Calling a method via String representation of instance

Is it possible to call a method of a specific (and already existing) instance of a class using a string representation of the instance?

By "String representation of an instance," I simply mean a string that has the same format as a normal method call would have. So where a method would normally be called like this:
ClassX itsInstance = new ClassX();
The string representation would be:
String instanceName = "itsInstance";
And there would be some way of using this string to call the method referred to by instanceName.
The idea here is that I want to use the existing instance, whereas using reflection, as below, would create a new instance:
String className = "X";
String methodName = "print";
Class xClass = Class.forName(className);
Method xMethod = xClass.getMethod(methodName,null);
Object object = xClass.newInstance();

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    Hi Liang Zhang,
    In your C code add:
    void (JNICALL y_exit)(jint code) {
    and when you are initialazing JVM options add:
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         import = "java.sql.*"
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    JavaB wrote:
    Hi ,
    I have a method defined in my dataManagerDAO classIs it dataManagerDAO or DataManagerDAO?
    getNoc( strRppsId) throws Exception {}That's not a legal Java method declaration, so it's clearly not your actual declaration, so I have no idea what your actual declaration is, so I can't tell you what you're doing wrong.
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    The method getNoc(String) is undefined for the type DataManagerDAOQuite obviously you're calling a method getNoc(String) but that method doesn't exist on the DataManagerDAO class. No matter how much you may think you know that it does, you're wrong and the compiler is right.
    Maybe you misspelled or mis-capitalized something. Maybe you're passing the wrong type of argument. Maybe you're still using an older version of the DataManagerDAO class from before you added that method. Not enough information here to say for sure.
    ny clue wats going wrong in here ?I assume you mean "any", not "ny" and "what's", not "wats". Clear, correct, precise communication counts with folks here almost as much as it does with the Java compiler.

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         public static void main(String[] args)
              Scanner inpt = new Scanner(;
              String stringy;
              A a = new A();
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         public static void main(String[] args)
              Scanner inpt = new Scanner(;
              String stringy;
              A a = new A();
              System.out.println("Enter 'a': ");
              stringy =;
              if (stringy.charAt(0) == 'a')
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    Thanks for any help.
    Edited by: 797223 on Sep 28, 2010 11:21 PM

    What Kayaman said.
    Another suggestion, slightly more elaborate, is to use class.forName() and reflection to create an instance of the correct class:
    stringy =;
    Class clazz = Class.forName(makeClassCase(stringy));
    Object o = clazz.newInstance();
    SomeInterface i = (SomeInterface)o;
    i.lineOne();This assumes that you write a method private String makeClassCase(String s) that returns the correctly cased class name (e.g. transforms 'a' to 'A') and adds the appropriate package name if applicable, and that you define method lineOne() in an interface SomeInterface and in all classes that implement it (assuming I have correctly understood that all your classes do expose the same lineOne() method).
    You'll have to make special provisions for error cases (e.g. the user types a class name that doesn't exist, or that doesn't implement the common interface).

  • Calling a method with a string

    Here's the question:
    I want to call a method with the name equal to a string variable.
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    if the string contains "error", the error() method should be called..
    and so on..:)

    Here is an example I had thrown together for this
    purpose of the exact demonstration, Ar'nt you in luck.:-). If there is anything you don't understand,
    I can be reached at [email protected] and will be happy to help....
    import java.lang.reflect.*;
    class Test {
         String name = "Default";
            public Test(String name) {
           = name;
            public void test() {
         public void count() {
              for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {
           public static void main(String[] args) {
                 try {
                         Test myObject = new Test("test1");
                             Class myClass = myObject.getClass();
                   BufferedReader bRead =
                        new BufferedReader(
                        new InputStreamReader( ));
                   String bufStr = null;
                   while( (bufStr = bRead.readLine()) != "exit") {
                         Method noParams = myClass.getDeclaredMethod(bufStr, new Class[] {});
                              noParams.invoke(myObject, new Object[] {});
                }catch(Exception e) {
                   System.out.println("No Such Method.");
    }Good Luck,
    -- Ian

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    }else if ((readerElement.getFunction()).equals("clickButtonWait")) {
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    I need something like:
    testFrameWork.((readerElement.getFunction()).toString)() - This is of course bad code but I just want to give an idea what I am looking for
    Can I call somehow method by adding a name of that method by String?!

    While reflections can be error prone, so is maintaining 50 if/else statements or 50 Command classes. You appear to have a good use case.
    Method m = testFrameWork.getClass().getMethod(readerElement.getFunction());

  • How to call a method of a class where the name of method is string

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    for ex:
    S1 s=new S1();
    // this is the object of my class. this class has one method called executeMe()
    String methodname="executeMe";
    //i have the name of the method with me in the form of string.
    so how can i call the class's method in this scenario from the string like what should i write in sucha way that i get s.executeMe(); it is not presumed that this will only be the method that will be called. there maybe some other method too and it has also to be called this way. so please guide.

    S1 s = new S1();
    String name = "executeMe";
    Method m = s.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(name,null); // no parameters
    m.invoke(s,null);Built from memory, maycontain flaws.

  • Call a static method via RFC

    Hello people,
    How can I call a static method via RFC?
    I am in SRM and would like to call a static method defined in ECC.
    What is necessary to be configured in this class/method?

    You may need to write RFC in ECC and call it from SRM
    and write following code in RFC for call a static method

  • Converting a string to Class object and calling its method

    I have recently moved to Java and I need help on this specific issue given below.
    I have to do this :
    ValModule1 val1 = new ValModule1();
    ValModule2 val2 = new ValModule2();
    There are many ValModule* classes and they all have the method called checkModule in them. I need to instantiate each class and run the checkMethod which returns true or false. My problem is that I am trying to get the name of the module (if it is ValModule1 or 2 or 3) from the user. What I get from the user is the name of the class for which I should call checkModule method on.
    how can I convert this string validationname given by the user and instantiate that class and call the method?
    I have tried this:
    String str="c:/xpathtest/src/Plugin_Config.xml";
    File xmlDocument = new File(str);
    String cls = "ValModule1"; // assuming this is what the user gave me
    Class t = Class.forName("ValModule1");
    Object o = t.newInstance();
    After that if I try
    It gives me an error saying that it is not an existing method
    cannot resolve symbol
    [javac] symbol : method checkModule (
    [javac] location: class java.lang.Object
    [javac] if(o.checkModule(xmlDocument)){
    [javac] ^
    [javac] 1 error
    Can you please let me know where I am screwing up :-) ? If you need me to put both the programs I can do that too. Thanks in Anticipation

    I have recently moved to Java and I need help on this
    specific issue given below.
    I have to do this :
    ValModule1 val1 = new ValModule1();
    ValModule2 val2 = new ValModule2();
    There are many ValModule* classes and they all have
    the method called checkModule in them. I need to
    instantiate each class and run the checkMethod which
    returns true or false. My problem is that I am trying
    to get the name of the module (if it is ValModule1 or
    2 or 3) from the user. What I get from the user is
    the name of the class for which I should call
    checkModule method on.
    how can I convert this string validationname given by
    the user and instantiate that class and call the
    Define an interface containing the method all your classes have in common, cast the Object reference returned by newInstance to that interface, then you can call that method.
    Good Luck

  • Calling methods by strings

    I'd like to know if it is possible to call a method using a string eg:
    String aMethod = "someMethod()";
    is it possible to call the method contained into the aMethod String?
    thanks for your help
    Nicolas piguet

    This too.

  • String calling a method help!

    public void whichcom(String command)
              if(command == "q"){qmethod();}
              if(command == "l"){lmethod();}
              if(command == "n"){nmethod();}
              if(command == "p"){pmethod();}
              if(command == "d"){dmethod();}
              if(command == "a"){amethod();}
              if(command == "$"){$method();}
              if(command == "?"){questionmethod();}
                   System.out.println("This is not a recognised Editor Command");
    Can anyone tell me why whenever command is one of the characters that calls a method up above the method doesnt run?

    You want to use
    rather than
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    The reason is that "q" is an object reference--to an object of type String, to be exact. The == for references evaluates to true iff both references refer to the same object. However, command and "q" each refer to distinct String objects. String.equals returns true if the contents of the two Strings (that is, the sequence of characters for each) are the same.
    (Note: You might occasionally see the == operator appear to work the way you tried to use it here. That has to do with the fact that sometimes two String constants share the same array of characters. Don't count on this though.)

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