Capturing image sequences - issues with nested for loops

Hi all,
I've written a vi. to capture a specific number of images ('Image No') and save these images, outputted to a folder of my choice.  Each image is identified sequentially.  However, I wish to do a number of iterations ('Run') of this capture sequence, such that the filename of each image would be 'Filename (Run)_(Image No).png', e.g. run 5, image 10 would be 'Filename 5_10.png'.  I have tried a nested for loop for this but I receive an error 'Asynchronous I/O operation in progress' (I've attached a printscreen).
Can anyone assist me in solving this problem?  Please find attached my vi.
Kindest regards and thanks,
Go to Solution.
Image sequence save to ‏48 KB
Labview problem.jpg ‏3841 KB

You cannot create a folder if this one is already existing.
Just check that the folder exists before creating it.

Similar Messages

  • Issues with nested for loops - saving images from a camera

    Hi all,
    I've written a vi. to capture a specific number of images ('Image No') and save these images, outputted to a folder of my choice.  Each image is identified sequentially.  However, I wish to do a number of iterations ('Run') of this capture sequence, such that the filename of each image would be 'Filename (Run)_(Image No).png', e.g. run 5, image 10 would be 'Filename 5_10.png'.  I have tried a nested for loop for this but I receive an error 'Asynchronous I/O operation in progress' (I've attached a printscreen).
    Can anyone assist me in solving this problem? I preiously posted this in machine Vision but got no response (  Please find attached my vi.
    Kindest regards and thanks,
    Go to Solution.
    Labview problem.jpg ‏3841 KB
    Image sequence save to ‏48 KB

    the problem is not the filenam, but the name of the folder (AHHHHH!). You try to create the same folder in the outer for loop over and over again.... (it is the error message above the '======', not below )
    CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
    Expert: Geometry
    Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.

  • Nested For Loop Trouble?

    Ok I need to have a nested for loop that asks a user to enter in a int number from 1-50. Whatever the number is, lets say 4 I need the program to count up asterisk and count down asterisks, like this.
    This is my code:
    public class Stars {
         static int n;
         static private InputStreamReader in = new InputStreamReader(;
         static private BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(in);
         public static void main(String[] Args)throws IOException
              System.out.println("Please enter in a number to see display: ");
              String num = br.readLine();
              for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
                   for(int j=1;j<=i;j++)
                   for(int j=1;j<=i;j--)
    Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong so I can figure out my mistake(s).

    Ok, well I know that the loop relies on the number entered in by the user. So if i pick 3 the three enter in the loop and counts up in a for loop and for every number it counts up to the three it does a print("*"); Now what I am getting confused about is where the other for loop comes into play. I know that I need to start from the number I have which is 3, so I need to have one less than that and then count down. The thing is that i'm not sure where or how the second for loop gets implemented into the code. Does it get nested with the first loop like this:
    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
                   for(int j=1;j<=i;j++)
                            for(int j=n-1;j>=i;j--)
              }Or is the second for loop on its own like this:
    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
                   for(int j=1;j<=i;j++)
                   for(int j=n-1;j>=i;j--)
              }If someone can help me understand, for this is my first time with nested for loops.

  • Interrupting Nested For Loops/Sequences

    I have a lagre program consisting of nested for loops and case statements calibrating an array of patch antennas. The entire process of which will take about 15 hours. During this time, I want to have two things happen.
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    I also want to protect it against unpredicted and predicted crashes. If the system needs to stop for whatever reason, I would like to be able to pick up the process where it left off. A sort of checkpoint system, where, when it passes a checkpoint, if it needs to be restarted, I can tell it to start from the last checkpoint it passed.
    Anyone had any experiece with these types of problems?

    jaysmall wrote:
    I also want to protect it against unpredicted and predicted crashes. If the system needs to stop for whatever reason, I would like to be able to pick up the process where it left off. A sort of checkpoint system, where, when it passes a checkpoint, if it needs to be restarted, I can tell it to start from the last checkpoint it passed.
    Could you open and append parameters to a file? Every time you restart execution of the vi after crashes you can look through the contents of the file to determine the last operation that was successful and continue with the last know good settings.  -SS

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    for (int j = 1; j <=columns; j++)
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    i can't figure out how to get it to print out in table format or if the calculation coding is correct. can anyone help me please?
    it should look like this for rows is 4 and columns is 7
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    2 4 6 8 10 12 14
    3 6 9 12 15 18 21
    4 8 12 16 20 24 28
    Edited by: hatecodingsomuch on Feb 22, 2009 8:15 PM

    hatecodingsomuch wrote:
    I refuse to ask for help from people who are acting like they are all-knowing and unwilling to help someone, considering I am asking for learn. Obviously I am not understanding java very well and I don't need to be ridiculed like this from members who are supposed to help "NEW TO JAVA" individuals. Get off your high horse or get off the website. I will never use this again.Good luck with that.
    You do seem to be yet another "do my homework for me" type of flunkie. I predict you'll soon have an epiphany that software development really isn't for you.
    I hope you know how to say "Do you want fries with that, sir?" better than the next guy so you can edge him out.

  • Nested for loops error

    Hi all Community members,, I am facing problem with pulling attributes from a xml which I have created. I am using nested for loop. Please kindly help me out to solve this problem....
    Thanks in advance...
    Below is the code & xml ...
    var myXML:XML;
    var voiceOver:String;
    var startOffset:Number;
    var slideData:Array;
    var id_cont_array:Array = new Array();
    var id_textfield_array:Array = new Array();
    var id_image_array:Array = new Array();
    var myXML_Container_Length:Number;
    var myXML_textField_Length:Number;
    var myXML_images_Length:Number;
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    loader.load(new URLRequest("dynamic.xml"));
    function processXML(e:Event):void
    slideData=new Array();
    myXML = new XML(;
    loader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);
    loader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, loadError);
    myXML = new XML(;
    voiceOver = myXML. @ voice_over;
    startOffset = myXML. @ start_offset;
    for (var i : uint = 0; i<myXML.*.length(); i++)
      //trace(myXML + "slide");
    //myXML_List = myXML.children();
    myXML_Container_Length = myXML.children().length();
    //trace(myXML_Container_Length+ "==myXML_Container_Length")
    //myXML_textField_Length = myXML.containerss[0].children().length();
    //myXML_images_Length = myXML.children().length();
    //trace(myXML.child("containerss")[3]. @ id.toXMLString()+ "==myXML.containerss[0]. @ id;");
    //trace(myXML.containerss[0].textfield[0]. @ id+ "==myXML.slide.containerss[0]. @ id");
    //trace(myXML.containerss[0].textfield[1]. @ id+ "==myXML.slide.containerss[1]. @ id");
    //trace(myXML.containerss[3].image[0]. @ id + "==image[0]");
    //trace(myXML.containerss[0].children() + "==myXML.containerss[0].children()");
    for (var j:Number=0; j<=myXML_Container_Length; j++)
      id_cont_array.push(myXML.containerss[j]. @ id);
      //trace(myXML.containerss[j].children().length() + "==j");
      myXML_textField_Length = myXML.containerss[j].children().length();
      trace(myXML_textField_Length + "==myXML_textField_Length");
      for (var k:Number=0; k<=myXML_textField_Length-1; k++)
       id_textfield_array.push(myXML.containerss[j].textfield[k]. @ id);
       //id_image_array.push(myXML.containerss[k].image[j]. @ id);
       trace(id_textfield_array[k] + "==id_textfield_array[k]==" + k + "---j==" + j);
       //trace(id_image_array[k] + "==id_image_array");
    //trace(myXML_List.length() + "===myXML_List");
    function loadError(e:IOErrorEvent):void
    /// XML is as given below..
    <slide orientation="VERTICAL" voice_over="Slide1.mp3" start_offset="0" margin="">
    <containerss id="0" orientation="HORIZONTAL" padding="10" margin="10" x="10" y="160" width="200" height="150">
      <textfield id="Text1" text="textfieldText1" padding="10" margin="10"  x="10" y="160"/>
      <image id="img1" text="" padding="10" margin="10" x="10" y="160"/>
      <textfield id="Text2" text="textfieldText2" padding="10" margin="10" x="10" y="160"/>
    <containerss id="1" orientation="HORIZONTAL" padding="10" margin="10" width="200" height="200" x="10" y="160">
      <textfield id="Text3" text="textfieldText3" padding="10" margin="10" x="10" y="160"/>
      <image id="img2" text="" padding="10" margin="10" x="10" y="160"/>
    <containerss id="2" orientation="VERTICAL" padding="10" margin="10" width="200" height="150" x="10" y="160">
      <textfield id="Text5" text="textfieldText5" padding="10" margin="10" width="200" height="150" x="10" y="160"/>
      <image id="img3" text="" padding="10" margin="10" x="10" y="160"/>
      <textfield id="Text6" text="textfieldText6" padding="10" margin="10" x="10" y="160"/>
    <containerss id="4" orientation="VERTICAL" padding="10" margin="10" width="200" height="150" x="10" y="160">
      <textfield id="Text7" text="textfieldText7" padding="10" margin="10" width="200" height="150" x="10" y="160"/>
      <image id="img4" text="" padding="10" margin="10" x="10" y="160"/>
      <textfield id="Text8" text="textfieldText8" padding="10" margin="10" width="200" height="150" x="10" y="160"/>

    Parsing is totally wrong. You function processXML() should be like that:
    function processXML(e:Event):void
              slideData = new Array();
              loader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);
              loader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, loadError);
              myXML = new XML(;
              voiceOver = myXML.@voice_over;
              startOffset = myXML.@start_offset;
              myXML_Container_Length = myXML.children().length();
              var node:XMLList;
              for (var j:Number = 0; j <= myXML_Container_Length - 1; j++)
                        node = myXML.containerss[j].children();
                        myXML_textField_Length = node.length();
                        for (var k:Number = 0; k <= myXML_textField_Length - 1; k++)
                                  switch (node[k].name().toString())
                                            case "textfield":
                                            case "image":

  • Photoshop batch production - issues with 'save for web'

    I'm having an issue with 'save for web' on a batch. I've just spent the last 2 hours searching the web and this forum and although the issue gets touched upon, the threads either suddenly head off in another direction, end, or i just struggle to make sense of the answers given.
    I have 350 images that i want to resize to thumbnails and then save for web. 2 hours ago this seemed like a 5 minute job.
    I creat an action called 'batch_thumbnail' and press 'Record'.
    I then select 'File' > 'Open' and select an image to open using the dialog box.
    I then select 'Image' > 'Image Size' and resize the image to the thumbnail size (200 x 125) and press 'OK'.
    I then select 'File' > 'Save for Web and Devices', set my optimisation settings and press 'save'.
    Using the dialog box that pops up, i navigate to a pre-created directory called 'thumbs' and press 'save'.
    I then select 'File' > 'Close' and on the dialog box that pops up i select 'Don't Save'.
    I then stop the action from recording.
    So far so good.
    I then select 'File' > 'Automate' > 'Batch...' and the dialog box appears.
    I select my action in the 'Action' drop down menu.
    In 'Source' i set the drop down menu to 'Folder', select 'Choose' and select the target directory with my 350 images in.
    In 'Destination' i set the drop down menu to 'Folder', select 'Choose' and select the target directory (thumbs), where i wish to save the thumbs.
    In 'File Naming' i leave the first box as 'document name', set the second to '_thumb' and have the third as 'extension'.
    I then click 'OK'.
    And this is where the problem begins. Everything works fine till it trys to save the second image. I can see what's happening, as the directory path and image name that are used whilst setting up the SFW part of the action, are getting hardcoded into the action. So every resulting image is being saved as the same file, instead of being overriden by the settings in 'File Naming'.
    I've tried selecting 'Override action 'Save' command', but it doesn't make any difference. Is it actually possible to batch produce files using 'Save for Web and Devices'?

    I have written a couple of Save For Web batch processors, they may be of use to you?
    They can both resize and run an action if required.
    CS4 (This handles metadata)

  • Nested for loops

    Sorry to bother you all, but I have a small problem with my java homework.
    I have to make a nested for loop to produce the following output:
    10 11
    20 21 22
    30 31 32 33
    (only goes from 0 to 3)
    Now, all I have managed to do are two simple loops, one with increment 10 and the other with increment just ++.
    Could you help me?

    Think through this logically. You need two loops. You need this output:
    10 11
    20 21 22
    30 31 32 33
    Each number above has two digits (two digits, two loops...not a coincidence). So you need one loop to control the first digit, and another loop to control the second digit. Look at the values for the first digit: 0,1,2,3. Those are your first loop values. Now, each time the first loop has a value, your second loop goes through all of its values. Here's the values you need:
    First iteration:
    loop index 1: 0
    loop index 2: 0
    Second iteration:
    loop index 1: 1
    loop index 2: 0,1
    Third Iteration:
    loop index 1: 2
    loop index 2: 0,1,2
    Fourth Iteration:
    loop index 1: 3
    loop index 2: 0,1,2,3
    Notice the pattern for loop 2? Look at the starting value for each iteration, and notice the ending value. That gives you your loop constraints.

  • Wacky image sequence issue - flickers

    Hi guys,
    I've created a simple 2 image sequence I wanted to play through at the top of my DPS document - but when I preview the article (on both desktop, iphone and ipad) the image sequence fails..
    I took a quick screencap to show what Im going.
    DPS Image Sequence issue - YouTube
    Any advice?

    For a two-image effect, I would use a slideshow instead of an image sequence. Not sure what's causing the flicker.

  • I need help with my for loop in this array

    Ok well, I can't get my code to work. Also, please remember that this is just my draft so it isnt pretty. I will fix it up later so please look at it. The thing I want to do is look into the array for a time that matches what the user entered and return the toString() of that one. I know there is something wrong with my for loop but I cant figure how to fix it. please help. here is what i have so far:
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class Runner
        public static void main (String[] args)
            String timeStr;
            int time, again, optiStr;
            Inbound[] in = new Inbound[25];
             in[0]=new Inbound ("",0,"On Time num0");
             in[1]=new Inbound ("",2,"On Time num1");
             in[2]=new Inbound ("",3,"Delayed num2");
             in[3]=new Inbound ("",4,"On Time");
             in[4]=new Inbound ("",5,"On Time");
             in[5]=new Inbound ("",6,"Canceled");
             in[6]=new Inbound ("",1,"Canceled num6");
             in[7]=new Inbound ("",8,"On Time");
             in[8]=new Inbound ("",9,"Delayed");
             in[9]=new Inbound ("",10,"On Time");
             in[10]=new Inbound ("",11,"Delayed");
             in[11]=new Inbound ("",12,"On Time");
             in[12]=new Inbound ("",13,"Delayed");
             in[13]=new Inbound ("",14,"On Time");
             in[14]=new Inbound ("",15,"On Time");
             in[15]=new Inbound ("",16,"On Time");
             in[16]=new Inbound ("",17,"Canceled");
             in[17]=new Inbound ("",18,"On Time");
             in[18]=new Inbound ("",19,"On Time");
             in[19]=new Inbound ("",20,"Canceled");
             in[20]=new Inbound ("",21,"On Time");
             in[21]=new Inbound ("",22,"Delayed");
             in[22]=new Inbound ("",23,"On Time");
             in[23]=new Inbound ("",24,"Cancled");
             in[24]=new Inbound ("",7,"On Time num24");
                timeStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("In military time, what hour do you want?");
                time = Integer.parseInt(timeStr);
                if (time<=0 || time>24)
                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Error");
                 optiStr = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog (null, "If you want Incoming flights click Yes, but if not click No");
                if (optiStr==JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
    //(ok this is the for loop i am talking about )
                    for (int index = 0; index < in.length; index++)
                      if ( time == Inbound.getTime())
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, Inbound.tostring());  //return the time asked for
    //               else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "else");
                }//temp return else if failed to find time asked for
    //             else
    //               if (optiStr==JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION)
    //                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Canceled");
    //              else
    //                {;
    //                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "outbound");}//temp
                  again=JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Try again?");
            while (again==JOptionPane.YES_OPTION);
    }any help would be greatly appriciated.

    rumble14 wrote:
    Ok well, I can't get my code to work. Also, please remember that this is just my draft so it isnt pretty. I will fix it up later so please look at it. The thing I want to do is look into the array for a time that matches what the user entered and return the toString() of that one. I know there is something wrong with my for loop but I cant figure how to fix it. please help. here is what i have so far:
    >//(ok this is the for loop i am talking about )
    for (int index = 0; index < in.length; index++)
    if ( time == Inbound.getTime())
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, Inbound.tostring());  //return the time asked for
    Inbound.getTime() is a static method of your Inbound class, that always returns the same value, I presume? As opposed to each of the 25 members of your array in, which have individual values?
    Edited by: darb on Mar 26, 2008 11:12 AM

  • Nested for loop in Xquery

    hi all,
    I need to implement nested for loop in Xquery, but not able to do. Please help.
    Thanks in advance..

    Nested for loops are simple in Xquery. Here is a very basic example:
    declare namespace ns0 = "http://temp.uri/OTM";
    declare function ns0:NestedForLoop($input as element(*))    as element(*)
              for $firstLevel in $input/FirstLevel
              for $secondLevel in $firstLevel/SecondLevel
                  <element>{ $secondLevel/Value/text() }</element>
    declare variable $input aselement(*) external;
    <otm:Output       xmlns:otm="http://temp.uri/OTM">
    </otm:Output>Of course, this case is very simple and usually you wont even loop for this you can use a simple XPath like $input/FirstLevel/SecondLevel/Value/text() to achieve the above result. So, If you are having problems in a specific case of nested for loops, please post the input and output here and we can help out.

  • Issue with authorizations for BPS

    Hi Experts,
    There was an issue with authorizations for BPS. We have a large number of agents that need to enter plan data via a layout. In order to control the necessary authorizations, we would like to filter via something similar to a user exit using a function module in order to avoid having to define authorization objects for each of the agents who have access to the systems. Right now, we are not sure if there is user exit concept available as it is for BW variables. Any body experienced similar issue may share their experience.

    In BPS, you can use user specific variables or you can set up a Variable of type exit. You can also have a variable of type authorization which uses the security / authorization of the BW system.
    Hope it helps...

  • Trying to save key strokes with a for loop

    I have been trying to action script for years with no
    success. I to some time off and learned javascript and some oop
    (ruby) so I thought I would take another stab at it. I am still
    having problems. Here goes...
    I have several movieclips on the stage that will be set up as
    buttons. They all have the same effects associated with mouseover
    and mouseout so I thought I could save some key strokes with a for
    loop. But I can't get it working right. Could someone tell me what
    I am doing wrong please?
    If anyone can help it would be appreciated.

    Thanks for taking a look. In answer to your question. The
    movie clip instance names are mc_ItemText0 ... mc_ItemText3.
    those declarations at the top of your for-loop aren't doing
    anything useful. what are the names of you movieclips that are
    In reg\ards to the variable declarations, sorry my variable
    names are causing confusion. I use the name "mc" for two different
    variables. Once for the FOR loop and a separate time locally in the
    functions grow and shrink. The ones set for the For loop are used
    in the 'onEvents' at the bottom of the script. Sorry for the
    Because the code works if I take it out of the FOR loop and
    replace the
    's with the numbers that corruspond to the movie clip; I don't
    think the similar names are conflicting because of the scope. To
    make the code more readable and eliminate confusion I have posted
    the code with unique variable names.
    I have searched the forum for FOR loop difficulties and
    found several cases that seemed similar to mine, but I didn't
    understand what was happening.
    Examples: =1253110&highlight_key=y&keyword1=for%20loop =1202338&highlight_key=y&keyword1=for%20loop
    My code with unique variable names to end confusion:

  • The demand of my application is that i can not replace for loop with a while loop.because i need fixed number of iterations and as far as i know fixed iterations could be only with possible with the for loop.

    the demand of my application is that i can not replace for loop with a while loop.because i need fixed number of iterations and as far as i know fixed iterations could be only with possible with the for loop.
    your recommended second option that i could add true/false case.
    this true/false case must be inside the for loop or outside the for loop?if this case is inside the for
    loop, how can i send stop command from outer while
    more over do you have any example for this please?

    You can execute a fixed number of iterations using a while loop by comparing the iteration count to the number of iterations you want and wiring the output of that comparison (e.g. Less Than or Equal To) to the continue (or stop) terminal of your while loop. Which comparison you use depends on personal preference, where you wire the desired count and the interation count, and whether you're using the while loop as Continue if True or Stop if True.
    Ben gave you step-by-step instructions in response to your previous question. Look here for Ben's response.
    Ben's response looks pretty good and detailed to me. It certa
    inly deserved better than a 1-star rating.

  • Labview IMAQ VI for capturing images and saving with incremental file names

    I am using LabView 7.1(IMAQ) to capture images with NI's PCI 1426 card, and a JAI CV-M2 camera. Now, with the example VI's like LL Grab, or LL Sequence, or Snap and Save to, I can capture the images. But what I actually want is to capture images continuously and keep saving them with a sequentially incrementing file name.
    I have tried to modify the Snap and Save to  by adding a 'for loop', so as to run this for required number of images. This works okay, but I can't really change the file name after every image. However, I'm not confident with this method either. I think it would be better to use the buffer itself, as is given in LL and somehow save images from the buffer. I think this would be faster ?
    In any case, any ideas as to how I should go about implementing auto-incrementing of the file name ?
    Any help will do. 
    - Prashant

    Thanks a lot for replying. 
    I tried using this in the VI i was working with, but using the "build path" vi doesnt seem to work. If I use just the base path from user's input, it works, but then again it keeps overwriting the images into one file rather than giving each file a new name. I'm attaching the vi. 
    Please take a look and tell me where i'm going wrong.
    Thanks again.
    LL ‏62 KB

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