Custom Authentication Using Groups

I'm using Oracle Apex 4.1 on a hosted environment provided by a hosting company. I have access to two workspaces and two schemas.
I'm building a database application that is similar to a ticketing system for an IT department.
I want to be able to build 10 applications on the same workspace but each application will be for different groups of people. And I don't want one group to be able to access the data of the other groups.
According to what I've read, the best thing to do is to separate everything into individual work spaces. However, I'm the only developer/administrator and I don't want everything running on different work spaces. Plus, it would cost extra money to add additional workspaces.
What is the best way to solve this problem?
I have looked through the forum for answers and it seems like the threads that have been posted are for issues much more complicated than mine. So I just wanted to make it clear that I have looked for a good answer to my question, I just haven't found one.
I understand that you can create users and groups. But how do you assign each application to a specific group?

What is the Scheme Type?
If it is Returns Boolean then you need to add a return statement to your block as shown
VAL := APEX_UTIL.CURRENT_USER_IN_GROUP(p_group_name=>'group1');
RETURN VAL; -- Added
END;Or simply
RETURN  APEX_UTIL.CURRENT_USER_IN_GROUP(p_group_name=>'group1');Edited by: Prabodh on Jun 12, 2012 6:14 PM
Edited by: Prabodh on Jun 12, 2012 6:15 PM

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  • Custom Authentication using WebService

    I am trying to create a way to Authenticate my users after calling a Webservice using Custom Authentication so that they don't have to Log on twice (SSO).
    Here is a brief description of what I'm trying to do:
    - End Users Login and get Authenticated in an iPlanet Portal.
    - Once in - they hit a link which calls my APEX Application in a new window.
    - I call the Web Service that return a response telling me if they have a valid Portal session along with username etc.
    - If they are logged in to our Portal - I authenticate them in APEX using Custom Authentication and allow them to continue.
    I have done this so far:
    - Created an After Footer Process in the Login Page(101) that calls the Web Service.
    - Created an automatic Page submit on page 101 with Javascript.
    - Changed the After Submit Process 'Set Username Cookie' to use the Login returned in the Web Service.
    - Changed the After Submit Process 'Login' to use the Login returned in the Web Service.
    - Custom Authentication is run after Page is submitted.
    - The user can then run the Application.
    Everything was working fine when I was already logged in to APEX as a Developer, but when I tried to run the application as a non-developer I get the Error:
    ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("FLOWS_030100"."WWV_FLOW_COLLECTIONS$"."USER_ID")
    I now realize that my Webservice Process is trying to store the result of the Web Service call before the Login has occured - so there is no APEX User at this point.
    Does anyone have a way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?

    You should create a page sentry function based on the often-cited ntlm page sentry function discussed in this forum. That has the framework you need. Here is an example, although it's kind of old:
    function modntlm_page_sentry return boolean as
        l_current_sid            number;
        l_authenticated_username varchar2(256) := OWA_UTIL.GET_CGI_ENV('REMOTE_USER');
        if l_authenticated_username is null then
            return false;
        end if;    
        l_current_sid := wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.get_session_id_from_cookie;
        if wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.is_session_valid then
            htmldb_application.g_instance := l_current_sid;
            if l_authenticated_username = wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.get_username then
                return true;
            else -- username mismatch. Unset the session cookie and redirect back here to take other branch
                htmldb_application.g_unrecoverable_error := true; -- tell htmldb engine to quit           
                return false;
            end if;
        else -- application session cookie not valid; we need a new htmldb session
            htmldb_application.g_unrecoverable_error := true; -- tell htmldb engine to quit
            if owa_util.get_cgi_env('REQUEST_METHOD') = 'GET' then
            end if;
            wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.post_login( -- register session in htmldb sessions table,set cookie,redirect back
                p_uname     => l_authenticated_username,
                p_flow_page => htmldb_application.g_flow_id||':'||nvl(htmldb_application.g_flow_step_id,0));
            return false;       
        end if;   
    end modntlm_page_sentry;You would replace this:
    l_authenticated_username varchar2(256) := OWA_UTIL.GET_CGI_ENV('REMOTE_USER');
    ...with whatever statement will allow you to get the authentication status and authenticated user name from the environment, from HTTP headers, or from some other external source.
    Then you would put this into the page sentry function attribute of the authentication scheme for your application:
    return modntlm_page_sentry;
    Of course you can name it anything you like but it should be compiled in your applicaiton's parsing schema.

  • Custom Login using the Pluggable Identity Management Framework

    Hi all,
    We are trying to establish 2 ways into our application:
    1. via a login form
    2. seamless login from an external application
    To achieve this we are trying to build our own custom authentication using the pluggable IDM framework.
    Basically if a secure page is requested, we want to check the header/cookie/request (don't mind which) for a key which is provided by the external application. If present, the key is validated against a web service provided by the external app, the identity is asserted and the user is entered seamlessly into the application. If the header/cookie/request does not contain a key the user is to be redirected to a login page, where they can input username and password which will be validated against our database.
    We've created a Token Collector and Token Asserter class, we've modified our custom Login Module to retrieve the identity created by the Token Asserter but we haven't worked out how to get the alternate login page working for users which don't come through the external application.
    Has anybody built anything similar? From the documentation it appears we should be able to achieve our goal using the pluggable IDM, but we're going around in circles a bit at the moment.
    Any help/sample code would be greatly appreciated.

    Can you tell why the page is not working? I mean, any errors ? What happens when you try to open the protected resource?
    Here is an example of the code, I removed some part of the code specific to the bussines so if you have doubts just let me know
    token collector
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    public class MyTokenCollector implements TokenCollector
    private Properties _properties;
    public void fail(HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response, int reason)
    throws CollectorException
    String loginURL = _properties.getProperty("custom.sso.url.login");
    String urlParam = _properties.getProperty("custom.sso.url.param");
    String idParam = _properties.getProperty("");               
    Log.Info("Token collection failed (" + reason + ")");
    StringBuffer requestURL = request.getRequestURL();
    String queryString = request.getQueryString();
    requestURL = requestURL.append("?").append(queryString);
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    sb = sb.append(urlParam).append("=");
    String encodedStr =
    URLEncoder.encode(requestURL.toString(), "UTF-8");
    sb = sb.append(encodedStr);
    sb = sb.append("#").append(request.getServerName()).append("#").append(request.getServerPort());
    String redirectQueryString = sb.toString();
    String rurl = loginURL + "?" + redirectQueryString;
    catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee)
    SSOTokenFormatException stfe =
    new SSOTokenFormatException(uee, 4);
    throw new CollectorException(stfe);
    catch (IOException ioe)
    Log.Error("IOException occured: " + ioe);
    throw new CollectorException(ioe);
    public IdentityToken getToken(String tokenType,
    HttpServletRequest request,
    List tokenNames, Properties properties)
    throws TokenNotFoundException, CollectorException
    _properties = properties;
    String valor = null;
    Log.Info("URL: "+request.getRequestURI());
    if ( tokenType. equalsIgnoreCase("HTTP_COOKIE"))
    valor = procesarCookie(request, tokenNames);
    }else if (tokenType.equalsIgnoreCase("HTTP_HEADER"))
    valor = procesarHeader(request, tokenNames);
    throw new CollectorException("token type not supported");
    MyIdentityToken token = new MyIdentityToken(valor);
    return token;
    private String procesarCookie(HttpServletRequest request, List tokenNames)
    throws TokenNotFoundException
    if (1 != tokenNames.size())
    //Only one cookie can be handled
    String error = "Invalid number of cookies check jazn.xml";
    throw new TokenNotFoundException(error);
    Map cookies = new Hashtable();
    Cookie allCookies[] = request.getCookies();
    if (allCookies != null)
    String cookieName = (String) tokenNames.get(0);
    Log.Info( "Searching for cookie: " + cookieName);
    Cookie cookie;
    for(int i = 0; i < allCookies.length; i++)
    cookie = allCookies;
    if (cookie.getName().equals(cookieName))
    return cookie.getValue();
    String error = "Rquired cookie not found";
    throw new TokenNotFoundException(error);
    String error = "No cookie on request";
    throw new TokenNotFoundException(error);
    private String procesarHeader(HttpServletRequest request, List tokenNames)
    throws TokenNotFoundException
    String nombreHeader = (String) tokenNames.get(0);
    String header = request.getHeader(nombreHeader);
    if (header != null)
    return header;
    String error = "Request doesn't have the requierd header";
    throw new TokenNotFoundException(error);
    Token Asserter Example
    import java.util.Properties;
    public class MyTokenAsserter
    implements TokenAsserter
    public void finalize()
    throws Throwable
    public IdentityCallbackHandler assertIdentity(String tokenType,
    IdentityToken token,
    Properties properties)
    throws AsserterException
    InversuraIdentityToken idToken = (InversuraIdentityToken) token;
    String valorToken = idToken.getValorToken();
    InversuraToken invToken;
    try {
    invToken = new InversuraToken(valorToken);
    if (verificarVigencia(invToken))
    IdentityCallbackHandlerImpl idcb = new IdentityCallbackHandlerImpl(invToken.getLogin());
    MyPrincipal ppal = new MyPrincipal(invToken.getLogin());
    Subject subj = new Subject();
    return idcb;
    throw new AsserterException("Token expired");
    }catch (Exception e)
    String error = e.getMessage();
    throw new AsserterException(error, e);
    public boolean verificarVigencia(InversuraToken token)
    return token.estaVigente();

  • Unable to start several servers using the custom. authentication and authorization Provider

    I downloaded the Sample Security Providers (
    and followed the user guide for installation.
    We have following configuration:
    - One domain with 3 servers :
    - ADM: admin, console
    - WTL_1 : WebTool server 1
    - WTL_2 : WebTool server 2
    WTL_1 and WT_2 are member of cluster WTL_Cluster
    I try to restart all servers. It worked fine for the first one (ADM), but for
    the other two I got followinf exception:
    ####<Nov 13, 2002 10:29:02 AM CET> <Emergency> <WebLogicServer> <>
    <WTL_1> <main> <kernel i
    dentity> <> <000342> <Unable to initialize the server: Fatal initialization exception
    Throwable: java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication denied: Boot identity not
    java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication denied: Boot identity not valid
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize1(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize(
    at weblogic.Server.main(
    Do you have any idea why it worked only for one server?
    Thanks for any help
    My Chi

    Hi John,
    Actually, thanks to your examples, I have my Authentication Scheme setup using a custom authentication function that first checks that the Username/Password are valid, and if so, then validates that the user has also been setup in AD with one of the groups used by my application. What I'm wondering is, when I replace the built-in Authentication Function it appears that the function that I code must have the correct signature (accepts UserName and Password, and returns a boolean)... but I really want to be able to also return the actual AD Group that the user is assigned to for use within my Authorization Schemes. I'm not sure if/how I can do this from my authentication function, or if I just need to re-query AD again in my Authorization Schemes to get the AD group that the user is assigned to.
    Appreciate the help,

  • User from my custom authenticator inside a group from Default Authenticator

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    Thiago Alvares Coli Silva

    I have a custom authenticator that only uses user/password combination, how can I put this user into a default group.
    Thiago Alvares Coli Silva

  • User!UserID when using custom Authentication in SSRS2012

    We are using FormsAuthentication with SSRS2012 for our custom authentication in SSRS2012.
    What SSRS code determines User!UserID report expressionwhen using a custom authentication provider?
    I ask this because if the FormsAuthCookie.UserName determines the User!UserID value, then I need to use a more unique value than FirstName/LastName when building the forms auth cookie.

    Hi scott,
    UserID is the ID of the user running the report. If you are using Windows Authentication, this value is the domain account of the current user(Domain/username).
    The value of User!UserID is determined by the Reporting Services security extension, which enables the authentication and authorization of users or groups; that is, it enables different users to log on to a report server and, based on their identities,
    perform different tasks or operations.
    By default, Reporting Services uses a Windows-based authentication extension, which uses Windows account protocols to verify the identities of users who claim to have accounts on the system. Reporting Services uses a role-based security system to authorize
    users. The Reporting Services role-based security model is similar to the role-based security models of other technologies.
    WorkFlow about authentication and authorization occur as follows:
    The user credentials are submitted to the Reporting Services Web service through the
    LogonUser method.
    This member of the Reporting Services Web service can be used to pass user credentials to a report server for validation. Your underlying security extension implements
    IAuthenticationExtension.LogonUser which contains your custom authentication code. In the Forms Authentication sample,
    LogonUser, which performs an authentication check against the supplied credentials and a custom user store in a database. An example of an implementation of
    LogonUser looks like this:
    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Interactive Report - search does not work when using custom authentication

    Apex 3.2.x
    I can authenticate fine with my custom authentication and all of my pages work okay except for one page that uses the Interactive Report feature. When I click 'Filter' then enter the column name, operation (contains, =, like, etc.) and the expression, then click the 'Apply' button, the page just re-displays and my filter information is missing?
    If I first login to Apex, select and run my application, the Interactive Report features work just fine. What's missing?

    More information:
    After login into my Apex workspace (development environment), when I display the Interactive Report and click debug I see this debug message:
    "using existing session report settings"
    When I login using my application's custom authentication and click debug I see this debug message:
    "creating session report settings as copy of public saved report"
    Based on this, it appears that my session info in not set correctly when using custom authentication... but I'm not sure what needs to be set.
    Edited by: user9108091 on Oct 22, 2010 6:44 AM

  • Strange problem when using custom authentication schema

    I'm building a custom authentication system for the application. Basically, I followed the blog post from Martin:
    However, the authentication seems working fine at the beginning when running the page 101 from Application Builder and log in, but when I log out from the application (redirect back to page 101) and try to log in with the same credentials, it gives error message "Invalid Login Credentials ". Also, when the application is accessed from public (open page 101 directly using another computer), the authentication doesn't work at all.
    Furthermore, I checked the table apex_workspace_access_log and found out that it has "AUTH_SUCCESS" even if using the fake credentials and the login failed (I use "apex_util.set_authentication_result (p_code => 3);" when auth function return false).
    I couldn't find the cause of the problem, then I created the same custom authentication in The problem doesn't appear anymore. To make sure they are same, I have double checked the custom authentication in both the development environment and the
    This is very strange to me and I don't know where to looking for the problem. Could you give me some advice of what may cause this problem. Thanks in advance!

    I found the problem myself. The cause is the VPD, the account table has VPD policy applied, which prevented public access.

  • Oracle ADF 11g – Authentication using Custom ADF Login Form Problem

    Hi Guys,
    I am trying to Authenticate my adf application using custom Login Form.
    following this..
    But my Login Page is not Loading.I think its sending request in jdev version is Idea.

    Hi Frank,
    I deleted bounded code and In another Unit Test I created a simple login.jspx page and applied form based authentication but still facing same problem means something wrong in starting.
    My login.jspx page is
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
      < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
        <af:document id="d1" >
          <af:form id="f1" >
            <af:panelFormLayout id="pfl1">       
              <af:inputText label="USERNAME" id="it1"
              <af:inputText label="PASSWORD" id="it2"
              <af:commandButton text="LOG IN" id="cb1" />
              <f:facet name="footer">       
    Don't know wht real problem is

  • Why a customer or vendor group One Time can't using?

    Why a customer or vendor group One Time can't using with special G/L ? for example Donw payment or chque receipt
    Many thanks for any answer?

    Hi Blue,
    Please refer OSS notes 19638
    Hope this helps.
    Please assign points as way to say thanks

  • Applying custom Group policy to existing users using group policy

    Hello Everyone,
    i am unable to find a way to push a custom theme to client PC using group policy.
    I have tried "Load a Specific Theme" Group Policy but it is only applying to a new user logging on windows.
    I have a custom theme that i want it to load to every existing user's machine.
    Is there any way to do it using GPO??

    Apply theme group policy does not work. Known issue.
    I use a vb script,
    '@SLH // This Script applies the Themepack "
    On Error Resume Next
    Select Case themeApplied
    Case "yes"
    'Has been set once before, nothing happens!
    Case Else
    'Has not been set before, Company theme is applied
    strRegistryKey = readfromRegistry("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\General\WallpaperSource", "C:\Windows\web\wallpaper\Windows\img0.jpg")
    End Select
    Function readFromRegistry (strRegistryKey, strDefault )
    Dim WshShell, value
    Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    value = WshShell.RegRead( strRegistryKey )
    if strDefault = value then
    'Write key in registry
    WshShell.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\themeApplied", "yes", "REG_SZ"
    'Applying theme from server
    'Remember to change the path tothe location of your .themepack file
    WshShell.Run "rundll32.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL %SystemRoot%\system32\desk.cpl desk,@Themes /Action:OpenTheme /file:""\\seraddressto\ Default.themepack"""
    WScript.Sleep 1000
    WshShell.AppActivate("Desktop Properties")
    WshShell.Sendkeys "%{F4}"
    end if
    End Function
    I then run this in a run once script when the user first logs in, this sets the theme once on new profile generation.

  • History Attributes when using Custom Authentication Type

    assigned all History Attributes (in the Entity Object Editor) to my audit columns.
    During run time, I find only Created By is assigned the SYSDATE, and Created On, Modified On, and Modified By are null.
    I am using Custom Authentication Type.
    I have read that the History Attributes only work the the JAAS authentication type. Appreciate any one confirming this.
    Also, how do you implement History Attributes if you are using the Custom Authentication Type? Do you need to write Java code?

    confirmed it only works with container managed authentication performed through JAZN. You can't use this with custom security as otherwise this feature could be overwritten. Still you can provide your own implementation:
    - create a custom table
    - use the setAttr method on the RowImpl class of a VO to store the username

  • Using Custom Authentication

    I am using a std login page with username password to call a simple custom authentication package.
    It works fine if you push the button to fire the authentication however i have noticed that if after entering the password you hit the enter key its bypassing the button and triggered process the page branches to a blank page. ends up going to wwv_flow.accept with blank page
    Is there an easy way to make the use of the enter key trigger the process the button would normally fire?

    The blank page appears when im trying to login with an invalid username password combo that i would expect to fail.
    If its valid it branches correctly the same as if you'd used the button. For the invalid combo to goes to the blank page apon pressing the enter key. If you used the button it would not branch as the authentication failed as expected.

  • How are OAM custom authentication plugins used for concurrent requests

    Custom authentication plug-ins are loaded by Access Server.
    I want to understand how they are used or how they work when multiple concurrent request start pouring in.

    The access server is a multi-threaded application. The "Fn" function of the plugin is executed in each of the thread of the access server.

  • Unable to login using OAM Custom Authentication Plugin

    I have a problem with OAM Custom Authentication Plugin, My Plugin is Activate successfully. When try to login from Access Manager SSO login page, it is unable to login. I am getting followiing message in the log file.
    I am return ExecutionStatus.SUCCESS from my Java code and I have only one step where I have attached Plugin and my Steps Orchestration is
    On Success -> Success
    On Failure -> Failure
    On Error -> Failure
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller: processing Event:process_creds.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller:  Event processing finished :process_creds with status fail.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller: processing Event:is_resource_protected.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Processing Event is_resource_protected
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Is Resource Protected status : success
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller:  Event processing finished :is_resource_protected with status success.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller: processing Event:check_valid_session.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Processing Event check_valid_session
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Processing Event check_valid_session
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller:  Event processing finished :check_valid_session with status fail.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller: processing Event:process_creds.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM handleProcessCredentials
    INFO: Successfully validated the submitted credentials.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller:  Event processing finished :process_creds with status success.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller: processing Event:validate_creds.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Processing Event validate_creds
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Policy ID : DB User Authentication Scheme
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM validateUser
    INFO: Authentication Scheme Id: DB User Authentication Scheme.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM validateUser
    INFO: Runtime Authentication Scheme: Scheme name: = DB User Authentication Scheme
    Scheme Challenge URL: =
    Scheme Challenge Mec: = FORM
    Scheme Challenge Par: = {contextType=default, username=string, contextValue=OAM, password=sercure_string, challenge_url=/pages/login.jsp}
    Authentication Module Name: = DB Authentication module
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM execute
    INFO: Authentication Module Factory Class: DB Authentication module.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM getDynamicPath
    INFO: DiagnosticUtil: enetered getDynamicPath
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM info
    INFO: Registering collector at runtime.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM getOrCreateCollector
    INFO: Collector already exists, reusing existing.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM getDynamicPath
    INFO: DiagnosticUtil: enetered getDynamicPath
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM info
    INFO: Registering collector at runtime.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM getOrCreateCollector
    INFO: Collector: ["":" Collector    : OAMS/OAM/Plugin/AUTHN/Plugin_SamplePlugin/PluginLocate
      Type     : PHASE_EVENT
      Metrics  : 511
      LogLevel : OFF
      EnableRate : false  EnablePersistence : false"], registered at runtime.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM info
    INFO: Registering collector at runtime.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM getOrCreateCollector
    INFO: Collector already exists, reusing existing.
    User Name: test and Password : test
    Authentication Successfull return ExecutionStatus.SUCCESS
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM validateUser
    INFO: Result of Authentication Scheme Execution: false.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller:  Event processing finished :validate_creds with status fail.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller: processing Event:check_authn_retry.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller:  Event processing finished :check_authn_retry with status success.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller: processing Event:cred_collect.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM handleCollectCredentials
    INFO: Processing Event cred_collect
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM handleCollectCredentials
    INFO: Credential collection process success.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller:  Event processing finished :cred_collect with status success.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller: processing Event:PBL_return.
    Jun 12, 2013 9:06:22 AM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller:  Event processing finished :PBL_return with status success.
    Can anyone help me regarding this issue.
    Tamim Khan

    Little update about authentication plugin, please see the log file below, Result of Authentication Scheme Execution:true, now but, still the cookie is LOGGEDOUTCONTINUE and still I am unable to login.  
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM sync
    INFO: Cache data sync:InProcess for request -414941018507193158;
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM sync
    INFO: Cache data sync:Success for request -414941018507193158;
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller: processing Event:process_creds.
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM handleProcessCredentials
    INFO: Successfully validated the submitted credentials.
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller:  Event processing finished :process_creds with status success.
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller: processing Event:validate_creds.
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM processEvent
    INFO: Processing Event validate_creds
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM processEvent
    INFO: Policy ID : DB Authentication Scheme
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM validateUser
    INFO: Authentication Scheme Id: DB Authentication Scheme.
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM validateUser
    INFO: Runtime Authentication Scheme: Scheme name: = DB Authentication Scheme
    Scheme Challenge URL: =
    Scheme Challenge Mec: = FORM
    Scheme Challenge Par: = {contextType=external, username=string, contextValue=/oam, password=sercure_string, challenge_url=}
    Authentication Module Name: = DB Authentication Module
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM execute
    INFO: Authentication Module Factory Class: DB Authentication Module.
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM getDynamicPath
    INFO: DiagnosticUtil: enetered getDynamicPath
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM info
    INFO: Registering collector at runtime.
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM getOrCreateCollector
    INFO: Collector already exists, reusing existing.
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM getDynamicPath
    INFO: DiagnosticUtil: enetered getDynamicPath
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM info
    INFO: Registering collector at runtime.
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM getOrCreateCollector
    INFO: Collector already exists, reusing existing.
    User Name: test and Password : test
    Set 1st  Responce
    Set 2nd  Responce
    Set 3rd  Responce
    Setting cookie
    Authentication Successfull return ExecutionStatus.SUCCESS
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM getDynamicPath
    INFO: DiagnosticUtil: enetered getDynamicPath
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM info
    INFO: Registering collector at runtime.
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM getOrCreateCollector
    INFO: Collector already exists, reusing existing.
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM validateUser
    INFO: Result of Authentication Scheme Execution: true.
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller:  Event processing finished :validate_creds with status fail.
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller: processing Event:check_authn_retry.
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller:  Event processing finished :check_authn_retry with status success.
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller: processing Event:cred_collect.
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM handleCollectCredentials
    INFO: Processing Event cred_collect
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM handleCollectCredentials
    INFO: Credential collection process success.
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller:  Event processing finished :cred_collect with status success.
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller: processing Event:PBL_return.
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM processEvent
    INFO: Master Controller:  Event processing finished :PBL_return with status success.
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM sync
    INFO: Cache data sync:InProcess for request -414941018507193158;
    Jun 19, 2013 1:51:44 PM sync
    INFO: Cache data sync:Success for request -414941018507193158;
    Can anyone help me please.
    Tamim Khan

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