"Edit this Bookmark" not working with two separate "bugs" in 8.1 and 10041 partitions (Nightly). FF x86 ( on Vista) works correctly.

An older bug is when I try to create a new folder; the currently selected folder becomes "edit mode"(highlighted) instead of creating a "New folder" in edit mode. Clip 1.
The newer bug is when I select a folder in which to place the desired shortcut; after [Done] the shortcut stays in [Unsorted Bookmarks]
Clips 2-5 in order.
This has been happening for about 3 days now and persists through nightly updates. Currently 40.0a1 (2015-04-26)

There is always the possibility that things are broken with Nightly alpha 1 builds.
It can take some time before those regressions are fixed, but that is the risk you run.
*Bug 1158553 - Bookmark has wrong localization info when editing it by star button
You can keep an eye on the "The Official Win32 xxxxxxxx builds are not yet out" threads in the mozillaZine Builds forum and reports issues in such a thread.

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    I did figure out the problem.... at least  it worked for us (with no help
    from Adobe). I attached the audio to an object on the first slide (a
    transparent box), as opposed to on the slide itself, and that fixed the
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    Message was edited by: Captiv8r - Removed Trailer containing SPAM bait.

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    BPELProcess State
    BPEL1 0
    BPEL2 0
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    Edited by: 850101 on Nov 14, 2012 2:10 PM

    850101 wrote:
    DB adaptor ... check for the state 0 ... changes it to 1 ... changes the state back to 0 ...BPEL will allways work in a transaction... So the change to 1 in the middle of the transaction doesn't make much sense, it will never be visible by other threads...
    I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve with that construction but I would say DbAdapter/Bpel wasn't designed to work like that... The results will be unpredictable, as you noticed yourself on your tests...
    If you need a BPEL to be invoked every two minutes you may have a look at using a scheduler...

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fpc3624462=v21Hu78u|UGxHY6uLaa|fses1000462=|r7Si5YuLaa|v21Hu78u|fvis1000462=ZT1odHRwJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnlhaG9vLmNvbSUyRiZmPWh0dHAlM0ElMkYlMkZuZXdzLnlhaG9vLmNvbSUyRmJsb2dzJTJGbG9va291dCUyRm1heWEtYW5nZWxvdS1zYXlzLW1lbW9yaWFsLW1ha2VzLW1say1sb29rLWFycm9nYW50LTE1MzkzMDc5OS5odG1sJmI9TWF5YSUyMEFuZ2Vsb3UlMjBzYXlzJTIwbWVtb3JpYWwlMjBtYWtlcyUyME1MSyUyMGxvb2slMjAlRTIlODAlOThhcnJvZ2FudCVFMiU4MCU5OSUyMCU3QyUyMFRoZSUyMExvb2tvdXQlMjAtJTIwWWFob28hJTIwTmV3cw==|8M8To70sH0|8M8To70sH0|8M8To70sH0|s|8M8To70sH0|8M8To70sH0; fpc10003624462=8_gl9_MH|rUwkZ8uLaa|fses10003624462=|rUwkZ8uLaa|8_gl9_MH|fvis10003624462=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|8|8|8|s|8M8T7MY7s8|8; fpc100026140356=NwWsMjca|s34jofELaa|fses100026140356=|EOOJejvLaa|NwWsMjca|fvis100026140356=ZT1odHRwJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnlhaG9vLmNvbSUyRiZmPWh0dHAlM0ElMkYlMkZuZXdzLnlhaG9vLmNvbSUyRmJsb2dzJTJGZW52b3klMkZsaWJ5YS1yZWJlbC1jb21tYW5kZXItY29udGVuZHMtdG9ydHVyZWQtcmVuZGVyZWQtY2lhLTE1MzAzNzg1MC5odG1sJmI9TGlieWElMjByZWJlbCUy.

    * [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Menu_differences Firefox (Tools) > Options] > Advanced > General : Accessibility : [ ] "Warn me when web sites try to redirect or reload the page"
    * [[Options window - Advanced panel#General_tab]]
    See also:
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/accessibility.blockautorefresh

  • Bootcamp not Working Correctly on Macbook Pro

    I am trying to install Windows 7 or 8 onto my Macbook Pro with Bootcamp.
    Once I have opened the Bootcamp program it all works fine and I can go through the steps perfectly, it will appear to partition the HDD correctly and it will recognise the Windows install DVD correctly.
    However, once my Macbook Pro restarts at the end of the process it boots up and the screen stays white, nothing happens and since I have a gaming keyboard and mouse the lights light up on it for about 5 seconds when it restarts then they go off (Off meaning they aren't powered). The screen will stay white for aslong as I can tell, I left it for 3 hours and the screen was still white.
    So I thought there may be a problem with how it selects the the startup disk, so I boot it up into disk utility then select the DVD again and it stays white, again.
    Anyone know why this is not working correctly? I have tired this with mutliple install DVD's whether they be Windows 8 or Windows 7. I also do not want to use a program that creates a virtual machine, I would like to run Windows 7 to the full so that I can play games with the maximum amount of FPS.
    If you have any questions do not hesitate to let me know.
    Thank you for your time.
    Best Regards,
    Kieran J.

    Does it now work only on battery? or using the power supply?
    If only on the power supply use a grounded plug.
    Otherwise try reseating touchpad cable. Post the size and year of your MBP.

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    One is personal the other is business.
    When I send emails from the BUSINESS address, any auto-replies/out of office notices I get come to my PERSONAL INBOX.
    I imagine that this is a setting? Please help!

    Edit the SMTP server list. Add a new one for the business account. Put the correct password and information for it. Give it a description so you will know which server is which. Mke sure the correct server is highlighted in the account selected and check the box to use only that server for that account. Do that for the other account also.

  • Preview with light or shade editing function is not working (black or white picture)

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    Whenever I use the light or shade editing function, the picture in the preview is getting completely black or white. If I close the editing screen, the normal preview is working with the edited picture.
    I repaired the iphoto library, I tried to reinstall iphoto, I did a SMC reset but nothing worked. Yesterday, reinstalled my complete system and reinstalled iphoto but even this did not work.
    Has anybody an idea how to deal with this problem? Is there a kind of BIOS funktion to activate or to deactivate like graphics boost or something like that? It would be great if anyone has an idea because editing photos efficiently is hard with my problem.
    Thank you very much!

    On the contrary, or at least I think so. If I remember it correctly, you can simply go to the top menu bar and click 'Photo',  'Edit in',  'Edit in Adobe Photoshop'  and it will put your panorama in Photoshop so you can simply continue working on it. Hope it does the trick!

  • Can someone tell me why Apple cannot produce a Scabble game that works on Mountain Lion. So frustrated that this is not happening with all the technology available.

    Can someone tell me why Apple cannot produce a Scabble game that works on Mountain Lion. So frustrated that this is not happening with all the technology available.

    The only companies that can make a Scrabble game are the companies that own the rights to the game; Hasbro owns the rights in the US & Canada, Mattel owns the rights outside of the US & Canada.
    You need to be speaking to those two companies.

  • I have a mac osx version 10.6.8 no windows and i am trying to install a program but keep getting can not run in dos mode  ( the disk says on back works on intel mac with parallels or vm fusion) is this program not compatible with my mac?

    i have a mac osx version 10.6.8 no windows installed and i am trying to install a program but keep getting can not run in dos mode  ( the disk says on back works on intel mac with parallels or vm fusion) is this program not compatible with my mac?

    You run Windows in Parallels or Fusion. Then in Windows you install the program.

  • HT3231 transfer files to my new iMac system 10.8.3, 9 pin firewire. Apple sold me FireWire 9-6 with a Thunderbolt to FireWire Adapter.  This will not work, do i need a different cable?

    I have a G4 with system 10.4.11 and a 6 pin firewire trying to transfer files to my new iMac system 10.8.3, 9 pin firewire. Apple sold me FireWire 9-6 with a Thunderbolt to FireWire Adapter.  This will not work, do i need a different cable?

    Apple Thunderbolt to FireWire Adapter
    Then it sounds like the FW800 to 400 adapter just gets in the way. You don't have FW800 case? on my MDD G4 I added and used FW800 controller and cases from OWC and Sonnet.

  • When I try to Bookmark a new page, I do not get the "Page Bookmarked or Edit This Bookmark" window. I t does place the site into my bookmarks but I have to go to "organize" bookmarks in order to put it where it belongs.

    When I try to Bookmark a new page, I do not get the "Page Bookmarked or Edit This Bookmark" window. I t does place the site into my bookmarks but I have to go to "organize" bookmarks in order to put it where it belongs.

    How are you saving a new bookmark?
    There 5 ways to save a new Bookmark in Firefox, the first 4 should offer to save the new bookmark in a folder:
    2. Right-click and select Bookmark this Page.
    3. Bookmarks > Bookmark this Page
    4. Double-click the Star that is on the right side of the Location bar.
    4a. (A single-click on the Star will save the new Bookmark to the Unsorted Bookmarks folder, without opening the Edit this Bookmark dialog.)
    5. Drag the website image in the URL bar into the Sidebar view of Bookmarks
    or to the Bookmarks menu bar item and then into the drop-down or onto the Bookmarks Toolbar

  • Email messages from my icloud account update on all my devices showing if they have been read and if a reply has been sent.  This does not happen with my tinyworld (TalkTalk) email account.  Can I (how can I) get this to work with TinyWorld?

    Email messages from my icloud account update on all my devices showing if they have been read and if a reply has been sent.  This does not happen with my tinyworld (TalkTalk) email account.  Can I (how can I) get this to work with TinyWorld?

    You have to look at the email protocol being used.  the Apple email system uses IMAP, does Tinyworld use IMAP or POP?
    Does the email system permit delivery receipts to be requested?
    Just some of the things one needs to determine from the information provided by the email service provider.

  • I bought iphone 5c 4-5 days back from india and today back button of this phone not working, i am totally dissatisfy with the apple service support. i want replacement

    (i bought iphone 5c 4-5 days back from india and today back button of this phone not working, i am totally dissatisfy with the apple service support. i want replacement.)
    Hello i am nitin from india, i purchased a iphone5c because i heard that iphone comes with a great coustmer service, but this statment becomes totally wrong today, when i faced coustmer executive at service center of iphone then he said that i have to check it out and it may be a physical damage, ( how it is possible even i carried this phone with anti shock cover guard and its never fall down from my hand.) the simple thing i know that i want my phone replaced, otherwise it would be a great mistake of my life to purchase an iphone.
                                                                                          Thanks to all apple team for your wonderful service,

    Welcome to the user to User Technical Support Forum provided by Apple.
    For your issue... See here...
    Contacting Apple World Wide for Support and Service
    Apple Warranty  >  http://www.apple.com/legal/warranty/
    iPhone Warranty  >  The warranty is only valid in the country of original purchase... Except for EU Countries...

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