Convert XMP Date and Time

Hi, in my script I am trying to read the Date and Time using the XMP functions of a selected file in bridge.  Then, I want to convert that date and time into a format that looks like: "01/12/10 | 01:23 PM" and write that to another metadata field like the description.  Im stuck on trying to convert the date and time into what I want it to look like?  Can anyone help, thanks!
Here is the part of the code I'm having trouble with:
When I read the dateTimeOriginal property of the file, it is in an unfriendly format.  It looks odd and shows the time zone.  The commented lines is code that I have tried, but didn't work.  I was trying to convert the XMPDateTime object into a Date object so I can adjust the format, but I haven't been successful.
var myXmpFile = new XMPFile( selectedFile.fsName, XMPConst.UNKNOWN, XMPConst.OPEN_FOR_UPDATE);      
      var myXmp = myXmpFile.getXMP();   
      var Name = myXmp.getProperty(XMPConst.NS_EXIF, "DateTimeOriginal");
      var date = new XMPDateTime(new Date(Name));
      var date2 = new Date(date);
      //dateFormat.masks.portfolioDate = 'mm/dd/yy "|" hh:MM TT';

Thanks for helping me out Paul.  I just have one more small problem.  I am trying to access the Headline XMP property, and I know i need to use the IPTC Core property, but it doesn't seem to work.  Here is my current code, can you help me out?
var selectedFile = thumb.spec;   
var myXmpFile = new XMPFile( selectedFile.fsName, XMPConst.UNKNOWN, XMPConst.OPEN_FOR_UPDATE);      
var myXmp = myXmpFile.getXMP();   
var xmpString = myXmp.getProperty(XMPConst.NS_EXIF, "DateTimeOriginal").toString();
var xmpString2 = myXmp.getProperty(XMPConst.NS_IPTC_CORE, "Headline").toString();
var dat =xmpString.match(/(\d+).(\d+).(\d+).(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)/);
var amOrPm = "AM";
var hours = Number(dat[4]);
if (hours > 11) amOrPm = "PM";
if (hours > 12) hours = hours - 12;
if (hours > 11) amOrPm = "PM";
if (hours < 10) hours = '0' + hours;
var dateString = dat[2]+"/"+dat[3]+"/"+dat[1].substr (2) +" | "+ hours +':'+dat[5]+ ' ' +amOrPm;

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    I don't think this should be in the OLAP subforum. At least try to look for the correct section before posting next time.
    Apart from that, you can try a combination of the From_Tz and Tz_Offset functions.
    I hope it helps.

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    Let me know what you find,
    Joe Montagna

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    data:  time_stamp TYPE timestampl.
    GET TIME STAMP FIELD time_stamp.
    You can try with GET TIME STAMP
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    Edited by: eunice ocson on Jul 13, 2009 1:49 AM
    Edited by: eunice ocson on Jul 13, 2009 1:50 AM
    Edited by: eunice ocson on Jul 13, 2009 1:51 AM
    Edited by: eunice ocson on Jul 13, 2009 1:51 AM

    Hi Eunice
    Use the FM 'SMUM_XML_PARSE'
    for more info
    [Convert XML string to ABAP|XML String to ABAP or GUI]
    hope it helps you.

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      2  from dual;
    2006-06-02 17:31:00John
    Edited by: John Spencer on Nov 10, 2011 1:45 PM
    Added correct output format.

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    4 day 1..31
    5 hour 0..23
    6 minutes 0..59
    7 seconds 0..60
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    user633278 wrote:
    I am hitting a bit of a problem when using the date datatype. When trying to save a row to the table where the field it throws an error ora 01830 and complains about converting the date format picture ends...etc. Now when I do the insert, I use the to_date function with the format of "dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss". Of course, when I remove the time element, everything is perfect.
    Checking sysdate, I noticed that the time element wasn't be displayed, and I used alter session set nls_date_format to set the date and time I want to save to the table, which worked!
    Then based on advice in a previous thread to permanently fix the problem, I used alter system set nls_date_format ="dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss" scope=spfile; This showed that it was altered, and I can see the setting in the em. In sqlplus, I shutdown the database, and restarted with startup mount; alter database open; and then selecting sysdate, it still shows the date as dd-mon-yy, and still no time! Checking the em, and looking up the nls_date_format the setting is still shown as "dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss".
    So, my question is this - what am I doing wrong? Why can't save date and time using date in Oracle 11g?????
    ThanksYou most certainly can save the time. A DATE column, by definition stores date and time. What you describe is a presentation problem, and setting nls_date_format at the system as an init parm is the weakest of all settings as it is overridden by several other locations.
    without seeing the exact sql that produced the error (not just your description of what you think you were doing) it is impossible to say for sure.
    However, I'd suggest you read

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    Hi all,
              I need 2 function modules for date and time. when we pass current data(sy-datum) and current time (sy-uzeit) into function modules, shoud get date in <b>dd/mm/yyyy or</b> and time in<b> HH:MM:SS</b> formats.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Ranjith,
    i think this will b usefull for you..
    SAP Bar Chart Function Modules and what they are used for
    Function module
    Used for
    Starting bar chart at PBO time, using a graphic profile (parameter PROFILE)
    Analyzing data returned by the graphic
    Setting start and end of time axis
    Setting options
    Creating a chart
    Setting chart attributes
    Creating a section on the time axis
    Setting section attributes
    Adding a ribbon to the time axis
    Setting attributes for ribbons in the chart
    Adding a time grid
    Setting grid attributes
    Adding a layer (graphic elements)
    Setting layer attributes
    Adding a line
    Creating a calendar
    Setting attributes for a calendar
    Creating time profiles
    Setting attributes for time profile
    Adding a time interval
    Setting time interval attributes
    Creating a time object
    Creating a date string in bar chart format
    Converting a date string in bar chart format to date and time
    Creating a date line
    Setting dateline attributes
    Obtaining profile contents for customizing a chart
    Selecting new column width
    Setting the column width
    Obtaining the text index of a field
    Positioning the chart display
    Setting column attributes
    Setting row attributes
    Setting the line height
    Setting the maximum number of charts sent
    <b>If its usefull reward points

  • Incrementing a string number for date and time

    There are probably a lot of ways to do this, but I only want to use a bunch of if - else loops if I really need to.
    I have a date and time for input, let's say 2006-04-19 22:00. In Java, if I convert that to 3 integers (year, month, day), it will output 2006-4-19. I need to be able to increment in a loop for every day and month from one date to the next. If I keep it as a string, I won't be able to increment the value though, (at least I'm not sure how). I'm thinking that even if I converted it to an integer and back to a string, that the leading zero would be removed.
    I found a post here that said something about formatting the number with 2 numbers, by using:
    DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("00");
    format.format(1, sb, new FieldPosition(0));
    Or is there a way to use the gregorianCalendar stuff that would output the date with all of the zeros in place, while incrementing and looping correctly?

    I would get a Date object--you can use java.text.SimpleDateFormat if you're starting with a String--and use that to create a GregorianCalendar. Then you can just call Calendar's add method to add one to whichever field you want. Use the SimpleDateFormat to turn the date back into a String for display again.
    Calculating Java dates: Take the time to learn how to create and use dates
    Working in Java time: Learn the basics of calculating elapsed time in Java
    Formatting a Date Using a Custom Format
    Parsing a Date Using a Custom Format

  • Insert date and time into write to spreadsheet

    Easy question here
    I need save 4 arrays of data and insert the date and time that it was taken (LV 8.6)
    for example
    9/4/09 10:00:01 AM  4  6  7  2
    9/4/09 10:00:02 AM  4  6  7  2
    9/4/09 10:00:03 AM  4  6  7  2
    9/4/09 10:00:04 AM  4  6  7  2
    Any ideas, I can't wire the timestamp or date/time string right into the create array
    Go to Solution.

    the basic problem that I see is the the LabVIEW TimeStamp type is a cluster.  Converting it to a dbl gives you a value in seconds elapsed since 1904 Jan 1 12:00AM GMT and, your spreadsheet cannot interprate that (or display that) as a "TIME."   So, you want to convert it to a string (easy TS->String check the help for format options) BUT, you might want to pass all of your data as numbers into your spreadsheet so you can post-calculate or graph other outputs vs. TIME!  This little chunk of code .....
     converts a LV Timestamp to a number that Excel interperates as "the amount of days elapsed since 0 Jan 1900 @ 12:00AM LOCAL."  You will need to format the cell in Excel to display it as a date-time But it can be operated on and graphed against with only Excel's limitations (Excel followed the Lotus bug of erroneously assuming 1900 was a leap year, and Leap seconds are unrecognized)
    Message Edited by Jeff Bohrer on 08-06-2009 02:28 PM

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    See this. Is this your requirement.
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