Courpted data in row

Hello Experts
        i create one master form which has three text box which is connected to master table and matrix connected to master row table i am also created object for it but when i click on add button for data adding it  gives ERROR like "Courpted data in row"   .i tried all the trick like deletion  of objects table but  after this   it give error like this .on screen painter in preview mode also it gives this error when i click add button .i am in trouble pls help me for it
                                                                                THANX a lot

Based on this issue, you should open a message with SAP Support.

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        I have to make a modification a smartform of poprinting and i want to display the row wise . At present it is displaying the  
        column wise. Actually there is a text which i want to display the data row wise.
        It is possible to display the data in row wise of the text .
    Edited by: nav009 on Oct 8, 2009 10:39 AM

    Hello ,
    I  assume that your requiremen is related to smartform.the below is the solution i suggest.
    As per my understanding of your requirement ,It's clear that as of now there is some description field which is also getting displayed along with other PO fields.
    However you would like to display the description field in a new line since the length of this field is longer than other fields as a result the data is getting scattered .
    Therefore one better option could be: since the whole data from PO would be in a loop you can display all other fields in one line type of the table as per the intial requirement and you display the description line alone in a new line type wth the desired length so that data would not be scattered and no data loss would happen.
    I assume you are aware of creating of line types for table.

  • How can I filter data by row contents? Similar to Excel's filter feature.

    I would like to view only the rows in which the data in column x is some particular value.
    For instance, I'd like to view (and create a group of channels) containing only data from rows where the text in column 2 is MC1.
    ... guess I can't put a picture inline...
    See attached for sample data.
    MyData.PNG ‏40 KB

    Hi ebloohm,
    This script will break out your loaded data rows by the "Station" channel values.  let me know if you want to filter out the "1;2" suffix or leave it differentiated.  If you want to do the same sort of thing not within a single file but across multiple files, then you'd do better to change your DataPlugin to enable the DataFinder to pull only the desired rows from each file.
    Dim i, j, iMax, jMax, RawGroup, Channel, IdChName, OrderChName, Msg, LastTime
    Dim IdChDict, IdChannel, OrderChannel, RowDict, RowKeys, RowItems, DataChDict
    IdChName = "Station"
    OrderChName = "" ' "Time" or ""
    Set RawGroup = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(GroupCount)
    On Error Resume Next
    Set OrderChannel = RawGroup.Channels(OrderChName)
    On Error Goto 0
    Set IdChDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set IdChannel = RawGroup.Channels.Add(IdChName, DataTypeString)
    IdChDict.Add UCase(IdChannel.Name), IdChannel
    Set Channel = RawGroup.Channels(IdChName) : IdChDict.Add UCase(Channel.Name), Channel
    jMax = RawGroup.Channels.Count-1
    Set DataChDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    IF IsObject(OrderChannel) THEN
    DataChDict.Add UCase(OrderChannel.Name), OrderChannel
    END IF
    FOR j = 1 TO jMax
    Set Channel = RawGroup.Channels(j)
    IF NOT IdChDict.Exists(UCase(Channel.Name)) AND UCase(Channel.Name) <> UCase(OrderChName) THEN
    DataChDict.Add UCase(Channel.Name), Channel
    END IF
    NEXT ' j
    Msg = "Enumerating all the Groups..."
    Call MsgBoxDisp(Msg, "MB_NOBUTTON", "MsgTypeNote", 0, 0, 1)
    Call CreateIdChannel(IdChDict)
    Set RowDict = EnumerateIdRows(IdChannel)
    RowKeys = RowDict.Keys
    RowItems = RowDict.Items
    iMax = UBound(RowKeys)
    LastTime = Timer
    FOR i = 0 TO iMax
    IF Timer > LastTime+1 OR Timer < LastTime THEN
    Msg = "Sort Extracting Group " & i+1 & " of " & iMax+1
    Call MsgBoxDisp(Msg, "MB_NOBUTTON", "MsgTypeNote", 0, 0, 1)
    LastTime = Timer
    END IF
    Call ExtractIdGroup(RowKeys(i), RowItems(i), IdChDict, DataChDict)
    NEXT ' i
    Call RawGroup.Channels.Remove(IdChannel.Name)
    Call MsgBoxCancel
    Sub TextToNumeric(Group, ChanName, ChanType, Factor, Offset)
    Dim RawChannel, NewChannel
    Set RawChannel = Group.Channels(ChanName)
    Set NewChannel = Group.Channels.Add("New|" & ChanName, ChanType)
    L1 = RawChannel.Properties("Number").Value
    L2 = NewChannel.Properties("Number").Value
    ChnLength(L2) = ChnLength(L1)
    Call ChnCalculate("Ch(L2) = CDbl(Ch(L1))")
    IF Factor <> 1 OR Offset <> 0 THEN
    Call ChnLinScale(NewChannel, NewChannel, Factor, Offset)
    END IF
    Call ChnMove(NewChannel, RawGroup.Properties("Index").Value, RawChannel.Properties("GroupIndex").Value)
    Call RawGroup.Channels.Remove(RawChannel.Name)
    NewChannel.Name = Mid(NewChannel.Name, 5)
    End Sub ' TextToNumeric()
    Sub CreateIdChannel(IdChDict)
    Dim j, jMax, RawGroup, ChListStr, IdChannels, IdChannel
    IdChannels = IdChDict.Items
    Set IdChannel = IdChannels(0)
    Set RawGroup = IdChannel.ChannelGroup
    Call RawGroup.Activate
    ChListStr = ""
    jMax = UBound(IdChannels)
    FOR j = 1 TO jMax
    ChListStr = ChListStr & "Ch(" & IdChannels(j).Properties("Number").Value & ") & ""."" & "
    NEXT ' IdCh
    ChListStr = Left(ChListStr, Len(ChListStr)-9)
    Call ChnCalculate("Ch(" & IdChannel.Properties("Number").Value & ") = " & ChListStr)
    End Sub ' CreateIdChannel()
    Function EnumerateIdRows(IdChannel)
    Dim j, jMax, RawGroup, RawChannel, RawChnStr, RowDict, StartRow, StopRow, RowMax
    Set RawGroup = IdChannel.ChannelGroup
    Call RawGroup.Activate
    RawChnStr = ""
    jMax = RawGroup.Channels.Count-1
    FOR j = 1 TO jMax
    Set RawChannel = RawGroup.Channels(j)
    RawChnStr = ChnStrAdd(RawChnStr, RawChannel.Properties("Number").Value)
    NEXT ' j
    Call ChnMultipleSort(IdChannel, RawChnStr, 0, 1)
    L3 = IdChannel.Properties("Number").Value
    Set RowDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    StartRow = 1
    StopRow = 1
    RowMax = ChnLength(L3)
    Do While StopRow <= RowMax
    T1 = ChT(StartRow, L3)
    StopRow = ChnFind("UCase(Ch(L3)) <> UCase(T1)", StartRow+1)
    IF StopRow = 0 THEN StopRow = CLng(RowMax+1)
    RowDict.Add T1, StartRow & "|" & CLng(StopRow-StartRow)
    StartRow = CLng(StopRow)
    Loop ' Until End Of Channel L3
    Set EnumerateIdRows = RowDict
    End Function ' EnumerateIdRows()
    Function ExtractIdGroup(RowKey, RowItem, IdChDict, DataChDict)
    Dim j, jMax, RawGroup, RawChannel, NewGroup, NewChannel, RawChnStr, NewChnStr, DataChannels, Cols
    Dim StartRow, RowCount, NewDataType, NewDataDisp, NewOrderCh, IdChannels, IdChannel, OrderChannel
    Cols = Split("|" & RowItem, "|")
    IF UBound(Cols) < 2 THEN Exit Function
    StartRow = CLng(Cols(1))
    RowCount = CLng(Cols(2))
    IF Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Exists(RowKey) THEN Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Remove(RowKey)
    Set NewGroup = Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Add(RowKey)
    Call NewGroup.Activate
    IdChannels = IdChDict.Items
    jMax = UBound(IdChannels)
    FOR j = 1 TO jMax
    Set IdChannel = IdChannels(j)
    NewGroup.Properties.Add IdChannel.Name, ChV(StartRow, IdChannel.Properties("Number").Value)
    NEXT ' j
    RawChnStr = ""
    NewChnStr = ""
    DataChannels = DataChDict.Items
    jMax = UBound(DataChannels)
    FOR j = 0 TO jMax
    Set RawChannel = DataChannels(j)
    Set NewChannel = NewGroup.Channels.Add(RawChannel.Name, RawChannel.DataType)
    ChnLength(NewChannel) = RowCount
    RawChnStr = ChnStrAdd(RawChnStr, RawChannel.Properties("Number").Value)
    NewChnStr = ChnStrAdd(NewChnStr, NewChannel.Properties("Number").Value)
    NEXT ' j
    Call DataBlCopy(RawChnStr, StartRow, RowCount, NewChnStr, 1)
    NewChannel = ""
    On Error Resume Next
    Set NewChannel = NewGroup.Channels("Value")
    On Error Goto 0
    IF OrderChName <> "" THEN
    NewChnStr = ""
    jMax = UBound(DataChannels)
    Set OrderChannel = NewGroup.Channels(DataChannels(0).Name)
    FOR j = 1 TO jMax
    Set NewChannel = NewGroup.Channels(DataChannels(j).Name)
    NewChnStr = ChnStrAdd(NewChnStr, NewChannel.Properties("Number").Value)
    NEXT ' j
    Call ChnMultipleSort(OrderChannel, NewChnStr, 0, 1)
    END IF ' can order the rows of each extracted Group
    Set ExtractIdGroup = NewGroup
    End Function ' ExtractIdGroup()
    Brad Turpin
    DIAdem Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Closing / Cancell Date of Row Item in Sales Order

    Dear All
    We have to generate one report for one of our customer, which requires to know the 'Cancell / Closing Date' at row level of Sales Order. We could not found it in 'RDR1' table. 'Cancell / Closing Date' only available in header table i.e. in ORDR table. But if any row is closed or cancelled then that is not reflected in header table. So please let us know how to know the 'Cancell / Close Date' in row level in SO.
    Thanks & with regards
    Aloke Bandyopadhyay

    Dear Aloke,
    You may check ADO1 table for historical record to find it.
    Something like:
    SELECT T1.DocNum, T1.DocDate, T0.Linenum+1 'Line#', T0.Itemcode, T0.LineStatus, T0.DocDate 'Line Close Date'
    FROM ADO1 T0
    INNER JOIN ADOC T1 ON T1.DocEntry=T0.DocEntry AND T1.ObjType='17'
    WHERE T1.DocNum LIKE '[%0\]%' AND T0.LineStatus = 'C'

  • What is the best approach to process data on row by row basis ?

    Hi Gurus,
    I need to code stored proc to process sales_orders into Invoices. I
    think that I must do row by row operation, but if possible I don't want
    to use cursor. The algorithm is below :
    for all sales_orders with status = "open"
    check for credit limit
    if over credit limit -> insert row log_table; process next order
    check for overdue
    if there is overdue invoice -> insert row to log_table; process
    next order
    check all order_items for stock availability
    if there is item that has not enough stock -> insert row to
    log_table; process next order
    if all check above are passed:
    create Invoice (header + details)
    What is the best approach to process data on row by row basis like
    above ?
    Thank you for your help,

    Processing data row by row is not the fastest method out there. You'll be sending much more SQL statements towards the database than needed. The advice is to use SQL, and if not possible or too complex, use PL/SQL with bulk processing.
    In this case a SQL only solution is possible.
    The example below is oversimplified, but it shows the idea:
    SQL> create table sales_orders
      2  as
      3  select 1 no, 'O' status, 'Y' ind_over_credit_limit, 'N' ind_overdue, 'N' ind_stock_not_available from dual union all
      4  select 2, 'O', 'N', 'N', 'N' from dual union all
      5  select 3, 'O', 'N', 'Y', 'Y' from dual union all
      6  select 4, 'O', 'N', 'Y', 'N' from dual union all
      7  select 5, 'O', 'N', 'N', 'Y' from dual
      8  /
    Tabel is aangemaakt.
    SQL> create table log_table
      2  ( sales_order_no number
      3  , message        varchar2(100)
      4  )
      5  /
    Tabel is aangemaakt.
    SQL> create table invoices
      2  ( sales_order_no number
      3  )
      4  /
    Tabel is aangemaakt.
    SQL> select * from sales_orders
      2  /
             1 O      Y                     N           N
             2 O      N                     N           N
             3 O      N                     Y           Y
             4 O      N                     Y           N
             5 O      N                     N           Y
    5 rijen zijn geselecteerd.
    SQL> insert
      2    when ind_over_credit_limit = 'Y' then
      3         into log_table (sales_order_no,message) values (no,'Over credit limit')
      4    when ind_overdue = 'Y' and ind_over_credit_limit = 'N' then
      5         into log_table (sales_order_no,message) values (no,'Overdue')
      6    when ind_stock_not_available = 'Y' and ind_overdue = 'N' and ind_over_credit_limit = 'N' then
      7         into log_table (sales_order_no,message) values (no,'Stock not available')
      8    else
      9         into invoices (sales_order_no) values (no)
    10  select * from sales_orders where status = 'O'
    11  /
    5 rijen zijn aangemaakt.
    SQL> select * from invoices
      2  /
    1 rij is geselecteerd.
    SQL> select * from log_table
      2  /
                 1 Over credit limit
                 3 Overdue
                 4 Overdue
                 5 Stock not available
    4 rijen zijn geselecteerd.Hope this helps.

  • Output data in row wise instead of column

    hi all,
    i need to get the output data in row wise which is getting now as column wise.
    for eg:
    below is my final internal table.
    jan/08        200801    567       10       800
    feb/08       200802    567       10       900
    mar/08      200803    567       10       200
    apr/09       200804    567       10       400 
    the output should come as
    MATNR  BUKRS   Jan/08   Feb/08   Mar/08   Apr/08
    567      10       800    900       200      400.
    instead of column wise the output should display as row as above.
    please help how to get this.
    thanks in advance

    Hi Vignesh,
    Please use below program which I created for you reference. It will work for your requirement.
    DATA:BEGIN OF it_test OCCURS 1,
         END OF it_test.
    it_test-date = 'jan/08'.
    it_test-matnr = '01234'.
    it_test-bukrs = 'AE1'.
    APPEND it_test.
    it_test-date = 'feb8'.
    it_test-matnr = '56789'.
    it_test-bukrs = 'AE1'.
    APPEND it_test.
    it_test-date = 'mar8'.
    it_test-matnr = '23478'.
    it_test-bukrs = 'AE1'.
    APPEND it_test.
      LOOP AT it_test.
        WRITE :/ 'DATE', 'MATNR', 'BUKRS', it_test-date, it_test-matnr,  it_test-bukrs .
    Output Will be as follows :-
    DATE MATNR BUKRS jan/08 01234 AE1
    DATE MATNR BUKRS feb8   56789 AE2
    DATE MATNR BUKRS mar8   23478 AE3
    Please set to resolve if this satisfies your requirement.

  • Insert data using row selector

    Hi :
    In my applicaion i need to insert only the selected data ie row
    the query i am using is
    html_db_item.text(1,,20,25) "object Name",
    html_db_item.text(1,null,20,25) "Incomming Hours ",
    html_db_item.text(1,null,20,25) "Design Hours "
    from projects pro.
    project_objects pobj
    where = pobj.pro_id and = :p10_projects
    here p10_projects is the project where for each project there would be 10 to 100 objects ie
    here i need to insert these object names and hours into anothere table where i need a row selector to select only selected objects and insert please suggest me
    so as i select the rows only that need to be inserted

    Randy :
    please try this query
    HTMLDB_ITEM.DATE_POPUP(3,rownum,null,'dd-mon-yyyy',12,15) "date"
    HTMLDB_ITEM.DATE_POPUP(3,rownum,null,'dd-mon-yyyy',12,15) "date"
    first change the query to sql updatable form and then add row selector to this report and try to select the 2nd row date picker ull find the problem wht i am facing
    i need row selector becouse to select the date indivisually and insert them
    please give me some soloution

  • How to transpose the data records (rows) to column(lists) using apd

      how to transpose the data records (rows) to column (lists) using apd  in sap bw.
    I do not want to use abap routine.only use the transpose rows to list  transformation .
    Pls provide the step by step procedure .

    Save youe file to transpose as a csv and in the header row of your file for the columns you want to transpose you need to put some soer of a tag before the column name (ie your colum header was for a period budget will be something lie 2011001:ZFIBDD)
    1. You will need to create a new apd process (rsanwb)
    2. Insert a "Read from Data File" data source object and map it file (,csv)
    3. insert a transpose object into your apd process (middle row 4th one over in the transformations section)
    4. under the definition tab in the transformation object select all the columns that are to be transposed into rows and move them to the transformed area, the grouping fields section should contain the rows that you want to now be columns
    5.under the transformation tab enter in the seperator you selected  under the Field Name/Infoobject area (ie. ZFIBDD)
    6. under the details tab  you need to enter in all the fields to be transformed and tner the transposition field (ie ZFIBDD)
    7. Then you can insert a set of transformations and a DSO and link the newly transposed fields into that.
    hope that helps

  • Turn all format (data, columns, rows) from english to chinese?

    Is there any possibilities that OBIEE report can be turn into Chinese language. I mean a function that can change all english format (data, colums, rows, etc) into chinese especially mandarin. Right now, what I found is that I need to find the chinese translation for all the english terms used in the report and convert them one by one.

    translating column names can be done using "Externalizing Display Names":
    translating report captions can be done by using language dependent captions:
    translating data in your tables can be done by snowflaking a translation table on your dimension tables.

  • How can we show data in rows when it is in Columns........

    I have strucked with a simple but a complex problem.
    I have a Report with data in vertical rows..need of the hour is how can we show that data into column structure.
    here is the table sample which i have in Database..
    Location      chrg_type    Effective_date
    xxxxxxx        xxxx          xx-xx
    thhis is the structure in effective date we have several months in it in a single column i want show the effective date or effective month in various columns instead of a single column.
    my required table is....
                                Effective_date     Effective_date
    Location      chrg_type     xx-xx              xx-xx
    xxxxxxx        xxxx          xx-xx
    any tough heads?????

    Hi Sunil,
    Your 1st problem is that you are going to need one more field to accomplish you goal. What type of data do want under your new date columns?
    Anyway, once you have that you need to move on to how to move the data out into columns based on date.
    Try something like this.
    0_Date = IF DATEPART('m',{tbl.Effective_date}) = DATEPART('m',CurrentDate) AND
    DATEPART('yyyy',{tbl.Effective_date}) = DATEPART('yyyy',CurrentDate)
    THEN {tbl.DataField}
    1_Date = IF DATEPART('m',{tbl.Effective_date}) = DATEPART('m',DATEADD('m', -1, CurrentDate)) AND
    DATEPART('yyyy',{tbl.Effective_date}) = DATEPART('yyyy',DATEADD('m', -1, CurrentDate))
    THEN {tbl.DataField}
    2_Date = IF DATEPART('m',{tbl.Effective_date}) = DATEPART('m',DATEADD('m', -2, CurrentDate)) AND
    DATEPART('yyyy',{tbl.Effective_date}) = DATEPART('yyyy',DATEADD('m', -2, CurrentDate))
    THEN {tbl.DataField}
    ... Repeat this process until you have all of the columns you need, following this format.
    Hope this works for you,

  • How to send data one row at a time from xml to flex

    I want to setTimerEvent while sending data from xml to flex, one row at a time.
    I have attached the xml.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Greg,
    Thanks for the reply. You must have seen the xml which i have attached.Here is the .mxml code which i have written:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" creationComplete="accountData.send()">
    import mx.controls.*;
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    private var AccountInformation:ArrayCollection;
    private function AccountHandler(evt:ResultEvent):void
        AccountInformation = evt.result.xml.AccInfo;
    private function faultHandler(evt:FaultEvent):void
        var faultMessage:String = "Could not connect with XML file";, "Error opening file");
    <mx:HTTPService id="accountData" url="pgm1.xml" result="AccountHandler(event)" fault="faultHandler(event)"  />
    <mx:DataGrid x="20" y="24" width="950" dataProvider="{AccountInformation}" />
    This reads and displays all the rows. But I want to display single row at a time with sometime time gap between the display of two consecutive rows.I am new to flex and this is my first code, so need your help on this.
    I hope i have made myself clear. If there is anything else please let me know.
    Looking forward to some solution.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Help in Pivot Query- To change the column data to rows data!

    Hello Gurus -
    I have to change the row to Column -
    When i use the query -
    select NVL (T2.NAME, ' Grand Total') AS State,count(T2.NAME) as Total
    from Defect T1,statedef T2,repoproject T3
    WHERE T1.STATE=T2.ID AND T1.repoproject = T3.dbid AND like '%Compass Juice' GROUP BY ROLLUP (T2.NAME)
    Then i have got the following data -
    STATE          TOTAL
    Analysis     17
    Closed          1302
    Development     9
    Duplicate     24
    Failed          2
    OnHold          4
    Opened          146
    QA          1
    ReadyForQA     1
    Withdrawn      335
    Grand Total     1841
    But i want the data in following format -
    State Analysis     Closed     Development      Duplicate     Failed     OnHold     Opened     QA     ReadyForQA     Withdrawn     GrandTotal
    Total 17     1302     9          24          2     4     146     1     1          335          1841
    Kindly help me with this. I searched the forum and saw the usage of Max and NVL, Decode but i am unable to understand it to use in my query. kindly help me with this.

    In 11g you can use pivot.
    SQL> desc customers
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    CUST_ID                                            NUMBER(10)
    CUST_NAME                                          VARCHAR2(20)
    STATE_CODE                                         VARCHAR2(2)
    TIMES_PURCHASED                                    NUMBER(3)
    When this table is selected:
    select cust_id, state_code, times_purchased
    from customers
    order by cust_id;
    The output is:
          1 CT                       1
          2 NY                      10
          3 NJ                       2
          4 NY                       4
    ... and so on ...
    Note how the data is represented as rows of values: For each customer, the record shows the customer's home state and how many times the customer purchased something from the store. As the customer purchases more items from the store, the column times_purchased is updated.
    Now consider a case where you want to have a report of the purchase frequency each state�that is, how many customers bought something only once, twice, thrice and so on, from each state. In regular SQL, you can issue the following statement:
    select state_code, times_purchased, count(1) cnt
    from customers
    group by state_code, times_purchased;
    Here is the output:
    CT               0         90
    CT               1        165
    CT               2        179
    CT               3        173
    CT               4        173
    CT               5        152
    ... and so on ...
    This is the information you want but it's a little hard to read. A better way to represent the same data may be through the use of crosstab reports, in which you can organized the data vertically and states horizontally, just like a spreadsheet:
                 CT           NY         NJ      ... and so on ...
    1             0            1          0      ...
    2            23          119         37      ...
    3            17           45          1      ...
    ... and so on ...
    Prior to Oracle Database 11g, you would do that via some sort of a decode function for each value and write each distinct value as a separate column. The technique is quite nonintuitive however.
    Fortunately, you now have a great new feature called PIVOT for presenting any query in the crosstab format using a new operator, appropriately named pivot. Here is how you write the query:
    select * from (
       select times_purchased, state_code
       from customers t
       for state_code in ('NY','CT','NJ','FL','MO')
    order by times_purchased
    Here is the output:
    . TIMES_PURCHASED       'NY'       'CT'       'NJ'       'FL'       'MO'
                  0      16601         90          0          0          0
                  1      33048        165          0          0          0
                  2      33151        179          0          0          0
                  3      32978        173          0          0          0
                  4      33109        173          0          1          0
    ... and so on ...

  • HTMLDB_item.Date with row selector

    Hi :
    In my application i am using htmldb_item.datepicker and row selector to insert the date object wise
    the problem wht i am facing is if suppose 10 rows are generated when i select 3rd row date and insert date picker date get populated in 2nd row similarly 2nd rows to 1st and so on
    please try this query
    HTMLDB_ITEM.DATE_POPUP(3,rownum,null,'dd-mon-yyyy',12,15) "date"
    HTMLDB_ITEM.DATE_POPUP(3,rownum,null,'dd-mon-yyyy',12,15) "date"
    first change this query to sql updatable report and add row selector then try to select date from 2nd row ull find the problem wht i am facing
    please suggest how to resolve this

    ya we it wont update when we use a rownum when we resort and update i did like this see if you can understand the code
    vRow binary_integer;
    for i in 1..htmldb_application.g_f01.count
    vRow := htmldb_application.g_f01(i);
    REVISED_START = htmldb_application.g_f02(vRow),
    REVISED_END = htmldb_application.g_f03(vRow),
    ACTUAL_START = htmldb_application.g_f04(vRow),
    ACTUAL_END = htmldb_application.g_f05(vRow),
    STATUS = htmldb_application.g_f06(vRow),
    -- ACCEPTANCE = htmldb_application.g_f07(vRow),
    COMMENTS = htmldb_application.g_f08(vRow)
    OBJECT_NAME = htmldb_application.g_f09(vRow) ;
    end loop;
    here i am relating object name to row selector that is the check box so that when u sort the row also based on the object name that u select it will update this worked for me

  • SQL Developer Data Wizard - Row terminator question

    Hi all,
    I'm new to SQL Developer and am using the wizard to import a dataset with a non-standard row terminator
    The row terminator essentially looks like 2 spaces but its actually 2 newline characters.
    In SQL Server I specified the following in the SQL Server wizard and it worked:
    What's the equivalent for oracle? Or what should I type in the row terminator field of the SQL Data upload wizard instead of the default: Windows <CR><LF>
    Thanks for your help!
    Edited by: 888130 on Sep 28, 2011 7:38 AM
    Edited by: 888130 on Sep 28, 2011 7:38 AM

    As far as I know, the line terminator for the import wizzard has to be {CR}{LF} or {CR} or {LF}.
    So your best shot may be to preprocess your import file and replace {CR}{LF}{CR}{LF} with {CR}{LF}.
    Another oportunity is to use SQLLoader:*
    Skip empty lines:
    Ignore empty rows at end
    Best regards,

  • How to convert data from rows into columns

    I have a sql table and the data looks like this
    2007 -109712.40 6909.15 4758.72 56.88
    2007 -13411.32 19132.9 -5585.07 4362.64
    Where GLyear reprsents Year and GLMN01 is February, GLMN02 is March and so on,
    Now i want my output to be something like this which i want to insert into another table
    GLYear GLMonth GLAmount
    2007 February -109712.40
    2007 March 6909.15
    2007 April 56.88
    My new table has 3 columns, GLYear,GLMonth,GLAmount.
    Can someone please help me with the select statement on how to do this, i can work with the inserts.

    I want you to check these form tread they have the same discussion as you.  They will definitely solve your problem
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