Export CV04N results to Excel

Hi all:
Do you know if is there a way to export the list of documents resulting from searching in CV04N transaction, directly with the option "Export --> Spreadsheet", without losing Filter criteria and sorting??
Because I know it can be done with option "Export --> Local File --> Spreadsheet", but the output format is quite worst...
Thanks in advance!!
Maria Luisa

Hi Nagasree:
No, i´t's Excel the format I would like to export it, but I'd like not missing the filter criteria and, at the same time, maintain the way it looks like when exporting directly with the option Spreadsheet, becuase its appearence it's much better than exporting it through Local File --> Spreadsheet.
Thanks in advance!
Maria Luisa

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    Hello Yucky,
    what do you mean by
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               |  STORE1     |    STORE2   |  STORE3
    ITEM1      |  10 PIECES  |    N/V      |  20 PIECES
    ITEM2      |  11         |    20       | N/V-1PIECE
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    Hi Mari,
    Thanks for the reply.
    I can understand the resason for not being able to change the Posting Date. But what are the reasons for not being able to change the Document Date? What is the fiscal reason for not being able to change the Document Date? Please provide an example. Reversing the document doesn't work in this case as the SQ01 report would still include the incorrect date.

  • Export query results to excel from forms

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    Here's my working code out of one of my forms that does this:
    PROCEDURE export_transactions_to_excel IS
    -- Declare the ole objects
    application ole2.obj_type;
    workbooks ole2.obj_type;
    workbook ole2.obj_type;
    worksheets ole2.obj_Type;
    worksheet ole2.obj_type;
    cell ole2.obj_type;
    -- my variables
    rowCounter Number := 1;
    local_cursor_Record number := :System.Cursor_Record;
    old_cursor_Style varchar2(100);
    errors_occurred boolean := false;
    Ole_Error Exception;
    pragma exception_init( Ole_Error, -305500 );
    my_alert_id ALERT;
    alert_response NUMBER;
    procedure place_value_in_cell( rownum_in in number
    , colnum_in in number
    , value_in in varchar2 )
    -- Declare handles to OLE argument lists
    args ole2.list_Type;
    args := ole2.create_arglist;
    ole2.add_arg(args, rownum_in); /* row number */
    ole2.add_arg(args, colnum_in); /* column number */
    -- the next line is for excel97
    -- cell := ole2.invoke_obj( worksheet, 'Cells', args );
    cell := ole2.get_obj_property( worksheet, 'Cells', args );
    ole2.Destroy_arglist( args );
    ole2.set_property( cell, 'Value', value_in );
    ole2.release_obj (cell);
    end place_value_in_cell;
    procedure SaveSpreadsheet
    args ole2.List_Type;
    vDateStamp varchar2(20);
    vDateStamp := to_char(sysdate,'mmddyyyy') | | '_' | | to_char(sysdate,'hh24miss');
    args := OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST;
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, 'C:\PAPRETCC_' | | vDateStamp | | '.XLS');
    OLE2.INVOKE(worksheet, 'SaveAs', args);
    --args := Ole2.Create_ARgList;
    ole2.invoke( application, 'Quit' );
    end SaveSpreadSheet;
    procedure Open_EXCEL_Workbook is
    application := ole2.create_obj('Excel.Application');
    --ole2.set_property( application, 'Visible', 'True' );
    -- Return object handle to the Workbooks collection
    workbooks := ole2.get_obj_property( application, 'Workbooks' ); -- invoke_obj w/ excel 97
    -- Add a new Workbook object to the Workbooks collection
    workbook := ole2.invoke_obj( workbooks, 'Add' );
    -- return object handle to the Worksheets collection for the
    -- Workbook
    worksheets := ole2.get_obj_property( workbook, 'Worksheets' ); -- invoke_obj w/ Excel97
    -- Add a new Worksheet to the Worksheets collection
    worksheet := ole2.invoke_obj( worksheets, 'Add');
    end open_EXCEL_workbook;
    PROCEDURE Write_Column_Headers IS
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,1, 'Payer Name');
    place_Value_in_cell(rowCounter,2, 'Payer Address');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,3, 'SSN');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,4, 'Account');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,5, 'Refund Receipt');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,6, 'Pretax Allocation');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,7, 'Tax Allocation');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,8, 'Total Amount');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,9, 'Orig Receipt');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,10,'Orig Date');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,11,'TR Number');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,14,'Vt Number');
    rowCounter := rowCounter + 1;
    END Write_Column_Headers;
    PROCEDURE Export_The_Data IS
    original_receipt number;
    original_date DATE;
    original_transmittal_number number;
    -- Return object handle to cell A1 on the Worksheet
    IF alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON2 or
    (alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON1 and nvl(:transactions.rg_approval,'N') <> 'N' )
    -- :system.record_status = 'CHANGED')
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 1, :TRANSACTIONS.NDB_PAYEE_NAME );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 2, nvl(:TRANSACTIONS.NDB_PAYEE_ADDRESS,'unknown') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 3, nvl(:TRANSACTIONS.NDB_SSN,'unknown') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 4, :transactions.NDB_DESCRIPTION );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 5, to_char(:Transactions.transaction_group_EID) );
    place_Value_in_cell( rowCounter, 6, to_char(:transactions.ndb_pretax_amount) ); -- chg
    place_ value_in_Cell( rowCounter, 7, to_char(:transactions.ndb_tax_amount) );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 8, to_char(:transactions.amount_including_taxes) );
    original_receipt := revenue_pkg.original_receipt_number(
    :transactions.allocation_table );
    original_date := revenue_pkg.original_receipt_date(
    :transactions.allocation_table );
    original_transmittal_number := revenue_pkg.transmittal_number_for_receipt(original_receipt);
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 9, nvl(to_char(original_receipt),'unknown') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 10, nvl(to_char(original_date,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),'unknown') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 11, nvl(to_char(original_transmittal_number),'unknown') );
    IF ( alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON1 and nvl(:transactions.rg_approval,'N') <> 'N' )
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 12, to_Char(sysdate,'mm/dd/yyyy') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 13, nvl(:transactions.rg_approval,'N') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 14, nvl(to_char(:location.vt_number),'NULL') );
    END IF;
    End If;
    exit when :SYSTEM.LAST_RECORD = 'TRUE';
    rowCounter := rowCounter + 1;
    END Export_The_Data;
    /* ----------------------------------- main procedure --------------------------------------*/
    my_alert_id := Find_Alert('THREE_BUTTON_ALERT');
    IF NOT ID_NULL( my_alert_id ) then
    alert_Response := SHOW_ALERT( my_alert_id );
    If (alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON1) OR
    (alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON2) then
    old_Cursor_style := get_application_property( CURSOR_STYLE );
    set_application_property( CURSOR_STYLE, 'BUSY' );
    Raise Form_Trigger_Failure;
    End If;
    Raise Form_Trigger_Failure;
    End If;
    when Form_Trigger_Failure then
    when Ole_Error then
    AlertSend( 'There was an error exporting the data to Microsoft Excel (receipt# ' &#0124; &#0124;
    to_Char(:transactions.transaction_Group_eid) &#0124; &#0124; ')', false );
    errors_occurred := TRUE;
    when others then
    AlertSend( SQLERRM, false );
    errors_occurred := TRUE;
    Ideally, I'd like to call SaveSpreadsheet in Export_The_Data, and just ExitExcel here,
    but it prompts for whether to save the changes and I don't know how to get around that
    right now. SO, we just save and exit, regardless.
    -- Release the OLE objects
    ole2.release_obj (worksheet);
    ole2.release_obj (worksheets);
    ole2.release_obj (workbook);
    ole2.release_obj (workbooks);
    ole2.release_obj (application);
    IF NOT errors_occurred then -- stay on the record that caused the error
    Go_Record( local_cursor_Record );
    End If;
    Set_Application_Property ( CURSOR_STYLE, old_cursor_style );
    When Form_Trigger_Failure then
    When Others then
    AlertSend( SQLERRM );
    END export_transactions_to_excel;

  • Exporting Quiz Results to Excel or .csv file

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    data to a .csv file or a excel spreadsheet. I need to be able to do
    this as this is for a research project and will not be run with any
    network connectivity to an LMS. The data would then be imported
    into a database from that format. I would appreciate any help that
    someone could give me on this.

    Welcome to our community, David
    You may wish to review a Captivate Developer Center article
    that may help here.
    here to review the article
    Cheers... Rick

  • About exporting query result to excel

    Hi all,
    I take the report result to an excel file and at this point I am being asked for my user name and password of BW login, repeatedly for many times, based on the amount of data it contains. Its quite irritating, as i need to fill that each time, it asks for that. So kindly suggest me, how to deal with this.

    Hi Naveen,
    Not sure that understood what you exactly meant. But will try to help. When you execute query in BEx you can save a workbook detaching it from a server. In this case all reporting information will be kept without further updating from a server. The client will just open the wb and see all information. Certainly, he will not be able to make drilldowns. But for this you save your wb as a view with all drildowns already done.
    Best regards,

  • Exporting SQL results in Excel format

    exec master..xp_cmdshell'bcp "select * from [db name].[table name]" queryout D:\testing1.xls -o "D:\querycommanddetails.txt" -T -c -C RAW'
    I'm running above query on my local machine but System is showing output as 'NULL'.Can anybody help?

    I responded to you (or was that someone else?) earlier today when you posted to an older thread. I suggested that you should start a new problem, if my answer did not sort things out for you. But you are repeating the question?
    In any case, since you redirect output with -o, BCP will not print anything, and when the command batch produces no output, xp_cmdshell produces a single row with the value NULL.
    Beware that your command creates a tab-separated file, not a true Excel-sheet; that is not possible with BCP.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

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    Hi Experts,
    I have a Access 2007 DB file and 2 Big tables inside that (bigger than the size that can be easily handled by MS Excel 2007).
    My requirement is automate using powershell scripts the below things.
    1. Create a SQL query in Access DB and save that in access DB
    2. Run the saved query and export the result in excel sheet where I can create the charts and Pivots. Thanks in advance

    Do you have to use the Access query, couldn't you just recreate the query in Powershell?  Here's a link with good info that references an existing script for querying an Access database:
    Once you have your dataset you can pipe it to
    Export-Csv -NoType c:\pathtofile\output.csv

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    Hello Guys,
    Question 1: Is there any way to export the query results from the TFS web browser?
    Question 2: Is there any way to export the query results from Team Explorer 2013?
    Here is the query results in TFS:
    How do I export this result in excel for further analysis? 
    I have also connected to Team explorer 2013 and right clicked on the query, but there is no option to open the results in Excel, see below:

    _Pls follow these guide lines for ensuring proper output in Microsoft Excel:
    1.First compare the fields properties and the frames properties between the reports created with wizard and the reports created manually.
    2. Do not leave any space between two adjacent objects.
    Explanation: Because any space, including a few pixels, between two adjacent objects will result in an empty cell or column in Excel output
    3.Make sure that the widths of all objects are vertically consistent.
    Explanation: If the objects are not exactly aligned vertically, that is, have inconsistent widths, it is likely to result in insertion of unwanted cells/columns in Excel.
    4. Pls. Make sure that the vertical elasticity of the frames and repeating frames is not fixed unless you are sure you have allocated enough space to accommodate all the records.
    Explanation: If you set the Vertical Elasticity property of a frame to Fixed, the output in Excel will show only as many records as could appear on the first page of the paper output. Since Excel does not have a page concept, it is not able to overflow the remaining rows to the next page.
    5. For reliable formatting of spreadsheet output, enclose the whole layout area in a frame.
    Explanation: This action prevents the possibility of parallel objects displaying in different vertical positions, one following the other.
    Hope this helps.

  • Error exporting a file to Excel

    I'm using Discoverer 10g version 9.0.4 and after making a query in Discoverer plus I try to export the result to Excel. After doing this appears me an error launched by Excel saying my workbook has a kind of macro (Excel's 4.0 macro) that can't be disabled so it's not possible to open the workbook if it is established high security level.
    I have Excel 2000 and I don't know how to solve this. Anyone knows what happens?

    I am relatively new to this forum but I had the same problem exporting a file.
    The solution I found was that the error was not with Discoverer but Excel. If you go to Excel and chose Tools\Macro\Security the security level will probably be set to High, change this to Medium and it should be OK. It worked for me.

  • Export ODI Mapping to Excel

    We are using ODI 11g, and we've managed to build the mapping between source and target.
    We would like to know if it's possible to export the mapping we made to an Excel file ?
    Thanks in advance,

    If you are good at repositories I advice you to write queries and export the results to Excel. In this way all you have to do is changing the intercace name and export the other interface.
    I don't know exactly the table names in 11G but 10G, you need to use tables starting with SNP_POP%.

  • Export PCUI search result to Excel over Context Menu / right mousebutton

    I am using CRM 5.0 and PCUI
    I want to export the search result into Excel, on Servicetickets (BUS2000116). When i press the right mousebutton on the searchresult, I get the option Export to Microsoft Excel.
    When i choose this option, Excel opens and i get the error message "Unable to open ......./mainDH.do. The Internet site reports that a connection was established but the data is not available."
    and the cell A1 says ExternalData_1.
    In Thread Export PCUI search result to Excel, Manuel Rodriguez told "Standard Export to excel is avaible in PCUI 5.0 and dont works in PCUI 4.0.". But I still can't make it work.
    Anybody an Idea how I can do it work ???
    Best regards

    Hi Thomas,
    you should not use the right click and Export to Excel. I think this is a functionality of Internet Explorer for HTML Tabes. Using that functionality you will only get the actual table exported. Do you see the Button "Download" in the Toolbar? That's the export to Excel functionality introduced in CRM 5.0.

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    Thanks for continuing the help, but it is a medical realted form and I will just keep it confidential at this time.
    Larry Lakes,  Executive Director
    The HANDLE Institute
    [email protected]
    P. O. Box 6264
    Bend, OR  97708

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    Hello Sue,
    I just tried to export to excel with the esdev extension and got java.lang.NumberFormatException. I found the workaround at Re: Windows Multi-language env, - how do I set English for application lang?
    open the file sqldeveloper\jdev\bin\sqldeveloper.conf and add the following two lines:
    AddVMOption -Duser.language=en
    AddVMOption -Duser.country=USyet now my date formats in excel are 'american-style' instead of german. For example 01-DEC-01 so excel does not recognize it as date and therefore I can not simply change the format.
    When export to excel will be native to 1.1 perhaps someone can have a look at this 'feature'

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