Calling webhelp topic from command line

I've searched the list, but was unable to find any
information about this.
How do you call a webhelp topic from the command line? What
syntax would I use?
Thank you

Try the topic on my site about Calling WebHelp.

Similar Messages

  • VBScript which is called with Arguments from Command Line

    Hi There.
    I have been tasked to create a VBScript which needs to accomplish the following:
    It needs to be called from a command line using 4 different arguments, the arguments in order as follows:
    -          Drive letter including colon
    Warning threshold in percentage
    Warning threshold in GB remaining
    Recipient email address
    I need to be able to set up a scheduled task, to run this script, but at the same time I need to be able to specify multiple drive letters as separate steps but on a single task.  The script needs to automatically run every 4 hours, starting at 06:00AM
    in the morning and running no later than 22:00 at night.
    The end results, need to then be e-mailed to the Recipient which is specified in Argument (3).
    Following is my current script, it is not complete as I am currently pulling my hair out due to having a lack of knowledge of VBScripting....  :(  The current script also loops every 10 minutes or so, and uses the incorrect way of sending the results,
    we would like to use POSTIE.EXE to send the mail as we would want to eliminate web traffic (Microsoft Schema's) in this script.
    Const emailFrom = "default_from_email_address_comes_here"      'From email address 
    Const ExchangeServer = "ExchangeServerName_comes_here"      'Enter your Exchange server name here (FQDN)
    Const WaitTimeInMinutes = 10                   'Wait time between loops. This is will be in minutes
    Dim WshShell, objArgs, strIP, objWMIService, LogicalVolumes, strDriveLetter
    Dim objItem, strDriveName, IntCapacity, IntFree, DiskFreePct
    Dim strIgnoreFlag
    Dim strMessage, IntStatistic
    on error resume next
      strDriveLetter         = WScript.Arguments(0)   'This is the drive letter which you want to monitor on the localhost
      DiskFreePct            = WScript.Arguments(1)   'This is the threshold percentage of free space
      ThresholdGB           = WScript.Arguments(2)
      Recipient                = WScript.Arguments(3)   'This is where the e-mail needs to be sent to
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      msgbox "You did not supply the arguments after calling the VBS file:" & vbcrlf & "<Drive Letter, eg:  C:>"& vbcrlf & "<Warning Threshold in Percentage> "& vbcrlf &"<Warning
    Threshold in GB Remaining> "& vbcrlf &"<Recipient E-Mail Address>"
    End If  
    Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
    WScript.Echo WshNetwork.ComputerName
    arrServerList = array(WshNetwork.ComputerName)    'This is where your localhost will be used as the query
    Do until i = 2
        'Clear the message variable
        strMessage = ""
        'Poll the array of servers
        'Email if there is a message
        if strMessage <> "" then
        end if
        'The script will loop for now just for testing. Uncomment the line that follows the loop logic to cancel the loop.
            'i = i + 1
    Sub PollServers(arrServers)
        on error resume next
        for each Server in arrServers
            set objSvc = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}//" & Server & "/root/cimv2")
            set objRet = objSvc.InstancesOf("win32_LogicalDisk")
            for each item in objRet
                if item.DriveType = 7 then
                    end if
                    if item.FreeSpace/item.size <= AlertHigh then
                        strMessage = strMessage & UCase(strPC) & "  Drive '" & item.caption & "' is low on disk space!  There are " & FormatNumber((item.FreeSpace/1024000),0)
    & " MB free" & vbCRLF
                    end if
        set objSvc = Nothing
        set objRet = Nothing
    End Sub
    Sub EmailAlert(Message)
        on error resume next
        Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
        with objMessage
            .From = emailFrom
            .To = Recipient
            .Subject = "Server " & WshNetwork.ComputerName & " is low on Disk Space" 
            .TextBody = Message
            .Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 2
            .Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = ExchangeServer
            .Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 25
        end with
        Set objMessage = Nothing
    End Sub

    I've managed to get the script fully working as required.
    Const emailFrom = "your_email_here"      'From email address
    Const ExchangeServer = "exchange_server_name"      'Enter your Exchange server name here (FQDN)
    Const WaitTimeInMinutes = 240                   'Wait time between loops. This is will be in minutes
    Dim WshShell, objArgs, strIP, objWMIService, LogicalVolumes, strDriveLetter
    Dim objItem, strDriveName, IntCapacity, IntFree, DiskFreePct
    Dim strIgnoreFlag
    Dim strMessage, IntStatistic
    Dim DrivePercentage
    Dim DriveSpaceRem
    Dim mbFreeSpace
    Dim intFreeSpace
    Dim UsedPercentage
    on error resume next
      strDriveLetter           = WScript.Arguments(0)   'This is the drive letter which you want to monitor on the localhost
      DiskFreePct              = WScript.Arguments(1)   'This is the threshold percentage of free space
      ThresholdGB              = WScript.Arguments(2)
      Recipient                = WScript.Arguments(3)   'This is where the e-mail needs to be sent to             
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      msgbox "You did not supply the arguments after calling the VBS file:" & vbcrlf & "<Drive Letter, eg:  C:>"& vbcrlf & "<Warning Threshold in Percentage> "& vbcrlf &"<Warning Threshold in GB Remaining> "&
    vbcrlf &"<Recipient E-Mail Address>"
    End If 
    strComputer = "."
    'WScript.Echo strComputer
    Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
    'WScript.Echo WshNetwork.ComputerName
    arrServerList = array(strComputer)    'This is where your local host will be used as the query
    Do until i = 1
        'Clear the message variable
        strMessage = ""
        'Poll the array of servers
        PollServers strComputer,strDriveLetter
        'Email if there is a message
        if strMessage <> "" then
        end if
        'The script will loop for now just for testing. Uncomment the line that follows the loop logic to cancel the loop.
            i = i + 1
    Sub PollServers(strComputer,strDriveLetter)
        Selectstring = "Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk Where DeviceID = '" & strDriveLetter & "'"
        on error resume next
        Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
        Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(Selectstring)
        For Each objItem in colItems
     if objItem.FreeSpace/objItem.Size * 100 <= DiskFreePct or mbFreeSpace <= ThresholdGB then
         DrivePercentage = FormatNumber(objItem.FreeSpace/objItem.Size *100,0)
         DriveSpaceRem   = FormatNumber((objItem.FreeSpace/1024000),0)
         intFreeSpace    = objItem.FreeSpace
         mbFreeSpace     = intFreeSpace / 1024 / 1024 / 1024
         mbFreeSpace     = round(mbFreeSpace,0)
         intTotalSpace   = objDisk.Size
         UsedPercentage  = 100 - DrivePercentage
              strMessage      = strMessage & " "
            end if
    End Sub
    Sub EmailAlert(Message)
        on error resume next
        Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
     with objMessage
            .From = emailFrom
            .To = Recipient
            .Subject = "" & WshNetwork.ComputerName & ": Alert " & Now & " -> " & UCase(strDriveLetter) & " fill level = " & UsedPercentage & "%, Space Remaining = " & mbFreeSpace & "
            .TextBody = Message
            .Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 2
            .Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = ExchangeServer
            .Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 25
        end with
        Set objMessage = Nothing
    End Sub
    'WScript.Echo "done"

  • Calling this simple servlet from command line -- ERRORS!

    Below is my servlet. I call from command line via:
    java BatchServlet
    and I get:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: BatchServlet
    IS there a reason for this
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class BatchServlet extends HttpServlet implements Runnable{
    static Thread t = null;
    public void init(ServletConfig c) throws ServletException{
    if (t==null){
    t = new Thread(this);
    public void run(){
    while (true){
    }catch (InterruptedException ie){
    System.out.println("Wake up");

    Same error with this little prog.....
    Notice main method
    package wch.util;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class test {
    public void main(){

  • Work from command line but did not work from JSP call

    I have a test class that should perform Triple DES. When I run it from command line work ok, but when runs from JSP it give me an error:
    javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Input length not multiple of 8 bytes
    put 3 check points inside the code, and run it from command line and here is the result:
    C:\Documents and Settings\salasadi\Desktop\DigitalMailer>java TDESStringEncrypto
    r 123456781234567812345678 "CID=103&A
    this is pass 3
    this is pass 1
    this is pass 2
    here is the class:
    import javax.crypto.*;
    import javax.crypto.spec.*;
    public class TDESStringEncryptor
    static final int DATA_STRING_LENGTH = 64;
    public static void main(String[] args)
    TDESStringEncryptor enc = new TDESStringEncryptor();
    String value = enc.Encrypt(args[0], args[1]);
    catch (Exception ex)
    public String Encrypt(String inkey, String data)
    throws Exception
    // convert key to byte array and get it into a key object
    byte[] rawkey = inkey.getBytes();
    DESedeKeySpec keyspec = new DESedeKeySpec(rawkey);
    SecretKeyFactory keyfactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DESede");
    SecretKey key = keyfactory.generateSecret(keyspec);
    Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/ECB/NoPadding");
    cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
    byte[] out = cipher.doFinal( padString(data).getBytes( ) );
    System.out.println("this is pass 1");
    return byteArrayToHexString( out );
    private String byteArrayToHexString(byte in[])
    byte ch = 0x00;
    int i = 0;
    if ( in == null || in.length <= 0 )
    return null;
    String pseudo[] = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
    "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"};
    StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer( in.length * 2 );
    while ( i < in.length )
    ch = (byte) ( in[i] & 0xF0 );
    ch = (byte) ( ch >>> 4 );
    ch = (byte) ( ch & 0x0F );
    out.append( pseudo[ (int) ch] );
    ch = (byte) ( in[i] & 0x0F );
    out.append( pseudo[ (int) ch] );
    String rslt = new String( out );
    System.out.println("this is pass 2");
    return rslt;
    private String padString( String s )
    StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer( s );
    int strLength = str.length();
    for ( int i = 0; i <= DATA_STRING_LENGTH ; i ++ )
    if ( i > strLength ) str.append( ' ' );
    System.out.println("this is pass 3");
    return str.toString();
    And here is the JSP call:
    TDESStringEncryptor encryptz = new TDESStringEncryptor();
    String cryptodata1 = encryptz.Encrypt(Keyz,cryptodata);

    Please use [ code ] tags when posting code.
    Please indicate the line that causes the exception.
    Please indicate what Keyz and cryptodata is.

  • Grant and revoke privilages from command line interface

    hi all,
    I have a lot of users that I need to give them a set of privileges to folders and containers of the repository, i thought that using the command line interface should help in loading a script.
    i checked the manual for the syntax for such a command (i.e. to grant privileges) but i couldn't, searched the net and i didn't find anything.
    So can we grant privileges from the command line interface and how ?
    by the way is there anyway to create users from command line interface as well ?\
    thanks in advance and have a good one

    The granting of access rights cannot be done with a CLI script in Designer. Instead you have to use the Designer API Pl/Sql packages.
    For detailed information, refer to the "API and Model Reference Guide", which is
    installed with the Designer Repository Documentation, or can be found on OTN > Doco > Designer site.
    Scroll through that document to the Reference section. You will need to read up on two topics at least: Workarea and Container Context, Privileges and Access Rights.
    To grant rights, the easiest way is to grant them "just like some existing ones".
    To do this, you'll need a Pl/Sql procedure with 5 input parameters:
    1) the workarea context
    2) the container to look at
    3) the user to look like
    4) the container to grant access to
    5) the user to grant access for
    The Pl/Sql procedure then needs to make a series of Repository API package calls to set context and get container IRIDs:
    JR_CONTEXT.Set_Workarea (workareaname) - to set the context workarea
    JR_CONTEXT.Set_Working_Folder (sourcefoldername) - to specify the source container
    JR_CONTEXT.Working_Folder (sourcefolderid) - to get the ID of the source container
    JR_CONTEXT.Set_Working_Folder (targetfoldername) - to specify the target container
    JR_CONTEXT.Working_Folder (targetfolderid) - to get the ID of the target container
    OR you can just do a couple queries after you set the WA CONTEXT such as ...
    Select IRID from CI_Application_Systems where NAME = <sourcefoldername>
    Select IRID from CI_Application_Systems where NAME = <targetfoldername>
    Then you get the list of rights desired, and grant them back to the target user.
    JR_ACC_RIGHTS.Get_Acc_Rights (sourcefolderid, sourceusername) > AccessList
    [gets list of existing rights for some user on a container]
    JR_ACC_RIGHTS.Grant_Priv_List (targetfolderid, targetusername, AccessList, Cascade? = TRUE)
    [to set the list of rights for a user against the target container and its subcontainers]
    There are other ACC_RIGHTS packages, like Grant_Priv, Revoke_Prive, Revoke_Priv_List, etc that you can use as well to build up a set of access management scripts.
    Hope this helps

  • Error while running a Discoverer Workbook with parameter from command line

    I am trying to run a discoverer report from command line and export the results in xls on to my local machine. I could do it fine for a simple workbook, but if I add a parameter(madatory) to the workbook and run it from command line specifying the parameter value I wanted to run the report for, I do not get any results. Here is the command line I am using.
    dis51usr.exe /connect user/password@database /apps_user /apps_responsibility "System Administrator" /eul EUL_US /open C:\Disco\Test.DIS /sheet Testsheet /parameter Period Jan-07 /export xls C:\Disco\X.xls /batch
    Parameter value is entered in correct format(Jan-07).
    When I removed /batch from this to see if I get any error, Discoverer Desktop opened up, logged in and gets terminated saying 'Oracle Discoverer Desktop has encountered a problem and need to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
    Did anybody come across this issue before?

    If you have a few minutes, Windows is also aborting for me:
    the differences are, my situation is:
    a) am running the command line from a .bat file
    b) am NOT running with parms, want the discoverer query to come up for the user
    c) am running a query from the database
    i am signing in as myself BUT running a query that was created by a generic user called SREG
    c) if i run the .bat file from Windows Explorer, the query opens fine
    d) if i execute the .bat file from within Microsoft Access using the shell command,
    the query opens and then aborts RIGHT BEFORE the parm screen would display
    e) btw, if i modify the .bat file, to run a query from MY database signon, then (d) - running .bat file
    from vb using SHELL command works
    Do you have a ideas as to why (d) does not work? I would be very grateful for your time, tx, sandra
    this is what i posted yesterday, tx: Re: Running Discoverer command line
    tx, sandra

  • Query runs from command line, but not from scheduler

    We use Control-M to schedule shell scripts to be run on a Solaris server. Some of the scripts have to access an Oracle database and in that case our security team will include the DB user and password in the script, then encrypt it and the sys admin team schedules the encrypted shell script with Control-M. That works fine, but we've been trying to have the DB user and password on a separate encrypted file so that we don't have to ask for file encryption every time it's necessary to modify a script (this is a test environment).
    We have the script at ~/system_name/scripts, the query at ~/system_name/sql and the encrypted file and key at ~/system_name/keys. The SQLPlus call in the script is:
    ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus "`decrypt -a 3des -k ./../keys/key.3des.system -i ./../keys/login.system`"@instance_name <<EOF
    The security analyst has tested is successfully from command line, but when we schedule it with Control-M the job abends and we get the following in the sysout:
    + decrypt -a 3des -k ./../keys/key.3des.system -i ./../keys/login.system
    decrypt: cannot open ./../keys/key.3des.system
    decrypt: invalid key.
    + /u00/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/bin/sqlplus @instance_name
    + 0<<
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon May 3 09:41:55 2010
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    SP2-0310: unable to open file "instance_name.sql"
    Enter user-name: SP2-0306: Invalid option.
    where <logon> ::= <username>[<password>][@<connect_identifier>] [edition=valu\
    e] | /
    SP2-0306: Invalid option.
    where <logon> ::= <username>[<password>][@<connect_identifier>] [edition=valu\
    e] | /
    Enter password:
    ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
    SP2-0157: unable to CONNECT to ORACLE after 3 attempts, exiting SQL*Plus
    Any ideas?

    Looks like the command is being split in some way - the connection to sqlplus is being made before it completes the whole string
    It appears to be seeing the @instance_name as a script to execute rather than a db to connect to.
    Is the database on the same server as the script?
    If so, try setting your environment to the correct databsae, so that you can omit the @instance_name part of the syntax and see if it helps
    Also just noticed the failure to open the decrypt script. It would appear uyou are not using a full path name. Have you checked which directroy the scheduled job starts in? You may need to look at running some environment specific scripts first.
    Edited by: LindaA on 05-May-2010 07:43

  • How can pass the data from Command line  to  Applet?

    I am writing a chat application by using sockets. For that purpose I need to pass the parameter data from command line to Applets. Is there any method to receive command line args data in Applets? If so please tell me.

    Passing command line arguments to an applet is not possible, but for the same you can try using param tags, within your applet tag.
    For eg:
    <param name="xyz" value="abcdef">
    Within the applet's any method like init call <getParameter("xyz");>
    will return u the value.
    [email protected]

  • Create domain from command line failed in wls91

    I am trying to create a simple domain from command line for wls91. It even didn't ask me the password. How can I do it? Thanks
    C:\testdomain>java weblogic.Server
    <Feb 23, 2006 9:11:50 AM PST> <Info> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000377> <Starting Web
    Logic Server with BEA JRockit(R) Version R26.0.0-189-53463-1.5.0_04-20051122-204
    1-win-ia32 from BEA Systems, Inc.>
    C:\testdomain\config\config.xml not found
    No config.xml was found.
    Would you like the server to create a default configuration and boot? (y/n): y
    <Feb 23, 2006 9:11:56 AM PST> <Info> <Management> <BEA-140013> <C:\testdomain\.\
    config\config.xml not found>
    <Feb 23, 2006 9:11:56 AM PST> <Info> <Security> <BEA-090065> <Getting boot ident
    ity from user.>
    Enter username to boot WebLogic server:weblogic
    <Feb 23, 2006 9:12:00 AM PST> <Error> <Security> <BEA-090782> <Server is Running
    in Production Mode and Native Library(terminalio) to read the password securely
    from commandline is not found.>
    <Feb 23, 2006 9:12:00 AM PST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000388> <JVM called
    WLS shutdown hook. The server will force shutdown now>
    <Feb 23, 2006 9:12:00 AM PST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server sta
    te changed to FORCE_SHUTTING_DOWN>

    If you are still having problems creating a domain from the command line, the official solution would be to use
    {proper_path}/bea/weblogic{proper_version}/common/bin/ -mode=console
    This will guide you to the same steps as the visual version of the wizard, but using the command prompt.
    If you are using windows, the same works but with the command config.cmd, and mutatis mutandis.

  • SQL Developer BRIDGE command from command line on Windows environment

    Is it possible to call SQL Developer BRIDGE command from command line on Windows environment?

    Hi <please supply your name>,
    SQL Developer Worksheet is not available from the command line.
    The BRIDGE command is only supported in the Worksheet.
    Its an interesting idea though. Are you trying to script data move from a non Oracle database to an Oracle database using the BRIDGE command?
    The BRIDGE command was initially done to allow a simple data move from a non Oracle database to Oracle. We then build the "Copy to Oracle" feature out of it.
    Since the BRIDGE command references connection names, which have to be defined in UI of SQL Developer any solution to run this on the command line would have to work this out.
    There are number of ways you can do this without using the BRIDGE command.
    1) Perform a capture/convert of your non Oracle database and then generate the "offline" data move scripts.
    Theses scripts use SQL*Loader and your non Oracle database tool (Ex: Sybase BCP).
    These are run from the command line and can be modified ....
    2) Use a database link from your Oracle database to your non Oracle database and reference /query the data that way.
    I would interested to hear your thoughts.
    SQL Developer Team.

  • Disable or quiet UAC without reboot from command line

    I need to be able Disable or quiet UAC without reboot from command line without user confirmation as local system
    We use LANDesk and I want to add a part of the script to install turning off or quieting UAC, run install and them turn UAC on
    Not all users are Admins so I can run as current logged on user but if admin rights are not need I can run a pre install task as local user run the
    install task then run a post install task to turn it on
    It doesn’t have to be a command line it can be an app Ii position on each machine then call if it can run silently

    Thanks for posting in Microsoft TechNet forums.
    To disable UAC, you can take either of the following methods:
    If you use Group Policy to manage UAC, you can edit the local security policy to control this:
    From the Start search bar, type "Local Security Policy"
    Accept the elevation prompt
    From the snap-in, select Security Settings -> Local Policy -> Security Options
    Scroll down to the bottom, where you'll find nine different group policy settings for granular configuration of UAC.
    Use the following script to elevate the privilege in Windows Vista.
    Scripting Elevation on Vista
    You can also modify the registry through the following command line:
    REG ADD HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0x0 /f
    Important caution:
    please backup your registry before modifying it, any incorrect modification can cause a unrecoverable damage.
    Best Regards 
    Dale Qiao
    TechNet Subscriber Support in forum. If you have any feedback on our support, please contact
    [email protected]

  • How to send report output to  two  detinations at a time from command line?

    Hi ,
    how to send my report to two detinations at a time from command line i.e FILE and Mail ?
    i created batchfile in that i mentioned one line for file(DESTYPE=FILE) perpose and another line for mail perpose(DESTYPE=Mail).i don't want to mention to lines.
    i want to send my report out put two destinations at a time insted of running two times.
    thx in advance.....

    did you try to use distribution for that ? check out the reports distribution facilities available in 6i.
    the oracle reports team

  • VPN Client disconnection from command line

    I want to connect to IPsec VPN on ISA500 by VPN Client (v, the last version, I think), using command line parameters.
    I can connect with the command:
    "%programfiles%\Cisco Systems\VPN Client\ipsecdialer.exe" -c -user myUser -pwd myPassword "MyConnectionEntry"
    but i don't know the command to disconnect from command lines.
    If I do
    "%programfiles%\Cisco Systems\VPN Client\ipsecdialer.exe" -?
    I obtain the list of parameters
    vpngui [-c | -sc [sd] [-user <username>] [-pwd <password> ! -eraseuserpwd]] <connection entry>
    but I don't unterstand what I have to do... I try every combination using -sd parameter (I think means for silent disconnect), but in every case I can only to show VPN interface  without disconnect anything...
    Can anyone help me?

    This appears to be a data flow issue.  You need to look in the dataflow log file.  Your information indicates the project name is SAMPLES.xml, and the data flow ID is D20091213_014350765.  Look at the data flow log file in
    Alternatively, you can temporarily replace the transactional reader and writter transforms with their corresonding batch transforms, and run the job from the Project Architect.  Any errors will be displayed in the Running window.

  • I can not uninstall Office 2013 from command line

    Hi, I have been stuck for a while trying to uninstall Office 2013 via command line. Installation file was downloaded from Volume Licensing Service Center, Uninstall.xml file for silent uninstallation looks like this:
    <Configuration Product=”ProPlus”>
    <Display Level=”basic” CompletionNotice=”yes” SuppressModal=”yes” AcceptEula=”yes” />
    From command line the following will not work:
    setup /uninstall ProPlus /config .\ProPlus.ww\Uninstall.xml
    Error: Setup can not find or validate an installation file. Please try reinstalling Office . . .
    setup /uninstall ProPlus gives me GUI to continue process - it seems /config .\ProPlus.ww\Uninstall.xml part does not work as it should be
    This is very important to me since I used above command line in SCCM 2012 R2 to allow user to uninstall Office 2013 by itself via Software Center. When this failed I tried locally but the error was the same. This should have been trivial task - silent uninstallation
    using .xml file. It is not a rocket science. I am very angry because losing time for something like this is unacceptable for system engineers working with SCCM 2012 R2.

    This error might occurs due to lots of reasons. Where is the installation file stored? If it's stored on a network share, please copy it to your local disk, and then manually run the command again. This way, we'll see if the installation file is the
    If issue persists in this case, then this generally means that something wrong with the installation file. Please try to redownload it and then try again.
    Please also make sure that you're executing the command with elevated privileges (run as administrator).
    Ethan Hua
    Forum Support
    Come back and mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click

  • How to delete more than one workbook from command line

    Hi, I'd like to delete more than one workbook from command line:
    The following syntax, it doesn't work....but I followed the manual instructions:
    dis51adm.exe /connect eul/eul@uatdb /delete /workbook "ALE_TEST_1, ALE_TEST_2" /eul eul /log D:\Ale\delete.log
    eul/eul@uatdb: is the db’s schema/user where the EUL is installed;
    /delete "ALE_TEST_1, ALE_TEST_2": is the command to delete the workbooks, specified inside the “” (with the relative path)
    /log D:\Ale\delete.log: is the command to write a log’s file named “delete.log” to track the action     
    The log file says:
    22/4/2008 4:00:26 μμ
    dis51adm.exe /connect /delete /workbook ALE_TEST_1, ALE_TEST_2 /eul eul /log D:\Ale\delete.log
    Document ALE_TEST_1, ALE_TEST_2 not found in EUL.
    Internal EUL Error: ObjectNotFound - Can't find EUL element
    There are 0 eul elements to be deleted.
    Completed deleting eul elements.
    22/4/2008 4:00:29 μμ
    Anyone can tell me how is the right syntax ?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Rod
    I was coming to that conclusion myself but wanted to wait until the other avenues had been exhausted first - aka making sure of the workbook names.
    I checked through all of the command line documentation and read nothing which clearly indicated that only one workbook could be processed at a time, other than the fact that the syntax says workbook and not workbooks, which could be a big clue.
    I think you are right though in that it has to be one at a time, which would be a pain.
    Best wishes

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