Dreamweaver 4, can't get website in centre of the browser

Hello everyone!
I have built a website in Dreamweaver 4, and I want it to sit in the centre of the page for all browsers, someone told me there is some code that is used to rap everything up in a div or something like that!
The website is sitting on the left, I have tried to centre it up, the background has been made with slices, at one point I did get the background in the centre, I don't know how I did it, but the buttons and some of the text was over to the right of the page on the edge of the webpage if you know what I mean
I don't know how to fix this problem, website address www.lawrenceg.com 
Here is the page code
<title>Home Page</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<script language="JavaScript">
function MM_reloadPage(init) {  //reloads the window if Nav4 resized
  if (init==true) with (navigator) {if ((appName=="Netscape")&&(parseInt(appVersion)==4)) {
    document.MM_pgW=innerWidth; document.MM_pgH=innerHeight; onresize=MM_reloadPage; }}
  else if (innerWidth!=document.MM_pgW || innerHeight!=document.MM_pgH) location.reload();
// -->
function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) { //v2.0
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  <p><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=4,0,2,0" width="100" height="20">
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  <p><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=4,0,2,0" width="100" height="20">
      <param name="BASE" value=".">
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  <p><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=4,0,2,0" width="100" height="20">
      <param name="BASE" value=".">
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  <p><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=4,0,2,0" width="100" height="20">
      <param name="BASE" value=".">
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  <p><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=4,0,2,0" width="100" height="20">
      <param name="BASE" value=".">
      <param name=movie value="button6.swf">
      <param name=quality value=high>
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      <embed src="button6.swf" quality=high pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100" height="20" bgcolor="#F3F3F3" base=".">
<div id="Layer6" style="position:absolute; width:61px; height:21px; z-index:6; left: 1054px; top: 754px"><a href="#"><img src="fineartamerica%2022x22%20new.jpg" width="60" height="22" border="0" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('http://lawrence-graves.artistwebsites.com/','','location=yes,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,wid th=1100,height=600')"></a></div>
<div id="Layer7" style="position:absolute; left:116px; top:148px; width:859px; height:570; z-index:7; overflow: auto">
  <p><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="3" color="#666666">Welcome
    to my Studio!</font></p>
  <p><font color="#666666">My name is Lawrence, I'm a Photographer &amp; Photographic
  <p><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" color="#666666">I have kept this
    website simple and to the point with no unwanted useless stuff, we have a
    full navigation system for your covenants on the right so you don't have to
    keep coming back to the home page each time</font></p>
  <p><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" color="#666666">Check out our
    Facebook Twitter and Fine Art America page, the buttons are on your right,
    you can also see our work on Flickr as well </font></p>
  <p><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" color="#666666">If you wish to
    purchase any of our art work everything comes with a 30 day money back guarantee,
    and is sold through our secure payment site Fine Art America page! </font>
  <p><font color="#666666">So how can we help you, are you looking for something
    a bit special to hang on your wall, maybe you have a family gathering coming
    up a wedding or an important celebration like a new addition to the family?</font></p>
  <p><font color="#666666">Maybe you're thinking about that special portrait of
    the children, to capture a moment in time can be priceless and don't forget
    about your baby's first portrait</font></p>
  <p><font color="#666666">What about our pets after all they are part of the
    family too!</font></p>
  <p><font color="#666666">Simply send us an email with the details and your requirements
    and we will be straight back in contact with you to arrange a meeting to discuss
    things further</font> <font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" color="#666666">with
    you at your convenience</font></p>
  <p><font color="#666666">Sometimes we need a photographer to capture a very
    special moment, but to capture excellence you need a photographic artist that
    can produce the results you're looking for</font> </p>
  <p><font color="#666666">To give you some idea on the quietly of our photographic
    work check out our Flickr page! </font></p>
  <p><font color="#666666">You can also view some of our work in <a href="The%20Gallery.htm">the
    gallery</a> we also have some free camera and lens reviews, Photoshop and
    photography tutorials on our Facebook page</font></p>
  <p onClick="MM_openBrWindow('http://lawrence-graves.artistwebsites.com/','FAA','location=yes,status=yes,scrollbars=yes, width=1000,height=600')"><font color="#666666">L</font><font color="#666666">ove
    Animals and Art then check out my <a href="#">Fine Art America page</a>! we
    sell everything from canvas prints to a replacement case for your iPhone,
    every purchase includes a money-back guarantee!</font></p>
  <div id="Layer10" style="position:absolute; width:79px; height:74px; z-index:11; left: -11px; top: 634px"><a href="Photoshop.htm"><img src="photoshop%20yellow%20logo.png" width="80" height="80" border="0"></a></div> 
  <div id="Layer11" style="position:absolute; width:754px; height:28px; z-index:12; left: 74px; top: 655px"><font color="#666666">
    We also do some digital photo restoration work, restore them old black and
    whites! Remove unwanted elements from your photos and more! </font></div>
  <p> </p>
  <p> </p>
  <p> </p>
  <p><font color="#666666">How about a new layered digital background for that
    special image that needs a makeover</font>!</p>
  <p><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" color="#666666">Our Digital Background
    Sets come complete with a cover up layer frames and more, you can find these
    sets on our photoshop page! Each set comes complete with a video tutorial
    showing you how to use these fabulous backgrounds with your own images</font></p>
  <p><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" color="#666666">If you prefer
    you can simply send us your image and let us do the work for you, we only
    charge a small fee for this servise!</font></p>
  <p> </p>
  <p> </p>
<div id="Layer8" style="position:absolute; width:215px; height:10px; z-index:9; left: 431px; top: 829px"><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" color="#666666" size="2">Copyright
  &copy; 2013 www.lawrenceg.com </font></div>
<div id="Layer1" style="position:absolute; width:200px; height:76px; z-index:10; left: 350px; top: 0px"><img src="the%20studio%20title.jpg" width="443" height="103"></div>
<div id="Layer3" style="position:absolute; width:22; height:23px; z-index:11; left: 1025px; top: 754px"><a href="#"><img src="facebook%2022x22.png" width="22" height="22" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('https://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/LawrencesPhotoStudio','facebook','location=yes,status= yes,scrollbars=yes,width=1100,height=600')" border="0"></a></div>
<div id="Layer4" style="position:absolute; width:54px; height:22px; z-index:12; left: 1025px; top: 786px"><a href="#"><img src="flickr%2022x22%20new.jpg" width="53" height="22" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('http://www.flickr.com/photos/lawrenceg/','flickr','location=yes,status=yes,scrollbars=yes, width=1200,height=600')" border="0"></a></div>
<div id="Layer9" style="position:absolute; width:28px; height:22px; z-index:13; left: 1087px; top: 784px"><a href="#"><img src="Twitter-Logo26x26.png" width="27" height="24" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('https://twitter.com/Lawrencegtraing','twitter','location=yes,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,wid th=1200,height=600')" border="0"></a></div>
<table id="Table_01" width="1157" height="870" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td colspan="4"> <img src="home-page-image_01.gif" width="543" height="114" alt=""></td>
    <td colspan="4"> <img src="home-page-image_02.gif" width="383" height="114" alt=""></td>
    <td> <img src="home-page-image_03.gif" width="231" height="114" alt=""></td>
    <td> <img src="home-page-image_04.gif" width="117" height="326" alt=""></td>
    <td colspan="2"> <img src="home-page-image_05.gif" width="284" height="326" alt=""></td>
    <td colspan="3"> <img src="home-page-image_06.gif" width="237" height="326" alt=""></td>
    <td colspan="2"> <img src="home-page-image_07.gif" width="288" height="326" alt=""></td>
    <td> <img src="home-page-image_08.gif" width="231" height="326" alt=""></td>
    <td colspan="6"> <img src="home-page-image_09.gif" width="638" height="95" alt=""></td>
    <td colspan="3"> <img src="home-page-image_10.gif" width="519" height="95" alt=""></td>
    <td colspan="2" rowspan="2"> <img src="home-page-image_11.gif" width="292" height="334" alt=""></td>
    <td colspan="3" rowspan="2"> <img src="home-page-image_12.gif" width="283" height="334" alt=""></td>
    <td colspan="4"> <img src="home-page-image_13.gif" width="582" height="128" alt=""></td>
    <td colspan="2"> <img src="home-page-image_14.gif" width="326" height="206" alt=""></td>
    <td colspan="2"> <img src="home-page-image_15.jpg" width="256" height="206" alt=""></td>
   <img src="file:///C|/Users/Lawrence%20g%20photos/Desktop/HOME%20PAGE/images/spacer.gif" width="117" height="1" alt=""></td>
   <img src="file:///C|/Users/Lawrence%20g%20photos/Desktop/HOME%20PAGE/images/spacer.gif" width="175" height="1" alt=""></td>
   <img src="file:///C|/Users/Lawrence%20g%20photos/Desktop/HOME%20PAGE/images/spacer.gif" width="109" height="1" alt=""></td>
   <img src="file:///C|/Users/Lawrence%20g%20photos/Desktop/HOME%20PAGE/images/spacer.gif" width="142" height="1" alt=""></td>
   <img src="file:///C|/Users/Lawrence%20g%20photos/Desktop/HOME%20PAGE/images/spacer.gif" width="32" height="1" alt=""></td>
   <img src="file:///C|/Users/Lawrence%20g%20photos/Desktop/HOME%20PAGE/images/spacer.gif" width="63" height="1" alt=""></td>
   <img src="file:///C|/Users/Lawrence%20g%20photos/Desktop/HOME%20PAGE/images/spacer.gif" width="263" height="1" alt=""></td>
   <img src="file:///C|/Users/Lawrence%20g%20photos/Desktop/HOME%20PAGE/images/spacer.gif" width="25" height="1" alt=""></td>
   <img src="file:///C|/Users/Lawrence%20g%20photos/Desktop/HOME%20PAGE/images/spacer.gif" width="231" height="1" alt=""></td>
<!-- End Save for Web Slices -->
Can anyone help me out here please!

Please do not duplicate posts. You have already started a thread on this subject.

Similar Messages

  • Dreamweaver 4, can't get website in centre of browser

    Hello everyone!
    I have built a website in Dreamweaver 4, and I want it to sit in the centre of the page for all browsers, someone told me there is some code that is used to rap everything up in a div or something like that!
    The website is sitting on the left, I have tried to centre it up, the background has been made with slices, at one point I did get the background in the centre, I don't know how I did it, but the buttons and some of the text was over to the right of the page on the edge of the webpage if you know what I mean
    I don't know how to fix this problem, website address www.lawrenceg.com 
    I can add page code if needed
    Can anyone help me out here please! 

    Thank you for the reply hans
    I'm so sorry I'm not a web designer, so don't understand what you mean, posting the page code
    <title>Home Page</title>
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      else if (innerWidth!=document.MM_pgW || innerHeight!=document.MM_pgH) location.reload();
    // -->
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      <p><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=4,0,2,0" width="100" height="20">
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      <p><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=4,0,2,0" width="100" height="20">
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      <p><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=4,0,2,0" width="100" height="20">
          <param name="BASE" value=".">
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    <div id="Layer6" style="position:absolute; width:61px; height:21px; z-index:6; left: 1054px; top: 754px"><a href="#"><img src="fineartamerica%2022x22%20new.jpg" width="60" height="22" border="0" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('http://lawrence-graves.artistwebsites.com/','','location=yes,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,wid th=1100,height=600')"></a></div>
    <div id="Layer7" style="position:absolute; left:116px; top:148px; width:859px; height:570; z-index:7; overflow: auto">
      <p><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="3" color="#666666">Welcome
        to my Studio!</font></p>
      <p><font color="#666666">My name is Lawrence, I'm a Photographer &amp; Photographic
      <p><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" color="#666666">I have kept this
        website simple and to the point with no unwanted useless stuff, we have a
        full navigation system for your covenants on the right so you don't have to
        keep coming back to the home page each time</font></p>
      <p><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" color="#666666">Check out our
        Facebook Twitter and Fine Art America page, the buttons are on your right,
        you can also see our work on Flickr as well </font></p>
      <p><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" color="#666666">If you wish to
        purchase any of our art work everything comes with a 30 day money back guarantee,
        and is sold through our secure payment site Fine Art America page! </font>
      <p><font color="#666666">So how can we help you, are you looking for something
        a bit special to hang on your wall, maybe you have a family gathering coming
        up a wedding or an important celebration like a new addition to the family?</font></p>
      <p><font color="#666666">Maybe you're thinking about that special portrait of
        the children, to capture a moment in time can be priceless and don't forget
        about your baby's first portrait</font></p>
      <p><font color="#666666">What about our pets after all they are part of the
        family too!</font></p>
      <p><font color="#666666">Simply send us an email with the details and your requirements
        and we will be straight back in contact with you to arrange a meeting to discuss
        things further</font> <font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" color="#666666">with
        you at your convenience</font></p>
      <p><font color="#666666">Sometimes we need a photographer to capture a very
        special moment, but to capture excellence you need a photographic artist that
        can produce the results you're looking for</font> </p>
      <p><font color="#666666">To give you some idea on the quietly of our photographic
        work check out our Flickr page! </font></p>
      <p><font color="#666666">You can also view some of our work in <a href="The%20Gallery.htm">the
        gallery</a> we also have some free camera and lens reviews, Photoshop and
        photography tutorials on our Facebook page</font></p>
      <p onClick="MM_openBrWindow('http://lawrence-graves.artistwebsites.com/','FAA','location=yes,status=yes,scrollbars=yes, width=1000,height=600')"><font color="#666666">L</font><font color="#666666">ove
        Animals and Art then check out my <a href="#">Fine Art America page</a>! we
        sell everything from canvas prints to a replacement case for your iPhone,
        every purchase includes a money-back guarantee!</font></p>
      <div id="Layer10" style="position:absolute; width:79px; height:74px; z-index:11; left: -11px; top: 634px"><a href="Photoshop.htm"><img src="photoshop%20yellow%20logo.png" width="80" height="80" border="0"></a></div> 
      <div id="Layer11" style="position:absolute; width:754px; height:28px; z-index:12; left: 74px; top: 655px"><font color="#666666">
        We also do some digital photo restoration work, restore them old black and
        whites! Remove unwanted elements from your photos and more! </font></div>
      <p> </p>
      <p> </p>
      <p> </p>
      <p><font color="#666666">How about a new layered digital background for that
        special image that needs a makeover</font>!</p>
      <p><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" color="#666666">Our Digital Background
        Sets come complete with a cover up layer frames and more, you can find these
        sets on our photoshop page! Each set comes complete with a video tutorial
        showing you how to use these fabulous backgrounds with your own images</font></p>
      <p><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" color="#666666">If you prefer
        you can simply send us your image and let us do the work for you, we only
        charge a small fee for this servise!</font></p>
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      <p> </p>
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  • I can't get Firefox to bring up the browser. It continually tells me that the program is already running and to either close it or restart my computer. Not having anything to actually close, I restarted the computer five times. Now what?

    I can't get Firefox to bring up the browser. It continually tells me that the program is already running and to either close it or restart my computer. Not having anything to actually close, I restarted the computer five times. Now what?
    == This happened ==
    Just once or twice
    == Today. ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; PeoplePal 6.6; PeoplePal 7.3) w:PACBHO60 w:PACBHO60 w:PACBHO60 w:PACBHO60 w:PACBHO60

    I tried it again using "save link as", and this time it actually worked! I just now downloaded several more using the "save link as" option, and it works perfectly. Thanks. Problem solved.

  • How can i get my movie to expand the browser window?

    hi everyone,
    thanks for checking out my post...
    i want to create a fullscreen site like www.danwheldon.com or
    www.highlandspring.com where the movie expands to the whole of the
    browser window.
    ive made my movie 1024x768 and just copied the html source
    from the pages just to test it but my movie just appears as
    1024x768 in the top left of the screen and doesnt reach to the far
    when that didnt work i checked out loads of tutorials and
    spent a whole day trying to figure out how to do it but to no
    does anybody have a clue what im doing wrong?
    thank you very much and i hope to hear from you.
    all the best,

    Hi Mark,
    First thing: in the HTML tab of the publish settings, set the
    dimensions to percent and choose 100 for width and height.
    Depending on your content, you might then need to play around
    with the scaling of the objects on stage. There's some info in the
    online help about this:
    http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/main/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=Liv eDocs_Parts&file=00000150.html

  • HOW can I get a GOOD copy of the iTunes software for my desktop?

    I solved MY corrupt firmware file problem!
    A little background- I deleted all Apple, iPod, and QuickTime software from my desktop PC and reloaded iTunes for the (I don't know how many) time. Same thing! Downloaded it again and used the "erase iTunes" option then reloaded again and had the same result. I then cranked up my old laptop and when I got to the Apple website, I was offered an opportunity to download QuickTime and took it. It came with iTunes if I wanted, so I took that too. After the download, I plugged in the Nano and it restored to Windows format. I did not want it to sync to the laptop, so I took it to the desktop and was able to sync with Nano and downloaded my tunes. TALK ABOUT HOKEY!
    WHY does the restore program have to be resident on MY PC or MAC anyway? Seems like I could just as simply download a current copy from Apple every time I want to restore.
    WHY doesn't Apple do something about this problem and let users know about the solution? Do they not want to grab a share of the Windows business? Here is an excellent opportunity!
    Now for my question.
    HOW can I get a GOOD copy of the iTunes software for my desktop? I now know it works! Is there a hidden file or folder I should delete before I make my next attempt to cleanup and download? Why isn't this information public?
    I spent over 30 years in the DP industry. PC is not my area of expertise, but this must be the most frustrating experience of my years.
    desktop   Windows XP  

    I THINK I have solved the problem. Can't be 100% because I don't want to try a restore. At least the Apple home page lites up correctly with quicktime now. It hadn't in the past.
    Thank you for your assistance. - LRB
    desktop   Windows XP  

  • Can't get Videos to run on the Internet

    Can't get Videos to run on the Internet. Clicked to watch a video and nothing happened. Sales person in Apple store said to get "Flip4Mac", free edition, which is what they used in store as the files on this site and in Windows Media. I downloaded it and I think I installed it. At least it said is was installed and updated. But when I went to my Son's favorite website, Nascar.com, when he clicked on a video to watch nothing happened. Anyone have any idea what's wrong?
    Thanks in advance for the help.....Nancy

    First off, I'll list all the items that I use to play, just about, all media on the web:
    (as you might have found out, Windows Media Player for the Mac is no longer supported)
    Real Player
    Adobe Flash
    All that being said, there is still some unplayable A/V content on the web. Even though it's listed as WMV, they are really processed with a codec that is underneath that wrapper, and unsupported by any of the above listed apps and plug ins. If any content like this is found on a high profile site, and is in wmv format, then the Flip4Mac people request to be told, so they can see if compatibility can be written in on their next update.
    Generally, video playback on a Mac can be somewhat complex. Would be nice if everyone used Quicktime, but I don't see that happening on the PC end of things anytime soon. So, we'll all just have to use what we can to view content.
    RE: learning Leopard....there are some tutorials on the Apple support site, but I've always found the suppot discussions to be pretty helpful. I've never been one to get a lot from manuals. Mostly, I get my knowledge from working with the apps I need, and getting advise from others who have done whatever. Occasionally, there's a class at the college that you might look into. Anyway, feel free to ask any questions you want on this forum, or drop me an email. [email protected]

  • How can I get a new copy of the Voicemail app for my LG Spectrum?

    How can I get a new copy of the Voicemail app for my LG Spectrum?  It no longer works....the screen say Loading please wait....the
    !Visual Voice Mail - A Visual Voice Mail error has occurred.  Please try again. OK   I've tryed several times with the same message.  I've
    deleted the app from my screen and replaced it from the Apps Library....still the same message.
    I cannot find an answer on MyVerizon.  Any ideas?
    Thank you,

    OK, at least 3 is working.
    I don't know how you have a Tape Recorder icon on your Home Screen. I cannot add one myself. But, I am running Holo Launcher in replacement of the default LG "Optimus" User Interface. It's much better in my opinion.
    Try long pressing the icon and select Edit and maybe you can change some attribute of the icon.
    Another thing you could do, is long-press an empty area of your desktop, to add an icon. Select Shortcut, then Select Contact, and scroll through your contact list and choose the contact that you added for *86.
    You realize if you have voice mail you haven't heard, there is a tape recorder icon in the notification bar, which you touch and pull down, then press it to dial voicemail.
    If that functionality doesn't work, you MIGHT want to consider doing a factory data reset on your device, but that is going to nuke all your personalizations and cause you work to set up again.

  • Is there a way to get a version of the Garage Band app that runs on version 5.1.1?  I have an iPad 1 and can't get any higher iOS.  The App store is telling me that Garage Band only runs on iOS 7.

    Is there a way to get a version of the Garage Band app that runs on version 5.1.1?  I have an iPad 1 and can't get any higher iOS.  The App store is telling me that Garage Band only runs on iOS 7.

    Unfortunately the answer is still no.

  • I had my ipod synced to an old computer that I no longer have how can i get all my stuff on the new itunes without erasing it

    I had my ipod synced to an old computer that I no longer have how can i get all my stuff on the new itunes without erasing it

    Most Windows users don't.
    Purchase an external hard drive and use the backup software that comes with it to backup files from your computer.
    Buy TouchCopy and install it on your new computer, connect your old iPod and transfer your songs to your computer.

  • I had an apple ID which I used for iCloud.  I upgraded the iCloud account and changed the apple ID to a @me address. Now I can't view what was in my original apple ID account.  How can I get what was stored on the original account?

    I had an Apple ID which I used for iCloud.  I upgraded the iCloud account and changed the apple ID to a @me address. Now I can't view what was in my original apple ID account.  How can I get what was stored on the original account?

    cathorio wrote:
    I recently changed my lap top. My problem is the new lap top won't accept my apple I D it asked me to sing up for a new one which I did.
    I am puzzled by this. The laptop doesn't need the Apple ID - but iTunes does. I could be missing something but ....
    Why would you not be able to use your existing Apple ID and iTunes account on a new laptop? If you authorized the computer - you should be able to use your existing account - unless you already had 5 computers authorized with the existing ID - and that was why iTunes would not accept the ID. However, I'm sure that you would have received a popup message from iTunes telling you that you had reached the limit.
    I just received a new MBP and my daughter did as well. My entire family shares an Apple ID and we had no issues at all with my Apple ID and iTunes on our new computers and I did not have to sign up for a new account. Did you even try the old ID?

  • I have a pioneer 50 inch plasma   I purchased new from the company back in 2005.   I tried to hook up an Apple Tv to the pioneer receiver that came with the TV.   I can not get it to work.   The receiver has two HDMI  inputs in the back.

    I have a pioneer 50 inch plasma + I purchased new from the company back in 2005.   I tried to hook up an Apple Tv to the pioneer receiver that came with the TV.   I can not get it to work.
    The receiver has two HDMI  inputs in the back.  However they say they are not for PC's.  Furthermore they must be set up by going to the home menu.    I tried everything, but I can not get the receiver to talk to the Apple TV. I even tried a connector that uses an HDMI to the Apple TV that has the other side of the cable as 5 RCA cables.  I could not get the receiver to see the Apple TV.   I have a newer TV in the house, it has no problem talking with the Apple TV.  But this older system seems to be handicapped in its ability to talk with the newer Apple TV system.
    My Email is [email protected] 
    Do you have any suggestions

    I could not access the Apple TV on the television.   If I put the Apple TV directly into by TV, I have an external sound system (entertainment system), therefore I worry that I would by pass the audio.
    Thanks for taking your time to attempt to help!   Any more suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  • How can I get an excel spreadsheet onto the iPad and make changes to it?  I need this for a meeting this afternoon.

    How can I get an excel spreadsheet onto the iPad and make changes to it during my meeting this afternoon?

    I just bought splashtop, you have to have your home computer online,and download the pc version.  I have used it ot watch movies and to "go to work" on my ipad.  It controls the desktop through the ipad.  Whiteboard by splashtop does that and more and is on sale.  The education director at the hospital I work at is using that one.
    Splashtop 4.99 remote desktop(or laptop) control. Whiteboard 9.99 is remote control and more 9.99

  • Ok, so I transferred my 3S info to my 4S by restoring from an old phone backup.  But SIRI is gone and god knows what else??  Can I get my old stuff into the new phone and keep the 4S new functionality?

    ok, so I transferred my 3S info to my 4S by restoring from an old phone backup.  But SIRI is gone and god knows what else??  Can I get my old stuff into the new phone and keep the 4S new functionality?

    I suspect unless he had some items in iCloud backup then they are gone.  Connecting an iPhone to a different library from that to which it was previously connected will result in the device asking if you want to erase it.

  • I moved iTunes folder location, now all my personal song ratings and playlists are gone.  How can I get them back?  All the iTunes files are intact, just in a new location.  Running iTunes

    I moved iTunes folder location, now all my personal song ratings and playlists are gone.  How can I get them back?  All the iTunes files are intact, just in a new location.  Running iTunes on Windows 7

    Put everything back the way it was.
    Them move the folder correctly.

  • Somehow my iTunes app has been put into the trash.  How can I get this and all of the stuff that was in it back to my Application folder?  I try to drag it out of trash, but it won't work.

    Somehow my iTunes app has been put into the trash.  How can I get this and all of the stuff that was in it back to my Application folder?  I try to drag it out of trash, but it won't work.

    Also, when I do try to drag it out of the Trash to put it back into Applications (on the Finder sidebar), it asks me to authenticate with the administration password.  I enter it, and then a window appears saying that I can't do that because I do not have permission to modify iTunes.  Please help.

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