File.numbers works on Intel and doesn't work on G5

I created a Numbers spreadsheet on my G5. The last saved version made on the G5 will not open on G5. I copied it to MacBook Pro, and it opened. I saved it is as a fresh copy (Save As) on the Macbook Pro, and the copy will not open on G5. It still opens on the Macbook Pro. Numbers also is slower on my G5 than on the Macbook Pro though most applications run noticeably faster on the G5 (like Photoshop CS).
I hope Aple isn't already abandoning full support for the G5 Macs.

I don't think anything is "clobbered" in the system. Everything else works and the same spread sheet works on earlier edit stages. It was just the latest edit that does not work. I also ran Repair Disk Permissions and rebuilt the file structure with Disk Warrior before the post. It is a reasonably complex spread sheet. I think that the G5 version just has a bug. I would like to have Apple test the spread sheet

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    It's not 100% clear from your post, but you should be aware that CS5 plugins should not work in CS5.5. Because of a CS5.5 bug, CS5 plugins will load in InDesign 7.5.0, but that is fixed in 7.5.1 so they will not load.
    You should lean a bit harder on Virginia Systems. They should be able to tell you how to get them the stack trace from the crash which they should be able to look at and tell you which plugin (if any) is responsible for the crash. I could do it for Mac OS X but I don't know how under Windows. You could start by looking at the Event Viewer, though. That may have some helpful information about the crashes and the faulting module.

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    i have 3 computers. i want to get files from one to another. it doesn't work, i think it is a problem with the apple id?

    Zugriffsrecht means Access Right according to the translators.
    You can't do what you want with iCloud.  You will need to setup remote access to your main computer with VPS or some similar remote access application.   With VPS you have an application running on your main computer turning it into a server and an client app on your laptop so you can access it remotely.  There are many such apps out there, some probably more feature filled than VPS.  You might post in the system forum that you're running and ask there.

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    Check for Update (tap to enlarge image)

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    No, get the screen fixed.

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    Hey rulosrojos,
    The article linked below details a number of troubleshooting steps that can help restore functionality to your iPod nano.
    iPod nano (6th generation): Hardware troubleshooting

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    So my sister locked my iPod for 44 years and the home button is broken and pushed in and doesn't work how am i supposed to reset it now?

    If you can't remember your passcode, you'll have to restore it to remove the passcode, as explained here:
    If you're running iOS 7 with Fid My iPod enabled, in order to restore it you'll have to force it into recovery mode as explained here:, or erased it using Find My iPhone on if your home button isn't working (see

  • How can i configure maps voices? I have the original configuration (standard) and doesn't work

    I have an Iphone 5 and doesn't work the voices for navegation (maps app)
    Is there any special configuration requiered
    This feature is very important due i could drive without looking at the phone
    Thanks in advance for your support

    Yes, I'm in Chile....sad to hear that this feature is not available everywhere... Those voices should just follow the indications given by maps because maps gives the info about turn left or right so there should be just voices recorded with those standard indications, then this feature would be available everywhere
    But OK...
    Anyways, Thanks for your answer!!!

  • HT1918 I changed the card and i want to know how make to change the data from itunes. I tried and doesn't work.

    I changed the card and i want to know how make to change the data from itunes. I tried and doesn't work. Please, Help Me!

    No. That's not what I said. You can get an out of warranty replacement, which will be exactly the same model, color, and will be locked in exactly the same way the original is. If you want an iPhone 5, get the 4S replaced, sell it, and use the money to put toward a new phone.

  • Why does the store app keeps loading and doesn't work ?

    why does the store app keeps loading and doesn't work ?

    Hi Peter,
    In order to analyze your issue better, we need more detailed information.
    Did you mean when you launch the Windows store app, the app can't start? Was there any prompt message or error code? Did this issue occur on all Windows Store app or specific one?
    Try the method in this blog:
    Fix Store App in Windows 8.1
    Karen Hu
    TechNet Community Support

  • I can not activate a ITune card. I went to Redeem, introduce the code and doesn´t work. I´m realy desappointed.

    I can not activate a ITune card. I went to Redeem, introduce the code and doesn´t work. I´m realy desappointed.

    Hey there EGARAY,
    It sounds like you cannot redeem your gift code to your iTunes account. The following article may help you get that redeemed, or point you in the right direction if you are unable to:
    If you can't redeem your iTunes Gift Card or code
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

  • My Ipod touch 2nd gen. was working fine but when I tried to charge from my PC the Ipod start getting too hot and the screen turn black and doesn't  work anymore.Maybe is burn?

    My Ipod touch 2nd generation was working fine until I tried to charge again from my PC,when I connected the Ipod was getting too hot and smelling like burn cable,the screen turn black and doesn't work anymore. any ideas about what happen?

    You can try here:
    iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting
    However, from your discription, I suspect that something is broken.  Maybe a dead battery.  In that case. I would make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store and see what they say.

Maybe you are looking for

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