Exchange mailbox script

Hi,We have been successfully using the attached script with Exchange 2013. Each time we upgraded Spiceworks all we had to do was change the spiceworks version number in the script. Since upgrade 7.4.00070 the script no longer works. Has anything changed in this latest version that would cause the script to stop working? I haven't done any Windows updates on the Exchange server or made any changes since it last successfully worked. When I manually run it I can't see any errors occurring either, it gets to mailboxes found 107 then disappears. Something else I've noticed since the upgrade is that the scheduled scans just about grind the server to a halt. Could it be a memory issue effecting the script? We have 4 admins but there is only 1-2 logged in at a time and not everyday. We have 247 devices and the server is a VM 2012 64bit R1 with...
This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

Please try to modify the New-TestCasConnectivity.Ps1 script and remove the parameter '-OrganisationalUnit:$OrganisationalUnit'
This parameter is responsible for specifying the OU that the new account will be created into and when it is
removed from the script, the script simply runs and installs the account into the default 'Users' OU as it should.
Quote from:
SCOM and the Exchange Test CAS Connectivity User Account
Yan Li
Regards, Yan Li

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  • Exchange test mailbox script fails to run

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    I have searched for an answer but none of them seem to work. I ran the script manually using the Exchange Management Shell and tried with different OU's but I keep getting the default error telling me that either the password does not meet the requirements
    or it can not find the OU. I am 100% sure it is not the password requirement issue because I have tried several passwords and they are all very complex. I tried changing the OU naming to domain.local/Users or other OU's that we have but none of them work.
    The problem is simular to this:
    I am not sure what the problem is and how I can resolve it. I am hoping that anyone could help me with this problem.
    Thanks in advance,

    Please try to modify the New-TestCasConnectivity.Ps1 script and remove the parameter '-OrganisationalUnit:$OrganisationalUnit'
    This parameter is responsible for specifying the OU that the new account will be created into and when it is
    removed from the script, the script simply runs and installs the account into the default 'Users' OU as it should.
    Quote from:
    SCOM and the Exchange Test CAS Connectivity User Account
    Yan Li
    Regards, Yan Li

  • CFLDAP Create User with Exchange Mailbox

    I'm trying to create Active Directory users via the cfldap
    command, and that part seems to work ok. I'm having 2 problems with
    my script though. First, here is my code snippet for the cfldap add
    <cfldap action="add"
    sn=#query.LAST_NAME#;givenName=#query.FIRST_NAME#;sAMAccountName=#myAN#;mail=#myAN#@server .com;displayName=#myCN#;description=#query.ID_NUMBER#;wWWHomePage= ;initials=#query.MIDDLE_INITIAL#;userPrincipalName=[email protected];mailNickname=#myAN#;n ame=#myCN#"
    My first issue is that i have to also generate a dsmod
    command that i put into a batch file and execute on the server. It
    looks like:
    dsmod user
    "CN=#myCN#,OU=StudentPopulation,OU=People,DC=server,DC=com" -pwd
    SOME@#myUID# -mustchpwd yes -disabled no
    So is there anyway i can encorperate that dsmod into my
    origional query?
    Secondly, I want to create an exchange mailbox with my AD
    account. Using an LDIF statement would require a line like:
    Administrative Group,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Our Company
    I tried changing homeMDB variable to an attribute for my
    cfldap statement, but it threw a "you can't do this" error.
    Anyone have any ideas on how i can get this to work?

    I don't know if you can or not, but you can write it out to a
    text file and then use cfexecute to run the text file (.bat). I
    hope that this helps. Thanks.

  • Exchange mailboxes, corporate AD, forest trust, arrays, Can you look this over?

    This is my first script, it took a while to figure some things out, but it is working. I wanted to know if it is overkill, or if there is something that sticks out that would be an easier way of accomplishing something with this script.
    Background info:
    Company was bought out, forest trust set up between corp network and ours (years ago). So what we wanted was to compare exchange mailboxes with linked mailboxes array, to be compared to corporate AD array with user accounts that are disabled. a list is created
    in another script which shows linked mailboxes and disabled corp AD accounts, helpdesk looks these through to make sure there are no exceptions. Exceptions are entered into PS cmdline, those are pulled out of the array. Then the left objects in the array are
    PST backed up to network share, and then mailboxes removed. Admin trust across corp allows Exchange admin to search through Corp AD through search-AdAccount cmdlet. The script is run from a VM with exchange server tools installed and running 32-bit os of Windows
    7 and 32-bit Office (Because that's how great... Exchange 2007 is for exporting mailboxes to PST). 
    Not sure of this, though it works: 
    <#Clear variables so they are not retaining any old values#>
    Get-Variable -Exclude PWD,*Preference | Remove-Variable -EA 0
    Wanted to clear variables before running script, data was being held over each run before adding this in
    Here is the code "xxxxx" used in lieu of server names:
    <#Import in modules, if statement for PSSnapin so that it doesn't throw an error if it is already loaded.#>
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null )
        add-pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin
    <#Clear variables so they are not retaining any old values#>
    Get-Variable -Exclude PWD,*Preference | Remove-Variable -EA 0
    <#Variables needed to complete script. $testIteration shows the number of times nested for loop happens, $exUserCorpMatch=@() is an empty array that will have objects added to it
    when linked mailboxes on Exchange are compared to disabled corp accounts, the $adminUser and $adPW are the login credentials so that anyone can enter admin login credentials to run script#>
    $errorLogPath = "c:\scripts\logs\exchangeADerror.txt"
    $adminUser = whoami
    <#Create an Array from Get-mailbox cmdlet that has the value "LinkedMailbox" tying it to a Corporate account, .count value used to check results against expected#>
    $mailboxes = Get-Mailbox -resultSize unlimited -RecipientTypeDetails LinkedMailbox
    <#Create an array of objects from Corp server of user only dissabled accounts, .count value used to check results against expected#>
    $corpAccDis = Search-ADAccount -ResultSetSize $null -Server xxxxx -AccountDisabled -UsersOnly
    <#Read in a list of users whose mailboxes shouldn't be removed#>
    while ($var -ne "q"){
        $var = Read-Host "Enter user exception linked mailbox name, or press q to quit entering names:"
        if ($var -ne "q"){
        $exceptionUsers += $var
    <#Create an Array with the usernames that were supplied by the Read-Host Cmdlet#>
    foreach ($name in $exceptionUsers){ 
    $exceptionArray += Get-Mailbox -Identity $name
    <#Compare the two arrays on the value of name from the "Linked Master Account" and the Corp server "Sam Account Name" and insert the matching objects into an Array#>
    For ($a=0 ; $a -le $mailboxes.count -1 ; $a++){ 
        For ($b=0 ; $b -le $corpAccDis.count -1 ; $b++){
                            if ($mailboxes[$a].LinkedMasterAccount.Split("\")[-1] -eq $corpAccDis[$b].SamAccountName){
                                $exUserCorpMatch += $mailboxes[$a]
    $testIteration  #Test value checking nember of times the loop took place
    <#For loop to take exception users mailboxes out of the script#>
    For ($d=0;$d -lt $exceptionArray.Count; $d++){
        $exUserCorpMatch = $exUserCorpMatch| ? {$_.alias -ne $exceptionArray[$d].alias}
    $exUserCorpMatch | sort
    <#Taking the newly created array from the comparison and running the bulk of decisions, gives full access rights to the before entered admin account, then exports the mailbox to a PST
    file on the network share, and produces a txt file of the users properties, attributes, etc.. Then removes-mailbox, this is cmdlet is currently commented out until testing is done and 
    confirmed removal is ready to take place. #>
    for ($c = 0 ; $c -le $exUserCorpMatch.count -1; $c++){
        $fileCreationTime = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"
        $displayName = $exUserCorpMatch[$c].DisplayName
        $pstFolderPath = Join-Path "\\xxxxx\exchangePST\" $fileCreationTime$displayName.PST
        $txtFolderPath = Join-Path "\\xxxxx\exchangePST\" $fileCreationTime$displayName.txt
        try {
            $everythingIsOk = $true
            Add-MailboxPermission -Identity $exUserCorpMatch[$c] -User $adminUser -AccessRights FullAccess -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose
        } catch {
            $everythingIsOk = $false
            Write-Warning "Permission add problem, logging error to $errorLogPath!"
            Write-Warning $error[0]
            $error[0] | Out-File $errorLogPath -Append
        if ($everythingIsOk){
            Export-Mailbox -Identity $exUserCorpMatch[$c] -PSTFolderPath $pstFolderPath -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose
            $everythingIsOk = $false
            Write-Warning "Export problem!"
            Write-Warning $error[0]
            $error[0] | Out-File $errorLogPath -Append
        if ($everythingIsOk){
            try {
            Get-Mailbox -Identity $exUserCorpMatch[$c] | FL | Out-File $txtFolderPath -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose
            } catch {
            $everythingIsOk = $false
            Write-Warning "Problem writing to txt"
            Write-Warning $error[0]
            $error[0] | Out-File $errorLogPath -Append
        if ($everythingIsOk){
            Write-Verbose "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
            <#Remove-Mailbox -Identity $exUserCorpMatch[$c] -Permanent $true -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose#>
            } catch {
             Write-Warning $error[0]
             $error[0] | Out-File $errorLogPath -Append

    Half of you code appears to be doing nothing.
    This does nothing:
    if ($everythingIsOk){
            Write-Verbose "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
            <#Remove-Mailbox -Identity $exUserCorpMatch[$c] -Permanent $true -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose#>
            } catch {
             Write-Warning $error[0]
             $error[0] | Out-File $errorLogPath -Append
    The way we do a limiting Try/Catch is to just use a single "try/catch".
    $fileCreationTime = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"
    for ($c = 0 ; $c -lt $exUserCorpMatch.count; $c++){
    $displayName = $exUserCorpMatch[$c].DisplayName
    $pstFolderPath = Join-Path "\\xxxxx\exchangePST\" $fileCreationTime$displayName.PST
    $txtFolderPath = Join-Path "\\xxxxx\exchangePST\" $fileCreationTime$displayName.txt
    try {
    Add-MailboxPermission -Identity $exUserCorpMatch[$c] -User $adminUser -AccessRights FullAccess -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose
    Get-Mailbox -Identity $exUserCorpMatch[$c] | FL | Out-File $txtFolderPath -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose
    <#Remove-Mailbox -Identity $exUserCorpMatch[$c] -Permanent $true -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose#>
    Write-Warning $error[0]
    $error[0] | Out-File $errorLogPath -Append
    The following does the same thing your code did.  It executes but aborts further execution on an exception.

  • Disconnecting Exchange Mailbox Using AD Adapter

    Has anyone disconnected Exchange Mailbox from the user using the AD adapter? We would like to understand what Sun's official stance is in doing this.
    Could we disconnect by simply setting the following attributes to NULL or ""?
    1. homeMTA
    2. homeMDB
    3. msExchangeHomerServerName
    We do not wish to delete an Exchange Mailbox, simply disconnect (equivalent to disable of mailbox)
    Thank you

    If you have one group doing all mailbox creation, you won't get automatic creation to rely on user location.  We use a script for creating mailboxes on the next logical server.  You could do the same thing, but with logic that took into consideration
    the user location.

  • Exchange Mailbox - Deletion

    Hi all,
    Did anyone work on the deletion of exchange mailbox through IDM? I guess there is no supported attribute in IDM to accomplish this directly. I think this has to be managed through a Resource Action.
    Any suggestions would be appreciated,

    Exchange will eventually purge the mailbox if you delete the AD attributes already mentioned. This is good enough for most people. (Including my company). If you actually want to make sure that you
    delete the mailbox at time of user deletion, you would have to call a script using an after action. The script would have to be .net or something similar that can handle CDOEX.
    Do a web search for CDOEX and you'll find some examples of interacting with Exchange,

  • How can I block all other mail account just to only use the exchange mailbox of our company? This is to prevent the user to setup his on company iPhone.

    How can I block all other mail account just to only use the exchange mailbox of our company? This is to prevent the user to setup his on company iPhone.

    I don't know if I'm asking this all in a way that can be understood? Thanks ED3K, however that part I do understand (in the link you provided!)
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    Also then letting me take back my Apple ID & password, but again allowing us (my son and I) to use the same iCloud & Itunes account? Does that make more sense??? I'm sincerely trying to get this cleared up once and for all----just need guidance from someone who has a true understanding of the whole Apple iCloud/Itunes system!
    Thanks again for "anyone" that can help me!!!

  • How do I setup shared Exchange mailbox with Mail (Yosemite)?

    we use Office 365 hosting for our mails. Setting up my default Exchange account is no problem at all, just provide e-Mail address, password and let auto discover finish the rest through System Preferences -> Internet accounts.
    But I also need to setup two shared Exchange mailboxes. If I setup the e-mail address of the shared mailbox. I tried to set it up as follows:
    System Preferences -> Internet Accounts -> Add Exchange Account
    Name: Shared Mailbox
    Email Address: [email protected]
    Password <own AD password>
    As expected: Internet Accounts couldn't log in to the Exchange server "". Make sure the email address and password you entered are correct. Then, enter your user name and click Continue.
    Account Settings
    Account Type: Exchange
    Description: Shared Mailbox
    User Name: <own smtp mail address>
    Password: <own AD password>
    Server Address:
    Account Summary
    Account type: Exchange
    Full name: Shared Mailbox
    Email address: [email protected]
    Server address:
    Select the apps to use with "[email protected]": Mail
    => There was a problem setting up the Mail account: an unknown error occurred.
    05/01/15 13:02:10,706[313]: Already have account E2E3FF00-2B0E-4F75-ADD9-FB********** configured for user: <[email protected]> host:
    So to add an additional account to access a different mailbox on the Exchange sever with the same credentials as the personal mailbox is apparently no option any more. On the other hand I haven't found any option to add according folders from other mail address inboxes to my personal account in any of the Preferences from Mail (Yosemite, 8.1) or any menu item, that would allow me to add the inboxes of other shared Exchange server mail boxes I have access to.
    The same is true for Mail (iOS 8.1.2), thus I have not found a solution to configure the shared mailboxes on my iOS devices either.
    Trying to setup an "Add Other Account" using IMAP did not succeed either. It always uses my personal mailbox, because I only have my personal user to access the shared mailbox and downloads my personal inbox instead of the one of the shared mailbox.
    Do I really have to fall back to Outlook 2011 Mac to be able to use this feature and miss out on all the hands off features from Yosemite?

    i too use office 365 shared mailboxes  and it took me a long time to work out to add them to my ios mail app , this worked for me :
    start setting up a normal exchange account , put your shared email address in the username and you main email account password.
    it will fail to do the auto-discover thing , but when you click on continue it eil allow you to manually enter the details :
    Name : < whatever>
    email : <your shared email a/c address  i.e [email protected] >
    description : <whatever>
    incoming mail
    Host name :
    username : <your main email address / shared i.e  [email protected]/myshared >
    password : < your main account password >
    outgoing mail server:
    SMTP :
    username : <your mail email i.e. [email protected] >
    password < your main account password >
    use ssl  <YES>
    authentication : Password
    server port 587
    this worked fine on every IOS device i own, but somehow it doesn't work with my Yosemite mail   , so if anybody can help with Yosemite mail it would be much appreciated.

  • Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service was unable to process jobs in a mailbox database 1006.

    HI all,
    I ran into a problem with one of the servers in my DAG.  Due to a backup failure, the log partition filled up and the Exchange database went offline on this particular server.  The DAG continued to function on the other server.  So this particular
    DB01 had only some test accounts in it so I removed the database copy.  Unfortunately the removal must not have completed correctly. 
    After recovering the needed space in the partition, I tried to recopy the database and it failed.  So I deleted the entire database from the active server and it successfully removed it from the active server.  Now on both the servers the database
    is not showing, however I'm receiving the error below which indicates to me that the service still thinks the database exists.  I am also getting event 4113 Database redundancy health check failed for the database copy as it shows there is only one copy
    of the database (failed redundancy) but there should be zero copies.
    This database no longer exists in AD as I have verified this with ADSI so it must have something on the exchange server that is still telling the service the database exists. 
    Can you point me to the location to clean this up?
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        MSExchange Mailbox Replication
    Date:          02/25/2011 2:00:07 PM
    Event ID:      1006
    Task Category: Service
    Level:         Warning
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service was unable to process jobs in a mailbox database.
    Database: DB01
    Error: MapiExceptionUnknownUser: Unable to open message store. (hr=0x80004005, ec=1003)
    Diagnostic context:
        Lid: 55847   EMSMDBPOOL.EcPoolSessionDoRpc called [length=243]
        Lid: 43559   EMSMDBPOOL.EcPoolSessionDoRpc returned [ec=0x0][length=200][latency=0]
        Lid: 23226   --- ROP Parse Start ---
        Lid: 27962   ROP: ropLogon [254]
        Lid: 17082   ROP Error: 0x3EB    
        Lid: 26937 
        Lid: 21921   StoreEc: 0x3EB    
        Lid: 27962   ROP: ropExtendedError [250]
        Lid: 1494    ---- Remote Context Beg ----
        Lid: 26426   ROP: ropLogon [254]
        Lid: 22086 
        Lid: 27206 
        Lid: 17990 
        Lid: 16966   StoreEc: 0x8004010F
        Lid: 31433   StoreEc: 0x8004010F
        Lid: 8620    StoreEc: 0x3EB    
        Lid: 1750    ---- Remote Context End ----
        Lid: 26849 
        Lid: 21817   ROP Failure: 0x3EB    
        Lid: 26297 
        Lid: 16585   StoreEc: 0x3EB    
        Lid: 32441 
        Lid: 1706    StoreEc: 0x3EB    
        Lid: 24761 
        Lid: 20665   StoreEc: 0x3EB    
        Lid: 25785 
        Lid: 29881   StoreEc: 0x3EB    
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="MSExchange Mailbox Replication" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="32772">1006</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2011-02-25T22:00:07.000000000Z" />
        <Security />
        <Data>MapiExceptionUnknownUser: Unable to open message store. (hr=0x80004005, ec=1003)
    Diagnostic context:
        Lid: 55847   EMSMDBPOOL.EcPoolSessionDoRpc called [length=243]
        Lid: 43559   EMSMDBPOOL.EcPoolSessionDoRpc returned [ec=0x0][length=200][latency=0]
        Lid: 23226   --- ROP Parse Start ---
        Lid: 27962   ROP: ropLogon [254]
        Lid: 17082   ROP Error: 0x3EB    
        Lid: 26937 
        Lid: 21921   StoreEc: 0x3EB    
        Lid: 27962   ROP: ropExtendedError [250]
        Lid: 1494    ---- Remote Context Beg ----
        Lid: 26426   ROP: ropLogon [254]
        Lid: 22086 
        Lid: 27206 
        Lid: 17990 
        Lid: 16966   StoreEc: 0x8004010F
        Lid: 31433   StoreEc: 0x8004010F
        Lid: 8620    StoreEc: 0x3EB    
        Lid: 1750    ---- Remote Context End ----
        Lid: 26849 
        Lid: 21817   ROP Failure: 0x3EB    
        Lid: 26297 
        Lid: 16585   StoreEc: 0x3EB    
        Lid: 32441 
        Lid: 1706    StoreEc: 0x3EB    
        Lid: 24761 
        Lid: 20665   StoreEc: 0x3EB    
        Lid: 25785 
        Lid: 29881   StoreEc: 0x3EB     </Data>

    This error occurs because the MailboxReplicationService (MRS) currently caches Mailbox Database information past the lifetime of some databases. 
    Restarting the service will clear the cache.
    Maybe it is the simplest way to solve it.
    If it doesn’t work, you can try cmd to check it.
    Get-MailboxDatabase : Can you find the database which you delete?
    Remove-MailboxDatabase -Identity "MyDatabase": You can try to delete database if you can see the database.

  • The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service was unable to process a request due to an unexpected error. Event 1121

    Hello all,
    We migrated our Exchange server from 2003 to 2010. After the mailbox move requests were finished we had one that was stuck. We basically skipped it as we had a lot of other things to finish over the weekend. Here we are a year later, the old exchange server
    is gone and so is an old DC. I am receiving an error every four minutes in event viewer.
    The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service was unable to process a request due to an unexpected error.
    Request GUID: '3e46b7cb-2ac0-42c1-98e8-57517a19ee40' 
    Database GUID: '5c6c573b-4f45-4ce3-b296-11cf69c2e2b6'
    Error: Unable to find 'OLD Domain Controller' computer information in domain controller 'OLD Domain Controller' to perform the suitability check. Verify the fully qualified domain name..
    I have checked in EMC for move requests. None are listed. I have checked the DCs listed in EMC properties. Old DC is not listed.
    I also ran these commands in shell to attempt to cancel the stuck request.
    Get-MoveRequest -MoveStatus Completed;Pending;InProgress;Failed;CompletedWithWarning;Suspended;Queued;CompletionWithProgress : Remove-MoveRequest
    NO changes. Still throwing error. Any suggestions? I also tried using the guid and shell to look at the move request. Systems replies no such request.

    Please try to restart iis services to check the result.
    If the issue persists, I recommend you ping you DC server on your exchange server to check if your exchange server can communicate with your DC server.
    If there are other DCs, please try to use set-adserversettings cmdlet to specify a DC for your exchange server.
    Besides, please install the lasted rollup to check the result.
    Cara Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service was unable to process a request due to an unexpected error. : Error: An Active Directory Constraint Violation error occurred

    We have a multi domain parent child AD domain infrastructure and now we upgraded our exchange from Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2013. Since last few days, we see the below error on the mailbox server event viewer.
    EVENT ID : 1121
    The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service was unable to process a request due to an unexpected error. 
    Request GUID: '93a7d1ca-68a1-4cd9-9edb-a4ce2f7bb4cd' 
    Database GUID: '83d028ec-439d-4904-a0e4-1d3bc0f58809' 
    Error: An Active Directory Constraint Violation error occurred on <domain controller FQDN>. Additional information: The name reference is invalid. 
    This may be caused by replication latency between Active Directory domain controllers. 
    Active directory response: 000020B5: AtrErr: DSID-0315286E, #1:
    Our Exchange setup is in parent domain, but we keep on getting this error for various domain controllers in each child domain in the same site. We then configured one of the parent domain domain controller on Exchange. Still we are getting this error for
    the configured parent domain DC.
    Verified the AD replication and there is no latency or pending stuffs.
    Any support  to resolve this issue will be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
    Jnana R Dash

    In addition to Ed's suggestion, I would like to clarify the following things for troubleshooting:
    1. Please restart IIS at first.
    2. If the issue persists, please ping your DC on your Exchange server to check if Exchange can communicate with DC.
    Hope it helps.
    Best regards,
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service was unable to process a request due to an unexpected error

    Since demoting a child domain a few days ago, Exchange 2013 is still trying to contact it and as a result generating errors in the application event logs.  I had a similar problem which I solved by removing some old migration batches, now I have a problem
    with the Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service.
    The event logged is:
    The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service was unable to process a request due to an unexpected error.
    Request GUID: '0b6c0f5a-0563-48e2-8b97-e0781c6cc69a' 
    Database GUID: '23258311-ad29-41c2-a842-522f48baa267'
    Error: Unable to read from Active Directory. --> The call to Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology service on server 'TopologyClientTcpEndpoint (localhost)' returned an error. Error details Unable to find a suitable directory server for
    domain 'admin.riddlesdown.local'.. --> Unable to find a suitable directory server for domain 'admin.riddlesdown.local'..
    Process Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService.exe (PID=2280). Exchange Active Directory Provider could not find an available domain controller in domain admin.riddlesdown.local. This event may be caused by network connectivity issues or
    configured incorrectly DNS server.
    The domain doesn't exist in AD Sites and Services, I have removed all traces from DNS but this is still occurring.  When I run Get-ADServerSettings | fl it reports no trace of the domain or a DC that was previously in it.
    How can I stop these events occurring and is it likely to be causing something else not to work correctly.
    We are running Exchange 2013 CU1

    No, that didn't work.  Here are more details:
    Source: MSExchange ADAccess (EventID: 2130)
    Process Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService.exe (PID=2280). Exchange Active Directory Provider could not find an available domain controller in domain admin.riddlesdown.local. This event may be caused by network connectivity issues or configured
    incorrectly DNS server.
    Source: MSExchange ADAccess (EventID: 2119)
    Process Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService.exe (PID=2280). Error DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR (0x8007232B) occurred when DNS was queried for the service location (SRV) resource record used to locate a domain controller for domain admin.riddlesdown.local
     The query was for the SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.admin.riddlesdown.local
     Common causes of this error include the following:
     - The DNS SRV records required to locate a domain controller for the domain are not registered in DNS. These records are registered with a DNS server automatically when a domain controller is added to a domain. They are updated by the domain controller
    at set intervals. This computer is configured to use DNS servers with following IP addresses:
     - One or more of the following zones do not include delegation to its child zone:
    . (the root zone)
    Source: MSExchange Mailbox Replication Service (EventID: 1121)
    The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service was unable to process a request due to an unexpected error.
    Request GUID: '87f4b926-0621-43d3-afeb-fe475ee6d850' 
    Database GUID: '23258311-ad29-41c2-a842-522f48baa267'
    Error: Unable to read from Active Directory. --> The call to Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology service on server 'TopologyClientTcpEndpoint (localhost)' returned an error. Error details Unable to find a suitable directory server for domain 'admin.riddlesdown.local'..
    --> Unable to find a suitable directory server for domain 'admin.riddlesdown.local'..
    Something is cause the Exchange server to go looking for our old domain, but what and why?

  • Previous Exchange Admin has somehow granted himself inherited Full access rights to All Exchange Mailboxes -AccessRights -InheritanceType

    Good Day,
    There is a previous employee that was a Systems Admin and somehow he granted himself access to Every Mailbox item at one point in time and the cleanup has been a bit messy.
    When this user is listed as "Full Access Granted" in the Manage Full Access Permissions function, and I delete him, I get a confirmation that he was removed, but then an additional item below it.  (This is depicted in the attached photo)
    How do I remove the hierarchical inheritance of this user?
    the commands in the photo show:
    Remove-Mailboxpermission -identity %OU String% -user %user% -inheritancetype 'All' -Accessrights 'FullAccess'
    Add-Mailboxpermission -identity %OU String% -user %user% -Deny -Accessrights 'FullAccess'

    I have removed permission to this user in ADSI Edit Microsoft Exchange Configuration CN and ensured that his name was no where to be found in the ADSI permissions for Exchange.  I was running the following command:
    Get-Mailbox | Remove-MailboxPermission -User %USER% -AccessRights FullAccess,SendAs,Exter
    nalAccount,DeleteItem,ReadPermission,ChangePermission,ChangeOwner -InheritanceType All
    and I get a return warning:
    WARNING: An inherited access control entry has been specified: [Rights: CreateChild, Delete, ReadControl, WriteDacl,
    WriteOwner, ControlType: Allow] 
    and was ignored on object "CN=%FullAccessUser%"
    How can I ensure that this user had NO permissions at all to the exchange mailboxes?

  • Import NSF Files to Exchange Mailbox without a Domino Server?

    I am trying to migrate NSF Files into an Exchange Mailbox for eDiscovery. Is there a way to import the NSF files into Exchange using the Microsoft Transporter ?
    any help appreciated!

    Did you try above application? Or you could ask on 3rd Party Applications
    Zi Feng
    Zi Feng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Second Exchange Mailbox Random Disconnects In Outlook 2010

    We have our users temporarily using two exchange mailboxes in Outlook 2010.  The primary account is fine (exchange is local) but the second account we recently adds seems to randomly disconnect and not automatically reconnect.  The fix at the moment
    is to reboot the computer and everything works fine but this is obviously annoying to the users.
    Anyone else run into this issue or have a suggestion?
    Thanks in advance.

    I recommend using separate profiles for each account if they are using a same one.
    When the second mailbox cannot connect to Exchange server, it will leave some information/warning/error in the App log. Please post the details if there is any related content.
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

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