custom metadata field to be updated (let's suppose that one field is called xMinorVersion, and the other xMajorVersion), the other is the new value, e.g. <$wfUpdateMetaData("xMinorVersion", "New value.")$>As for new value - do you insist on using strings? Since you want to increase the value, it would be more convenient to work with numbers. For instance, with integers you could go with <$wfUpdateMetaData("xMinorVersion", xMinorVersion + 1)$>With strings you will need to convert it to numbers and back to strings. Besides, what happens if you have more than 100 minor versions? (you mentioned you want to add 0.01, but that would finally increase the major version, wouldn't it?) So, I think these two numbers are independent (perhaps, with exception that increase on the major version set the minor version to .00).
    If you want to present it, you can use profiles that will construct for you the representation 2.304 out of MajorVersion = 2, MinorVersion = 304

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    cSTime =document.getElementById('frmP:ChargeStartTime').value;
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    Message was edited by:

    That depends on the nature of your parameters. I guess you calculate the params on client and then want to submit them. In this case and if you don't want to use Ajax simple add some <input type="hidden"> elements (of course there correspondend components dependent of your framework) and store the params there. If the javascript isn't invoked by a button click, you can use a button nevertheless. Set visible="false" and call
    (or maybe doClick() dependent on your framework).

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    Advice appreciated,

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    1. Have you looked at the tutorial?
    (Look elsewhere on this website.)
    2. Have you considered buying a book?
    (Try "essential JNI", by Rob Gordon.)

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    You need to publish java class methods to plsql.
    Attached below is some information.
    Although both PL/SQL modules and Java classes are stored in the database
    and are managed by many of the same mechanisms, each of them resides in
    its own namespace. Therefore, Java methods are not accessible from SQL
    and PL/SQL by default. In order to expose Java methods to the SQL and
    PL/SQL engines, first publish that Java method to the SQL namespace using
    a 'Call Spec'.
    Note: A 'Call Spec' does not create an additional layer of
    execution so there is no performance penalty incurred.
    A 'Call Spec' is simply a syntactical mechanism used to
    make a method known in the SQL namespace.
    The SQL name established by the 'Call Spec' can be top-level or packaged.
    The syntax differs only slightly and is consistent with that used for
    PL/SQL procedures and packages. For more information on the exact
    syntax, see the references listed in 'Related Topics'.
    In general, a top-level procedure 'Call Spec' takes the form:
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE procname ( pname mode ptype, ... )
    AS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME 'javaname ( javatype, ... )';
    Where: procname is the SQL name you wish to publish
    pname is the name for a parameter to procname
    mode is the parameter mode (i.e. IN, OUT, IN OUT)
    ptype is a valid SQL type (e.g. NUMBER, CHAR, etc.)
    javaname is the fully qualified name of the Java method
    javatype is a Java type for the corresponding parameter
    Likewise, a top-level function 'Call Spec' takes the form:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fname ( pname mode ptype, ... ) RETURN rtype
    AS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME 'javaname ( javatype, ... ) return javatype';
    Where: fname is the SQL name you wish to publish
    rtype is the SQL return type of the function
    Note: Within the NAME clause, everything within quotes is case
    sensitive. For example, if the keyword 'return' is in all
    CAPS, this Call Spec will not compile.
    Other optional parts of this syntax have been omitted here for simplicity.
    Additional examples in subsequent sections illustrate some of these options.
    AS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME 'MyClass.MyMethod(int, int[])';
    There are several important things to note here:
    1.) The 'Call Spec' for a JSP must be created in the same schema as the
    corresponding Java class that implements that method.
    2.) IN parameters are passed by value. This is the only parameter mode
    available in Java. OUT parameters, therefore, must be passed as single
    element arrays in order to emulate pass by reference.
    3.) Parameter names do not need to match, but the number and types of
    the parameters must match (with just one exception - see item 5 below).
    Oracle 8i supports conversions between an assortment of SQL and Java.
    See the references listed in 'Related Topics' for additional information.
    4.) Primitive types (e.g. int, float, etc.) are not required to be fully
    qualified with any package name. However, standard Java object types
    (e.g. String, Integer, etc.) as well as any user defined object types
    (e.g. like those generated by JPublisher) must be prefixed with a
    corresponding package name (e.g. java.lang) if applicable.
    5.) The 'main' method which takes a single String[] parameter can be
    mapped to any PL/SQL procedure or function which takes some number
    of VARCHAR2 or CHAR type IN parameters. For example, the java method:
    public static void main ( String[] args ) { ... }
    can be mapped to each of the following:
    PROCEDURE MyProc2 ( arg1 IN CHAR ) ...
    PROCEDURE MyProc3 ( arg1 IN CHAR, arg2 IN VARCHAR2 ) ...
    PROCEDURE MyProc4 ( arg1 IN VARCHAR2, arg2 IN VARCHAR2 ) ...
    and so forth. Parameters map to the corresponding element of the String
    array (e.g. arg1 -> args[0], arg2 -> args[1], etc.).

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    If there is some dll interface that lets Lotus Notes load up and use a DLL, then yes, this should be possible.

  • Problem calling java method from c

    Hi ,
    I'm trying to call a java method from a C program. it gives no error during compilation as well as building the application. but when i tried to create the JVM by running my application it pops up the message "The application failed to start because jvm.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem." I tried out setting all the environment variables to include the jvm.dll(PATH set to c:\j2sdk1.4.2_05\bin;c:\j2sdk1.4.2_05\jre\bin). Still got the same message. Then i re-installed java platform once more. Even now i get the same error. I have more than one jvm.dll at locations jre\bin\client and server, oracle has some jvm.dll . Will that be a problem? if so can i remove those? which of them should be removed and how?
    The code i'm using is
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <jni.h>
    #include <windows.h>
    //#pragma comment (lib,"C:\\j2sdk1.4.2_05\\lib\\jvm.lib")
    JavaVM jvm; / Pointer to a Java VM */
    JNIEnv env; / Pointer to native method interface */
    JDK1_1InitArgs vm_args; /* JDK 1.1 VM initialization requirements */
    int verbose = 1; /* Debugging flag */
    FARPROC JNU_FindCreateJavaVM(char *vmlibpath)
    HINSTANCE hVM = LoadLibrary("jre\\bin\\server\\jvm.dll");
    if (hVM == NULL)
    return NULL;
    return GetProcAddress(hVM, "JNI_CreateJavaVM");
    void main(int argc, char **argv )
    JavaVM jvm = (JavaVM )0;
    JNIEnv env = (JNIEnv )0;
    JavaVMInitArgs vm_args;
    jclass cls;
    jmethodID mid;
    jint res;
    FARPROC pfnCreateVM;
    JavaVMOption options[4];
    // jint (__stdcall pfnCreateVM)(JavaVM *pvm, void **penv, void *args) = NULL;
    options[0].optionString = "-Djava.compiler=NONE"; /* disable JIT */
    options[1].optionString = "-Djava.class.path=c:/j2sdk1.4.2_05/jre/lib/rt.jar"; /* user classes */
    options[2].optionString = "-Djava.library.path=lib"; /* set native library path */
    options[3].optionString = "-verbose:jni"; /* print JNI-related messages */
    /* Setup the environment */
    vm_args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_4;
    vm_args.options = options;
    vm_args.nOptions = 4;
    vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = 1;
    JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs ( &vm_args );
    pfnCreateVM = JNU_FindCreateJavaVM("jre\\bin\\server\\jvm.dll");
    res = (*pfnCreateVM)(&jvm,(void **) &env, &vm_args );
    // res = JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvm,(void **) &env, &vm_args );
    /* Find the class we want to load */
    cls = (*env)->FindClass( env, "InstantiatedFromC" );
    if ( verbose )
    printf ( "Class: %x" , cls );
    /*jvm->DestroyJavaVM( );*/
    Could anyone help me solve this problem as early as possible, bcoz i'm in an urge to complete the project.
    Thanks in advance.

    You either have to add to the system path of where is your jvm.dll is located or explicitly link to jvm.dll call GetProcAddress to obtain the address of an exported function in the DLL.

  • Call Java Method from Callback function

    I am writing a JNI wrapper in c++ for a particular event driven DLL. The DLL makes a network connection to another device and then calls a callback function when events are raised on the device. The DLL has 3 basic functions: connect, disconnect, and registerEventListener. RegisterEventListener takes a function pointer which is called each time an event is raised on the device.
    My wrapper DLL exposes connect and disconnect functions via JNI. I can call these functions just fine from my Java code. Now the question... How do I call a Java method from my c++ callback function? I can call a Java method using env->CallXXXMethod(...) from within a function that is accessible to Java but I don't have access to the JNI parameters in my Callback function.
    So how do I call a Java method from a callback function? If this cannot be done then what is the "right way" to handle native event notification with JNI?

    jschell wrote:
    JNI parameters? Meaning what exactly?
    General outline of a callback
    1. Entry
    2. Get the VM, env - there are methods for this
    3. Attach the thread
    4. Get a java object - how depends on what you are doing, but create it or a static reference.
    5. Get the java method
    6. Call the java method.That is exactly correct. The callback function is called from a separate thread so using a cached pointer to JNIEnv, obtained from the original native method, crashes the JVM. The jmethodID and jclass objects (which are needed to call the static Java method) can be cached without problem. The following is the code I used to attach the current thread and call my static method.
    void MyClass::onEvent(int system_id, char* data)
         //get a pointer to the Java Environment
         JNIEnv *env;
         jvm->AttachCurrentThread((void **)&env, NULL);
         //Call the Java method with the newly aquired data
         jstring js = env->NewStringUTF(data);
         env->CallStaticVoidMethod(cls, mid, system_id, js);
    }My last question is about cleanup in this function. When I use NewStringUTF to "convert" my char* to jstring do I need to do anything special to clean up or will the Java garbage collector take care of it since the jstring is being passed to a Java method?
    Thanks for you help

  • Call Java Method from BPM Process

      I have defined a java class with set of methods , and I want to know if there is any way to call those methods from a BPM process..
    Thanks in Advance,,
    Best Regards,,
    Ola Essa..

    Use the spring component context in soa suite instead of ejb. Look for documentation in soa suite developer guide. Only if you have existing ejbs then use ejb adapters.
    See this
    Message was edited by: VikramFusionApplied

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    OK. So, I think we can all conclude that you don't need to call any Java method, can't we? And, that wfUpdateMetadata is the command that will update your metadata.
    Now, the question is what are its arguments. It has two - the first is the name of a custom metadata field to be updated (let's suppose that one field is called xMinorVersion, and the other xMajorVersion), the other is the new value, e.g. <$wfUpdateMetaData("xMinorVersion", "New value.")$>As for new value - do you insist on using strings? Since you want to increase the value, it would be more convenient to work with numbers. For instance, with integers you could go with <$wfUpdateMetaData("xMinorVersion", xMinorVersion + 1)$>With strings you will need to convert it to numbers and back to strings. Besides, what happens if you have more than 100 minor versions? (you mentioned you want to add 0.01, but that would finally increase the major version, wouldn't it?) So, I think these two numbers are independent (perhaps, with exception that increase on the major version set the minor version to .00).
    If you want to present it, you can use profiles that will construct for you the representation 2.304 out of MajorVersion = 2, MinorVersion = 304

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    hi friends,
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    OK. So, I think we can all conclude that you don't need to call any Java method, can't we? And, that wfUpdateMetadata is the command that will update your metadata.
    Now, the question is what are its arguments. It has two - the first is the name of a custom metadata field to be updated (let's suppose that one field is called xMinorVersion, and the other xMajorVersion), the other is the new value, e.g. <$wfUpdateMetaData("xMinorVersion", "New value.")$>As for new value - do you insist on using strings? Since you want to increase the value, it would be more convenient to work with numbers. For instance, with integers you could go with <$wfUpdateMetaData("xMinorVersion", xMinorVersion + 1)$>With strings you will need to convert it to numbers and back to strings. Besides, what happens if you have more than 100 minor versions? (you mentioned you want to add 0.01, but that would finally increase the major version, wouldn't it?) So, I think these two numbers are independent (perhaps, with exception that increase on the major version set the minor version to .00).
    If you want to present it, you can use profiles that will construct for you the representation 2.304 out of MajorVersion = 2, MinorVersion = 304

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