Check on permitted characters

Hi all,
In RSMO, when i go to below path
Menu>Edit>Init Update>>switch on/off character check>
I find the    Switch On check for permitted character check box
What does this option mean?can any one explain.
Can any one help...

If you are certain the data coming from R/3 is correct, then you can switch off this character check
But in practise, this is rarely the case, therefore it's recommended to have this character check switched on
See also SAP note 173241 and in particular the document on sapnet mentioned within.
Best Regards

Similar Messages

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    In our key board, these many special characters present..
    so try your code like this..
    data: spe_char(31) value '~`!@#$%^&*()_+-=\|][{}";:,./?><'. ( include all
    special chars whatever u want)
    spe_char1 value ' '. ( this is to check empty space)
    spechar2. (this is to check single ' ).
    Create one text element and assign ' as value to that text element.
    in ur program code as given below.
    spechar2 = text-001.
    if (fieldname) CA spe_char.
    MESSAGE "special character is present in the given input
    if ( fieldname) CA spe_char1.
    message "special character is present in the given input
    if (fieldname) CA spe_char2.
    len = strlen( fieldname ).
    if sy-fdpos NE len.
    message "special character is present in the given input
    Hope this code will guide you ..

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    Thanks in advance,

    Why multiple post?
    How to check multiple special characters in this query.

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    hi  USER1249,
    what about to use standard BW functionality - permitted characters - TA RSKC.
    Via this you can maintain a set of permitted characters which will not be rejected by BW while loading.

  • Checking for Special Characters

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    function checkForSpecialChracters(oFiled)
    var userInput = oFiled.rawValue; // take the String entered by the user
    var iChars = "@#$%^&*+=-[]\\\';,./{}|\":<>?~_";
    for (var i = 0; i < userInput.length; i++)
    if (iChars.indexOf(userInput.charAt(i)) != -1) {"Please check for special characters. The following characters are not allowed: @#$%^&*+=-[]\\\';,./{}|\":<>?~_ ", "Error Message", 3);
    // Change the color of the field
    oFiled.fillColor = "255,100,50";
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you!

    It is working now. I don't know what I might have changed.
    Here's my final function (It works!):
    function checkForSpecialChracters(oFiled)
    var userInput = oFiled.rawValue; // take the String entered by the user
    var iChars = "@#$%^&*+=-[]\\\';,./{}|\":<>?~_";
    var hasSpecialCharacter = false;
    for (var i = 0; i < userInput.length; i++)
    //app.alert("Value is: " + userInput.charAt(i));
    if (iChars.indexOf(userInput.charAt(i)) != -1)
    hasSpecialCharacter = true;
    } // end if
    } // end For loop
    if (hasSpecialCharacter)
    // Change the color of the field
    oFiled.fillColor = "255,100,50";"Please check for special characters. \n\nThe following characters are not allowed:\n\n @#$%^&*+=-[]\\\';,./{}|\":<>?~_ ", "Error Message", 3);
    else if (!hasSpecialCharacter)
    oFiled.fillColor = "255,255,255";

  • Test for Permitted Characters in Transformation Routine

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    Thanks -

    There is a function module "RSKC_ALLOWED_CHAR_GET". Use SE37 to check it out.

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    You created this message in 2004. I am wondering you remember it.
    Your description is very interesting for me. Now we have plan to implement BW3.5 Unicode version which we will share in Asia/Pacific. So that our user will use it in Japanese, Korea, English and Germany.
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  • Just a simple check with special characters

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    Look for "\\" or look up the unicode for "\" and use that.

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    My solution: Starting i tried by usign the ASCII values. But the my code dividing the Double Byte characters into two characters.
    package JNDI;
    public class CharASCIIValues {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              String s = args[0];
              char ch[] = s.toCharArray();
              for(int i=0;i<=ch.length;i++){
                   System.out.println(" "+ch[i]+"="+(int)ch);
    I ran with some double characters (japanese)
    But i got the out put was = ?=63 ?=63 ?=63 ?=63 ?=63 ?=63 1=49 2=50 3=51 h=104 e=101 l=108 l=108 o=111
    The ? are double byte charcters.
    Do i need to set any java setting to support DB characters.
    Please help me to come out this problem....any help/information will be appreciated.

    First of all Java strings are encoded in a modified version of UTF-8 that uses 2 bytes per character. That is the char datatype is equivalent to an unsigned short.
    Second what exactly do you mean by double byte? Whether a character ends up encoded in two bytes or not depends on the encoding used (UTF-8, UTF-16 (both unicode), BIG5, GB2312 (both chinese), iso-8859-1(Latin-1), ASCII, etc...). This means that there are no "double byte characters" there are only "double byte characters when encoded in <your encoding>".
    Where does your string come from? What encoding are you using to read the string in the first place? Are you sure you are creating the string using the right encoding?

  • Permitted characters |

    Dear Collegues!
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    I have added | in RSKC, but I am now wondering if I should add ALL_CAPITAL instead? Can anyone out there tell me if ALL_CAPITAL will take care of |?
    Will sign Points!

    Most of the times ALL_CAPITAL takes care of most of the invalid chars. There is a nice blog by Eugene dealing with RSKC.
    check them out:
    Invalid characters in SAP BW 3.x: Myths and Reality. Part 1.
    Invalid characters in SAP BW 3.x: Myths and Reality. Part 1.

  • How to check multiple special characters in this query.

    When the master_title has no comma in it, I am getting an empty master_title. This is because INSTR(master_title,',',1,1) is returning 0.
    In addition, I want to be able to specify other characters besides the comma. Example: ":" "/" "-".
    Can we fit these options in the INSTR to look for them as well?
    Query given below.
    SELECT DISTINCT e.brm_id, SUBSTR(master_title,1,INSTR(master_title,',',1,1)-1) master_title
    FROM e_m_view e
    WHERE e.asset_dist LIKE'%WBPI Germany%'
    OR e.asset_dist LIKE '%krupp%'
    OR e.asset_dist IN (SELECT FN_SETRPTG(FN_GETPIREGN('%WBPI%')) FROM dual)
    AND e.kl='Live' AND NVL(wbpi_publish_date,SYSDATE) <= SYSDATE

    SQL> with t as(
      2  select 'abcd,efgh' name from dual union all
      3  select 'abcd:efgh'  from dual union all
      4  select 'abcd/efgh'  from dual union all
      5  select 'abcd-efgh'  from dual )
      6  select regexp_substr(name,'[^,:/-]+') name
      7  from t;

  • Code to Check for Special Characters \/:*?" | in the given String

    Hi All,
    I need a java code to verify if the given string contains the Special Characters like \/:*?"<>|

  • # not accepted in permitted characters

    Hello Guys,
    I am fetching data from CRM wherein an anonymous user enters certain free text. While entering data, if he presses "enter" key then it is getting converted into #. Whereas I have maintained # in RSKC, still the error occurs while activating the data store object. Can anyone suggest me the solution for this problem? This is a recurring problem due to which I edit the record in PSA and then reload & reactivate it.

    U can use ALL_CAPITAL in the RSKC toce and execute remember it will allow all the special characteristics

  • Special Characters Check in OBPM

    Is this code good to check for special characters in OBPM 10GR3?
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("/[a-zA-Z0-9]/g");
         Matcher m = p.matcher("This is a string");
         boolean matched = m.matches();
         logMessage("--Identifying Special Characters--"+matched);
         if (matched == true)
              logMessage("--Contains Special Character--");

    Here's what I use to fix file names to ensure that they do not have special characters or international characters:
    String beforeConversion = "àÀâÂäÄáÁéÉèÈêÊëËìÌîÎïÏòÒôÔöÖùÙûÛüÜçÇ’ñ";
    String afterConversion = "aAaAaAaAeEeEeEeEiIiIiIoOoOoOuUuUuUcC'n";
    // does it contain international characters?
    if (originalFileNameArg.match(regexp : '/[àÀâÂäÄáÁéÉèÈêÊëËìÌîÎïÏòÒôÔöÖùÙûÛüÜçÇ’ñ]+/').length() > 0) {
        int i = 0;
        String @char;
        while (i < beforeConversion.length()) {
            originalFileNameArg = originalFileNameArg.replace(from : beforeConversion.charAt(position : i),
                                                              @to : afterConversion.charAt(position : i));
            i = i + 1;
    String[] m = originalFileNameArg.split(regexp : '/[^a-zA-Z0-9_,']+/');
    int i = 0;
    boolean first = true;
    foreach (item in m) {
        if (! item.empty) {
            if (first) {
                retValue = item;
            else {
                retValue = retValue + " " + item;
        first = false;
        i = i + 1;
    return retValue.trim();Dan

  • SharedObject not working with 'Debuggin Permitted' NOT checked in publish settings

    I have run into a strange problem writing out SharedObject
    data. If I select(check) Debugging permitted in the publish
    settings the data is written correclty. If I uncheck the option,
    the data is not written. The flush() call returns true in both
    Could this be a security related issue?

    Hey florsignol,
    I understand that your monitor, while appearing in System Preferences, doesn't display anything; however, it works fine in BootCamp. These are the applicable troubleshooting steps I would go through to resolve the issue:
    1. Reset the System
    You can reset the Mac's parameter RAM and SMC.
    2. Reset the resolution
    Start by resetting the Mac's parameter RAM. If the display does not come up, was previously set to an unsupported resolution, and still results in no video:
    Start up in Safe Mode.
    From the Apple () menu, choose System Preferences.
    Choose Displays from the View menu to open the preferences pane.
    Select any resolution and refresh rate that your display supports.
    Restart your computer.
    from: Apple computers: Troubleshooting issues with video on internal or external displays
    All the best,

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