Error using a tag query

We have a tag query that works in our sandbox environment, but not in dev.  I loaded the same JDBC drivers on both systems.
The project was exported from the sandbox, and imported into dev.
I have verified the Data Server set up is identical in both environments.  Connection status in both environments is identical - running, same number of connections, etc.
When I try to run the query on sandbox in workbench, the query returns data.  I get this error on the dev system -
SQL error has occurred on query java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]Invalid object name 'tag'.
Detailed error -
java.lang.Exception: SQL error has occurred on query [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]Invalid object name 'publicgrouptag'.
     at Source)
Any suggestions??

One of your included JDBC driver archives has a class that matches the path provided by the JDBCDriver setting for the data server (likely the sqljdbc.jar file).
If you take the JDBCDriver setting:
and replace the periods for sub directories and add a .class on the end you'll have:
So if you unpacked the jar file you'd find this java class (and the other ones included with the driver).
Do you get the same error about 'publicgrouptag' and 'tag' objects when you test a tag query request for GroupList mode?  These tables/views would be used by the underlying queries used to populate the tag details tab in the WB.  Do you see these tables or view within the SQL Server?  Does the sa user have appropriate permissions?

Similar Messages

  • Using the Tag Query's Statistics Mode

    I've tried to come up with the average of tag values over a span of a month two different ways:
    1.  using the Statistics mode
    2.  using the HistoryEvent mode and averaging the resultant data with an average function.
    For most tags the two results are quite similar.  I have one tag however that contains a lot of zero values and for that tag, the Statistics mode average is about 10% higher than the HistoryEvent mode average. It's like the Statistics mode ignores the zero values when doing it's calculations.
    Is this correct?  My tag query is returning data from six tags - does this cause the Statistics mode any heartache?
    David Macindoe

    Martin K - if you are listening please feel free to correct or confirm the following:
    The PI UDS uses native Statistical method calls to the PI API/SDK, so the results are coming directly from PI.  In this case, xMII is not doing a HistoryEvent call and then doing the average calcs on the raw event records, like it would be if you did it in BLS.

  • Error using Data Tags

    I am working with the example explained in using the Row Data Tag to make a search, but I found an error message: 0. Why?
    The source code for search.jsp is:
    <%@ page language = "java" errorPage="errorpage.jsp" import = "java.util.*, oracle.jbo.*, javax.naming.*, oracle.jdeveloper.html.*, oracle.jbo.html.databeans.*" contentType="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
    // make sure the application is registered
    oracle.jbo.html.jsp.JSPApplicationRegistry.registerApplicationFromPropertyFile(session , "JSP_bc4j_Bc4jModule");
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
    <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Oracle JDeveloper">
    <TITLE>Search </TITLE>
    <%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
    <jbo:ApplicationModule configname="bc4j.Bc4jModule.Bc4jModuleLocal" id="Bc4jModule" username="iessuser" password="iess" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="dtsmaster" appid="Bc4jModule" viewobject="KspcotempleadorView" ></jbo:DataSource>
    <table border="1">
    <jbo:RowsetIterate datasource="dtsmaster" >
    <TD>">See this record</a></TD>
    <TD>Nombre del Empleador:</TD><TD><jbo:ShowValue datasource="dtsmaster" dataitem="Nomemp" ></jbo:ShowValue></TD>
    <jbo:ReleasePageResources releasemode="Stateless" />
    And the source code for search2.jsp is:
    <%@ page language = "java" errorPage="errorpage.jsp" import = "java.util.*, oracle.jbo.*, javax.naming.*, oracle.jdeveloper.html.*, oracle.jbo.html.databeans.*" contentType="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
    <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Oracle JDeveloper">
    Busqueda finalizada
    <%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
    <jbo:ApplicationModule configname="bc4j.Bc4jModule.Bc4jModuleLocal" id="Bc4jModule" username="iessuser" password="iess" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="dtsmaster" appid="Bc4jModule" viewobject="KspcotempleadorView" ></jbo:DataSource>
    <jbo:Row id="masterRow" datasource="dtsmaster" rowkeyparam="RowKeyValue" action="Find" ></jbo:Row>
    <jbo:RefreshDataSource datasource="dtsmaster" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="dtsDetail" appid="Bc4jModule" viewobject="KspcotemplocView" ></jbo:DataSource>
    <h2> Nombre del Empleador: <jbo:ShowValue datasource="dtsmaster" dataitem="Nomemp" ></jbo:ShowValue></h2>
    <table border="1">
    <jbo:RowsetIterate datasource="dtsdetail" >
    <TR><TD>Employee Name</TD><TD><jbo:ShowValue datasource="dtsdetail" dataitem="Empdir" ></jbo:ShowValue></TD></TR>
    Please could anybody help me with this??

    I looked at this thread
    Update XML doc
    But this thread is more to do with the problem associated with setting the current row.
    My problem is in the first step i.e retreiving the RowKey value.
    ODRApplications ->Master View created by query on one table
    ODRUserReportList -> Detail View created by query joining various tables
    Here is my Jsp Code
    <%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
         oracle.jbo.html.jsp.JSPApplicationRegistry.registerApplicationFromPropertyFile(session , "odr_fe_real_odrn_ODRMenuModule");
    <jbo:ApplicationModule configname="odrn.ODRMenuModule.ODRMenuModuleLocal" id="ODRMenuModule" username="portal_apps" password="portal_apps" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="ODRApplications" appid="ODRMenuModule" viewobject="ODRApplications" rangesize="1" ></jbo:DataSource>
    <jbo:DataSource id="ODRUserReportList" appid="ODRMenuModule" viewobject="ODRUserReportList" rangesize="10" ></jbo:DataSource>
    function execq(RV){
    <% if (request.getParameter("RowKeyValue") !=null) { %>
    <jbo:Row id="masterRow" datasource="ODRApplications" action="Find" rowkeyparam="RowKeyValue" >
    <% } %>
    <select onchange="execq(this.value)">
    <jbo:RowsetIterate datasource="ODRApplications" >
    <option VALUE="<jbo:ShowValue datasource="ODRApplications" dataitem="RowKey" ></jbo:ShowValue>">
    <jbo:ShowValue datasource="ODRApplications" dataitem="ApplicationName" ></jbo:ShowValue>
    <jbo:ShowValue datasource="ODRApplications" dataitem="RowKey" > </jbo:ShowValue>
    <!--the above line displays 0000 for RowKey -->
    <jbo:RowsetIterate datasource="ODRUserReportList" >
    <jbo:ShowValue datasource="ODRUserReportList" dataitem="DisplayName" ></jbo:ShowValue>
    <jbo:ShowValue datasource="ODRUserReportList" dataitem="RowKey" ></jbo:ShowValue>
    <!--the above line displays 0000 for RowKey -->
    Thanks in advance

  • Error using selectmany tags with backing beans - Beta 1

    Hi All,
    I'm not having any luck getting any of the selectmany tags working with back-end beans. I've concluded it just doesn't work. My example is derived from the selectmany sample in the tutorial, which also just doesn't work (there are 4 or 5 problems with the sample in the tutorial, including the fact that there's no tag called 'selectmany_checkbox' in Beta 1, it's renames to selectmany_checkboxlist. But I digress).
    Anyway, the following is the relevant JSP snippet:
    <html:selectmany_menu value="#{facesTest.items}">
    <faces:selectitem itemValue="foo" itemLabel="foo" />
    <faces:selectitem itemValue="bar" itemLabel="bar" />
    Here's the relevant backing bean snippet:
    protected ArrayList items = null;
    public Object[] getItems() {
    if (items != null)
    return items.toArray();
    return null;
    public void setItems(Object[] items)
    int len = 0;
    if (null == items ||(len = items.length) == 0) {
    if (this.items != null)
    this.items = new ArrayList(len);
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    I've declared the bean as follows in the face-config.xml:
    The errors vary, but basically when I don't select anything from the multi-select menu, all is fine. When I do select something I get one of two messages returned thru the messages tag, either "Conversion Error setting value 'null' for 'expression'" when I select one item or " Conversion Error setting value '[Ljava.lang.String;@397d4e' for 'expression'." when I select two items.
    Turning on 'FINEST', I get the output below:  Any ideas?  I've noticed several posting regarding the selectmany tags, any response on getting these to work?
    FINE: Exiting RenderResponsePhase
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl execute
    FINE: Begin executing lifecycle phases
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl execute
    FINEST: execute(phaseId=RESTORE_VIEW 1)
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl execute
    FINEST: Begin execute(phaseId=RESTORE_VIEW 1)
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhase execute
    FINE: Entering RestoreViewPhase
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl getMappingForR
    FINEST: servletPath /hello.jsf
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl getMappingForR
    FINEST: pathInfo null
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl getFacesMappin
    FINE: URL pattern of the FacesServlet executing the current request .jsf
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl convertViewId
    FINE: viewId after appending the context suffix /hello.jsp
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.application.StateManagerImpl restoreView
    FINE: Begin restoring view from response /hello.jsp
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.application.StateManagerImpl restoreView
    FINE: End restoring view from response /hello.jsp
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl restoreView
    FINEST: set character encoding on request to ISO-8859-1
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhase execute
    FINE: Postback: Restored view for /hello.jsf
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhase execute
    FINE: Exiting RestoreViewPhase
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl execute
    FINEST: End execute(phaseId=RESTORE_VIEW 1)
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl hasPostDataOrQuery
    FINEST: Request Method: POST/PUT
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl execute
    FINEST: execute(phaseId=APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES 2)
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl execute
    FINEST: Begin execute(phaseId=APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES 2)
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.ApplyRequestValuesPhase execute
    FINE: Entering ApplyRequestValuesPhase
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.el.ValueBindingImpl getValue
    FINE: getValue(ref=facesTest.items)
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.el.VariableResolverImpl resolveVariable
    FINE: resolveVariable: Resolved variable:ipt.faces.FacesTest@f97d27
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.el.ValueBindingImpl getValue
    FINE: getValue Result:[Ljava.lang.Object;@11fb68f
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.el.ValueBindingImpl getValue
    FINEST: -->Returning [Ljava.lang.Object;@11fb68f
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.el.VariableResolverImpl resolveVariable
    FINE: resolveVariable: Resolved variable:ipt.faces.FacesTest@f97d27
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.el.ValueBindingImpl getType
    FINE: isReadonly result:class [Ljava.lang.Object;
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.el.ValueBindingImpl getValue
    FINE: getValue(ref=facesTest.items)
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.el.VariableResolverImpl resolveVariable
    FINE: resolveVariable: Resolved variable:ipt.faces.FacesTest@f97d27
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.el.ValueBindingImpl getValue
    FINE: getValue Result:[Ljava.lang.Object;@1262667
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.el.ValueBindingImpl getValue
    FINEST: -->Returning [Ljava.lang.Object;@1262667
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.context.FacesContextImpl addMessage
    FINE: Adding Message[sourceId=_id0:_id7,summary=Conversion Error setting value '
    [Ljava.lang.Object;@1262667' for 'expression'.)
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.ApplyRequestValuesPhase execute
    FINE: Exiting ApplyRequestValuesPhase
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl execute
    FINEST: End execute(phaseId=APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES 2)
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl execute
    FINEST: execute(phaseId=PROCESS_VALIDATIONS 3)
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl execute
    FINEST: Begin execute(phaseId=PROCESS_VALIDATIONS 3)
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.ProcessValidationsPhase execute
    FINE: Entering ProcessValidationsPhase
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.ProcessValidationsPhase execute
    FINE: Exiting ProcessValidationsPhase
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl execute
    FINEST: End execute(phaseId=PROCESS_VALIDATIONS 3)
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl execute
    FINE: Skipping to RenderResponsePhase
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.RenderResponsePhase execute
    FINE: Entering RenderResponsePhase
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.RenderResponsePhase execute
    FINE: About to render view /hello.jsp
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl renderView
    FINE: About to render view /hello.jsp
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl getFacesMappin
    FINE: URL pattern of the FacesServlet executing the current request .jsf
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl renderView
    FINE: Found URL pattern mapping to FacesServlet .jsf
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl renderView
    FINEST: Before dispacthMessage to newViewId /hello.jsp
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl getFacesMappin
    FINE: URL pattern of the FacesServlet executing the current request .jsf
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl getViewIdPath
    FINEST: viewId after modifications /hello.jsf
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.application.ApplicationImpl createConverte
    FINEST: Created converter of type javax.faces.convert.BooleanConverter
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl writeState
    FINEST: Begin writing state to response for viewId/hello.jsp
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl writeState
    FINEST: End writing state to response for viewId/hello.jsp
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.application.StateManagerImpl saveSerialize
    FINE: Begin creating serialized view for /hello.jsp
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.application.StateManagerImpl saveSerialize
    FINE: End creating serialized view /hello.jsp
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl renderView
    FINEST: After dispacthMessage to newViewId /hello.jsp
    Jan 9, 2004 10:11:52 AM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.RenderResponsePhase execute
    FINE: Exiting RenderResponsePhase

    Could you post your code example? I am having the same problem. And I am wondering how you can set the value, label and description using the String[] return type. I thought the object[] would basically be a SelectItem Array...

  • Error Using Custom Tag

    I am trying to use a custom tag but receive an error when I use it on a jsp page.
    I have a tag handler class file, tag library descriptor file, specified the path to the .tld in the web.xml file.
    The error implies that it cannot find the SimpleTag.class file, though I put it in the \webapps\examples\WEB-INF\classes\ directory.
    Here is the error. Does anyone know what else it could be?
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
    Generated servlet error:
    C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1\work\localhost\examples\jsp\jspVisual\ch10\using_0005ftag$ Class org.apache.SimpleTag not found.
    SimpleTag_jspx_th_myFirstTag_SimpleTag_0 = new SimpleTag();

    I could not see any obvious mistakes. But what you could try, in order to isolate the problem, is to bypass the web.xml. In other words access the TLD directly by doing this in your JSP
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/jsp/tag_library_descriptor.tld" prefix="myFirstTag" %>
    if that does work then move the your TLD out of the jsp folder and into WEB-INF , then try
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tag_library_descriptor.tld" prefix="myFirstTag" %>
    Maybe someone else has better idea.

  • Error using custom tag library

    Hi All,
              I am getting the following error:
              On the browzer page when I invoke the foo.jsp page containing a tag
              Parsing of JSP File '/jsp/foo.jsp' failed:
              /jsp/foo.jsp(7): Could not parse deployment descriptor:
              org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Could not parse taglib, starting at
              line 5
              probably occurred due to an error in /jsp/foo.jsp line 7:
              <%@ taglib uri="example-taglib.tld" prefix="eg" %>
              Wed Mar 27 13:17:49 PST 2002
              The configutation is as follows
              Foo.jsp in documentRoot/jsp
              tld file in documentRoot/WEB-INF
              class files in documentRoot/WEB-INF/classes/examples.
              The server is spitting out the following code:
              weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspException: (line 7): Could not parse
              deployment descript
              or: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Could not parse taglib, starting at
              line 5
              at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Native Method)
              at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Compiled Code)
              at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Compiled Code)
              at java.lang.Exception.<init>(Compiled Code)
              at java.lang.RuntimeException.<init>(
              at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspException.<init>(
              Can anyone help me with this ?
              Thanks for your help!!

    Could anyone please let me know what is going on here?
              [email protected] (SundayFunday) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
              > Can anyone help me with this?!!
              > Thanks!
              > Sundayfunday.
              > [email protected] (SundayFunday) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
              > > Hi All,
              > >
              > > I am getting the following error:
              > >
              > > On the browzer page when I invoke the foo.jsp page containing a tag
              > > library.
              > >
              > > Parsing of JSP File '/jsp/foo.jsp' failed:
              > > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              > > /jsp/foo.jsp(7): Could not parse deployment descriptor:
              > > org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Could not parse taglib, starting at
              > > line 5
              > > probably occurred due to an error in /jsp/foo.jsp line 7:
              > > <%@ taglib uri="example-taglib.tld" prefix="eg" %>
              > > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              > > Wed Mar 27 13:17:49 PST 2002
              > >
              > >
              > >
              > > The configutation is as follows
              > >
              > > Foo.jsp in documentRoot/jsp
              > >
              > > tld file in documentRoot/WEB-INF
              > > class files in documentRoot/WEB-INF/classes/examples.
              > >
              > >
              > >
              > > The server is spitting out the following code:
              > >
              > > weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspException: (line 7): Could not parse
              > > deployment descript
              > > or: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Could not parse taglib, starting at
              > > line 5
              > > at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Native Method)
              > > at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Compiled Code)
              > > at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Compiled Code)
              > > at java.lang.Exception.<init>(Compiled Code)
              > > at java.lang.RuntimeException.<init>(
              > > at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspException.<init>(
              > >
              > >
              > > Can anyone help me with this ?
              > >
              > > Thanks for your help!!
              > >
              > > SundayFunday!

  • Illegal Access Error : using Custom Tags

    Ive a very simple custom tag that try to print curent date on webpage but when I try to run it gives me following error
    java.lang.IllegalAccessError: try to access class com.sun.xml.tree.ParentNode from class org.apache.jasper.compiler.TagLibraryInfoImpl
    java.lang.IllegalAccessError: try to access class com.sun.xml.tree.ParentNode fr
    om class org.apache.jasper.compiler.TagLibraryInfoImpl
    Here is my jsp code
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="examples"%>
    The file is <examples:cdate/>
    here goes cdate.tld code
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN" "">
    <info>An example tag library</info>
    <info>Returns Current Date</info>
    here is web.xml entry
    here is the taghandler class code
    package datex;
    import java.util.Date;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
    public class DateTag extends javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport {
    private String date;
    public int doStartTag() throws JspException {
              StringBuffer html = new StringBuffer();
              date = new Date().toString();
         html.append("Current Date : ");
         try {
         } catch (IOException ioe) {
         throw new JspException(ioe.getMessage());
    public void setDate(String s) { = s;
    can any one plz hlp me

    when i put the struts tags into the subforld such as /web-inf/tags , the jsp page tell me parsing tags error.
    should i must put all this tags in the right fold?
    i configure the url location in the web.xml as the route /web-inf/tags/....tld why invalid?

  • Passing a tagname from a tag query action to a tag query

    In BLS,  I want to pass a tagname to a tag query . So, I created a "blank" tag query .  Then, using a tag query action, I get a "No tag requested" error while generating the XML sample .
    Please advice, Best regards

    Hi Antonio,
    You must add a tag name either through the Configuration dialog - Parameter Name: TagName.1 - and the name of the tag as the Parameter Value in order to generate the XML sample.   Otherwise, in the Link Editor, you would link a tagname into the tag query parameter TagName.1 - in this case you would answer "No" to the "Generate Sample XML" in the Configuration dialog.
    You could also do both, but, at runtime, what is linked in the Link Editor will overwrite what is configured in the Configuration dialog.  Hope this helps!
    Kind Regards,
    Diana Hoppe
    Edited by: Diana Hoppe on Jun 3, 2011 1:50 PM

  • Dynamic Tag Query  with dynamic tag name.

    In our implementation we have 10+ users. Each one want to monitor only one production line ( eg. one tag value ) in the dashboard by default when they login.
    I was able to design this requirement CONCEPTUALLY but facing some trouble technically.
    Here is my issue.
    Tagname will be coming from one of the BLS Transaction input parameters (Transaction.Tagname). I am able to build tag query using xMII Tag Query block, able to configure repeater. Here is the spot where I was struck. While assigning tag value to XML Row
    i.e IlluminatorRow_0.Tagvalue = Repeater_0.Output{/Row/AssetUtil1}.
    In the above assignment link it requires a hardcoded tagname. In my case it will be dynamic. I tried different ways like
    1. IlluminatorRow_0.Tagvalue = Repeater_0.Output{/Row/@Transaction.Tagname}.
    2.IlluminatorRow_0.Tagvalue = Repeater_0.Output{/@Transaction.Tagname}.
    But no luck.
    Can someone help in how to do this dynamic tagname assignment.

    Hi Srinivas,
    another option is to use "Dynamic Links" which from your sample code is what you were trying to do. For this, the proper syntax is:
    Make sure that the tag name you pass to the historian is the same as the tag name returned by the historian as part of the data set, and make adjustments for that. For example, some historians escape non-alphanumeric characters when they process your request (e.g. passing "abc.def 12-rt" as the tag name can be returned from the historian as "ABC.DEF_12_RT", etc.).
    Hope this helps,

  • Tag Query error when assigning mode in Link Editor

    I am receiving the following error when I run a transaction that contains a Tag query.  In my transaction I have set the tag query mode to be defined by a local property via the link editor.  Then when I execute the transaction I get the following error:
    "[ERROR] [TAG_QUERY_WRITE_TAG] Mode parameter was not found or is malformed"
    I am on version 12.1.8 Build(43).
    I import the project into MII 12.1.4 Build(53) and the transaction works as expected.
    In the new verson of MII is there a bug utilizing the link editor to set mode?  Or is there a specific way it wants the mode linked. (e.g. specific case)
    Additional details:
    I am trying to use the CurrentWrite mode.  I have tried setting Current mode via the link editor and that isn't working either. 
    Any suggestions?

    Hi Mike,
    Please correct me if I understand the logic incorrectly.  But here is what I am thinking....
    I have configured my transaction to have this flow:
    String_List_To_XML_Sequence --> Repeater_TagValues  -->  TAG_QUERY_WRITE_TAG
    The String_List_To_XML_Sequence would contain String_List_To_XML_Parser_TagValues & String_List_To_XML_Parser_TagNames.
    With this flow the logic would say that I will be running a seperate tag query for each tag value.  So if I have 100 tag values that I want to send, I will run 100 tag queries.  This doesn't seem the most efficient.  Also if this is how you were thinking I would configure the transaction then I could use the following links:
    Target Xpath: TAG_QUERY_WRITE_TAG.TagValue.1
    Expression: String_List_To_XML_Parser_TagValues.Output{/Rowsets/Rowset/Row[#Repeater_TagInput.CurrentItem#]/Item}
    Target Xpath: TAG_QUERY_WRITE_TAG.TagName.1
    Expression: String_List_To_XML_Parser_TagNames.Output{/Rowsets/Rowset/Row[#Repeater_TagInput.CurrentItem#]/Item}
    With this configuration updating 10 tags takes 2 seconds:
    [INFO] Statistics [Load = 35 ms msec, Parse = 35 ms, Execution = 2015 ms, Total = 2067 ms]
    With my old configuration updating 10 tags took 700 ms. (original transaction on 12.1.4 Build (53)
    [INFO] Statistics [Load = 11.137 msec, Parse = 224.113 msec, Execution = 451.78 msec, Total = 736.62 msec]
    Please let me know if I interpreted your thoughts incorrectly.
    If there is a way to utilize only 1 Tag Query, then I am not sure how the transaction flow should be configured.
    Thanks for your time,
    Edited by: Justin M Brown on Jul 14, 2011 7:29 PM
    Edited by: Justin M Brown on Jul 14, 2011 7:33 PM

  • MII 11.5 and PCo 2.1 and Tag Query Error

    I have KEPWare OPC server configured with a single tag, and with the OPC Client open.  I have PCo 2.1 configured with a single agent, and 'legacy' ticked with port 9001.  I have a UDS connector pointing to port 9001, and a tag query in 'currentwrite' mode, and can successfully write a value from the query editor (within MII 11.5) to KEPWare, when tested directly within the MII query editor.
    However, when I call the same tag query from within an MII transaction, and set 'TagName.1' and 'TagValue.1' to the values I want, I get the following error:
    "An item with the same key has already been added. at SAP.Manufacturing.Connectivity.Protocol.Custom.PCoQueryRequestHandler.ProcessRequest(Object handler)"
    I see this error in the PCo log.
    Interesting thing is, that within the transaction editor, when I select the underlying tag query, and the editor asks to generate the XML, and I say Yes, the underlying tag query runs fine (I can see the value getting updated within KEPWare).
    I've also tried with/without subscription items in PCo, plus different settings for 'Cache Mode' in PCo, plus using fully qualified tag name (ie: channel.device.tag as KEPWare sees it), etc, but in all cases I get the above error.
    Any ideas?

    Hi Diana,
    I upgraded to PCo V2.1.4.2, still same issue.  And yes, the data server (UDC) is checked as "Writable"!!
    As mentioned, the tag query runs fine in both "Current" mode and "CurrentWrite" mode.  Only when I call the same query from a transaction do I see this error.  Excerpt from Runner Log below;
    2011-02-23 15:20:32,390 [ServletExec: request: time=1298434832343, uri=/Lighthammer/Runner]
    ERROR  Runner - [9FA68944-67CE-824D-3FA6-D96023119ECE][ERROR]:
    IlluminatorQuery: An item with the same key has already been added. TMP0794C967-0F69-8F04-568C-CD037815D1D0
    2011-02-23 15:20:32,453 [ServletExec: request: time=1298434832343, uri=/Lighthammer/Runner]
    ERROR  Runner - [9FA68944-67CE-824D-3FA6-D96023119ECE][ERROR]:
    ACTION FAILED: End Action IllumTagQuery_0 : () TMP0794C967-0F69-8F04-568C-CD037815D1D0
    If I leave the transaction Tag Query action (that calls the underlying tag query) without any assignment to TagValue.1, then there is no error, and the error as set in the aunderlying tag query is used.  But as soon as I assign values to TagValue.1 inside the transaction, I get the error.  I've tried passing a value via a local paramater etc, same issue.

  • Creation of triggers using CFQUERY tag is giving error

    I am creating triggers and stored procedure on ORACLE data
    base using <CFQUERY>.
    create or replace trigger AWC_ACCOUNTINGPERIODSID_TRI
    before insert on AWC_ACCOUNTINGPERIODS
    for each row
    select AWC_ACCOUNTINGPERIODSID_SEQ.nextval into :new.AP_ID
    from dual;
    But the created trigger is not compiled, it is giving the
    following error
    "Line # = 1 Column # = 6 Error Text = PLS-00103: Encountered the
    symbol "" when expecting one of the following: begin case declare
    exit for goto if loop mod null pragma raise return select update
    while with <an identifier> << close current delete
    fetch lock insert open rollback savepoint set sql execute commit
    forall merge pipe The symbol "" was ignored."
    If I edit that trigger in enterprise manager console by
    pressing space and compile that, it is working fine with out any
    error. If i run the above statement in sql *plus, It is working
    fine with out any error. Can you please tell me why this is
    happening if i run it using cfquery tag and also the possible
    Thanks in advance,

    I can't tell you why your particular trigger is failing, but
    here is some "typical" reasons from Oracle's metalink.
    Common reasons for PLS-00103
    Error Summary
    PLS-00103 Encountered the symbol "%s" when expecting one of
    the following (Oerr
    Error Details
    Error: PLS-00103
    Text: Encountered the symbol "%s" when expecting one of the
    Cause: This error message is from the parser. It found a
    (language element) that is inappropriate in this context.
    Action: Check previous tokens as well as the one given in the
    error message. The line and column numbers given in the
    message refer to the end of the faulty language construct.
    PLS-00103 errors can often be difficult to localize what the
    error is so here are some
    common reasons for PLS-00103 errors..
    A very common reason for PLS-00103 is when a reserved word is
    used, with a reserved word
    means words that names an oracle object or a built in
    procedure, for example MOD, ABS,
    TABLE, VIEW etc..
    When trying to use SQL*PLUS commands in PL/SQL procedures,
    like SPOOL, SET and other
    commands that belongs to SQL*PLUS can result in this error.
    Using parameter declaration at the IN/OUT clause in a
    procedure, this works in versions
    prior to 8.0.4, but it just ignored the declaration.
    Using DDL commands in PL/SQL will fail in PLS-00103, the way
    to use DDL commands is
    to build a procedure in dynamic sql.
    When creating package specification and a package body, a
    PLS-00103 error will occur
    if there is no slash, '/', after the package specification.

  • Error in using struts tag library

    Platform information:
    Windows XP
    BEA Weblogic Server 8.1 (Developer)
    Struts 1.1
    I am unable to compile the following JSP in weblogic because it says there is
    an error using the struts-html tag library. (Details about the error are mentioned
    after the JSP)
    My JSP file is:
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
    <%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/struts-template.tld' prefix='template' %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
    <%@ page import="com.hipaaccelerator.runtime.HARuntime" %>
    <jsp:useBean id='logonForm' scope='request' class='com.hipaaccelerator.hipaax.form.LogonForm'/>
    <link rel='stylesheet' href="<html:rewrite page='/styles/default.css'/>" type='text/css'
    <script language='javascript' src="<html:rewrite page='/scripts/default.js'/>"
    <html:form action='/' >     
         <table border='0' align='center' >
              <tr><td height='10'></td></tr>
    <td align='center'>
    <html:img src='/images/Logo.gif' height='70'
              <tr><td height='10'></td></tr>
         <table align='center' width='100%' >
         <tr><td height='10'></td></tr>
         <td height='20' width='10%'> </td>
         <td height='20' colspan='3' align='center' style="font-size: 18pt; color:
    background-color: white; text-align:center">PAC
         <td height='20' width='10%'> </td>
         <tr><td height='10'></td></tr>
         <td height='20' width='10%'> </td>
         <td height='20' width='8%'> </td>
         <td height='20' align='center' style="border-style:solid; border-width:2pt;
    size: 10pt; color: red; background-color: white; text-align:center">
    <%= HARuntime.instance().getConfig().getProperty("logonAnnouncement")
         <td height='20' width='8%'> </td>
         <td height='20' width='10%'> </td>
         <tr><td height='10'></td></tr>
         <table border='0' align='center' >               
    <td class='formfieldname' ><b>User Name: </td>
         <td class='formfield'>
         <html:text property='username' maxlength='20' size='20'/>
         <tr><td class='formfieldspacer'></td></tr>
         <td class='formfieldname' ><b>Password:</b> </td>
         <td class='formfield'>
         <html:password property="password" size="20" maxlength="20"
         <tr><td class='formfieldspacer'></td></tr>
    <td colspan='2' align='middle'>
         <html:image src='/images/login.gif' onclick='document.forms[0].submit();
    return false;' />     
    The translation of this page fails with the following error:
    <Dec 16, 2003 5:06:13 PM MST> <Error> <HTTP> <BEA-101045> <[ServletContext(id=4595,name=hipaax,context-path=/hipaax)]
    translation of /logon.jsp failed:
    weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspException: (line 1): Error in using tag library uri='/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld'
    prefix='html': The Tag class 'org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BaseTag' has no setter
    method corresponding to TLD declared attribute 'server', (JSP 1.1 spec, 5.4.1)>
    I have struts.jar in /web-inf/lib. I have taglib (uri and location) definitions
    in web.xml.I have all the struts tld files under /web-inf. Is there anything
    else I have to do?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you.

    Update: I just looked up the WL version and it's 8.1 sp3
              So, I guess, JSTL 1.1 (which includes jstl fn tags) is not supported by WL.... Someone correct me if I am wrong.
              pal :)

  • TIME-OUT error in BSAK select query(Progress Indicator is also used)

        In my report program one select query is there on BSAK table, which is as follows --
           SELECT BUKRS                                                     
                       BUZEI FROM BSAK
                                  INTO TABLE IT_BSAK
                                  FOR ALL ENTRIES IN IT_BKPF1
                                   WHERE BUKRS = IT_BKPF1-BUKRS
                                                AND AUGDT = IT_BKPF1-BUDAT
                                                AND AUGBL = IT_BKPF1-BELNR
                                                AND BSCHL IN ('31' , '29', '26', '39', '25').
    I used Progress Indicator befor running this query and after this query also. But still It's giving me TIME-OUT error in this select query only.
      I run the same query for 10 records in IT_BKPF1 table, it runs perfectly. But when I run it for 1000 records it giving dump.
    And in actual bussiness my records are always more than 100 only.
    I also check the indexing. It having secondary indexing on this BUKRS, AUGDT, AUGBL fields. Then also it's giving error.
    so, How can I solve this dump..?? What could be the reason..??
    Thanks in advance...!!

    Hi Poonam Patil,
    Try to provide BELNR and GJAHR in where condition...
    Also check
    Check out above relation...
    If data is there in these fields of the table and both are matching then you can pass it and as they are in primary key of BSAK it will improve the performance...
    Hope it will solve your problem..
    Thanks & Regards
    ilesh 24x7
    ilesh Nandaniya

  • Use of Sub Query in a filter is throwing error

    I am using a sub query in a filter which throws me the following error in owb 9i.
    PLS 00405 : Subquery cannot be used in this context.
    But the use of subquery works fine in a joiner operator.
    Use of Sub Query in a filter works fine in owb 2i.
    Could any one please help me.
    Thanks in Advance
    Nanda Kishore

    Please wrap the source table in a view containing the subquery and then use the view as a source rather than use the subquery in the filter.

Maybe you are looking for