Database slow reponse

Hi Experts,
we are working on oracle 9i in solaris 5.9 server, we are experiencing very slow database response for past 2 weeks. Please suggest where to look for the problem and how resolve the issues.

Other things to look at:-
How many times a min you get new redo log switches. Increase log file size if multiple created per min.
Undo/Rollback segments waits. N.B. these will be stats from the start time of the DB.
column value format a10 heading " Database "
column user format a10 heading " User "
column machine format a10 heading " Machine "
column open_time format a18 heading " Database | Start time "
column rsegnm format a10 heading " Rollback | Name "
column transgets format 99999999 heading " Gets "
column transwait format 99999999 heading " Waits "
column writes format 9999999999 heading " Writes "
column optsizek format 99999999 heading " Optl| Size|Kbyts"
column rssizek format 99999999 heading " Seg | Size|Kbyts"
column hwmsizek format 99999999 heading " HWM | Size|Kbyts"
column aveactivek format 99999999 heading " Ave | actv|Kbyts"
column shrinks format 99999 heading "Shrinks"
column wraps format 99999 heading "Wraps"
column extents format 99999 heading "Extns"
column initial_extent format 99999 heading " Init| Extn|Kbyts"
column next_extent format 99999 heading " Next| Extn|Kbyts"
set linesize 180
set head on
alter session set nls_date_format ='DD-MM-YY:HH24:MI:SS';
select distinct
par.value ,
upper(mname.machine) machine,
th.open_time, rsegnm,
s.gets transgets,
s.waits transwait,
(s.optsize/1024) optsizek,
(s.rssize/1024) rssizek,
(s.hwmsize/1024) hwmsizek,
(s.aveactive/1024) aveactivek,
s.shrinks shrinks,
s.wraps wraps
from v$rollname n,v$rollstat s,v$parameter par, v$session mname,
v$thread th
where n.usn = s.usn and upper('DB_NAME' and mname.program like '%SMO%'
order by;
I would advise that if you use a Undo tablespace you should increase the size of tablespace and undo retention if waits are greater than 2000 per segment.
Waitstats in general can be helpful.
column event format a30
column waits format 9999999999999
column timeouts format 9999999999999
column total_time format 9999999999999
SELECT event, total_waits waits, total_timeouts timeouts,
time_waited total_time, average_wait avg
Hot files and IO stats for each database file.

Similar Messages

  • Database slow down happeing for aperticular window

    For last few days we are having a issue with database slow down for a perticular window .We took the awr and ash report for that window and it shows the db file sequential read takes more time for aperticular query.But the same query works fine for rest of the day, so how we find the issue happend at that perticular window?

    Hi ,
    there is not a single query running for that window, multiple sessions are running which are exceuting various queries.
    Here is the AWR report for that window( due to size i could past only first half of thw awr report)
    DB Name     DB Id     Instance     Inst num     Release     RAC     Host
    GNVPRD     1315880728     GNVPRD     1     NO     tpora02
         Snap Id     Snap Time     Sessions     Cursors/Session
    Begin Snap:     22711     07-Jul-10 12:00:31     491     15.1
    End Snap:     22712     07-Jul-10 13:00:29     550     16.2
    Elapsed:          59.97 (mins)          
    DB Time:          376.21 (mins)          
    Report Summary
    Cache Sizes
         Begin     End          
    Buffer Cache:     6,144M     6,144M     Std Block Size:     8K
    Shared Pool Size:     2,048M     2,048M     Log Buffer:     5,200K
    Load Profile
         Per Second     Per Transaction
    Redo size:     572,299.00     9,239.63
    Logical reads:     129,738.24     2,094.59
    Block changes:     3,534.49     57.06
    Physical reads:     990.77     16.00
    Physical writes:     350.18     5.65
    User calls:     3,806.67     61.46
    Parses:     438.64     7.08
    Hard parses:     2.31     0.04
    Sorts:     1,112.23     17.96
    Logons:     5.56     0.09
    Executes:     4,926.11     79.53
    Transactions:     61.94     
    % Blocks changed per Read:     2.72     Recursive Call %:     63.19
    Rollback per transaction %:     0.21     Rows per Sort:     9.73
    Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
    Buffer Nowait %:     99.99     Redo NoWait %:     100.00
    Buffer Hit %:     99.25     In-memory Sort %:     100.00
    Library Hit %:     99.70     Soft Parse %:     99.47
    Execute to Parse %:     91.10     Latch Hit %:     99.89
    Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %:     95.41     % Non-Parse CPU:     98.92
    Shared Pool Statistics
         Begin     End
    Memory Usage %:     87.11     87.32
    % SQL with executions>1:     71.59     67.41
    % Memory for SQL w/exec>1:     78.66     77.94
    Top 5 Timed Events
    Event     Waits     Time(s)     Avg Wait(ms)     % Total Call Time     Wait Class
    db file sequential read     2,120,397     9,932     5     44.0     User I/O
    CPU time          9,284          41.1     
    db file parallel write     25,213     6,943     275     30.8     System I/O
    enq: RO - fast object reuse     553     1,388     2,510     6.1     Application
    log file parallel write     200,039     685     3     3.0     System I/O
    Main Report
    •     Report Summary
    •     Wait Events Statistics
    •     SQL Statistics
    •     Instance Activity Statistics
    •     IO Stats
    •     Buffer Pool Statistics
    •     Advisory Statistics
    •     Wait Statistics
    •     Undo Statistics
    •     Latch Statistics
    •     Segment Statistics
    •     Dictionary Cache Statistics
    •     Library Cache Statistics
    •     Memory Statistics
    •     Streams Statistics
    •     Resource Limit Statistics
    •     init.ora Parameters
    Back to Top
    Wait Events Statistics
    •     Time Model Statistics
    •     Wait Class
    •     Wait Events
    •     Background Wait Events
    •     Operating System Statistics
    •     Service Statistics
    •     Service Wait Class Stats
    Back to Top
    Time Model Statistics
    •     Total time in database user-calls (DB Time): 22572.5s
    •     Statistics including the word "background" measure background process time, and so do not contribute to the DB time statistic
    •     Ordered by % or DB time desc, Statistic name
    Statistic Name     Time (s)     % of DB Time
    sql execute elapsed time     21,791.55     96.54
    DB CPU     9,283.91     41.13
    PL/SQL execution elapsed time     835.47     3.70
    connection management call elapsed time     217.19     0.96
    parse time elapsed     108.39     0.48
    hard parse elapsed time     65.36     0.29
    RMAN cpu time (backup/restore)     6.94     0.03
    repeated bind elapsed time     1.67     0.01
    sequence load elapsed time     1.35     0.01
    PL/SQL compilation elapsed time     1.13     0.01
    inbound PL/SQL rpc elapsed time     0.46     0.00
    hard parse (sharing criteria) elapsed time     0.13     0.00
    failed parse elapsed time     0.11     0.00
    DB time     22,572.52     
    background elapsed time     8,108.80     
    background cpu time     239.28     
    Back to Wait Events Statistics
    Back to Top
    Wait Class
    •     s - second
    •     cs - centisecond - 100th of a second
    •     ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second
    •     us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second
    •     ordered by wait time desc, waits desc
    Wait Class     Waits     %Time -outs     Total Wait Time (s)     Avg wait (ms)     Waits /txn
    User I/O     2,252,192     0.00     10,358     5     10.11
    System I/O     290,991     0.00     7,754     27     1.31
    Application     989     52.88     1,713     1732     0.00
    Other     9,008     4.32     862     96     0.04
    Commit     123,032     0.01     663     5     0.55
    Network     8,045,193     0.00     322     0     36.10
    Administrative     8,083     0.00     222     28     0.04
    Concurrency     14,492     1.19     21     1     0.07
    Configuration     1,039     31.18     3     3     0.00
    Back to Wait Events Statistics
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    Wait Events
    •     s - second
    •     cs - centisecond - 100th of a second
    •     ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second
    •     us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second
    •     ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
    Event     Waits     %Time -outs     Total Wait Time (s)     Avg wait (ms)     Waits /txn
    db file sequential read     2,120,397     0.00     9,932     5     9.51
    db file parallel write     25,213     0.00     6,943     275     0.11
    enq: RO - fast object reuse     553     82.46     1,388     2510     0.00
    log file parallel write     200,039     0.00     685     3     0.90
    log file sync     123,032     0.01     663     5     0.55
    rdbms ipc reply     417     57.31     486     1166     0.00
    db file scattered read     58,713     0.00     334     6     0.26
    enq: TX - row lock contention     212     31.60     325     1535     0.00
    enq: CI - contention     203     32.02     230     1132     0.00
    SQL*Net more data from dblink     697     0.00     197     283     0.00
    enq: TX - contention     50     92.00     142     2840     0.00
    Backup: sbtwrite2     8,070     0.00     92     11     0.04
    read by other session     26,250     0.00     87     3     0.12
    SQL*Net more data from client     111,270     0.00     79     1     0.50
    Backup: sbtbackup     2     0.00     61     30738     0.00
    Backup: sbtremove2     1     0.00     58     57528     0.00
    log file sequential read     2,031     0.00     50     25     0.01
    Log archive I/O     2,012     0.00     46     23     0.01
    SQL*Net more data to client     525,719     0.00     42     0     2.36
    RMAN backup & recovery I/O     3,995     0.00     17     4     0.02
    control file parallel write     2,081     0.00     11     5     0.01
    row cache lock     13     15.38     7     517     0.00
    Backup: sbtclose2     2     0.00     6     3210     0.00
    latch: cache buffers chains     9,632     0.00     6     1     0.04
    Backup: sbtinfo2     2     0.00     4     2249     0.00
    SQL*Net message to client     7,407,395     0.00     4     0     33.24
    Data file init write     130     0.00     3     26     0.00
    latch: library cache     2,556     0.00     3     1     0.01
    db file single write     666     0.00     2     3     0.00
    control file sequential read     55,562     0.00     2     0     0.25
    cursor: pin S wait on X     175     97.14     2     10     0.00
    latch free     952     0.21     1     1     0.00
    log file switch completion     46     0.00     1     26     0.00
    latch: cache buffers lru chain     1,025     0.00     1     1     0.00
    os thread startup     12     0.00     1     88     0.00
    control file single write     48     0.00     1     21     0.00
    write complete waits     1     100.00     1     977     0.00
    latch: library cache pin     706     0.00     1     1     0.00
    log buffer space     126     0.79     1     5     0.00
    LGWR wait for redo copy     3,688     0.41     1     0     0.02
    latch: row cache objects     460     0.00     1     1     0.00
    switch logfile command     3     0.00     0     162     0.00
    enq: TX - index contention     22     0.00     0     18     0.00
    library cache lock     1     0.00     0     341     0.00
    latch: shared pool     137     0.00     0     2     0.00
    latch: enqueue hash chains     103     0.00     0     3     0.00
    wait list latch free     9     0.00     0     21     0.00
    latch: object queue header operation     137     0.00     0     1     0.00
    library cache load lock     6     0.00     0     25     0.00
    kksfbc child completion     4     75.00     0     37     0.00
    latch: messages     493     0.00     0     0     0.00
    SQL*Net break/reset to client     224     0.00     0     1     0.00
    latch: session allocation     258     0.00     0     1     0.00
    latch: cache buffer handles     125     0.00     0     1     0.00
    db file parallel read     12     0.00     0     10     0.00
    reliable message     85     0.00     0     1     0.00
    buffer busy waits     543     0.00     0     0     0.00
    latch: redo writing     543     0.00     0     0     0.00
    latch: redo allocation     65     0.00     0     1     0.00
    Backup: sbtinit     1     0.00     0     66     0.00
    log file single write     10     0.00     0     6     0.00
    latch: In memory undo latch     171     0.00     0     0     0.00
    direct path read temp     45,810     0.00     0     0     0.21
    cursor: pin S     1,325     0.00     0     0     0.01
    Backup: sbtend     1     0.00     0     29     0.00
    latch: library cache lock     56     0.00     0     0     0.00
    log file switch (private strand flush incomplete)     1     0.00     0     21     0.00
    latch: checkpoint queue latch     45     0.00     0     0     0.00
    ktfbtgex     1     100.00     0     10     0.00
    buffer deadlock     18     100.00     0     0     0.00
    undo segment extension     322     100.00     0     0     0.00
    latch: undo global data     4     0.00     0     1     0.00
    direct path write temp     208     0.00     0     0     0.00
    SQL*Net message to dblink     112     0.00     0     0     0.00
    cursor: mutex S     2     0.00     0     0     0.00
    Backup: sbtinit2     1     0.00     0     0     0.00
    direct path read     2     0.00     0     0     0.00
    direct path write     4     0.00     0     0     0.00
    enq: CF - contention     1     0.00     0     0     0.00
    SQL*Net message from client     7,407,362     0.00     499,728     67     33.24
    wait for unread message on broadcast channel     5,829     100.00     5,696     977     0.03
    Streams AQ: waiting for messages in the queue     739     100.00     3,512     4752     0.00
    jobq slave wait     538     96.65     1,563     2905     0.00
    SQL*Net message from dblink     113     0.00     188     1663     0.00
    single-task message     6     0.00     1     91     0.00
    class slave wait     2     0.00     0     1     0.00
    Back to Wait Events Statistics
    Back to Top
    Background Wait Events
    •     ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
    Event     Waits     %Time -outs     Total Wait Time (s)     Avg wait (ms)     Waits /txn
    db file parallel write     25,213     0.00     6,943     275     0.11
    log file parallel write     200,053     0.00     685     3     0.90
    log file sequential read     2,003     0.00     50     25     0.01
    Log archive I/O     1,985     0.00     46     23     0.01
    events in waitclass Other     5,075     0.35     36     7     0.02
    control file parallel write     1,926     0.00     11     5     0.01
    db file single write     665     0.00     2     3     0.00
    db file scattered read     70     0.00     2     21     0.00
    os thread startup     12     0.00     1     88     0.00
    log buffer space     121     0.83     0     3     0.00
    control file sequential read     3,436     0.00     0     0     0.02
    latch: redo writing     543     0.00     0     0     0.00
    log file single write     10     0.00     0     6     0.00
    latch: cache buffers chains     9     0.00     0     1     0.00
    buffer busy waits     4     0.00     0     0     0.00
    latch: In memory undo latch     5     0.00     0     0     0.00
    latch: shared pool     1     0.00     0     0     0.00
    db file sequential read     2,486     0.00     -0     -0     0.01
    rdbms ipc message     270,474     6.59     53,843     199     1.21
    pmon timer     1,199     99.92     3,506     2924     0.01
    smon timer     5,152     0.00     3,477     675     0.02
    class slave wait     1     0.00     0     1     0.00
    Back to Wait Events Statistics
    Back to Top
    Operating System Statistics
    Statistic     Total
    AVG_BUSY_TIME     97,613
    AVG_IDLE_TIME     250,683
    AVG_IOWAIT_TIME     50,858
    AVG_SYS_TIME     40,172
    AVG_USER_TIME     57,332
    BUSY_TIME     1,563,616
    IDLE_TIME     4,012,607
    IOWAIT_TIME     815,513
    SYS_TIME     644,464
    USER_TIME     919,152
    LOAD     1
    OS_CPU_WAIT_TIME     ###############
    VM_IN_BYTES     8,159,232
    VM_OUT_BYTES     0
    PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES     ###############
    NUM_CPUS     16
    NUM_CPU_SOCKETS     16
    Back to Wait Events Statistics
    Back to Top
    Service Statistics
    •     ordered by DB Time
    Service Name     DB Time (s)     DB CPU (s)     Physical Reads     Logical Reads
    GNVPRD     19,725.00     6,820.70     2,875,582     406,809,618
    SYS$USERS     2,809.60     2,432.80     689,519     59,435,406
    SYS$BACKGROUND     0.00     0.00     5,952     50,964
    Back to Wait Events Statistics
    Back to Top
    Service Wait Class Stats
    •     Wait Class info for services in the Service Statistics section.
    •     Total Waits and Time Waited displayed for the following wait classes: User I/O, Concurrency, Administrative, Network
    •     Time Waited (Wt Time) in centisecond (100th of a second)
    Service Name     User I/O Total Wts     User I/O Wt Time     Concurcy Total Wts     Concurcy Wt Time     Admin Total Wts     Admin Wt Time     Network Total Wts     Network Wt Time
    GNVPRD     2174758     999257     13651     1341     8083     22246     7947374     32088
    SYS$USERS     73011     35601     774     692     0     0     37787     71
    SYS$BACKGROUND     4214     913     31     107     0     0     0     0
    Back to Wait Events Statistics
    Back to Top
    SQL Statistics
    •     SQL ordered by Elapsed Time
    •     SQL ordered by CPU Time
    •     SQL ordered by Gets
    •     SQL ordered by Reads
    •     SQL ordered by Executions
    •     SQL ordered by Parse Calls
    •     SQL ordered by Sharable Memory
    •     SQL ordered by Version Count
    •     Complete List of SQL Text
    Back to Top
    SQL ordered by Elapsed Time
    •     Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL statements called by the code.
    •     % Total DB Time is the Elapsed Time of the SQL statement divided into the Total Database Time multiplied by 100
    Elapsed Time (s)     CPU Time (s)     Executions      Elap per Exec (s)      % Total DB Time     SQL Id     SQL Module     SQL Text
    1,646     200     3,382     0.49     7.29     gj4cun71t2tdz
    RATE@tpora02 (TNS V1-V3)      select cprd.event_num, cp...
    1,476     71     1,724     0.86     6.54     90rxahqy9rntt
    1,323     47     1,897     0.70     5.86     bj2k1at7aa2jr
    1,219     220     68,594     0.02     5.40     0s3n1qq8m9qvj
    1,112     718     6     185.27     4.92     4rz598nkvfmq6
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_REFILLS; end;
    989     139     133,363     0.01     4.38     azck89hzzsxzs
    JDBC Connect Client      SELECT NVL(A.OVERDUE, 0), TO_N...
    855     530     1,121     0.76     3.79     ata582x7aa4m7
    custaccmaintenance.exe      SELECT CPD2.START_DAT "START_D...
    788     736     1,006     0.78     3.49     dx0tmr2qk5gtc
    JDBC Connect Client      BEGIN GENEVA_ADMIN.GNV_BE_PROD...
    703     700     345     2.04     3.12     ctfptvsjzpk91
    676     441     1,121     0.60     3.00     3tb8v001ab9us
    custaccmaintenance.exe      SELECT DISTINCT C.START_DAT "S...
    630     596     4     157.57     2.79     gbrschujps752
    oracle@tpora04 (TNS V1-V3)      SELECT "A1"."ACCOUNT_NUM"||'|'...
    554     544     169     3.28     2.46     gzyxsfa4x9jc9
    JDBC Connect Client      BEGIN GENEVA_ADMIN.GNV_BE_PAYM...
    512     238     2,059,483     0.00     2.27     4nt4x1ty34034
    475     113     133,143     0.00     2.11     70gcpfy5mud9z
    JDBC Connect Client      SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PVDEBTESC...
    451     152     6     75.23     2.00     9c0hw716bqzra
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    437     148     6     72.81     1.94     0d4axgbm13s4q
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    422     131     5     84.44     1.87     axun401xz5b9n
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    413     99     7     58.98     1.83     0d6b7w315bm45
    SQL*Plus      DECLARE l_stream nu...
    392     80     6     65.26     1.73     bxhccjz09f6gr
    385     146     6     64.20     1.71     3abjdvpx6d1km
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    368     129     5     73.69     1.63     brqj2987r5qug
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    339     128     5     67.89     1.50     2t3dbft8xna14
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    335     10     165,568     0.00     1.48     fkp4mg3g9pxhj
    299     143     6     49.85     1.33     7zybhxkwuwsz5
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    290     150     2,087,640     0.00     1.29     4wbvga5zfrw8j
    279     103     132,265     0.00     1.24     3r6cw5a8hkm0m
    273     272     1,057     0.26     1.21     f5rca5d6by0mz
    JDBC Connect Client      SELECT MAX(PROCESS_START) FROM...
    260     258     966     0.27     1.15     1k5g1um0u2ty9
    JDBC Connect Client      SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TPP_COLLE...
    226     225     169     1.34     1.00     7tz06amad7rhh
    JDBC Connect Client      UPDATE GNV_TR_ADDPAYMENT SET P...
    Back to SQL Statistics
    Back to Top
    SQL ordered by CPU Time
    •     Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL statements called by the code.
    •     % Total DB Time is the Elapsed Time of the SQL statement divided into the Total Database Time multiplied by 100
    CPU Time (s)     Elapsed Time (s)     Executions      CPU per Exec (s)     % Total DB Time     SQL Id     SQL Module     SQL Text
    736     788     1,006     0.73     3.49     dx0tmr2qk5gtc
    JDBC Connect Client      BEGIN GENEVA_ADMIN.GNV_BE_PROD...
    718     1,112     6     119.66     4.92     4rz598nkvfmq6
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_REFILLS; end;
    700     703     345     2.03     3.12     ctfptvsjzpk91
    596     630     4     148.95     2.79     gbrschujps752
    oracle@tpora04 (TNS V1-V3)      SELECT "A1"."ACCOUNT_NUM"||'|'...
    544     554     169     3.22     2.46     gzyxsfa4x9jc9
    JDBC Connect Client      BEGIN GENEVA_ADMIN.GNV_BE_PAYM...
    530     855     1,121     0.47     3.79     ata582x7aa4m7
    custaccmaintenance.exe      SELECT CPD2.START_DAT "START_D...
    441     676     1,121     0.39     3.00     3tb8v001ab9us
    custaccmaintenance.exe      SELECT DISTINCT C.START_DAT "S...
    272     273     1,057     0.26     1.21     f5rca5d6by0mz
    JDBC Connect Client      SELECT MAX(PROCESS_START) FROM...
    258     260     966     0.27     1.15     1k5g1um0u2ty9
    JDBC Connect Client      SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TPP_COLLE...
    238     512     2,059,483     0.00     2.27     4nt4x1ty34034
    225     226     169     1.33     1.00     7tz06amad7rhh
    JDBC Connect Client      UPDATE GNV_TR_ADDPAYMENT SET P...
    220     1,219     68,594     0.00     5.40     0s3n1qq8m9qvj
    200     1,646     3,382     0.06     7.29     gj4cun71t2tdz
    RATE@tpora02 (TNS V1-V3)      select cprd.event_num, cp...
    152     451     6     25.38     2.00     9c0hw716bqzra
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    150     290     2,087,640     0.00     1.29     4wbvga5zfrw8j
    148     437     6     24.62     1.94     0d4axgbm13s4q
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    146     385     6     24.34     1.71     3abjdvpx6d1km
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    143     299     6     23.82     1.33     7zybhxkwuwsz5
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    139     989     133,363     0.00     4.38     azck89hzzsxzs
    JDBC Connect Client      SELECT NVL(A.OVERDUE, 0), TO_N...
    131     422     5     26.21     1.87     axun401xz5b9n
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    129     368     5     25.82     1.63     brqj2987r5qug
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    128     339     5     25.61     1.50     2t3dbft8xna14
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    113     475     133,143     0.00     2.11     70gcpfy5mud9z
    JDBC Connect Client      SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PVDEBTESC...
    103     279     132,265     0.00     1.24     3r6cw5a8hkm0m
    99     413     7     14.11     1.83     0d6b7w315bm45
    SQL*Plus      DECLARE l_stream nu...
    80     392     6     13.38     1.73     bxhccjz09f6gr
    71     1,476     1,724     0.04     6.54     90rxahqy9rntt
    47     1,323     1,897     0.02     5.86     bj2k1at7aa2jr
    10     335     165,568     0.00     1.48     fkp4mg3g9pxhj
    Back to SQL Statistics
    Back to Top
    SQL ordered by Gets
    •     Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL statements called by the code.
    •     Total Buffer Gets: 466,834,523
    •     Captured SQL account for 66.1% of Total
    Buffer Gets      Executions      Gets per Exec      %Total     CPU Time (s)     Elapsed Time (s)     SQL Id     SQL Module     SQL Text
    97,138,090     1,121     86,653.07     20.81     530.19     855.23     ata582x7aa4m7
    custaccmaintenance.exe      SELECT CPD2.START_DAT "START_D...
    88,649,958     1,121     79,081.14     18.99     441.39     676.20     3tb8v001ab9us
    custaccmaintenance.exe      SELECT DISTINCT C.START_DAT "S...
    21,778,221     1,006     21,648.33     4.67     735.64     787.60     dx0tmr2qk5gtc
    JDBC Connect Client      BEGIN GENEVA_ADMIN.GNV_BE_PROD...
    21,179,373     3,382     6,262.38     4.54     199.85     1646.41     gj4cun71t2tdz
    RATE@tpora02 (TNS V1-V3)      select cprd.event_num, cp...
    20,355,429     345     59,001.24     4.36     699.56     703.43     ctfptvsjzpk91
    18,462,542     6     3,077,090.33     3.95     717.94     1111.60     4rz598nkvfmq6
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_REFILLS; end;
    13,979,364     169     82,718.13     2.99     544.48     554.28     gzyxsfa4x9jc9
    JDBC Connect Client      BEGIN GENEVA_ADMIN.GNV_BE_PAYM...
    9,484,600     2,087,640     4.54     2.03     150.20     290.38     4wbvga5zfrw8j
    8,370,348     2,059,483     4.06     1.79     237.85     512.20     4nt4x1ty34034
    8,208,700     6     1,368,116.67     1.76     152.29     451.37     9c0hw716bqzra
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    7,928,935     6     1,321,489.17     1.70     147.70     436.85     0d4axgbm13s4q
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    7,864,331     6     1,310,721.83     1.68     142.91     299.11     7zybhxkwuwsz5
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    7,821,595     6     1,303,599.17     1.68     146.06     385.22     3abjdvpx6d1km
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    7,774,307     1,057     7,355.07     1.67     271.82     273.33     f5rca5d6by0mz
    JDBC Connect Client      SELECT MAX(PROCESS_START) FROM...
    7,073,493     784     9,022.31     1.52     222.56     224.41     dvhuu9xxtth12
    7,003,054     169     41,438.19     1.50     225.02     225.81     7tz06amad7rhh
    JDBC Connect Client      UPDATE GNV_TR_ADDPAYMENT SET P...
    6,824,695     68,594     99.49     1.46     219.66     1218.68     0s3n1qq8m9qvj
    6,805,514     5     1,361,102.80     1.46     131.07     422.18     axun401xz5b9n
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    6,692,517     5     1,338,503.40     1.43     129.11     368.47     brqj2987r5qug
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    6,615,712     5     1,323,142.40     1.42     128.05     339.44     2t3dbft8xna14
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    5,860,474     132,265     44.31     1.26     103.31     279.47     3r6cw5a8hkm0m
    5,128,762     5     1,025,752.40     1.10     103.33     177.17     8c6vmvbwp9ja4
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    Back to SQL Statistics
    Back to Top
    SQL ordered by Reads
    •     Total Disk Reads: 3,565,074
    •     Captured SQL account for 66.6% of Total
    Physical Reads     Executions     Reads per Exec      %Total     CPU Time (s)     Elapsed Time (s)     SQL Id     SQL Module     SQL Text
    581,050     2     290,525.00     16.30     152.66     195.17     d15cdr0zt3vtp
    Oracle Enterprise Manager.Metric Engine      SELECT TO_CHAR(current_timesta...
    278,588     1,724     161.59     7.81     70.51     1475.54     90rxahqy9rntt
    263,588     1,897     138.95     7.39     46.73     1322.83     bj2k1at7aa2jr
    260,337     68,594     3.80     7.30     219.66     1218.68     0s3n1qq8m9qvj
    256,696     3,382     75.90     7.20     199.85     1646.41     gj4cun71t2tdz
    RATE@tpora02 (TNS V1-V3)      select cprd.event_num, cp...
    232,825     133,363     1.75     6.53     138.65     988.53     azck89hzzsxzs
    JDBC Connect Client      SELECT NVL(A.OVERDUE, 0), TO_N...
    166,786     7     23,826.57     4.68     98.78     412.88     0d6b7w315bm45
    SQL*Plus      DECLARE l_stream nu...
    152,293     6     25,382.17     4.27     80.25     391.58     bxhccjz09f6gr
    91,086     133,143     0.68     2.55     113.14     475.35     70gcpfy5mud9z
    JDBC Connect Client      SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PVDEBTESC...
    75,392     6     12,565.33     2.11     152.29     451.37     9c0hw716bqzra
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    71,522     6     11,920.33     2.01     147.70     436.85     0d4axgbm13s4q
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    67,724     132,265     0.51     1.90     103.31     279.47     3r6cw5a8hkm0m
    64,148     2,059,483     0.03     1.80     237.85     512.20     4nt4x1ty34034
    63,710     5     12,742.00     1.79     131.07     422.18     axun401xz5b9n
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    56,512     6     9,418.67     1.59     146.06     385.22     3abjdvpx6d1km
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    52,123     6     8,687.17     1.46     717.94     1111.60     4rz598nkvfmq6
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_REFILLS; end;
    51,966     5     10,393.20     1.46     129.11     368.47     brqj2987r5qug
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    47,043     5     9,408.60     1.32     128.05     339.44     2t3dbft8xna14
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    46,992     1,121     41.92     1.32     530.19     855.23     ata582x7aa4m7
    custaccmaintenance.exe      SELECT CPD2.START_DAT "START_D...
    42,104     6     7,017.33     1.18     142.91     299.11     7zybhxkwuwsz5
    SQL*Plus      begin TPP_COLLECTION...
    40,144     1,121     35.81     1.13     441.39     676.20     3tb8v001ab9us
    custaccmaintenance.exe      SELECT DISTINCT C.START_DAT "S...
    Back to SQL Statistics
    Back to Top
    SQL ordered by Executions
    •     Total Executions: 17,725,519
    •     Captured SQL account for 38.5% of Total
    Executions      Rows Processed     Rows per Exec     CPU per Exec (s)     Elap per Exec (s)      SQL Id     SQL Module     SQL Text
    2,087,640     919,180     0.44     0.00     0.00     4wbvga5zfrw8j
    2,059,483     2,159,051     1.05     0.00     0.00     4nt4x1ty34034
    596,449     0     0.00     0.00     0.00     9zstg7a7j4mk6
    custaccmaintenance.exe      SELECT STRING_VALUE FROM GPARA...
    267,468     267,431     1.00     0.00     0.00     8bgyqd22xu56f
    JDBC Connect Client      SELECT STRING_VALUE FROM TPP_G...
    203,642     157,264     0.77     0.00     0.00     0h6b2sajwb74n
         select privilege#, level from ...
    165,568     165,565     1.00     0.00     0.00     fkp4mg3g9pxhj
    133,424     133,406     1.00     0.00     0.00     5aspmjf2vrnq5
    JDBC Connect Client      update accountattributes set D...
    133,422     133,416     1.00     0.00     0.00     82xjvtb8p8qzw
    JDBC Connect Client      update accountattributes set A...
    133,414     133,416     1.00     0.00     0.00     3cwuq4f267u2p
    JDBC Connect Client      update accountattributes set P...
    133,363     133,340     1.00     0.00     0.01     azck89hzzsxzs
    JDBC Connect Client      SELECT NVL(A.OVERDUE, 0), TO_N...
    Back to SQL Statistics
    Back to Top
    SQL ordered by Parse Calls
    •     Total Parse Calls: 1,578,365
    •     Captured SQL account for 68.8% of Total
    Parse Calls     Executions      % Total Parses     SQL Id     SQL Module     SQL Text
    203,641     203,642     12.90     0h6b2sajwb74n
         select privilege#, level from ...
    133,417     133,422     8.45     82xjvtb8p8qzw
    JDBC Connect Client      update accountattributes set A...
    133,399     133,424     8.45     5aspmjf2vrnq5
    JDBC Connect Client      update accountattributes set D...
    133,373     133,414     8.45     3cwuq4f267u2p
    JDBC Connect Client      update accountattributes set P...
    133,294     133,305     8.45     f2cwgjkfgrd34
    JDBC Connect Client      update accountattributes set A...
    22,476     22,476     1.42     9babjv8yq8ru3
    20,013     20,013     1.27     0k8522rmdzg4k
         select privilege# from sysauth...
    19,963     20,102     1.26     15zytu14qzw6p
    oracle@tpora04 (TNS V1-V3)      insert into sys.aud$( sessioni...
    19,902     19,902     1.26     1rd8um1taq1fn
         update sys.aud$ set action#=:2...
    19,412     19,412     1.23     459f3z9u4fb3u
         select value$ from props$ wher...
    19,408     19,407     1.23     0ws7ahf1d78qa
         select SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', ...
    19,388     19,388     1.23     5ur69atw3vfhj
         select decode(failover_method,...
    18,432     18,432     1.17     1uzhrfn574t12
    sqlplus@tpora02 (TNS V1-V3)      SELECT ATTRIBUTE, SCOPE, NUMER...
    18,432     18,432     1.17     c4pc3jhzjcmc7
    sqlplus@tpora02 (TNS V1-V3)      SELECT CHAR_VALUE FROM SYSTEM....
    18,432     18,432     1.17     d6vwqbw6r2ffk
    sqlplus@tpora02 (TNS V1-V3)      SELECT USER FROM DUAL
    18,432     18,432     1.17     dyk4dprp70d74
    SQL*Plus      SELECT DECODE('A', 'A', '1', '...
    18,431     18,431     1.17     g4y6nw3tts7cc
    sqlplus@tpora02 (TNS V1-V3)      BEGIN DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SE...
    18,420     18,420     1.17     5qgz1p0cut7mx
    sqlplus@tpora02 (TNS V1-V3)      BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.DISABLE; END...
    18,149     18,149     1.15     cb21bacyh3c7d
         select metadata from kopm$ wh...
    18,028     18,028     1.14     b3s1x9zqrvzvc
    SQL*Plus      BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE(10000...
    Back to SQL Statistics
    Back to Top
    SQL ordered by Sharable Memory
    No data exists for this section of the report.
    Back to SQL Statistics
    Back to Top
    SQL ordered by Version Count
    •     Only Statements with Version Count greater than 20 are displayed
    Version Count      Executions      SQL Id     SQL Module     SQL Text
    37     1     5m21u4xgy81pa
    SQL*Plus      select ord.status_cd Status, ...
    35     1     26hm5bmbzq9sy
    SQL*Plus      select ord.status_cd Status, ...
    23     1     gtn080r95gfr9
    SQL*Plus      insert into connect_pp_monitor...
    Back to SQL Statistics
    Back to Top

  • Need advice on what kind of report, queries to tune database slow issues

    Currently we have AWR reports. Our system is 11.1.07 version on AIX/Linux.
    Sometimes application will say it is slow running some queries.
    We have firewalls implemented so we cannot use toad, or other tools to access through our workstation.
    Any good manual suggestions to pinpoint what exact wrong in the system?
    Any good suggestions?
    Thanks in advance.

    846422 wrote:
    Any good suggestions?
    Try to forget for a moment the nice GUI tools and read instead what experts do when trying to answer "Why my database is slow ?" in
    In your case I would try to work with end users to identify application scenarios that are slow and use SQL trace/TKPROF on related database sessions. For this you only need command line interface (CLI) access to run SQL statements and access to machine hosting database server: that should be possible with the jump server otherwise you cannot do anything and you would better ask someone that has CLI access to database and database server machine.
    If you have license to use AWR, you can also use ADDM report which runs an automatic analysis of AWR report and give some advices:
    SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/addmrptEdited by: P. Forstmann on 22 juil. 2011 20:15
    Edited by: P. Forstmann on 22 juil. 2011 20:40

  • Database slow response

    Hi Guys,
    I am running Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production on Solaris 10.
    I upgraded my database from 9i ( - 64bit Production) to 11gR2 ( - 64bit Production)--now I am experiencing slow response from the queries.
    Below please find my Top 5 Wait Events:
    Top 5 Timed Foreground Events
    Event     Waits     Time(s)     Avg wait (ms)     % DB time     Wait Class
    db file sequential read      3,573,342     7,796     2     71.69     User I/O
    DB CPU          2,780          25.56     
    db file parallel read     37,346     327     9     3.01     User I/O
    direct path write temp     3,947     248     63     2.28      User I/O
    Disk file operations I/O     20,134     170     8     1.56      User I/O
    It looks like I have a serious I/O issues here--but how do I see if this is indeed the case?
    Please Help!!!!!!
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: user11979518 on Nov 1, 2012 5:05 AM

    user11979518 wrote:
    Thanks Guys for the replies,
    I strongly feel that this link-- posted on this thread by Girish, really addresses my problems.
    I used memory target during the upgrade.
    Below are the reports from AWR:
    This statement inetersted me most:
    The DBA had decided to trust Oracle to do the right thing after the upgrade, so he had set the memory_target
    and eliminated all the other memory parameters, including the db_keep_cache_size.I did exactly that on during my upgrade.
    Here is the report from my database:
    Segments by Physical Read Requests:
    Owner          Tablespace Name          Object Name               Subobject Name     Obj. Type     Physical Reads     %Total
    CTRONLIV     AXS_AP2               PAY_HISTORY                         TABLE          9,286,075     60.12
    CTRONLIV     AXS_AP2               AP_VCHRS                         TABLE          2,732,117     17.69
    CTRONLIV     AXS_AR2               APPL_HIST_HDRS                          TABLE          1,216,941     7.88
    CTRONLIV     AXS_API2          SIY_X51                              INDEX          775,911          5.02
    CTRONLIV     AXS_API3          CHCK_RECON_TRANDATE_IDX                    INDEX          263,826          1.71
    Segments by UnOptimized Reads:
    Owner          Tablespace Name          Object Name               Subobject Name     Obj. Type     UnOptimized Reads     %Total
    CTRONLIV     AXS_AP2               PAY_HISTORY                         TABLE          9,278,509          69.33
    CTRONLIV     AXS_AR2               APPL_HIST_HDRS                         TABLE          1,215,931          9.09
    CTRONLIV     AXS_API2          SIYA_X51                         INDEX          775,915               5.80
    CTRONLIV     AXS_AP2               AP_VCHRS                         TABLE          752,067               5.62
    CTRONLIV     AXS_API3          CHCK_RECON_TRANDATE_IDX                    INDEX          263,826               1.97
    See how much better your report looks when I put in tags for you?
    Looking at the report it shows that I have done 9.2M read requests from table PAY_HISTORY and 1.2 M read requests from table APPL_HIST_HDRS,resulting in 9.2 M blocks reads from one table and 1.2M blocks read from the other, now I checked the sizes of the two tables:--PAY_HISTORY-->30GB and APPL_HIST_HDRS-->34GB.
    I used dbms_metadata.get_ddl(),as suggested on the link,to see the DDL of the two tables...the storage parameter are as follows :
    FOR table PAY_HISTORY:
    STORAGE(INITIAL 1048576 NEXT 20971520 MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS 2147483645
    For table APPL_HIST_HDRS:
    STORAGE(INITIAL 2147483648 NEXT 209715200 MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS 2147483645
    Does these mean that my tables were assigned to use KEEP buffer pool ?
    Or are they are assigned to use defualt buffer pool, if so does it mean that my cache is not working and if so, how do I rectify this issue?
    BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT means they were put into a pool named DEFAULT.  You should leave them there and work on the actual problem first.  There are queries to find out what is in the various pools, you can check that (and sometimes there are surprises).  But in general, leave it until after fixing the code that is making the problem.
    You should look at the top SQL and see if it is accessing those objects.  You should look at all SQL accessing those objects.  Look at the plans, including predicates.  You can post those here for more help, see the thread about how to post a tuning request.  The most likely thing is that some plan is not the best.  After you fix that, you may find your problems magically change.  (Assuming you checked all the config stuff I suggested).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Database slow; How to check the Oracle query timings

    I have a quick question regarding a troubleshooting iam currently working on.
    We have a J2EE application runnig on WLS 81 SP3.
    We are experiencing a problem where the customer response time on our application is "too slow". We checked our N/W and they seems to be OK. The Iplanet webserver and BEA application servers looks good but on the Oracle database box - i saw "iowait" (when doing top UNIX command) to be 50-60 % which is extremly high. We are suspecting this to be our issue as the "iowait" is very high at the DATABASE box hence causing BEA servers to show "slow response" on certain pages which are database accentric.
    Now, in order to proove that the queries are taking "too longer" to execute from the time BEA server requested and it actually got the reply back from database, i need to dig down and get some "profiling" (due to some political reasons, i can request to turn on profling at the moment) done. So, is there any way i can verify the response time when the BEA server requested some information from the database and the time when Oracle database responded with all the information requested ?
    thanks for your help,

    Yes. Create a Date object prior to the database call. Then create another one when the call completes. Convert both to mililseconds and subtract. You will have network latency in that statistic, but especially if you are using connection pools, the vast majority should be database access.
    Another option is to turn on tk_prof or create an EXPLAIN plan table in Oracle. That will show the 'cost' of each query. Also, try running statistics on the database, that should help the optimizer.
    - Saish

  • Database slow after Index compute statistics

    Dear All,
    Since 2 days back after executing Analyze Index compute objects to increase the response time some programs from my application have become very slow.
    After seeing this behaviour I went ahead and did a Analyze table compute statistic again . Even after doing this the behaviour has remained the same . Some users have been complaining (becoz the slowness has effected only some tables and not the whole database).
    I checked sys.v_$session_longops and got this output
    NULL     53     596792483
    NULL      53     596793670
    ¥Á     3248826740 596793669
    NULL     53     596793624
    NULL     NULL 596800369
    NULL     1     596796740
    NULL     1732526816     596472777
    Table Scan     PO8.ACC_LEDGER      9
    Table Scan     PO8.INVENTORY_LEDGER     26
    Sort Output     NULL      7
    Sort/Merge     NULL      15
    Sort/Merge     NULL     66
    Table Scan     PO8.INVENTORY_LEDGER     12
    Table Scan     PO8.ACC_LEDGER     9
    NULL     1725513472     0
    NULL     3361240696     0
    NULL     3361796632     0
    NULL 22     596792484
    NULL     1730819772     596800386
    NBIAAT56020010ä     (stale) obj# 3363169460     596800605
    ýÐ      3506279036     596799303
    NULL      NULL     596800634
    What could have happened.
    In the ini I have set
    optimizer mode = Choose
    db_file_multiblock_read_count=     8

    Took a statspack and got these values
    Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
    Buffer Nowait Ratio: 100.00
    Buffer Hit Ratio: 23.70
    Library Hit Ratio: 99.52
    Redo NoWait Ratio: 99.96
    In-memory Sort Ratio: 98.77
    Soft Parse Ratio: 98.74
    Latch Hit Ratio: 100.00
    Top 5 Wait Events
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wait % Total
    Event Waits Time (cs) Wt Time
    db file scattered read 120,661 0 .00
    db file sequential read 26,053 0 .00
    SQL*Net more data to client 3,421 0 .00
    control file parallel write 314 0 .00
    direct path read 244 0 .00
    And do you suggest that I do an Analyze table 'table_name' estimate statistics for all the tables.

  • Database slow

    I am new in database management. I know the structure, installation etc. But I would say I am new to performance tuning. I have a database on RHEL4. We recently moved from and this database is performing good. (meaning I don't see any long running sql). But we have an application server which connects to this database server, seems to be crawling. The user is saying the problem is in the database server. How can I find my server is slow. I ran the ADDM report. But what parameters or metrics should I look to find that my server is slow or normal?
    What should I look for to improve the performance?

    We noticed the slow response from this week only. The migration happened last week. We did not logged in the web last week to check we just checked thru gui and everything was fine. Yes the installation process, migration were all good. I don't see any invalid objects.
    (But I have a question about the catalog upgrade. I created this database long back. I don't remember whether I ran catalog upgrade. How do I find that? Also if I have 2 instances in same $ORACLE_HOME, do I have to run the catalog upgrade 2 times or just once is enough? )
    I don't see any abnormalities in the OEM home page.
    How do I find the buffer and library cache hit ratios?

  • Database slow; Log file sync shown in AWR

    Our database becomes slow occasionally and when i looked at AWR report it shows 'log file sync' quite often. Any idea why this is happening?

    1. Please get the SA to check the I/O Subsystem for any I/O queues
    2. Check redo log switching sequence in alert log during the time of this slowness and see if there is anything unusual.
    3. Generate ADDM report and see if it has any redo related recommendations
    4. Do you have any batch jobs running during this slowness? Check if there are any unwanted frequent commits (like COMMITs within a loop) is happening
    Edited by: Manu Alphonse on Dec 4, 2009 8:58 PM

  • Database slow on startup

    I am a new administrator and am facing an issue with my Oracle 8.1.6 database.I have encountered a problem where somedays my Oracle becomes extemely slow after startup.Almost it goes into a hung kind of state wheneever any reports etc are accessed from the application.After waiting for abt half an hour or so everything goes back to normal.
    Has anyone faced a similar kind of problem .Has it got something to do with the recovery process taking place during startup.Can you please help me find a solution to this.

    in order to be sure you may watch the operating system cpu, disk, memory and network load and catch the top consuming proceses - you can use sar iostat vmstat and netstat for unix -
    After match them from v$ views to find out the sql query, what they are waiting etc. - you can use this query to identify what is going on behind -
    -- who is doing what
    SELECT sq.sql_text,
    'ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION ''' || se.sid || ', ' || se.serial# ||
    ''' IMMEDIATE ;',
    'exec dbms_support.start_trace_in_session(' || se.sid || ', ' || se.serial# || ', ' ||
    'waits => TRUE' || ', ' || 'binds => TRUE);',
    'exec dbms_support.stop_trace_in_session(' || se.sid || ', ' || se.serial# || ');'
    FROM v$session se, v$sqlarea sq, v$process pr, v$session_wait sw, v$sess_io io
    AND se.sql_hash_value = sq.hash_value(+)
    AND se.sql_address = sq.address(+)
    AND se.paddr = pr.addr
    AND se.sid = sw.sid
    AND se.sid = io.sid
    ORDER BY sq.sql_text, se.username, se.schemaname, se.osuser, se.program, se.sid
    You need to match the top consumer os processes' id with the "pr.spid" column, then you might look at the other columns of that row for details.
    Also the database runs a number of jobs - backups, etc. these may be the problems.

  • Oracle Database Slow Perfomance

    Hi Dear,
    We are using Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    Operating System Micsoft Window 2000 5.00.2195 With Service Pack 4.and conneted users max 70 all time. So we are facing slow database perfomance. Kindly resolve my problem with advance thanks
    System configuration as below
    System : Dell PowerEdge 1800
    Processor : 3.00 GHZ
    Ram : 2.00 GB
    Cordial Regrds

    We are using below init file with name "init.ora.1122005225338"
    # Copyright (c) 1991, 2001, 2002 by Oracle Corporation
    # Cache and I/O
    # Cursors and Library Cache
    # Database Identification
    # Diagnostics and Statistics
    # File Configuration
    control_files=("D:\oracle\oradata\orauma\CONTROL01.CTL", "D:\oracle\oradata\orauma\CONTROL02.CTL", "D:\oracle\oradata\orauma\CONTROL03.CTL")
    # Instance Identification
    # Job Queues
    # MTS
    dispatchers="(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=oraumaXDB)"
    # Miscellaneous
    # Optimizer
    # Pools
    # Processes and Sessions
    # Redo Log and Recovery
    # Security and Auditing
    # Sort, Hash Joins, Bitmap Indexes
    # System Managed Undo and Rollback Segments

  • SQL Connection to 11g database slow

    Hi all,
    Database :Oracle 11g database Standard edition
    Application : Oracle forms 6i client/sever (sqlplus version 6.0.8)
    OS : Windows 2008 server with sp1
    When i tried to connect to database using sqlplus (6.0.8) it is very slow. At the same time when itried connecting from 11g sql client it connects faster.
    We tried installing Oracle EE database on a Win 7 Pc and tried connecting to it, it connects in a flash in both 11g and 6.0.8 clients.
    I traced it and found there is a significant delay in below area,
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.644127 : snlpcss:Spawn Oracle completed oracle (LOCAL=NO) orcl.
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.644233 : snlpcss:exit
    *2012-10-17 22:17:12.644337 : sntpcall:Attempting to open pipe \\.\PIPE\ORANTP874.1878*
    *2012-10-17 22:17:12.653334 : sntpcall:Successfully established pipe 808 to child with 0 retries.*
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653373 : sntpcall:Attempting to open pipe \\.\PIPE\ORANTP874.1878.w
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653437 : sntpcall:Successfully established pipe 920 to child with 0 retries.
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653475 : sntpcall:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635186 : nsevfnt:cxd: 0x5e60760 stage 0: NT events set:
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635211 : nsevfnt:cxd: 0x5e60760 stage 0: NS events set:
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635235 : nsevrec:event is 0x1, on 3
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635254 : nsevwait:1 posted event(s)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635272 : nsevwait:exit (0)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635316 : nsglhe:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635337 : nsglhe:Event on cxd 0x5e60760.
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635366 : nsglhc:Allocating cxd 0x62da3c0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635386 : nsanswer:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635405 : nsopen:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635429 : nsmal:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635450 : nsmal:1496 bytes at 0x5f2e7f0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635466 : nsmal:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635486 : nsopenmplx:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635675 : nsmal:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635709 : nsmal:2944 bytes at 0x6022e80
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635726 : nsmal:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635743 : nsiorini:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635762 : nsbal:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635778 : nsbgetfl:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635796 : nsbgetfl:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635814 : nsbal:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635830 : nsiorini:exit (0)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635848 : nscpxget:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635864 : nscpxget:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635884 : nsopenalloc_nsntx:nlhthput on mplx_ht_nsgbu:ctx=5f2e7f0, nsntx=6022e80
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635906 : nsopenmplx:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635927 : nstoSetupTimeout:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635947 : nstoSetupTimeout:ATO enabled for ctx=0x0000000005F2E7F0, val=60000(millisecs)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635966 : nstoUpdateActive:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.635984 : nstoUpdateActive:Active timeout is 0 (see nstotyp)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636002 : nsopen:opening transport...
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636023 : nttcon:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636039 : nttcon:toc = 3
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636063 : nttcnp:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636106 : nttcnp:getting sockname
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636131 : nttcnp:getting peername
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636149 : nttcnp:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636166 : nttcnr:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636182 : nttcnr:waiting to accept a connection.
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636322 : nttcnr:getting sockname
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636352 : snlinGetNameInfo:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636380 : snlinGetNameInfo:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636398 : nttcnr:connected on ipaddr
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636416 : nttvlser:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636432 : nttvlser:Accepted Entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636448 : nttcnr:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636477 : nttcon:NT layer TCP/IP connection has been established.
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636518 : nttcon:set TCP_NODELAY on 904
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636537 : nttcon:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636556 : nsiorecycle:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636572 : nsiorecycle:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636589 : nsopen:transport is open
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636607 : nstoPostNTConn:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636624 : nstoArmEventATO:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636642 : nstoArmEventATO:exit (0)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636659 : nstoPostNTConn:exit (0)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636676 : nsnainit:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636694 : nsnainit:answer
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636710 : nsnadct:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636726 : nsnadct:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636741 : nsnasvnainfo:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636758 : nsnasvnainfo:NA disabled for this connection
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636774 : nsnasvnainfo:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636794 : nainit:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636814 : nagblini:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636839 : nau_gin:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636858 : nau_gparams:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636877 : nam_gbp:Reading parameter "sqlnet.authentication_required" from parameter file
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636897 : nam_gbp:Parameter not found
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636914 : nau_gparams:Using default value "FALSE"
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636931 : nau_gslf:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636947 : nam_gic:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636965 : nam_gic:Counting # of items in "sqlnet.authentication_services" parameter
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.636984 : nam_gic:Parameter not found
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637001 : nam_gic:Found 0 items
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637016 : nam_gic:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637033 : nau_gslf:Using default value "all available adapters"
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637050 : nauss_set_state:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637065 : nauss_set_state:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637081 : nau_gslf:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637096 : nau_gparams:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637112 : nau_gin:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637126 : nagblini:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637144 : na_saveprot:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637165 : na_saveprot:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637182 : nacomin:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637200 : nas_init:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637217 : nas_init:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637233 : nau_ini:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637252 : naugcp_get_connect_parameters:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637268 : nauss_set_state:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637283 : nauss_set_state:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637299 : naugcp_get_connect_parameters:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637315 : nau_gettab:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637333 : nau_gettab:using authentication adapter table "nautab"
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637350 : nau_gettab:nautab contains the following services:
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637366 : nau_gettab:     KERBEROS5
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637381 : nau_gettab:     NTS
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637395 : nau_gettab:     RADIUS
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637410 : nau_gettab:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637426 : nau_sini:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637441 : nau_sini:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637456 : nau_ini:connection type: "standard"
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637473 : nau_ini:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637489 : naeeinit:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637507 : nam_gbp:Reading parameter "SQLNET.FIPS_140" from parameter file
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637526 : nam_gbp:Parameter not found
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637544 : nam_gnsp:Reading parameter "SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_SERVER" from parameter file
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637564 : nam_gnsp:Parameter not found
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637581 : naequad:Using default value "ACCEPTED"
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637596 : nam_gic:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637613 : nam_gic:Counting # of items in "SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_TYPES_SERVER" parameter
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637631 : nam_gic:Parameter not found
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637646 : nam_gic:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637662 : naesno:Using default value "all available algorithms"
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637684 : naeshow:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637706 : naeshow:These are the encryption algorithms that the server will accept, in decreasing order of
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637726 : naeshow:Choice 0: no algorithm; encryption inactive
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637741 : naeshow:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637756 : naeeinit:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637773 : naecinit:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637790 : nam_gnsp:Reading parameter "SQLNET.CRYPTO_CHECKSUM_SERVER" from parameter file
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637808 : nam_gnsp:Parameter not found
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637824 : naequad:Using default value "ACCEPTED"
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637840 : nam_gic:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637856 : nam_gic:Counting # of items in "SQLNET.CRYPTO_CHECKSUM_TYPES_SERVER" parameter
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637874 : nam_gic:Parameter not found
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637889 : nam_gic:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637905 : naesno:Using default value "all available algorithms"
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637920 : naeshow:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637937 : naeshow:These are the checksumming algorithms that the server will accept, in decreasing order
    of preference:
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637956 : naeshow:Choice 0: no algorithm; checksumming inactive
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637972 : naeshow:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.637986 : naecinit:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638003 : nainit:native services disabled - disconnecting
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638020 : nadisc:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638036 : nacomtm:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638052 : nacompd:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638067 : nacompd:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638081 : nacompd:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638096 : nacompd:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638110 : nacomtm:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638126 : nas_dis:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638142 : nas_dis:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638158 : nau_dis:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638175 : nau_dis:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638190 : naeetrm:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638205 : naeetrm:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638221 : naectrm:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638237 : naectrm:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638253 : nagbltrm:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638269 : nau_gtm:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638285 : nau_gtm:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638300 : nagbltrm:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638318 : nadisc:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638338 : nainit:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638357 : nsnainit:NS Connection version: 314
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638377 : nsnainit:inf->nsinfflg[0]: 0xd inf->nsinfflg[1]: 0xd
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638400 : nsnainit:"or" info flags: 0xd     Translations follow:
         native service(s) is (are) wanted
         NA disabled remotely for this connection
         NA services unavailable on both processes - negotiation not needed
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638426 : nsnainit:"or" info flags: 0xd     Translations follow:
         native service(s) is (are) wanted
         NA disabled remotely for this connection
         NA services unavailable on both processes - negotiation not needed
    "and" info flags: 0xd     Translations follow:
         native service(s) is (are) wanted
         NA disabled remotely for this connection
         NA services unavailable on both processes - negotiation not needed
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638454 : nsnainit:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638473 : nsopen:global context check-in (to slot 5) complete
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638497 : nsopen:lcl[0]=0xf4ffefff, lcl[1]=0x12003, gbl[0]=0x7abf, gbl[1]=0x2001, tdu=32767, sdu=8192
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638517 : nsfull_opn:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638535 : nsfull_opn:cid=5, opcode=65, *bl=0, *what=0, uflgs=0x0, cflgs=0x0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638553 : nsfull_opn:nsctx: state=7, flg=0x4000, mvd=0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638570 : nsbal:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638584 : nsbgetfl:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638600 : nsbgetfl:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638615 : nsbal:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638630 : nsbal:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638644 : nsbgetfl:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638660 : nsbgetfl:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638674 : nsbal:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638690 : nsfull_opn:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638706 : nsopen:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638724 : nsanswer:deferring connect attempt; at stage 5
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638741 : nsanswer:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638758 : nsevreg:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638777 : nsevreg:begin registration process for 5
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638795 : nsevregPrePost:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638811 : nsevregPrePost:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638828 : nsevreg:sgt=0, evn=4, evt[2]=0x0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638846 : nsevreg:begin notification process for 5
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638863 : nsevregAffectNotif:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638880 : nsrah:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638897 : nsrah:setting transport read mode (2)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638916 : nttctl:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638933 : nttctl:Clearing non-blocking mode
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638953 : nttctl:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638971 : nttctl:Setting connection into async mode
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.638991 : nsrah:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639007 : nsevregAffectNotif:exit (0)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639026 : nsevreg:rdm=2, sgt=0, evt[0]=0x20, [1]=0x20, [2]=0x0, nrg=0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639043 : nsevreg:registering for 0x20
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639069 : nsiorasy:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639087 : nsiorecv:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639104 : nttmrd:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639120 : nttrd:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639154 : snttcallback:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639174 : snttcallback:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639195 : nttrd:socket 904 had bytes read=210
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639211 : nttrd:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639228 : nsiorecv:exit (0)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639244 : nsiorasy:exit (0)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639260 : nsiooverflow:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639276 : nsiooverflow:exit (1)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639294 : nsevreg:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639311 : nsglhe:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639330 : nsevwait:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639346 : nsevwait:4 registered connection(s)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639364 : nsevwait:1 pre-posted event(s)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639381 : nsevwait:waiting for transport event (1 thru 5)...
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639400 : nsevwait:0 newly-posted event(s)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639418 : nsevwait:1 pre-posted event(s)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639436 : nsevdansw:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639453 : nsevdansw:at STAGE 5
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639471 : nsdo:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639492 : nsdo:cid=5, opcode=68, *bl=2040, *what=8, uflgs=0x0, cflgs=0x3
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639512 : nsdo:rank=64, nsctxrnk=0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639531 : nsdo:nsctx: state=14, flg=0x20004004, mvd=0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639550 : nsdo:gtn=10, gtc=10, ptn=10, ptc=8191
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639567 : nscon:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639584 : nscon:doing connect handshake...
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639601 : nscon:recving a packet
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639617 : nsiooverflow:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639632 : nsiooverflow:exit (1)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639649 : nsprecv:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639666 : nsprecv:210 bytes from leftover
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639686 : nsprecv:tlen=210, plen=210, type=1
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639703 : nsprecv:packet dump
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639724 : nsprecv:00 D2 00 00 01 00 00 00  |........|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639744 : nsprecv:01 34 01 2C 0C 01 08 00  |.4.,....|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639763 : nsprecv:7F FF 4F 98 00 00 00 01  |..O.....|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639782 : nsprecv:00 B0 00 22 00 00 00 00  |..."....|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639800 : nsprecv:01 01 28 44 45 53 43 52  |..(DESCR|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639818 : nsprecv:49 50 54 49 4F 4E 3D 28  |IPTION=(|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639837 : nsprecv:41 44 44 52 45 53 53 5F  |ADDRESS_|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639856 : nsprecv:4C 49 53 54 3D 28 41 44  |LIST=(AD|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639874 : nsprecv:44 52 45 53 53 3D 28 50  |DRESS=(P|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639892 : nsprecv:52 4F 54 4F 43 4F 4C 3D  |ROTOCOL=|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639911 : nsprecv:54 43 50 29 28 48 4F 53  |TCP)(HOS|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639930 : nsprecv:54 3D 4F 52 49 4F 4E 31  |T=ORION1|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639948 : nsprecv:30 36 2E 69 6E 74 65 72  |06.inter|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639967 : nsprecv:63 61 72 65 2E 63 6F 2E  ||
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.639985 : nsprecv:61 65 29 28 50 4F 52 54  |ae)(PORT|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640004 : nsprecv:3D 31 35 32 31 29 29 29  |=1521)))|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640022 : nsprecv:28 43 4F 4E 4E 45 43 54  |(CONNECT|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640040 : nsprecv:5F 44 41 54 41 3D 28 43  |_DATA=(C|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640059 : nsprecv:49 44 3D 28 50 52 4F 47  |ID=(PROG|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640077 : nsprecv:52 41 4D 3D 29 28 48 4F  |RAM=)(HO|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640096 : nsprecv:53 54 3D 5F 5F 6A 64 62  |ST=__jdb|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640114 : nsprecv:63 5F 5F 29 28 55 53 45  |c__)(USE|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640133 : nsprecv:52 3D 4F 52 49 4F 4E 31  |R=ORION1|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640151 : nsprecv:30 36 24 29 29 28 53 45  |06$))(SE|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640170 : nsprecv:52 56 49 43 45 5F 4E 41  |RVICE_NA|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640188 : nsprecv:4D 45 3D 6F 72 63 6C 29  |ME=orcl)|
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640207 : nsprecv:29 29                    |))      |
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640224 : nsprecv:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640241 : nscon:got NSPTCN packet
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640258 : nsconneg:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640276 : nsconneg:vsn=308, lov=300, opt=0xc01, sdu=2048, tdu=32767, ntc=0x4f98
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640297 : nsconneg:vsn=308, gbl=0x801, sdu=2048, tdu=32767
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640313 : nsconneg:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640330 : nscpxget:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640345 : nscpxget:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640363 : nscon:got 176 bytes connect data
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640380 : nscon:exit (0)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640396 : nsdo:nsctxrnk=0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640412 : nsdo:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640429 : nsevdrcvreq:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640451 : nsevdansw:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640468 : nsevrec:event is 0x20, on 5
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640487 : nstoToqWalk:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640503 : nstoToqWalk:exit (0)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640519 : nsevwait:1 posted event(s)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640534 : nsevwait:exit (0)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640561 : nsglhe:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640578 : nsglhe:Event on cxd 0x62da3c0.
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640615 : nsglfc:Assume establishing a connection...
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640633 : nsglfc:command = establish
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640650 : nsglauthorized:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640669 : nsglauthorized:Determining auth method...
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640689 : nsglauthorized:No authorization needed.
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640706 : nsglecmd:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640723 : nscontrol:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640740 : nstoControlATO:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640757 : nstoClearTimeout:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640775 : nstoClearTimeout:ATO disabled for ctx=0x0000000005F2E7F0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640791 : nstoUpdateActive:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640807 : nstoUpdateActive:Active timeout is -1 (see nstotyp)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640827 : nstoControlATO:ATO disabled for ctx=0x0000000005F2E7F0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640843 : nstoControlATO:exit (0)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640859 : nscontrol:cmd=26, lcl=0x0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640875 : nscontrol:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640907 : nttaddr2bnd:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640924 : snlinGetNameInfo:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640946 : snlinGetNameInfo:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640964 : nttaddr2bnd:Resolved to
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.640985 : nttaddr2bnd:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641012 : nsglbgetRSPidx:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641048 : nsglbgetRSPidx:returning ecode=0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641065 : nsglbgetRSPidx:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641082 : nsgettrans_bycxdwattr:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641100 : ntgettrans:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641116 : ntgettrans:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641132 : nsgettrans_bycxdwattr:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641149 : nsglbgetSdPidx:secondary protocol=4
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641166 : nsglb:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641185 : nsglb:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641202 : nsbequeath:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641218 : nsc2addr:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641236 :
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641271 : nlpcaini:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641338 : nlpcaini:prg = oracle
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641357 : nlpcaini:arg[0] = oracleorcl
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641373 : nlpcaini:arg[1] = (LOCAL=NO)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641390 : nlpcaini:env[0] = ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\ProgramData
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641407 : nlpcaini:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641424 : nsc2addr:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641440 : nsbeqaddr:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641456 : nsbeqaddr:connecting...
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641472 : nsopen:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641487 : nsmal:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641506 : nsmal:1496 bytes at 0x6025010
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641521 : nsmal:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641537 : nsopenmplx:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641552 : nsmal:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641570 : nsmal:2944 bytes at 0x60255f0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641585 : nsmal:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641600 : nsiorini:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641616 : nsbal:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641631 : nsbgetfl:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641646 : nsbgetfl:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641661 : nsbal:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641677 : nsiorini:exit (0)
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641693 : nscpxget:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641707 : nscpxget:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641724 : nsopenalloc_nsntx:nlhthput on mplx_ht_nsgbu:ctx=6025010, nsntx=60255f0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641742 : nsopenmplx:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641760 : ntpcon:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641775 : ntpcon:toc = 6
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641790 : ntpcon:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641806 : nsopen:opening transport...
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641823 : ntpcon:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641837 : ntpcon:toc = 1
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641857 : sntpcall:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.641874 : snlpcss:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.644127 : snlpcss:Spawn Oracle completed oracle     (LOCAL=NO) orcl.
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.644233 : snlpcss:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.644337 : sntpcall:Attempting to open pipe \\.\PIPE\ORANTP874.1878
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653334 : sntpcall:Successfully established pipe 808 to child with 0 retries.
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653373 : sntpcall:Attempting to open pipe \\.\PIPE\ORANTP874.1878.w
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653437 : sntpcall:Successfully established pipe 920 to child with 0 retries.
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653475 : sntpcall:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653500 : ntpcon:NT layer IPC connection has been established.
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653519 : ntpcon:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653538 : nsopen:transport is open
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653558 : nsoptions:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653579 : nsoptions:lcl[0]=0x0, lcl[1]=0x2006, gbl[0]=0x0, gbl[1]=0x0, cha=0x0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653601 : nsoptions:Vectored IO not supported.
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653623 : nsoptions:lcl[0]=0xf4ffe9ff, lcl[1]=0x6016, gbl[0]=0xe881, gbl[1]=0x0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653642 : nsoptions:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653659 : nsnainit:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653678 : nsnainit:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653698 : nsopen:global context check-in (to slot 6) complete
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653722 : nsopen:lcl[0]=0xf4ffe9ff, lcl[1]=0x6016, gbl[0]=0xe881, gbl[1]=0x0, tdu=4096, sdu=8192
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653742 : nsfull_opn:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653762 : nsfull_opn:cid=6, opcode=65, *bl=0, *what=0, uflgs=0x0, cflgs=0x0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653782 : nsfull_opn:nsctx: state=7, flg=0x4001, mvd=0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653801 : nsfull_opn:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653818 : nsopen:normal exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653914 : nttaddr2bnd:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653942 : snlinGetNameInfo:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653969 : snlinGetNameInfo:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.653988 : nttaddr2bnd:Resolved to
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654010 : nttaddr2bnd:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654032 : nsbequeath_stg2:doing connect handshake...
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654053 : nsbequeath:doing connect handshake...
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654071 : ntpwr:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654089 : sntpwrite:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654109 : sntpwrite:Attempting to write 4 bytes to handle 808
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654138 : sntpwrite:WriteFile returned 4 bytes
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654157 : sntpwrite:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654175 : ntpwr:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654191 : ntpwr:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654208 : sntpwrite:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654226 : sntpwrite:Attempting to write 66 bytes to handle 808
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654253 : sntpwrite:WriteFile returned 66 bytes
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654271 : sntpwrite:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654287 : ntpwr:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654304 : ntpwr:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654320 : sntpwrite:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654338 : sntpwrite:Attempting to write 8 bytes to handle 808
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654362 : sntpwrite:WriteFile returned 8 bytes
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654381 : sntpwrite:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654396 : ntpwr:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654414 : ntprd:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654432 : sntpread:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.654450 : sntpread:Attempting to read 4 bytes from handle 920
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655026 : sntpread:ReadFile returned 4 bytes
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655049 : sntpread:rc = 0, ntresnt[0] = 0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655067 : sntpread:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655084 : ntprd:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655101 : ntprd:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655117 : sntpread:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655136 : sntpread:Attempting to read 4 bytes from handle 920
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655314 : sntpread:ReadFile returned 4 bytes
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655337 : sntpread:rc = 0, ntresnt[0] = 0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655354 : sntpread:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655370 : ntprd:exit
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655388 : nsbequeath:NSE=12586
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655407 : nsbequeath:error reading REDIR/NSE msg
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655427 : nserror:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655451 : nserror:nsres: id=5, op=72, ns=12586, ns2=0; nt[0]=0, nt[1]=0, nt[2]=0; ora[0]=0, ora[1]=0,
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655472 : nsdo:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655491 : nsdo:cid=5, opcode=67, *bl=0, *what=13, uflgs=0x0, cflgs=0x3
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655511 : nsdo:rank=64, nsctxrnk=0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655530 : nsdo:nsctx: state=2, flg=0x20004004, mvd=0
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655556 : nsdo:gtn=210, gtc=210, ptn=10, ptc=2047
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655578 : nscon:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655597 : nscon:sending NSPTRS packet
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655618 : nspsend:entry
    2012-10-17 22:17:12.655641 : nspsend:plen=8, type=11

    AnandKumar wrote:
    Hi all,
    Database :Oracle 11g database Standard edition
    Application : Oracle forms 6i client/sever (sqlplus version 6.0.8)
    OS : Windows 2008 server with sp1Did you verify they are compatible ?
    I was not able to verify them on MOS... but I'm not involved in any Oracle Forms application...
    Have a look also at this link:

  • Conncetion to database slower w/ jdbc 9i

    Hi there.
    I have a JSP that uses JDBC to stablish a connection and run a query to an Oracle database.
    The JSP was working fine and w/ reasonable connection time to an Oracle database.
    But, ever since we upgraded the RDBMS to 9i, the same JSP takes forever to connect to the DB (nothing changed in the JSP)!
    I replaced the existing JDBC 8i file w/ the 9i version and replaced "oracle.jdbc.driver" with "oracle.jdbc" in my code, but it's still super slow!
    What's going on?

    We are having the same problem. I still dont have a solution. I submitted a TAR and Oracle support kept telling me I must tune my queries and my DB. That is not the problem. they blew me off. We are considering going back to 8.1.7.

  • How to answer database slow question?

    Hi all,
    In interviews I have seen people asking "Your database is slow, What will you do"? , this will be the question and there will not be any other inputs. When I ask on doing what are you hitting the performance problem, they come out telling "generally it is slow and now what will you do?" . Please let me know what should be the best answer for such questions? At first I thought the question is not a great one but as I can see many interviewers asking the same question again and again I started feeling this question is really logical.

    Well, the basic approach to tuning is
    - Figure out what is slow
    - Figure out why it's slow
    - Figure out how to make it less slow
    If the entire database is slow, you probably want to be looking at things like AWR or Statspack reports. Preferrably comparing current reports where the database is slow to prior points in time where similar workload was performing acceptably. When you identify the bottlenecks and the difference between today's slow performance and yesterday's acceptable performance, you'll know what to target.
    Of course, this is a popular interview question precisely because it has a nearly infinite number of permutations. When you say that you'll look at an AWR report, for example, the interviewer can go in any number of directions. He (or she) might say that top wait event is sequential reads or RAC interconnect waits or any number of other possible causes. So you'll dig in and ask questions about, say, what SQL statements are accounting for the disk reads, whether the SGA or PGA advisors suggest that more SGA or PGA space might reduce I/O, etc.

  • Database slowing down

    Dear buddies,
    Developers around me are telling me that the database is slow (They are using PL/SQL Developer and other tools).
    How should I check if the database is the one really causing the problem?
    Thanks in advance.

    I am not sure why CKPT has mentioned listener's response time since once the connection is estabilished, listener is no more in the picture but probably he is guessing about the connection establishment taking time so that's why he suggested it. Anyways, there is no way toget it as long as you won't enable the tracing for the listener. That should tell you about the listener's activity. But I would rather not check it but would take a statspack/awr report and will see what comes from there.

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    Source: 11gR2 3-node RAC (only one instance running) on Solaris 10, about 25TB
    Target: 1-node, 11gR2 on Solaris 10

           SID    SERIAL#    CONTEXT      SOFAR  TOTALWORK %_complete
          1555       7013          1   43730494  142245833      30.74
          2332       8079          1   44307262  102713507      43.14
          2235      10987          1   47052222  105912610      44.43
          2622       5033          1   48406910   86329752      56.07
          2040      49651          1   49519038  111411200      44.45
          1846      20307          1   43488574  138674977      31.36
          1459      26683          1   44936702  272716852      16.48
    7 rows selected.
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