Call javascript function after submit process

How can I call javascript function after my submit process ?

Hi Carl,
You say that I must have an Item or region that contains my js with conditionnal display. With this method I can execute my js with specific request value.
My problem is that I tried to integrate the "save large value workaround" in my application with the APEX wysiwyg (fckeditor). To do that I have to call the javascript function clob_submit on the save button. This function save the value of my field but if I want to save other item value, how can I do that ?
If I use your method, I will submit the page, save the other field and after that, I will branch on the same page. At this moment, I will execute my javascript file.
Is it what did you said ?
Sylvain Michaud
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    var url;
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    O.K. I think I got it working now. See
    There is an on submit process multiplying the number you enter by two and populating the target item. The process is running only if there is number entered. If you enter any other string a pop-up window will show you an error message. The approach is simple:
    1. create a process which does something on submit, if the supplied parameter is O.K. and nulls if not,
    2. created a branch to an empty page which fires on submit and it is conditional - using process exception(s),
    3. on the empty page there are two onload javascript calls:
    onload="javascript:popUp2('f?p=&APP_ID.:201:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.:::', 700, 700);javascript:redirect('f?p=&APP_ID.:50:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.::');"
    the first one is opening the required pop-up page and the next one is redirecting back to where we started.
    I don't know if there are any security issues with this approach. It is not so clean, since you need to create an additional empty page. However, it saves some coding of extra scripts.
    What you are saying I also had in mind.
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    Put that code in a onLoad process similar to how Scott shows at
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    (2) a table that stores what various combinations of codes in the detail table translate to for types of calls or data transmissions
    (3) a summary table for the months calls and billing
    (4) the E-Business Suite.
    (5) A GTT for temporary crossreference storage
    (6) A GTT for reporting data
    I have a parameter page where the user selects what data they are looking for and then submits it to generate the report.
    The generation of data is a four step process.
    (A) Retrieve the Code Combination ID's for the phone usage specified in the parameters from the summary billing table(1) into a GTT(5)
    (B) Query the department and Account Code Block Details from E-Business Suite(3) (using dblink) for the CCID's in step one and add to the GTT(5)
    (C) Run a query which uses the detail table(1), a function against the crossref table(2), and the crossreference GTT(5) to create the output in the report GTT(6)
    (D) An ApEx page process that counts the output and returns to a page without Export to Excel for over 65000 records or with Export for under.
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         document.aForm.q.value='12345';     'myWin';
      }I target the form reply to popup window myWin. Suppose the reply body contains some Javascript function doX(). Is it possible to call doX() automatically, after the submit and the reply is loaded on myWin, maybe using some onload event in the popup window?

    On the PopUo Windows BODY onLoad, call the method doX()

  • ADF Question: call javascript function from backing bean?

    Hi all,
    I am running JDeveloper with ADF BC.
    Heres my situation:
    I have a table, and after inserting a new row, then committing, I want to call a javascript function. I tried using the onkeyup javascript to force a click of the save button, and then call my function after that. However, I really only want the second function to be called AFTER the commit has occurred.
    I have tried putting a setTimeout on the second function, but this never executes then. Is there some way that I can call the second javascript function from the backing bean? Is there a better workaround for this? Here is some code:
            function submitCreate(e) {
                var _event = (window.event) ? event : e;
                var KeyID = _event.keyCode;
                switch (KeyID)
                    case 13:
            function doAjax() {
                var item = document.getElementById("form1:inputText3").innerHTML;
                getAjax(item, "FULL");

    Maybe try adding an af:script block in your jsp as a partial target in your backing bean when you commit to the database? We are doing something similar when we get a tab DisclosureEvent but the principle should be the same.
    In our jsp we have:
    <af:script id="scriptID" text="alert('javascript here');"/>
    In the backing bean we have:
    method(DisclosureEvent de) {
    // get a component somehow or the component, we get it from the disclosure event
    // but you could use a binding also. if you don't have the exact script element you need
    // to find it like we do below.
    UIComponent c = de.getComponent();
    // Find our real script component
    UIComponent target = c.findComponent(":scriptID");
    // get the adf context
    AdfFacesContext adfContext = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    // add the script as a partial target.
    if(target != null) {
    This relies on PPR though, which you may not be doing. If you are navigating to a new page you could set an indication in a backing bean and then access that in an <af:script> block in the new page or even generate the Javascript you want depending on your logic and access all of it via an EL binding on the af:script tag:
    <af:script id="scriptID" text="#{bbean.generatedScript}"/>
    Hope this helps!

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    I will explain my scenario correctly
    Let us take two pages
    1. Main Page (A)
    2. Child page (B)
           I have displayed records in tableview and each having checkbox and two buttons "print" and "viewDetails"  at down in page A. If I clicked "print" button the records which i have selected checkboxes details will be displayed in new window( page B). In page B i have given this following code
      <script language="javascript">
    setTarget() function is in page A.
    function setTarget(opt) {
    This code is executing after the content of all records details displayed.
    My condition is If i click print button new window is opened and details are displaying. And before displaying content in new page B (means after opened new window) if i click on "viewDetails" button that is also opening new window because <script> code is not executed not yet. but it should display in same window when i click "viewDetails" button.

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    Thanks a lot!

    Since your business method is called after the form is submitted, and your code is running on the server, probably the only thing you can do is this:
    Create a custom component (Maybe call it the "onLoad" component) that you always render at the top of your JSP. In the regular situation it wouldn't render anything, but in the case you mention, after your busines method, you would call a method on this new component on the server that would cause it to actually render something the next time it is rendered. When rendered this time, it could then render the "onLoad" method which has your window.close() code in it. The window would then close right away.
    The key is that you are not doing any of this on the client. The form is submitted, your business logic is executed, then the next page is rendered. When the next page is rendered, your javascript could be rendered to close the window.
    If I'm offbase here, someone please say something, I'd hate to send this guy on a wild goose chase.

  • How to call javascript function in back bean of jsf

    i am trying to call java script function in back bean but not done. Is there any code for call javascript function in bean file.

    Java runs at server side.
    JSF produces HTML output.
    Server sends HTML output to client.
    Java stops running.
    HTML runs at client side.
    JS starts to run in HTML.
    Clear? Java is a server side language. JS is a client side language. To run JS using JSF, simply print it out to the HTML so that it get invoked when the HTML runs.

  • How to call javascript function in Flash

    Please help...
    I have a site that run multiple of domain for example
    Domain (A):
    Domain (B):
    The problem is this.. when (B) html page load the flash file
    that locate at (A) it load but non of the buttons work which call
    javascript function using getURL("javascript:showpopup()"); But it
    work fine if all reside on the same domain,eg( (A) html page load
    flash file form (A)). Anyone know how to solve this other than
    create a set of flash files on (B).
    Raymond ext=Flash_MX_2004&file=00001750.html

  • Parallelizing after-submit processing

    I have a handful of after-submit processes on a page that have absolutely nothing in common. No data or state dependencies.
    But the way Apex accept processing works, it executes them sequentially. So, if process 1 takes 20 seconds and process 2 takes 20 seconds, total time taken would be 40 seconds!
    Yes, the processes themselves have been optimized and tuned as much as they can.
    Is there a way to fire off those 2 processes in parallel to save time? Something like the following construct in Unix Korn shell programming
    echo Starting
    process1 &
    process2 &
    process3 &
    echo DoneI guess I could invoke each process as a DBMS_JOB but that makes it "too asynchronous". My page would come back instantly but the work would not be done. I would need to build some kind of polling system to check some status table for completion and stuff.
    Ideas? Thanks.

    Hm, yes, I am aware of all the non-Apex solutions I could use, but like I said, that makes my page "think" that the processing is complete, when it is really not. I would need to build additional stuff into my app to periodically poll to find out status, refresh the page, etc, etc.
    It starts to get really complicated.
    And, in my case, the bottom line benefit of all this is to reduce a page processing time from 40 seconds to 20 seconds. I wouldn't want to spend 20 hours to achieve that! ;)
    It would have been so sweet if the PL/SQL language natively offered the kind of shell programming construct I showed earlier! Sigh...
    Thanks for your response.

  • How can i call javascript function with out internet connection?

    I have trying to call javascript function through ExternalInterface. But flash player recomonding to have internet connectivity. i have allredy used allowscript="always" .

    first, allow the folder that contains your flash files to connect to the internet by adjusting your security settings: ml
    then try the following in a swf and open the published html in your browser to test:
    import flash.external.ExternalInterface"function(){alert('test');}")

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