Error in Output Service generatePDFOutput

I am trying to create a PDF using generatePDFOutput Folder and I keep getting error
[10/5/09 11:00:02:695 EDT] 0000002a PivotHandlerW E org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger error
: Info: unexpected exception.
Can any body suggest me where I am going wrong
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""><soapenv:Body><soapenv:Fault><faultcode>soapenv :Server.userException</faultcode><faultstring>org.xml.sax.SAXException: SimpleDeserializer encountered a child element, which is NOT expected, in something it was trying to deserialize.</faultstring><detail><faultData><ns1:exception xsi:nil="true" xmlns:ns1=""/><ns2:message xmlns:ns2="">SimpleDeserializer encountered a child element, which is NOT expected, in something it was trying to deserialize.</ns2:message></faultData><ns3:hostname xmlns:ns3="">server</ns3:hostname></detail></soapenv:Fault></soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
My Code
String XMLPath=root +
OutputServiceServiceLocator ol =
new OutputServiceServiceLocator();OutputService port = ol.getOutputService(
new URL( 
"http://localhost:80/soap/services/FormsService"));((javax.xml.rpc.Stub) port)._setProperty(
NGPS_USERNAME);((javax.xml.rpc.Stub) port)._setProperty(
BLOB inDataDoc =
new BLOB(); 
if (null != XML && XML.length() > 0) {  
File XMLFileNameMap =
new File(root + "/WEB-INF/XML/" + XML); 
int XMLFileNameMapLength = new Long(XMLFileNameMap.length()).intValue();
FileInputStream XMLFileNameMapIn =
new FileInputStream(XMLFileNameMap);
byte[] XMLFileNameMapArray = new byte[XMLFileNameMapLength];  
PDFOutputOptionsSpec pdfOptions =
new PDFOutputOptionsSpec();
RenderOptionsSpec renderOptions = new RenderOptionsSpec(); 
BLOBHolder generatePDFOutputPDFDoc =
 new BLOBHolder();  
BLOBHolder generatePDFOutputMetaDataDoc =
new BLOBHolder();  
BLOBHolder generatePDFOutputResultDoc =
new BLOBHolder();  
OutputResultHolder outResultHolder =
new OutputResultHolder();  
String XDPPath = AdobeConstants.
+ AdobeConstants.NGPS_FORMS_PATH;System.
out.println("XDPPath---------->" + XDPPath);  
PDF, templateNm,XDPPath, pdfOptions, renderOptions, inDataDoc,
generatePDFOutputPDFDoc, generatePDFOutputMetaDataDoc,
generatePDFOutputResultDoc, outResultHolder);

I noticed that you specify the target service URL, but not the blob data type.  Unless you specify that in the proxy class you will have to do it in your call.
Try changing the line marked:
OutputService port = ol.getOutputService(new URL("http://localhost:80/soap/services/FormsService"));
OutputService port = ol.getOutputService(new URL(http://localhost:80/soap/services/FormsService?blob=base64));
BTW - there is an article about this on the DevNet site at:

Similar Messages

  • Invalid element RenderOptionsSpec - CB error while calling Output Service through web service

          I am trying to call generatePDFOutput from Output Service through web service.
    I have generated the proxy class using RAD webservice client option by
    here is my code
    OutputServiceServiceLocator outputService =new OutputServiceServiceLocator();URL serviceURL =
    new URL("");OutputServiceSoapBindingStub outputClient =
    new OutputServiceSoapBindingStub(serviceURL, outputService); 
    ((javax.xml.rpc.Stub) outputClient)._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Stub.
    USERNAME_PROPERTY,DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME);((javax.xml.rpc.Stub) outputClient)._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Stub.
    //Reference XML data to merge into the PDF document
    BLOB inData =new BLOB();inData.setBinaryData("Input xml in bytes");
    formName =
    //Set PDF run-time options
    PDFOutputOptionsSpec pdfOptions =new PDFOutputOptionsSpec();pdfOptions.setFileURI(
    RenderOptionsSpec renderOptions =
    new RenderOptionsSpec();renderOptions.setCacheEnabled(
    BLOBHolder generatePDFOutputPDFDoc =
    new BLOBHolder();BLOBHolder generatePDFOutputMetaDataDoc =
    new BLOBHolder();BLOBHolder generatePDFOutputResultDoc =
    new BLOBHolder();OutputResultHolder outResultHolder =
    new OutputResultHolder(); 
    //Create a PDF Document
    outputClient.generatePDFOutput(TransformationFormat.PDFA, formName,"repository://", pdfOptions, renderOptions,inData, generatePDFOutputPDFDoc,generatePDFOutputMetaDataDoc, generatePDFOutputResultDoc,outResultHolder);
    return generatePDFOutputResultDoc.value;
    I am getting the following error while executing the above code.
    09 17:05:05:407 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R AxisFault
      faultCode: {}Server.userExceptionfaultSubcode:
    org.xml.sax.SAXException: Invalid element in com.adobe.livecycle.output.client.RenderOptionsSpec - CBfaultActor:
    {}faultData:<ns1:exception xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true"/><ns2:message xmlns:ns2="">Invalid element in com.adobe.livecycle.output.client.RenderOptionsSpec - CB</ns2:message>
     [6/25/09 17:05:05:407 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R org.xml.sax.SAXException: Invalid element in com.adobe.livecycle.output.client.RenderOptionsSpec - CB[6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.createFault([6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.endElement([6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.endElement([6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endElement(Unknown Source)
    [6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl.scanEndElement(Unknown Source)
    [6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl$FragmentContentDispatcher.dispatch( Unknown Source)
    [6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanDocument(Unknown Source)
    [6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
    [6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
    [6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
    [6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
    [6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl.parse(Unknown Source)
    [6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.parse([6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.SOAPPart.getAsSOAPEnvelope([6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.Message.getSOAPEnvelope([6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.handlers.soap.MustUnderstandChecker.invoke([6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.client.AxisClient.invoke([6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invokeEngine([6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke([6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke([6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke([6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke([6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.processActionPerform([6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process([6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet([6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service([6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service([6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:427 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:437 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:437 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:437 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:437 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:437 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:437 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:437 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:437 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:437 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:437 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:437 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at[6/25/09 17:05:05:437 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at$[6/25/09 17:05:05:437 IST] 00000028 SystemErr R at$
    Please help me to fix this error.
    Thanks in advance

    Hodmi, Thanks for your reply.
    If i set RenderOptionsSpec values its not throwing Invalid element RenderOptionsSpec - CB error but its throwing ALC-DSC-000-000 internal error
    [6/26/09 17:11:35:021 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R AxisFault
    faultCode: {}Server.userExceptionfaultSubcode:
    com.adobe.livecycle.output.exception.OutputException: ALC-DSC-000-000: com.adobe.idp.dsc.DSCException: Internal error.faultActor:
    {}faultData:<ns1:result xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true"/>
     [6/26/09 17:11:35:021 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R  
    com.adobe.livecycle.output.exception.OutputException: ALC-DSC-000-000: com.adobe.idp.dsc.DSCException: Internal error.[6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.createFault([6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.endElement([6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.endElement([6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endElement(Unknown Source)
    [6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl.scanEndElement(Unknown Source)
    [6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl$FragmentContentDispatcher.dispatch( Unknown Source)
    [6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanDocument(Unknown Source)
    [6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
    [6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
    [6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
    [6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
    [6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl.parse(Unknown Source)
    [6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.parse([6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.SOAPPart.getAsSOAPEnvelope([6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.Message.getSOAPEnvelope([6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.handlers.soap.MustUnderstandChecker.invoke([6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.client.AxisClient.invoke([6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invokeEngine([6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke([6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke([6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke([6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke([6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:111 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at
    [6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.processActionPerform([6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process([6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet([6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service([6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service([6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at$[6/26/09 17:11:35:121 IST] 00000029 SystemErr R at$
    Please help me to fix this also.
    Thanks in advance

  • New to Lifecycle, Error while generating PDF using Output service

    Hi All,
    I am using LC 8.x for weblogic. I am using the code given in the documents to generate PDF given XDP and XML data, using Output Service. I am getting the following error,
    Exception in thread "Main Thread" com.adobe.idp.DocumentError: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Failed to load class com.adobe.idp.DocumentFileID (see the server-side log for details)
    at com.adobe.idp.DocumentManagerClient.clientSidePush(
    at com.adobe.idp.Document.passivateInitData(
    at com.adobe.idp.Document.passivate(
    at com.adobe.idp.Document.passivate(
    at com.adobe.idp.Document.writeObject(
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    I am also doing a similar activity. and getting a IllegalStateException.
    com.adobe.livecycle.output.exception.OutputException: java.lang.IllegalStateException
    at com.adobe.livecycle.output.client.OutputClient.generatePDFOutput(
    at CreatePDFDocument.main(
    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException
    at com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory$1.handleThrowable(ServiceClientFactory.j ava:67)
    at com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClient.invoke(
    at com.adobe.livecycle.output.client.OutputClient.invokeRequest(
    at com.adobe.livecycle.output.client.OutputClient.generatePDFOutput(
    ... 1 more
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/axis/soap/SOAPConstants
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
    at com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory.createMessageDispatcher(ServiceClientFac
    at com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory.getMessageDispatcher(ServiceClientFactor
    at com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClient.getMessageDispatcher(
    at com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClient.invoke(
    ... 3 more
    Please give a solution for this problom.

  • Output Service Java API

    I have installed and deployed Adode LC ES 8.1 for weblogic. I have two questions;
    1) While deploying the components 'Workbench Admin', 'Rights Admin' and 'PDF generator', exceptions are thrown saying that somes jar can not be deployed. After this exception the deployment stops.
    a) PDF Generator Component
    [2007-07-11 17:44:02,751], FINE , Thread-11, com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.deployment.LCMDeployerUtil, installComponent : ..\working\deployLC\deploy\adobe-pdfgconfig-dsc.jar
    [2007-07-11 17:44:08,749], SEVERE , Thread-11, com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.deployment.DeployDSCs, Failed to deploy component.
    com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.core.LCMException[ALC-LCM-030-200]: Failed to deploy component.
    b) Righta Admin Component
    [2007-07-11 17:41:59,449], FINE , Thread-10, com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.deployment.LCMDeployerUtil, installComponent : ..\working\deployLC\deploy\adobe-rightsmanagement-weblogic-dsc.jar
    [2007-07-11 17:42:10,314], SEVERE , Thread-10, com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.deployment.DeployDSCs, Failed to deploy component.
    com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.core.LCMException[ALC-LCM-030-200]: Failed to deploy component.
    c) Workbench Admin Component
    [2007-07-11 17:37:03,329], FINE , Thread-8, com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.deployment.LCMDeployerUtil, installComponent : ..\working\deployLC\deploy\adobe-workspacepersistence-dsc.jar
    [2007-07-11 17:37:05,001], SEVERE , Thread-8, com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.feature.deployment.DeployDSCs, Failed to deploy component.
    com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.core.LCMException[ALC-LCM-030-200]: Failed to deploy component.
    2) I do not know whether this is because of the above. When I am using Output Service with Java API, to generate PDF for a given xdp and xml data, I am getting the below exception,
    Exception in thread "Main Thread" com.adobe.livecycle.output.exception.OutputException: com.adobe.idp.DocumentError: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Failed to load class com.adobe.idp.DocumentFileID (see the server-side log for details)
    at com.adobe.livecycle.output.client.OutputClient.generatePDFOutput(
    at adobe.CARSPDFGenerator.main(
    Caused by: com.adobe.idp.DocumentError: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Failed to load class com.adobe.idp.DocumentFileID (see the server-side log for details)
    Appreciated your help.

    We are using ejp service for generating PDF.But our outputClient.generatePDFOutput() is not giving us anything.When it is being called program gets hang,nor it is throwing any exeption.
    I am running the program from my machine which has windows OS and LiveCycle is intalled on Linux machine and has Weblogic server on it.
    We are making connection in service Client.

  • Output services throwing UserException.

                    I am getting a SOAP fault while calling the Adobe Livecycle Output service. Am I calling the service with wrong/invalid parameters.  In the same file I am calling FormServices with same credentials which works fine. Please help.
                    String LC_OS_ENDPOINT = "http://"+host+"/soap/services/OutputService?blob=base64";
                    ((javax.xml.rpc.Stub) outputOb)._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, LC_OS_ENDPOINT);
                    ((javax.xml.rpc.Stub) outputOb)._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Stub.USERNAME_PROPERTY, LC_USER);
                    ((javax.xml.rpc.Stub) outputOb)._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Stub.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, LC_PW);
               String formName = "/Temp/Forms/TEstForm.xdp";
                String formDataXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><form1><name>Naren</name><number>203922</number></form1>";
                BLOB indata = new BLOB();
                com.adobe.PDFOutputOptionsSpec pdfOptions = new com.adobe.PDFOutputOptionsSpec();
                com.adobe.RenderOptionsSpec outRenderOptions = new com.adobe.RenderOptionsSpec();
                BLOBHolder generatePDFOutputPDFDoc = new BLOBHolder();
                BLOBHolder  generatePDFOutputMetaDataDoc = new BLOBHolder();
                OutputResultHolder outResult = new OutputResultHolder();
    SOAP Resp:
         <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
          <faultstring>com.adobe.livecycle.output.exception.OutputException: ALC-DSC-000-000: com.adobe.idp.dsc.DSCException: Internal error.</faultstring>
              <ns1:result xmlns:ns1="" xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns2:hostname xmlns:ns2="">livdsapps19</ns2:hostname>

    Unfortunately this is a pretty generic "somethings wrong" message.  There should be more detail in the log on the LiveCycle server side.

  • Error Invoking Web Service Action: Status (500): null

    Hi forum
    I am getting an "Invoking Web Service Action: Status (500): null" error  when invoking a web service action block .  The BLS transaction used as a web service outputs a text string which I tested using an xacute query . while executing the transaction as a web service the tracer tells me that there is no output .
    Best regards,
    I am using an xMII 11.5 installation  .
    [INFO ]: Execution Started At: 04:17:46
    [DEBUG]: 00000.01600 Begin Transaction 'TMP45B360D9-0E02-2CF7-C4B4-F3C0B41C29E0'
    [DEBUG]: 00000.01600 Begin Sequence Sequence : ()
    [DEBUG]: 00000.01600 Begin Action WebService_0 : ()
    [ERROR]: Error Invoking Web Service Action: Status (500): null
    [ERROR]: ACTION FAILED: End Action WebService_0 : ()
    [DEBUG]: 00000.11000 Begin Sequence Sequence_0 : ()
    [DEBUG]: 00000.11000 Begin Action Tracer_0 : ()
    [INFO ]:
    [DEBUG]: 00000.11000 End Action Tracer_0 : ()
    [DEBUG]: 00000.11000 End Sequence Sequence_0 : ()
    [DEBUG]: 00000.11000 End Sequence Sequence : ()
    [DEBUG]: 00000.11000 End Transaction 'TMP45B360D9-0E02-2CF7-C4B4-F3C0B41C29E0'
    [INFO ]: Execution Completed At: 04:17:46 Elapsed Time was 94 mS

    Yes Indeed, I was calling inside a web service action another BLS transaction .  Now ,  I am using a call to the transaction using the runner . It worked fine .

  • Status record 65 error in ale service

    HI Experts,
                   I have an issue when I tried to send a cost center idoc from one system to another. The company code for the record is 0093 in the sender system; however when the idoc gets created, in the idoc the value of the company code becomes SAH001. I dont know why this happens.
    This is the record to in the corresponing table table- which is to be sent from sender to Receiver. The company code ie company code field value is 0093 .
    The RFC/LS  connections have been done and checked. I am able to send the cost center group data correctly. While sending the cost center I am encountering the following error:-
    For an example
    Content of created Idoc in sender
    Company code field  |   SAH001
    The company code info is now SAH001. I wonder why ?
    So when we send the idoc to recceiver, we get the same company code and I get an error that company code doesn’t exist.
    Content of idoc in receiver
    Company code field  |   SAH001
    I want to display 0093.
    Please tel me what is error and how to rectify?
    Thanks & regards

    Testing inbound idoc :
    Once you configured everything then goto WE19 Transaction :
    Give message type or idoc type and execute .
    now here you need to fill the Mandatory data in each segment,once you done then
    idoc->edit control record -> here you need to fill sender and receiver details.
    now you should get green color ,if you get red color then config issue.
    now click on start inbound -> now you will get idoc number.
    if you want to debug then click on inbound function module -> enter FM -> select call in debug mode and enter.
    now cursor will go debug mode
    Testing Outbound idoc :
    Once you done all configuration ..
    Let me say example like invoice ,you need to send invoice from SAP R/3 to other system.
    create invoice at VF01 -> Here customer should configure in Parter profile ,once you create invoice ,it creates the idoc.
    debugging Outbound IDOC :
    keep the break point in form routine above as i said
    Create invoice or invoice list
    when you maintain output type in invoice or invoice list -
    Now click on Further data ->select peridoc scheduling-> back and save it.
    Run RSNAST00 Program
    Output application : V3
    Object key : Invoice or invoice list number
    Output type : RD00 or LR00
    Medium = 6(EDI) ,A (ALE)
    when you execute the program and it will goto debugging.
    See the below status codes :
    See table TEDS1 for all status codes via SE16 in SAP. Outbound ALE Status Codes
    Successful Transmission:
    03 - Successful outbound transmission
    12 - Dispatch OK
    IDoc being processed:
    01 - IDoc created
    30 - IDoc ready for dispatch (ALE service) (Program RSEOUT00 needs to be executed)
    ALE Error Messages:
    02 - Error passing data to port
    04 - Error within control information on EDI subsystem
    05 - Error during translation
    25 - Processing despite syntax errors (outbound)
    29 - Error in ALE service
    32 - Resubmit edited intermediate document (DO NOT USE)
    Syntax Error Messages:
    26 - Error during syntax check of IDoc (outbound) Inbound ALE Status Codes
    IDoc Processed Successfully:
    50 - IDoc added
    53 - Successful posting
    IDoc ready for processing:
    64 - IDoc ready to be passed to application. The IDoc will be passed to the application by program RBDAPP01.
    Errors in IDoc Processing:
    51 - Error - application document not posted
    56 - IDoc with errors added (You should never see this error code)
    60 - Error during syntax check of IDoc (inbound)
    61 - Processing despite syntax error (inbound)
    63 - Error passing IDoc to application
    65 - Error in ALE service - indicates partner profiles are incorrect
    69 - IDoc was edited

  • IDOC: Error in ALE Service

    Hi All,
    I have created a new outbound idoc type ZSLSRPT and assigned it to a partner profile with type LI in we20. I tried running my customized program for idoc outbound and the status shows<b> Error in ALE Service, Entry in outbound table not found</b>.
    Am I missing something with the partner definition? Do I need to configure the vendor output type in NACE? Please help.

    Hi Kenny,
    Have you setup the distribution model (BD64) for the corresponding message type?
    Also check this link for your reference.
    Ferry Lianto

  • STPPOD Idoc creation status : Error in ALE Service

    I am trying to send GR from MM to SUS in MM-SUS Classic Scenario on ECC 6.0 Server. I have also configured Goods REceipt Notifications Functionality to sending GR from MM to SUS.
    When i am trying to send GR Idoc is generated (STDPOD) but i am getting the Error whose status - 29 in WE02 t-code :
    Status Message for Selected IDoc
    Status Text:   IDoc: 0000000000211243 Status: Error in ALE service
    T100 Text:     Entry in outbound table not found
    While i have properly configured Partner Profile for  Message Type STPPOD :
    Partner Role          Basic Type     Receiver Port           Application     Output Mode
    LS        DELVRY03       A000000018 (XI port)           GRN               Transfer Idoc Immediately
    When i try WE19 t-code for this idoc, i found  the error "Port '' does not exist in the table of port descriptions"
    while  i have already defined port (A000000018)in WE21 t-code  and this port also working fine for other messages.
    Please suggest.
    Pawan Keshwani

    Issue is resolved it was the wiered error. As i removed LS from the field  Partner Role in STPPOD message at  partner profile(WE20) for SUS Client in ECC. Now the message STPPOD outbound message working fine.
    Pawan Keshwani

  • Error occured while service was processing- seeing this error often

    I have Oracle EBS 12.1 installed and have a LDAP directory on the other side. data to directory is sent using soap protocol. Often while doing some operation like add user i get the following error
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
    <env:Fault xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
    <faultcode xmlns="">SOAP-ENV:Server</faultcode>
    <faultstring xmlns="">Error occured while service was processing.</faultstring>
    restarting the ebs services solves the problem. What is causing this?

    According to the XSD of the service, p_validate is an integer:
    <element name="P_VALIDATE" type="int" db:index="1" db:type="INTEGER" minOccurs="0" nillable="true" />

  • Error writing output with iview for xml form builder

    I created a Xml Form Builder's project in which I developed an "Edit" and "ListEdit" sheet.
    I also created an iview for theese in which the code link is:"",and the field for Style Sheet for List and for single item are set up correctly,but when I tried the preview the following error message happened:
    com.inqmy.lib.xsl.xslt.XSLOutputException: Error writing output. -> org.w3c.dom.DOMException: Root Element is already present, cannot be appended as a child.
    could someone help me?
    thank's a lot!

    Now I'm confused,what do you mean with create new data? Are users editing existing documents
    (as if they go to a document example.xml > edit) or they are creating new documents (as if they go
    on folder > new > forms)?
    The problem is, in both cases a user would need read/write permissions.
    The normal flow content (data) is created in KM is as follows:
    1. user is assigned to a role
    2. role contains KM Navigation iView
    3. KM Navigation iView executes component
    4. user chooses New > Form UI command (edit_xml_forms)
    5. edit_xml_forms UI command executes its code ( and open xml edit for the user
    6. user fill the form and click Save, form is created into folder
    For what I understood so far, your requirement basically asks you to go directly to step 5, it is
    possible to pass a URL that goes directly to step 5, the UI command button, but if you do that
    you won't have a context, so chances that it will work are slim, since a context is required to
    fill the parameters asked by the app (like folder, user, permissions, etc). Even though, in some cases you can
    still pass the parameters via post in the URL but you must know which service/parameters the
    app asks for it, also a URL is static...
    That was the create scenario, I think it's more cons than pros, users would still be
    able to bypass the URL iView created for that, I'd suggest evaluating again if it's really
    a problem having users access cm to manage data
    kind regards,

  • Error: starting satellite services

    Hi all,
    When I install Ops Center on Linux CentOS 5.10 for management Sun Oracle Server. I have issue with last step of installation script ". I have error messsage below :
                                                   Ops Center Enterprise Controller Installer
                                                         (version on Linux)
    1. Check for installation prerequisites.                                                                                    [Completed]
    2. Check that required RPM packages are present.                                                                            [Completed]
    3. Configure file systems.                                                                                                  [Completed]
    4. Install Agent components.                                                                                                [Completed]
    5. Create Deployable Proxy Bundles.                                                                                         [Completed]
    6. Add users.                                                                                                               [Completed]
    7. Install prerequisite packages.                                                                                           [Completed]
    8. Install application packages.                                                                                            [Completed]
    9. Run postinstall tasks.                                                                                                   [Completed]
    10. Install IPMI tool.                                                                                                       [Completed]
    11. Initialize database.                                                                                                     [Completed]
    12. Install Service container components.                                                                                    [Completed]
    13. Install Core Channel components.                                                                                         [Completed]
    14. Install Proxy Core components.                                                                                           [Completed]
    15. Install Enterprise Controller components.                                                                                [Completed]
    16. Install Update Connection - Enterprise.                                                                                  [Completed]
    17. Install Ops Center BUI components.                                                                                       [Completed]
    18. Install OS provisioning components.                                                                                      [Completed]
    19. Initialize and start services.                                                                                       [Not Completed]
    Failed Step:  Initialize and start services.
    The following is a portion of the installer
    log which may indicate the cause of the error.
    If this does not indicate the cause of the
    error, you will need to view the full log
    file. More information on how to do that is
    available below.
    INFO: Converting satellite SMF manifest file (/opt/sun/xvmoc/lib/svc/satellite-ajaxterm-svc.xml)
    INFO: Converting satellite SMF manifest file (/opt/sun/xvmoc/lib/svc/proxy-base-svc.xml)
    INFO: Converting satellite SMF manifest file (/opt/sun/xvmoc/lib/svc/satellite-xvmoc-svc.xml)
    INFO: Converting satellite SMF manifest file (/opt/sun/xvmoc/lib/svc/proxy-xvmoc-svc.xml)
    INFO: starting new satellite SMF services
    Can't exec "/opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/satadm": No such file or directory at /root/xvmoc_full_bundle/Linux_i686/Product//installer/Modules/ line 1619.
    Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /root/xvmoc_full_bundle/Linux_i686/Product//installer/Modules/ line 1631.
    Error: starting satellite services
    Command: /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/satadm start -v -w
    Exit code: 72057594037927935
    Signal: 255
    Please fix the problem and then try this step again.
    For a full log of the failed install see the file: /var/tmp/installer.log.21123.
    t. Try this step again (correct the failure before proceeding)
    x. Exit
    Enter selection: (t/x)
    How do I fix this issue, thanks for any help!

    Go to deploy service in visual administrator and start your application.
    In visual administrator
    web service container and start the application.
    Reward points if useful

  • Output Service invocation with webservices

    I want to invoke the output service with a Java Client using webservices. I have generated the proxy Java classes using Apache Axis, and then I wrote a Java Client invoking the output service, using a simple form (xdp file) and a data xml file.
    The service invocation looks good (I have no erros in the log file) but I have no pdf file generated and I get the following error message..
         Print request successful. No output generated as recordLevel or recordName does not matches with the data file.
    If anyone can help. Thanks !

    The problem looks like you have not referenced your data source properly. <br /><br />Assume that you had this XML data source:<br /><br /><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><br /><batch><br /><LoanRecord><br /><mortgageAmount>500000</mortgageAmount><br /><lastName>Blue</lastName><br /><firstName>Tony</firstName><br /><SSN>555666777</SSN><br /><PositionTitle>Product Manager</PositionTitle><br /><Address>555 No Where Dr</Address><br /><City>New York</City><br /><StateProv>New York</StateProv><br /><ZipCode>51256</ZipCode><br /><Email>[email protected]</Email><br /><PhoneNum>555-7418</PhoneNum><br /><FaxNum>555-9981</FaxNum><br /><Description>Buy a home</Description><br /></LoanRecord><br /><LoanRecord><br /><mortgageAmount>300000</mortgageAmount><br /><lastName>White</lastName><br /><firstName>Sam</firstName><br /><SSN>555666222</SSN><br /><PositionTitle>Program Manager</PositionTitle><br /><Address>557 No Where Dr</Address><br /><City>New York</City><br /><StateProv>New York</StateProv><br /><ZipCode>51256</ZipCode><br /><Email>[email protected]</Email><br /><PhoneNum>555-7445</PhoneNum><br /><FaxNum>555-9986</FaxNum><br /><Description>Buy a home</Description><br /></LoanRecord><br /><LoanRecord><br /><mortgageAmount>700000</mortgageAmount><br /><lastName>Green</lastName><br /><firstName>Steve</firstName><br /><SSN>55566688</SSN><br /><PositionTitle>Project Manager</PositionTitle><br /><Address>445 No Where Dr</Address><br /><City>New York</City><br /><StateProv>New York</StateProv><br /><ZipCode>51256</ZipCode><br /><Email>[email protected]</Email><br /><PhoneNum>555-2211</PhoneNum><br /><FaxNum>555-2221</FaxNum><br /><Description>Buy a home</Description><br /></LoanRecord><br /></batch><br /><br />You must reference the XML data source that contains data records. An XML element is used to separate the data records. For example, in this XML data source, the XML element that separates data records is named LoanRecord.<br /><br />Plus - the XML element name must match the field name in your form. <br /><br />Your error is saying that the recordName or recordLevel does not match your data file. <br />     <br />Set the Record Name option by invoking the OutputOptionsSpec objects setRecordName method and passing a string value that specifies the XML element name in the data source that separates the data records. (For example-- LoanRecord).<br /><br />Hope this helps

  • Getting a error invoking web service action  block

    I am first time using web service action block in xmii. I am using it for executing my transaction . But it is giving error stating that
    Error invoking web service action block. I dont know please help me out?

    Hi Mike,
    I am using xMII - 11.5 version and with java 1.6.0_07. In My system i have installed service pack 3. When ever i use webservice action block and execute it, It gives error stating .
    [INFO ]: Execution Started At: 11:07:16
    [DEBUG]: 00000.01600 Begin Transaction 'TMP83E3D064-F6E8-4E3D-647F-6CE6B41C9E83'
    [DEBUG]: 00000.01600 Begin Sequence Sequence : ()
    [DEBUG]: 00000.01600 Begin Action WebService_0 : ()
    [ERROR]: Error Invoking Web Service Action: null
    [ERROR]: ACTION FAILED: End Action WebService_0 : ()
    [DEBUG]: 00001.42200 Begin Sequence Sequence_0 : ()
    [DEBUG]: 00001.42200 Begin Action Tracer_0 : ()
    [INFO ]: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><XacuteResponse xmlns=""><Rowsets DateCreated="2000-01-01T00:00:00" EndDate="2000-01-01T00:00:00" StartDate="2000-01-01T00:00:00" Version=""><FatalError/><Messages><Message/></Messages><Rowset><Columns><Column Description="" MaxRange="0.00" MinRange="0.00" Name="" SQLDataType="0" SourceColumn=""/></Columns><Row><Output/></Row></Rowset></Rowsets></XacuteResponse>
    [DEBUG]: 00001.43700 End Action Tracer_0 : ()
    [DEBUG]: 00001.43700 End Sequence Sequence_0 : ()
    [DEBUG]: 00001.43700 End Sequence Sequence : ()
    [DEBUG]: 00001.43700 End Transaction 'TMP83E3D064-F6E8-4E3D-647F-6CE6B41C9E83'
    [INFO ]: Execution Completed At: 11:07:17 Elapsed Time was 1421 mS
    please help me out .

  • Error 1069 - Server Service won't start

    I'm getting the following erro message when I try to start Central Pro Server:
    Could not start the Adobe Central Output Server Service on local computer.
    Error 1069 The Service did not start due to logon failure.
    I checked the services and it won't allow me to start this manually... any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    From the text error as well as the inability to manually start the server I'd suspect that the user-id or password defined on the Log On tab is incorrect. If you are on a Windows network don't forget that if you are using a Domain user-id that the domain name has to be included (DOMAIN\user-id).

Maybe you are looking for

  • Eliminate Web page flicker on refresh

    I have a page that I refresh and it takes 5 seconds or so to bring back the web report - i can live with the time because there are number of queries behind it. However when i reload my page refreshes half way - ie draws half my page and then only fu

  • Problems e-mailing photos

    When I try and email photos from iphoto I get the following message  "The email server didn't recognize your username/password combination".  I have no problem sending e-mail directly from the e-mail program but I can't attach photos.  This seems to

  • Servlet bean retrieving different values between browsers

    hi all, i have search functionality within my web app. basically the user enters a search string, i pass that using jquery to my servlet, obtain results and send the results back to the client browser. now i have run into this problem, where if the u

  • Can't download music on to my iPhone 6

    When I go to sync music from iTunes to my new iPhone 6 i can get the bar to show all the music I want on there. Then it goes through the download and none of the music goes to my phone.

  • Adobe Download Assistant won't let me accept the Terms and Conditions, freezes computer.

    I downloaded the Adobe Download Assistant today, and when the Terms and Conditions pops up, it won't let me click the Accept or Quit button. I'm trying to accept so I can download the trial of Photoshop CS6/CS6 Extended and the program freezes after