Generic static methods in a parameterized class

Is there anything wrong with using generic static methods inside of a parameterized class? If not, is there anything special about defining them or calling them? I have a parameterized class for which I'd like to provide a factory method, but I'm running into a problem demonstrated below:
class MyClass<T> {
     private T thing;
     MyClass(T thing) {
          this.thing = thing;
     public static <U> MyClass<U>
     factoryMakeMyClass(U thing)     {
          return new MyClass<U>(thing);
class External {
     public static <U> MyClass<U>
     factoryMakeMyClass(U thing)     {
          return new MyClass<U>(thing);
class Test {
     public static void
          // No problem with this line:
          MyClass<String> foo = External.factoryMakeMyClass("hi");
          // This line gives me an error:
          // Type mismatch: cannot convert from MyClass<Object> to MyClass<String>
          MyClass<String> bar = MyClass.factoryMakeMyClass("hi");
}Does this code look ok to you? Is it just a problem with my ide (Eclipse 3.1M2)? Any ideas to make it work better?

I've been working on essentially the same problem, also with eclipse 3.1M2. A small variation on using the external class is to use a parameterized static inner class. I'm new enough to generics to not make definitive statements but it seems to me that the compiler is not making the correct type inference.
I think the correct (or at least a more explicit) way of invoking your method would be:
MyClass<String> bar = MyClass.<String>factoryMakeMyClass("hi");
Unfortunately, this does not solve the problem in my code. The compiler reports the following error: The method myMethod of raw type MyClass is no more generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments <T>.
Note that in my code MyClass is most definitely parameterized so the error message is puzzling.
I would like to hear from more people on whether the sample code should definitely work so I would appreciate further comments on whether this an eclipse problem or my (our) misunderstanding of generics.     

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    can be call a static method without mentioning the class name?

    Yes, why do it simply?
    pksingh79 wrote:
    call a static method without mentioning the class name?For a given value of   "without mentioning the class name".
        public static Object invokeStaticMethod(String className, String methodName, Object[] args) throws Exception {
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    As somebody already said, to get the behavior you
    want, make the methods non-static.You all asked me why I need that method to be
    static... I'm not surprised to hear this question
    because I asked all my friends before posting here,
    and all of them asked me this... It's because some
    complicated reasons, I doubt it.
    the application I'm writing is
    quite big...Irrelevant.
    Umm... So what you're saying is there is no way to do
    this with that method being static? The behavior you describe cannot be obtained with only static methods in Java. You'd have to explicitly determine the class and then explicitly call the correct class' method.

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    What don't you get? Private does one thing, andstatic does >something completely different.
    If you want to listen to music, installing an airconditioner doesn't help>
    Hi, if the private keyword is the airconditioner, do
    you think you could get music from the static keyword
    (it acts as the CD player) in the following codes:You're making no sense and you're trying to stretch the analogy too far.
    Private does one thing. If you want that thing, use private.
    Static does something completely different and unrelated. If you want that thing, use static.
    If you want both things, use private static.
    What do you not understand? How can you claim that you understand that they are different, and then ask, "Why do we need static if we have private"? That question makes no sense if you actually do understand that they're different.

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  • Abstract static methods

    I've written an abstract class, called AbstractNetworkParticipant. I've also written two sub classes that extend this class. I'm in the process of writing a Viewer class that I'm intending to parameterized with some subclass of AbstractNetworkParticipant,
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      public static getDescriptor() {
         return "Participant";
      }and then override it in each sub class to a more descriptive string (User, or Administrator). However, when I reference the method, it always invokes the method defined in the abstract parent class, rather than in the subclass, whichever it may be.
    Can anyone suggest a solution. Should I just forget about the method being static? Is there a better way to implement a solution to this problem?
    Edited by: paulwooten on Mar 27, 2009 9:58 AM

    paulwooten wrote:
    The whole point of my original post was in order to learn something about Java that I'm not particularly familiar with. I was having a difficult time articulating the problem precisely, so I tried to draw an analogy between C++ and Java. It turns out I was mistaken in the way C++ works. Fortunately I described my problem adequately enough to both 1. be corrected about how virtual functions actually work in C++, and 2. get advice on how to approach the problem in Java. I never claimed I was a C++ expert, or that I was asking a question about C++. I was just trying to explain my problem as precisely as possible.
    I don't mean to disrespect, but your post, and slimy's aren't nearly as constructive as all the other posts that actually addressed my question; either to me personally, or to anyone else who has a similar question and may happen to read this thread. It's not like I dumped a bunch of C++ code here and begged someone to translate it for me. I asked a question, to the best of my ability, several other forum members replied (without giving me a mini lecture on how to learn Java), and now the problem is resolved.Sorry for the confusion. I wasn't complaining about your post. My post wasn't directed at you at all. It's fine to know C++, and to ask how to do something similar in Java. As you said, that wasn't even how you asked your original question. You asked a legitimate question to learn Java, a few people made suggestions, you made a comparison to C++, and people corrected your understanding both of C++ and Java. That's all well and good, and it's a fair way to learn. I see no problem with any of that.
    What exactly does "learn Java properly" mean? Read the tutorials and pretend like no other programming languages exist?I was referring to slimy's post where he talked about "knowing C++ properly if you use it as an input to Java". The point of my post was supposed to be that "you can know C++ properly, but +you shouldn't always use that as your input to Java+". A very simple example I've seen of what I meant by "non-proper" Java code, in real [but +bad+ ] Java code at a real company is for String comparison:
    String abc = "abc";
    String xyz = "xyz";
    String another = "xyz";
    if (abc.compareTo(xyz) != 0) { // Not "proper" Java
    if (xyz.compareTo(another) == 0) { // Not "proper" Java
    }To me, that looks like someone who copied their C++ knowledge (or, at least, C knowledge) to the extreme. In C, the only function to test equality of two C "strings"--i.e., "null-terminated char arrays" is 'strcmp', and you test equality of the strcmp result to 0 to determine whether two "null-terminated char arrays" represent the same thing:
    char abc [] = "abc";
    char xyz [] = "xyz";
    char another [] = "xyz";
    if (strcmp(abc, xyz)) { // could include explicit != 0, but not needed in C
    if (!strcmp(xyz, another)) { // anything non-zero is true in C, so !0 is true
    }"compareTo" sounds like "strcmp", and the comparison to 0 is the same in my above examples.
    But, in Java, there is a real "equals" method for Strings, and it should be used:
    String abc = "abc";
    String xyz = "xyz";
    String another = "xyz";
    if (!abc.equals(xyz)) { // "proper" Java
    if (xyz.equals(another)) { // "proper" Java
    }I would argue that using "compareTo" to test equality of Strings in Java is "non-proper" Java, and using "equals" to test equality of Strings in Java is "proper" Java. That was my definition of "learning Java properly".
    I certainly don't think anyone learning Java needs to pretend that no other programming languages exist--it is fine to know other languages, and to look for the similarities (and differences). However, someone learning Java (or any other language new to them) does need to know that things don't work the same in all languages, so, if they base all of their knowledge by trying to get Java to work exactly the same as C++ (or whatever previous language they knew), their Java will not be "proper" Java. There are often multiple ways to do things "properly" in Java, but copying a C++ program verbatim into Java syntax is not necessarily going to result in the best Java code that you could have. When doing the translation from another language to Java (I realize that isn't your goal, but for some people, that is the goal), you need to be sure that your Java code follows Java rules and standards, and not just assume that the architecture of your Java code should be the same as the architecture of your code in the original language.
    I hope that clarifies my intentions. As I said, I wasn't directing my previous comment to you. I think your question and learning approach are absolutely fine.

  • Using main class's methods from a different class in the same file

    Hi guys. Migrating from C++, hit a few snags. Hope someone can furnish a quick word of advice here.
    1. The filename is, so test is the main class. This code and the topic title speak for themselves:
    class SomeClass
         public void SomeMethod()
    public class test
         public static void main(String args[])
              SomeClass someObject = new SomeClass();
         public static String SomeOperation()
              return "SomeThing";
    }The code works fine. What I want to know is, is there some way to use test.SomeOperation() from SomeClass without the test.?
    2. No sense opening a second topic for this, so second question: Similarly, is there a good way to refer to System.out.println without the System.out.? Like the using keyword in C++.

    pfiinit wrote:
    The code works fine. What I want to know is, is there some way to use test.SomeOperation() from SomeClass without the test.?Yes you can by using a static import, but I don't recommend it. SomeOperation is a static method of the test class, and it's best to call it that way so you know exactly what your code is doing here.
    2. No sense opening a second topic for this, so second question: Similarly, is there a good way to refer to System.out.println without the System.out.? Like the using keyword in C++.Again, you could use static imports, but again, I don't recommend it. Myself, I use Eclipse and set up its template so that when I type sop it automatically spits out System.out.println(). Most decent IDE's have this capability.
    Also, you may wish to look up Java naming conventions, since if you abide by them, it will make it easier for others to understand your code.
    Much luck and welcome to this forum!

  • Can't get ClassLoader from static method.

    I'm trying to get the ClassLoader within a static method getInstance().
    public class PropertyManager {
    public static PropertyManager getInstance(String fileName) {
    //The following line returns null
    ClassLoader cl = (new Object()).getClass().getClassLoader();
    URL url = cl.getResource(fileName);
    However if getInstance gets called from e.g. a statless session bean, a null
    is returned instead of a valid ClassLoader.
    The same code executed from a standalone java program (e.g. from
    main(String[] args)) returns a valid ClassLoader
    Why does getClassLoader behave differently in WebLogic than in a standalone
    java program?
    Thanks for you help.

    Sorry for the confusion. I wrote a couple of more test programs and was able
    to confirm that WL behaves exacltly the same as java does. For some reason
    my intial tests were messed up...
    getClassLoader() executed from a static method always returns null (in WL as
    well as in a java standalone program).
    In this case ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() will return a valid class
    Thanks for your help.
    "Rob Woollen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    Bernhard Lenz wrote:
    I tried that as well, but getClassLoader() still returns null when
    in WL.
    I'm still not clear how getClassLoader() gets affected by running withinWL.
    Very odd. Where is this class located? in the server's classpath, in ajar or
    war file? Does getClass().getClassLoader work from a non-static method inthis
    -- Rob
    "Rob Woollen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    You want PropertyManager.class.getClassLoader()
    -- Rob
    Bernhard Lenz wrote:
    I'm trying to get the ClassLoader within a static method
    public class PropertyManager {
    public static PropertyManager getInstance(String fileName) {
    //The following line returns null
    ClassLoader cl = (new Object()).getClass().getClassLoader();
    URL url = cl.getResource(fileName);
    However if getInstance gets called from e.g. a statless sessionbean, a
    is returned instead of a valid ClassLoader.
    The same code executed from a standalone java program (e.g. from
    main(String[] args)) returns a valid ClassLoader
    Why does getClassLoader behave differently in WebLogic than in astandalone
    java program?
    Thanks for you help.

  • OOPs Concept ! - Why Static Methods can't be redefined in its subclass ?

    Dear Experts ,
    I had searched the SDN , but unable to find out the satisfactorily answers ..
    Can anybody let me know the reason for the following Confusion in Oops Concept
    Question 1: As we know , We can Inherit the Static Methods in the Sub Class , But we can't redefine it in the base class  or       Sub Class  ?
    Question 2 : Why can't Static Method be Abstract ?
    Question 3 : Can a Class be Abstract or Final Both, If yes, then why ?
    Thanks in Advance
    Saurabh Goel

    As per the above discussion two of your doubts have already been clarified  so I am taking only third one.
    A class cannot never be Abstract and final both coz Abstract signifies that the implementation of the class has not been defined completelyi.e. may be some methods have been defined but few methods are still missing implementation. 'Final' is used for those classes/methods which cannot be redefined  means the complete implementation of the method has been defined no one can implement further logic under the same method.
    If you are saying your method is Final then it cannot be overridden and Abstract implies that method implementation is yet to be defined which can only be implemented if that class/method is not 'Final'. So both the terms are contradictory.
    Hope it clarifies!!!

  • Static methods vs instant methods

    hi to all abap gurus
    thanks in advance
    all of the objects in the class can acess its its static attributes . and if u change the static attribute in an  object the change is visible in all other objects in the calsssss.
    can u pls expain this and tell the diffrence bewteen static and instance metod s?

    <b>Instance Method</b>
    You can declare instance methods by using the METHODS statement. They play a very important role as they can access all of the attributes of a class and can trigger all of the events of the class.
    <b>Static Methods</b>
    You can declare static methods by using the CLASS-METHODS statement. They are important and can only access static attributes and trigger static events.
    Static methods (also referred to as class methods) are called using CALL METHOD <classname>=><class_method>.
    If you are calling a static method from within the class, you can omit the class name.
    You access static attributes using <classname>=><class_attribute>

  • Redefine static method?

    It seems that I cannot redefine a static method in a subclass in ABAP OO, right?
    Is there a reason for that? Is this like this in other languages as well?

    That's true. You cannot redefine static methods in ABAP OO.
    I can add that a class that defines a public or protected static attribute shares this
    attribute with all its subclasses.
    Overriding static methods is possible for example in Java.
    This simple piece of code illustrates this:
    public class Super {
        public static String getNum(){
            return "I'm super";
         public static void main(String[] args) {
             System.out.println("Super: " + Super.getNum());
             System.out.println("Sub: " + Sub.getNum());
    public class Sub extends Super{
        public static String getNum(){
            return "I'm not";
    The output is:
    Super: I'm super
    Sub: I'm not
    When overriding methods in Java you must remember that an instance method cannot override a static method, and a static method cannot hide an instance method.
    In C# a static member can't be marked as 'override', 'virtual' or 'abstract'. But it it is possible to hide a base class static method in a sub-class by using the keyword 'new':
    public class Super
      public static void myMethod()
    public class Sub: Super
      public new static void myMethod()

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