Diagram Optimize Shape Size Height and Width

What determines the dimensions set by the Jdeveloper 11g menu option of Diagram.Optimize Shape Size.Height and Width while editing a Database Diagram ?
I was hoping that this option resizes the dimensions of a box that represents a table to fully display all the columns, types and keys within the limits set by Tools.Preferences.Diagrams.Database.Max Compartment Entriesand Max Shape Width.
I set
Tools.Preferences.Diagrams.Database.Max Compartment Entries = 100
Max Shape Width = 1000
However, what I observe when using this option in a Database Diagram is that the box height is resized to show the first 15 column names and an ellipsis and the box width is less than the width of many of the column name rows.
Does anyone else think this is a bug? If so, I will open an SR.

The limits set by Tools.Preferences.Diagrams.Database.Max Compartment Entries and Max Shape Width affect the default values for subsequently created shapes and not existing shapes.
However, a Service Request has confirmed that changing the value for Max Compartment Entries has no effect. This behavior has been filed as a bug that will hopefully be fixed in the next release of Jdeveloper 11g.

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    var Font1_ = new Font1();
    var Format2:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    Format2.size = 36;
    Format2.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
    Format2.font = Font1_.fontName;
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    MessageBox.height = MessageBox.Text1.height;
      MessageBox.x = 400;
      MessageBox.y = 200;
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    thanks in advance!

    Essentially, you need to check for a change in .textWidth or .textHeight, which are different from .width and .height.
    This code works for me (assumes a background box called bg and a foreground text instance fg inside a moveclip and an X and Y bounds offset variable to say how far away you want the box from the text and a textFrameNudge to provide a tweak value).
         // Resize background box
         thisBox.bg.x = thisBox.fg.x - boundsOffsetX + textFrameNudge; // I'm using .4 as the tweak value for textFrameNudge
         thisBox.bg.y = thisBox.fg.y - boundsOffsetY;
         thisBox.bg.width = thisBox.fg.textWidth + boundsOffsetX*2 +textFrameNudge*thisBox.fg.getTextFormat().size;
         thisBox.bg.height = thisBox.fg.textHeight + boundsOffsetY*2;

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    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    <!doctype html>
    <div class="summary entry-summary">
            <h1 itemprop="name" class="product_title entry-title">Ral 1000</h1><div itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Offer">
        <meta itemprop="price" content="160" />
        <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP" />
        <link itemprop="availability" href="http://schema.org/InStock" />
    </div><div itemprop="description">
        <script src="https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js" type="text/javascript">
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    <p>6mm, low iron, toughened glass, PAR
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            <table id="price_calculator" class="simple_price_calculator">
            <td style="text-align:right;">
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    var height = $('#height').val();
    var width = $('#width').val();
    var price = (height * width / 1000000 * 325).toFixed(2);;
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    <input type="text" name="height" id="height">
    <label for="width">Width (mm)</label>
    <input type="text" name="width" id="width">
    <div class=" product-addon product-addon-add-fixing-option">
                <h3 class="addon-name">Add Fixing Option </h3>
        <p class="form-row form-row-wide addon-wrap-1738-add-fixing-option">
        <select class="addon addon-select" name="addon-1738-add-fixing-option">
                        <option value="">Select an option...</option>
                        <option data-price="5" value="silicone-adhesive-tube" >Silicone Adhesive Tube (<span class="amount">&pound;0.00</span>)</option>
                        <option data-price="5" value="screws-and-drill-holes" >Screws and Drill Holes (<span class="amount">&pound;6.00</span>)</option>
        <div class="clear"></div>
    </div><div class=" product-addon product-addon-add-extra-layer-multi-coloured-fine-glitter">
                <h3 class="addon-name">Add Cut Out and Notches </h3>
        <p class="form-row form-row-wide addon-wrap-1738-add-extra-layer-multi-coloured-fine-glitter">
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  • How to resize and maintain height and width ratio IR image column

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    select decode(nvl(dbms_lob.getlength(photo),0),0,null,'<img src="'||apex_util.get_blob_file_src('P1_PHOTO',id)||'" height="75" width="75"/>') photo from table.
    I tried using percent i.e.: width="10%" that does not work.
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    td[headers="PHOTO"] {
    #apexir_PHOTO{width: 75px;}

    Try to go with max-width / max-height. However, if you have IE browser, hang on for pain. For some ideas, some links:
    http://wordpress.mfields.org/2011/scaling-images-in-ie8-with-css-max-width/ (ignore object-fit, it is not yet supported on most browser)
    etc. Be sure to try out your chosen solution on the target browser(s)!
    IE is just nasty :(
    What i have done before is not to have my browser scale my images, especially when the images can be large(r) and you expect quite some traffic. All those extra (kilo)bytes won't help it load faster. I just added an extra column in the table, like photo_thumb, and create a scaled version of the uploaded picture when it is being inserted.
    For example, i have the following process on my apex page, and i'm using wwv_flow_files.
    Have some code:
         v_id number;
         v_small_photo blob;
         v_large_photo blob;
         v_mime_type apxt_contacts_img.mime_type%type;
         v_content_type apxt_contacts_img.content_type%type;
          SELECT blob_content a, blob_content b, mime_type, content_type
          INTO v_small_photo, v_large_photo, v_mime_type, v_content_type
          FROM wwv_flow_files
          WHERE name = :P3_FIND_PHOTO;
          IF lower(v_mime_type) NOT IN ('image/jpg', 'image/jpeg') THEN
             raise_application_error(-20001, 'File for upload is not a jpg!');
          END IF;
          -- Rezise the photo so that it is proportionally 125*125
          -- ordimage is an oracle type able to manipulate all sorts of pictures
          ordimage.process(v_small_photo, 'maxScale=125 125');
          -- If contact is of type personnel, then no need to store
          -- a large photo since it wont be displayed
          IF :P3_CONTACT_TYPE_ID = 2 THEN
            v_large_photo := NULL;
          END IF;
          -- Delete previously uploaded picture
          IF :P3_ID IS NOT NULL THEN
             DELETE FROM apxt_contacts_img
              WHERE contact_id = :P3_ID;
          END IF;
          -- Insert the data into the contacts_img table as a
          -- SELECT from WWV_FLOW_FILES
          INSERT INTO apxt_contacts_img
          -- Remove the image from the apex wwv_flows_files table
          DELETE FROM wwv_flow_files WHERE name = :P3_FIND_PHOTO;
    END IF;

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        l_api_main            type ref to if_wd_view_controller,
        l_cmp_api             type ref to if_wd_component,
        l_window_manager      type ref to if_wd_window_manager,
        l_popup               type ref to if_wd_window.
      l_api_main = wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
      l_cmp_api = wd_comp_controller->wd_get_api( ).
      data: l_i_question type STRING_TABLE,
            l_wa_question type string.
      l_wa_question =  'Issue no. xxxxxxxxxxx created succcessfully. '.
      append l_wa_question to l_i_question.
      l_window_manager = l_cmp_api->get_window_manager( ).
      l_popup = l_window_manager->create_popup_to_confirm(
                  text                   = l_i_question
                  button_kind            = '1'
                  message_type           = '1'
                 close_button           =
                  window_title           = 'Information'
                  window_width           = '500'
                  window_height          =  '500'
    l_popup->open( ).

    Hi Mainak,
    have a look to Thread:
    Popup Sizing
    As you can see there is not yet a way to set the Popup size.
    You have to find the good combination of fields and length in order to get a nice UI.
    The WDA engine try to set the best size, help it...

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    You can easily achieve this using css
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    If the text exceeds the container, which can happen in a scrollable container where you have to scroll to see some of the text, then the values getContentBounds returns are estimated values. This is because we don't want to force the text to recompose all the way to the end of a very long TextFlow in order to return a value. However, if you want to get the exact amount, and don't mind taking the time to recompose, call textFlow.flowComposer.composeToPosition(), before calling getContentBounds. This forces all the text to recompose to the end, and then getContentBounds will return the fully calculated value instead of estimating.

  • Graph Canvas Height and Width

    Hello guys!
    It is any way to set that Height and Width default values in any configuration file? We need set our custom default size.
    Thanks for your time.

    By default its 300*400 (H*W), i don't think we can set default value in any configuration file.
    Please try to change the logic accordingly in js file and redeploy it in the application server.
    Line num : 431 - 439
    if (H == 300)
    tCF.setAttribute('height', H);
    if (W == 450)
    tCF.setAttribute('width', W);
    Remember to do the changes everytime during upgrades and patches.

  • Report Designer - Layout height and width

    Hi Experts,
    Is there an option to adjust the report designer layout height and width? I am able to adjust the individual row and column height. I have a report designed in report designer which will have only 5 rows. when I execute this web template the report item is displayed in one entire page instead of only 5 rows.
    How can I control/adjust the page size in report designer? Is this possible?

    are you starting the report from the portal directly, or do you have it embedded into a web template?  As the Report is a web item, you can set the size of the item.
    At first I was considering posting the reports directly to the portal, but there are some things that I don't like with how it handles them - for example if you have a report based on the query view, when you post it directly to the portal it will execute it with the saved variable values before you can change them.  Thus, I have to put it into a web template and set to prompt for variables at the beginning.

  • How to fix accrodion panels height and width?

    I have a question regarding my accordion panel. I made 3 template files with the same accordion panel. Somehow when I reviewed it in my Outlook, the accordion panel was a different size on each html file. Where do I fix the accordion panel's height and width?
    Thank you!

    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    Look at this thread:

  • Height and width of image loaded into blob?

    i am loading images into my database which is all working fine. in parts of my app i am displaying these images so i am wondering is there a way to get the dimensions (height an width) of the image you are loading in so that when it comes time to display you can scale as needed but the aspect ratio is the same so then the image is not distorted by just putting some random values for height and width.
    instead of
    select decode(file_type,'I','<imge src="OWNER.download_file?p_file=' || nvl(file_id,0) ||'" height="100" width="100" />','') from project_file
    where file_id = :P31_FILE_ID
    i want to replace 100 with values from columns in table that were loaded at time of save
    Message was edited by:

    thanks scott. is it correct to say that this example is storing the image at whatever size the user puts in the width and height boxes on screen? thats what it looks like to me anyway. i see there are functions to get these but does the user have to enter them still? it will be just what i need if indeed I do need it!
    Yes, that's correct. Of course you could modify the code so that you choose the size of the image, and not allow the user to change it.
    - Scott -

  • The height and width settings no longer work.

    The settings in Adobe Photoshop CS5 have gone wacky in the canvas size area.  Everything shows as  0, whether it be inches, pixels, etc.  I tried entering numbers in place of the zeros in the height and width areas, and then it creates huge margins around the picture.  If I cut the number in half to try to trick it, it still gives big margins instead of cropping the picture.  HELP!

    THANK YOU!  I can't believe I've used Adobe all these years and never saw that box!  You have just made my life great again.

  • Increase swf file height and width...

    Hello guys
       I am trying to increase a swf file height and width so it can fit better in my screen. I don't want to rework on everything again in my fla file because it's big hassle. (changing background size makes every symbol off). Are there anyway to do it? Thanks a lot!

    you could load your swf into an empty movieclip/loader in another swf.  when loading is complete you can resize your target movieclip/loader.

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    Hi there,
    You mean stretch the aspect ratio of a video element to whatever size the container is? No, the video will resize to fit in the browser while still retaining its aspect ratio - this is actually desirable in most cases.
    It is possible to do what you want using the object-fit css property, but it's currently only supported in the latest versions of Chrome and Opera browsers:

Maybe you are looking for