Can't get Next/Previous Buttons to work

I am trying to get the next/previous buttons to work on my jsp page. I have collected data from a resultset and stored it in an arrayList. My problem is that I am getting a null pointer exception when I try to display the jsp. I have a one to many relationship 1 company to many contracts and want to be able to go backwards and forwards through the contracts using the previous/next buttons. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Below is my code:
// Connection
String pid = request.getParameter("partID");
if (pid == null) {
pid = "1034";
String pname = null;
String ref4 = null;
String url = null;
String program = null;
String tier = null;
String numcon = null;
String active = null;
String publish = null;
String agreeid = null;
String type = null;
String recdate = null;
String status = null;
String rendate = null;
String termdate = null;
String descrip = null;
ArrayList agreements = new ArrayList();
try {
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("Select p.*, a.agreeid, a.type, a.status, a.recdate, "
+ "a.descrip, a.termdate, a.rendate "
+ "from partDB.partner p, partDB.agreement as a "
+ "where p.partid = '" + pid + "'"
+ "and p.partid=a.partid ");
while ( {
Agreement agreement = new Agreement();
session.setAttribute("agreements", agreements);
catch (Exception e){
PrintWriter errorOut = new PrintWriter(out);
out.println("<br></pre>" + e);
<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="main" -->
int agreementIndex = 0;
agreements = (ArrayList) request.getAttribute("agreements");
if (agreements == null) {
request.setAttribute("agreements", agreements);
if (request.getParameter("agreementIndex") != null) {
agreementIndex = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("agreementIndex"));
Agreement agreement = (Agreement)agreements.get(agreementIndex);
int nextIndex = 0;
int previousIndex = 0;
if ((agreementIndex+1) >= agreements.size()) {
nextIndex = -1;
} else {
nextIndex = agreementIndex++;
if ((agreementIndex-1) < 0) {
previousIndex = -1;
} else {
previousIndex = agreementIndex--;
<div id="mainentity"><!-- #BeginLibraryItem "/library/oppEntityHeader.lbi" -->
<div class="section">
<div class="sectionheader">
<div class="sectionheadertext">
 General Information<img src="../images/collapsesection.gif" id="general_img" width="12" height="14" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" title="" alt="" style="vertical-align:middle" /> General Information
<div class="sectionbody" id="general">
<div class="formfields">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Partner Name:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%=agreement.getPname() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Contract:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getRef4() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">URL:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getUrl() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Program:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getProgram() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Tier:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getTier() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel"># of Consultants:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getNumcon() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Active:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getActive() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Publish to Web:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getPublish() %></td></tr>
<div class="dialogbuttons">
<input type="button" value=" Edit " class="mmhide_btn" onmouseover="hov(this,'mmhide_btn mmhide_btnhov')" onmouseout="hov(this,'mmhide_btn')" onclick="window.location.href='#'" />
<div class="section">
<div class="sectionheader">
<div class="sectionheadertext">
 Agreement(s)<img src="../images/collapsesection.gif" id="codes_img" width="12" height="14" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" title="" alt="" style="vertical-align:middle" /> Agreement(s)
<div class="sectionbody" id="codes">
<div class="formfields">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Agreement:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getType() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Received Date:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getRecdate() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Status:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getStatus() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Description:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getDescrip() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Renewal Date:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getRendate() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Termination Date:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getTermdate() %></td></tr>
<div class="dialogbuttons">
<tr><td id="dialogbuttons" colspan="3">
<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="wizardbuttons" -->
if (previousIndex != -1) {
<input type="button" value="Previous" class="mmhide_btn" onmouseover="hov(this,'mmhide_btn mmhide_btnhov')" onmouseout="hov(this,'mmhide_btn')" onclick="window.location.href='/partDB/partners/PartnerAgree.jsp?agreementIndex=' + <%=previousIndex%>" />
} else {
<input type="button" value="Previous" class="mmhide_btn" onmouseover="hov(this,'mmhide_btn mmhide_btnhov')" onmouseout="hov(this,'mmhide_btn')" onclick="" disabled="disabled" />
if (nextIndex != -1) {
<input type="button" value=" Next " class="mmhide_btn" onmouseover="hov(this,'mmhide_btn mmhide_btnhov')" onmouseout="hov(this,'mmhide_btn')" onclick="window.location.href='/partDB/partners/PartnerAgree.jsp?agreementIndex=' + <%=nextIndex%>" />
} else {

Hi Annie,
Below is the code as I have it now and am still getting the null pointer exception. Thanks for looking at this for me, I have been struggling with it since before Christmas!
// Connection
String pid = request.getParameter("partID");
if (pid == null) {
pid = "1034";
String pname = null;
String ref4 = null;
String url = null;
String program = null;
String tier = null;
String numcon = null;
String active = null;
String publish = null;
String agreeid = null;
String type = null;
String recdate = null;
String status = null;
String rendate = null;
String termdate = null;
String descrip = null;
ArrayList agreements = new ArrayList();
<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="main" -->
int agreementIndex = 0;
agreements = (ArrayList) request.getAttribute("agreements");
if (agreements == null) {
try {
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("Select p.*, a.agreeid, a.type, a.status, a.recdate, "
+ "a.descrip, a.termdate, a.rendate "
+ "from partDB.partner p, partDB.agreement as a "
+ "where p.partid = '" + pid + "'"
+ "and p.partid=a.partid ");
while ( {
Agreement agreement = new Agreement();
session.setAttribute("agreements", agreements);
catch (Exception e){
PrintWriter errorOut = new PrintWriter(out);
out.println("<br></pre>" + e);
request.setAttribute("agreements", agreements);
if (request.getParameter("agreementIndex") != null) {
agreementIndex = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("agreementIndex"));
Agreement agreement = (Agreement)agreements.get(agreementIndex);
int nextIndex = 0;
int previousIndex = 0;
if ((agreementIndex+1) >= agreements.size()) {
nextIndex = -1;
} else {
nextIndex = agreementIndex++;
if ((agreementIndex-1) < 0) {
previousIndex = -1;
} else {
previousIndex = agreementIndex--;
<div id="mainentity"><!-- #BeginLibraryItem "/library/oppEntityHeader.lbi" -->
<div class="section">
<div class="sectionheader">
<div class="sectionheadertext">
 General Information<img src="../images/collapsesection.gif" id="general_img" width="12" height="14" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" title="" alt="" style="vertical-align:middle" /> General Information
<div class="sectionbody" id="general">
<div class="formfields">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Partner Name:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%=agreement.getPname() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Contract:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getRef4() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">URL:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getUrl() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Program:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getProgram() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Tier:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getTier() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel"># of Consultants:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getNumcon() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Active:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getActive() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Publish to Web:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getPublish() %></td></tr>
<div class="dialogbuttons">
<input type="button" value=" Edit " class="mmhide_btn" onmouseover="hov(this,'mmhide_btn mmhide_btnhov')" onmouseout="hov(this,'mmhide_btn')" onclick="window.location.href='#'" />
<div class="section">
<div class="sectionheader">
<div class="sectionheadertext">
 Agreement(s)<img src="../images/collapsesection.gif" id="codes_img" width="12" height="14" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" title="" alt="" style="vertical-align:middle" /> Agreement(s)
<div class="sectionbody" id="codes">
<div class="formfields">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Agreement:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getType() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Received Date:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getRecdate() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Status:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getStatus() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Description:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getDescrip() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Renewal Date:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getRendate() %></td></tr>
<tr><td class="formfieldlabel">Termination Date:</td><td class="formfieldvalue"><%= agreement.getTermdate() %></td></tr>
<div class="dialogbuttons">
<tr><td id="dialogbuttons" colspan="3">
<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="wizardbuttons" -->
if (previousIndex != -1) {
<input type="button" value="Previous" class="mmhide_btn" onmouseover="hov(this,'mmhide_btn mmhide_btnhov')" onmouseout="hov(this,'mmhide_btn')" onclick="window.location.href='/partDB/partners/PartnerAgree.jsp?agreementIndex=' + <%=previousIndex%>" />
} else {
<input type="button" value="Previous" class="mmhide_btn" onmouseover="hov(this,'mmhide_btn mmhide_btnhov')" onmouseout="hov(this,'mmhide_btn')" onclick="" disabled="disabled" />
if (nextIndex != -1) {
<input type="button" value=" Next " class="mmhide_btn" onmouseover="hov(this,'mmhide_btn mmhide_btnhov')" onmouseout="hov(this,'mmhide_btn')" onclick="window.location.href='/partDB/partners/PartnerAgree.jsp?agreementIndex=' + <%=nextIndex%>" />
} else {
<input type="button" value=" Next " class="mmhide_btn" onmouseover="hov(this,'mmhide_btn mmhide_btnhov')" onmouseout="hov(this,'mmhide_btn')" onclick="" disabled="disabled" />

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    Yes, I did try with Xperia Z3 and it works fine for me. If you have tried safe mode, you should perhaps try a software repair on your phone via PC Companion to see if this can help:
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    Thanks to everyone who helped on this. You are awesome. Especially Ned!!  Posted here because I was unable to add more to the existing post.
    Here is the question:
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    <link rel="image_src" href="" />
    Thank you
    Message was edited by: nater85

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    **Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=button, frame=1:Line 1: Mouse
    events are permitted only for button instances
    on (release) {
    Total ActionScript Errors: 1 Reported Errors: 1
    I thought I HAD created a button instance! I SO do not get
    this. I did all the steps any tutorial talks about - and I took
    your suggestions about putting in the scripting, i.e.:
    on (release) {
    This is what I put when I opened up the actions window for
    the button on frame 1 of Scene 1. Is this wrong? I'm seriously
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    to understand, because if you leave out a step thinking it's so
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    You have to make sure the button is selected so that this AS
    code is actually connected to the button. If you want a different
    method where the button isn't selected when you put in the AS code
    then use this:
    buttonInstanceName.onRelease = function() {
    That way the code references the button's intance name and
    doesn't need to be attached directly to the button, but rather the
    frame containing it.
    Please note that you can attach code to objects or the frames
    containing them. Your code needs to be attached to the button. My
    code needs to be attached to the frame. Get the difference?

  • How can I get the reset button to work?

    When you click on the reset button, this error below comes up. If you can't find the button it is the navy colored rectangular thing in the lower left corner of page.
    ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
        at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
        at AddATree2/onReset()
    Here is the code:
    Appreciate your thoughts!  w_sights
    /* AS3
        Copyright 2008 __MyCompanyName__.
         *    Class description.
         *    @langversion ActionScript 3.0
         *    @playerversion Flash 9.0
         *    @author
         *    @since  19.05.2009
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.utils.Timer;
        import flash.text.TextField;
        import flash.text.TextFormat;
        import flash.text.StyleSheet;
        import Reset;
        import Tree;
        public class AddATree2 extends MovieClip {
            // CLASS CONSTANTS
             //  CONSTRUCTOR
             *    @Constructor
            public function AddATree2(){
                reset.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, onReset ) ;
                reset.buttonMode = true ;
                reset.mouseChildren = false;
                mcAdd.addEventListener ( MouseEvent.CLICK , onClick ) ;
                mcAdd.buttonMode = true ;
                mcAdd.mouseChildren = false;
                //var reset_btn:reset = new reset();
            //  PRIVATE VARIABLES
                private var clickCount:Number = 0;
            //  PUBLIC VARIABLES
                public var reset:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
            //  GETTER/SETTERS
            //  PUBLIC METHODS
            //  EVENT HANDLERS
            private function onClick ( evt : MouseEvent ) : void
                    case 1:
                            var tree = new Tree ( ) ;
                            addChild ( tree ) ;
                            tree.x = 430;
                            tree.y = 300;
                            tree.scaleX = .95;
                            tree.scaleY = .95;
                            var brickham:BrickhamScriptProBMP = new BrickhamScriptProBMP();
                            var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
                            fmt.font =  brickham.fontName;
                            fmt.size = 58;
                            /*var regularText:TextField =  new TextField();
                            regularText.autoSize = "left";
                            regularText.embedFonts = true;
                            regularText.defaultTextFormat = fmt;
                            //regularText.text = "Merry Christmas"
                            var css:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
                            css.setStyle("p", {fontFamily:brickham.fontName, fontSize:78,color:"#FFFFFF"});
                            //css.setStyle("a", {textDecoration:"underline"});
                            var webText:TextField = new TextField();
                            webText.autoSize = "left";
                            webText.embedFonts = true;
                            webText.styleSheet = css;
                            webText.htmlText = "<p>Merry Christmas</p>";
                            webText.x = 52;
                            webText.y = 41;
                    case 2:
                            var tree2 = new Tree();
                            tree2.x = 175;
                            tree2.y = 450;
                            tree2.scaleX = .65;
                            tree2.scaleY = .65;
                    case 3:
                            var tree3 = new Tree();
                            tree3.x = 45;
                            tree3.y = 365;
                            tree3.scaleX = .45;
                            tree3.scaleY = .45;
               /*     case 4:
                            var tree4 = new Tree();
                            tree4.x = 660;
                            tree4.y = 195;
                            tree4.scaleX = .25;
                            tree4.scaleY = .25;
            //mcAdd.removeEventListener ( MouseEvent.CLICK , onClick ) ;
            /*reset_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, resetButton);*/
            function onReset(event:MouseEvent)
                var webText:TextField = new TextField();
                var reset:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
                reset.x = 450;
                reset.y = 500;
                reset.scaleX = .01;
                reset.scaleY = .01;
                stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, removeWebText);
                var tree = new Tree();
                var tree2 = new Tree();
                var tree3 = new Tree();
            public function removeWebText(event:MouseEvent):void
                var webText:TextField = new TextField();
                var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        public class Tree extends MovieClip
            function Tree()
                addEventListener ( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE , onAddedToStage ) ;
            private function onAddedToStage ( evt : Event ) : void
                width = stage.stageWidth ;
                height = stage.stageHeight ;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        public class Reset extends MovieClip
            function Reset()
                addEventListener ( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE , onAddedToStage ) ;
            private function onAddedToStage ( evt : Event ) : void
                width = stage.stageWidth ;
                height = stage.stageHeight ;

    Thank you for responding so quickly.
    I have added child and it has removed the error. However, the button icon has disappeared as you can see when you play the .swf and the reset button doesn't clear the stage of everything but the star and the back ground.
    See new code:
    /* AS3
        Copyright 2008 __MyCompanyName__.
         *    Class description.
         *    @langversion ActionScript 3.0
         *    @playerversion Flash 9.0
         *    @author
         *    @since  19.05.2009
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.utils.Timer;
        import flash.text.TextField;
        import flash.text.TextFormat;
        import flash.text.StyleSheet;
        import Reset;
        import Tree;
        public class AddATree2 extends MovieClip {
            // CLASS CONSTANTS
             //  CONSTRUCTOR
             *    @Constructor
            public function AddATree2(){
                reset.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, onReset ) ;
                reset.buttonMode = true ;
                reset.mouseChildren = false;
                mcAdd.addEventListener ( MouseEvent.CLICK , onClick ) ;
                mcAdd.buttonMode = true ;
                mcAdd.mouseChildren = false;
                //var reset_btn:reset = new reset();
            //  PRIVATE VARIABLES
                private var clickCount:Number = 0;
            //  PUBLIC VARIABLES
                public var reset:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
            //  GETTER/SETTERS
            //  PUBLIC METHODS
            //  EVENT HANDLERS
            private function onClick ( evt : MouseEvent ) : void
                    case 1:
                            var tree = new Tree ( ) ;
                            addChild ( tree ) ;
                            tree.x = 430;
                            tree.y = 300;
                            tree.scaleX = .95;
                            tree.scaleY = .95;
                            var brickham:BrickhamScriptProBMP = new BrickhamScriptProBMP();
                            var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
                            fmt.font =  brickham.fontName;
                            fmt.size = 58;
                            /*var regularText:TextField =  new TextField();
                            regularText.autoSize = "left";
                            regularText.embedFonts = true;
                            regularText.defaultTextFormat = fmt;
                            //regularText.text = "Merry Christmas"
                            var css:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
                            css.setStyle("p", {fontFamily:brickham.fontName, fontSize:78,color:"#FFFFFF"});
                            //css.setStyle("a", {textDecoration:"underline"});
                            var webText:TextField = new TextField();
                            webText.autoSize = "left";
                            webText.embedFonts = true;
                            webText.styleSheet = css;
                            webText.htmlText = "<p>Happy Happy</p>";
                            webText.x = 52;
                            webText.y = 41;
                    case 2:
                            var tree2 = new Tree();
                            tree2.x = 175;
                            tree2.y = 450;
                            tree2.scaleX = .65;
                            tree2.scaleY = .65;
                    case 3:
                            var tree3 = new Tree();
                            tree3.x = 45;
                            tree3.y = 365;
                            tree3.scaleX = .45;
                            tree3.scaleY = .45;
               /*     case 4:
                            var tree4 = new Tree();
                            tree4.x = 660;
                            tree4.y = 195;
                            tree4.scaleX = .25;
                            tree4.scaleY = .25;
            //mcAdd.removeEventListener ( MouseEvent.CLICK , onClick ) ;
            /*reset_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, resetButton);*/
            function onReset(event:MouseEvent)
                var webText:TextField = new TextField();
                var reset:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
                reset.x = 450;
                reset.y = 500;
                reset.scaleX = .01;
                reset.scaleY = .01;
                stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, removeWebText);
                var tree = new Tree();
                var tree2 = new Tree();;
                var tree3 = new Tree();
            public function removeWebText(event:MouseEvent):void
                var webText:TextField = new TextField();
                var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        public class Tree extends MovieClip
            function Tree()
                addEventListener ( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE , onAddedToStage ) ;
            private function onAddedToStage ( evt : Event ) : void
                width = stage.stageWidth ;
                height = stage.stageHeight ;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        public class Reset extends MovieClip
            function Reset()
                addEventListener ( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE , onAddedToStage ) ;
            private function onAddedToStage ( evt : Event ) : void
                width = stage.stageWidth ;
                height = stage.stageHeight ;

  • Xml gallery with thumbnails & next/previous buttons.

    hallo all the wise people,
    sorry to bother you, but i'm kind of desperate, and nobody around to ask, so....
    i've spend now three full days editing an xml gallery... to my needs, and always goes messy, so maybe it's time give up and make my own from the scratch, or looking from a one closer to my needs =/ (helpless).
    could anyone help - maybe any of you by some chance knows a link as close as possible to tutorial/source as3 fla to sthg as close as possible to this:
    a) xml gallery
    b) thumbnails
    c) when thumbnail clicked a big picture shows
    d) next/previous buttons possible
    otherwise, i can also post the code of my gallery where i absolutely can't add next/previous buttons without making a big mess =/
    i will be totally youbie doubie grateful for any help... any, if you only know any good link, 'll try to fugure out a tutorial or edit the source myself....
    thanks in advance

    heyyyo wise one,
    at least this is really  nice of you to ask -  this gallery really makes me by now feel twice as blond as i am 8-0. but this is kinda really nested.
    the xml structure goes like this (this is easy and more or, less standard)(Caption is neglectable, probabaly i will not even display it, unless i have some extra time):
       <Caption>Fist Title</Caption> 
    uaaha, then the as goes. there is the URLloader, but also two different loaders inside (one for the thumbnails, one for the big picture). and this is all inside a for each loop -eh... i was always trying to change the pictLdr behavior - the loader, that loads the big picture.
    anyway the URL loader, and the main function, which is attached to it go like this:
    var myXML:XML = new XML();
    var XML_URL:String = "gallery_config.xml";
    var myXMLURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(XML_URL);
    var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(myXMLURL);
    myLoader.addEventListener("complete", xmlLoaded);
    // Create the xmlLoaded function
    function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void
    // Place the xml data into the myXML object
        myXML = XML(;
        // Initialize and give var name to the new external XMLDocument
    var xmlDoc:XMLDocument = new XMLDocument();
    // Ignore spacing around nodes
        xmlDoc.ignoreWhite = true;
    // Define a new name for the loaded XML that is the data in myLoader
        var menuXML:XML = XML(;
    // Parse the XML data into a readable format
        // Access the value of the "galleryFolder" node in our external XML file
    for each (var galleryFolder:XML in myXML..galleryFolder)
       // Access the value of the "pagenum" node in our external XML file
               var galleryDir:String = galleryFolder.toString();
    //trace (galleryDir);
    //trace (galleryFolder);//output taki sam jak powyżej
    // inicjuję variable flag, która bedzie trzsymac nazwę klikniętego thumbnail
    var flag2:String = null;
    // Set the index number of our loop, increments automatically
    var i:Number = 0;
    // Run the "for each" loop to iterate through all of the menu items listed in the external XML file
    for each (var MenuItem:XML in myXML..MenuItem)
    // Access the value of the "picnum" node in our external XML file
        var picnum:String = MenuItem.picnum.toString();
    // Access the value of the "pagetext" node in our external XML file
        var Caption:String = MenuItem.Caption.toString();
    // Access the value of the "thumb" node in our external XML file
        var thumb:String = MenuItem.thumb.toString();
    // Access the value of the "pagepicture" node in our external XML file
        var picture:String = MenuItem.picture.toString();
    // Just some trace I used for testing, tracing helps debug and fix errors
    var thumbLdr:Loader = new Loader();
        var thumbURLReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(galleryDir + thumb);
    // Create MovieClip holder for each thumb
    var thumb_mc = new MovieClip();
    addChildAt(thumb_mc, 1);
      // Create the rectangle used for the clickable button we will place over each thumb
      var rect:Shape = new Shape;;, 0x999999);, 0, 80, 80);      
      // Create MovieClip holder for each button, and put that rectangle in it,
      // make button mode true and set it to invisible
      var clip_mc = new MovieClip();
      clip_mc.buttonMode = true;
      clip_mc.alpha = .0;
         // The following four conditionals create the images where the images will live on stage
      // by adjusting math through each row we make sure they are laid out good and not stacked
      // all on top of one another, or spread out in one long row, we need 4 rows, so the math follows
      if (picnum < "05")
           line1xpos = line1xpos + distance; // These lines place row 1 on stage
        clip_mc.x = line1xpos;
        clip_mc.y = yPlacement;
        thumb_mc.x = line1xpos;
        thumb_mc.y = yPlacement;
       else  if (picnum > "04" && picnum < "11")
        line2xpos = line2xpos + distance; // These lines place row 2 on stage  
        clip_mc.x = line2xpos;
        clip_mc.y = 86;
        thumb_mc.x = line2xpos;
        thumb_mc.y = 86;
       else  if (picnum > "10" && picnum < "14")
        line3xpos = line3xpos + distance; // These lines place row 3 on stage
        clip_mc.x = line3xpos;
        clip_mc.y = 172;
        thumb_mc.x = line3xpos;
        thumb_mc.y = 172;
       else  if (picnum > "13" && picnum < "21")
       line4xpos = line4xpos + distance; // These lines place row 4 on stage
       clip_mc.x = line4xpos;
       clip_mc.y = 258;
       thumb_mc.x = line4xpos;
       thumb_mc.y = 258;
       // And now we create the pic loader for the larger images, and load it into "pictLdr"
       var pictLdr:Loader = new Loader();
       var pictURL:String = picture;
          var pictURLReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(galleryDir + picture);
       //var pictURLReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("gallery/Image00004.jpg");sprawia,ze zawsze wyswitla sie jeden obrazek
       // Access the pic value and ready it for setting up the Click listener, and function
          clip_mc.clickToPic = pictLdr;
       // Access the text value and ready it for setting up the Click listener, and function
       clip_mc.clickToText = Caption;
       //var instName:String = flag();
       // Add the mouse event listener to the moviClip button for clicking
          clip_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clipClick);
          // Set the function for what happens when that button gets clicked
       function clipClick(e:Event):void
         // Populate the parent clip named frameSlide with all of the necessary data
         MovieClip(parent).frameSlide.gotoAndPlay("show"); // Makes it appear(slide down)
         MovieClip(parent).frameSlide.caption_txt.text =; // Adds the caption
         MovieClip(parent).frameSlide.frame_mc.addChild(; // Adds the big pic
       } // This closes the "for each" loop
    } // And this closes the xmlLoaded function
    and the effect looks like this (it's a sketch, so big pictures are loaded randomly, don;t put too much attention to it):
    but i guess it's a terrible stuff to go through all this. i would be totallly satisfied with a likng to a good tutorial to do it from scratch, or just a hint where to start rebuilding this.
    + in any case i send greetinngs to whereever you are =]

  • How do I change default Next/Previous buttons?

    When I automatically create multiple Submenus using the 'Create Chapter Index' command, Encore generates Next and Previous buttons.
    These are rather plain - they seem to be the same style regardless of the style of menu selected - and I'd like to set another default style.
    Can someone tell me how to do this, please?
    Many thanks

    You can build the next/previous buttons any way you like. Just put them on the menu and then specify them as "Next" or "Previous" under the type field in the properties box. There's more information about this in the help files under chapter menu automation.

  • How can i create an album with chose category list and next/previous button

    hello guys im working on a project for my uni i finished the whole website but one thing is missing
    i need to create a photo album with next and previous button, with choosing a category and inside each category i have like 5 pictures and i can change with the next/previous buttons to see another picture of the  same category.
    Please see the picture below to see what i mean.
    some told me it needs flash but i dont know how to work on it :S so plz if anyone can help me
    thank you

    Dear Mr. Murphy,
    thank you for your help.
    Actually i have tried to search for a tutorial and i found that one that was very helpful and gave me the half solution. the part i found and it worked with me is the part of the next and previous buttons and moving from an image to another.
    SO the part i still need is the list so when i click on a category i get the pictures of the chosen category, I had the idea of create a flash for each category alone and maybe i will be able to add them all together.
    But i guess it's too much work and there must be a way where i can make it all in one flash file.
    If you have any idea let me know please, thank you again for your help and i'm trying to search for the AS3 image gallery as you told me.

  • First/Previous/Next/Last buttons not working in Applications Master Detail

    Jdeveloper version: fusiondrop5primeb26
    accessed through
    I attempted to create an Applications Master Detail UI by selecting Applications : Master Detail from the Applications Component Palette. I created the UI using my headers table (APPLCORE_SHIPMENT_HEADERS) as the master and the lines table (APPLCORE_SHIPMENT_LINES) as the detail. The master is shown as a form and the details are displayed as a table below. On the screen with the checkboxes to include First, Previous, Next, Last buttons, I checked all of them.
    On the backend, my headers table has two rows.
    When I ran the page:
    1. When the page comes up, it shows the data for shipment header 1 and the associated details in the table below. This is correct.
    2. However, the First and Previous buttons are enabled at the top. They should not be enabled since I am on the first record, and there is no previous record. This is incorrect.
    3. When I click Next, the data does not update to the the next header record (shipment header 2). The data is still for shipment header 1. This is incorrect.
    4. When I click Next once more, an Error window pops up:
    Messages for this page are listed below.
    ShipmentLineId     Error java.lang.NullPointerException
    ShipmentHeaderId Error java.lang.NullPointerException
    LineNumber Error java.lang.NullPointerException
    ItemName Error java.lang.NullPointerException
    (same error is shown for all other columns in the lines table)
    I was under the impression that we do not need to do anything special for the First/Previous/Next/Last buttons to work, other than checking the boxes in the page creation process.
    The application in question is here:
    The ui project specifically is in this folder:
    I have tried to start from scratch several times to no avail. Please advise.

    Sherry, please use the internal JDeveloper forum at for questions like this.
    The OTN forum is meant for versions that are available for the public.

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