Extract text file from a folder and read the content

I have "n" no.of text files saved in a folder with automatically generated naming convention which include DD/MM/YYYY and also some measurement output value.
Eg: 1) Die_1_DUT_outputvalue_DD_MM_YYYY.txt
    2) Die_1_DUT_outputvalue_DD_MM_YYYY_ABC.txt
In the above files part of the 2nd file naming convention same as the first file (i.e. Die_1_DUT and DD_MM_YYYY) whereas outputvalue is different and an additional string named ABC is appended.
Now I want to search the 2nd file based on matching the naming pattern with the 1st file (note: the outputvalue in the file name is different for both files) and so far followed this method
1) Use a list folder with *.txt pattern to search all the text files and the output is a 1D array
2) then use array to cluster and then flatten to XML function to have all the text file names as a string element (not 1D array)
3) then pass the output of the 2nd step to the sting match pattern and use a regular expression to get the required file name
4) send the output of the 3rd step to search 1D array to get the index and then get the file name and later use read text file to read the content of the text file
And I am stuck at the 3rd step while sending an input as the regular expression to match the pattern as the outputvalue in the namming convention of the above two files is different is there any way I can actually extract the filename/file?
Any suggestions?
1.png ‏11 KB

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    Hi fabiangs,
    I'm not sure that I follow. Are you saying that when you open a PDF file in Acrobat or Reader, that the display resolution changes automatically on your system?
    What version of Acrobat/Reader are you using? Do you see this same issue in other files/applications?
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    StorageFolder externalDevices = Windows.Storage.KnownFolders.RemovableDevices;
    StorageFolder sdcard = (await externalDevices.GetFoldersAsync()).FirstOrDefault(); //Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
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    //trimed for the post
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    StorageFolder externalDevices = Windows.Storage.KnownFolders.RemovableDevices;
    StorageFolder folder = (await externalDevices.GetFolderAsync("RpgApp"));
    IReadOnlyList<StorageFile> fileList = await folder.GetFilesAsync();
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    await readFiles();
    CoreDispatcher dispatcher = CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().Dispatcher;
    await dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
    foreach (string name in z.test)
    Button button1 = new Button();
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    button1.Content = name;
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    now i went through checking line after line to find the error and line that causes it is:
    StorageFolder folder = (await externalDevices.GetFolderAsync("RpgApp"));
    in the readFiles method
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    im 100% stuck its taken me all day to get the files to save and now i cant get them to list correctly
    I have tested the button creation function with fake list data and that worked fine, as i say the error is when i tell it to look at the folder it created
    all help most greatfully recieved

    this was actually solved for me on another forum thread 
    async Task<bool> continueToReadAllFiles(StorageFolder folder)
    if (folder == null)
    return false;
    if (folder.Name.Equals("RpgApp", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
    var files = await folder.GetFilesAsync();
    foreach (var file in files)
    return false;
    var folders = await folder.GetFoldersAsync();
    foreach (var child in folders)
    if (!await continueToReadAllFiles(child))
    return false;
    return true;
    public async void buttonTest()
    StorageFolder externalDevices = Windows.Storage.KnownFolders.RemovableDevices;
    var folders = await externalDevices.GetFoldersAsync();
    foreach (var folder in folders)
    if (!await continueToReadAllFiles(folder))
    //.... commented out
    ...now i say solved this is more a workaround...but it works.
    I would love to know why we cant just scan the RpgApp folder instead of having to scan the whole dc card and disregard all thats not in the RpgApp folder

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    PHP :
    PHP Code:
    //Open images directory
    $imglist = '';
    $dir = dir("C:\Documents and Settings\april09mpsip\My Documents\Flex Builder 3\PHPTEST\src\Assets\images");
    //List files in images directory
    while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false)
    if (eregi("gif", $file) || eregi("jpg", $file) || eregi("png", $file))
    echo "filename: " . $file . "\n";
    FLEX 3 :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" creationComplete="pic.send();">
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    import mx.events.FlexEvent;
    import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
    import mx.events.ItemClickEvent;
    import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
    public var image:Object;
    private function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
    image = (event.result);
    ta1.text = String(event.result);
    private function faultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void
    ta1.text = "Fault Response from HTTPService call:\n ";
    <mx:TileList x="31" y="22" initialize="init();" dataProvider = "{image}" width="630" height="149"/>
    <mx:String id="phpPicture">http://localhost/php/Picture.php</mx:String>
    <mx:HTTPService id="pic" url="{phpPicture}" method="POST"
    result="{resultHandler(event)}" fault="{faultHandler(event)}"/>
    <mx:TextArea x="136" y="325" width="182" height="221" id="ta1" editable="false"/>
    <mx:Label x="136" y="297" text="List of files in the folder" width="182" height="20" fontWeight="bold" fontSize="13"/>
    Thanks. Need help as soon as possbile. URGENT.

    i have made some changes, in the php part too, and following is the resulting code( i tried it, and found that it works.):
    PHP Code:
    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>';
    //Open images directory
    $dir = dir("images");
    //List files in images directory
    while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false)
    if (eregi("gif", $file) || eregi("jpg", $file) || eregi("png", $file))
    echo "<image>" . $file . "</image>"; // i expect you to use the relative path in $dir, not C:\..........
    Flex Code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
    import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    import mx.events.FlexEvent;
    import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
    import mx.events.ItemClickEvent;
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
    private var arr:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
    private function callPHP():void
    var hs:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
    hs.url = 'Picture.php';
    hs.addEventListener( ResultEvent.RESULT, resultHandler );
    hs.addEventListener( FaultEvent.FAULT, faultHandler )
    private function resultHandler( event:ResultEvent ):void
    arr = event.result.root.images.image as ArrayCollection;
    private function faultHandler( event:FaultEvent ):void
    Alert.show( "Fault Response from HTTPService call:\n " );
    <mx:TileList id="tilelist"
    <mx:Image source="images/{data}" />

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    string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(@"c:\wmiclasses\wmiclasses1.txt");
    for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
    if (lines[i].StartsWith("ComboBox"))
    And this is how the text file content look like:
    ComboBox Name cmbxOption
    Classes Win32_1394Controller
    Classes Win32_1394ControllerDevice
    ComboBox Name cmbxStorage
    Classes Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting
    Classes Win32_TapeDrive
    What i need to do is some things:
    1. Each time the line start with ComboBox then to get only the ComboBox name from the line for example cmbxOption.
       Since i have already this ComboBoxes in my form1 designer i need to identify where the cmbxOption start and end and when the next ComboBox start cmbxStorage.
    2. To get all the lines of the current ComboBox for example this lines belong to cmbxOption:
    Classes Win32_1394Controller
    Classes Win32_1394ControllerDevice
    3. To create from each line a Key and Value for example from the line:
    Classes Win32_1394Controller
    Then the key will be Win32_1394Controller and the value will be only 1394Controller
    Then the second line key Win32_1394ControllerDevice and value only 1394ControllerDevice
    4. To add to the correct belonging ComboBox only the value 1394Controller.
    5. To make that when i select in the ComboBox for example in cmbxOption the item 1394Controller it will act like i selected Win32_1394Controller.
    For example in this event:
    private void cmbxOption_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    InsertInfo(cmbxOption.SelectedItem.ToString(), ref lstDisplayHardware, chkHardware.Checked);
    In need that the SelectedItem will be Win32_1394Controller but the user will see in the cmbxOption only 1394Controller without the Win32_
    This is the start of the method InsertInfo
    private void InsertInfo(string Key, ref ListView lst, bool DontInsertNull)
    That's why i need that the Key will be Win32_1394Controller but i want that the user will see in the ComboBox only 1394Controller without the Win32_

    Here is a running start on getting specific lines in the case lines starting with ComboBox. I took your data and placed it into a text file named TextFile1.txt in the bin\debug folder. Code below was done in
    a console app.
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    namespace ConsoleApplication1
    internal class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
    var result =
    from T in File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "TextFile1.txt"))
    .Select((line, index) => new { Line = line, Index = index })
    .Where((s) => s.Line.StartsWith("ComboBox"))
    select T
    if (result.Count > 0)
    foreach (var item in result)
    Console.WriteLine("Line: {0} Data: {1}", item.Index, item.Line);
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help, this will help others who are looking for solutions to the same or similar problem. Contact via my webpage under my profile but do not reply to forum questions.

  • Reading multiples files from a folder and processing

    Hello everyone,
    Im working on a project to analyst and process Acoustic Emission Signals. My problem is that I have a folder that containts several files .txt. Every file contains 16 waveforms (16 channels) that I need to process with an equation to detect the arrival times of the waves.
    I have been working in this way : Running the labview code that open the file that I select .. then the processing happens on every wave and I click stop to select the file where I want to save the solutions. The solutions is only a vector of the 16 arrival times detected. Then I have to stop the code (by clicking Abort Execution) and repeat the process ... Run the code and bla bla bla .. and save on the same solution file that I used before.
    The ideal situation is to read the files whitout stoping the execution of the code .. For example clicking a buttom to pass to the next file and saving all the solutions to the same file. That is beacause sometimes Im going to have more than a 100 files and this will give me a hard time if a forget in which file I was working. The idea is to make an automatic process.
    Please .. I have been trying to find a solution to this while Im working in other part of the code. If someone could suggest me a solution it would be great.

    Hello everyone,
    Well Im sorry if I didn't post my .vi ... I was working on it ... and I found a solution (whit some help that I found on the forums) but Im not happy at all ... because I still have to give the last part of the file name.
    For example at the beginning I have to input the file name without the final number of the event ...
    C:\Users\Irish\Desktop\Hydraulic Fracturing\E1_evento
    then I finish adding the file number that I want to process on the folder
    C:\Users\Irish\Desktop\Hydraulic Fracturing\E1_evento2.txt or 9.text or ... just the number ...
    This is the case when I want to process every file specifying the file .. but what could you suggest me to do process all the data file by file ?
    I attached the part of the code that Im using for this specific problem ...
    Im using Labview 8.5
    Thanks ...
    Message Edited by Alvaro_Ortiz on 08-26-2009 03:14 PM
    MultReadFiles.vi ‏58 KB

  • Reading Text File from selection Screen and populating table (Urgent)

    Hi All,
    I have some requirment like i in my report i have to initial my Input feild from text file is it good to populate a internal table or range.
    I have three feild in a excel file that entry can more then 500
    data example
    Matnr Date             Day
    A1     10.07.2007    12
    B1     10.07.2007    10
    A1     19.07.2007    15
    C1     20.08.2007    30
    E1     11.09.2007    12
    This report for Price Protection claim.
    even u can help me out with proper table plz this is urgent.

      p_file(50) type c.
      begin of itab occurs 0,
         matnr type vbak-matnr,
         date type sy-datum,
         day(2) type n,
      end of itab.
    <b>at selection-screen on value-request for p_fname.</b>
      perform get_path.
        FILENAME                      =  p_fname
       FILETYPE                      = 'ASC'
       HAS_FIELD_SEPARATOR           = 'X'</b>
      HEADER_LENGTH                 = 0
      READ_BY_LINE                  = 'X'
      DAT_MODE                      = ' '
      CODEPAGE                      = ' '
      IGNORE_CERR                   = ABAP_TRUE
      REPLACEMENT                   = '#'
      CHECK_BOM                     = ' '
      VIRUS_SCAN_PROFILE            =
      FILELENGTH                    =
      HEADER                        =
    <b>  TABLES
        DATA_TAB                      = itab</b>
      FILE_OPEN_ERROR               = 1
      FILE_READ_ERROR               = 2
      NO_BATCH                      = 3
      INVALID_TYPE                  = 5
      NO_AUTHORITY                  = 6
      UNKNOWN_ERROR                 = 7
      BAD_DATA_FORMAT               = 8
      HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED            = 9
      SEPARATOR_NOT_ALLOWED         = 10
      HEADER_TOO_LONG               = 11
      UNKNOWN_DP_ERROR              = 12
      ACCESS_DENIED                 = 13
      DP_OUT_OF_MEMORY              = 14
      DISK_FULL                     = 15
      DP_TIMEOUT                    = 16
      OTHERS                        = 17
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    This Sub routine is used to get the file name
    *There are no interface parameters passed to this subroutine.
    FORM get_path .
       DEF_FILENAME            =  P_FNAME
      DEF_PATH               = ' '
      MASK                   = ' '
      MODE                   = ' '
      TITLE                  = ' '
       FILENAME                =  P_FNAME
      RC                     =
       INV_WINSYS             = 1
       NO_BATCH               = 2
       SELECTION_CANCEL       = 3
       SELECTION_ERROR        = 4
       OTHERS                 = 5
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_path

  • Script to take every 5th file from a folder and copy it to another folder

    How can I tell applescript to take every 5th file of a folder of say 2000 files and copy them to another location? I want to copy the 5th, 10, 15th, 20th files and so on of 2000 files so I will have only 400 files.
    I guess I want to make a list of all the files and then coerce that to the first and then increments of five but how do I do that?

    Hi Pedro,
    The following script should do what you are asking for:
    *set theSourceFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select the source folder."*
    *set theTargetFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select the target folder."*
    *tell application "Finder"*
    *set theFiles to files of theSourceFolder*
    *repeat with k from 5 to (count theFiles) by 5*
    *move item k of theFiles to folder theTargetFolder*
    *end repeat*
    *end tell*
    Message was edited by: Pierre L.

  • Reading only Image Files from a Directory and ignoring the rest

    i am wanting to be able to read a directory but only obtain the Image files (ie, gif, jpeg, tiff, png etc) and ignore all other type of files.
    i have made a custom ImageFIlter class which extends FileFilter which works for adding a photo singly, as only image files are shown in the JFileChooser. however i am wanting to add a folder of photos at once.
    here is the code so far:
    File dir;
                        JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();
                        //Handle open button action.
                        int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(MainAppGUI.this);
                        if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
                             dir = fc.getSelectedFile();
                             if (dir.isDirectory()) {
                                  File[] files = dir.listFiles(new ImageFilter());
                                  for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
                                       if (files.isFile()) {
                                            try {
                                                 Photo PhotoAdded = workingCollection.addManyPhotos(files[i], canvas.getChangedMaxDim());
                                                 //need to also add it to the relevant vectors, ie
                                                 //for mouse over operations, or photos added after
                                                      //do nothing as it is already in the vectors.
                                            } catch (Exception er) {
                                                 // Do nothing. Bad mp3, don't add.
                                       // recurse through directories
                                       else {
                             } else {
                                  try {
                                       throw new IOException(
                                                 "Error loading files from a directory: "
                                                           + dir.getAbsolutePath() + " is not a "
                                                           + "directory");
                                  } catch (IOException e1) {
                                       // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    any ideas?

    I'm confused.
    You already ARE using a FileFilter to only pick up image files. Whats the problem?
    If you need to recurse directories you need to change your code only a little.
    Write your method
    JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();
    //Handle open button action.
    int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(MainAppGUI.this);
    if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
      dir = fc.getSelectedFile();
    if (dir.isDirectory()) {
      // not a directory
    public void scanDirectoryForPhotos(File directory){
      // taking your code
    if (dir.isDirectory()) {
      File[] files = dir.listFiles(new ImageFilter());
      for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
        if (files.isFile()) {
    // details deleted
    // recurse through directories
    else {
    Your exception handling is a little strange. You throw an exception only to catch it immediately to print a stack trace? Not exactly the most common handling I've seen. You should probably just throw the exception and let the next level down handle it.

  • I would like to open a PDF file from my downloads and read it without all the resistance

    When I try to open a PDF Adobe file from my downloads I get a screen that resists further use, I cannot open the file.  Adobe seems to suggest that I have to purchase something or that the file is corrupted.   All these files cannot be corrupted.  This should not be so difficult, in the 21st century. Would like to be a smooth user.

    Hi smoothuser,
    We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.
    Please let me know which application of Adobe you are using including the version.
    Attach a screen shot of the problem to get better understanding about the problem you are facing if there is an error.
    Ajlan Huda.

  • How do I get a text file from Photoshop  to work in the main sequence in pp?

    How do I get a text file to work properly in the master sequence. I moved it from Photoshop, which I learned to do from a tutorial, but when I move the animated text sequence to the master, it either isnt running, or it is scaled way too big. How do I get it to run in the main sequence?

    "Wont Work Here" !  Does not mean much.
    Are you having an audio or a video issue? 
    Looks like no video clip on the video layer above that section of audio.
    I am teaching myself this stuff completely on the fly
    I suggest you do the Basic Tutorials ( Adobe TV for example) in both Premiere Pro and PhotoShop.
    You need to be competent in the basics and fundamentals of these apps and that will also help you describe and discuss the issues.   Check the 'Products on this site....
    Adobe TV

  • When I export a AAF file from Protools 9 and Import the file into Logic ProX the drum track is out of sync.  I created the drum loop using NI Maschine.  Has anyone else seem this??

    When I export an AAF file/project from Protools 9 using an external drive and import the AAF into Logice Pro X the drum track does not play correctly.  It is out of sync with the rest of the track.  I created the drum loop as a plugin using Native Instruments Maschine. Has anyone else had this problem??  Also how would I go about exporting the midi tracks from the Protools session.  The midi track does not show when the file is imported to Logic Pro X.  The midi data should export with the AAF file correct??

    Are you using any plugins in Logic?
    In Preferences/Audio  under the General tab, how do you have the plug-in-latency compensation set?

  • Cannot get LR4 to read xmp files from a Nikon D4, Reads the D3S xmp files fine.

    I am doing some editing work for a magazine. The lead editor had issues with adobe camera raw viewing some of my edits. The xmp files are there but for some reason they are not loading. We narrowed it down to just the Nikon D4 files. I just had her download a trial version of LR4 and we are getting the same issue. The xmp's are there in the same folder as the .nef files. Import into Lightroom, and all D4 files do not show my edits.
    We are both running Lightroom 4.3, Camera Raw 7.3.

    LR may or may not have up-to-date XMP files if you haven’t explicitly written them.
    I have not encountered the XMP-ignored-if-timestamp-before bug but I believe it is the actual Windows/Mac file-modification timestamp, not something inside the file.
    My suggestion is to write all the XMP files, again, and resend those to her.  That way you’ll know their contents is current and that their timestamp will have been updated to something after the raw files timestamp.  If the images are all in oen or a efw folders then the easiest way to update all their XMPs is to right-click on a folder in Library and choose Save Metadata.  If the photos are more scattered but you can select them all in the Library grid view just right-click on one and choose Save Metadata to Files—make sure it says Files not File.
    I assume both of you are on Windows, not one on Windows and one on a Mac?

  • Can you configure DNG converter to only convert the RAW files in a folder (and skip the JPG's?)

    I just downloaded DNG converter last night to convert the CR2 (raw) files from my Canon S100.  I like that it converts a folder at a time...However, it also converts the JPG files as well, which I don't want it to do. 
    I did not see a way of specifying which types of files or convert (or omit from the convert).  Is there a way?
    Thanks in advance.

    That is an excellent question. 
    With my Nikon SLR, I only shoot RAW images.  The ACR with my Photoshop Elements can convert those. I recently bought a Canon S100 for a pocket-sized travel camera.  I took it on a trip to New York last week, where I took a bunch of pictures.  Since it was a brand-new camera, I wasn't sure how simple it would be to convert RAW images (my version of Elements won't do it, it turns out), so I either shot in JPG or JPG+RAW.  The JPG+RAW shots where ones I thought I might want to adjust later.  In either case, I have access to the JPG's for all my shots (for quickly throwing onto Facebook or whatever).  Obviously I'm in the process of trying to figure out how to process the RAW images.

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