Data in server is not updated

i have modify the data STREET to "ANG MO KIO"
but the data in server still "HEAVEN ST"
I am using Time2Way T01, if it is when i sync the data will be uploaded, or do i need to configure somewhere to get the data upload ?
if the data in client and middleware is different, when i sync , the data from the middleware will again download to the client replace the modified values
the data in the client will uploaded to the middleware and trigger the MODIFY bapi wrappers ?
when i check my MEREP_MON, and MEREP_LOG there is no data inside this meaning after i changed the values and perform the sync, Inbox and Outbox still remain the previous data as well as inside the MEREP_LOG,
is it the bapi wrapper not call by the client ?
and i find out that my bapi not get called, what additional code should i add instead of the code below.
do i have to change the reqDirectSync="true", if yes, how do i changed, just change inside the editor, or there is somewhere to configure in sapgui
after i changed the data , i try to sync, and i check on merep_mon
what specific or additional steps i need to configure, on uploader / receiver or synchronizer
<b>i do not implement any syncBoDelta or global reset ?</b>Can someone explain the term "delta" to me and its activities?
if i have upload something, and sync, the Inbox should have something right ??
i just put add this code to modify my records
public String modifyRecord(String eventName,boolean didNavigate){
                         String syncBoName="ZCON";
                         String syncKey="0001230297";
                         tableViewBean.setString(syncBoName +" "+syncKey);
                         System.out.println("SyncBoName: " +syncBoName + " syncKey: " +syncKey);
                         tcp = TableContentProvider.instance(syncBoName);
                         tcp.modifyTable(syncBoName,syncKey);                                   return JSP_DETAIL_SYNCBOINSTANCE;
public void modifyRecord(String syncBoName,String syncKey){
SyncBoDescriptor sbd=null;
SyncBo sb=null;
System.out.println("bp 2");
}catch(PersistenceException pex){
System.out.println("Exception in modifyRecordLoc:" +pex.getMessage());
SmartSyncTransactionManager transactionManager;
try{  transactionManager=dataFacade.getSmartSyncTransactionManager();
boolean b8=false;
b8=setHeaderFieldValue2(sb,"STREET","ANG MO KIO");
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("Exception in modifyRecordAmt2:" +e.getMessage());
public void checkInboxConflict(){
          ErrorConflictInbox errorConflictInbox= SmartSyncRuntime.getInstance().getInboxNotifier().getErrorConflictInbox();
          MeIterator iter;
          SyncBoResponse resp;
          try {
          iter= errorConflictInbox.getAllSyncBoResponses();
          resp= (SyncBoResponse);
          String bo=resp.getSyncBoDescriptor().getSyncBoName();//SyncBo Name
          String state=resp.getSyncBoResponseState().toString();
          String res=resp.getResponseType().toString();//Get the SyncBo response type (conflict or ERROR)
          String msg=resp.getText();// This will return the exact message from the server
          System.out.println("bo:" +bo +" state: " +state +" res: " +res +" msg:" +msg);
          System.out.println("state:" +resp.getSyncBoResponseState().toString());
               String a=resp.getSyncBoResponseState().toString();
               String b=resp.getSyncBoResponseState().toString();
               System.out.println("state1: " +a +"state2: " +b);
          boolean syncStatusComplete= SmartSyncRuntime.getInstance().getInboxNotifier().isSyncStatusComplete();
          System.out.println("syncStatus:" +syncStatusComplete);
          }catch (Exception e) {
public void listAllOutDelta(){
          SyncBoOutDeltaFacade deltFac=SmartSyncRuntime.getInstance().getSyncBoOutDeltaFacade();
          MeIterator allDelta;
          try {
               allDelta = deltFac.getAllDelta();
                         SyncBoOutDelta outDelta=(SyncBoOutDelta);
                         System.out.println("SyncKey:" +outDelta.getSyncKey() +" Action:" +outDelta.getAction()
                                   +" State:" +outDelta.getStateId() +" SendType:"+outDelta.getSendType());
          } catch (SmartSyncException e) {
               // TODO Auto-generated catch block
          } catch (PersistenceException e) {
               // TODO Auto-generated catch block
public void SetSendType(){
          SmartSyncRuntime ssRuntime = SmartSyncRuntime.getInstance();
          SyncBoOutDeltaFacade boDeltaFacade = ssRuntime.getSyncBoOutDeltaFacade();
          SyncBoDescriptorFacade descF = ssRuntime.getSyncBoDescriptorFacade();
          SyncBoDescriptor myBO = descF.getSyncBoDescriptor("ZCON");
          boDeltaFacade.setSendType(myBO, SyncBoOutDeltaSendType.SEND_DIRECT);
     public boolean setHeaderFieldValue2(
          SyncBo sb,
          String headerFieldName,
          Object value) {
          SyncBoDescriptor sbd = sb.getSyncBoDescriptor();
          //RowDescriptor trd = sbd.getTopRowDescriptor();
          System.out.println("bp 10");
          RowDescriptor trd=sbd.getRowDescriptor("010");
          System.out.println("bp 11");
          FieldDescriptor fd = trd.getFieldDescriptor(headerFieldName);
          System.out.println("fd:" +fd.getFieldName());
          if (fd != null) {
          BasisFieldType bft = fd.getFieldType();
          //Row header = sb.getTopRow();
          System.out.println("bp 12");
          //Row header = null;
          Row[] header=null;
          //try {
               //header = sb.getRow("0001211181");
                    System.out.println("is null");
                    System.out.println("not null");
          //} catch (PersistenceException e1) {
               // TODO Auto-generated catch block
          //     System.out.println("Exception getRow:" +e1.getMessage());
          //     e1.printStackTrace();
          System.out.println("bp 13");
          try {
//             Integer operator
          if (bft == BasisFieldType.N) {
          NumericField nf = header[0].getNumericField(fd);
          if (nf != null) {
          BigInteger ii = new BigInteger(value.toString());
          return true;
          } else {
          return false;
//             Character operator
          if (bft == BasisFieldType.C) {
          CharacterField cf = header[0].getCharacterField(fd);
          if (cf != null) {
          return true;
          } else {
          return false;
//             Decimal operator
          if (bft == BasisFieldType.P) {
          DecimalField df = header[0].getDecimalField(fd);
          System.out.println("bp 1.1");
          if (df != null) {
               System.out.println("bp 1.2");
          BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(value.toString());
          System.out.println("bp 1.3");
          System.out.println("bp 1.4");
          return true;
          } else {
               System.out.println("bp 1.5");
          return false;
//             Similar operation for time and date operator fields
          if (bft == BasisFieldType.D) {
          DateField df = header[0].getDateField(fd);
          if (df != null) {
          if (value.toString().equals("0")) {
          Date dat = Date.valueOf("0000-00-00");
          } else if (!value.toString().equals("")) {
          Date dat = Date.valueOf(value.toString());
          } else {
          Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
          java.sql.Date bd =
          new java.sql.Date(cal.getTime().getTime());
          return true;
          } else {
          return false;
//             Similar operation for time and date operator fields
          } catch (SmartSyncException ex) {
          } catch (PersistenceException e) {
          return false;
SyncType: T01 Wrapper: GetList,GetDetail,Modify
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <MeRepApplication schemaVersion="1.1" id="ZCON" version="01">
  <Property name="CLIENT.BUILDNUMBER" />
  <Property name="C_APPLRESOLVE" />
  <Property name="DATA_VISIBLE_SHARED">X</Property>
  <Property name="E_APPLRESOLVE" />
  <Property name="FACADE_C_CLIENT">X</Property>
  <Property name="FACADE_E_CLIENT">X</Property>
  <Property name="HOMEPAGE.INVISIBLE" />
  <Property name="INITVALUE" />
  <Property name="RUNTIME">JSP</Property>
  <Property name="TYPE">APPLICATION</Property>
- <SyncBO id="ZCON" version="1" type="timedTwoWay" allowCreate="false" allowModify="true" allowDelete="false" reqDirectSync="false" downloadOrder="1">
- <TopStructure name="TOP">
- <Field name="SYNC_KEY" type="N" length="10" decimalLength="0" signed="false" isKey="true" isIndex="true">
  <Input type="create">false</Input>
  <Input type="modify">false</Input>
- <Field name="PERSNUMBER" type="N" length="10" decimalLength="0" signed="false" isKey="false" isIndex="false">
  <Input type="create">false</Input>
- <ChildStructure name="010">
- <Field name="SYNC_KEY" type="N" length="10" decimalLength="0" signed="false" isKey="true" isIndex="true">
  <Input type="create">false</Input>
  <Input type="modify">false</Input>
- <Field name="PERSNUMBER" type="N" length="10" decimalLength="0" signed="false" isKey="false" isIndex="false">
  <Input type="create">false</Input>
- <Field name="CITY1" type="C" length="40" decimalLength="0" signed="false" isKey="false" isIndex="false">
  <Input type="create">false</Input>
- <Field name="CITY2" type="C" length="40" decimalLength="0" signed="false" isKey="false" isIndex="false">
  <Input type="create">false</Input>
- <Field name="STREET" type="C" length="40" decimalLength="0" signed="false" isKey="false" isIndex="false">
  <Input type="create">false</Input>
- <Field name="HOUSE_NUM" type="C" length="40" decimalLength="0" signed="false" isKey="false" isIndex="false">
  <Input type="create">false</Input>
- <Field name="REGION" type="C" length="40" decimalLength="0" signed="false" isKey="false" isIndex="false">
  <Input type="create">false</Input>
Message was edited by:
        yzme yzme

<u>my intention is very simple, i just need to  update a field in a row and update to the middleware so that the backend will reflect the changes. </u>
>2 if i set the conflict/error handling to application, then i should have to implement some code for it, right ?
>3) List syncbooutdelta
<b>SyncKey:0001233035 Action:M SendType:SEND</b>
doesnt it mean that when i sync , the uploader will pick up this data and do a modification ??
i have change the metadata like this
<SyncBO id="ZCON" version="1" type="timedTwoWay" allowCreate="false" allowModify="true" allowDelete="false" reqDirectSync=<b>"true" </b>downloadOrder="1">
1) i try to sync the application and check the worklist monitor, there is nothing in the inbox ? how come ?
2)if i test using emulator, i try to modify a value and execute, i am getting the following error.
Header action from mobile="MOD", R/3 action="ADD"
Return code 1 (DOWNLOADER)
i try to modify not "Add"
3) I am using Time 2 Way , how to check it is synchronous or asynchronous ? in merep_sbuilder, the default asyn. is checked, meaning async ??
the type is T01 , ASYNC
public void checkInboxConflict(){
          ErrorConflictInbox errorConflictInbox= SmartSyncRuntime.getInstance().getInboxNotifier().getErrorConflictInbox();
          MeIterator iter;
          SyncBoResponse resp;
          try {
          iter= errorConflictInbox.getAllSyncBoResponses();
          resp= (SyncBoResponse);
          String bo=resp.getSyncBoDescriptor().getSyncBoName();//SyncBo Name
          String state=resp.getSyncBoResponseState().toString();
          String res=resp.getResponseType().toString();//Get the SyncBo response type (conflict or ERROR)
          String msg=resp.getText();// This will return the exact message from the server
          System.out.println("bo:" +bo +" state: " +state +" res: " +res +" msg:" +mtext);
          boolean syncStatusComplete= SmartSyncRuntime.getInstance().getInboxNotifier().isSyncStatusComplete();
          System.out.println("syncStatus:" +syncStatusComplete);
          }catch (Exception e) {
<u>bo:ZCON state: INITIAL res: CONFLICT msg:Conflict: R/3 = delete, device = modify
SyncStatus=true (complete)
5) after that i change my code to this
    String a=resp.getSyncBoResponseState().toString();
    String a1=syncBO.getSyncState().toString();
    resp.acceptClientSyncBo();   //No transaction stated to commit
String b=resp.getSyncBoResponseState().toString();
String b2=syncBO.getSyncState().toString();
System.out.println("state1: " +a +"state2: " +b);
System.out.println("SyncState1: " +a1 +"SyncState2: " +b1);
<u>state1: INITIAL state2: RESOLVED </u>
<u>SyncStatus1:QUANRANTINE SyncStatus2: INCONSISTENT</u>
and i try to sync data in worklist
6)i try to list out all the delta to be uploaded
ListAllOutDelta to be upload
<u>SyncKey:0001233349 Action:I State:99925F8E24DFFE49A4563C5E018E9B61 SendType:SEND
i am modifying the rows, not Insert a new row, the Action:'I' instead of 'M',  pls clarify on this.
after i sync, i found out that there is 2 record with different syncKey but same primary key and all attributes appear to be same except the attribute that i changing.
0001230298 000000000  HELL <u>ANG MO KIO</u> 0123456789 (modified record)
0001230299 000000000  HELL <u>HEAVEN ST</u>  0123456789(old record)
i check the application and found out that the previous record that i modify have its value changing locally but not updated into the backend, after sync, there is another record downloaded into this application which is the old record before i modify with different syncKey.
but when i check the backend table, there is only 1 record inside, because i dont implement the 'Create' Bapi.
does it make sense ?
7) when i check my client , the data is persisted with modified value , but the changes is not reflected in the server, how come the data in client is not uploaded to the server.
acceptClientSyncBo will make the client wins how come the data is not get updated in server ?
Re: Regarding modifying Sync BO
According to him, can anyone translate the things highlighted below
for modifying one sync bo instance , there is no need to use createUnlinkedCopy()..
just use like this..
sb = dataFacade.getSyncBo(sbd,key);
SmartSyncTransactionManager transactionManager;
transactionManager = dataFacade.getSmartSyncTransactionManager();
setHeaderFieldValue(sb,"PROFESSION","Technical Specialist");
// Commit the transaction
setHeaderFieldValue - can be used to set value in new sync bo instance , or modify the instance.
But one main think here have to consider is , if you have created one Sync Bo instance , not synchronized with back end and u have modified that, then thats just like a creation .So during sync this will call Create Bapi Wrapper.
But after synchronization , is u are modifying that instance , then it is a modification(will call MODIFY Wrapper in back end during synchronization). u must have the right to modify this instance in the client side.
hope u got it.
u can debug MI Applications in NWDS.
refer this blog written by Arun
let me know , if u have doubts
Kishor Gopinathan
pls comment...

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    Hi Ryan,
             What's your solution manager version?
             Have you taken a look into this note?
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            Within this note you will find another list of related notes that may fix your issue.
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           1273095   SMSY: Incorrect database server (Java)

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    Tim, are you still trying to get this figured out?
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
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    _________ Fahad Ahmed Khan .NET Articles, Web Development, SharePoint and Project Server Custom Solution Provider

    Does your Resource Capacity job (Reporting (Resources Capacity Range Sync)) still run successfully each day? What settings do you have set on this? This is set on the Additional Server Settings in the Resource Capacity Settings section (PWA Server
    Setting > Additional Server Settings). How many months ahead and month behind have you got set?
    If the job is not running, change the scheduled time for the job by 5 minutes or so on the Additional Server Settings page then wait for that time to pass and check the queue for the successful job. Once the job is successful that view should contain data
    for the time range set (months behind / ahead).
    Paul Mather | Twitter | | CPS

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    What is the problem here a clean install i see permissions have many errors after a clean install and will not fi, with disk utillities
    any help here please
    Thanks for any time given

    wersix wrote:
    How do I remove these? Do I just delete the folders using Finder? I'm new to Mac OS X.
    I'm seeing a number of posts about network printing problems after upgrading to Mountain Lion. I'm guessing the problem is something other than the drivers themselves.
    I sure appreciate your willingness to help me out with this!
    Yes, just delete the folders.
    There could be other problems, not driver-related, but updating to the most recent drivers will at least eliminate that possibility.
    Happy to try to help.

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