Dynamic Field-Symbol assignment - Short Dump

Create three programs as mentioned:
REPORT  zforms.
*&      Form  form_fs_assign
*       text
FORM form_fs_assign.
  FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs> TYPE table.
  IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    fs_itab[] = <fs>[].
    LOOP AT fs_itab.
      WRITE / fs_itab-matnr.
    Write:/ sy-repid, 'field-symbol not assigned'.
ENDFORM.                    "form_fs_assign
REPORT zprogram1.
itab-matnr = '1111'.
APPEND itab.
itab-matnr = '2222'.
APPEND itab.
WRITE:/ sy-repid.
PERFORM form_fs_assign IN PROGRAM zforms.
SUBMIT zprogram2.
REPORT zprogram2.
*-- enter (ZPROGRAM1)ITAB[] in the variable and press enter
* the yellow icon stating that it doesn't exist appears
* but when the following form is called, it does checks
* the <fs> assign and doesnt gives any runtime error
* while in Pricing routine, the similar situation
* does gives the error
PERFORM form_fs_assign IN PROGRAM zforms.
*Execute zprogram1 and debug, works fine..*
*Execute zprogram2, (ZPROGRAM1)ITAB[] doesn't exist, still it doesn't leads to short dump*
*BUT, a very similar situation in a Pricing Requirment Routine leads to a short dump:*
*Runtime Error          GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED*
*ShrtText    Field symbol has not yet been assigned.*
*Pricing Routine Code Snippet:*
*-- {3. -
determine qualifying prior invoices in memory----
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_vbrk> TYPE table.
            FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_vbpa> TYPE table.
            FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_komv> TYPE table.
            DATA g_it_vbrk LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF vbrkvb WITH HEADER LINE.
            DATA g_it_vbpa LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF vbpavb WITH HEADER LINE.
            DATA: l_vbrk_lines TYPE i.
            ASSIGN ('(SAPLV60A)XVBRK[]') TO <fs_vbrk>. <- "Error occurs here
            ASSIGN ('(SAPLV60A)XVBPA[]') TO <fs_vbpa>.
            ASSIGN ('(SAPLV60A)XKOMV[]') TO <fs_komv>.
            g_it_vbrk[] = <fs_vbrk>.
            g_it_vbpa[] = <fs_vbpa>.
            g_it_komv[] = <fs_komv>.
            DESCRIBE TABLE g_it_vbrk LINES l_vbrk_lines.
            READ TABLE g_it_vbrk INDEX l_vbrk_lines.
** remember to make vkorg and vtweg check for vbrk invoices
            DELETE g_it_vbrk WHERE vbeln = g_it_vbrk-vbeln.
            DELETE g_it_vbpa WHERE vbeln = g_it_vbrk-vbeln OR parvw <> 'WE'.
            DELETE g_it_komv WHERE knumv = g_it_vbrk-vbeln OR kschl <> 'ZF02' OR kbetr = 0.

Hello friends,
The piece of code you suggested didn't work, and still led to the short dump.
I agree that XVBRK is not declared globally, and if it is a Table, and declared as global work area using Tables, we could have used it directly using ASSIGN (VBRK)...
But, since its not the case, I am not able to do so...
Still, my requirement remains the same. I have to get the invoices created (in memory) but not saved during a collective billing run.
And the required data is available in the (SAPLV60A)XVBRK internal table, from which I am able to retrieve it for the first time, but clicking on the conditions tab in the item details leads to this short dump, becs (SAPLV60A)XVBRK[] isn't available at that moment. Still, if it is not available I suppose it should just set the sy-subrc to 4 instead of ending into a short-dump.
Jürgen Hartwig,
I know ZPROGRAM 1 can't work in ZPROGRAM 2, but it doesnt leads to the short dump either, does it? But in case of pricing it gives the run time error, this is exception I want to handle!
XVBRK is not declared globally, but since SAPLV60A calls a perform in SAPLV61A, it remains in the ABAP stack and we can access it using (SAPLV60A)XVBRK[] kind of assignment.
When the same is called during Item Conditions display, its PBO is in the stack but not other forms (in which it might have defined).
Rich, is there a way to get all the variables available in scope at any instance during runtime?
Well, Jürgen, I though it Germany it was called "schmutzig zuweisen" :-)... by the way, the same method has been used at several places in standard SAP programs with the sy-subrc check.
Reference Data:
when the assignment happens successfully, the ABAP Stack looks similar to:
Call | Program   | Subroutine
10   | SAPLV61A  | some_subrountine
09   | SAPLV61A  | some_subrountine
08   | SAPLV61A  | some_subrountine
07   | SAPLV60A  | some_subrountine
06   | SAPLV60A  | some_subrountine
05   | SAPLV60A  | some_subrountine
04   | SAPLV60A  | some_subrountine
03   | SAPLV60A  | some_subrountine
02   | SAPLV60A  | some_XKOMV_AUBE..subrountine
01   | SAPLV60A  | PAI_some_subrountine
when the assignment doesnt happens, the ABAP Stack looks similar to:
04   | SAPLV61A  | some_subrountine
03   | SAPLV61A  | some_subrountine
02   | SAPLV61A  | some_subrountine
01   | SAPLV60A  | PBO_some_subrountine

Similar Messages

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    Hi everyone,
    I have a RFC FM and make a dynamic access via SYMBOL FIELD, declared as ANY TABLE. The problem is that sometimes I can get a structure instead of a table and then the error occurs. How do I handle this error if the check IS ASSIGN not work? How do I capture and return an error message?
    I tryed this:
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_tabela>  TYPE ANY TABLE.
                     ASSIGN (st_b2b_text-tabname) TO <fs_tabela>.   <<<<----
                  CATCH cx_root INTO v_erro.
                    v_text = v_erro->get_text( ).
                    MOVE v_text TO st_return-message.
                    APPEND st_return TO t_return.
                    PERFORM f_return_error_pi USING event.
                IF <fs_tabela> IS ASSIGNED.
                  CONCATENATE 'S' st_b2b_text-tabname INTO vl_wkarea.
                  CONDENSE vl_wkarea NO-GAPS.
                  ASSIGN (vl_wkarea) TO <fs_wkarea>.
                  IF <fs_wkarea> IS ASSIGNED.
                    LOOP AT <fs_tabela> ASSIGNING <fs_wkarea>.
                      ASSIGN COMPONENT c_posnr
                      OF STRUCTURE <fs_wkarea> TO <fs_posnr>.
    Does anyone have any tips?
    Marco Antonio
    from Brazil

    I solved with this test that I did:
    TABLES: vbak.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_ctrlimo,
             equnr          TYPE equnr,
             anln1          TYPE anln1,
             anln2          TYPE anln2,
             aufnr          TYPE aufnr,
             bukrs          TYPE bukrs,
             zanln1_andam       TYPE anln1,
             zanln2_andam       TYPE anln2,
           END   OF ty_ctrlimo.
    DATA: estrutura TYPE ty_ctrlimo,
          tabela    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_ctrlimo
                         INITIAL SIZE 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
          tabela2   TYPE TABLE OF ty_ctrlimo,
          variavel  TYPE char30.
    DATA: is_tabela.
    Evento: START-OF-SELECTION                                       ***
      PERFORM f_check_is_tabela USING 'TABELA' CHANGING is_tabela.
      WRITE: / '1 ', 'TABELA =', is_tabela.
      SKIP 1.
      PERFORM f_check_is_tabela USING 'TABELA2' CHANGING is_tabela.
      WRITE: / '2 ', 'TABELA2 =', is_tabela.
      SKIP 1.
      PERFORM f_check_is_tabela USING 'ESTRUTURA' CHANGING is_tabela.
      WRITE: / '3 ', 'ESTRUTURA =', is_tabela.
      SKIP 1.
      PERFORM f_check_is_tabela USING 'VARIAVEL' CHANGING is_tabela.
      WRITE: / '4 ', 'VARIAVEL =', is_tabela.
      SKIP 1.
      PERFORM f_check_is_tabela USING 'VBAK' CHANGING is_tabela.
      WRITE: / '5 ', 'VBAK =', is_tabela.
      SKIP 1.
    *&      Form  F_CHECK_IS_TABELA
    FORM f_check_is_tabela  USING  value(p_nome_tabela_estrutura)
                         CHANGING  p_is_tabela.
      DATA: lcls_strdscr  TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr,
            lcls_typdscr  TYPE REF TO cl_abap_typedescr.
      CLEAR: p_is_tabela.
      ASSIGN (p_nome_tabela_estrutura) TO <check>.
      lcls_typdscr ?= cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_data( <check> ).
      IF lcls_typdscr->type_kind = cl_abap_structdescr=>typekind_table.
        p_is_tabela = cl_abap_structdescr=>true.
      WRITE: / 'tipo data: ', lcls_typdscr->type_kind.
    ENDFORM.                    " F_CHECK_IS_TABELA

  • DATA_OFFSET_TOO_LARGE dump for field symbol assignment/offset

    I am getting a DATA_OFFSET_TOO_LARGE dump for field symbol assignment/offset.
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    Here <WA_FINAL> have to be 'TYPE any' to avoid assignment conflicts later in the logic.
    It's basically dumping at <WA_FINAL>+V_LEN(V_OFF) = WA_DATA-FIELD1.
    Please suggest how to get rid of this dump.

    The dump is very clear, your field is smaller than the offset.
    The problem is most likely how you are calculating v_len and v_off.
    You could change that, but there is probably an easier and faster way to do what you are trying there. Is <wa_final> something like a line from a file or what?

  • Field Symbol Assignment

    I have a doubt regarding the field symbol assignment.
    In my program, I have logic as below.
      ASSIGN (W_2NDCNTFLD) TO <FS2>.</b>
    While debugging, when I see the values of the Field Symbols <b><FS1></b> and <b><FS2></b> after assignment, they are <b>0, 0</b>. Why is it like that..?
    In general, what does a Field Symbol hold..? the value of the variable being assigned or the Memory location of that variable..?
    When I remove the paranthesis while assigning like below,
      <b>ASSIGN W_1STCNTFLD TO <FS1>.</b>
    it is storing the value of the variable(<b>E_INV_AGING_STRU-PDISCCNTP1</b>) to <b><FS1></b> instead of '0'.
    And what is the difference between   <b>ASSIGN (W_1STCNTFLD) TO <FS1></b> and   <b>ASSIGN W_1STCNTFLD TO <FS1></b>..? I mean, when we put paranthesis to the variable and when we remove the paranthesis.
    Please clarify my doubts. Thanks in advance.
    Thanks & Regards,

    when you use the paranthesis,(W_1STCNTFLD) actually equals to ('E_INV_AGING_STRU-PDISCCNTP1'),and the 'E_INV_AGING_STRU-PDISCCNTP1' must be the label of a data object,it can't be a string!
    please refer to the following document(coming from sap abap keywords document):
    Alternative 2
    ... [TABLE FIELD] (name)
    Alternative 3
    ... oref->(attr_name)
    Alternative 4
    ... {class|(class_name)}=>{attr|(attr_name)}
    There are three dynamic variants for mem_area, where the storage area is not specified directly, but as the content of character/type data objects enclosed within parentheses.
    In the first variant (name), the label in name is built exacltly like the direct specification. When the statement is executed, the content of name must be the label of a data object that can contain offset/length specifications, strucuture component selectors, and component selectors for the assignment of attributes in classes or objects (since Release 6.10). The content of name must be specified in uppercase letters.
    The optional addition TABLE FIELD before (name) is only possible outside of classes. This addition limits the search area - where the data object specified in (name) is searched for (see below) - to the interface work areas for the current program group declared using TABLES. If TABLE FIELD is specified, casting_spec and range_spec cannot be specified explicitly.
    If the label in name is a field symbol or a form parameter with an unstructured type, components can be addressed, as of Release 6.10, through structure component selectors. The components must exist when the statement is executed.
    The second variant oref->(attr_name) is a special case of the first variant for the assignment of an instance attribute to a field symbol - where the object reference variable oref is specified statically. The label of the attribute is specified dynamically in the character-type field attr_name and must not be specified in uppercase letters.
    The third variant {class|(class_name)}=>{name|(attr_name)} is a special case of the first variant for the assignment of a static attribute to a field symbol where the class name class and the name of the attribute name can be specified both directly and dynamically in character-type fields class_name or attr_name. The contents of attr_name and class_name do not have to be in uppercase letters. If the class name is specified dynamically and the attribute is specified directly, no offset/length specifications can be made for the attribute.
    If a data object is specified dynamically, this is searched for in accordance with the following hierarchy.
    Within the local data objects of the current procedure
    Within the attributes, visible in a method, of the actual class, where , in instance methods, the self reference me-> is set explicitly before the label
    Within the global data of the current program
    Within the interface work areas of the main program of the current program group declared with TABLES
    Within the attributes of the object to which oref refers, if the label has the expression oref-> (as of Release 6.10)
    Only for internal use can the label in name also have the form (PROG)DOBJ, whereby PROG is the name of an ABAP program and DOBJ is the name of a global data object of this program. If the program PROG is loaded during execution of the statement ASSIGN in the same internal mode as the current program is loaded, the data object (PROG)DOBJ in this program is searched for and the field symbol points to this data object after successful assignment.
    Dynamic access to an attribute of an object (Dynamic Access) through a field symbol.
        METHODS m1 IMPORTING oref TYPE REF TO object
                             attr TYPE string.
      METHOD m1.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS <attr> TYPE ANY.
        ASSIGN oref->(attr) TO <attr>.
        WRITE <attr> ...

  • Dynamic field symbol

    Hello :i would like to ask one favor , how can i define a field symbol, that can recieve a dynamic variable
    segment of code:
    CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
          it_fieldcatalog = it_fldcat
          ep_table        = it_dynamic.
      ASSIGN it_dynamic->* TO <dyn_table>.
    CREATE DATA wa_dynamic LIKE line of <dyn_table>.
      ASSIGN wa_dynamic->* TO <dyn_wa>. " this one 'wa_dynamic'  i need to sent to <dyn_wa>
    thanks a lot

    Generic Type Specification
    The following types allow you more freedom when using actual parameters. The data object only needs to have the selection of attributes specified.
    Check for data object
    No type specification
    All types of data object are accepted. The field symbol adopts all of the attributes of the data object.
    TYPE C, N, P, or X
    Only data objects with type C, N, P, or X are accepted. The field symbol adopts the field length and DECIMALS specification (type P) of the data object.
    The system checks whether the data object is a standard internal table. This is a shortened form of TYPE STANDARD TABLE (see below).
    The system checks whether the data object is an internal table. The field symbol inherits all of the attributes (line type, table type, key) from the data object.
    The system checks whether the data object is an index table (standard or sorted table). The field symbol inherits all of the attributes (line type, table type, key) from the data object.
    The system checks whether the data object is a standard internal table. The field symbol inherits all of the remaining attributes (line type, key) from the data object.
    The system checks whether the actual parameter is a sorted internal table. The field symbol inherits all of the remaining attributes (line type, key) from the data object.
    The system checks whether the actual parameter is a hashed internal table. The field symbol inherits all of the remaining attributes (line type, key) from the data object.
    If you specify a type generically, remember that the attributes inherited by the field symbol from the program are not statically recognizable in the program. You can, at most, address them dynamically.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF line,
             col1 TYPE c,
             col2 TYPE c,
           END OF line.
    DATA: wa TYPE line,
          itab TYPE HASHED TABLE OF line WITH UNIQUE KEY col1,
          key(4) TYPE c VALUE 'COL1'.
    ASSIGN itab TO <fs>.
    READ TABLE <fs> WITH TABLE KEY (key) = 'X' INTO wa.
    The internal table ITAB is assigned to the generic field symbol <FS>, after which it is possible to address the table key of the field symbol dynamically. However, the static address
    READ TABLE <fs> WITH TABLE KEY col1 = 'X' INTO wa.
    is not possible syntactically, since the field symbol does not adopt the key of table ITAB until runtime. In the program, the type specification ANY TABLE only indicates that <FS> is a table. If the type had been ANY (or no type had been specified at all), even the specific internal table statement READ TABLE <FS> would not have been possible.
    If you adopt a structured type generically (a structure, or a table with structured line type), the individual components cannot be addressed in the program either statically or dynamically. In this case, you would have to work with further field symbols and the method of assigning structures component by component.
    Specifying the Type Fully
    When you use the following types, the technical attributes of the field symbols are fully specified. The technical attributes of the data objects must correspond to those of the field symbol.
    Technical attributes of the field symbol
    TYPE D, F, I, or T
    The field symbol has the technical attributes of the predefined elementary type
    TYPE <type>
    The field symbol has the type <type>. This is a data type defined within the program using the TYPES statement, or a type from the ABAP Dictionary
    TYPE REF TO <cif>|DATA
    The field symbol is a reference variable for the class or interface <cif>, or for a data object.
    TYPE LINE OF <itab>
    The field symbol has the same type as a line of the internal table <itab> defined using a TYPES statement or defined in the ABAP Dictionary
    LIKE <f>
    The field symbol has the same type as an internal data object <f> or structure, or a database table from the ABAP Dictionary
    When you use a field symbol that is fully typed, you can address its attributes statically in the program, since they are recognized in the source code. If you fully specify the type of a field symbol as a reference or structured data object, you can address it as you would the data object itself, once you have assigned an object to it. So, for example, you could address the components of a structure, loop through an internal table, or create an object with reference to a field symbol.
    REPORT demo_field_symbols_type .
    DATA: BEGIN OF line,
             col1(1) TYPE c,
             col2(1) TYPE c VALUE 'X',
           END OF line.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs> LIKE line.
    ASSIGN line TO <fs>.
    MOVE <fs>-col2 TO <fs>-col1.
    The field symbol <FS> is fully typed as a structure, and you can address its components in the program.
    Attaching a structure to a field symbol
    The STRUCTURE addition forces a structured view of the data objects that you assign to a field symbol.
    The structure <s> is either a structured local data object in the program, or a flat structure from the ABAP Dictionary. <f> is a data object that must be assigned to the field symbol as a starting field. However, this assignment can be changed later using the ASSIGN statement.
    When you assign a data object to the field symbol, the system only checks that it is at least as long as the structure. You can address the individual components of the field symbol. It has the same technical attributes as the structure <s>.
    If <s> contains components with type I or F, you should remember the possible effects of alignment. When you assign a data object to a field symbol with a structure, the data object must have the same alignment, otherwise a runtime error may result. In such cases, you are advised to assign such data objects only to structured field symbols, which retain the same structure as the field symbol at least over the length of the structure.
    The STRUCTURE is obsolete; you should no longer use it. Field symbols defined using the STRUCTURE addition are a mixture of typed field symbols and a utility for casting to either local or ABAP Dictionary data types. If you want to define the type of a field symbol, include the TYPE addition in a FIELD-SYMBOLS statement. If you want to use casting, include the CASTING addition in an ASSIGN statement.
    Example using the obsolete STRUCTURE addition:
    DATA: wa(10) VALUE '0123456789'.
    DATA: BEGIN OF line1,
          END OF line1.
    DATA: BEGIN OF line2,
             col2 LIKE sy-datum,
          END OF line2.
                   <f2> STRUCTURE line2 DEFAULT wa.
    WRITE: / <f1>-col1, <f1>-col2, <f1>-col3,
           / <f2>-col1, <f2>-col2.
    Example using the correct syntax (TYPE and CASTING):
    DATA: wa(10) VALUE '0123456789'.
    DATA: BEGIN OF line1,
          END OF line1.
    DATA: BEGIN OF line2,
             COL2 LIKE sy-datum,
          END OF line2.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f1> LIKE line1.
    ASSIGN wa TO <f1> CASTING.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f2> LIKE line2.
    ASSIGN wa TO <f2> CASTING.
    WRITE: / <f1>-col1, <F1>-col2, <F1>-col3,
           / <f2>-col1, <F2>-col2.
    In both cases, the list appears as follows:
    012 34 56789
    01 2345/67/89
    This example declares two field symbols to which different structures are attached. The string WA is then assigned to each of them. The output shows that the field symbols assign the strings component by component according to the type of the components.

  • Internal - dynamic - field-symbols

    This is my requirement
    data in itab is
    NAME     ,  COUNT ,  STRTDATE,  ENDDATE, durinmin.
    a         123      10/1/08    10/1/08    12
    a         123      10/2/08    10/5/08    30
    a         123      10/3/08    10/8/08    15
    b         123      10/1/08    10/1/08    12
    b         123      10/2/08    10/5/08    30
    b         123      10/3/08    10/8/08    15
    to be displayed like
    name   count   10/1/08     10/2/08  10/3/08
    a     123      12          30        15
    b     123      12          30        15
    This is how I am coding...
    r_dyn_table TYPE REF TO data,
    r_wa_dyn_table TYPE REF TO data,
    r_dock_ctnr TYPE REF TO cl_gui_docking_container,
    r_alv_grid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
    t_fieldcat1 TYPE lvc_t_fcat, "with cell color
    t_fieldcat2 TYPE lvc_t_fcat, "without cell color
    wa_fieldcat LIKE LINE OF t_fieldcat1,
    wa_cellcolors TYPE LINE OF lvc_t_scol,
    wa_is_layout TYPE lvc_s_layo.
    <t_dyn_table> TYPE STANDARD TABLE,
    <wa_dyn_table> TYPE ANY,
    <t_cellcolors> TYPE lvc_t_scol,
    <w_field> TYPE ANY.
    data begin of itab
    NAME     ,
      COUNT     ,
    end of itab.
    build catalog
    form build_cat_for_table.
      data : fname(6) value 'Day'.
      data : cntr(3) type n, ctext(10).
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'NAME'.
      wa_fieldcat-inttype = 'C'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen = '32'.
      wa_fieldcat-coltext = 'Name'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext = wa_fieldcat-coltext.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat1.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'Wtavgtime'.
      wa_fieldcat-inttype = 'C'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen = '6'.
      wa_fieldcat-coltext = 'Wt Avg Time'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext = wa_fieldcat-coltext.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat1.
    *now add all the dates.
      loop at dtrange.
        cntr = 1.
        concatenate fname cntr into fname.
        ctext = dtrange-ddate.
        wa_fieldcat-fieldname = fname.
        wa_fieldcat-inttype = 'C'.
        wa_fieldcat-outputlen = '6'.
        wa_fieldcat-coltext = ctext.
        wa_fieldcat-seltext = wa_fieldcat-coltext.
        cntr = cntr + 1.
        clear fname.
        APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat1.
    form fill_data.
    data : fname(6) value 'Day'.
      data : cntr(3) type n, ctext(10).
      CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
      it_fieldcatalog = t_fieldcat1
      ep_table = r_dyn_table
      generate_subpool_dir_full = 1
      OTHERS = 2.
      IF sy-subrc ne 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
        WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      ASSIGN r_dyn_table->* TO <t_dyn_table>.
      CREATE DATA r_wa_dyn_table LIKE LINE OF <t_dyn_table>.
      ASSIGN r_wa_dyn_table->* TO <wa_dyn_table>.
    loop at itab.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT 'NAME' OF STRUCTURE <wa_dyn_table> TO <w_field>.
      <w_field> = itab-name.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT 'Wtavgtime' oF STRUCTURE <wa_dyn_table> TO <w_field>.
      <w_field> = itab-wtavgtime.
    cntr = 0.
        cntr = 1.
        concatenate fname cntr into fname.
      assign component fname of structure <wa_dyn_table> to <w_field>.
      <w_field> = itab-
    This is where I am stucked how to put the dates as the columns while displaying and then put the duration in the rows corresponding to the columns.
    Any help is appriciated.
    THERE ARE LOT OF EXAMPLES on forum but some how I am not able to grasp it in my code, may be my knowledge of field symbols falling short. I guess I need to use Header / field groups but not clicking me .
    Thanks in advance.

    I changed ur code a little.... i dont know whether it will work or not...
    But it will give u some idea...
    1. when preparing the Fieldcatalog.
    *now add all the dates.
    LOOP AT dtrange.
    *  cntr = 1.
    *  CONCATENATE fname cntr INTO fname.
      fname = dtrange-ddate.    "---u may need to change this (but give a date here)
      ctext = dtrange-ddate.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname = fname.
      wa_fieldcat-inttype = 'C'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen = '6'.
      wa_fieldcat-coltext = ctext.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext = wa_fieldcat-coltext.
      cntr = cntr + 1.
      CLEAR fname.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat1.
    2. When adding values...
    SORT itab BY name.
    LOOP AT itab.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT 'NAME' OF STRUCTURE <wa_dyn_table> TO <w_field>.
      <w_field> = itab-name.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT 'Wtavgtime' OF STRUCTURE <wa_dyn_table> TO <w_field>.
      <w_field> = itab-wtavgtime.
      cntr = 0.
    *  DO.
    *    cntr = 1.
    *    CONCATENATE fname cntr INTO fname.
    *    ASSIGN COMPONENT fname OF STRUCTURE <wa_dyn_table> TO <w_field>.
      fname = itab-strtdate.                  "---same thing here
      ASSIGN COMPONENT fname OF STRUCTURE <wa_dyn_table> TO <w_field>.
      IF <w_field> IS ASSIGND.
        <w_field> = itab-durinmin.
      AT END OF name.
        MODIFY <t_dyn_table> FROM <wa_dyn_table>.
    *  ENDDO.

  • Dynamic Field Symbols with Structures

    I am stuck on a piece of code and looking for some help.  I am trying to figure out how to assign values in a structure of a dynamically defined field symbol to the structure inside another dynamically defined field symbol.  Here is my code and some comments.  Basically I am uploading data via a flatfile and placing it into a dynamically defined field symbol.
    lr_area     TYPE REF TO cl_sem_planarea_attributes, 
    lr_t_data   TYPE REF TO data, 
    lr_s_data   TYPE REF TO data, 
    lr_s_chas   TYPE REF TO data, 
    lr_s_kyfs   TYPE REF TO data.
    <lt_data> TYPE STANDARD TABLE,    
    <ls_data> TYPE ANY,    
    <ls_chas> TYPE ANY,    
    <ls_kyfs> TYPE ANY.
    DATA: ls_chasel TYPE upc_ys_chasel,     
    ls_charng TYPE upc_ys_charng.
    <f> TYPE ANY,              
    <chas> TYPE TABLE,              
    <kyfs> TYPE ANY. 
    CALL METHOD cl_sem_planarea_attributes=>get_instance   
    EXPORTING       i_area      = i_area   
    RECEIVING       er_instance = lr_area. 
    CHECK sy-subrc = 0. 
    CREATE DATA lr_s_data TYPE (lr_area->typename_s_data). 
    ASSIGN lr_s_data->*   TO <ls_data>. 
    CREATE DATA lr_t_data TYPE (lr_area->typename_t_data). 
    ASSIGN lr_t_data->*   TO <lt_data>. 
    CREATE DATA lr_s_chas TYPE (lr_area->typename_s_chas). 
    ASSIGN lr_s_chas->*   TO <ls_chas>. 
    CREATE DATA lr_s_kyfs TYPE (lr_area->typename_s_kyfs). 
    ASSIGN lr_s_kyfs->*   TO <ls_kyfs>. 
    LOOP AT gt_file INTO ls_file.   
    CLEAR <ls_data>.   
    MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_file TO <ls_kyfs>. " Map key figures   
    MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_file TO <ls_chas>. " Map chars
    *    MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_file TO <ls_data>. " Map data
    *        ASSIGN COMPONENT 'ls_chas' OF STRUCTURE <ls_Data> TO <chas> .
    *        IF sy-subrc = 0.
    **          <chas> = <ls_chas>.
    *MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_chas> to <chas>.
    *        ENDIF.     
    <chas> = <ls_chas>.     
    LOOP AT <chas> INTO ls_chasel.     
    READ TABLE ls_chasel-t_charng INTO ls_charng INDEX 1.     
    IF sy-subrc = 0 AND ls_charng-option = 'EQ'.       
    ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_chasel-chanm OF STRUCTURE <ls_chas> TO <ls_data>.       
    IF sy-subrc = 0.         
    <ls_data> = ls_charng-low.       
    COLLECT <ls_data> INTO <lt_data>. 
    Ls_chasel has 2 components:
    Chanm (a char 30 which contains the component’s name)
    T_CHARNG (a table with values for chanm)
    Ls_data has 2 components:
    S_chas (a structure with a list of components and values – same list as would have)
    S_kyfs (a structure with a list of components and values – same list as would have)
    Lt_data is a table of ls_data
    I need to get the data in ls_chas into the ls_chas structure of ls_data and the ls_kyfs data into the ls_kyfs structure of ls_chas and append ls_chas to lt_data.  Anything that is commented out is something I tried that didn't work.  RIght now I get a dump at the 'loop at <chas> into ls_chasel' that the field symbol is not assigned.
    Thanks for your help!

    It looks like the the original poster didn't completely understand all he was doing. (This is why I always recommend getting an ABAP programmer in for what is, essentially, advanced ABAP programming, rather than someone "kind of familiar" with ABAP trying it - we're often available at very reasonable rates ).
    It seems he's using ito_chasel to set the fixed values (which is in fact quite smart!). What isn't required, so far as I can tell without implementing, are any of the statements involving <ls_kyfs> or <ls_chas>.
    The following should be sufficient (with the necessary declarations etc. - but really: omit <ls_kyfs> and <ls_chas> - I'm sure they're not needed and they confuse things).
    " Go through the data from the flat file
    LOOP AT gt_file INTO ls_file.
      CLEAR <ls_data>.
      " Transfer the characteristics
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_file TO <s_chas>.
      " Transfer the key figure
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_file TO <s_kyfs>.
      " Go through the fixed characteristic selections from the package
      LOOP AT ito_chasel INTO ls_chasel.
        " We only care about the first value (if there is one).
        READ TABLE ls_chasel-s_charng INTO ls_charng INDEX 1.
        " Check there is a first value and that it is fixed
        CHECK sy-subrc IS INITIAL AND ls_charng EQ 'EQ'.
        " Get access to that characteristic
        FIELD-SYMBOLS <fixed_value> TYPE ANY.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_chasel-chanm OF STRUCTURE <s_chas> TO <fixed_value>.
        " Make sure that it exists in the data structure
        CHECK sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
        " Set the value
        <fixed_value> = ls_charng-low.
      COLLECT <ls_data> INTO <lt_data>.

  • Field symbol assign problem

    Hi ,
    Please find below code when I tried in version 4.6 code works correctly . but in 6.0 it gives short dump..
      FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs_table> TYPE ANY TABLE.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs_work_area> TYPE yatsdzz00.
    ASSIGN pr_data_changed->mp_mod_rows->* TO <fs_table>.
    LOOP AT <fs_table> ASSIGNING <fs_work_area>. (In there system gives short dump)
    Thanks in advance.

    Use CASTING or CASTING TYPE (mytype) after LOOP AT <fs_table> ASSIGNING <fs_work_area>.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs_work_area> TYPE yatsdzz00.
    ASSIGN pr_data_changed->mp_mod_rows->* TO <fs_table>.
    LOOP AT <fs_table> ASSIGNING <fs_work_area> <b>CASTING or CASTING TYPE (mytype).</b>
    For more information click the below link:
    I hope it helps you.
    Reward points if it helps you.
    Rama chary.Pammi

  • Field Symbol -  Assign type conflict.

    Hi, i active successfully my program. This is the code:
    DATA ls_g_oref_appl(21) TYPE C.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_appl> TYPE REF TO cl_ftr_mj_appl.
    ls_g_oref_appl = '(SAPLTB4E)g_oref_appl'.
    ASSIGN (ls_g_oref_appl) TO <fs_appl>.
    But when i execute it, i get a dump with this message:
    "ASSIGN_TYPE_CONFLICT : You attempted to assign a field to a typed field symbol,but the field does not have the required type. "
    Also, i get sy-subrc = 0, so the field symbol <fs_appl> has a value assign.
    Any suggestions? I tried by changing the type of the field to ANY, but it didnt compile.
    Thanks for the help,

    Hi Daniel, I verified again the type of  g_oref_appl, and it is :  cl_ftr_mj_appl.  I check the top of the include and g_oref_appl is there :
    ' DATA g_oref_appl TYPE REF TO cl_ftr_mj_appl.  '
    Hi, Naren, also i tried with the TYPE ANY, but it doesnt compile.
    I notice this:
      CLASS cl_ftr_mj_appl DEFINITION ABSTRACT.
    Is there a problem with field symbols and abstracts class???
    Thanks for all your help,
    Edited by: Karla Tinoco on Mar 5, 2008 11:46 PM

  • Field Symbols Assign Type Conflict

        I am working on a BAdi Implementation and have the following code.
        <ls_attributes> TYPE dpr_ts_project_ext.
      ASSIGN cs_attributes TO <ls_attributes>  .
      CASE flt_val.
        WHEN cl_dpr_co=>sc_ot_project.
          <ls_attributes>-extended_attributes-ZZSOL_PRJ_ID = 'C0001'.
    This is the sample implementation code provided by SAP. However, when I implement the above code, the system dumps at the statement
    <i>  ASSIGN cs_attributes TO <ls_attributes> .</i>
    and cs_attributes is of type any.
    I tried the same code by adding "CASTING" at the end of above line. But, it still gives the dump. Below, is the dump message.
    The following error text was processed in the system BS3 : Error in ASSIGN in the program ZCL_IM_DPR_ATTRIBUTES=========CP .
    The error occurred on the application server acequad_BS3_30 and in the work process 0 .
    The termination type was: RABAX_STATE
    The ABAP call stack was:
    Form: SET_DEFAULTS_UPON_CREATION of program CL_DPR_PROJECT================CP
    Form: SET_DEFAULTS_UPON_CREATION of program CL_DPR_PROJECT_O==============CP
    Form: CONSTRUCTOR of program CL_DPR_PROJECT_O==============CP
    Form: CREATE of program CL_DPR_BSP_APPLICATION========CP
    Form: DO_HANDLE_EVENT of program CL_DPR_BSP_C_TOOLS============CP
    Any ideas on how to use field symbols in the above context??

    Hi Rajesh,
    The reason it is dumping is because the actually type of the variable passed in CS_ATTRIBUTES is not fixed this is why they have specified it's type as type any.
    The sample code in this regard is not correct, you should fist check the value of FLT_VAL to determine what type of variable CS_ATTRIBUTES actually is.
    In the BADI documentation there is a list of values for field FLT_VALUE and the corresponding data type of CS_ATTRIBUTES for that value (According to the documentation the data type for FLT_VAL sc_ot_project is DPR_TS_PROJECT_INT).
    <ls_attributes> TYPE dpr_ts_project_int.
    <i><b>* ASSIGN cs_attributes TO <ls_attributes> .</b></i>
    CASE flt_val.
    WHEN cl_dpr_co=>sc_ot_project.
      <i><b>ASSIGN cs_attributes TO <ls_attributes> .</b></i>
                = 'C0001'.
    In this example you will ultimately end up with multiple field symbols for representing the CS_ATTRIBUTES parameter, one field symbol for each filter value you intend handling.
      De Wildt

  • Problem with slis_t_specialcol_alv Field Symbol Assignment

    I have created a dynamic internal table (runtime determined number of columns) to contain data to be displayed in an ALV. I’ve also made ensured that the last column of the dynamic itab is of type <b>'slis_t_specialcol_alv'</b> and named <b>‘CINFO’</b> to contain color information for that particular row. In the code below the dynamic itab is pointed to by field symbol <dyn_table> while the work area for it would be <dyn_wa>.
    Somewhere down the line I attempt to assign the ‘CINFO’ component of the current row of the itab to a field symbol called <fs_cinfo> typed as ‘slist_t_specialcol_alv’ (Same as CINFO).
    I used the code:
    This gives me the runtime error:
    <i>Type conflict in the ASSIGN statement in the program "ZHRR001_TEMMATRIX".
    You attempted to assign a field to a typed field symbol,
    but the field does not have the required type.    </i>     
    I am unsure why this happens as both the component CINFO and FS <fs_cinfo> are of type slist_t_specialcol_alv.
    For some odd reason though during debugging, I took a look at the <dyn_wa> structure and the component type of CINFO was displayed as “C”???
    Here is the relevant portion of code (creation of dynamic itab and attempting to assign <fs_cinfo>)
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_cinfo> TYPE slist_t_specialcol_alv.
    DATA: lw_cinfo TYPE slis_specialcol_alv.
    DATA:          li_fldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat,
                   lw_fldcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat.
    *Create internal table fields (they will be called Field1, Field2, etc)
    *Last column will be named 'CINFO' to contain row color information
    DO l_alvcolumncount TIMES.
      index = sy-index.
      IF index <> l_alvcolumncount.
        CLEAR lw_fldcat.
        CONCATENATE 'Field' index INTO lw_fldcat-fieldname .
        CONDENSE lw_fldcat-fieldname NO-GAPS.
        lw_fldcat-datatype = 'STRING'.
    *    lw_fldcat-intlen = 5.
        APPEND lw_fldcat TO li_fldcat .
        CLEAR lw_fldcat.
        lw_fldcat-fieldname = 'CINFO'.
        CONDENSE lw_fldcat-fieldname NO-GAPS.
        lw_fldcat-datatype = 'slis_t_specialcol_alv'.
        APPEND lw_fldcat TO li_fldcat.
    * Create dynamic internal table and assign to FS
    CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
        it_fieldcatalog = li_fldcat
        ep_table        = new_table.
    ASSIGN new_table->* TO <dyn_table>.
    *Create dynamic work area and assign to FS
    CREATE DATA new_line LIKE LINE OF <dyn_table>.
    ASSIGN new_line->* TO <dyn_wa>.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT 'CINFO' OF STRUCTURE <dyn_wa> TO <fs_cinfo>.
    * Color this cell
      lw_cinfo-fieldname = fieldname.
      lw_cinfo-color-col = 6.
      APPEND lw_cinfo TO <fs_cinfo>.
    Message was edited by: Sow Yong Wong

    Hello Sow
    There is a big problem in the program: you are mixing types used for FM-based ALV (SLIS_...) and ABAP-OO based ALV (LVC_...).
    For ABAP-OO based row colouring you have to define your itab like this:
    TYPES: ty_s_outtab.
      INCLUDE TYPE kna1. " just an example
    TYPES: rowcolor(4)  TYPE c.
    TYPES: END OF ty_s_outtab.
    TYPES: ty_t_outtab TYPE STANDARD TABLE of ty_s_outtab
                       WITH DEFAULT KEY.
    In the layout (LVC_S_LAYO) you have to set <b>ls_layout-info_fname = 'ROWCOLOR'</b>.
    ROWCOLOR has to be filled according to <b>Cxyz</b> whereas
    - x = color
    - y = inverse on/off
    - z = intensified on/off
    For documentation please refer to <a href="https://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/e8a1d690-0201-0010-b7ad-d9719a415907">An Easy Reference to ALV Grid Control</a>

  • Read dynamic field symbol Work Area before append to dynamic table

    Hi experts:
    I have a dynamic work area but before doing an append to the dynamic table, I need to do some validation on some fields of the work area in order to decide to append it or not, but I don't know how...
    More or less this is the example
    loop at so_kschl.
        field = so_kschl-low.
        if <t_dyntable>-field = 0. "if the value of this field in dinamic table is 0.
    don't append
           APPEND <fs_dyntable> TO <t_dyntable>.  
    Thank you very much for your help.

    Check this example, you read the component of the dynamic work area and assign it to a field-symbols. In this case, I validate that the entry is always 'a'.
    DATA: i_lvc TYPE lvc_t_fcat WITH HEADER LINE,
          i_table TYPE REF TO data,
          l_style TYPE lvc_fname,
          l_warea TYPE REF TO data,
          l_name(7) VALUE 'VARCHAR'..
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs> TYPE table,
                  <fs2> TYPE ANY,
                  <fs3> TYPE ANY.
      i_lvc-fieldname = 'Varchar'.
      i_lvc-inttype = 'C'.
      i_lvc-intlen = 1.
      APPEND i_lvc.
      CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
      it_fieldcatalog = i_lvc[]
      ep_table = i_table
      e_style_fname = l_style.
      ASSIGN i_table->* TO <fs>.
      CREATE DATA l_warea LIKE LINE OF <fs>.
      ASSIGN l_warea->* TO <fs2>.
      <fs2> = p_char.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT l_name OF STRUCTURE <fs2> TO <fs3>.
      IF <fs3> = 'a'.
        WRITE: 'Component VARCHAR is a'.
    *  APPEND <fs2> TO <fs>.
        WRITE: 'Component VARCHAR is not a'.

  • Modifying value of dynamic field-symbol

    I have a requirement in which i need to access columns of a dynamic internal table , manipulate and update back to the dynamic internal table
    Names of the columns are also not fixed. This i am determing at the runtime.
    Following is the code used :
    Loop at <dyn_table> assigning <dyn_wa>.
    lv_field = p_fields " This is the field i am taking from the selection screen which needds to be manipulated.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT lv_field OF STRUCTURE <dyn_wa> TO <fs_value>.
    refresh itab.
    split <fs_value> at ',' into table itab.
    loop at itab.
    assign other fields of the source package to new splited table.
    ASSIGN <dyn_wa> TO <dyn_wa1>.
    I have to assign the valuein itab to the third field in field symbols.
    ( so the code would be added here)*******************
    append <dyn_wa1> to <dyn_table1>.
    Kindly suggest some solution for this above requiremnt.

    Just try to use the below codes in appropriate place and let me know if further issues..
    LOOP AT itab.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT 3 OF STRUCTURE <dyn_wa1> to <fs_value>.
      CLEAR : <fs_value>.
      <fs_value> = itab-field name.
      APPEND <dyn_wa1> TO <dyn_table1>.

  • Read Dynamic Field Symbol

    Hello ,
    I have a field symbol where i am not aware of fields (Column Name) , i mean column names are Dynamic.
    Problem is i need to read this field symbol value , how can i do it . It will always have 1 record
    Field Symbol looks something like this
    <FS> Column Name dynamic -
    A B C
    1 2 3
    So now i have to refer to Second Column (i.e. is B in this case) , how should i do
    What i tried .
    1. <FS>-(Column Name in variable in brackets) - It doesnt work , Error Message unable to interpret the number B
    2. <FS>[1] - Error out.

    For a structured data object <s>, you can use the statement
    to assign one of its components <comp> to the field symbol <FS>. You can specify the
    component <comp> either as a literal or a variable. If <comp> is of type C or a structure which
    has no internal tables as components, it specifies the name of the component. If <comp> has any
    other elementary data type, it is converted to type I and specifies the number of the component.
    In the assignment is successful, SY-SUBRC is set to 0. Otherwise, it returns 4.

  • Read Data from the dynamic Field Symbol with key ?

    Dear All,
    I've  2 dynamic internal tables in the form of field symbols.
    Now,I want to loop the item field symbol, read the header field symbol content and then move the corresponding into a final field symbol.
    How to read the field symbol with key ?
    When I'm trying to give the key clause in the paranthesis it's giving a syntax error.
    Any clues ?
    FYI .....
    * Get the Dynamic Field and Value for the Date/Year and convert it into Year value
      LOOP AT <fs_t_son> ASSIGNING <wa_son>.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT gwa_znrows_def-fieldname OF STRUCTURE <wa_son> TO <fs_year>.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          CLEAR gv_string.
          MOVE <fs_year> TO gv_string.
          CLEAR gv_year.
          gv_year = gv_string.
          <fs_year> = gv_year.
    * When the Date/year Field is not in the Table then -->
    * Get the Dynamic Field and Value
          ASSIGN COMPONENT gwa_znrows_def-kfldname OF STRUCTURE <wa_rson> TO <fs_value>.
    * Populate field for Dynamic Where condition
          CLEAR gv_value.
          CONCATENATE '''' <fs_value> '''' INTO gv_value.
          CONCATENATE gwa_znrows_def-kfldname '=' gv_value INTO gt_where SEPARATED BY space.
          APPEND gt_where.
          CLEAR gt_where.
          READ TABLE <fs_t_rson> ASSIGNING <wa_rson> ( gt_where ).  "Key clause
        ENDIF.  " if sy-subrc = 0.  "Assign
    Thanks & regards,

    TYPES: BEGIN OF line,
             col1 TYPE c,
             col2 TYPE c,
           END OF line.
    DATA: wa TYPE line,
          itab TYPE HASHED TABLE OF line WITH UNIQUE KEY col1,
          key(4) TYPE c VALUE 'COL1'.
    ASSIGN itab TO <fs>.
    READ TABLE <fs> WITH TABLE KEY (key) = 'X' INTO wa.
    The internal table itab is assigned to the generic field symbol <fs>, after which it is possible to address the table key of the field symbol dynamically. However, the static address
    READ TABLE <fs> WITH TABLE KEY col1 = 'X' INTO wa.
    is not possible syntactically, since the field symbol does not adopt the key of table itab until runtime. In the program, the type specification ANY TABLE only indicates that <fs> is a table. If the type had been ANY (or no type had been specified at all), even the specific internal table statement READ TABLE <fs>  would not have been possible from a syntax point of view.

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