Generate a where clause with outer join criteria condition: (+)=

In my search page, I use Auto Customization Criteria mode, and I build where clause by using get Criteria():
public void initSrpQuery(Dictionary[] dic, String userName) {
int dicSize = dic.length;
StringBuffer whereClause = new StringBuffer(100);
Vector parameters = new Vector(5);
int clauseCount = 0;
int bindCount = 1;
for(int i=0; i < dicSize; i++){
String itemName = (String)(dic.get(OAViewObject.CRITERIA_ITEM_NAME));
Object value = dic[i].get(OAViewObject.CRITERIA_VALUE);
String joinCondition = (String)dic[i].get(OAViewObject.CRITERIA_JOIN_CONDITION);
String criteriaCondition = (String)dic[i].get(OAViewObject.CRITERIA_CONDITION);
String criteriaDataType = (String)dic[i].get(OAViewObject.CRITERIA_DATATYPE);
String viewAttributename = (String)dic[i].get(OAViewObject.CRITERIA_VIEW_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
String columnName = findAttributeDef(viewAttributename).getColumnNameForQuery();
if((value != null) /*&& (!("".equals((String).trim())))*/){
if(clauseCount > 0){
whereClause.append(" AND ");
whereClause.append(columnName + " " + criteriaCondition + " :");
If I want to generate following where clause:
from g2c_goal_shr_emp_assignments_v emp
,jtf_rs_salesreps rs
,xxg2c_srp_goal_headers_all gs
,cn_comp_plans_all comp
where 1 = 1
and rs.salesrep_id = gs.salesrep_id (+)
and gs.comp_plan_id = comp.comp_plan_id (+)
and gs.period_year (+) = :1 -- :1 p_fiscal_year
How can I generate a where clause with outer join : gs.period_year (+) = :1 ? Will I get '(+)=' from get(OAViewObject.CRITERIA_CONDITION)?

If you are using SQL-Plus or Reports you can use lexical parameters like:
SELECT * FROM emp &condition;
When you run the query it will ask for value of condition and you can enter what every you want. Here is a really fun query:
SELECT &columns FROM &tables &condition;
But if you are using Forms. Then you have to change the condition by SET_BLOCK_PROPERTY.
Best of luck!

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  • How can I pass multiple condition in where clause with the join table?

    I need to collect several inputs at run time, and query the record according to the input.
    How can I pass multiple conditions in where clause with the join table?
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    If you are using SQL-Plus or Reports you can use lexical parameters like:
    SELECT * FROM emp &condition;
    When you run the query it will ask for value of condition and you can enter what every you want. Here is a really fun query:
    SELECT &columns FROM &tables &condition;
    But if you are using Forms. Then you have to change the condition by SET_BLOCK_PROPERTY.
    Best of luck!

  • Trim With Outer Join in where

    Getting an error called Invalid relational Operator
    SELECT DISTINCT t1.recv_order_no, t2.reference_no
    FROM receiving_order t1, receiver_num t2
    WHERE TRIM(t2.reference_no) (+) = TRIM (t1.recv_order_no)
    ORDER BY t2.reference_no ASC
    What I am doing wrong here ?
    Can I use trim fun with outer join ?
    Thanks for help.

    Hi Srini,
    I have done this with emp and dept
    Following is an example:
      1  select a.deptno, b.ename
      2     from dept a, emp b
      3*   where trim(a.deptno) = trim(b.deptno(+))
            10 CLARK
            10 KING
            10 GHULAM
            10 MILLER
            20 SMITH
            20 ADAMS
            20 FORD
            20 SCOTT
            20 JONES
            30 ALLEN
            30 BLAKE
            30 MARTIN
            30 JAMES
            30 TURNER
            30 WARD
            40Hope this helps

  • Group by with outer join

    Group by sum doesn't work with outer join. Can anyone please help me to get it right?
    I've posted some sample data and queries below:
      CNO     NUMBER,
    Insert into COMPLAINT
       (1, 'edge', 250);
    Insert into COMPLAINT
       (2, 'edge', 250);
    Insert into COMPLAINT
       (3, 'brst', 300);
    Insert into COMPLAINT
       (4, 'crea', 400);
      CNO   NUMBER,
    Insert into COMPLAINTROLL
       (CNO, ROLL)
       (2, 'roll22');
    Insert into COMPLAINTROLL
       (CNO, ROLL)
       (1, 'roll4');
    Insert into COMPLAINTROLL
       (CNO, ROLL)
       (1, 'roll3');
    Insert into COMPLAINTROLL
       (CNO, ROLL)
       (1, 'roll2');
    Insert into COMPLAINTROLL
       (CNO, ROLL)
       (1, 'roll1');
    select * from complaint
    CNO     REASON     TOTAL
    1     edge     250
    2     edge     250
    3     brst     300
    4     crea     400
    select * from complaintroll
    CNO     ROLL
    1     roll1
    1     roll2
    1     roll3
    1     roll4
    2     roll22
    -- total of reason code edge is 500
    select reason,sum(total)
    from complaint c
    group by reason
    brst     300
    crea     400
    edge     500
    -- total of reason code edge after outer join is 1250
    select reason,sum(total)
    from complaint c,complaintroll cr
    where c.cno=cr.cno(+)
    group by reason
    brst     300
    crea     400
    edge     1250
    Thanks for reading this post.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    The problem that you described is simple. The outer join duplicates all the rows from the parent table (complaint). If you want to sum a column from the parent table, then this sum includes all the duplicated rows.
    There are several solutions for this problem.
    A) One had been shown already by Cenutil. Instead of doing an outer join, you can do a subquery in the select clause that delivers the additional information from the detail table.
    SQL> select reason,
       sum((select count(*) from complaintroll cr where c.cno=cr.cno)) cnt_rolls
    from complaint c
    group by c.reason;
    crea                   400          0
    brst                   300          0
    edge                   500          5b) sum in two steps. First sum and count including the join criteria, then use this information to calculate the correct total sum.
    SQL> select reason, sum(stotal), sum(stotal/scount), sum(scount), sum(cnt_rolls)
      2  from (select reason, sum(total) stotal, count(*) scount, count(cr.cno) cnt_rolls
      3         from complaint c
      4         left join complaintroll cr on c.cno=cr.cno
      5         group by reason, c.cno
      6         )
      7   group by reason;
    crea                    400                400           1              0
    brst                    300                300           1              0
    edge                   1250                500           5              5
    sql> c) another option is to do the left join, but do the aggregation only one time for the parent table. Analytic functions are helpful for that. However since analytic fuinctions can't be used inside an aggregation function, we would again need an inline view.
    SQL> select reason, sum(case when rn = 1 then total end) sum_total, count(*), count(crcno)
      2  from (select row_number() over (partition by c.reason order by c.cno) rn,
      3                   c.*, cr.cno crcno
      4         from complaint c
      5         left join complaintroll cr on c.cno=cr.cno
      6         )
      7  group by reason;
    brst                   300          1            0
    crea                   400          1            0
    edge                   250          5            5
    SQL> Edited by: Sven W. on Feb 10, 2011 1:00 PM - formatting + column added to 2nd option

  • Update with Outer Join, round 2

    Thanks for those of you who helped me out on the first one (I never thought that you could use a one-row SELECT like that).
    However, here is a new version of my problem:
    I have three tables.
    Table_1 has a column that needs to be updated based on values in Table_2 and Table_3.
    Both Table_1 and Table_2 have values used to determine which Table_3 row to use.
    However, not every Table_1 row has a corresponding Table_3 row, in which case the Table_3 value to use is assumed to be 1.
    The tables and corresponding columns are:
    value_1 - the value to be updated
    key_2 - a pointer to TABLE_2
    key_3a - a pointer to TABLE_3, or a dummy value if there is no corresponding TABLE_3 record
    key_2 - the primary key
    key_3b - a secondary pointer to TABLE_3
    value_2 - a value to be used in calculating TABLE_1.value_1
    key_3a - the first part of the unique key
    ley_3b - the second part of the unique key
    value_3 - a value to be used in calculating TABLE_1.value_1
    If there is a row in table_3 that matches the table_1.key_3a and table_2.key_3b values (where table_2.key_2 = table_1.key_2):
    set table_1.value_1 = table_2.value_2 * table_3.value_3
    If there is no such row in table_3:
    set table_1.value_1 = table_2.value_2
    I want to do something like this:
    UPDATE table_1 t1
    SET value_1 =
    SELECT t2.value_2 * NVL(t3.value_3, 1)
    FROM table_2 t2
    LEFT JOIN table_3 t3
    ON (t3.key_3b = t2.key_3b and t3.key_3a = t1.key_3a)
    WHERE t2.key_2 = t1.key_2
    However, Oracle does not allow t1 to be referenced in the ON clause of the outer join.
    (Assume that every key_2 value in table_1 is in table_2 as well - it is only the key_3 value that can be a dummy.)
    If I move "t3.key_3 = t1.key_3" to the WHERE clause, then t1.value_1 is null for rows without the corresponding table_3 value.
    I can do it with a clone of table_1 using ROWIDs:
    UPDATE table_1 t1
    SET value_1 =
    SELECT t2.value_2 * NVL(t3.value_3, 1)
    FROM table_1 t1a
    JOIN table_2 t2
    ON t2.key_2 = t1a.key_2
    LEFT JOIN table_3 t3
    ON (t3.key_3b = t2.key_3b and t3.key_3a = t1a.key_3a)
    WHERE t1a.row_id = t1.row_id
    However, is there an easier way to do this using ANSI joins (i.e. without (+) syntax)?
    I have this feeling I am missing something reasonably obvious here.

    ddelgran wrote:
    Thanks for those of you who helped me out on the first one (I never thought that you could use a one-row SELECT like that).
    I want to do something like this:
    UPDATE table_1 t1
    SET value_1 =
    SELECT t2.value_2 * NVL(t3.value_3, 1)
    FROM table_2 t2
    LEFT JOIN table_3 t3
    ON (t3.key_3b = t2.key_3b and t3.key_3a = t1.key_3a)
    WHERE t2.key_2 = t1.key_2
    However, Oracle does not allow t1 to be referenced in the ON clause of the outer join.
    (Assume that every key_2 value in table_1 is in table_2 as well - it is only the key_3 value that can be a dummy.)
    If I move "t3.key_3 = t1.key_3" to the WHERE clause, then t1.value_1 is null for rows without the corresponding table_3 value.
    I can do it with a clone of table_1 using ROWIDs:
    UPDATE table_1 t1
    SET value_1 =
    SELECT t2.value_2 * NVL(t3.value_3, 1)
    FROM table_1 t1a
    JOIN table_2 t2
    ON t2.key_2 = t1a.key_2
    LEFT JOIN table_3 t3
    ON (t3.key_3b = t2.key_3b and t3.key_3a = t1a.key_3a)
    WHERE t1a.row_id = t1.row_id
    However, is there an easier way to do this using ANSI joins (i.e. without (+) syntax)?
    I have this feeling I am missing something reasonably obvious here.You might want to refer to my post in your original thread how to use join views in updates. You can use ANSI join syntax there, too:
    Re: Update with Outer Join
    You would end up with something like this (note: untested):
      SELECT t1.value_1, t2.value_2 * NVL(t3.value_3, 1) as new_val
      FROM table_1 t1
      INNER JOIN table_2 t2 ON (t2.key_2 = t1.key_2)
      LEFT JOIN table_3 t3
      ON (t3.key_3b = t2.key_3b and t3.key_3a = t1.key_3a)
    SET value_1 = new_val;And again the same restrictions regarding key-preserved tables apply as described in the post referred to.
    Oracle related stuff blog:
    SQLTools++ for Oracle (Open source Oracle GUI for Windows):

  • Help requried with outer joins

    Hi All,
    I neeed a query help can any one please help me getting this done,
    for the below query
    select trunc(assumed_time_sql) AS date1,sum(rp.rebate_due)as sum1 from mn_date_dim dd ,mn_rebate_payment rp,mn_prc_program prc,mn_structured_doc sd
    where trunc(assumed_time_sql) in (TO_DATE('01-JUL-10','dd-mon-yy'),add_months(TO_DATE('01-JUL-10','dd-mon-yy'),-3),add_months(TO_DATE('01-JUL-10','dd-mon-yy'),-6),add_months(TO_DATE('01-JUL-10','dd-mon-yy'),-9))----input parameter
    AND trunc(dd.assumed_time_sql)=TRUNC(rp.start_date)
    AND prc.prc_program_id=rp.tiered_rebate_id
    AND sd.struct_doc_id=prc.struct_doc_id
    AND sd.struct_doc_id_num='M0000763'----input parameter
    group by trunc(assumed_time_sql);
    I am getting output as
    date1      sum1
    01-JAN-10      10
    01-APR-10     15
    01-JUL-10     20
    But i want my output to be as
    date1      sum1
    01-JAN-10      10
    01-APR-10     15
    01-JUL-10     20
    01-OCT-09 NULL
    I have tried with outer joins but this didn't help me
    Can any one please give me help in getting this done

    As SB pointed out, you'd better provide tables and data in order to be helped more efficiently.
    Anyway, you may want to investigate the use of NVL and/or DECODE so that you can translate NULL into valid values so they are returned to your select statement.
    Handle:  p78   
    Status Level:  Newbie (10) 
    Registered:  Mar 9, 2009 
    Total Posts:  60 
    Total Questions:  35 (30 unresolved)  Be kind to share your helpful / correct threads with other with marking them as ANSWERED
    Edited by: Urgent-IT on Feb 13, 2011 11:00 AM

  • Where clause with a combination of And and Or statements - Basic question

    I have a where clause with a combination of And and Or statements... May I know which one would run first
    Here is the sample
    can you please explain how this combination works
    Thanks in advance

    This reminds me of a great story. It's so good, it probably didn't really happen, but it's so good, I'm going to repeat it anyway.
    IBM once had an "executive apptitude test" that they would give to job applicants. There were some questions you might call general knowlege or trivia questions, and each question had a weight (for example, answering an unimportant queestion might score one point, an important question might be 5 points.) One of the questions was "What is the standard width of a mobile home?", and the weight of the question was -20: answering the question correctly did serious harm to your score. The reasoning was that the more you knew about mobile homes, the less likely you were to be their kind of executive.
    Now, as to your question, the correct answer is: I don't know. I don't want to know. Mixing ANDs and ORs without grouping them in parentheses is a really bad idea. Even if you get it right, it's going to confuse the next person who has to look at that code. Use parentheses to make sure the code is doing what you want it to do.
    If you really want to find out, it's documented in the SQL language manual. Look up "Operators, prcedence"
    You can easily do an experiment, using scott.emp, or even dual, where
    WHERE  (x AND y)
    OR      zproduces different results from
    WHERE   x
    AND     (y OR z)

  • Dynamic where clause with loop statement

    Hi all,
    is it possible to use a dynamic where clause with a loop statement?
    Can you please advise me, how the syntax needs to be?
    Thanks for your suggestions,
    kind regards, Kathrin!

    Hi Kathrin,
               If u are in ECC 6.0, please go through the code...
              REPORT  zdynamic_select.
      BEGIN OF ty_sales,
        vbeln  TYPE vbak-vbeln,            " Sales document
        posnr  TYPE vbap-posnr,            " Sales document item
        matnr  TYPE vbap-matnr,            " Material number
        arktx  TYPE vbap-arktx,            " Short text for sales order item
        kwmeng TYPE vbap-kwmeng,           " Order quantity
        vkorg TYPE vbak-vkorg,             " Sales organization
        kunnr TYPE vbak-kunnr,             " Sold-to party
        netwr TYPE vbak-netwr,             " Net Value of the Sales Order
      END OF ty_sales.
    DATA :
      gt_sales TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sales,
      wa_sales TYPE ty_sales.
    DATA: ob_select TYPE REF TO cl_rs_where.
    DATA: ob_from   TYPE REF TO cl_rs_where.
    DATA: ob_where  TYPE REF TO cl_rs_where,
          gv_source TYPE abapsource.
    *Step 1 : Prepare the select fields.
      PERFORM zf_build_select.
    *Step 2 : Build the from clause for the select
      PERFORM zf_build_from.
    *Step 3 : Build the where clause for the select
      PERFORM zf_build_where.
    *Step 4 : Execute the dynamic select
      SELECT (ob_select->n_t_where)
          FROM (ob_from->n_t_where)
            WHERE (ob_where->n_t_where).
      LOOP AT gt_sales INTO wa_sales.
        WRITE :   /5 wa_sales-vbeln,
                  15 wa_sales-vkorg,
                  20 wa_sales-kunnr,
                  40 wa_sales-netwr,
                  50 wa_sales-posnr,
                  60 wa_sales-matnr,
                  70 wa_sales-arktx,
                  90 wa_sales-kwmeng.
    *&      Form  zf_build_select
    FORM zf_build_select .
      CREATE OBJECT ob_select.
    *Build the table name/field name combination
    *Add Sales order header fields
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAK'
          i_fieldname = 'VBELN'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAK'
          i_fieldname = 'VKORG'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAK'
          i_fieldname = 'KUNNR'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAK'
          i_fieldname = 'NETWR'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
    *Add Sales order item fields
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAP'
          i_fieldname = 'POSNR'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAP'
          i_fieldname = 'MATNR'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAP'
          i_fieldname = 'ARKTX'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAP'
          i_fieldname = 'KWMENG'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
    ENDFORM.                    " zf_build_select
    *&      Form  zf_build_from
    FORM zf_build_from .
      CREATE OBJECT ob_from.
    *Add opening bracket
      CALL METHOD ob_from->add_opening_bracket
      CLEAR gv_source.
    *Add the join condition.This can be made
    *fully dynamic as per your requirement
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_from->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
    *Add the join condition.This can be made
    *fully dynamic as per your requirement
      gv_source = 'ON VBAKVBELN = VBAPVBELN'.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_from->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
    *Add the closing bracket
      CALL METHOD ob_from->add_closing_bracket
    ENDFORM.                    " zf_build_from
    *&      Form  zf_build_where
    FORM zf_build_where .
      DATA :
      lv_field TYPE REF TO data,
      lv_field_low TYPE REF TO data,
      lv_field_high TYPE REF TO data.
      CREATE OBJECT ob_where.
    *Add the field VBELN : Sales Document
    *Use this method if you want to assign a single value to a field
    *Set the value for VBELN : Sales Document Number
    CALL METHOD ob_where->add_field
         i_fieldnm  = 'VBAK~VBELN'
         i_operator = '='
         i_intlen   = 10
         i_datatp   = 'CHAR'
         e_r_field  = lv_field.
    CALL METHOD ob_where->set_value_for_field
         i_fieldnm = 'VBAK~VBELN'
         i_value   = '0000120020'.
    *Use this method if you want to assign a range of values
    *Set a range for the Sales Document number
      CALL METHOD ob_where->add_field_between_2values
          i_fieldnm      = 'VBAK~VBELN'
          i_intlen       = 10
          i_datatp       = 'CHAR'
          e_r_field_low  = lv_field_low
          e_r_field_high = lv_field_high.
      CALL METHOD ob_where->set_2values_for_field
          i_fieldnm    = 'VBAK~VBELN'
          i_value_low  = '0000120020'
          i_value_high = '0000120067'.
    *Set the 'AND' Clause
      CALL METHOD ob_where->add_and.
    *Add the field MATNR : Material
      CALL METHOD ob_where->add_field
          i_fieldnm  = 'MATNR'
          i_operator = '='
          i_intlen   = 18
          i_datatp   = 'CHAR'
          e_r_field  = lv_field.
    *Set the value for the Material field
      CALL METHOD ob_where->set_value_for_field
          i_fieldnm = 'MATNR'
          i_value   = '000000000050111000'.
    *Set the 'AND' Clause
      CALL METHOD ob_where->add_and
    *Add the field VKORG
      CALL METHOD ob_where->add_field
          i_fieldnm  = 'VKORG'
          i_operator = '='
          i_intlen   = 4
          i_datatp   = 'CHAR'
          e_r_field  = lv_field.
    *Set the value for VKORG : Sales Organization
      CALL METHOD ob_where->set_value_for_field
          i_fieldnm = 'VKORG'
          i_value   = 'GMUS'.
    ENDFORM.                    " zf_build_where

  • How to poll a blob using db adapter, with outer joins condition

    Hi All,
    We are trying to poll tables which contain column types as long and blob, we are using relationships in adapter and kept outer joins. by this we got select distinct t1.document .....etc
    distinct keyword cannot be used for blobs.
    is there any way to poll these tables having blob column types with outer joins.
    thanks a lot in advance,

    Procedure will be an explicit Invoke not Polling. If you can alter you design such that your BPEL process instead of polling gets triggered by some external entity (Java, PL/SQL, Scheduler, another BPEL etc.), you can put the data fetching logic in the procedure and call this procedure from your BPEL process to get the data. And your BPEL process is called periodically at an interval by an external entity.
    Also see if you can restrict the duplicate records at the database level itself. Polling, AFAIK, is limited in terms of customization and wouldn't be easy to customize. However, would like to learn a way if someone has.
    Neeraj Sehgal

  • Where clause with time stamp

    I have an issue with using where clause with time stamp. My requirement is to
    select * from driver_on_policy
    where last_change_datetime = '2001-03-06 19:00:06'
    date is in this form 6/3/2001 7:00:06 PM

    If you want to use '6/3/2001 7:00:06 PM', then
    where last_change_datetime = to_timestamp('6/3/2001 7:00:06 PM','DD/MM/YYYY HH:MI:SS PM')If you can use a literal string in ANSI standard YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS format, then just
    where last_change_datetime = timestamp '2001-03-06 19:00:06' (That 'DD/MM' might need to be switched around to 'MM/DD' if you are in America.)
    Message was edited by:
    William Robertson

  • SQL query in SQL_REDO Logminor showing where clause with ROWID

    SQL query in SQL_REDO Logminor showing where clause with ROWID. I dont wanted to use rowid but wanted to use actual value.
    DELETE delete from "OE"."ORDERS" insert into "OE"."ORDERS"
    where "ORDER_ID" = '2413' ("ORDER_ID","ORDER_MODE",
    and "ORDER_MODE" = 'direct' "CUSTOMER_ID","ORDER_STATUS",
    and "ORDER_STATUS" = '5' "PROMOTION_ID")
    and "ORDER_TOTAL" = '48552' values ('2413','direct','101',
    and "SALES_REP_ID" = '161' '5','48552','161',NULL);
    DELETE delete from "OE"."ORDERS" insert into "OE"."ORDERS"
    where "ORDER_ID" = '2430' ("ORDER_ID","ORDER_MODE",
    and "ORDER_MODE" = 'direct' "CUSTOMER_ID","ORDER_STATUS",
    and "ORDER_STATUS" = '8' "PROMOTION_ID")
    and "ORDER_TOTAL" = '29669.9' values('2430','direct','101',
    and "SALES_REP_ID" = '159' '8','29669.9','159',NULL);
    Please let me know solution/document which will convert SQL redo rowid value with actual value.

    Please enclose your output within tag so that people here can read it easily and help you. Also the reason that why you want to remove rowid?
    Edited by: Salman Qureshi on Mar 20, 2013 3:53 PM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Mysterious where clause with japanese

    PL/SQL Develope, Version, Windows XP Professional 5.1 Build 2600 (Service Pack 2)
    Here is the problem, when i add a where clause with japanese, the data evaporated:
    SQL> select * from ja_test;
    XX00MRP0411C 需要供給データ作成マネージャ
    SQL> select * from ja_test j where j.description = '需要供給データ作成マネージャ';
    thanks in advance!

    Thanks for replies and Sorry for my rashness, maybe the following
    scripts could explain the problem more well. I create a table named
    ja_test with two fields(EXECUTABLE_NAME and DESCRIPTION), both of the
    type is varchar2, and there is only one record in the table,
    but the DESCRIPTION contains JAPANESE characters, when i use a where
    clause like this "where j.executable_name = 'XX00MRP0411C';", everything
    seems work fine, but when the where clase include JAPANESE characters
    like this "j.description = '需要供給データ作成マネージャ';", even if
    the "j.description" is copied form database, no records returned:
    SQL> select * from ja_test j where j.executable_name = 'XX00MRP0411C';
    XX00MRP0411C 需要供給データ作成マネージャ
    SQL> select * from ja_test j where j.description = '需要供給データ作成マネージャ';
    SQL> desc ja_test;
    Name Type Nullable Default Comments

  • How to create a condition with out join

    Hi all,
    I m using Oracle Discovere Desktop. I want to know that how can i use outer join in conditions.
    category(+) = 'E'

    Actually i want to use both equi join and outer join in my one worksheet I have discussed with Micheal and he told me that this is not possible. Because whenever you create more then one condition between two same folders then you have to choose only one condition prompted by Desktop during creation of worksheet.
    Anyway thanks for reply.
    Best Regards,

  • How to use common object from two tables with out join.

    I have two tables called A & B In A table i have the following objects
    And In B table i have followning columns
    1.week end
    Now in universe i created all the measure objects i.e.s1,s2,s3,s4,p1,p2,p3,p4 A.weekend,B.weekend.
    instead of using week end two times i wnt to use only once because this is common in both table.
    if i use join between these tables i am getting values fine
    But With out join is there any thing to do in universe level to create common objects to use from both the tables..I tried using aggregate awareness but while reporting it is taking as two SQL.which is not synchronized.
    Please help me on this ...

    Although  Weekend column is present in both tables, by creating a single Object in Universe, Universe can identify relationship with only table referenced in Object Creation.
    So, there will be no identification of relationship with other table measures.
    Obviously, you need to create 2 Weekend objects in Universe (in two classes).
    Case 1: You need not join these two tables in Universe. When you create 2 Queries in WEBI, automatcially Weekend objects are synchronized (if both are of same datatype)
    Case 2: If you join these two tables in Universe, Obviously,
    your SQL may contain Weekend from Table1, measures from Table 2
    your SQL may contain Weekend from Table2, measures from Table 1
    Finally, You need to create 2 objects in Universe. But your query may contain a single Object based on Case 2.

  • Complex Inner Join and subquery on outer where clause on inner join?

    The DDL for this post was too big and I had to put on my website:
    My goal is to create a report of sales data for 116 stores containing daily sales and guest count to last years. My challenge is I'm pulling data from the same table but with different dates to get data from last year and Week to date data from last year.
    Dates used for reports are:
    SalesDate = 6/4/2009
    SalesDateForLastYear = 6/5/2008
    SalesDateBeginningOfWeek = 6/1/2009
    SalesDateBginningOFWeekLastYear = 6/2/2008
    ---======= DOLLAR VARIANCE = You Said you have $100 worth of meat(inventory) but you only have $50 worth of meat
        BUSI_DATE as BusinessDate,
        ORACLE_KEY as StoreID,
        FIELD1  as Sales,
        FIELD2  as GuestCount,
        FIELD3  as DollarVariance,
        FIELD4  as Cars
    WHERE Busi_date = SalesDate
       AND ORACLE_KEY IN (SELECT StoreID From MyStores);
    -======= ONLY Guest count and Sales are needed in comparisons against last year   
    ---======    Last YEar dates = corresponding dates for this year ie Tuesday of this
    week matched to Tuesday of last year (except for leap year)
        ORACLE_KEY as StoreID
        FIELD1  as SalesLastYear
        FIELD2  as GuestCountLastYear  
    WHERE Busi_date = SalesDateForLastYear
       AND ORACLE_KEY IN (SELECT StoreID From MyStores);
        ORACLE_KEY as StoreID
        SUM(FIELD1)  as WeekToDateSales
        SUM(FIELD2)  as WeekToDateGuestCount 
    WHERE Busi_date BETWEEN SalesDateBeginningOfWeek and SalesDate
       AND ORACLE_KEY IN (SELECT StoreID From MyStores)
        ORACLE_KEY as StoreID
        SUM(FIELD1)  as WeekToDateSalesLastYear
        SUM(FIELD2)  as WeekToDateGuestCountLastYear 
    WHERE Busi_date BETWEEN SalesDateBeginningOfWeekLastYear and SalesDateLastYear
       AND ORACLE_KEY IN (SELECT StoreID From MyStores)
    GROUP BY ORACLE_KEY   Question: Since they all use the same store nbrs, do I need to specify on each query? CAn't i jsut specify once on outer query Where clause?
    Also How would I integrate the following script from HOEK:
    See How do I set 1 field based on another field's value
    It gets a record for each store of the 116 stores from inventory database. There were 2 situations that were addressed by Hoeks code:
    For each of the 116 stores in store table, there must be 1 and only
    1 inventory record to match the MyStoreTotals record. However, sometimes there will be no inventory record.
    and sometimes there will be 2 (in a case where a manager updates database
    after daily processing) records. if so, the record with Is_posted = 1
    is the one that should be included in query. The following accomplishes this:
    -- chr(39) is single quote
    Select StoreId,
      from   (select store.storeid,
                              when inv.storeid is null then 'None'
                              when inv.is_posted = 0 then 'NP'
                              else chr(39)||inv.total_dol_var||chr(39)
                        end as DollarVariance,
                        row_number() over (partition by store.storeid order by inv.is_posted desc) rn 
                   from  myInven inv
                   right outer join mystores  store
                                  on store.storeid = inv.fk_str_main_id
                                  and inv.busi_date = to_date(SalesDate, 'dd-mon-yyyy'))
          where rn = 1;      Do I put this query on the where clause of the outer query of do I put it on a JOIN clause?

    Here is Part 2: The Insert for totals table
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',21,3163.79,189.83,0,-190.7);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',22,2747.25,255.37,0,-235.95);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',23,4182.74,388.74,0,-248.47);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',24,4551.5,423.05,0,-467.46);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',25,2785.13,258.8,0,-199.85);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',27,3409.31,317,0,-175.18);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',28,3808.61,228.6,0,-233.04);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',29,3416.97,239.35,0,-110.77);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',30,2133.4,128.13,0,-178.37);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',31,2261.27,210.14,0,-272.39);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',32,2258.18,135.6,0,-83.01);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',33,3908.26,312.71,0,-121.41);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',34,3035.45,273.38,0,-97.8);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',35,3088.44,185.5,0,-123.56);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',36,4255.4,395.48,0,-206.16);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',37,6331.13,380.01,0,-505.47);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',38,3552.78,319.94,0,-168.33);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',39,2991.44,277.96,0,-228.98);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',41,3825.03,355.49,0,-204.93);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',42,3843.16,357.16,0,-237.5);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',43,2981.78,179,0,-45.97);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',61,4504.6,270.32,0,-362.49);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',62,4034.46,242.1,0,-260.95);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',64,1811.58,168.39,0,-108.78);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',65,2271.46,211.04,0,-117.32);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',66,2336.32,217.02,0,-95.28);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',67,4208.13,410.39,0,-197.3);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',68,2803.55,273.31,0,-154.11);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',69,1702.81,153.46,0,-98.58);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',70,4098.3,399.51,0,-208.42);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',71,1952.1,190.26,0,-59.51);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',72,4716.07,283.07,0,-428.18);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',73,2897.56,269.43,0,-329.79);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',75,3438.59,319.84,0,-344.96);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',76,3016.7,280.67,0,-106.39);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',78,4228.31,253.73,0,-249.33);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',81,4152.43,249.33,0,-135.87);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',82,3772.42,350.69,0,-174.02);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',83,2594.06,241.02,0,-196.18);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',101,3868.21,232.21,0,-360.36);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',141,2246.55,134.92,0,-100.97);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',181,2357.75,219.07,0,-205.8);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',202,2724.47,163.47,0,-107.54);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',203,3225.11,193.67,0,-143.19);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',204,2641.28,158.55,0,-131.84);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',205,4644.56,278.72,0,-260.48);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',206,3859.62,231.76,0,-203.47);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',221,3647.04,355.53,0,-186.82);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',222,2446.59,227.42,0,-172.67);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',223,3439.52,319.61,0,-264.23);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',224,3121.7,290.07,0,-284.98);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',241,2858.38,228.81,0,-279.91);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',243,4983.38,299.22,0,-370.89);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',244,2970.69,178.37,0,-189.97);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',245,5829.93,349.97,0,-215.5);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',246,4344.78,260.79,0,-120.38);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',247,4154.77,249.52,0,-175.08);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',248,4875.21,292.58,0,-296.04);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',249,4041.39,242.6,0,-99.91);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',250,2933.45,176.04,0,-208.56);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',251,5448.82,327.13,0,-358.71);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',252,2429.18,224.88,0,-136.03);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',253,2884.63,173.14,0,-83.95);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',254,3708.4,222.64,0,-318.75);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',255,3722.19,346.22,0,-204.4);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',256,3834.23,230.16,0,-245.91);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',257,3456.4,321.22,0,-259.7);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',258,3018.22,181.16,0,-146.83);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',259,2807.65,260.97,0,-241.13);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',260,3424.99,318.21,0,-229.06);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',262,3782.55,351.66,0,-174.42);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',263,2570.84,239.08,0,-184.58);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',264,3904.8,234.22,0,-235.03);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',265,2853.7,286.29,0,-253.16);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',266,3246.72,194.76,0,-237.36);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',267,3712.25,417.97,0,-257.5);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',268,4141.22,248.53,0,-68.98);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',269,3693.64,221.77,0,-228.45);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',271,3775.03,226.8,0,-213.14);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',272,2870.1,172.27,0,-514.23);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',273,3132.8,188.22,0,-148.05);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',274,2454.86,147.31,0,-142.1);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',276,3627.72,337.17,0,-232.38);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',277,3118.79,187.21,0,-152.68);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',278,3360.09,302.7,0,-220.63);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',279,2478.11,230.44,0,-192.49);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',280,3252.54,302.38,0,-213.72);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',281,3654.62,219.44,0,-164.95);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',282,3159.75,189.72,0,-168.68);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',285,2839.63,241.67,0,-238.7);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',286,3468.01,322.29,0,-186.25);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',287,3546.42,329.74,0,-160.14);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',289,2331.57,174.44,0,-293.47);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',290,1702.25,131.62,0,-101.72);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',291,3969.8,369.02,0,-253.26);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',292,2265.99,210.52,0,-182.05);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',293,3234.72,258.74,0,-137.08);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',294,3932.19,354.24,0,-201.15);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',295,3754.2,225.46,0,-307.99);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',296,3885.37,235.24,0,-293.24);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',298,2479.43,148.86,0,-207.68);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',321,3542.26,212.71,0,-206.25);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',362,1540.87,142.53,0,-101.3);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',363,2798.87,314.66,0,-356.52);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',364,2658.94,212.7,0,-159.29);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',381,3155.66,189.48,0,-229.18);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',441,1389.79,98.92,0,-77.94);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',461,1874.39,149.82,0,-298.2);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',462,2539.64,161.32,0,-206.73);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',501,3861.36,357.29,0,-286.17);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',521,3449.41,318.93,0,-182.83);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',522,2938.99,176.51,0,-149.65);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',523,4352.54,261.29,0,-333.7);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',524,4163.36,385.54,0,-352.01);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',544,2481.37,260.53,0,-29.9);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',564,2344.38,211.07,0,-153.02);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',624,3136.78,188.29,0,-199.51);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',21,3250.89,195.13,0,-161.39);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',22,2595.78,241.23,0,-159.05);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',23,4533.49,421.43,0,-348.07);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',24,5337.24,496.17,0,-475.37);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',25,3328.26,309.42,0,-172.65);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',27,3680.53,342.16,0,-159.81);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',28,3850.95,231.21,0,-343.33);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',29,3470.75,243.07,0,-112.19);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',30,2799.58,168.14,0,-321.17);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',31,2241.6,208.23,0,-249.08);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',32,2744.05,164.74,0,-138.96);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',33,3987.38,319.11,0,-111.6);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',34,2996.06,269.94,0,-135.31);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',35,3502.73,210.32,0,-100.55);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',36,3553.27,330.15,0,-176.07);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',37,6387.03,383.52,0,-497.73);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',38,3295.64,296.86,0,-183.05);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',39,2891.77,268.67,0,-79.79);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',41,3806.24,354.67,0,-183.84);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',42,3572.47,332.13,0,-176.78);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',43,3231.48,193.91,0,-101.76);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',61,4812.72,289.03,0,-309.85);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',62,4245.8,254.83,0,-241.36);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',64,1925.79,179.05,0,-81.31);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',65,2350.08,218.44,0,-49.03);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',66,2440.74,226.71,0,-103.36);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',67,4154.7,405.04,0,-142.79);
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    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',32,2233.4,134.06,529.18,81.52);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',39,3151.53,292.94,445.76,200.74);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',43,3260.15,195.77,708.43,138.56);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',66,2968.89,275.97,541.77,329.89);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',69,2227.11,200.54,378.5,62.78);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',73,2596.94,241.55,353.28,62.28);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',101,4263.98,255.93,555.08,339.94);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',141,2326.62,139.65,514.13,18.35);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',202,2663.65,159.94,650.3,98.32);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',206,3862.53,231.85,700.72,135.09);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',221,3458,337.07,537.24,111.94);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',223,3244.05,301.4,504.12,78.03);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',224,3271.02,304.12,488.82,142.74);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',243,4582.04,275.73,757.99,173.21);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',244,3075.06,184.7,559.75,254.56);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',245,5770.79,346.51,745.04,232.29);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',247,4445.29,266.95,707.99,148.44);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',250,2993.46,179.71,716.03,77.52);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',254,3439.15,206.53,455.68,103.27);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',258,3199.55,192.22,656.15,380.93);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',262,3863.19,359.27,530.18,57.15);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',264,4014.15,241.09,715.7,210.46);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',267,3508.58,394.9,622.73,109.92);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',271,4334.5,260.16,607.84,322.44);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',272,3402.47,204.25,504.9,230.47);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',273,3260.08,195.81,620.68,203.57);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',282,3182.51,191.16,557.39,177.95);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',292,2103.39,195.46,366.92,95.33);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',298,2997.51,179.87,452.71,210.64);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',362,1614.2,149.22,329.87,141.86);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',363,3058.98,344.1,523.53,259.03);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',523,3776.49,226.8,533.46,376.94);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',524,4720.08,437.05,554.55,320.96);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',564,2725.49,245.4,419.73,134.96);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',22,2482.4,230.46,1126.91,42.33);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',23,4907.83,456.19,1254.74,305.28);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',27,3170.7,294.64,990.07,74.02);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',34,2660.45,239.48,1046.41,64.37);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',43,3459.94,207.57,1349.89,114.96);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',62,4515.62,271.13,1234.8,125.26);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',65,2196.06,204.05,1010.08,60.71);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',66,2558.77,237.84,1031.84,76.4);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',68,2677.87,261.12,950.73,184.17);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',69,2165.68,195.01,786.06,62.33);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',78,4562.37,274.06,1386.15,135.12);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',141,2690.6,161.65,1118.96,36.43);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',181,2321.7,215.62,827.14,50.56);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',244,3312.27,198.84,1099.22,235.38);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',251,6012.15,360.89,1786.03,489.65);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',252,1823.33,164.16,702.65,78.91);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',260,3030.32,281.47,958.58,90.78);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',262,4198.03,390.37,1111.2,57.21);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',263,2463.36,229.01,1010.05,39.46);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',271,4571.16,274.35,1256.94,162.23);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',276,3244.67,301.41,926.42,70.05);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',277,3650.92,219.3,1225.24,184.51);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',281,3915.25,235.15,1364.07,207.56);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',282,3207.09,192.59,1279.52,116.07);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',289,2509.67,187.63,1156.46,129.59);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',290,1840.89,133.03,885.45,166.21);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',291,3860.49,358.79,1157.38,86.91);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',295,3989.96,239.65,1258.06,239.39);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',298,2748.82,165.08,979.23,290.44);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',321,3626.59,217.84,1547.6,186.81);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',381,3030.78,181.96,977.68,246.34);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',521,3349.57,310.04,1184.6,87.48);

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