Can rs.last() be used after calling the stored procedure?

Can rs.last() be used after calling the stored procedure? If yes what should be the CURSOR types?

Can rs.last() be used after calling the stored
procedure? If yes what should be the CURSOR types?That would depend on the driver/database.
And as I said in your other post it is far more efficient to count records by just returning a count rather than a complete collection regardless of how you get to the end.

Similar Messages

  • How to call the stored procedure in side the package... ?

    I have one package i am new to PL/SQL. I want to execute the package and procedure.
    PROCEDURE GetEmployeeName(i_empno IN NUMBER,
    o_ename OUT VARCHAR2)
    SELECT ename
    INTO o_ename
    FROM emp
    WHERE empno = i_empno;
    END GetEmployeeName;
    END Employee_pkg;
    Please tell me how to execute the package. and inside procedure

    SQL> create package employee_pkg
      2  as
      3    procedure getemployeename(i_empno in number, o_ename out varchar2);
      4  end employee_pkg;
      5  /
    Package is aangemaakt.
      2  AS
      3  PROCEDURE GetEmployeeName(i_empno IN NUMBER,
      4  o_ename OUT VARCHAR2)
      5  IS
      6  BEGIN
      7  SELECT ename
      8  INTO o_ename
      9  FROM emp
    10  WHERE empno = i_empno;
    11  END GetEmployeeName;
    14  END Employee_pkg;
    15  /
    Package-body is aangemaakt.
    SQL> var P_ENAME varchar2(30)
    SQL> set autoprint on
    SQL> exec employee_pkg.getemployeename(7839,:P_ENAME)
    PL/SQL-procedure is geslaagd.

  • Errors in calling Oracle stored procedure using java CallableStatement

    I have an oracle stored procedure below, it has been tested in PL/SQL without errors. During testing, in_c_file_type="F"; out_n_seqno_freeformat=120139596 and out_n_seqno_commaseprated is null (empty in value column).
    When I run the program in Eclipse (windows xp), error messages is below: (It stopped at line 'cstme.execute();' )
    Message:ORA-06550: line 1, column 26: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "" when expecting one of the following:   . ( ) , * @ % & | = - + < / > at in is mod remainder not   range rem => .. <an exponent (**)> <> or != or ~= >= <= <>   and or like LIKE2_ LIKE4_ LIKEC_ as between from using ||   indicator multiset member SUBMULTISET_ The symbol ", was inserted before "" to continue. Error code:6550 SQL statement:65000 {code} Does anyone know what cause the error? It seems like something is missing in the stored procedure. But the stored procedure passes the test in the PL/SQL. The oracla driver I used is Oracle thin driver. Oracle version is 10.2.g Thanks in advance. northcloud {code} create or replace procedure SP_GET_SEQNO_2( in_c_file_type in char, out_n_seqno_freeformat out integer, out_n_seqno_commaseprated out integer) is n_seqno_commaseprated    integer; n_seqno_freeformat        integer; begin if in_c_file_type ='F' THEN  SELECT message_counter.nextval INTO n_seqno_freeformat FROM dual; insert into temp_stroperations (record_id,OUTPUT_STR,INPROCESS_STR) values (n_seqno_freeformat,empty_clob(),empty_clob()); elsif in_c_file_type ='C' THEN  SELECT message_counter.nextval INTO n_seqno_commaseprated FROM dual; insert into temp_stroperations (record_id,OUTPUT_STR,INPROCESS_STR) values (n_seqno_commaseprated,empty_clob(),empty_clob()); else SELECT message_counter.nextval INTO n_seqno_freeformat FROM dual; insert into temp_stroperations (record_id,OUTPUT_STR,INPROCESS_STR) values (n_seqno_freeformat,empty_clob(),empty_clob()); SELECT message_counter.nextval INTO n_seqno_commaseprated FROM dual; insert into temp_stroperations (record_id,OUTPUT_STR,INPROCESS_STR) values (n_seqno_commaseprated,empty_clob(),empty_clob()); end if; out_n_seqno_freeformat        := n_seqno_freeformat; out_n_seqno_commaseprated    := n_seqno_commaseprated; end SP_GET_SEQNO_2; {code} ----- A part of java code I used to call the stored procedure is here. {code} String escapeString = "{call SP_GET_SEQNO_2 (? ? ?)}"; CallableStatement cstme = null; try { cstme = con.prepareCall(escapeString); cstme.setString(1, "F"); cstme.registerOutParameter(2, java.sql.Types.INTEGER); cstme.registerOutParameter(3, java.sql.Types.INTEGER); cstme.execute(); int seqNoFreeformat=0, seqNocommasepreted=0; seqNoFreeformat = cstme.getInt(2); seqNocommasepreted = cstme.getInt(3); System.out.println ("In ConvertXML.processStoredProcedure(), seqNoFreeformat= "+seqNoFreeformat+";seqNocommasepreted="+seqNocommasepreted); } catch (SQLException e) { //System.out.println ("In ConvertXML.processStoredProcedure(), SQLException: "+e); System.err.println("Message:"+e.getMessage()); System.err.println("Error code:"+e.getErrorCode()); System.err.println("SQL statement:"+e.getSQLState()); log.log(Level.INFO, log.getName() + " - SQLException : "+e); } {code}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

    es5f2000 wrote:
    jschell wrote:
    That works?I dunno. The below definitely works, but like I said, I've only
    ever done it with one output parameter (and that has always
    been a ResultSet).
    String callableQuery = "{?= call my_package.my_call(?, ?)}"
    Yes I have done that and at least in terms of my code it wasn't just a result set.
    But not with two.

  • SQLException while calling a Stored Procedure in Oracle

    Hi all,
    I am getting this error while calling a Stored Procedure in Oracle...
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [12259], [], [
    at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTIoer.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.Oall7.receive(
    at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.doOall7(
    at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.fetch(
    at StoredProcedureDemo.main(
    The Program is ...
    import java.sql.*;
    public class StoredProcedureDemo {
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
              Connection con = null;
              ResultSet rs = null;
              Statement st = null;
              CallableStatement cs = null;
              int i;
              try {
                   con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@","scott","tiger");
                   System.out.println("Got Connection ");
                   st = con.createStatement();
                   String createProcedure = "create or replace PROCEDURE Get_emp_names (Dept_num IN NUMBER) IS"
                             +" Emp_name VARCHAR2(10);"
                             +" CURSOR c1 (Depno NUMBER) IS"
                             +" SELECT Ename FROM emp WHERE deptno = Depno;"
                             +" BEGIN"
                             +" OPEN c1(Dept_num);"
                             +" LOOP"
                             +" FETCH c1 INTO Emp_name;"
                             +" EXIT WHEN C1%NOTFOUND;"
                             +" END LOOP;"
                             +" CLOSE c1;"
                             +" END;";
                   System.out.println("Stored Procedure is \n"+createProcedure);
                   i = st.executeUpdate(createProcedure);
                   System.out.println("After creating the Stored Procedure "+i);
                   cs = con.prepareCall("{call Get_emp_names(?)}");
                   System.out.println("After calling the Stored Procedure ");
                   System.out.println("Before executing the Stored Procedure ");
                   rs = cs.executeQuery();
                   System.out.println("The Enames of the given Dept are ....");
                   while( {
                        System.out.println("In The while loop ");
              catch (Exception e) {
    Stored Procedure is ...
    create or replace PROCEDURE Get_emp_names (Dept_num IN NUMBER) IS
    Emp_name VARCHAR2(10);
    CURSOR c1 (Depno NUMBER) IS
    SELECT Ename FROM emp WHERE deptno = Depno;
    OPEN c1(Dept_num);
    FETCH c1 INTO Emp_name;
    CLOSE c1;
    Stored procedure is working properly on sql*plus(Oracle 8.1.5)) editor. But it is not working from a standalone java application. Can anyone please give me a solution.
    thanks and regards
    Shyam Krishna

    The first solution is to not do that in java in the first place.
    DDL should be in script files which are applied to oracle outside of java.
    Other than I believe there are some existing stored procedures in Oracle that take DDL strings and process them. Your user has to have permission of course. You can track them down via the documentation.

  • Calling a Stored Procedure with Parameter using an UDF

    Hi All,
      I have a requirement where I need to use database lookup. In that I am calling the Stored Procedure using UDF. For example sp_flow ., for this I have to pass<INTID> and <USDERID> to get the response.
    I am using the below code to excute this.
    Channel channel = null;                                                   
    Map rowMap = null;                                                        
    DataBaseAccessor accessor = null;                                         
    DataBaseResult resultSet = null;                                          
    String Query = null;   
    //Query ="EXECUTE dbo.sp_flow <INTID> <USERID>;                                                 
    Query = "EXECUTE dbo.sp_flow  \'304\' ,  \'shankar\'  " ;       
    //Determine a channel, as created in the Configuration                    
    channel =                                                                 
    //Get a system accessor for the channel. As the call is being made to an  
    DB, an DatabaseAccessor is obtained.                                      
    accessor = LookupService.getDataBaseAccessor(channel);                                                                               
    //Execute Query and get the values in resultset                           
    resultSet = accessor.execute(Query);                                                                               
    for(Iterator rows = resultSet.getRows();rows.hasNext();){                 
    rowMap = (Map);                                                                               
    I am getting the error "Error when calling an adapter by using the communication channel CC_NWLS_TLA_JDBC_Rcv (Party: , Service: BS_MICROSOFT_SQLWLS20DEV_D, Object ID: d30aace599de3cd69548bf145d0724b7) XI AF API call failed. Module exception: (No information available). Cause Exception: 'Error processing request in sax parser: Error when executing statement for table/stored proc. 'table' (structure 'statement'): The statement did not return a result set."
    let me know how do this.
    Edited by: Shankar on Jun 9, 2009 2:51 PM
    Edited by: Shankar on Jun 9, 2009 3:02 PM

    first of all calling a SP via the lookup API, there is a workaround but it is not at all recommended
    /people/arpil.gupta/blog/2008/11/03/workaround-for-jdbc-scenarios - DB Lookup via Stored procedure
    The accessor does not support transactional behaviour. Therefore, the method should not be used to execute insert or update statements on the database which can lead to inconsistencies. The accessor should only be used to read data from a database table.

  • Calling a stored procedure with VARRAY as out parameter using JDBC

    I want to use the data type VARRAY as an out parameter in an Oracle stored procedure. I want to call the stored procedure from
    my java program using JDBC.
    I'm using Oracle 8.1.5 for Windows NT.
    Please help me.

    Originally posted by JDBC Development Team:
    It's very similar to other datatype except that it uses OracleTypes.ARRAY typecode and the value is mapped to a oracle.sql.ARRAY instance. The code looks as follows --
    cstmt.registerOutParameter (idx, OracleTypes.ARRAY, "VARRAY_TYPE_NAME_HERE");
    cstmt.execute ();
    ARRAY array = (ARRAY) cstmt.getObject (idx);
    Thanks for your reply.
    I have to use:-
    OracleCallableStatement cs1 = (OracleCallableStatement )conn.prepareCall
    ( "{call proj_array(?)}" ) ;
    for retrieving a collection as an OUT parameter.
    This gives me the errors:-
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Blob getBlob(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Array getArray(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Clob getClob(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Ref getRef(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    How do I get rid of these errors?

  • Calling a stored procedure using Oracle Ole Db provider

    I am looking for an example of syntax used to call a stored procedure from VB.Net using the Oracle OleDB provider. I have been using the Microsoft provider MSDAORA but need to move to the Oracle provider due to upgrade. The syntax used with the MSDAORA provider does not work with the Oracle provider.

    Please refer to the Populate DataSet with Multiple REF Cursors Sample available at the following URL:
    Check the PopulateProducts method available in the ViewProducts.cs file that call a database stored procedure "getProductsInfo" . This code is written in C# you may want to convert it to VB.NET syntax.
    OTN IDC Team.

  • How will be outbound data structure in sap xi after executing the stored pr

    Hi All
    can any one please tell me how will be outbound data structure in sap xi after executing the stored procedure by sender JDBC adapter?
    Thanks in advance

    My stored procedure is select and it will be OUTBOUND in PI.
    is it will be same as following
    <column-name1>column-value</ column-name1>
    <column-name3>column-value</ column-name3>
    <column-name1>column-value</ column-name1>
    <column-name2></ column-name2>
    Edited by: Rameshkumar Varanganti on Oct 15, 2008 12:04 PM

  • How to call a stored procedure using its package name in Oracle

    we're doing a JDBC scenario where we call a stored procedure(a.prc) using its package name(b)The stored procedure has In /Out/IN-OUT parameter.
    i have got 2 queries:
    1- How to call the stored procedure using it's package.
    2- How to capture the In/Out parameter in the response.

    hi Prateek
    thanks for the reply.
    However when i tried mapping it to Package.procedure, communication channel throws the error saying that Package.proceudre needs to be declared.
    As i said , the procedure has IN-OUT parameter too.In oracle we need to write a block if we want to read the IN-OUT parameter.
    How to get the IN-OUT parameter in XI?

  • Ssrs 2008 r2 report dataset call a stored procedure

    I am modifying an existing SSRS 2008 r2 report. In a dataset that already exists within the ssrs 2008 r2 report I need execute
    a stored procedure called StudentData and pass 3 parameter values to the stored procedure. The stored procedure will then return 5 values that are now needed for the modified ssrs report. My problem is I do not know how to have the dataset call the stored procedure
    with the 3 parameter values and pass back the 5 different unique data values that I am looking for.
    The basic dataset is the following:
    SELECT  SchoolNumber,
     from [Trans].[dbo].[Student]
     order by SchoolNumber,
    I basically want to pass the 3 parameters of SchoolNumber, SchoolName, and StudentNumber to the
    stored procedure called StudentData from the data I obtain from the [Trans].[dbo].[Student]. The 3 parameter values will be obtained from the sql listed above.
    The  columns that I need from the stored procedure called  StudentData will return the following data columns
    that I need for the report: StudnentName, StudentAddress, Studentbirthdate, StudentPhoneNumber, GuardianName.
    Thus can you show me how to setup the sql to meet this requirement I have?

    Hi wendy,
    After testing the issue in my local environment, we can refer to the following steps to achieve your requirement:
    Create three multiple parameters named SchoolNumber, SchoolName and StudentNumber in the report. Those available values from the basic dataset SchoolNumber, SchoolName and StudentNumber fields.
    If you want to pass multiple values parameter to stored procedure, we should create a function as below to the database:
    CREATE FUNCTION SplitParameterValues (@InputString NVARCHAR(max), @SplitChar VARCHAR(5))
    RETURNS @ValuesList TABLE
    param NVARCHAR(255)
    DECLARE @ListValue NVARCHAR(max)
    SET @InputString = @InputString + @SplitChar
    WHILE @InputString!= @SplitChar
    SELECT @ListValue = SUBSTRING(@InputString , 1, (CHARINDEX(@SplitChar, @InputString)-1))
    IF (CHARINDEX(@SplitChar, @InputString) + len(@SplitChar))>(LEN(@InputString))
    SET @InputString=@SplitChar
    SELECT @InputString = SUBSTRING(@InputString, (CHARINDEX(@SplitChar, @InputString) + len(@SplitChar)) , LEN(@InputString)-(CHARINDEX(@SplitChar, @InputString)+ len(@SplitChar)-1) )
    INSERT INTO @ValuesList VALUES( @ListValue)
    Use the query below to create a stored procedure, then use it to create a dataset to return 5 values:
    create proc proc_test(@SchoolNumber nvarchar(50),@SchoolName nvarchar(50),@StudentNumber nvarchar(50))
    select StudnentName, StudentAddress, Studentbirthdate, StudentPhoneNumber, GuardianName
    from table7 where SchoolNumber in (SELECT * FROM SplitParameterValues (@SchoolNumber,','))  and SchoolName in(SELECT * FROM SplitParameterValues (@SchoolName,','))  and StudentNumber in (SELECT * FROM SplitParameterValues (@StudentNumber,','))
    Right-click the new dataset to modify the parameter value in the Parameters pane as below:
    For more details about pass multi-value to stored procedure, please see:
    If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Sender JDBC support the stored procedure in SQL Server 2005

    Dear All,
    My question here is , Sender is JDBC adpter support to call the Stored procedure in Microsoft SQL Server 2005?
    I followed the below thread before posting this question
    Sender JDBC Adapter Supports Stored Procedures????
    In the thread Suraj response has mentioned SAP note: 941317, I checked the note, Note says it supported only ORACLE DBMS versions.
    Could you please clarify about this to possibility to call the stored procedure in Microsoft SQL server 2005?
    Thank you in Advance

    Hi Sateesh,
    To answer your query, Yes it does. SP call works with SQL Server 2005 as well, the SP call should be "execute SPNAME <paramas>". In the place of update statement put any junk value as mentioned in the earlier comment.
    But just one thing to be noted, the select or any other query returning the desired resultset must be the first statement in youre SP returning value to the calling app. Means if there are any update, deletion or intermediate select queries to be used with in your SP, those all should be placed after the Main Select query that returns the desired resultset. Variable declarions and assignments are allowed.
    But if the seq of statements in your SP are like:
    @var1 Varchar
    Update <tablename>....
    Select * from <tablename>
    Then the output of the SP is :
    1 row updated
    <the resultset from select>
    In such cases, PI can recognise the first value returned only, that is "1 row updated" and hence the returned resultset wouldn't be seen by PI or not be passed to integration engine. Hence the update should come after the main Select.
    One more interesting piece of information, even if you copy and paste the entire SP code in place of the query string of Sender JDBC adapter, that too will work with all your variable declarations, multiple queries and updates and everything. Just have to follow the above rule.
    Let us know what you find.

  • With JDBC, calling a stored procedure with ARRAY as out parameter

    I want to use the data type ARRAY as an out parameter in an Oracle stored procedure. I want to call the stored procedure from
    my java program using JDBC.
    The problem it's i use a 8.1.7 client to acces with oci to a 7.1.3 Database.
    With this configuration I can get back a Cursor but not an Array.
    Does it's possible ?
    Thanks for your help !

    Originally posted by JDBC Development Team:
    It's very similar to other datatype except that it uses OracleTypes.ARRAY typecode and the value is mapped to a oracle.sql.ARRAY instance. The code looks as follows --
    cstmt.registerOutParameter (idx, OracleTypes.ARRAY, "VARRAY_TYPE_NAME_HERE");
    cstmt.execute ();
    ARRAY array = (ARRAY) cstmt.getObject (idx);
    Thanks for your reply.
    I have to use:-
    OracleCallableStatement cs1 = (OracleCallableStatement )conn.prepareCall
    ( "{call proj_array(?)}" ) ;
    for retrieving a collection as an OUT parameter.
    This gives me the errors:-
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Blob getBlob(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Array getArray(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Clob getClob(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Ref getRef(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    How do I get rid of these errors?

  • Calling a stored procedure with default parameters

    Dear all,
    I am trying to call a stored procedure that has not all the parameters compulsory, and indeed, there are some I am not interested in. Therefore, I would like to call the stored procedure initializing only some of the parameters but if I miss some of them, I have an SQLException thrown. Is there any way to do that?

    One way to do it is ---
    By using Default Parameters you can miss few parameters while calling a procedure.
    As the example below shows, you can initialize IN parameters to default values. That way, you can pass different numbers of actual parameters to a subprogram, accepting or overriding the default values as you please.
    Moreover, you can add new formal parameters without having to change every call to the subprogram.
    PROCEDURE create_dept (
    new_dname VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'TEMP',
    INSERT INTO dept
    VALUES (deptno_seq.NEXTVAL, new_dname, new_loc);
    If an actual parameter is not passed, the default value of its corresponding formal parameter is used.
    Consider the following calls to create_dept:
    create_dept('MARKETING', 'NEW YORK');
    The first call passes no actual parameters, so both default values are used.
    The second call passes one actual parameter, so the default value for new_loc is used.
    The third call passes two actual parameters, so neither default value is used.
    Usually, you can use positional notation to override the default values of formal parameters.
    However, you cannot skip a formal parameter by leaving out its actual parameter.
    For example, the following call incorrectly associates the actual parameter 'NEW YORK' with the formal parameter new_dname:
    create_dept('NEW YORK'); -- incorrect
    You cannot solve the problem by leaving a placeholder for the actual parameter.
    For example, the following call is illegal:
    create_dept(, 'NEW YORK'); -- illegal
    In such cases, you must use named notation, as follows:
    create_dept(new_loc => 'NEW YORK');
    For more details refer URL
    Hope this helps

  • Calling Oracle Stored Procedure from BC4J JSP App

    I am on an extremely tight deadline and am trying to get my JSP application to use an Oracle Stored Procedure. I need to take some input from the user and send these values as parameters. Has anyone worked with Stored Procedures in JDev3.1? Please reply with some sample code if possible.

    Someone posted a similar request the other day. Here is my response to them:
    Basically, you need to create a custom method from your JSP's ViewObject, which calls the stored procedure. You can then call the ViewObject's custom method from the JSP client.
    Here is how I have done it:
    1. Choose the ViewObject that your JSP is based on and choose 'Edit' from the context menu.
    2. On the Java tab of the ViewObject wizard, choose Generate Java File checkbox for the View Object Class and click the Finish button. A file is created under the ViewObject node in the Navigator named ''.
    3. Open the file in the code editor and create a method to call your stored procedure (see sample code below).
    4. Compile the file.
    5. Choose the view object again, and choose Edit again from the context menu.
    6. On the Client Methods tab, you should now see your method appear in the Available field. Select it and shuttle it to the Selected field.
    7. Click Finish to leave the VO wizard, and rebuild your Business Components project.
    8. In your JSP, call the custom method (see sample code below).
    sample code for custom method calling a stored procedure from file:
    public int getTotalHits(String mon, String year) {
    CallableStatement stmt = null;
    int total;
    // the call to the PL/SQL stored proc
    String totalhits = "{? = call walkthru.total_hits(?,?)}";
    // use the AM conxn 2 call storedproc
    stmt = getDBTransaction().createCallableStatement(totalhits, 1);
    // Bind the Statement Parameters and //Execute this Statement
    stmt.setString(2,mon); stmt.setString(3,year);
    total = stmt.getInt(1);
    catch (Exception ex)
    throw new oracle.jbo.JboException(ex);
    catch (Exception nex)
    return total;
    sample render code for calling custom method from JSP custom bean:
    public void render() {
    int totalhits;
    Row[] rows;
    // Retrieve all records by default, the qView variable is defined in the base class
    rows = qView.getAllRowsInRange();
    // instantiate a view object for our exported method
    // and call the stored procedure to get the total
    ViewObject vo = qView.getViewObject();
    wtQueryView theView = (wtQueryView) vo;
    totalhits = theView.getTotalHits(session.getValue("m").toString(),session.getValue("y").toString());
    } catch(Exception ex)
    throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage());

  • Use database inside a stored procedure

    Hi guys, a stupid question: I'm working with several database and sometimes I'm afraid to run an alter or a create something in the wrong database, bear in mind that several database have the same tables. Sometime happens to run a query oin the db A
    instead in the db B. So, the question: If I create a procedure like this,
    create procedure creatingPillar as
    use USA
    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id =
    OBJECT_ID(N'pillarretail') AND type in (N'U'))
    DROP TABLE PillarRetail
    create table PillarRetail (anid int , ancore varchar(20), period dec(18,6), settlem datetime2,
    settlementper int, asf dec(18,6),astlf dec (18,6), tot dec (18,6) )
    insert into PillarRetail select anid, ancore, Period, settlem, settlementper,
    asf, astlf, tot from createsemipillar2011
    insert into PillarRetail select select anid, ancore, Period, settlem, settlementper,
    asf, astlf, tot createsemipillar
    but I'm wondering if is useless to put the use USA in the stored procedure by the moment that I'm creating the procedure in USA. I mean, having the SP in the USA db even if I run the procedure from another db it should run in USA. Just a stupid question
    I know but I got this doubt...

    You may try as below:
    create proc as below: (This will create the proc in USA database.
    use USA
    create procedure dbo.creatingPillar as
    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id =
    OBJECT_ID(N'pillarretail') AND type in (N'U'))
    DROP TABLE PillarRetail
    create table PillarRetail (anid int , ancore varchar(20), period dec(18,6), settlem datetime2,
    settlementper int, asf dec(18,6),astlf dec (18,6), tot dec (18,6) )
    insert into PillarRetail select anid, ancore, Period, settlem, settlementper,
    asf, astlf, tot from createsemipillar2011
    insert into PillarRetail select select anid, ancore, Period, settlem, settlementper,
    asf, astlf, tot createsemipillar
    Then you can call as below:
    Exec USA.dbo.creatingPillar

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