Create a grid or table layout report

<p>Hi,</p><p> Anyone knows what&#39;s the simplest way to create a grid or table report using CR4E? my report is very simple, a list of POJO and want to display it in a table.</p><p>I guess you could add outside borders to each field, is there any simple way to do it?</p>

The easiest way to create a report under the form of a simple table or grid, is to follow these 5 easy steps in CR4E, once your datasource is ready :
1) Select your fileds
In the Field Explorer, select all the fields you want to show in your report, using the Ctrl key to select them all at once
2) Drag and drop fields on the report
Drag and drop the selected fields all at once from the Field Explorer onto your report, on the Body section.
The dropped fields will automatically be aranged in a row.
3) Position the fields Â
While all your fields are still all selected, make sure they are positionned at the very top of the Body section, so that there will be no space between your data on the final report.
4) Set the Fields Property to make them look like a tableÂ
While all your fields are still all selected, go to the Property panel, and set the Border Properties from None to Single. You will also probably want to set the LeftIdentation Property to a fraction of inch so that the text doesn't start right on the border of your grid.
5) Set the Body section size
Adjust the height of the Body section, so that it is exactly of the size of your fields, to ensure there will be no horizontal space between your grid rows on the final report.
At this point, you can preview your report, and you already have a table.
Of course, from there, you can adjust the fields size (columns width), font size, color of the text, etc ... with the available Properties in the Property panel, and make your table look the way you like.
Thierry Crespo (Business Objects)

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    2) take most of the defaults on the page where you pick the report type (interactive) and the page number (I changed it to 950). next->
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    If I go back to step 4 and erase my where clause the wizard completes successfully.
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    It looks as if you cannot specify a where clause with a quoted string. The wizard is expecting a bind variable.
    1) Don't specify a where clause when report type = Interactive in "create form on table with report" wizard.
    2) Specify a bogus where clause using bind variable syntax such as "system_role_name like :BOGUSVARIABLE". Then edit the report query once the wizard finishes and change the where clause to the constant string you wanted to use in the wizard (e.g. "system_role_name like 'MYSYSTEM%'")
    Database: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition 64bit Production (Oracle EL5)

    It's a bug, all right. Thanks for the detailed problem description. We'll fix it when we can.

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    Sorry to ask response so late. I had no time to get back to that issue before.
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    create or replace trigger STATUS_T1
    instead of insert on STATUS
    values(:new.LABEL, :new.AREA, :new.OWNER, :new.TEST_NAME, :new.STATUS, :new.REMARKS, :new.BUGS, :new.DEV_MGR, :new.TEST_BY_DATE);
    by any chance, you can notify what is wrong?
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    ORA-06550: line 1, column 38: PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "ID": invalid identifier ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    Error Unable to process row of table STATUS
    Then, I turned to debug mode, I am thinking that maybe because I use a HIDDEN item to hold the value of ROW_ID as I use the rowid (called ID in the view) to retrieve the record as a column link from previous page. What do you think?
    Thanks again,

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    - Todd

    Hi Todd,
    Please refer to this link:
    paper layout & web layout
    As for your second statement, it is a matter of opinion and I beg to differ that .... "Web Layout is very easy and flexible while editing on the Payer Layout is very difficult."
    Best Regards,

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    this is what I would do.
    1. Upload the table from MS Access, lets call it TAB_A
    2. Using SQL-Workshop get the DDL (SQL statement) for this table
    3. Change any names and/or datatypes as required
    4. Create a new table with this DDL, lets call it TAB_O
    5. Copy the contents from TAB_A to TAB_O (e.g. INSERT INTO TAB_O (id, colx, coly) SELECT TO_NUMBER(tracking_no), col1, col2 FROM TAB_A;)
    6. Create a sequence which starts with the last PK + 1 of table TAB_A
    7. Add a trigger to TAB_O to use this sequence to populate it's PK
    By the way, working with APEX requires a solid understanding of Oracle SQL and PL/SQL, regardless of what anyone says, even Oracle.
    Regards Garry

  • Creating a grid-like layout

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    <!-- ... -->
            <bc4j:viewObjectScope name="CustomArrayDataGraphsView">
                                <bc4j:attrValue name="AnalysisParam"/>
                                <bc4j:ordProperty name="url"/>
                                <bc4j:attrValue name="Description"/>
                            <bc4j:attrScope name="Graph">
                                    <bc4j:ordProperty name="url"/>
                                    <bc4j:ordProperty name="contentType"/>
                                      <bc4j:attrValue name="Description"/>
    <!-- ... -->The above code renders a single row of elements which are tables themselves. Using the <cellFormat> inside the <viewObjectScope> avoids the "new line" rendering of the internal tables of title/images. However, the internal tables do not wrap.
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    <gridLayout columns="5">
        <bc4j:viewObjectScope                                 name="CustomArrayDataGraphsView">
                <!-- render something per row -->
    </gridLayout>This custom layout will render a maximum of five columns of data per table row, where each column is actually a row of information from the view object.
    Is this possible using UIX components or should I start coding?

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      <bc4j:viewObjectScope name="CustomArrayDataGraphsView">
          <bc4j:attrScope name="Graph">
                  <html:table style="display: inline">
                        <styledText text="Title"/>
                        <styledText text="Image"/>
                  <tableLayout styleClass="display: inline" width="300">
                          <styledText text="Title"/>
                          <styledText text="Image"/>
      <!-- render a "No Records Found" message -->
                      text="No Records Found"
                  <bc4j:viewObjectProperty name="estimatedRowCount"/>
      </bc4j:viewObjectScope>Apparently, the header tags do something which effects the display of "inline"ed elements, like the tables in the previous example. Any suggestions? I know taking out of the header works great, but, the <hideShowHeader> functionality is particularly necessary.
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    For this you can use an af:table and put an af:image in a column.
    Check out this blog for a start.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Do you really need to create a table INSIDE the report? It doesn't look like a good idea to me. For instance, what happens if 2 users try to execute the report at the same time? I would create a global temporary table before any execution of the report, and then I would just populate the data in the table in the 'Before Report' trigger. The data in a global temporary table is only visible at session level, so you wouldn't have any problems with multiple users executing the report at the same time and the data disappears once you finish your session, so you don't need to take care of deleting the data.
    Hope it helps.

  • How to Email POWL Reports / Apply Web Dynpro ALV Table Layout Settings

    Hi all,
    we want to be able to automatically extract POWL reports and email them to users in a batch job.
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    However this merely gives us a table of raw data.  No view layout (ie. Web Dynpro ALV table layout) settings have been applied, so there is no hiding or arranging of columns, row sorting, calculations or filters.
    Ideally we would like to be able to specify a query and view layout.  The batch job would then refresh and extract the data, and format the data according to the view layout before sending it on as an attachment in an email.
    Does anyone know how to determine and apply Web Dynpro ALV table layout settings to format table data outside of the Web Dynpro environment ?
    Thanks & regards,

    Hi Grogan,
    Did you find out how this works..i also have the same issue.

  • Dynamic internal table Created from current classic ALV layout?

    Currently I have a dynamic ALV column output who's number of columns is dependent on t_output.
    ALV Sample:
    MANTR    WK1   WK2  WK3 ...
    10001        10       20      30
    10002        5         10      15
    I see this option, Get the ALV output, so this includes the header column name and its corresponding entries (which is easier.
    Question here: How can I create a dynamic internal table for it_fieldcat  of my ALV?  Is there any FM or method?
    If it will be a method, can you provide more details (I'm not that much yet familiar with method concept in ABAP)
    *Note: I am not creating a dynamic table out of SELECT statements

        PERFORM f_0600-init_alv_layout     USING t_alv_layout.
        PERFORM f_0700-init_field_catalog  USING t_alv_fcat[]. "Populates the ALV Field Catalog
        PERFORM f_0800-build_alv_comment   USING t_alv_list_top_of_page[]. "title header of the report
        PERFORM f_0900-fill_alv_sort_fields.
        PERFORM f_1000-build_alv_display.
    FORM f_0700-init_field_catalog USING us_vit_alv_fcat1 TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
      DATA:  w_vit_alv_fcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
      CLEAR w_vit_alv_fcat.
      MOVE : c_vit_output TO w_vit_alv_fcat-tabname,
             c_matnr      TO w_vit_alv_fcat-fieldname,
             c_material   TO w_vit_alv_fcat-seltext_l,
             c_x          TO w_vit_alv_fcat-fix_column,
             c_x          TO w_vit_alv_fcat-key.
      APPEND w_vit_alv_fcat TO us_vit_alv_fcat1.
      CLEAR w_vit_alv_fcat.
      MOVE : c_vit_output   TO w_vit_alv_fcat-tabname,
             c_maktx        TO w_vit_alv_fcat-fieldname,
             c_material_dis TO w_vit_alv_fcat-seltext_l.
      APPEND w_vit_alv_fcat TO us_vit_alv_fcat1.
      CLEAR: w_vit_alv_fcat.
      MOVE : c_vit_output   TO w_vit_alv_fcat-tabname,
             c_meins        TO w_vit_alv_fcat-fieldname,
             c_uom TO w_vit_alv_fcat-seltext_l.
      APPEND w_vit_alv_fcat TO us_vit_alv_fcat1.
      CLEAR: w_vit_alv_fcat.
      MOVE : c_vit_output   TO w_vit_alv_fcat-tabname,
             c_lifnr        TO w_vit_alv_fcat-fieldname,
             c_vendor       TO w_vit_alv_fcat-seltext_l.
      APPEND w_vit_alv_fcat TO us_vit_alv_fcat1.
      CLEAR w_vit_alv_fcat.
      MOVE : c_vit_output TO w_vit_alv_fcat-tabname,
             c_name1      TO w_vit_alv_fcat-fieldname,
             c_vendorname TO w_vit_alv_fcat-seltext_l.
      APPEND w_vit_alv_fcat TO us_vit_alv_fcat1.
      CLEAR w_vit_alv_fcat.
      MOVE : c_vit_output TO w_vit_alv_fcat-tabname,
             c_dispo      TO w_vit_alv_fcat-fieldname,
             c_mrp_cont   TO w_vit_alv_fcat-seltext_l.
      APPEND w_vit_alv_fcat TO us_vit_alv_fcat1.
      CLEAR w_vit_alv_fcat.
      MOVE : c_vit_output TO w_vit_alv_fcat-tabname,
             c_stprs      TO w_vit_alv_fcat-fieldname,
             c_std_price  TO w_vit_alv_fcat-seltext_l.
      APPEND w_vit_alv_fcat TO us_vit_alv_fcat1.
      CLEAR w_vit_alv_fcat.
      MOVE : c_vit_output TO w_vit_alv_fcat-tabname,
             c_st_pck     TO w_vit_alv_fcat-fieldname,
             c_st_pck_sz  TO w_vit_alv_fcat-seltext_l.
      APPEND w_vit_alv_fcat TO us_vit_alv_fcat1.
      CLEAR w_vit_alv_fcat.
      MOVE : c_vit_output TO w_vit_alv_fcat-tabname,
             c_kanban     TO w_vit_alv_fcat-fieldname,
             c_kanbanqty  TO w_vit_alv_fcat-seltext_l.
      APPEND w_vit_alv_fcat TO us_vit_alv_fcat1.
    * To display 26 weeks historical consumptions:
      CLEAR w_vit_alv_fcat.
      UNASSIGN <fs_hwk_date>.
      LOOP AT t_hwk_date ASSIGNING <fs_hwk_date>.
        MOVE c_vit_output TO w_vit_alv_fcat-tabname.
        CONCATENATE c_hwk <fs_hwk_date>-calender_wk
        INTO         w_vit_alv_fcat-seltext_l.
        CONCATENATE c_hwk <fs_hwk_date>-index
        INTO         w_vit_alv_fcat-fieldname.
        APPEND w_vit_alv_fcat TO us_vit_alv_fcat1.
    Edited by: Jaime Cabanban Jr on Apr 24, 2009 3:06 PM

  • How to create a grid like the sample of "profit Centre - Report" use sdk ?

    in the grid of "profit Centre - Report", it has a button,if you click it ,it can show the detaildata. it can implement many levels "Expand " and "Collaspe",but it's not implemented by group! i want to know how to implement it by ui dpi or udo .

    You need:
    - to know the relevant queries
    - to make copies (use GetAsXML) from the relevant system forms to mimick the standard functionality
    - to do it via UI API (use Grid and DataTable - then you don't need DI API at all)
    Here's some more information on DataTable / Grid:
    The UI sample no. 19 shows you how to load data into the Grid - via the DataTable...
    You can find an enhanced version of the sample (showing you how to get linked buttons, combo boxes etc) in the Education area on SAP Service Marketplace (SMP):
    Or just try these links (need SMP user account for that...) to download the sample from the Archive of "Live Expert Sessions" (includes a few more things):
    That's the link to the PDF for the session:
    ...and that's the recording:

  • How to get the spool id or how to create a spool id for the report .

    how to get the spool id or how to create a spool id for the report .
    this spool id i have to use it in CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF fm to get the pdf download file.
    my requirement is to download a pdf file from the alv grid list.

    Hi Raghu,
    Execute this program.
    REPORT  ZTEST_3318                              .
    tables: usr01.
    perform send_report_to_spool.
    *&      Form  send_report_to_spool
    form send_report_to_spool.
      data: loc_dest like pri_params-pdest,
            wf_listname type char12,
            wf_listtext like PRI_PARAMS-PRTXT,
            wf_copies type i,
            wf_days type i,
            wf_PARAMS LIKE PRI_PARAMS,     " achieving file PRI_PARAMS.
            wf_valid type c.
      clear : wf_listname , loc_dest , wf_listtext .
      move: 'AP interface' to   wf_listname .
      move: 'AP interface' to   wf_listtext .
    select single spld into usr01-spld from usr01 where bname eq sy-uname .
      if sy-subrc eq 0 .
        move: usr01-spld to loc_dest .
      endif .
      call function 'GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS'
          destination    = loc_dest
          copies         = 1
          list_name      = wf_listname
          list_text      = wf_listtext
          immediately    = ' '
          release        = ' '
          new_list_id    = 'X'
          expiration     = 1
          line_size      = 200
          line_count     = 65
          layout         = 'X_65_200'
          sap_cover_page = 'X'
          receiver       = 'SAP*'
          department     = ''
          no_dialog      = 'X'
          out_parameters = wf_params
          valid          = wf_valid.
      if wf_valid <> space.
        new-page print on parameters wf_params no dialog.
        perform write_summary .
        new-page print off.
      endif .
    endform.                    "send_report_to_spool
    *&      Form  write_summary
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM write_summary .
    data: begin of itab occurs 0,
          matnr type matnr,
          end of itab.
    select matnr
           from mara
           into table itab
           up to 10 rows.
    loop at itab.
    write: / itab-matnr.
    ENDFORM.                    " write_summary
    This will create spool in SP01.What data you want to put in Spool write it in form write_summary.I have done coding for testing purpose
    After that use that spool for your purpose.
    If Useful award point

  • Steps to create ALV grid

    Hi All
    I tried created ALV grid control,but facing error in the declaration of the data variables.
    Please help ..where do we declare data for internal table and reference variables for
    container and grid in the program.Acc. to its in the TOP include part.But its giving error
    that data not accessible.
    Thanks in advance..
    Abhinandan Kumar

    Find the code below.
    TABLES: t001.
    DATA : gd_container_alv TYPE scrfname VALUE 'ALV_CON'.
    DATA : go_cus_alv_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container.
    DATA : go_grid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid.
    DATA : gt_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat,
           gs_fieldcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat.
    DATA : gs_layout TYPE lvc_s_layo.
    *Class Definition
        METHODS populate_tab.
        METHODS create_field_catalog.
        METHODS create_layout.
        METHODS display_alv.
        METHODS refresh_alv.
       DATA : bukrs TYPE t001-bukrs.
    *Class implementation
      METHOD populate_tab.
        SELECT * FROM t001
                        INTO TABLE gt_001.
      METHOD create_field_catalog.
        gs_fieldcat-col_pos = '1'.
        gs_fieldcat-fieldname = 'BUKRS'.
        gs_fieldcat-tabname = 'gt_001'.
        gs_fieldcat-coltext = 'Company Code'.
        APPEND gs_fieldcat TO gt_fieldcat.
        gs_fieldcat-col_pos = '2'.
        gs_fieldcat-fieldname = 'BUTXT'.
        gs_fieldcat-tabname = 'gt_001'.
        gs_fieldcat-coltext = 'CC Text'.
        APPEND gs_fieldcat TO gt_fieldcat.
      METHOD create_layout.
        gs_layout-grid_title = 'Company Code Report'.
        gs_layout-zebra = 'X'.
      METHOD display_alv.
            I_DEFAULT                     = 'X'
            IS_LAYOUT                     = gs_layout
            IT_OUTTAB                     = gt_001
            IT_FIELDCATALOG               = gt_fieldcat
            PROGRAM_ERROR                 = 2
            others                        = 3.
      METHOD refresh_alv.
        REFRESH gt_001.
        SELECT * FROM t001
                 INTO TABLE gt_001.
    DATA : go_alv TYPE REF TO gcl_alv.
      CREATE OBJECT go_alv.
      CALL METHOD go_alv->populate_tab.
      CALL SCREEN 0100.
    *&      Module  PBO_100  OUTPUT
    *Set the GUI status
      SET PF-STATUS '0100'.
    *Create the container to be placed in the screen
          CONTAINER_NAME              = gd_container_alv.
    *Create the ALV Grid Container within the parent container
          I_PARENT          = go_cus_alv_container.
      CALL METHOD go_alv->create_field_catalog.
      CALL METHOD go_alv->create_layout.
      CALL METHOD go_alv->display_alv.
    ENDMODULE.                 " PBO_100  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  PAI_100  INPUT
      CASE sy-ucomm.
        WHEN 'REFRESH'.
          CALL METHOD go_alv->refresh_alv.
        WHEN 'BACK'.
          LEAVE TO SCREEN 0.
        WHEN 'EXIT'.
          LEAVE PROGRAM.
    ENDMODULE.                 " PAI_100  INPUT

  • Apex 4.0 Paper Layout Reports

    Hi All,
    I'm exploring Oracle Apex for the first time. I have just downloaded Apex 4.0 and would like to see if I can create a paper layout report. For example I would like to produce a Profit & Loss statement as well as a Balance Sheet from my existing database tables.
    I have done something similar in Oracle Reports 6i some years ago.
    In Apex I have managed to create an interactive report as well as a SQL report. However, these don't look anything like a plain A4 report. I'm guessing this is possible with Apex ?
    Do I need to change the default theme for the page I have created ?
    Any hints will be much appreciated.

    Hi Tony,
    Thanks for the prompt reply.
    I have had a quick look on the net about your proposed solution to use cocoon. Although, it seems as though this may work it appears to be quite a tedious way to go from a user point of view.
    As for BI Publisher, it's quite expensice the last time I looked.
    I would have thought Oracle Apex could do something so basic out of the box. Maybe not !

  • Exporting a 2D table from Report to Excel

    I have created an automatic populating 2D table in the Report window.  I would like to copy the contents of the table into excel format.  When I try to copy/paste into excel, I just get a bunch of code.  Is there a way to copy the contents of the 2D table from Report and paste them into another program?

    When you copy an object in REPORT (such as a 2D table), DIAdem will copy the code required to create the object, not the numbers in the table. This is by design and there is no direct way to copy the actual numbers from a REPORT table.
    A possible workaround is the "Transfer to VIEW" function on the REPORT toolbar. That function will take the current REPORT layout and copy it into the VIEW area. In VIEW you can highlight the values in the table and Copy/Paste them into Excel. To copy a complete column, click in the first row of the column and the pres and hold Shift&Control" and then hit the down arrow. That will select a complete channel.
    I hope this helps with your question,
    Otmar D. Foehner
    Business Development Manager
    DIAdem and Test Data Management
    National Instruments
    Austin, TX - USA
    "For an optimist the glass is half full, for a pessimist it's half empty, and for an engineer is twice bigger than necessary."

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    consider i have 1000 images in my hosting, i want all those images in my ios app. It is like ,in one screen around 9 thumbnails of image must be loaded from the webserver .And when i swipe the screen to the right another set of 9 thumbnail images mus

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    Is it possible to back up your songs that are on iTunes to an external hard drive (like I do for pictures) I've always had a back up for everything for one never knows when the computer might go belly up (even being new) They don't need to play from

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    hai is it possible to fire a method or execute set of code in java application when updation,insertion or deletion done in database.

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    Sir,    i want to establish a link between material, plant and cost center.For the same i would like to know the table wherein i can get this link. Routing data related table containing workcenter, cost center will do my job.

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    Is there a way to import music from a cd to an iPad?