Error in mru : ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1 Current version of data ...

hi i am getting tihs error msg
Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1, ORA-20001: ORA-20001: Current version of data in database has changed since user initiated update process. current checksum
i'll try to show a form table in which i can edit and add data
when i use the wizzard it is all fine with editing but i cant creat a new item because i have to insert my primary key and that shoud be done automatically.
ok again
my PK is at first col1 and second col2
i got a dropdown list in which i choose an item from col1 to just show items in my form with that value, here are more than one results possible
no i want to edit col2 up to col4
or add a line with the same col1 but different col2 and some col3-col4 values
but if i add a line i want to insert col2 to up to col4 (and the PK from col1 shoud be automatically insert from my dropwdown list i choosed before)
i want in col2 an drop down list
so all this works fine i got all the changes i want but when i try do save or update my changes i got the error frome above
i think the problem is at the primary key thing cause i want to choose a part manually but i have to
to get the new line actually u use the add row link but i use instead after my select statement an
Union select :P62_PNR_VOll, null, null, null from dual
to get my first pk automatically from my dropdown element (in my case :P62_PNR_VOLL)
how can i solve that error?
thx for ur help

Hi Falk,
It is usually best to have a sequence number for the primary key on a table. If you need to restrict other fields to be unique, then you can create a constraint to do this.
To create a sequence number and apply this to a new record, you need to do two things:
Let us say that you have a table called TABLEX and this has a numeric primary key field of ID. Do the following in the SQL Commands window
1 - Create a sequence SQL object:
END;This needs to be enabled, so run:
ALTER TRIGGER "TABLEX_BI" ENABLEWhen this is done, you then have "An existing trigger" that you can use for your tabular form. When a new record is created, the trigger is run and this checks for a value in the ID field. If this is NULL, then the next value in the sequence is assigned to it.
Primary Keys can be based on other values. You can use any value from the current record - for example, if you need to get the value from the XXX field, you just reference :NEW.XXX You can use this to pass into a function that returns your new primary key value. But I would recommend keeping to one field for your primary key as this makes things a lot simpler later on.

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    Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1,
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    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Sam,
    You can hide the button very easily without deleting it. Click on the Button in the edit page under the button section. Click on the Condition in the heading tab and change the Condition type attribute to Never. It will never display the button in your page.
    Hope this helps.
    M Tajuddin

  • Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1, ORA-01403:

    Hi All,
    I have an ADD ROW and SUBMIT button on my page in APEX. After i add a row or submit it the following error appears,
    Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1, ORA-01403: no data found, update "APPS"."GAU_V" set "PK_FIELDS" = :b1, "SERVICELINEID" = :b2, "SERVICELINEDESC" = :b3, "SERVICEDISPLAYORDER" = :b4, "DIVISION" = :b5
    Error Unable to process update.
    I have the following select query under region definition :
    "STATUSID" // this column was added later in the query
    from "#OWNER#"."GAU_V"
    where "SERVICELINEID" like nvl(:P99_SERVICELINE,'%')
    Order by "SERVICELINEID"
    The region attributes has PK_FIELDS as a hidden column. Value in PK_FIELDS is same as SERVICELINEID column.
    Also the GAU_V view has an INSTEAD OF trigger for insert or update or delete.
    Please tell me the solution for this error..
    Its urgent..

    Hi All,
    I have an ADD ROW and SUBMIT button on my page in APEX. After i add a row or submit it the following error appears,
    Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1, ORA-01403: no data found, update "APPS"."GAU_V" set "PK_FIELDS" = :b1, "SERVICELINEID" = :b2, "SERVICELINEDESC" = :b3, "SERVICEDISPLAYORDER" = :b4, "DIVISION" = :b5
    Error Unable to process update.
    I have the following select query under region definition :
    "STATUSID" // this column was added later in the query
    from "#OWNER#"."GAU_V"
    where "SERVICELINEID" like nvl(:P99_SERVICELINE,'%')
    Order by "SERVICELINEID"
    The region attributes has PK_FIELDS as a hidden column. Value in PK_FIELDS is same as SERVICELINEID column.
    Also the GAU_V view has an INSTEAD OF trigger for insert or update or delete.
    Please tell me the solution for this error..
    Its urgent..

  • Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1, ORA-01400:

    my application on
    login : guest pwd : 123
    To get the error
    1. click on edit button on daily entry.
    2. click on add button on daily_entry_detail
    3. enter party name
    4 enter qty
    and click on add row to add 2nd row
    following error
    Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1, ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("PTEST"."DAILY_ENTRY_DETAILS"."ENTRY_DATE"), insert into "PTEST"."DAILY_ENTRY_DETAILS" ( "ENTRY_DATE", "PARTY_NAME", "QTY") values ( :b1, :b2, :b3)     Error     Unable to process update

    I am going to assume that ENTRY_DATE should be the date that the user created the record - otherwise, you will have to add this field to your form to get the user to fill it in.
    You need to check how your DAILY_ENTRY_DETAILS table is set up.
    Go to SQL Workshop, Object Browser and in the list of tables, select DAILY_ENTRY_DETAILS, then click on the SQL option above the table definition and you should see something like:
       (     "LOV1" NUMBER,
         "LOV1_NAME" VARCHAR2(100),
      before insert on "A_LOV1"
      for each row
      if :NEW."LOV1" is null then
        select "A_LOV1_SEQ".nextval into :NEW."LOV1" from dual;
      end if;
    /(This is based on one of my tables, so the names etc will be different for you).
    In the first block, the CONSTRAINT line tells you whether or not you have a primary key on the table - in the example above, the primary key field is LOV1. If this is not set up, you must do this - click on the Constraints option at the top of the page and click Create then follow the prompts.
    The next block is a TRIGGER. This is set to run whenever a record is inserted into the table. A record being inserted is referred to as :NEW. You can see from the example that, in this case, when the record is being inserted, the value in the Primary Key is checked. If it is null, then a new sequence number is generated (see below) and the record is updated with this number before the record is saved.
    The final block just switches the trigger on
    You will see that this trigger says "select A_LOV1_SEQ.nextval...". This refers to a "sequence" object. Go back to the Object Browser and select Sequences. In my example, there is a sequence called A_LOV_SEQ which, if I select it and look at the sql, it is defined as:
    CREATE SEQUENCE "A_LOV1_SEQ"  MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 99999999999999999999999 INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 NOCACHE NOORDER NOCYCLEThis is a counter that is used by the trigger to get the next Primary Key value for the record.
    If you don't have the sequence, you will need to set it up. This can be done by clicking the Create button at the top right and following the prompts. Or you can copy the above, change the sequence name as required and then run this in the SQL Commands window
    If you don't have the trigger, you can copy the code above and edit it to suit your table needs.
    Now for the ENTRY_DATE issue. If this is to be automatically set to the current date, you can handle this in the trigger. For example - assume I had that field on my table, then my trigger would be:
      before insert on "A_LOV1"
      for each row
      if :NEW."LOV1" is null then
        select "A_LOV1_SEQ".nextval into :NEW."LOV1" from dual;
      end if;
      if :NEW."ENTRY_DATE" is null then
        :NEW."ENTRY_DATE" := SYDATE;
      end if;
    /SYSDATE just means the current date/time
    The CREATE and ALTER statements must be run separately in the SQL Commands window
    Once you have that set up correctly, your form should work

  • Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1, ORA-01779:

    I have a tabular form based on a view like:
    table1 t1,
    table2 t2
    t1.month_id (+) = t2.month_id and
    t1.network_id (+) = t2.network_id and
    t1.icp_id (+) = t2.icp_id
    id is a surrogate key of table1 and there is a trigger to populate this on insert. There is also a unique index on table2 (month_id, network_id, icp_id). When I change the disc_comment column through the form and try to save I get an error:
    Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1, ORA-01779: cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table
    If I take out the outer join, it works fine. The problem is table1 will not have a row for every row in table 2, hence I need the outer join. Any ideas how I can get around this problem?

    Hi Andy,
    Yes I am paginating the form and I am not getting a set of blank rows. What I mean by next set of records is - if the page is showing rows 11 to 20 and I enter a comment against row 15 and save, the form inserts the comment into the table via the INSTEAD OF trigger and the page automatically refreshes with rows 21 to 30 from the query. On the other hand, if I click Prev link and redisplay rows 11 to 20, change the comment and click on Save, the form updates the comment and refreshes the page with rows 11 to 20. If I update the comment again, it redisplays page with rows 11 to 20 and this is the behaviour I desire when I insert data. Remember that I am using outer join, so there will be a mix of inserts and updates of data. I hope my explanation is clear. I have tried removing the tabular form region and starting from scratch but that hasn't helped - maybe I will drop the page and recreate it.
    As for checksum error, you are right - it disappears after I logout and login again.

  • Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1, ORA-20001:

    Using HTMLDB 2.0 we have created several Master Detail forms using wizard. When we have started testing our application recently we are realising that most of the master details forms not working with an error "Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1, ORA-20001: ORA-20001: Current version of data in database has changed since user initiated update process"
    We have created several such pages and now we are not sure on the resolution for the same.
    Could you please helpus to resolve this issue?

    Please check following thread:
    Re: Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: no data found in tabular form

  • Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1

    Hi I have a Multi-Row Report, where you can change the status in on column
    7939 Jones (Manager/Clerk/President) ....
    8000 SCOTT (Manager/Clerk/President)
    I used a select list for the 3rd column.
    If i Try to Update this report i get:
    Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1,
    ORA-20001: ORA-20001: Current version of data in database has changed since user initiated update process.
    current checksum = "C9E9B9EE43F674CAF6827176E554121E", item checksum = "50BB6F7005ACD33C70494DB171D2AB44".,
    update "MUNIQ"."MSTA_KONTAKT" set "KONTAKT_ID" = :b1, "STATUS" = :b2, "BENUTZER" = :b3, "ZBENUTZER" = :b4
    But there is nobody inside the database except me. I thought it worked for a couple of days, but now it dosn´t.
    What can i do ?

    Hi I have a Multi-Row Report, where you can change the status in on column
    7939 Jones (Manager/Clerk/President) ....
    8000 SCOTT (Manager/Clerk/President)
    I used a select list for the 3rd column.
    If i Try to Update this report i get:
    Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1,
    ORA-20001: ORA-20001: Current version of data in database has changed since user initiated update process.
    current checksum = "C9E9B9EE43F674CAF6827176E554121E", item checksum = "50BB6F7005ACD33C70494DB171D2AB44".,
    update "MUNIQ"."MSTA_KONTAKT" set "KONTAKT_ID" = :b1, "STATUS" = :b2, "BENUTZER" = :b3, "ZBENUTZER" = :b4
    But there is nobody inside the database except me. I thought it worked for a couple of days, but now it dosn´t.
    What can i do ?

  • Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 0, ORA-20001:

    Hi, I'm using HTMLDB version on a DB
    I'm creating a Tabular Form to perform update operations on multiple rows in a database table.
    The table is in a schema outside of the HTMLDB schema and my application works.
    If I substitute my table with a synonym (outside of the HTMLDB schema) pointing to another table (outside of the HTMLDB schema), the select works fine but when I try to update records an error occurs:
    0.05: Branch point: BEFORE_PROCESSING
    0.05: Processing point: AFTER_SUBMIT
    0.08: Show ERROR page...
    0.09: Processing point: AFTER_ERROR_HEADER
    0.10: Processing point: BEFORE_ERROR_FOOTER
    Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 0, ORA-20001: ORA-20001: Current version of data in database has changed since user initiated update process. current checksum = "1F2F93F97DFD18A9D69960FCD28AF6EF", item checksum = "A884FA378C851786DDFE3A33709CB23C"., update "WS_T1"."CSTCMP" set
    If I perform with SQL the update on the synonym, it works.
    I only have a browser connected to the application and I'm not locking the table.
    I don't think this is correlated with
    Re: Error in mru internal routine (HTML DB BUG?)
    What do you think about?
    Thanks in advance.

    To look into what? You probably modified your tabular form by adding a column and you didn't take care of the column source.
    Denes Kubicek

  • ORA-20001: Error in MRU: on move from Dev to Prod

    Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1, ORA-20001: ORA-20001: Current version of data in database has changed since user initiated update process. current checksum = "2BCE6F4EB6F357144C392489EB0A193F", item checksum = "13CE2299AFA3A80DF1E31BB71F7CB0B1"., update ...
    I recieved the above error when installing my application in my production database. The probem does not occur in development. I get the error on almost all my multi-record-update blocks. If I recreate the region in the production database it works fine. I've got way too many regions to recreate everyone.
    Any ideas?

    Please explain "I recieved the above error when installing my application in my production database." During what installation step do you see this? Or do you mean that it happens when you run your applications after you installed them? Or are you seeing this message when you run our internal applications? How consistently do you see this error?
    What steps did you take to move workspaces and applications from development to production? Can you import/install a test application on to try to reproduce a test case there?
    Perhaps your production version of HTML DB and the RDBMS are downlevel or unsupported.

  • Error in mru internal routine ORA-20001  Error in MRU

    In my APEX application, tabular form is used. Add row and Submit buttons are all present. When a user enter all the details and click Add row or Submit, the values are stored in the DB.
    But once in a while, when the user clicks the Submit button, the following erros pops up. I have no clue on what basis, I am getting this, as the case is not consistent. Can someone help me to figure this out.
    If you want more details, please let me know.
    Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1, ORA-20001: ORA-20001: Current version of data in database has changed since user initiated update process. current checksum = "54667634DB35954B3405B722187947CD", item checksum = "4E4090E68119768E76068A7A4D8DA8BA"

    the PK is a composite key, which is automatically generated by the trigger in Page 2, when the user clicks a "Generate report" button.
    In page 3 when the user enters the data, those datas are filled in against the PKs
    The process I am using here is:
    insert into <table name> (ID,expense_id,submitted_by) select nvl(max(id),0)+1,1,:APP_USER from <table name>;
    ID - primary key
    expense_id - secondary primary key
    both forms the composite keys.
    So in the tabular form, when Add row button is kept on clicking, sometimes when it hits more than 5, we enter the values and click button, we get error.
    Add row also submits the value to the database and generate a ID and new expense ID.....

  • Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 0, ORA-01403:

    Hi All,
    I have one issue that, i am geeting this " *Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 0, ORA-01403: no data found, insert into "BM_TOOL"."BASE_DATA_STORAGE_TAB"* error while i try to add row for sql(updatable report) or tabular form report. Can anybody plz look into it as where i went wrong.

    To look into what? You probably modified your tabular form by adding a column and you didn't take care of the column source.
    Denes Kubicek

  • Error in MRU: row= 1, ORA-20001: ORA-20001: Current version of data in data

    I have a page that has a form to my issue table and on the same page, in a different region, I have a tabular report that shows the issue_activity for the specified issue. The primary key on the issue table is the issue_no which is a sequence and the primary key on the issue_activity table is (issue_no,line_no), where issue_no comes from the issue table. A parent-child relationship between issue and issue_activity.
    When I add a row to my tabular form and type in some data, I get a (Error in MRU: row= 1, ORA-20001: ORA-20001: Current version of data in database has changed since user initiated update process.) error. When I look at the data, everything looks fine.
    The issue_no and line_no are correctly set. My Issue_no and line_no fields on my report are hidden fields.

    I rebuild the report using a tabular form and populated the primary key with a PL/SQL expression and now it appears to be working. P1_ISSUE_NO is the primary key on the issue table and I could not figure how to get it in the issue_no field of the tabular report when a new line was entered I ended up putting the following code in for the default for
    issue_no on the report:
    return :P1_ISSUE_NO;
    It works great.

  • Ora -20001 error coming while updating from a tabular form

    I have a tabular form , which updates a table in the database.
    Whenever I update the record first time I getting an error as
    Error in MRU internal routine ORA-20001.Error in MRU:row=1,
    ORA-1403 no_data_found, update abc.sale_forcast_temp set "PK_ID"=:b1,"W27"=:b2
    Error unable to update process
    But when I press Ok return to the form and then again try to update , records gets successfully updated

    This will be the pseudocode.
    Procedure A()
    select * from EMP bulk collect into records_array; --Of type RECORD_ARRAY
    batch_count = (records_array.length) / batch_size;
    --batch_size is say 5000 rows and batch_count is the number of batches  
    for i in 1..(batch_count+1)
    B( records_array);
    Procedure B(records_array in RECORD_ARRAY )
    SELECT * from TABLE(CAST(records_array as RECORD_ARRAY) ;
    Procedure C()
    Other operations which include reads on the EMP_DUMMY table;
    This is the top view of how it looks like. Actually the Select statement for the insert statement is very complex and I do a join on the records that are being passed in by casting it into a table. This query is taking about 40 minutes for 10,000 rows in the records_array. I need to parellelise this query because each row of the records_array yields a different row for the EMP_DUMMY table.
    I hope that I made it clear for you.
    Can you also tell me if procedure C in which I shall be doing a read on the EMP_DUMMY table, has any affect of the parallel insert
    Thanks for your help.

  • ORA-20001: Fehler in MRU

    do anybody know how to handle this error message:
    Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Fehler in MRU: row= 1, ORA-20001: ORA-20001: Die aktuelle Version der Daten in der Datenbank wurde geändert, seit der Benutzer einen Aktualisierungsprozess eingeleitet hat. Aktuelle Prüfsumme (Checksum) =...
    I'm become crazy, because I didn't change some data of my m-d tables.

    >> well, first of all I created a tabular form and then in a second step I added the checkbox with the code for checkbox
    Well, this is probably the reason for your error. You should not change the query of a wizard created tabular form. The wizards automatically assign ID numbers to your updatable columns, starting with 1. In your second step, you added a checkbox column, and you also gave it an ID of 1. Now you probably have two columns with the same ID number in your form, which is a confusing situation for the multi row update procedure. In your case, the solution could be very simple. Change the p_idx parameter value of the APEX_ITEM.CHECKBOX statement to a higher number than the number of updatable columns in your tabular report (and add some for extra caution. The max number is 50) .
    >> But I don't understand what you mean with "manual tabular
    APEX allows you to use the APEX_ITEM API to create tabular forms manually. When the regular, wizard driven tabular form, don’t answer all your needs, like in your case, you can start with a regular SQL base report region. Then, you will have to manually add all the DML process you’ll need. You can get a lot of help from the Object Browser. Choose to create a new package, using the ‘Package with methods on database table(s)’ option. That will create for you all the procedures you’ll need to insert, update or delete data from the tables associated with your form, including full implementation of optimistic locking (to prevent lost updates in multi user environment).

  • MRU Error : Current version of data in database has changed since user init

    When i use HTMLDB Wizard to create Master Detail Form
    (You can see step by step what i doing by see this url :
    The is error in MRU :
    Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1, ORA-20001: ORA-20001: Current version of data in database has changed since user initiated update process. current checksum = "A884FA378C851786DDFE3A33709CB23C", item checksum = "0EEFFABE8252B0B279DB14A77F567F5D"., update "CNAP2"."ENROLLMENT" set "STUDENT_ID" = :b1, "SECTION_ID" = :b2, "ENROLL_DATE" = :b3, "FINAL_GRADE" = :b4.
    If there something missing.., just say ..
    Thanks for the help.

    Oh i see ..,i never think if that is the source of the MRU
    Ok ..,
    Now ..., i have new question .., how can i change so the the primay key in detail table (enrollment table), i have one primary key with two columns .., if you don't understand what i mean ..,
    check this alter table statement :
    ,SECTION_ID) ;
    Now the question is .., when i using wizard to create master detail form .., html db automatically make student_id and section_id as the primary at "application level (html db)" .., how can i change this behaviour ..,
    i want the html db not treat this two column as primary key ?
    Do i have to create master detail form manually to accomplish this ?
    Thanks before .., sorry if my english is not too good.

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