Finding custom prices for customer based on district (abap-query).

I can find in table A601-BZIRK the District-number, which i also can find on the customer in BP in CRM (we have both CRM and ERP).
I want to make a query in SQ02, where i enter the customer-number, and gets the list of materials they have custom prices for, based on the district number.
Sorry bad english. Tell me if there is something more you need to know
Points will be awarded.

The answer to your query is 'Yes'. You need to design a 'UPDATE' metadata type custom integrator. The custom integrator shall use a parameter based view to first download data and then use a PL/SQL wrapper/API to re-upload it back. The brief steps are listed below:
1. Create a 'UPDATE' metadata type custom integrator. Give a parameter list name, std/custom view for data download and a PL/SQL wrapper.
2. Create a form function and associate the form function with the custom integrator created.
3. Add the form function to the std WebADI menu for access.
4. Define a layout for the custom integrator defined.
4. To create a parameter use the standard integrator 'HR Standalone Query'. As a part of this integrator you can define the SQL WHERE clause (parameter based) that you will like to use with the custom/std view defined in the custom integrator definition.
Note: You can use a max of 5 parameters only. For each parameter, one needs to define the datatype and also the HR standalone query has a size limitation of 2000 chars in 11i10. You increase this length you may apply patch - 3494588 to get 4000 chars.
Hope this information helps.
Nitin jain

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  • Cannot find CFML template for custom tag

    Why am I getting this error when my code looks like this?
    Cannot find CFML template for custom tag UPSPrice.
    ColdFusion attempted looking in the tree of installed custom tags but did not find a custom tag with this name. If you are using per-applica
    <Cfif NOT form.shipzip IS "">
    <CF_UPSPrice SERVICE="#form.upsshiptype#" FROM="#shopshipzip#" TO="#FORM.shipzip#" WEIGHT="#getshipweight.totwei#">
    <CF_UPSPrice SERVICE="#form.upsshiptype#" FROM="#shopshipzip#" TO="" WEIGHT="#getshipweight.totwei#">

    UPSPrice.cfm file:
    Cold Fusion custom tag obtain UPS shipping costs from
    CALLTAG   - (optional) Electronic or basic call tag issued, valid options
                           are NONE BASIC or ELECTRONIC, defaults to NONE.
    COD       - (optional) Package is being sent C.O.D., valid options are YES
                           and NO, defaults to NO.
    FROM      - (required) Source (ship from) postal code.
    HANDLING  - (optional) Requires special handling (eg. - any article that
                           is not fully encased in an outside shipping container,
                           or any package that exceeds 60 inches in length).
    HAZARD    - (optional) Package contains hazardous material, valid options are YES
                           and NO, defaults to NO.
    HEIGHT    - (optional) Height (in inches) of oversized package.
    LENGTH    - (optional) Length (in inches) of oversized package.
    OVERSIZED - (optional) Package is oversized, valid options are YES and NO,
                           defaults to NO.
    RESPONSE  - (optional) Delivery confirmation service, valid options are
                           NONE BASIC SIGNATURE ALTERNATE or ALL, defaults to
    SATDELIV  - (optional) Saturday delivery, valid options are YES and NO,
                           defaults to NO.
    SATPICKUP - (optional) Saturday pickup, valid options are YES and NO,
                           defaults to NO.
    SERVICE   - (required) UPS Service ID, valid service IDs are:
                           1DM    - Next Day Air Early AM
                           1DML   - Next Day Air Early AM Letter
                           1DA    - Next Day Air
                           1DAL   - Next Day Air Letter
                           1DP    - Next Day Air Saver
                           1DPL   - Next Day Air Saver Letter
                           2DM    - 2nd Day Air A.M.
                           2DA    - 2nd Day Air
                           2DML   - 2nd Day Air A.M. Letter
                           2DAL   - 2nd Day Air Letter
                           3DS    - 3 Day Select
                           GNDCOM - Ground Commercial
                           GNDRES - Ground Residential
    SHIPNOT1  - (optional) First ship notification, valid options are NONE
                           DOMESTIC or INTERNATIONAL, defaults to NONE.
    SHIPNOT2  - (optional) Second ship notification, valid options are NONE
                           DOMESTIC or INTERNATIONAL, defaults to NONE.
    TOCOUNTRY - (optional) Destination country code, defaults to US if not
                           specified. Visit the UPS site for a complete list of
                           valid two letter country codes.
    TO        - (required) Destination (ship to) postal code.
    VALUE     - (optional) Declared value for carrier liability, carrier assumes
                           $100 by default.
    VERBCONF  - (optional) Verbal confirmation of delivery, valid options are YES
                           and NO, defaults to NO.
    WEIGHT    - (required) Weight (in pounds) of package, fractions may be used.
    WIDTH     - (optional) Width (in inches) of oversized package.
    This tag submits a shipping cost request to UPS for processing, and returns
    price and shipping information. CF_UPSPrice sets the following variables that
    you may use within your template after the call to CF_UPSPrice:
    UPS_BaseCharge     - Base shipping charge.
    UPS_Charge         - Total charge.
    UPS_Error          - Error message, if there was one.
    UPS_ErrorCode      - Error code, if there was one.
    UPS_FromCountry    - Source country code.
    UPS_FromPostal     - Source postal code.
    UPS_GuaranteedBy   - Guranteed delivery time.
    UPS_OptionalCharge - Total of optional charges.
    UPS_Service        - UPS service ID.
    UPS_Success        - YES if request was successful, NO if not.
    UPS_ToCountry      - Destination country code.
    UPS_ToPostal       - Destination postal code.
    UPS_ToZone         - Destination zone.
    UPS_Weight         - Billed weight.
    To use just call <CF_UPSPrice> from within your Cold Fusion template,
    passing at least the required attributes TO FROM SERVICE and WEIGHT.
    Obtain price for next day package from NY to CA:
      <CF_UPSPrice SERVICE="1DA" FROM="11213" TO="90046" WEIGHT="1.5">
      <CFOUTPUT>Cost is #DollarFormat(UPS_Charge)#</CFOUTPUT>
    Sending a oversized package C.O.D. via second day air:
      <CF_UPSPrice SERVICE="2DA" FROM="11213" TO="90046"
       WEIGHT="1.5" HEIGHT="13" WIDTH="12" LENGTH="20" COD="Yes">
    Using form fields:
      <CF_UPSPrice SERVICE="#service#" FROM="#from#" TO="#to#" WEIGHT="#weight#">
    Ben Forta ([email protected]) 10/14/97
    With help from Dave Beckstrom ([email protected])
    <!--- Initialize variables --->
    <CFSET proceed = "Yes">
    <CFSET error_message = "">
    <!--- Get UPS service --->
    <CFIF proceed>
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.service")>
      <CFSET product = ATTRIBUTES.service>
      <CFSET proceed = "No">
      <CFSET error_message = "SERVICE must be specified!">
    <!--- Get destination postal code --->
    <CFIF proceed>
    <CFIF IsDefined("")>
      <CFSET destPostal =>
      <CFSET proceed = "No">
      <CFSET error_message = "TO postal code must be specified!">
    <!--- Get source postal code --->
    <CFIF proceed>
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.from")>
      <CFSET origPostal = ATTRIBUTES.from>
      <CFSET proceed = "No">
      <CFSET error_message = "FROM postal code must be specified!">
    <!--- Get weight --->
    <CFIF proceed>
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.weight")>
      <CFSET weight = ATTRIBUTES.weight>
      <CFSET proceed = "No">
      <CFSET error_message = "WEIGHT postal code must be specified!">
    <!--- If all okay, process other options --->
    <CFIF proceed>
    <!--- Get destination country --->
    <CFSET destCountry = "US">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.tocountry")>
      <CFSET destCountry = ATTRIBUTES.tocountry>
    <!--- Get oversized --->
    <CFSET oversized = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.oversized")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.oversized>
       <CFSET oversized = "1">
    <!--- Get COD --->
    <CFSET cod = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.cod")>
       <CFSET cod = "1">
    <!--- Get hazard --->
    <CFSET hazard = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.hazard")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.hazard>
       <CFSET hazard = "1">
    <!--- Get handling --->
    <CFSET handling = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.handling")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.handling>
       <CFSET handling = "1">
    <!--- Get calltag --->
    <CFSET calltag = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.calltag")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.calltag IS "BASIC">
       <CFSET calltag = "1">
       <CFSET calltag = "2">
    <!--- Get Saturday delivery --->
    <CFSET saturdaydelivery = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.satdeliv")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.satdeliv>
       <CFSET saturdaydelivery = "1">
    <!--- Get Saturday pickup --->
    <CFSET saturdaypickup = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.satpickup")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.satpickup>
       <CFSET saturdaypickup = "1">
    <!--- Get response --->
    <CFSET response = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.response")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.response IS "BASIC">
       <CFSET response = "1">
       <CFSET response = "2">
       <CFSET response = "3">
       <CFSET response = "4">
    <!--- Get vcd --->
    <CFSET vcd = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.verbconf")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.verbconf>
       <CFSET vcd = "1">
    <!--- Get first ship notify --->
    <CFSET firstshipnotify = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.shipnot1")>
       <CFSET firstshipnotify = "1">
       <CFSET firstshipnotify = "2">
    <!--- Get second ship notify --->
    <CFSET secondshipnotify = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.shipnot2")>
       <CFSET secondshipnotify = "1">
       <CFSET secondshipnotify = "2">
    </CFIF> <!--- End process params --->
    <!--- If have all params, process request --->
    <CFIF proceed>
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="accept_UPS_license_agreement" VALUE="yes">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="13_product" VALUE="#product#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="15_origPostal" VALUE="#origPostal#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="19_destPostal" VALUE="#destPostal#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="22_destCountry" VALUE="#destCountry#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="23_weight" VALUE="#weight#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="29_oversized" VALUE="#oversized#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="33_hazard" VALUE="#hazard#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="34_handling" VALUE="#handling#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="35_calltag" VALUE="#calltag#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="37_saturdaydelivery" VALUE="#saturdaydelivery#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="38_saturdaypickup" VALUE="#saturdaypickup#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="39_response" VALUE="#response#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="44_firstshipnotify" VALUE="#firstshipnotify#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="45_secondshipnotify" VALUE="#firstshipnotify#">
    <!--- Check if succeeded --->
    <CFIF ListFirst(CFHTTP.FileContent, "%") IS "UPSOnLine3">
      <!--- Success, set variables --->
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Success = "Yes">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Service = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 2, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_FromPostal = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 3, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_FromCountry = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 4, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToPostal = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 5, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToCountry = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 6, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToZone = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 7, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Weight = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 8, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_BaseCharge = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 9, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_OptionalCharge = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 10, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Charge = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 11, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_GuaranteedBy = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 12, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Error = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ErrorCode = "">
      <!--- Failed, set variables and error message --->
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Success = "No">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Service = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_FromPostal = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_FromCountry = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToPostal = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToCountry = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToZone = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Weight = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_BaseCharge = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_OptionalCharge = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Charge = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_GuaranteedBy = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Error = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 2, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ErrorCode = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 3, "%")>
    <!--- Failed, display error message, and abort --->
    <CFOUTPUT><H1>Error: #error_message#</H1></CFOUTPUT>

  • How to find opening balance for customer?

    Hello Abapers,
    I have a requirement as i need to find opening balance for particualr customer in a  company.This is related to FI/CO modules.Please solve my porblem.
    Waiting for your favourable replies

    Hi Maruthi,
       Opening balance for a cutomer for a given period, u need to first find closing balance of that customer in the previous period. For eg. Suppose u want to find opening balance for customer 'A' for month of Nov'06, then U have to find wot was his closing balance in at end of Oct'06. Hope this solves u r problem

  • Cannot find CFML template for custom tag SELECTDATE

    I am not a ColdFusion developer and just moved a site from one server to another. That site is developed by someone else not me and I just moved the site to ColdFusion server. Site is working fine except a few pages where I am getting this error:
    Cannot find CFML template for custom tag SELECTDATE
    I read a little bit about custom tags. These are files that needs to be placed in a certain folder from where ColdFusion reads them.
    So that means I will need to ask the developer who developed this site to provide me with this custom tag file, which when I will place in appropriate folder, this page will start working? And without that file I cannot do anything about it?

    As Dan says, they're just CFM files.  Usually one can identify them as follows:
    * they're in the same directory as a file calling <cf_somefilename[...]>, wherein there is a somefilename.cfm is the name of the file
    * they're in one of the directories set as custom tag directories (in CFAdmin, or Application.cfc)
    * they have references to "thistag" or the attributes scope in them (although the latter can produce false positives on Fusebox sites)
    By the sounds of it, your issue is - like I said before - you haven't got your custom tag dirs set up in CFAdmin (or in Application.cfc, which I didn't mention before).  Investigate that.

  • Special Customer Prices for Items with Period

    Hi all
    How to show the Item Price List amount from

    Hi Nagarajan
    Thanks for your reply.  Please see my screenshot below.
    My Query result for Special Prices for Customer Business Partner, double click Item row for input Period Discount is correct except I just want to show the selected Base Price amount from the standard Price list in Inventory Price List->Price Lists->Price Lists.

  • I can't find a price for any apps?

    Just upgraded iTunes... i'm in the app store trying to buy an app.  I can't find the price for anything.
    The old version had prices listed on the "buy" button... but now it only says  "Free" or "Download". 
    The non-free ones: where is the price listed???   Can't seem to find it anywhere.

    ok, logging off did allow me to see the price (thank you!!!)... but there's gotta be a way to see the prices without logging out and back in each time?

  • Custom iterator for custom list.

    I'm trying to write a custom iterator for custom linked list. What I don't understand is, whether the iterator should be in the link(node) inner-class or in the linked-list outer-class.
    I seem to be getting errors in the outer-class, but in the inner-class it compiles fine. Whether or not it works is another story.
    The code below is without errors in eclipse, however it doesn't make much sense to me to have the next() and hasNext() methods in the Node when the Iterator needs to iterate the list.
    import java.util.*;
    public class OctoList<T> extends AbstractCollection<T> implements Iterable<T>
        // Inner Class
        private class Octo<E>
            // Octo will be a Node with 8 elements not including size, and links.
            public Octo<T> next()
              if (!hasNext())
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
              current =;
              return current;
            public boolean hasNext()
              return ( != null);
        // outer class
        private Octo<T> head;
        private Octo<T> tail;
        private Octo<T> current = head;
        private final int ARRAY_SIZE = 8;
        public Iterator<T> iterator()
            return null;
        public int size()
            return 0;
        public boolean isEmpty()
            return size() == 0;

    Gcampton wrote:
    I'm trying to write a custom iterator for custom linked list. What I don't understand is, whether the iterator should be in the link(node) inner-class or in the linked-list outer-class.In the list class. After all, you're iterating a list, not a node.
    I seem to be getting errors in the outer-class, but in the inner-class it compiles fine. Whether or not it works is another story.Then you'll have to fix those errors so it both compiles and works as intended.
    You can create the iterator as an inner class in the list.

  • Special Prices for Customer with Base Price amount

    Hi all
    Please help to correct my Query below.  It shouldn't shows so many duplicated results with different Base Prices.  You can simply run this in any Demo Database.
    SELECT T0.[ItemCode],T1.[ItemName], T4.[ItmsGrpNam], T0.[CardCode], T2.[CardName], T5.[GroupName],T3.[SlpName],T0.[Price], T0.[Currency], T0.[Discount], T0.[ListNum], T0.[AutoUpdt], T0.[EXPAND], T6.Price FROM OSPP T0  INNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T0.ItemCode = T1.ItemCode INNER JOIN OCRD T2 ON T0.CardCode = T2.CardCode INNER JOIN OSLP T3 ON T2.SlpCode = T3.SlpCode INNER JOIN OITB T4 ON T1.ItmsGrpCod = T4.ItmsGrpCod INNER JOIN OCRG T5 ON T2.GroupCode = T5.GroupCode inner join ITM1 T6 on T0.[ListNum] = T6.PriceList inner join OPLN T7 on T6.PriceList=T7.ListNum

    Thanks Nagarajan for the tip.
    This is my desired Query.
    SELECT T0.[ItemCode], T2.[ItemName], T4.[ItmsGrpNam],
    T0.[CardCode], T1.[CardName], T5.[GroupName], T3.[SlpName], T0.[LINENUM],
    T0.[Price], T0.[Currency], T6.Price, T0.[Discount], T0.[ListNum] as 'Item Price
    List',T1.[ListNum] as 'Customer Price List',  T0.[FromDate], T0.[ToDate]
    FROM SPP1 T0 inner join OCRD T1 on T0.CardCode=T1.CardCode INNER JOIN OITM T2
    ON T0.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode INNER JOIN OSLP T3 ON T1.SlpCode = T3.SlpCode
    T1.GroupCode = T5.GroupCode left JOIN ITM1 T6 ON T2.ItemCode = T6.ItemCode and
    T6.[PriceList] = T0.[ListNum]

  • How to setup the Deal Finder in Cloud for Customer

    Hi all,
    We are implementing Cloud for Customer 1402.
    We have a requirement for automatic lead qualification. We want to create criteria on which leads are automatically qualified to cold, warm or hot.
    I understood the new Deal Finder functionality can fulfill this requirement.
    However the steps to set it up in de Admin Guide are limited. It says to "Set Up SAP InfiniteInsight", but I don't have a clear overview from a functional and architectural point of view.
    Does anybody have more detailed information how to set up the integration to SAP InfiniteInsight? Do we need to setup SAP InfiniteInsight or does SAP offer a SAP InfiniteInsight server we can log on to?
    Kind regards,
    Jasper Cremers

    This forum is more for BYD... I suggest you go to the C4C SCN group:
    SAP Cloud for Customer

  • Transfer price for customer

    Is there any possibility to have separate transfer price for separate custmer (with plant and material combination.)

    not possible in SAP

  • Custom command for custom XMP metadata

    I'm trying to create a custom command for setting and getting custom XMP metadata using InDesign CS3 SDK with Xcode.
    I think I got the step 1) to 3) ok. But not so sure about step 4).
    Please take a look and tell me if I have got anything wrong.
    1) Create 2 classes and 1 interface
    2) Define class definitions in the resource file
    /** Boss class for kMyCustomMetadataBoss */
    IID_IMYCUSTOMMETADATA, kMyCustomMetadataImpl,
    /** Boss class for kMyCustomMetadataSetCmdBoss */
    IID_ICOMMAND, kIQAdTicketMetaDataSetCmdImpl,
    IID_IMYCUSTOMMETADATA, kMyCustomMetadataImpl,
    3) Define functions for setting and getting values in MyCustomMetadata
    Within these functions, use IMetadataAccess interface to set/get values.
    4) Create Do() function in MyCustomMetadataSetCmd
    ??? I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do here ???
    Any help would be really appreciated.

    m41miller42 wrote:
    I am attempting to create a custom RSS file (.mrss) that references XMP metadata from Premiere.
    I was basing the move on this statement. This was posted in the Adobe Connect forums.

  • SORT butttons on custom screen for custom fields

    Hi all,
    I have a dedveloped a custom screen in which there are 5-6 fields.Nowi need to put Sort buttons below these fields so that I can sort these fields.
    How do i do this???Is there std FM i can use to achieve the sort functionality?

    Hi Rob,
    I dont have a table control in which I have the custom fields.The custom fields are placed in a subscreen within acustom tab in standard screen in tcode VL31N. as shown below:
    Bill of lading:
    Packaging list:
    Now below these 5 fields ,I need to display the 2 SORT buttons/icons to change the display in ASCENDING OR DESCENDING  order.
    How do i do this???Is there any std FM ?

  • How to give References for the field in the Abap Query

    Dear Freinds,
               I am not able to get Text for Cost Centre which iam using in My custom infotype , when iam calling the Custom infotype in abap querry i dont find the T symbol for my field Cost Centre , since i have created in my custom infotype for Cost Centre similar to the infotype 0001. When i look at the
    infotype 0001 fields in my abap query i can see that there is T field for P0001-KOSTL and again if i double click on it i can see that in the REFERENCES Tab i can see " Function Module:HR_TXID_KOSTL" . Could any one let me how i can assign to my custom field "Function Module:HR_TXID_KOSTL " in the References Tab.

    solved the problem

  • Coding for an additional structure in ABAP Query

    I am creating an ABAP query to extract the Purchase Inforecords prices. While linking EINA and EINE Iam able to extract the effective price. When there is a scaled pricing, I want to extract information from KONM or KONW tables. Howeever, can't find a quick answer.
    I liked the function module ME_GET_INFORECORD_CONDITIONS that gives the scaled prices for  a given PIR information.
    I would like to create an additional structure in my abap query and extract this information.
    Can some one please provide the coding: I tried the following after creating a new structure called addscale. This did not work.  I have limited understanding of ABAP.
          i_ekorg = eine-ekorg
          i_esokz = eine-esokz
          i_infnr = eine-infnr
          i_lifnr = eina-lifnr
          i_matnr = eina-matnr
          i_matkl = eina-matkl
          i_werks = eine-werks
          i_vabme = eina-vabme
          tekomd  = addscale.

    use the following function module you will get the required info.

  • Custom search for Catalog based on UDF fields combination

    Can we customize in OIM 11g R2 PS1 to search catalog items based on multiple fields (similar to User search scenarios). If someone has to search based on combination of 2-3 custom attributes e.g. UDF fields , is it possible ? do we need to do complex changes in code through Catalog APIs ?
    Edited by: Shashi kiran on May 15, 2013 9:45 AM
    Edited by: Shashi kiran on May 15, 2013 9:49 AM

    In my scenario , i have to customize catalog search with combination of 2-3 attributes including UDF attributes with standard attributes (Application Instance, Role and Entitlement). As, these 3 attributes (Application Instance, Role and Entitlement) are by default out of box ,present for catalog search we can use their combination for catalog search.
    But, what if along with these standard attributes ,if there are other custom attribute like UDFs (e.g. : Sub application,Domain,etc) in combination ?
    Is this customization for catalog search is possible through UI or do we have to make changes in Source Code exposing catalog APIs to work this scenario out ?
    Edited by: Shashi kiran on May 16, 2013 12:06 PM

Maybe you are looking for