FBV0 - different screen after execution

I have following problem.Below is the business case
Park the Document
Post the Document using transaction code FBV0
In FBV0, i am putting company code, document number and fiscal year.
The screen shows is SAPLF040.
Is there any set up / configuration about this.
Because i have super user access, if i execute FBV0, i am getting screen SAPMF05A but user gets the screen SAPLF040.
Please give your inputs.

There looks to be a screen variant assigned to the transaction FBV0. Please check this in the TCode SHD0. Please let me know your findings.
Thanks and regards,
Suresh Jayanthi.

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    Try covering the video with a button that has 2 actions. The first action plays the video. The second action displays an MSO state set to hidden until played.

  • Selection Screen getting refreshed after execution..

    Hello All,
    I have a strange problem..
    My selection-screen values are getting refreshed after execution and come back to selection screen. I am using normal ALV Fm to display the values. Can some suggest a possible reason?
    Many thanks,
    V Nair

    No .. I have checked it..Selection variables are not getting refreshed.
    My Code Below
    REPORT  yhr_icm_exception_report.
    Type Pool declarations
    TYPE-POOLS: slis,                                     "For AlV
                sdydo,                                    "Dynamic Documents
                icon.                                     "For ICON
    Table declarations
    TABLES : yhr_icm_exp_log,                             "ICM Exceptions Log
             yhr_icm_exp_hist.                            "ICM Exception History
    Include Constants
    INCLUDE   yhr_icm_constants .                         "Program to hold constants
    Types declarations
    *-To hold return field
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_returntab.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE ddshretval.                 "Interface Structure
    TYPES: END OF ty_returntab.
    *-To hold deletion records
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_icm_del,
               tab_name      TYPE yhr_tabname,            "Internal table name
               objid         TYPE hrobjid,                "Object ID
               begda         TYPE begda,                  "Begin Date
               otype         TYPE otype,                  "Object Type
            END OF ty_icm_del.
    *-Message details to be displayed
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_message,
              msgnr          TYPE  msgno,                 "System message number
              text           TYPE  yhr_icm_exp_log-msgxx, "Message Text
            END OF ty_message.
    *-To hold exception log
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_icm_exp_log,
             msgno           TYPE msgnr,                  "Message number
             run_id          TYPE yhr_icm_erun_id,        "Exception Run ID
             delta_id        TYPE yhr_icm_run_id,         "Run ID
             record_type     TYPE yhr_icm_exp_type,       "Record Type
             otype           TYPE yhr_otype,              "Object Type
             objid           TYPE hrobjid,                "Object ID
             begda           TYPE begda,                  "Begin Date
             msgxx           TYPE msgxx,                  "Message
             status          TYPE yhr_icm_icon,           "Status
             delta_relevance TYPE yhr_delta_rel,          "Delta Relevance
            END OF ty_icm_exp_log.
    *-To hold email attachment
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_attach,
               text(500)     TYPE c,                      "Text
    END OF ty_attach.
    *To hold object type & text
    TYPES :BEGIN OF ty_objid_text,
              objid          TYPE objid,                  "Object ID
              text           TYPE emnam,                  "Object Text
           END OF ty_objid_text.
    *-To hold counter values - Exp , Del & historical
    TYPES :BEGIN OF ty_count,
              exp(10)        TYPE c,                      "Exceptions
              del(10)        TYPE c,                      "Deletions
              hist(10)       TYPE c,                      "Historical Deletions
           END OF ty_count.
    *- To hold lock details
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_lock,
              live           TYPE c,                      "Live Callidus Program
              genr           TYPE c,                      "Generation Program
              exp            TYPE c,                      "Exception Program
            END OF ty_lock.
    Range Declarations
    RANGES :
           gr_objid          FOR hrp1001-objid,           "Range for Object ID
           gr_pernr          FOR pa0000-pernr.            "Range for Employee number
    Internal Table Declarations
    DATA : gt_records        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF yhr_icm_exp_report,
           gt_objid_text     TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_objid_text,
           gt_icm_exp_log    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_icm_exp_log,
           gt_returntab      TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_returntab,
           gt_t777o          TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t777o,
           gt_diff_tab       TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF yhr_icm_diff,
           gt_del_tab        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_icm_del, "#EC *
           gt_iattach        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_attach,
           gt_message        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_message,
           gt_fieldcat       TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
           gt_heading        TYPE slis_t_listheader,
           gt_exceptions     TYPE yhr_icm_exp_list_t,
           gt_events         TYPE slis_t_event.
    Structure Declarations
    DATA : gs_objid_text     TYPE ty_objid_text,
           gs_icm_exp_log    TYPE ty_icm_exp_log,
           gs_records        TYPE yhr_icm_exp_report,
           gs_exceptions     TYPE yhr_icm_exp_list,
           gs_count          TYPE ty_count,
           gs_fieldcat       TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,            "#EC *
           gs_returntab      TYPE ty_returntab,
           gs_icm_exp_hist   TYPE yhr_icm_exp_hist,
           gs_iattach        TYPE ty_attach,
           gs_message        TYPE ty_message,                   "#EC *
           gs_layout         TYPE slis_layout_alv,
           gs_t777o          TYPE t777o,
           gs_lock           TYPE ty_lock.
    Constant declarations
           c_yes             TYPE string        VALUE 'YES',
           c_no              TYPE string        VALUE 'NO',
           c_true            TYPE c             VALUE 'X',
           c_deletions       TYPE c             VALUE 'D',
           c_delta_no        TYPE c             VALUE 'N',
           c_delta_yes       TYPE c             VALUE 'Y',
           c_historical      TYPE c             VALUE 'H',
           c_a               TYPE c             VALUE 'A',
           c_error           TYPE c             VALUE 'E',
           c_equal(2)        TYPE c             VALUE 'EQ',
           c_participants    TYPE c             VALUE 'P',
           c_include         TYPE c             VALUE 'I',
           c_position        TYPE c             VALUE 'S',
           c_organization    TYPE c             VALUE 'O',
           c_runlock         TYPE string        VALUE 'RUN_LOCK',
           c_parameter       TYPE string        VALUE 'P',
           c_selfield        TYPE string        VALUE 'SEL_FIELD' ,
           c_type            TYPE string        VALUE 'TYPE',
           c_topofpage       TYPE string        VALUE 'TOP_OF_PAGE',
           c_rectype         TYPE string        VALUE ' S_RECTYPE',
           c_objectkey       TYPE string        VALUE 'OBJECTKEY1',
           c_icon_green      TYPE string        VALUE '@08@',
           c_icon_red        TYPE string        VALUE '@0A@',
           c_icon_amber      TYPE string        VALUE '@09@',
           c_green           TYPE string        VALUE 'GREEN',
           c_amber           TYPE string        VALUE 'AMBER',
           c_red             TYPE string        VALUE 'RED',
           c_tabname         TYPE slis_tabname  VALUE 'GT_RECORDS',
           c_structname      TYPE dd02l-tabname VALUE 'YHR_ICM_EXP_REPORT' ,     
           c_siwb_wallpaper  TYPE sdydo_key     VALUE 'SIWB_WALLPAPER',
           c_user_command    TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'F01_ALV_EVENT_USER_COMMAND',
           c_genname         TYPE trdir-name    VALUE 'YHR_ICM_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS',
           c_expname         TYPE trdir-name    VALUE 'YHR_ICM_EXCEPTION_REPORT',
           c_pf_status       TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'SET_PF_STATUS',
           c_msg_class       TYPE string        VALUE 'YHR_ICM'.
    Global Variable Declarations
    DATA:  gv_email_error    TYPE c,
           gv_email_sent     TYPE c,
           gv_exit           TYPE c.
    Selection Screen - Block I
    *-  Run ID
        s_run_id             FOR yhr_icm_exp_hist-run_id,
    *-  Exception Type
        s_rectyp             FOR yhr_icm_exp_log-record_type NO INTERVALS,
    *-  Object Type
        s_otype              FOR yhr_icm_exp_log-otype NO INTERVALS,
    *-  Object ID
        s_objid              FOR yhr_icm_exp_log-objid NO INTERVALS,
    *-  Start Date
        s_begda              FOR yhr_icm_exp_log-begda,
    *-  Message number
        s_msgno              FOR yhr_icm_exp_log-msgno,
    *-  Message Text
        s_msgxx              FOR yhr_icm_exp_log-msgxx.
    *- Delta Relevance
       s_relv                FOR yhr_icm_exp_log-delta_relevance NO INTERVALS.
    *- Long Text
       p_ltext               AS   CHECKBOX DEFAULT ' '.
    Selection Screen - Block II
    SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT 1(14) text-033.
      p_stat_s               AS CHECKBOX.                  "D11K917251
    SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT 24(14) text-034.
      p_stat_w               AS CHECKBOX.                  "D11K917251
    SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT 48(15) text-035.
      p_stat_e               AS CHECKBOX .                 "D11K917251
    Selection Screen - Block III
    *-Email Details
      p_email(128)            TYPE c.
                 Selection Screen on value request.
      PERFORM f4_message.
                 Selection Screen Output.
      CHECK gt_returntab[] IS NOT INITIAL.
      REFRESH s_msgno.
      s_msgno-option = c_equal.
      s_msgno-sign = c_include.
      LOOP AT gt_returntab INTO gs_returntab.
        s_msgno-low = gs_returntab-fieldval.
        s_msgno-high = space.
        APPEND s_msgno.
    At Selection Screen for Validation
      CLEAR gv_email_error.
    *-Validate Object Type
      PERFORM validate_objecttype.
    *-Validate Exception ID
      PERFORM fetch_exp_header.
    *-Validate Exception Type
      PERFORM validate_exptype.
    *-Validate Message Number
      PERFORM validate_msgno.
    *-Validate Message Type
      PERFORM validate_msgtype.
    *-Validate Delta
      PERFORM validate_delta.
    *-Validate Email ID
      PERFORM validate_email USING p_email
                             CHANGING gv_email_error.
      IF gv_email_error IS NOT INITIAL.
        MESSAGE e000(yhr_icm) WITH text-027.
      PERFORM initialization.
    Start Of Selection
      CLEAR : gv_email_error,
    Try locking the main program
      PERFORM lock_generation_program.
      CHECK gs_lock IS INITIAL.
    *-Fetch the messages stored in table
      PERFORM fetch_item_records.
    Read object type text.
      PERFORM read_text.
    Get Object Text
      PERFORM get_object_text.
    *-Fetch the current SAP messages
      PERFORM fetch_records.
    *-Update Delta Flag
      PERFORM update_delta_flag.
    *-Compare messages in table & in SAP
      PERFORM compare_message.
    If receiver is not blank, try sending out mail
      PERFORM send_mail USING p_email.
    End Of Selection
      IF gv_exit IS NOT INITIAL.
    *-Display ALV
      PERFORM display_alv.
    *-Build the event table for ALV display
      PERFORM build_eventtab CHANGING gt_events[].
    *-Fill the layout details
      PERFORM layout_build .
    Release all locks
      PERFORM release_locks.
    *-Finally call the grid display
      PERFORM display_data.
    *&      Form  set_pf_status
         -->RT_EXTAB   text
    FORM set_pf_status USING rt_extab TYPE slis_t_extab.        "#EC *
    Set PF Status
    ENDFORM. "Set_pf_status
    *&      Form  DISPLAY_ALV
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM display_alv .
    *- Use FM to create field catalog
          i_program_name         = sy-repid
          i_internal_tabname     = c_tabname
          i_structure_name       = c_structname
          ct_fieldcat            = gt_fieldcat
          inconsistent_interface = 1
          program_error          = 1
          OTHERS                 = 1.
      IF sy-subrc = 1.
        MESSAGE i000(yhr_icm) WITH text-001.
    *- Remove SEL Field Column as it is not required
      DELETE gt_fieldcat WHERE fieldname = c_selfield.
    *-If user chooses long text, activate icon
      IF p_ltext IS INITIAL.
        LOOP AT gt_fieldcat INTO gs_fieldcat WHERE fieldname = c_type.
          gs_fieldcat-icon = c_true.
    ENDFORM.                    " DISPLAY_ALV
    *&      Form  BUILD_EVENTTAB
         <--P_GT_EVENTS[]  text
    FORM build_eventtab CHANGING    p_events  TYPE slis_t_event.
      DATA: ls_event TYPE slis_alv_event.
    *-Get the list of event for alv
          i_list_type = 0
          et_events   = p_events.
    *-Add top of page event to event list
      READ TABLE p_events
            WITH KEY name = slis_ev_top_of_page
             INTO ls_event.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        MOVE c_topofpage TO ls_event-form.
        APPEND ls_event TO p_events.
    ENDFORM.                    " BUILD_EVENTTAB
    *&      Form  LAYOUT_BUILD
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM layout_build .
      gs_layout-zebra                = c_true.
      gs_layout-colwidth_optimize    = c_true.
      gs_layout-detail_popup         = c_true.
      gs_layout-detail_initial_lines = c_true.
      gs_layout-detail_titlebar      = text-044.
      gs_layout-box_fieldname        = c_selfield.
    ENDFORM.                    " LAYOUT_BUILD
    *&      Form  DISPLAY_DATA
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM display_data .
    *-Display ALV display
          i_callback_user_command  = c_user_command
          i_background_id          = c_siwb_wallpaper
          i_callback_program       = sy-repid
          i_callback_pf_status_set = c_pf_status
          i_default                = c_true
          i_save                   = c_a
          is_layout                = gs_layout
          it_fieldcat              = gt_fieldcat
          it_events                = gt_events
          t_outtab                 = gt_records.
    ENDFORM.                    " DISPLAY_DATA
    *&      Form  FETCH_RECORDS
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM fetch_records .
      REFRESH : gt_diff_tab,
      CLEAR:    gs_icm_exp_log.
    *-Get Employee details
      PERFORM get_person_data.
    *-Get Position Details
      PERFORM get_position_data.
    *-Get Organization Details
      PERFORM get_org_data.
    *-Get Exception current SAP exception list.
      PERFORM get_exception_list.
    *-Add deletion records
      PERFORM filter_deletions.
    ENDFORM.                    " FETCH_RECORDS
    *&      Form  top_of_page
    FORM top_of_page.                                           "#EC *
      PERFORM build_comment   USING    gt_heading.
    *-Display Use FM to display Top Of Page
          it_list_commentary = gt_heading[].
      CLEAR gt_heading.
    ENDFORM.                    "TOP_OF_PAGE
    *&      Form  build_comment
         -->P_HEADING  text
    FORM build_comment USING p_heading TYPE slis_t_listheader.
      DATA: ls_hline     TYPE slis_listheader,
            lv_text(120) TYPE c.
    *-Display report title
      ls_hline-typ  = c_historical.
      WRITE text-006 TO lv_text.
      ls_hline-info = lv_text.
      APPEND ls_hline TO p_heading.
      CLEAR ls_hline.
      ls_hline-typ  = c_s.
    *-Remove leading & trailing spaces
      CONDENSE : gs_count-del,  gs_count-exp,  gs_count-hist.
    *-If the count is space then pass 0
      IF gs_count-del = space.
        gs_count-del = 0.
      IF gs_count-exp = space.
        gs_count-exp = 0.
      IF gs_count-hist = space.
        gs_count-hist = 0.
      IF gs_lock IS INITIAL.
    *-Display Deletion, Exception, Historical Count
        CONCATENATE  text-037 gs_count-del
                     text-032 gs_count-exp
                     text-039 gs_count-hist
                INTO ls_hline-info SEPARATED BY space.
      ELSEIF gs_lock-live IS NOT INITIAL.
        ls_hline-info = text-007.
      ELSEIF gs_lock-genr IS NOT INITIAL.
        ls_hline-info = text-008.
      ELSEIF gs_lock-exp IS NOT INITIAL.
        ls_hline-info = text-009.
      APPEND ls_hline TO p_heading.
      CLEAR ls_hline.
    ENDFORM.                    "BUILD_COMMENT
    *&      Form  INITIALIZATION
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM initialization .
    Read Previous run
    SELECT MAX( run_id )
       INTO s_run_id-low
       FROM yhr_icm_exp_hist.                                  "#EC *
    s_run_id-option = c_equal.
    s_run_id-sign = c_include.
    APPEND s_run_id.
    s_rectyp-option = c_equal.
    s_rectyp-sign = c_include.
    s_rectyp-low = c_error.
    APPEND s_rectyp.
    s_rectyp-low = c_deletions.
    APPEND s_rectyp.
      PERFORM restrict_selections.
    *Get the message from Message Class YHR_ICM
      SELECT msgnr
        FROM t100
        INTO TABLE gt_message
       WHERE arbgb = c_msg_class  AND
             msgnr GT '000'.                                    "#EC *
    ENDFORM.                    " INITIALIZATION
    *&      Form  F4_MESSAGE
         <--P_P_MSGNO  text
    FORM f4_message.
    F4 Help - Display all messages
          retfield        = 'MSGNR'
          dynpprog        = sy-cprog
          dynpnr          = sy-dynnr
          dynprofield     = 'S_MSGNR'
          window_title    = text-045
          value_org       = c_s
          multiple_choice = c_true
          value_tab       = gt_message
          return_tab      = gt_returntab
          parameter_error = 1
          no_values_found = 2
          OTHERS          = 1.
      IF sy-subrc = 1.
        MESSAGE i000(yhr_icm) WITH text-002.
      ELSEIF sy-subrc = 2.
        MESSAGE i000(yhr_icm) WITH text-003.
    ENDFORM.                    " F4_MESSAGE
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM validate_objecttype .
      CHECK s_otype-low IS NOT INITIAL.
      CONDENSE s_otype-low.
    Validate object type to check whether user has entered only S, P or O
      IF  s_otype-low NE c_organization AND
            s_otype-low NE c_position AND
              s_otype-low NE c_participants  .
        MESSAGE e000(yhr_icm) WITH 'Enter either S(Position), P(Person) or O(Org Unit)'(021).
    ENDFORM.                    " VALIDATE_OBJECTTYPE
    FORM f01_alv_event_user_command USING r_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
                                          rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield."#EC *
      DATA : lv_answer TYPE c,
             lt_fields TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF sval,
             ls_fields TYPE sval.
    *-Get the row user has selected in ALV list
      READ TABLE gt_records INTO gs_records INDEX rs_selfield-tabindex.
      CASE r_ucomm.
        WHEN 'DISP'.
          CASE gs_records-otype.
            WHEN 'S'.
              SET PARAMETER ID 'POT' FIELD gs_records-otype.
              SET PARAMETER ID 'PON' FIELD gs_records-objid.
            WHEN 'P'.
              SET PARAMETER ID 'PER' FIELD gs_records-objid.
            WHEN 'O'.
              SET PARAMETER ID 'POT' FIELD gs_records-otype.
              SET PARAMETER ID 'PON' FIELD gs_records-objid.
        WHEN 'CHNG'.
          CASE gs_records-otype.
            WHEN 'S'.
              SET PARAMETER ID 'POT' FIELD gs_records-otype.
              SET PARAMETER ID 'PON' FIELD gs_records-objid.
            WHEN 'P'.
              SET PARAMETER ID 'PER' FIELD gs_records-objid.
            WHEN 'O'.
              SET PARAMETER ID 'POT' FIELD gs_records-otype.
              SET PARAMETER ID 'PON' FIELD gs_records-objid.
        WHEN 'EMAIL'.
    *-    Check whether email has already been sent
          IF  gv_email_sent = c_true.
    *-      If yes, then display pop up to confirm for mailing again
                text_question  = text-041
                text_button_1  = text-042
                text_button_2  = text-043
                answer         = lv_answer
                text_not_found = 1
                OTHERS         = 1.
            IF sy-subrc = 1.
              MESSAGE i000(yhr_icm) WITH text-004.
    *-     Continue only if user has selected Yes
            CHECK lv_answer = '1'.
    *-      Add Email Field & Table
          ls_fields-tabname = 'SZA5_D0700'.
          ls_fields-fieldname =  'SMTP_ADDR'.
          APPEND ls_fields TO lt_fields.
    *-      Use FM to get new Email ID
              popup_title     = text-s09
              start_column    = '5'
              start_row       = '5'
              fields          = lt_fields
              error_in_fields = 1
              OTHERS          = 1.
          IF sy-subrc = 1.
            MESSAGE i000(yhr_icm) WITH text-004.
    *-    Get the Email user has entered
          READ TABLE lt_fields INTO ls_fields INDEX 1.
    *-      Validate Email ID
          PERFORM validate_email USING ls_fields-value
                         CHANGING gv_email_error.
    *-    If the flag is not initial, indicates possible error
          IF  gv_email_error IS NOT INITIAL.
            MESSAGE i000(yhr_icm) WITH text-027.
          If no error, then try ending email
            PERFORM send_mail USING ls_fields-value.
        WHEN 'REFRESH'.
    *-    Fetch the current SAP messages
          PERFORM fetch_records.
    *-    Update Delta Flag
          PERFORM update_delta_flag.
    *-    Compare messages in table & in SAP
          PERFORM compare_message.
    *-    Refresh alv which is already displayed
          rs_selfield-refresh = c_true.
    ENDFORM.                    "F01_ALV_EVENT_USER_COMMAND
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM restrict_selections .
      TYPE-POOLS sscr.
      STATICS: lt_restrict TYPE sscr_restrict,
               lt_opt_list TYPE sscr_opt_list,
               ls_***      TYPE sscr_***.
    Restrict the wage type selection so the user can only enter
    values with the 'EQ' clause.
      CLEAR lt_opt_list.
      MOVE c_objectkey TO lt_opt_list.
      MOVE c_true TO: lt_opt_list-options-eq,
      APPEND lt_opt_list TO lt_restrict-opt_list_tab.
      MOVE: c_s         TO ls_***-kind,
            c_rectype   TO ls_***-name,
            c_include         TO ls_***-sg_main,
            space       TO ls_***-sg_addy,
            c_objectkey TO ls_***-op_main.
      APPEND ls_***     TO lt_restrict-***_tab.
    *-Restrict the values OTYPE
      MOVE  'S_OTYPE'    TO ls_***-name.
      APPEND ls_***      TO lt_restrict-***_tab.
    *-Restrict the values OBJID
      MOVE    'S_OBJID'  TO ls_***-name.
      APPEND ls_***      TO lt_restrict-***_tab.
    *-Use FM to restrict the values
          restriction = lt_restrict.
    ENDFORM.                    " RESTRICT_SELECTIONS
    *&      Form  GET_PERSON_DATA
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM get_person_data .
      DATA : lt_del_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF yhr_icm_diff.
      SORT gt_icm_exp_log BY msgno .
      gr_pernr-sign = c_include.
      gr_pernr-option = c_equal.
      LOOP AT gt_icm_exp_log INTO gs_icm_exp_log WHERE otype = c_participants AND
                                                       record_type = c_error.
    *-  Sort the table based on msgno and collect pernr
        gr_pernr-sign = c_include.
        gr_pernr-option = c_equal.
        gr_pernr-low = gs_icm_exp_log-objid.
        APPEND gr_pernr.
        CLEAR gr_pernr-low.
        AT END OF msgno.                                        "#EC *
    *-    For the list of Pernr having same PERNR get the current exp details
          IF  gs_icm_exp_log-msgno = c_msg_100.
    *-      Export the pernr list to memory id & import in the below FM
    *-      Selection of records should be based on values exported from here
            EXPORT gr_pernr TO MEMORY ID 'PERNR_0001'.
          Get Org Assignment 0001 Data
                period_begda = gs_icm_exp_hist-begda
                period_endda = gs_icm_exp_hist-endda
                refresh      = space
                UPDATE       = space
                diff_tab     = gt_diff_tab
                del_tab      = lt_del_tab.
        ELSEIF  gs_icm_exp_log-msgno = c_msg_101. "Y_HR_DIFF_PERNR_0001_ORG_DATA
          ELSEIF  gs_icm_exp_log-msgno = c_msg_102 .
            EXPORT gr_pernr TO MEMORY ID 'PERNR_0000'.
          Get Actions 0000 Data
                period_begda = gs_icm_exp_hist-begda
                period_endda = gs_icm_exp_hist-endda
                refresh      = space
                UPDATE       = space
                diff_tab     = gt_diff_tab
                del_tab      = lt_del_tab.
          ELSEIF  gs_icm_exp_log-msgno = c_msg_103.
            EXPORT gr_pernr TO MEMORY ID 'PERNR_0002'.
          Get Personal Details 0002 Data
                period_begda = gs_icm_exp_hist-begda
                period_endda = gs_icm_exp_hist-endda
                refresh      = space
                UPDATE       = space
                diff_tab     = gt_diff_tab
                del_tab      = lt_del_tab.
          ELSEIF  gs_icm_exp_log-msgno = c_msg_104.
            EXPORT gr_pernr TO MEMORY ID 'PERNR_0004'.
          Get Disability 0004 Data
                period_begda = gs_icm_exp_hist-begda
                period_endda = gs_icm_exp_hist-endda
                refresh      = space
                UPDATE       = space
                diff_tab     = gt_diff_tab
                del_tab      = lt_del_tab.
          ELSEIF  gs_icm_exp_log-msgno = c_msg_105.
            EXPORT gr_pernr TO MEMORY ID 'PERNR_0006'.
          Get Addresses 0006 Data
                period_begda = gs_icm_exp_hist-begda
                period_endda = gs_icm_exp_hist-endda
                refresh      = space
                UPDATE       = space
                diff_tab     = gt_diff_tab
                del_tab      = lt_del_tab.
          ELSEIF  gs_icm_exp_log-msgno = c_msg_106.
            EXPORT gr_pernr TO MEMORY ID 'PERNR_0007'.
          Get Planned Time 0007 Data
                period_begda = gs_icm_exp_hist-begda
                period_endda = gs_icm_exp_hist-endda
                refresh      = space
                UPDATE       = space
                diff_tab     = gt_diff_tab
                del_tab      = lt_del_tab.
          ELSEIF  gs_icm_exp_log-msgno = c_msg_107.
            EXPORT gr_pernr TO MEMORY ID 'PERNR_0016'.
          Get Contract Element 0016 Data
                period_begda = gs_icm_exp_hist-begda
                period_endda = gs_icm_exp_hist-endda
                refresh      = space
                UPDATE       = space
                diff_tab     = gt_diff_tab
                del_tab      = lt_del_tab.
          ELSEIF  gs_icm_exp_log-msgno = c_msg_108.
            EXPORT gr_pernr TO MEMORY ID 'PERNR_0077'.
          Get Additional Personal 0077 Data
                period_begda = gs_icm_exp_hist-begda
                period_endda = gs_icm_exp_hist-endda
                refresh      = space
                UPDATE       = space
                diff_tab     = gt_diff_tab
                del_tab      = lt_del_tab.
          ELSEIF  gs_icm_exp_log-msgno = c_msg_109 .
            EXPORT gr_pernr TO MEMORY ID 'PERNR_0105'.
          Get Communications 0105 Data
                period_begda = gs_icm_exp_hist-begda
                period_endda = gs_icm_exp_hist-endda
                refresh      = space
                UPDATE       = space
                diff_tab     = gt_diff_tab
                del_tab      = lt_del_tab.
          ELSEIF  gs_icm_exp_log-msgno = c_msg_110.
            EXPORT gr_pernr TO MEMORY ID 'PERNR_2001'.
          Get Absences 2001 Data
                period_begda = gs_icm_exp_hist-begda
                period_endda = gs_icm_exp_hist-endda

  • I've tried 2 different screen capture devices, and in both cases, audio stops recording after 20 or 30 seconds, but video is fine.  The audio disappears

    I've tried 2 different screen capture devices, and in both cases, audio stops recording after 20 or 30 seconds, but video is fine.  The audio disappears with both programs.  Does anyone know what is happening with my audio capture?

    Update, I took the webcam home over the weekend and tried on my home network and the outcome was the same video fine - audio delayed, is this a Skype for desktop issue?

  • APO main screen after login

    Hi all,
    I understand APO is  diff. from R/3 .If so,does SAP APO menu has only functionality in APO, or if the main screen after login has all modules (HR accounting etc)?

    Doesn't SAP Marketing manage to confuse everyone, even those who have been using it for 10 years or more!
    Just to help clarify for Sona:
    Supply Chain Management (or SAP SCM) is split into three parts:
    Planning: which is mainly what us older consultants refer to as SAP APO
    Execution: Mostly the ECC part and includes what used to be referred to in modular terms as SD, MM, PP,etc
    Collaboration: The old ITS server web-portal stuff with suppliers and customers
    The term SCM covers all of the above but requires several different servers and systems to give a complete solution.
    Have a look at the SAP website to give you an overview of how this all fits together.
    [SAP SCM Website|http://www.sap.com/solutions/business-suite/scm/index.epx]

  • Downloaded new iOS for iPhone 5. Now the handset is running hot, keeps freezing on different screens, won't charge on official charger ( only charges on crap poundland one) and battery is loosing 1% every two minutes!

    Downloaded new iOS for iPhone 5. Now the handset is running hot, keeps freezing on different screens, won't charge on official charger ( only charges on crap poundland one) and battery is loosing 1% every two minutes! I've closed all apps and reset the complete phone but no luck. Any one know what else I can try apart from a new phone?

    I have done a factory reset at 45% battery. After the reset it's still hot and at 35% now

  • Blank screen after poweroff

    First of all, sorry for my language. I'm french (I've posted my problem on the french forum here but it hasn't been solved yet.
    When I shutdown my desktop computer using any command ('shutdown -h now' 'halt' of using the syslinux poweroff, and even when I try to suspend with 'pm-suspend'), I have a blank screen when I try to turn the PC on. And then the screen says "no signal". Even the BIOS doesn't appear.
    I have to use the RESET button of my tower to see the BIOS appear
    First I didn't have the problem with the command 'reboot', but it's the same now (since I changed my CMOS battery).
    And since that I have also to RESET several times to get the BIOS.
    - kernel : 3.14.2-1-ARCH
    - openbox + slim
    - bootloader syslinux
    - graphic card : NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS + current Nvidia driver (my card is not recognized by 'nouveau')
    - motherboard : ASUSTeK P5PL2-E
    - BIOS version : 0904 (up to date stable version)
    - CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU E2180 @ 2.00GHz
    - Screen : ACER G246HL (DVI connected)
    - unplug the computer, wait, plug it.
    - reinstall the packages : nvidia nvidia-utils nvidia-libgl xorg-server xorg-xinit xorg-server-utils
    - boot on the arch's liveUSB and shutdown from there >> same problem
    - boot with the kernel options 'noacpi noapic nolapic'
    - desactivate the QuickBoot option on the BIOS (it seemed to work but finally not)
    - use the LTS kernel
    - open the computer and clean everything inside, check that everything is OK, even change the CMOS battery
    - run memetest86+ >> no error
    - check the CPU temperature
    WHAT I FOUND (quite similar):
    http://support.asus.com/faq/detail.aspx … 732A11F1E2
    Please help :'(
    Last edited by cazuza (2014-05-04 16:12:43)

    I have also gotten the blank, black screen, after using the Recovery CD's from HP on THREE different computers, please, if anyone knows how to help, HELP. I get nothing, tried hard off, new memory, new hard drives, no battery, battery, new battery, new a/c adapter, etc. Only one is still under warrenty, a HDX-16t, the other two, an HDX 16 and a Pavilion -1135nr

  • Why status is change every time after execution of VI??

    I am not much familiar with Modbus communication,
    I got one problem regarding to Modbus that when ever run my vi then after execution the status of DO3 is always changed and jump to the Alarm mode.
    In attachment I have attached my screen shots you will get more clear Idea about my problem.
    In LHS there is software window and before connection that software with instrument normally I set my DO3 at status mode but when I run my vi in order to check the supply voltage and after execution when I again connect that software then DO3 status always change and its come to Alarm mode.
    Can you tell me that why its happen so??
    and what kind of changes I have to do in order to avoid this problem....
    Thank you  very much.
    DO3.png ‏386 KB

    ok this problem is solve now that i have to make read holding register instead of write...
    but still I am confuse about the mesurment of voltage generally i have to set like 
    1) when (Do3 and datalogger switch both are closed) wired is connected with DO3 and relay on data logger is closed then its shoud show me voltage less then 2V,
    2)DO3 is open and datalogger is connected then voltage shoud be near to V+ (12v in my case)
    3)both are open then output shoud be 0V
    4)datalogger is open and DO3 is closed then voltage shoud be V+
    and in above four case i have problem in 1st case only...other 3 are working OK
    will you please guide me that is ther any change I have to do in data logger and what king of settign I have to to in order to get desired Output.
    I am not much familier with Data logger,i have read datasheet regarding to this and i am using Agilent Data logger 34970A.
    Thank you very much... 
    MeasureDO3.vi ‏33 KB

  • IPod 4th Gen has white screen after replacement, and restore

    Okay. Here's the problem. A while ago, I dropped my iPod, and it's screen cracked. I've been living with it ever since perfectly, but just with a cracked screen. Now, I ordered a new screen, and I begin to replace it. I knew how, and like an easy job, I did it pretty quick compared to others. After both ribbon cables where in, I pressed the lock button, and my iPod had a white screen. I was a little worried about that, so, I tried to reattach the screen. Now it was just black, after even using the home and lock button restart method. Eventually I got it back up and to the white screen by draining the battery and recharging, and there I was again, stuck. I looked at some forums on the internet to try to see if anyone had my problem. After clicking on the first link, it turns out, alot of people had this problem as well as me. The solution they said was pressing the home button and lock button for about 10 or so seconds, and then it goes to the apple screen and is all better again. I tried it, and my home button broke. Great. So, now I had to use the little button that the home button was pressing down to try the solution. Tried it, and, nothing. Still the blank, plain, white screen. Looked some more and saw that pressing the home and lock buttons along with the volume up button worked for some people too. Tried it, worked just as good as the previous one. Nothing. I even tried some person's idea of doing home, then volume up, then lock, in different timed stages. Nothing. I also saw people begging for them not to restore their iPods and begging for a solution. I was fine with a restore, I just had games that I played on my iPhone as well. So, I went with it, and restored it, without any backups, just going to factory mode. Afterwards I heard my iPod make the iOS "plugged in" sound, and anxiously tried the lock button. Still had the white screen. STILL. Now, I'm here, begging for a solution like others, with an iPod that won't function properly. Can someone please help me?

    No nothing like that happened, I'm sure, but I actually spent the day looking for a fix. Luckily, I had the idea of taping the spring down because I though the screen didn't touch it. Turns out I was right, but however, I found out that the screen I ordered was broken in a way, because it still had the white screen after the taping. Just to make sure, I tried the other screen to clarify if the taping worked or not. I did the home and lock button restart, and up popped the apple logo. So, that means that the screen I got from the seller was either a rip-off, or was just broken somehow in process of making, or delivering in some matter. Unfortunately, I think I can't ship it back unless for alot of money because the person I got it from comes from China. I live in the USA. So that's gonna be a matter to work with myself. Thank you for trying to help.

  • Linux clearing of screen after command (man, vi, etc.) termination

    One small nuisance in perhaps every Linux distro is the clearing of the screen after the execution of commands like man, vim or git. I find this irritating because I might be very interested in seeing the output of say, 'git log' and comparing it with that of a file (cat FILE) that I just edited for a commit.
    I came across the '--no-init' command-line option to less(1). Then added alias less='less --no-init' to .bashrc. This works properly if I am explicitly piping the output of a command through less but not when reading a man page. For that I had to export PAGER="less --no-init" again in .bashrc. Moreover, to achieve the same with vim, I am told here:
    http://tuxtraining.com/category/applica … line-tools
    of the need to setup a configuration variable in .vimrc. I want to know if setting on a per-application basis is the right approach or not? May be this is exactly how it should be. As a user with FreeBSD background this difference is immediately visible. Wonder how they do it there. While I try to find that out on my own, may be I can get few tips on the forum.

    > I want to know if setting on a per-application basis is the right approach or not?
    I think so. You know, the *nix heritage: many little apps each doing it's own thing :-) I doubt there's a system-wide setting for that.

  • I was trying to upgrade and all that seems to happen is I get a verification screen after I click on the "upgrade now" button?

    I was trying to upgrade and all that seems to happen is I get a verification screen after I click on the "upgrade now" button? I've tried it a couple of times but it seems to be in a constant loop.

    Hi John,
    I'm sorry that you're having trouble purchasing your upgrade. What are you trying to upgrade to? I've checked your account, and didn't see any stalled orders.
    Have you tried logging in to Adobe.com from a different web browser?

  • My MacBook Pro won't go beyond a white screen, after I pushed the restart button. How can I get it to a login? I have routinely backed it up, but don't know how to bring that up, nor if I have a boot file on that external disk. Help!

    My MacBook Pro won't go beyond a white screen, after I pushed the restart button. How can I get it to a login? I have routinely backed it up, but don't know how to bring that up, nor if I have a boot file on that external disk. Help!

    Take each of these steps that you haven't already tried. Stop when the problem is resolved.
    To restart an unresponsive computer, press and hold the power button for a few seconds until the power shuts off, then release, wait a few more seconds, and press it again briefly.
    Step 1
    The first step in dealing with a startup failure is to secure the data. If you want to preserve the contents of the startup drive, and you don't already have at least one current backup, you must try to back up now, before you do anything else. It may or may not be possible. If you don't care about the data that has changed since the last backup, you can skip this step.
    There are several ways to back up a Mac that is unable to start. You need an external hard drive to hold the backup data.
    a. Start up from the Recovery partition, or from a local Time Machine backup volume (option key at startup.) When the OS X Utilities screen appears, launch Disk Utility and follow the instructions in this support article, under “Instructions for backing up to an external hard disk via Disk Utility.” The article refers to starting up from a DVD, but the procedure in Recovery mode is the same. You don't need a DVD if you're running OS X 10.7 or later.
    b. If Step 1a fails because of disk errors, and no other Mac is available, then you may be able to salvage some of your files by copying them in the Finder. If you already have an external drive with OS X installed, start up from it. Otherwise, if you have Internet access, follow the instructions on this page to prepare the external drive and install OS X on it. You'll use the Recovery installer, rather than downloading it from the App Store.
    c. If you have access to a working Mac, and both it and the non-working Mac have FireWire or Thunderbolt ports, start the non-working Mac in target disk mode. Use the working Mac to copy the data to another drive. This technique won't work with USB, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth.
    d. If the internal drive of the non-working Mac is user-replaceable, remove it and mount it in an external enclosure or drive dock. Use another Mac to copy the data.
    Step 2
    If the startup process stops at a blank gray screen with no Apple logo or spinning "daisy wheel," then the startup volume may be full. If you had previously seen warnings of low disk space, this is almost certainly the case. You might be able to start up in safe mode even though you can't start up normally. Otherwise, start up from an external drive, or else use the technique in Step 1b, 1c, or 1d to mount the internal drive and delete some files. According to Apple documentation, you need at least 9 GB of available space on the startup volume (as shown in the Finder Info window) for normal operation.
    Step 3
    Sometimes a startup failure can be resolved by resetting the NVRAM.
    Step 4
    If a desktop Mac hangs at a plain gray screen with a movable cursor, the keyboard may not be recognized. Press and hold the button on the side of an Apple wireless keyboard to make it discoverable. If need be, replace or recharge the batteries. If you're using a USB keyboard connected to a hub, connect it to a built-in port.
    Step 5
    If there's a built-in optical drive, a disc may be stuck in it. Follow these instructions to eject it.
    Step 6
    Press and hold the power button until the power shuts off. Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed to start up, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Use a different keyboard and/or mouse, if those devices are wired. If you can start up now, one of the devices you disconnected, or a combination of them, is causing the problem. Finding out which one is a process of elimination.
    Step 7
    If you've started from an external storage device, make sure that the internal startup volume is selected in the Startup Disk pane of System Preferences.
    Start up in safe mode. Note: If FileVault is enabled in OS X 10.9 or earlier, or if a firmware password is set, or if the startup volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Post for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to start and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including wireless networking on certain Macs.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know the login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    When you start up in safe mode, it's normal to see a dark gray progress bar on a light gray background. If the progress bar gets stuck for more than a few minutes, or if the system shuts down automatically while the progress bar is displayed, the startup volume is corrupt and the drive is probably malfunctioning. In that case, go to Step 11. If you ever have another problem with the drive, replace it immediately.
    If you can start and log in in safe mode, empty the Trash, and then open the Finder Info window on the startup volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name.) Check that you have at least 9 GB of available space, as shown in the window. If you don't, copy as many files as necessary to another volume (not another folder on the same volume) and delete the originals. Deletion isn't complete until you empty the Trash again. Do this until the available space is more than 9 GB. Then restart as usual (i.e., not in safe mode.)
    If the startup process hangs again, the problem is likely caused by a third-party system modification that you installed. Post for further instructions.
    Step 8
    Launch Disk Utility in Recovery mode (see Step 1.) Select the startup volume, then run Repair Disk. If any problems are found, repeat until clear. If Disk Utility reports that the volume can't be repaired, the drive has malfunctioned and should be replaced. You might choose to tolerate one such malfunction in the life of the drive. In that case, erase the volume and restore from a backup. If the same thing ever happens again, replace the drive immediately.
    This is one of the rare situations in which you should also run Repair Permissions, ignoring the false warnings it may produce. Look for the line "Permissions repair complete" at the end of the output. Then restart as usual.
    Step 9
    If the startup device is an aftermarket SSD, it may need a firmware update and/or a forced "garbage collection." Instructions for doing this with a Crucial-branded SSD were posted here. Some of those instructions may apply to other brands of SSD, but you should check with the vendor's tech support.  
    Step 10
    Reinstall the OS. If the Mac was upgraded from an older version of OS X, you’ll need the Apple ID and password you used to upgrade.
    Step 11
    Do as in Step 9, but this time erase the startup volume in Disk Utility before installing. The system should automatically restart into the Setup Assistant. Follow the prompts to transfer the data from a Time Machine or other backup.
    Step 12
    This step applies only to models that have a logic-board ("PRAM") battery: all Mac Pro's and some others (not current models.) Both desktop and portable Macs used to have such a battery. The logic-board battery, if there is one, is separate from the main battery of a portable. A dead logic-board battery can cause a startup failure. Typically the failure will be preceded by loss of the settings for the startup disk and system clock. See the user manual for replacement instructions. You may have to take the machine to a service provider to have the battery replaced.
    Step 13
    If you get this far, you're probably dealing with a hardware fault. Make a "Genius" appointment at an Apple Store, or go to another authorized service provider.

  • GTX670 - Signal lost/black screen after windows loading icon

    I hope I am posting this in the correct forum area.  If not I do apologize.
    Here are my specs:
    Board: MSI Z97-G45 Gaming
    Bios: ?? whatever pre-installed on mobo
    VGA:   MSI GTX670 OC
    PSU:   Corsair HX750 750W
    Intel Core i7-4790K
    MEM: 12 GB Kingston HyperX DDR3 1600 2x 4GB, 2x 2GB sticks
    HDD: SSD Kingston 120 GB (Win7), HDD 1 TB WD 7200 RPM (Win7), HDD 1.5 TB WD 7200 RPM (storage)
    COOLER: Corsair Hydro Series H60 Water Cooler
    OC: no overclocking done by me..default settings
    OS: Windows 7 64bit Professional
    So to keep this as direct and as short as humanly possible here is my situation.
    Had a gtx670 card that I had to send back to MSI under RMA.  They sent me what looks like a new gtx670 card (no dust) that I received yesterday (4 Aug).  Last night I removed temporary old card (9800gt) and plugged in new 670gtx.  Things seemed to be ok, reinstalled driver after card was recognized.  Played one round of Battlefield 4 for testing purposes and all seemed good.
    Upon exiting the game things went south in a hurry.  Moving the mouse cursor around was extremely slow and choppy.  Mouse clicks were not recognized.  I could not bring up ctrl-alt-del to get to task manager.  At this point the cursor turned to spinning circle as if things were happening.  However, after 5+ minutes of nothing changing I did a hard boot.
    Restarted and after the windows loading screen the signal appeared to be lost to the monitor and I was left with black screen.  This was with the SSD.  I then attempted to load into the HDD windows OS that I hadn't logged into yet with this card and was greeted with the same issue.
    I can load into Safe Mode with no issues.  In safe mode I removed all nvidia drivers and was then able to load into windows normally using basic windows vga drivers.  The moment I load the Nvidia drivers and restart the computer I then have the issue again.  This happens with both drives.
    I have reset the video card in the PCI-Ex16 slot and still received the problem.  I have tried a different PCI-Ex16 slot and still had the issue.  I put the old 9800gt card back in and windows loaded perfectly and without issues on both drives.  I put the 670gt in and try to load into normal windows and I lose signal and get black screen after the windows loading screen.
    I'm at a loss at the moment.  I think it's the drivers, but could it be the card?
    Doing some research I've come across some people saying there may be issues with the nvidia HD audio drivers that are installed with the video drivers.  Could it be as simple as uninstalling or unchecking that particular driver?

    Flashed the BIOS last night to the latest version and attempted to launch windows with the GTX670 card.  I still experienced the same issue where as soon as windows finishes it's loading animation (with Nvidia drivers) and it goes to the login screen, the monitors cut out.
    At this point I feel like it has to be the card.  The moment I install the video drivers and restart, I have the problem of losing the signal/black screen.
    What I have done:
    1) Completely wiped any/all video related drivers from the computer and started from scratch. No success.
    2) Ran Memtestx86 to see if it's a problem with my memory sticks. No problems found.
    3) Put the card in a different PCI-Ex16 slot to see if there was a problem with the slot. No success.
    4) Flash updated the BIOS on the motherboard to the latest version. No success.
    I have a dual boot computer with Windows 7 64-bit installed on an SSD and a HDD.  The problem happens on both drives.  Yet, the moment I install my old 9800GT the problem disappears and I can login to Windows just fine.
    I will be sending the card back today on another RMA.

  • SAP BPC 10.0 Web Client Blank Screen after login

    Hi ALL,
    We are using SAP BPC 10.0 Web Client with Adobe Flash Player with IE 9.0 on Windows 7.0.
    We face strange error where on only on certain PC, the BPC web client working.. On other getting Blank/Blank Screen after login (with "movie not loaded" on the adobe flash player).. Both PCs are having the same setting.
    Even one of PC which previously working, starting this week suddenly getting the same error.. I have created OSS message and got feedback with also share this problem on this forum.
    I have done several actions as mentioned on several SAP notes )1624267, 1664889, 1681147, 1694871, 1752971, 1798336, 1804221, 1806371, 1811218, 1820505, 1918631, 1968584), but still no luck..
    If you have the same issue, kindly share..
    Thanks and regards,

    Yes .. Compatibility View also checked.. in several PCs, it is working well. both failed and working PCs have the same setting.
    Just found another weird: in one working PC, 2 different windows local-admin users login to the same PC for BPC-web and getting different result (1 Ok ; 1 failed) ..seems it is related with the user profile and login-domain servers (we have multiple login-domain servers with load balancing mechanism).
    Thanks and regards,

  • In VL10A tcode after execution in section scr "Incorrect factory calendar"

    After execution of the tcode VL10A gives the information messge in the selection screen as
    "Incorrect factory calendar; date calculation not possible".
    How to remove this informaition message.

    Do check with your FICO people and they will be able to help you to check on the factory calendar problem.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Ever since I updated to Firefox 4.0, I can no longer open links in a new tab by holding ctrl and clicking the link. Any help?

    Ever since I updated to Firefox 4.0, I can no longer open links in a new tab by holding ctrl and clicking the link. The only way I can open a link in a new tab is if I right click a link and select "open in a new tab" in the dropdown menu, but ctrl +

  • How do I do use the custom code and format for a percentage with 2 decimals in Report Builder 3.0?

    In Report Builder 3.0, I have the following custom code entered:   Public Function SafeDivide(Numerator as String, Denominator as String) as String Try If Numerator = "" or Denominator = "" then Return "-" End if If Numerator = "-" or Denominator = "

  • SSL Port closed ?

    Hi guys... do you know why the port 993 is stil closed after changing the configuration to listening IMAPs on my messaging server ? i did the following changes /opt/sun/comms/messaging/lib/configutil -o service.imap.enablesslport -v yes /opt/sun/comm

  • PHP Form Validation: Radio Buttons

    Hey everyone - I'm trying to do two things here with an addition to one of my forms using PHP. 1. Attempting to validate if one of the radio buttons has been selected. 2. Displaying which radio button is selected once the page is reloaded (checking f

  • Can't find the toolbar

    Hello to the Community, i'm new here so i have a (simple?) question. I doesnt find the toolbar anymore (see picture). I have since 2 years photoshop so i know a little bit about adobe programs, but i cant find it in dreamweaver CS6. It shouldnt be so