Error when running execute immediate to create synonym in Procedure

The following command
execute immediate 'create synonym EW6379_DM.kbr_v_tag_eq_new_tags for EW6379.kbr_v_tag_eq_new_tags';
runs fine if executed outside in a Stored procedure,
but if I add this command to a Procedure will fails with error ORA-01031 insuficient Privilegies
Very strange.

Connected to Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release
Connected as SYS
SQL> drop role r1;
Role dropped
SQL> drop user u1 cascade;
User dropped
SQL> create user u1 identified by u1;
User created
SQL> grant connect, resource to u1;
Grant succeeded
SQL> create role r1;
Role created
SQL> grant create any synonym to r1;
Grant succeeded
SQL> grant create any procedure to r1;
Grant succeeded
SQL> grant r1 to u1;
Grant succeeded
SQL> conn u1/u1;
Connected to Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release
Connected as u1
SQL> create table t(i number);
Table created
SQL> create synonym s for t;
Synonym created
SQL> create table t2(i number);
Table created
SQL> create or replace procedure p
  2  is
  3  begin
  4  execute immediate 'create synonym s2 for t2';
  5  end;
  6  /
Procedure created
SQL> show err;
No errors for PROCEDURE U1.P
SQL> exec p;
begin p; end;
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
ORA-06512: at "U1.P", line 4
ORA-06512: at line 1
SQL> conn sys/0000 as sysdba;
Connected to Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release
Connected as SYS
SQL> grant create any synonym to u1;
Grant succeeded
SQL> conn u1/u1;
Connected to Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release
Connected as u1
SQL> exec p;
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

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  • Need Help with "Not Enough Memory Error" when running executable (is my VI reworkable?)

    When I started making this VI, I had no clue about proper VI flow, sub-VI usuage, and much more I'm sure.
    The VI is a program that outputs a 0-5V digiatl signal to a relay board (to actuate an air cylinder) and monitors 4 input voltages (lets say from a pressure transducer) . The program would then shut down the corresponding output channel if a pressure threshold is not met.
    Surprissingly for my first LV program, The VI functions "fine" (the quotes are because I know my programming flow is a mess and probably not efficient) unitl I reach a given cycle count or time elasped, at which time my VI blows up and I receive an error for "not enough memory to complete operatoin".
    I am wondering if there is a simple DAQmx (or something else) command misplaced or missing that would solve this issue. When I started making this VI I had a poor top down design layout, or lack of one. I would like to believe I have learned a lot from making this program with no LV training and if I were to do it again I would utilize state machines and sub VI's more. However, with time not on my side and LV not a priority in my job I would like to know if this VI is reworkable..?
    I should also mention that this program is being run as an executable on a laptop without the full LV development software. I dont know if the executable creation process could have left to this problem either...
    Attached is LV version 10 and 11
    Thanks for the help
    LCT_DAQmx ‏173 KB ‏135 KB

    There are some things you can probabaly do fairly easily.  Four of the inner while loops appear to be very similar.  You could probably make a subVI from one of them and reuse the code.  Some of the shift registers are initialized and some are not.  I suspect that this is an error, although I did not look closely enough to determine which way is intended.  Read up on reentrancy.  You may need that for the subVI.
    The outer loop, if it is needed at all should be stopped by a front panel boolean, not by the Abort button.  Someone on the Forums has suggested that using the Abort button to stop a VI is like using a tree to stop a car - it works but may have undesirable consequences!
    Re-initializing the DAQ tasks and clearing them on each iteration is not very effficient, is slow, and may lead to problems.
    The inner inner while loops (inside On Cycle and Off Cycle) are very similar, differing mostly in the data written. Perhaps you only need Idle and Run (with Data as a parameter).  The inner inner loops might be combined with the outer loops with some change in the way the timing is handled.
    You Dequeue in two places in each loop.  There is no data dependency bewteen the two Dequeue functions, meaning that you cannot be sure which will execute first.  Also, none of the Dequeues has a timeout set. They will wait forever if no data is available.  Queues should not usually be read in more than one location to avoid loss of data or confusion about which data came first.

  • Error when running wrokflow that is created by code

     I have add "Publish approval" workflow to content type by the following code .
    The work flow added successfully.
    I go to list . and add new Item . then Run the work flow manually .
    The work flow canceld . And check the history  "Coercion Failed: Input cannot be null for this coercion."
    private static void AddWorkFlowToContenTType(SPSite site ,SPWeb web,SPContentType contenTType)
                SPList workFlowTasks = web.Lists["Workflow Tasks"];
                 SPList historyList = web.Lists["Workflow History2"];
                SPWorkflowTemplate wflTemplate = site.RootWeb.WorkflowTemplates.GetTemplateByName("Publishing Approval", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                SPWorkflowAssociation wflAss = SPWorkflowAssociation.CreateListAssociation(wflTemplate, "Submit for approval", workFlowTasks, historyList);
                wflAss.AutoStartChange = false;
                wflAss.AutoStartCreate = false;
                wflAss.AllowManual = true;
                wflAss.AssociationData = GetApprovalWorkFlowData();
                web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
                web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
     private static string GetApprovalWorkFlowData()
               string result =@"<dfs:myFields xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:dms='' xmlns:dfs=''
    xmlns:q='' xmlns:d='' xmlns:ma='' xmlns:pc=''
                                  <d:Stage xsi:nil='true' />
                              <d:NotificationMessage />
                              <d:DueDateforAllTasks xsi:nil='true' />
                              <d:DurationforSerialTasks xsi:nil='true' />
                return result;
    So what is wrong ?

         Can you please compare the code from the below link, I this this will help you.

  • Have problem when using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE.

    Hi, i'm new here... i having problem when trying to use execute immediate statement... :(
    procedure code as below:
    create procedure copy_row(
    p_table varchar2,
    p_key varchar2,
    p_keyval varchar2,
    p_user varchar2,
    p_frmto varchar2 default 'FROM')
    V_SQL VARCHAR2(500);
    if upper(p_frmto)='FROM' then
    ' SELECT * FROM '||P_USER||'.'||P_TABLE||' WHERE '||P_KEY||' = '''||P_KEYVAL||'''';
    elsif upper(p_frmto)='TO' then
    ' SELECT * FROM '||P_TABLE||' WHERE '||P_KEY||' = '''||P_KEYVAL||'''';
    end if;
    when others then
    raise_application_error(-20000,'PROCEDURE: COPY_ROW - UNABLE TO COPY ROWS! SQL='||V_SQL,TRUE);
    is there any limitation on using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE command? i need to use procedure because i'm using old form builder.... but the database server was 9i which able to use this command, so... i decide to use procedure....
    i've done some testing on this.... assume the structure of schema1.table1 and schema2.table1 are same....
    2 BEGIN
    3 exeCute IMMEDIATE 'INSERT INTO schema1.table1 SELECT * FROM schema2.table1 WHERE column1 = ''abc''';
    4 END;
    5 /
    Procedure created.
    2 TESTING;
    3 END;
    4 /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    ORA-06512: at "SCHEMA1.TESTING", line 3
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    any idea?? or have better solution other than this?
    database server:9i
    sqlplus:SQL*Plus: Release

    Do you have an access to tables you are going to insert into / select from ?
    Dynamic SQL checks the access permissions at runtime, not at the compilation stage:
    SQL> create user master identified by master default tablespace users temporary
      2  tablespace temp;
    User created.
    SQL> alter user master quota unlimited on users;
    User altered.
    SQL> grant create session to master;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> grant create table to master;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> grant create procedure to master;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> conn master/master
    SQL> create procedure wrong_prc
      2  is
      3  begin
      4   execute immediate 'insert into master.t select * from scott.t';
      5  end;
      6  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> create table t (id number);
    Table created.
    SQL> exec wrong_prc;
    BEGIN wrong_prc; END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    ORA-06512: at "MASTER.WRONG_PRC", line 4
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    SQL> conn scott/tiger
    SQL> grant select on t to master;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> conn master/master
    SQL> exec wrong_prc;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from t;
             1And don't use literals in dynamic SQL - you should use binding variables instead.

  • Error when running  the ant task

    I got an error when running the ant from jdeveloper .I was running the to build my J2EE module which is build in Java 1.4 . I have changed my java home to JDK 1.4 and then run the ant build i got the following error .The class and ejbc compilation is completing nicely but the error is happening at jar creation .Please help me . One more thing ,when i run the ant task from the command prompt ,it is working fine .
    AuditSearchVO), audit(com.ibsplc.iRes.audit.vo.BaseAuditVO)] >
    [java] CreateProcess: javac -nowarn -classpath D:\applns\bea\jdk142_08\jre\lib\rt.jar;D:\applns\bea\jdk142_08\jre\lib\i18n.jar;D:\applns\bea\jdk142_08\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;D:\applns\bea\jdk142_08\jre\lib\jsse.jar;D:\applns\bea\jdk142_08\jre\lib\jce.jar;D:\applns\bea\jdk142_08\jre\lib\charsets.jar;D:\applns\bea\jdk142_08\jre\classes;D:\Project\Development\aiRES1.7\classes;D:\Project\Development\aiRES1.7\ibase.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\weblogic.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\wlcipher.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\jsafeFIPS.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\webservices.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\xmlx.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\jconn2.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\jConnect.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\EccpressoAsn1.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\EccpressoCore.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\EccpressoJcae.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\ant\ant.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\ant\optional.jar;D:\applns”
    [java]      at java.lang.Win32Process.create(Native Method)
    [java]      at java.lang.Win32Process.<init>(
    [java]      at java.lang.Runtime.execInternal(Native Method)
    [java]      at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
    [java]      at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
    [java]      at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
    [java]      at weblogic.utils.Executable.exec(
    [java]      at weblogic.utils.Executable.exec(
    [java]      at weblogic.utils.Executable.exec(
    [java]      at weblogic.utils.compiler.CompilerInvoker.execCompiler(
    [java]      at weblogic.utils.compiler.CompilerInvoker.compileMaybeExit(
    [java]      at weblogic.utils.compiler.CompilerInvoker.compile(
    [java]      at weblogic.utils.compiler.CompilerInvoker.compile(
    [java]      at weblogic.ejb20.ejbc.EJBCompiler.doCompile(
    [java]      at weblogic.ejb20.ejbc.EJBCompiler.compileEJB(
    [java]      at weblogic.ejb20.ejbc.EJBCompiler.compileEJB(
    [java]      at weblogic.ejbc20.runBody(
    [java]      at weblogic.utils.compiler.T

    I got an error when running the ant from jdeveloper .I was running the to build my J2EE module which is build in Java 1.4 . I have changed my java home to JDK 1.4 and then run the ant build i got the following error .The class and ejbc compilation is completing nicely but the error is happening at jar creation .Please help me . One more thing ,when i run the ant task from the command prompt ,it is working fine .
    AuditSearchVO), audit(com.ibsplc.iRes.audit.vo.BaseAuditVO)] >
    [java] CreateProcess: javac -nowarn -classpath D:\applns\bea\jdk142_08\jre\lib\rt.jar;D:\applns\bea\jdk142_08\jre\lib\i18n.jar;D:\applns\bea\jdk142_08\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;D:\applns\bea\jdk142_08\jre\lib\jsse.jar;D:\applns\bea\jdk142_08\jre\lib\jce.jar;D:\applns\bea\jdk142_08\jre\lib\charsets.jar;D:\applns\bea\jdk142_08\jre\classes;D:\Project\Development\aiRES1.7\classes;D:\Project\Development\aiRES1.7\ibase.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\weblogic.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\wlcipher.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\jsafeFIPS.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\webservices.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\xmlx.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\jconn2.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\jConnect.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\EccpressoAsn1.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\EccpressoCore.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\EccpressoJcae.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\ant\ant.jar;D:\applns\bea\weblogic81\server\lib\ant\optional.jar;D:\applns”
    [java]      at java.lang.Win32Process.create(Native Method)
    [java]      at java.lang.Win32Process.<init>(
    [java]      at java.lang.Runtime.execInternal(Native Method)
    [java]      at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
    [java]      at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
    [java]      at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
    [java]      at weblogic.utils.Executable.exec(
    [java]      at weblogic.utils.Executable.exec(
    [java]      at weblogic.utils.Executable.exec(
    [java]      at weblogic.utils.compiler.CompilerInvoker.execCompiler(
    [java]      at weblogic.utils.compiler.CompilerInvoker.compileMaybeExit(
    [java]      at weblogic.utils.compiler.CompilerInvoker.compile(
    [java]      at weblogic.utils.compiler.CompilerInvoker.compile(
    [java]      at weblogic.ejb20.ejbc.EJBCompiler.doCompile(
    [java]      at weblogic.ejb20.ejbc.EJBCompiler.compileEJB(
    [java]      at weblogic.ejb20.ejbc.EJBCompiler.compileEJB(
    [java]      at weblogic.ejbc20.runBody(
    [java]      at weblogic.utils.compiler.T

  • Error when running a report in BPC NW

    I am getting the following error when running a report for my application in BPC NW.
    EVDRE encountered an error retrieving data from the Web Server (retrying in (X) seconds).
    This error comes with this dialog option box to either continue or cancel retrying retrieving data. Retrying doesn't help either.
    Any report I run (on any of my appsets), I get this error. I used the EVDRE function and also tried running a report using the template as the basis. But I get the error either way.
    Does anyone know why this error is occurs or how to debug this issue. I saw some information about this in earlier threads but could  not make much out of it.
    Appreciate any assistance.

      This  is a   very  generic  error...Couple  of  places  to  look  for....
    1)Reprocess the application (Modify application + Reassign SQL Index + Process Application)
    2)optimizing the application sometimes helps (Full Optimize + Compress Database + Index defragmentation).
    3)Create a "evdataserver_debug.txt" in user's private publication folder on  server side to populate very detail level logging  and  check  the  log on client side EVDRE_LOG.txt for  further  peek  into  where  things  are getting  messed up.
    if  evdataserver_debug.txt does not  get  populated on BPC  is  an  issue  with  IIS authetication on Application server.
    4)You have to check the event viewer into .NET server and also the BPC logs which can be found into
    BPC\Logging  for  further  details  ..
    Hope  this  helps..
    Edited by: Vishal Mahawadhi on Jun 24, 2009 9:50 AM

  • Getting the MDX query select error when running a webi report on BI query

    Getting the following error when running a webi report on BI query :
    A database error occured. The database error text is: The MDX query SELECT  { [Measures].[D8JBFK099LLUVNLO7JY49FJKU] }  ON COLUMNS , NON EMPTY [ZCOMPCODE].[LEVEL01].MEMBERS ON ROWS FROM [ZTEST_CUB/REP_20100723200521]  failed to execute with the error Unknown error. (WIS 10901).
    I have gone through many threads related to this error. But not able find the steps to follow for resoultion.
    Please help in this regard.

    The Fix Pack is also for Client Tools--it is a separate download.  Please see the text below for ADAPT01255422
    Web Intelligence generates an incorrect MDX statement when a characteristic and a prompt are used.
    The following database error happens: "The MDX query ... failed to execute with the error
    Unknown error (WIS 10901)."
    New Behavior:
    This problem is resolved.
    This information is also available in the Fixed Issues document for any Fix Pack greater than 2.2.

  • Getting the below error when running the Baseline.grf for the first time

    I am getting the below error when running the Baseline.grf for the first time.
    Appreciate your support in resolving it.
    Error below:
    INFO [main] - *** CloverETL framework/transformation graph, (c) 2002-2012 Javlin a.s, released under GNU Lesser General Public License ***
    INFO [main] - Running with CloverETL library version 3.2.1 build#63 compiled 04/01/2012 12:53:21
    INFO [main] - Running on 4 CPU(s), OS Windows 7, architecture amd64, Java version 1.6.0_20, max available memory for JVM 901120 KB
    INFO [main] - Loading default properties from: defaultProperties
    INFO [main] - Graph definition file: graph/Baseline.grf
    INFO [main] - Graph revision: 1.114 Modified by: mkressirer Modified: Thu Apr 12 13:27:18 EDT 2012
    INFO [main] - Checking graph configuration...
    INFO [main] - Graph configuration is valid.
    INFO [main] - Graph initialization (Baseline)
    INFO [main] - [Clover] Initializing phase: 0
    INFO [main] - [Clover] phase: 0 initialized successfully.
    INFO [main] - register MBean with name:org.jetel.graph.runtime:type=CLOVERJMX_1306871483270_0
    INFO [WatchDog] - Starting up all nodes in phase [0]
    INFO [WatchDog] - Successfully started all nodes in phase!
    INFO [RUN_GRAPH1_0] - Running graph ./graph/InitDataStore.grf in the same instance.
    INFO [RUN_GRAPH1_0] - Checking graph configuration...
    INFO [RUN_GRAPH1_0] - Graph configuration is valid.
    INFO [RUN_GRAPH1_0] - Graph initialization (InitDataStore)
    INFO [RUN_GRAPH1_0] - [Clover] Initializing phase: 0
    WARN [RUN_GRAPH1_0] - WS messenger cleanup failed.
         at org.apache.axis2.client.Stub.cleanup(
         at Source)
         at org.jetel.graph.TransformationGraph.freeResources(
         at org.jetel.graph.runtime.PrimitiveAuthorityProxy.executeGraph(
         at org.jetel.component.RunGraph.runGraphThisInstance(
         at org.jetel.component.RunGraph.runSingleGraph(
         at org.jetel.component.RunGraph.execute(
    WARN [RUN_GRAPH1_0] - Some graphs wasn't executed (because graph "./graph/InitDataStore.grf" finished with error).
    WARN [RUN_GRAPH1_0] - Some graph(s) finished with error.
    ERROR [WatchDog] - Graph execution finished with error
    ERROR [WatchDog] - Node RUN_GRAPH1 finished with status: ERROR caused by: Graph './graph/InitDataStore.grf' failed!
    ERROR [WatchDog] - Node RUN_GRAPH1 error details:
    org.jetel.exception.JetelException: Graph './graph/InitDataStore.grf' failed!
         at org.jetel.component.RunGraph.execute(
    INFO [WatchDog] - [Clover] Post-execute phase finalization: 0
    INFO [WatchDog] - [Clover] phase: 0 post-execute finalization successfully.
    INFO [WatchDog] - Execution of phase [0] finished with error - elapsed time(sec): 2
    ERROR [WatchDog] - !!! Phase finished with error - stopping graph run !!!
    INFO [WatchDog] - -----------------------** Summary of Phases execution **---------------------
    INFO [WatchDog] - Phase# Finished Status RunTime(sec) MemoryAllocation(KB)
    INFO [WatchDog] - 0 ERROR 2 20132
    INFO [WatchDog] - ------------------------------** End of Summary **---------------------------
    WARN [exNode_0_1306871483270_RUN_GRAPH1] - Attempt to unregister non-registered thread in the ContextProvider.
    ./graph/InitDataStore.grf: Execution of graph failed! Error during graph initialization: Phase 0 can't be initilized.
    INFO [WatchDog] - WatchDog thread finished - total execution time: 2 (sec)
    INFO [main] - Freeing graph resources.
    ERROR [main] - Execution of graph failed !

    It can't find an Endeca specific class when running via the clover command line utility. Thus, the classpath being set in that shell script is not incorporating the .jar files where the endeca-specific classes are packaged. I would start by adding an line to see what your classpath is set to. There are actually already some lines of shell script in clover that you can uncomment to see what .jars are getting loaded:
    #echo $CLOVER_LIB/*
    for i in $CLOVER_LIB/*.jar $CLOVER_LIB/*.zip; do
    #for i in `ls $CLOVER_LIB/*.jar`; do
    #echo $i
    You could also echo LOCAL_CLASSPATH to see what is getting set there. At the end of the day, you will need the endeca-specific jars to load which can be found here: /Endeca/Discovery/2.3.0/Integrator/plugins/com.endeca.latitude_1.0.0/*

  • ORA-04062 error when running forms with different users

    ORA-04062 error when running forms with different users
    I have a form that has a block that should display some data from another users tables. (The other user's name is dynamic, it's selected from a list box)
    I wrote a stored procedure to get the data from other user's tables.
    When I compile the form and run it with the same user I compiled, it works without any error. But when I run the compiled form with another user I get the ORA-04062 (signature of procedure has been changed) error.
    I tried setting REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE to SIGNATURE in init.ora but it didn't help.
    My Forms version is 6i with Patch 15.
    Database version is 9.
    Here is my stored procedure:
    PROCEDURE Get_Scenarios(User_Name IN VARCHAR2, Scen_Table OUT Scenario_Tab) IS
    Curs Open_Curs;
    i NUMBER;
    OPEN Curs FOR
    'SELECT Seq_No FROM '|| User_Name ||'.scenario';
    i := 1;
    FETCH Curs INTO Scen_Table(i);
    i := i + 1;
    END Get_Senarios;
    I would be happy to solve this problem. It's really important.
    Maybe somebody can tell me another way to do what I want to do. (getting a list of values from another users tables)

    I think it should be a better solution to create a package,
    and put your own TYPES and procedure into it.
    END ;
    Then in your Form :
    PKG_XXX.P_XX( 'user_name', var ) ;
    End ;

  • Error when running report: "Error in aggregate table for InfoCube"

    Hi Experts
    We had a temporary error, which I would like to find the root cause for.
    We where running a Workbook which is based on a multiprovider. For a short period of time (around 10 minuts) we got the following error when we executed the workbook based on this multiprovider:
    "Error in aggregate table for InfoCube"
    There where no loads or aggregates rolling up on the cubes in the multiprovider.
    I see no short dumps as well in ST22.
    Have anybody seen this error before, and how can I trace how this error occured?
    Thanks in advance.
    Kind regards,

    Hi Sneha,
    I will Suggest u to do some RSRV tests.
    Go to transaction RSRV. There you will find test for aggregates. Just Perform them and see whether you get any discrepencies.
    Edited by: Shashank Dighe on Jan 4, 2008 10:51 AM

  • Error when running allocation logic

    I am running the following allocation logic and get the following error:
    *DIM P_ACCT WHAT=CE0004010; WHERE=CE0004020; USING=CE0004030; TOTAL=<<<
    *DIM ENTITY WHAT=A1000; WHERE=<<<; USING=<<<; TOTAL=<<<
    UJP_RULE_EXCEPTION:Missing [] on property name: WHAT=CE0004010. I get this error when executing the script using the program "UJK_SCRIPT_LOGIC_TESTER". I also get a similar error when running it via the data manager package.
    Any thoughts on why this error is happening?

    Hi Sanjay,
    I think you are using formula property for any of the dimension member used in the Allocation logic.
    FYI Allocation will not work fine for the dimension members which is calculated using the formula written in the formula Property.
    There is no problem with your script it looks fine.
    Hope this might help you.
    G.Vijaya Kumar

  • How to solve error when run Depreciation (T-Code:AFAB)

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    I found error when run Depreciation for period 9 FYI. I had run Planed posting period Depreciation (TCode: AFAB).  with fiscal year: 2010, posting period: 9, reason for posting run: Planed posting run. Select on Test Run. Then i found error message as below.
    Documents manually posted within dep.doc.number range
         Message no. AA728
         In the number range interval for the document type for posting
         depreciation, a document  has been posted which was not created within
         the framework of depreciation posting. The last document posted by
         depreciation posting was assigned the number .
         Contact your Systems Specialist. When changing the number range interval
         for the document type in depreciation posting, you have to specify a new
         interval in which no documents exist. Using organizational measures, you
         can guarantee that there are no documents apart from those created by
         depreciation posting in this number range.
    Would you help me how to solve this error?
    Thank you in advance
    Best Regards

    Hi Utarat,
    first question is: have you really manually posted a Documents within dep.doc.number range 
    If you post with RABUCH00, note 193984 could be relevant for you. 
    Check if the intervall in Table TABA don't fits with the Intervall in BKPF.
    100   XXXX   2010   004    01     4200000013 4200000016 X      
    100   XXXX   2010   005    01     4200000017 4200000020 X      
    100   XXXX   2010   006    01     4200000021 4200000024        
    On the other Hand In Table BKPF (or Tr. FB03) you can see that 4200000037 already   
    XXXX   4200000024 2010  YY    30.06.2010 06.07.2010 19:36:30 ABF1 
    XXXX   4200000037 2010  YY    30.06.2010 06.07.2010 19:37:47 ABF1 
    Regards Bernhard

  • Loading script "script path-name" failed (0xC0000006) error when running scripts from DFS

    We have this issue where any number of random scripts that execute at startup will produce the following error when run from DFS:
    The status code for this error equates to STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR - The instruction at 0x%p referenced memory at 0x%p. The required data was not placed into memory because of an I/O error status of 0x%x.
    This does not always happen each time and the script can be random. If we move the script(s) to a non DFS, we do not see this. I believe the issue is being caused by a minute disconnect to the DFS for whatever script is attempting to execute at that
    moment. This happens across a few (consistent) offices on different computers.
    Any ideas?

    According to your description, my understanding is that you run scripts in a shared folder which is added to a DFS Namespace, then the error prompt. However, you can run the scripts when you directly access the shared folder.
    What scripts did you run? Is there any error message in the Event Log? If so, please provide us the detailed error message for our further research.
    Best Regards,
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • [Windows] file.url throw error when application executable in root directory

    Here is the bugbase ticked: Bug#3940278 - [Windows] file.url throw error when application executable in root directory
    If you launch AIR application packaged as bundle from root directory and try to get url property of any file you get IllegalOperationError.
    No matter what file url property you try to get.
    It's a big problem when you distribute your application on CD disks or flash drive.
    I'd like to ask everyone affected by this issue to take a minute and vote for the following bug.

    I checked all deployment descriptions and there are no references to t3://localhost:7001. Few months back, I had the complete clustering setup working on 2 machines and now when I deploy my application on same configuration, it fails with t3://localhost:7001 unreachable error. I created a new cluster configuration on one machine with 2 managed server and it deploys fine. Can not figure out what has changed ?

  • Error when run Depreciation Posting Run AFAB

    I found error when run Depreciation Posting Run for period 7 2007.
    FYI. I had run Unplanned Depreciation (TCode: ABAA) with document date 31.10.2007 and posting date 31.10.2007, trans. type 640. After that, i want to run Depreciation Posting Run (TCode: AFAB) with fiscal year: 2008, posting period: 7, reason for posting run: repeat. Select on Test Run. Then i found error message as below. 
    Error Message:
    Documents manually posted within dep.doc.number range
    Message no. AA728
    In the number range interval for the document type for posting depreciation, a document  has been posted which was not created within the framework of depreciation posting. The last document posted by depreciation posting was assigned the number .
    Contact your Systems Specialist. When changing the number range interval for the document type in depreciation posting, you have to specify a new interval in which no documents exist. Using organizational measures, you can guarantee that there are no documents apart from those created by depreciation posting in this number range.
    Can any one help how to solve this issue?

    Hi Paul,
    Now I go to TCode: FBN1 - Accounting Document Number Ranges, then i want to change the range for year 2008.
    No Year  From No          To No           Current No          Ext
    03  2001   0300000000   0399999999   -                          /
    03  2002   0300000000   0399999999   -                          /
    03  2003   0300000000   0399999999   -                          /
    03  2004   0300000000   0399999999   -                          /
    03  2005   0300000000   0399999999   -                          /
    03  2006   0300000000   0399999999   -                          /
    03  2007   0300000000   0399999999   -                          /
    03  2008   0300000000   0399999999   -                          /
    03  2009   0300000000   0399999999   -                          /
    Referring back to Asset Accounting, the Reference Document: 19.
    Do it mean that my FI doc. no is 0300000019 ? I bit confuse on this..
    Can you guide me more details on it?
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: Nur Aman Abdul Manap on Apr 15, 2009 2:09 AM

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