Enhancement request: Checkbox item - Default all checked

When a page item with a display type of Checkbox is used in the WHERE clause of a report region (to show rows only if the corresponding checkbox is checked using the INSTR(item_name,column_name)>0 technique), it is frequently useful to render the page for the first time with all checkboxes checked.
The only way I found to render a checkbox item with all values checked is to specify its "Source" attribute as a PL/SQL function body with
l_retval varchar2(4000);
for rec in (select d,r from <lov_query>) loop
   l_retval := l_retval || ':' || rec.r;
end loop;
return ltrim(l_retval,':');
end;I don't like this solution because the LOV query is specified twice on the item properties page (in the LOV section and in this Source attribute). You need to remember to change it in both places.
I think Apex should have a easier method to declaratively specify that checkbox-based items should be initially rendered with all values checked.

Hello Vikas,
Why not using an onLoad JavaScript code to mark your checkboxes?
I was thinking about something similar to the check all checkboxes script, but target it to a specific item, and fired it on load.
If you are using Px_ITEM1 as your checkbox item, the first option will always get the ID of Px_ITEM1_0. Using that, how about something like this:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
<!-- Hide
function markBoxes(pItem){
  var itemId = pItem + '_0';
  var checkboxElm = $x(itemId).parentNode;
  var boxOption = checkboxElm.getElementsByTagName('input');
  for (var i=0; i < boxOption.length; i++) {
    boxOption.checked = true;
// End Hide -->
This way you can keep only one LOV query, and because the tag name search is limited to one item, only its options will be checked.

Similar Messages

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    As much as I love Apex and think it is the greatest thing since sliced bread (what's so great about sliced bread anyway!), after one gains a certain amount of proficiency with using the tool, one realizes that there are many areas where the Builder application simply gets in your way. You know exactly what you want to do, you know how to do it, but the Apex Builder doesn't support a "do this 20 times" feature!
    For instance
    1. Deleting multiple pages - This came up on another thread recently. The Builder makes you click 2 buttons (Delete and Confirm) to delete a page and then takes you to page 0 (or the previous page or something) and then you need to go back to the next page and repeat the process.
    There should be a "delete multiple pages" feature in the Builder
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    I would prefer that it has a honking big textarea where I could dump all the links at once and it creates all the list entries at once. I could always go and tweak individual entries if I like.
    Same thing for adding to other Shared components like LOVs, breadcrumbs, tabs, etc. I am not saying a textarea-based interface would work for everything, but anything has to be better than doing it one by one.
    3. Access to the Report Column Attributes page - This is too painful to access.
    Click on Edit page, click on Report, click on the column you want. 3 clicks!
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    That's all that comes to mind at this time, I am sure others will have more.

    Mike: Thanks for responding.
    1. You misunderstand what I wrote about report columns. Marc Sewtz understood what I meant at Re: Enhancement request: Quick edit links for column attributes
    is very easy to bulk change (on the back end); the hard part is devising the proper screens for bulk change (font end)
    2. Absolutely, agree 100%. Which is why it might make sense for Oracle to expose metadata manipulation APIs (apex_metadata package similar to dbms_metadata!) so that power users can effect changes to the application metadata without going through the Builder at all!
    We talked about this at Bulk edit items
    Many of the application reports allow for bulk change operations
    Right, but realistically speaking, you can never anticipate and build screens for all the things we would like to do. Which is why a command-line API would be invaluable.
    Just recently, I needed to change a bunch of HTML regions' templates in a application from Report Region to Hide/Show template. I couldn't find an application report/bulk edit page that let me do this, it was quite painful to do in the Builder.
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    If you or others have UI sugestions
    3. As you may know, whenever I think of something that the Apex product could benefit from (an enhancement request IMHO), I post a thread on the forum with a subject line that clearly indicates as such.
    To summarize, here they are:
    Re: Enhancement request: Validation attached to process
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    Re: Enhancement request: Branch report
    Re: Enhancement request (for Help text)
    Re: Report with Tabs - Enhancement Request?
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    Enhancement Request: Create linked buttons
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    Enhancement request: Named anchors for items
    Re: Enhancement Request - Named Branches
    Enhancement request: Assign build option to a page group
    Enhancement request: Checkbox item - Default all checked
    Enhancement request: Include application-level events
    Re: Command line API
    Is that enough? :-)

  • CHECKBOX: how to default on checked all items

    i have an item displayed as checkbox using named LOV.
    how can i set this item having all elements selected (or checked) as default?
    can anyone help me on this? im just a newbie here :(
    THANKS in advance!

    you need to use same context attribute for both the fields and you have to use on Enter event handler for Actual day field and when you press enter then only on Enter will be called on the actual day field and populate the same value in the other field
    Bala Duvvuri

  • Checkbox item: How to get all values checked?

    See http://htmldb.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=24317:46
    The report query is simply
    'One' one,
    'Two' two,
    'Three' three,
    'Four' four
    from dualThe checkbox item is a named static LOV with STATIC2:ONE,TWO,THREE,FOUR and a Source value of ONE:TWO:THREE:FOUR so that all boxes appear checked when the page is first rendered.
    All the 4 columns have a column condition like
    instr(':'||:P46_COLS||':',':ONE:') > 0to ensure that column is rendered only if the corresponding checkbox is checked.
    The report has Dynamic column headings with the following PL/SQL function body
    return 'ONE:TWO:THREE:FOUR';To my (pleasant) surprise, this works very nicely. When column TWO is conditionally not rendered, its corresponding column heading is also skipped with no effort on my part. Nice.
    Instead of "hard-coding" that string ONE:TWO:THREE:FOUR in the 2 places I mentioned above (checkbox item source and report heading), is there a way to access the "all values checked" version of that LOV item so that it will dynamically pick up the latest LOV changes? The way I have done it currently, if I change the named LOV, I need to also change those 2 places where I have hardcoded the values.
    Any ideas? Thanks

    I thought about that but the LOV has dozens of values, each with a verbose display value and a return value of the column name (upto 30 characters) and the display values are still being "worked on" by the users.
    So, the "all columns" string would be a big, unweildy string that would be hard to edit.
    It is much easier to edit, resequence and generally work with a Shared Component LOV defined as a Static LOV because you get that nice page (4000:4111) where you can read everything nicely formatted instead of a STATIC2:<big long string>!
    Can I have my cake and eat it too?!

  • Saving all checked menu items before closing the vi (.exe) panel to a file & restoring it later

    Hello all,
    I am using a customized menu bar for my labview application. I need to have a feature to save the context of the entire menu bar before closing the vi and also to restore it  later on reopening. Basically I have given menu items which get "checked" upon user selection. Is there any efficient way to handle this?..Though I have seen an example (under default examples which come with labview) of context saving for controls and indicators, but it is becoming tedious for menu bar as it has a lot of menu items to be saved.
    Please suggest something for this.

    Maintain an array that keeps track of all the menu items that become checked or are changed to a non-default status.  Every time a menu gets changed, add that to the array.  Anytime that a menu gets set back to the default value, search the array and delete that item from it.
    Now when your program closes, you have an array of everything that is non-default.  Write that out to a file.  When your program restarts, load that file and change all the menu times listed to match.

  • How to get all checked items from TreeView in VC++ mfc

    void CPDlg::OnTreeClk(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
    // which item was selected?
    HTREEITEM hItem = m_columnTree.GetTreeCtrl().GetSelectedItem();
    temp = m_columnTree.GetItemText(hItem, 0);
    if (!hItem) return;
    // the rest of processing code..
    I'm new in VC++ .
    this code gives only current selected item . but i need to get all checked items from treeView.
    kindly help me..

    no not unchecked .. the all check box's gone from tree view. which means Treeview without check box.
    finally i tried SetCheck 
    void CPracticesDlg::OnSelchangedTreectrl(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
    // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
    tree_state = 1;//changed
    HTREEITEM hItem = m_columnTree.GetTreeCtrl().GetSelectedItem();
    BOOL chk = m_columnTree.GetTreeCtrl().GetCheck(hItem);
    if (chk == TRUE)
    HTREEITEM hmyItem = m_columnTree.GetTreeCtrl().GetSelectedItem();
    // Check all of the children of hmyItem.
    if (m_columnTree.GetTreeCtrl().ItemHasChildren(hmyItem))
    HTREEITEM hNextItem;
    HTREEITEM hChildItem = m_columnTree.GetTreeCtrl().GetChildItem(hmyItem);
    while (hChildItem != NULL)
    hNextItem = m_columnTree.GetTreeCtrl().GetNextItem(hChildItem, TVGN_NEXT);
    m_columnTree.GetTreeCtrl().SetCheck(hChildItem, 1);
    hChildItem = hNextItem;
    HTREEITEM hmyItem = m_columnTree.GetTreeCtrl().GetSelectedItem();
    // Uncheck all of the children of hmyItem.
    if (m_columnTree.GetTreeCtrl().ItemHasChildren(hmyItem))
    HTREEITEM hNextItem;
    HTREEITEM hChildItem = m_columnTree.GetTreeCtrl().GetChildItem(hmyItem);
    while (hChildItem != NULL)
    hNextItem = m_columnTree.GetTreeCtrl().GetNextItem(hChildItem, TVGN_NEXT);
    m_columnTree.GetTreeCtrl().SetCheck(hChildItem, 0);
    hChildItem = hNextItem;
    code works good . but here is i think small problem . i cant find it.
    when i click the root node it goes to checked state but not child node. again i click same root node it goes to unchecked state but all child's are goes to checked state.
    help me. here what is the problem?

  • How to get the checked attribute of a checkbox item from a PL/SQL process?

    I have a simple static form with one checkbox linked to a LOV containing one single value. I use this checkbox just to enable/disable other fields via Javascript. I am interested to fetch the "checked" attribute of this checkbox (and not the value of the checkbox) from an After Submit PL/Sql page process, so that I can process only the enabled fields.
    I can already imagine a workaround where we may store via Javascript the checked attribute of this checkbox in an hidden page item and then getting it from there, but I would really like to avoid it, as it would add unnecessary complexity and I would have to add more code to keep the hidden item always in synch with the checkbox status.
    Is there something like the V('page_item') PL/Sql function that can get a different attribute from a page item (like the checked one from a checkbox) and not only its value?
    I searched the forum for an answer to my question, but I couldn't find anything related.
    Thanks a lot,

    HTML checkboxes are POSTed only if they are checked. So if your "checked" value is 'Y', for example, then your after-submit process can check if the item's value is 'Y' or not. Of course, you must be careful to set that item to null (or some non-checked value) in session state during page rendering so that previous values are not retained.

  • Setting The checkbox in Screen (SE80) default to checked.

    Hi !
    I would like to set the checkbox in my selection screen defaulted as checked from the screen element in SE80.Where do I mark it as checked in the Screen 9000 that I have in my report so that when I run my report , in my selection screen I get that as defaulted checked.

    That's right, this is why I said that you would need to handle it so that it would only be defaulted once in the program execution.  If you are doing an explict CALL SCREEN in your program, then you could simply set this checkbox value just before calling the CALL SCREEN instead of putting it in the PBO.  If this is a module pool, and the screen is directly called via transaction code, then you will be forced to set the value in the PBO.  In which case, you would need to check that it is the first time the code is being executed.  You can do this with a global variable flag. So at the top of your program...
    Data: lv_initialized type c.
    Then in your PBO code, check the flag first, if not set, then set the default for the checkbox, and then set the flag to signify that this has been done.  The next time the screen is thrown, then it will not try to default it again, if the user has happened to change the value.
    module PBO.
    set pf-status '100'.
    if lv_initialized = space.
      p_checkbox = 'X'.
      lv_iniitalized = 'X'.
    Rich Heilman

  • How to loop to get value of all checked checkboxes?

    I am a non-techic trying to fix something for work. Your help is really appreciated.
    I have a form with checkboxes (4 check boxes). Everything sumbits fine. SQL db is updated perfectly and data is displayed on webpage w/o any problem. However when I go to edit an entry, on the edit form, (if more then one checkbox were selected oringally), non of the checkboxes are checked. If only one checkbox was selected orinally, that checkbox is selected. What am I missing? I know I am suppose to use loop to get all checked checkbox values, but I have no idea how.
    Here is my code so far.
    <input type="checkbox" name="colors" value="red" <cfif #getResultSet.colors# EQ "red">checked</cfif>>red
        <input type="checkbox" name="colors" value="blue" OR<cfif #getResultSet.colors# EQ "blue">checked</cfif>>blue
        <input type="checkbox" name="colors" value="green" OR<cfif #getResultSet.colors# EQ "green"></cfif>>green
        <input type="checkbox" name="colors" value="yellow" OR<cfif #getResultSet.colors# EQ "yellow">checked</cfif>>yellow

    JayYaj wrote:
    However when I go to edit an entry, on the edit form, (if more then one checkbox were selected oringally), non of the checkboxes are checked. If only one checkbox was selected orinally, that checkbox is selected.
    You've given all the checkboxes the same name. Give them each a unique name and you will be able to access them individually. Current standards also require a unique ID, which can (but does not have to) be the same as the name.
    The "OR" characters in your code are not doing anything. You can safely delete them.

  • Using web examples I modified all.js, firefox.js and firefox.cfg but still cannot disable default browser check popup in Firefox 3.511.

    Working with Firefox v3.511. This version is required by business requirements. I researched how to disable the default browser as part of the install on the web but I cannot disable the default browser check pop-up.

    It is best not to modify files in the Firefox program folder.
    You can lock the pref browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser to false or create a file user.js in the default template folder (C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\defaults\profile) to set the pref to false.
    See http://kb.mozillazine.org/Locking_preferences<br />
    pref("browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser", false);
    In user.js you need to use <br />
    user_pref("browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser", false);

  • UI Enhancement Request: Media Encoder CS4

    1. I am sure some or all of what I  am about to list is already in the works, but I do not know that.
    2. This list is limited to UI and not functional elements.
    3. I have not found this type of enhancement request while searching the forum. (Didn't search really hard tho)
    1. Skip individual element. (Functionality but needed for UI enhancement. Once tagged, it skips encoding in queue)
    2. Category/Grouping:
    --- As with a lot of lists, it is commonly found grouping of items are provided.
    --- Tab is a nice way to provide the functionality, like IE8, firefox and so on. (Default tab: "ALL", then create as needed)
    --- Drag/drop support. Drag item to tab name and it should change item to that group.
    --- Group functionality: Skip all within group, resume
    --- Property: group/category: destination directory (designate where encoded files go), color, encoding option, check box "add as skipped/paused"
    --- Add New: has option to choose group where group property brings necessary property.
    3. Estimated time for completion: when item is added to the queue. (Functionality but needed for UI enhancement.)
    4. Ordering option: move-up, move-down, sort by
    That's all for now.

    Softpen wrote:
     1. Skip individual element. (Functionality but needed for UI enhancement. Once tagged, it skips encoding in queue)2. Category/Grouping:
    --- As with a lot of lists, it is commonly found grouping of items are provided.
    --- Tab is a nice way to provide the functionality, like IE8, firefox and so on. (Default tab: "ALL", then create as needed)
    --- Drag/drop support. Drag item to tab name and it should change item to that group.
    --- Group functionality: Skip all within group, resume
    --- Property: group/category: destination directory (designate where encoded files go), color, encoding option, check box "add as skipped/paused"
    --- Add New: has option to choose group where group property brings necessary property.
    3. Estimated time for completion: when item is added to the queue. (Functionality but needed for UI enhancement.)
    4. Ordering option: move-up, move-down, sort by
    That's all for now.
    1. You can do that now.  Edit>Skip Selection.
    4. You can do that now.  Try drag-and-drop.
    For the others, you should do like Hunt suggested and file a feature request.

  • Enhancement request: Remote interface java file generation

    In release 9.0.3, If you want to write a method that is suppossed to be exposed in the remote interface, you have to first right click on the ejb-jar.xml's appropriate EJB name node and then add the method, specify the argument types (say about 25 in number in a small width textbox), return type, etc and check the check box 'Expose in remote interface'. Then only remote interface's java source gets updated and only after doing all this can you actually sit down to write the business logic in that method. If you first code the method and then try to add the same, it gives an error saying "duplicate method exists"
    The similiar feature in release 9.0.2 was much better and flexible as it allowed the generation of remote interface source after coding the actual method in the EJB source. You can first write the method and then expose it in the interface by just choosing it from a method browser and opting for exposing it in the remote interface. You donot have to write the name and number of arguments like we have to currently do in the 9.0.3 release.
    (1) Actually, all public methods in the EJB source should by default be exposed in the remote interface because EJB are supposed to be used by other EJBs and JSPs only and all methods that are public but not exposed in the remote interface should actually be private or protected.
    (2) Leave it up to the developer to edit the remote interface
    (3) When the EJB source file is changed (public methods changed) compiled the remote interface should also be updated automatically. Why? already you have provision to change the remote interface source, so just dump all the public methods in the remote interface source when the EJB source is compiled.
    (4) Ditto for EJB Homes
    (5) Actually whenever the developer changes and compiles the EJB source, the remote and home source should automatically be updated AND COMPILED. (Refer: Pramati Studio 3.0 SP3 :- URL: www.pramati.com )
    I was very happy with the earlier option. If anybody other then the JDeveloper Team finds this interesting, please respond. A suite like developer should be more User-friendly.
    And yes expect more like this from me in the future

    Hi Raghu,
    Thanks for the quick response. This flexiblity in Remote interface generation and choice of methods in it at any given point in the development cycle is very much desired feature.
    The other thing I would like to suggest is you look at another enhancement request in my name regarding batch updates of the "web.xml" file. You will find the thread updated today i.e. on 15th September with a reply
    I will shortly post one more for lack of modularity in EJB components descriptors.
    My Company Four Soft Pvt. Ltd. (www.four-soft.com) is Oracle's development partner and we use and support Oracle products. They are good but naturally we would like them to be better and more User-friendly.
    Thanks once again.

  • OWB 10gR2 - some enhancement requests

    Hi, I've been working with OWB 10gR2 for approximately a week now, and I've come across a few (minor) bugs, as well as a list of enhancements that I think would make the tool better. I'd like to surface these in this forum so they can be either disagreed with or have workarounds suggested, as well as getting this list in front of Oracle. Also I'm new to the tool, so maybe there are ways to accomplish what I want.
    p.s. as a side note - please don't take these as criticisms of the tool. I'm actually very impressed with OWB 10gR2, but just want to surface some ideas that I think would make the tool better.
    1.     If I enter a quote character in one of the business description fields (i.e. for a cube or dimension), it causes the DDL scripts to blow up. It probably mentions the list of valid characters in the users guide somewhere - but if a character isn't legal, it should be flagged when I try to enter it originally – not when deploying
    2.     I can enter illegal strings in an expression operator that fail validation there, but the whole map still passes validation. For instance, I put in an expression (for a varchar2 field) using a single quote at the start, but mistakenly with a double quote at the end. I didn’t bother to validate this within the expression. The whole map validated fine, but (of course) blew up with the illegal syntax when generating the code.
    3.     I get the following error when trying to browse a cube (ROLAP, not MOLAP) through OWB, but I'm able to pull the cube up fine using either the excel add-in or biBeans: CubeDV_OLAPSchemaConnectionException_ENT_06952???
    ---Enhancement Requests:
    1.     Add a “deploy” button in control center next to the to “default actions” and “reset actions” buttons
    2.     Allow an option to have dimensions and cube defaults set to either “deploy all”, “deploy data only”, “deploy catalog only”, “deploy aggregations” (for cubes). Also, why is the default set to “deploy data only”? Does deploying the CMW2 metadata involve huge performance impacts or something? It seems like the CMW2 is almost “free” – so it should be turned on by default. Its a pain to use the dimension wizard, but then have to go in to each dimension afterwards to set this option.
    3.     When using “configure” on dims and cubes in control center, the first time the “configuration properties” dialog pops up, everything is fine. However, when you try to configure the 2nd object, the “background focus” switches from control center back to design center. This makes navigation very slow if you have lots of items to change. I've noticed this behavior in a few other places as well.
    4.     Some dialogs do not have maximize buttons (i.e. dimension wizard dialogs), and default to a very small size. It is possible to have size of dialogs dynamically scaled to screen resolutions, and attempt to size columns so they fit properly. Or better yet, have each dialog remember how large it was last time, and automatically open up to that size?
    5.     When generating the “autobind” relational table while creating a dimension, it seems to be “randomizing” the order of the attributes within a level (although it does sort the “top level” attributes first, followed by lower level attributes), at least when using the dimension wizard. It would be nice if the attributes in the relational table came out sorted in the same order as they are specified in the attributes tab.
    6.     When using a “unmapped” display set– there doesn’t seem to be a way to refresh the set (i.e. remove the items that have since been mapped) unless you select “all” and then “unmapped” again. Would be nice if you could simply choose “unmapped” again and have it refresh the object
    7.     While doing a mapping, right click on canvas allows option to “generate”. Would be nice to also add the “validate” option to this menu
    8.     Validating mappings takes a decent amount of time – would be nice if a “busy” icon was displayed to let user know that OWB hasn’t locked up.
    9.     default size of “job details” dialog is too small, and even if I maximize I still have to go through and manually adjust the size of each pane. Similar to enhancement #4
    10.     Horizontal size of operators in mapping seems to be determined by the length of the operator name, instead of tying directly to the icon. Looks strange. Very minor
    11.     When displaying dimension objects in a mapping:
    a.     For the “surrogate key” columns – add an icon to indicate this attribute is a surrogate key. Likewise, since its not legal to map anything to this column, remove the little “arrow” next to it (the one that turns gray when something is mapped to a column), or perhaps don't even show this column at all.
    b.     For the “business key” columns – add some type of icon to show which attributes represent the business natural key (or make color different, etc.)
    12.     Similar to #11, for the cube operator in a mapping:
    a.     For the “surrogate key” columns – if they can’t be mapped to, then don’t show them
    b.     For the “business key” columns – add some type of icon to show which attributes represent the business natural key
    c.     Separate the “measure” columns from the dimension columns
    13.     For the “Aggregation” operator – can you move the “<None>” default operator to the top of the list. At the bottom, it means you always have to scroll to use the most common operations (which are at the top of the list), i.e. sum and avg, etc.
    14.     In the log on prompt, if I choose SQL*Net connection, every time I start it up it defaults to the details being shown (even when I chose no detail last time), with cursor in the “host” box. I should be able to have the details hidden, and this dialog should ALWAYS default to having the active cursor in the password box on startup
    15.     When printing in a mapping, the “page setup” print dialog is very slow. Also, the “print setup” dialog shows margins, but you can’t adjust them. It would be nice if this could be changed here
    16.     Add a “print preview” icon to all of the toolbars. Printer icon is there, print preview should also be.
    17.     In the dimension attributes, we need a way to tag an attribute as being the “insert record” date or the “update record” date. The corresponding MERGE SQL should be updated to use these attributes.
    18.     It would be nice if the mapping canvas defaulted to an unlimited size…i.e. when I want to add new operators and the screen is already full, I either need to shrink the zoom factor down to the point where I can’t read the icons anymore, or I have to pick up the new operator and “drag” at the bottom / right side until it scrolls enough to drop it where I want. If the canvas had an unlimited size, I could simple use the scroll bars to scroll to where I want.
    19.     Scroll wheel functionality to zoom in / out (and have it zoom in around the currently selected object)
    20.     Option to have operations automatically resize when longer attribute names are added to them (can workaround by mimimizing and then maximizing, but would be better to have the operators automatically adjust size to fit)
    21.     Ability to sort output attributes in an operator (just like table column sort functionality). If I create a new operator, it would be nice to group it with related operators instead of always having it at bottom.
    22.     re: column sort functionality – drag and drop instead of up/down arrows would be nice
    23.     It would be nice if, when adding output attributes to (for example) the expression operator, it would choose the default data type the same way the dimension attribute wizard works (i.e. if it sees “ind” in name, automatically choose char(1)
    24.     Change the “zoom in” button so that it zooms in on the currently selected operator – i.e. if I click on a particular table and then hit the zoom in button, it should keep the table I selected centered
    25.     When in a mapping, clicking on a line should highlight the attributes on both the source and target operators (to allow easier visual ID of where data is coming from / going to)
    26.     AWM has a feature where table attributes can be sorted so that mappings between them don't have "crossed" lines. Similar functionality in OWB would be very appreciated. It may be harder to automate this, but even manual drag and drop of attributes within an operator would be nice.

    if you could copy/paste this whole thing into the submission form (see feedback option under the numbers menu). The more people that request these features, the more likely we are to see them in an update or the next version.

  • How to copy billing plan details of main item to all its sub-items...

    In the sales order, we have main item and sub-items. The main item is a project item and it has a billing plan which gets copied from the project. Now the requirement is to copy the same billing plan(of the mainitem) to all its subitems- billing dates, billing type, billing rule, date category, percentage of the amount to be billed, etc. So that when we do billing for this sales order all the items and its sub items are copied in the milestone billing document.
    The billing plan is not at header level since the sales order can have multiple project items and their milestones can differ.
    Please suggest how to acheive this- coping of billing plan details from main item to all the subitems.

    You can use the enhancement section in include mv45af0f_fplan_aktualisieren_c. In the below code, I am copying milestone lines from previous document, but you could adapt to copy from the higher level item. Copy and pretty print it in ABAP editor.
    ENHANCEMENT 10  ZSD_SALES_DOC1.    "active version * Generate Billing Plan without dialog. * Because copy control does not work with milestone billing plans, we need to perform the below tricks.
      DATA: zlt_fplt TYPE TABLE OF fpltvb,         zlt_fpla TYPE TABLE OF fplavb,         zlv_fareg TYPE tfpla-fareg,         zlv_fplnr TYPE fplnr,         zls_vbkd TYPE vbkd.   FIELD-SYMBOLS:TYPE vbkdvb,                 TYPE fplavb,                 TYPE fpltvb,                 TYPE fpltvb.
    IF xvbkd-updkz = chari AND       tvap-fpart IS NOT INITIAL AND *      xfplt[] IS INITIAL AND       vbkd-fplnr IS INITIAL AND "bill plan not created       vbak-vbtyp CA 'CG'. "contracts and orders       SELECT SINGLE fareg FROM tfpla INTO zlv_fareg WHERE         fpart = tvap-fpart.         IF zlv_fareg IS NOT INITIAL AND           zlv_fareg <> '6'.         READ TABLE cvbkd ASSIGNINGWITH KEY         vbeln = vbap-vgbel         posnr = vbap-vgpos.         IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.           CALL FUNCTION 'BILLING_SCHEDULE_READ'             EXPORTING              fplnr          =-fplnr             tables              ZFPLA          = zlt_fpla              zfplt          = zlt_fplt. * Check if any of the lines are not periodic and not from milestone before proceeding.            READ TABLE zlt_fplt ASSIGNINGWITH KEY            MLSTN = abap_false            nfdat = 0.          IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.           CONCATENATE '$000' vbap-posnr INTO zlv_fplnr.           ENDIF.         ENDIF.         IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.           LOOP AT zlt_fplt ASSIGNINGWHERE             mlstn = abap_false.            -fplnr = zlv_fplnr.             APPENDTO xfplt.            -updkz = chari.           ENDLOOP.           LOOP AT zlt_fpla ASSIGNING.            -fplnr = zlv_fplnr.             CLEAR-vbeln.            -updkz = chari.             APPENDTO xfpla.           ENDLOOP.           da_fplnr =-fplnr.         ENDIF.       ENDIF.     ENDIF.     CALL FUNCTION 'BILLING_SCHEDULE_GENERATE'          EXPORTING               I_FKDAT        = VBKD-FKDAT               I_FPLNR        = DA_FPLNR               I_WAERS        = VBAK-WAERK               I_FPART        = TVAP-FPART               I_VEDA         = XVEDA               I_VEDA_KOPF    = VEDAVB               I_UPD_FPLA     = UPD_FPLA               I_UPD_FPLT     = UPD_FPLT               I_KOMK         = TKOMK               I_KOMP         = TKOMP               I_KOMPAX       = KOMPAX               I_FKREL        = VBAP-FKREL               I_CREATE_DATES = US_FLG_CREATE_DATES               I_KFPLAN       = DA_KFPLAN               I_KFPLNR       = DA_KFPLNR               I_NOMSG        = US_NOMSG               I_ABSAGEN      = DA_ABSAGEN               I_FPLAA        = FPLAA          IMPORTING               E_FPLNR        = XVBKD-FPLNR               E_DATALOSS     = DA_DATALOSS               E_UPD_FPLA     = UPD_FPLA               E_UPD_FPLT     = UPD_FPLT               E_KOMPAX       = KOMPAX          TABLES               FPLA_NEW       = XFPLA               FPLA_OLD       = YFPLA               FPLT_NEW       = XFPLT               FPLT_OLD       = YFPLT               I_FPLTS        = TFPLTS               I_FPLTNP       = TFPLTNP               I_KOMV         = XKOMV               I_TKOMK        = TKOMK               I_SVBAP        = UVBAP.     LOOP AT zlt_fplt ASSIGNING.       READ TABLE xfplt ASSIGNINGWITH KEY       mandt =-mandt       fplnr =-fplnr       fpltr =-fpltr.       CHECK sy-subrc IS INITIAL.      -updkz = chari.     ENDLOOP. ENDENHANCEMENT.

  • Enhancement Requests for AWM10g

    Hi, before I start in on the enhancement requests I want to say that I am pretty impressed with AWM10g. Definitely a huge step forward in creating AWs. Having said that, I think there are a few enhancements that could be done to the tool to make it even more user friendl.
    Note that these are in no particular order, just ones I came up with while using the tool. I'll add any others that I come across.
    Please don't take this as nit-picking - just trying to help make it better.
    1. On dimension hierarchy types, instead of "value based" call it a "parent / child based" (thats what everyone knows it as)
    2. When creating levels, allow more than one level to be created at a time (currently it closes the dialog after each level is created, forcing you to go back and choose "create levels" over and over again). This may be as simple as having a "Save and create another" button or something.
    3. When typing names in the "system name" boxes, it would be nice if we could simply type the descriptions using spaces, and have the system name automatically replace with an underscore. Right now its a bit tedious to remember to type all names using underscores.
    4. In "mapping" view, move HELP, APPLY, and REVERT buttons off of bottom status bar and up to the top toolbar. There is lots of unused space at the top, creating a second bar at bottom just eats up screen real estate
    5. On "create dimension" dialog, no need for an entirely separate tab for "implmentation details" (that only has two values - generate unique keys or use the existing keys). Put this on the front tab so users don't have to keep selecting over to it (unless of course there are additional values that can show up there?)
    6. Mapping dimensions with multiple hierarchy - seems odd that we have to remap shared levels. Is it possible to make this where you would map all the values in the first hierarchy, and then only map the "missing" levels in the second hierarchy? Seems like an opportunity for hosing things up
    7. Drag and drop ordering when setting up the dimensions in a cube would be nice. Interface is the same as prior version of AWM (pretty clunky)
    8. Bug - when typing in any "name" field, if you highlight the entire field and delete all characters, under the "description" fields only a single character gets deleted.
    9. When there are multiple hierarchies for a given dimension, some sort of visual indicator of which one is set as default (without having to drill into details of each one)
    10. Its difficult (impossible?) to resize panes (for instance, when doing the mapping). Seems like sometimes I click on something by accident (other than the < and > arrows) that resizes the panes, and then I can't figure out how to get them back (other than exiting and restarting)
    11. When writing template out to same name as one that exists, AWM2 is not giving a "do you want to overwrite" prompt
    12. Some sort of clear visual indicator or message when a dimension is not completely "mapped". I had a dimension where I mistakenly forgot to map the leaf level dimension member. I didn't find out about it until I ran a load and the load blew up.
    13. On the XML logging at the end of a load process, the dialog box isn't big enough to show entire error messages if they occur. Since I haven't found a way to actually write the output to a txt file, this makes it hard to debug what is wrong with a solve.

    Anthony - thanks! In the meantime, I've come up with a few more requests / suggestions (and will probably have a few more yet to come...)
    Thanks again!
    1) Rather than just showing the "working" bar while a load / solve is going on, would it be possible to replace this with some sort of functionality that queries against the OLAPSYS.xml_load_log table? And perhaps allow the user to click "refresh" or have it auto-refresh at a certain number of minutes so that users can actually see the progress being made?
    2) Since CATALOG view is no longer available, remove the options to have AWM write the log files

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