Grouping Key Rows In HTMLB Tableview BSP

Hello Experts,
I've a HTMLB Tableview in BSP Application. I need to group the key rows with same value into one.
Current Layout
A       X                 Y
A       X                 Y
B       X                 Y
B       X                 Y
Required Layout
A       X                 Y
          X                 Y
B       X                 Y
         X                 Y
It's somewhat similar to grouping the key rows in ALV. Not sure how to achieve this in BSP.
Please help....
PS: Posted this thread in BSP Forum earlier and haven't got any response yet. So reposting it in ABAP General for a quick response.

Hi Satyajit Mohapatra,
please refer to fixedColumns. Therefore check on your system:
Page: TableViewFixedColumns.bsp
There you can find the solution.
Regards, Jonas

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  • BSP htmlb:tableView id="TV_VBAK" table= "//select/I_VBAK"

    Hai Experts,
    I have a small doubt in bsp appllication,
    shall we write like...
    <htmlb:tableView id="TV_VBAK" table= "//SELECT/I_VBAK">
    I am using Class
    in controller.
    thanks in advance...
    with regards

    than q for ur reply.
    point will be rewarded...
    with regards
    Edited by: babu rs on Mar 5, 2008 4:49 PM

  • BSP: HTMLB TableView Event Types

    Hello Experts-
       When the HTMLB TableView control creates/returns an event, how do I distinguish between whether it is an event for selecting a row or if it is for changing pages?
    Thank you,
    - Vik.

    The event type is 'rowSelection'. The object will be of type "CL_HTMLB_EVENT_TABLEVIEW".
    You can see this easily in the debugger for code that looks like:
    data event TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_event.
    event = cl_htmlb_manager=>get_event( runtime->server->request ).
    set the break point here.....and see the variable event

  • Htmlb:tableView Recover the selected row

    How can I recover the selected row in a internal table, with the htmlb:tableView, in the onInputProcessing?
    Thanks very much!
    I'm using this sentence in the "layout":
    <!-- Visualizamos Línea de selección + tabla interna -->
        <htmlb:tableView id             = "myTableView"
                         visibleRowCount = "<%= c_ver_registros %>"
                         width                 = "<%= c_ancho_tabla %>"
                         selectionMode    = "SINGLESELECT"
                         table                  = "<%= T_TABLA %>" >

    hi Marcos,
        While calling the Tableview in the layout get the selected row index in the attribute <b>selectedRowIndex = "<%= var_selectedindex %>"</b>   { where var_selectedindex should be defined as a pageattribute} the tableview definition should be like this..
    <htmlb:tableView id = "myTableView"
    visibleRowCount = "<%= c_ver_registros %>"
    width = "<%= c_ancho_tabla %>"
    selectionMode = "SINGLESELECT"
    <b>selectedRowIndex = "<%= var_selectedindex %>"</b>
    table = "<%= T_TABLA %>" >
    And in the <b>inputprocessing</b> ,
    Try this code..
    IF htmlb_event IS NOT INITIAL AND htmlb_event->if_htmlb_data~event_name = 'tableView' AND
         ( htmlb_event->if_htmlb_data~event_type = 'cellClick'   OR
           htmlb_event->if_htmlb_data~event_type = 'rowSelection' OR
           htmlb_event->if_htmlb_data~event_type = 'navigate' ) .
        DATA  tableview_event TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_event_tableview.
        tableview_event ?= htmlb_event.
          IF lr_tableview_event->selectedrowindex IS NOT INITIAL .
               var_selectedindex  =  tableview_event->selectedrowindex.

  • Htmlb:tableView and group building

    in abap alv-lists, it is possible to build groups like you can see in the following example:
    4711 12345 asdfaslöfkj
    4711 68686 asdfljsadflj
    4711 97777 salfjljfaksl
    and now in abap-alv
    4711 12345 asdfaslöfkj
         68686 asdfljsadflj
         97777 salfjljfaksl
    Is this possible with htmlb:tableView or something like this?

    Yes you can make the first column to display data at the first appearance only as a Grouping. For this in the Iterator GET_Column_definition method set the FIXEDCOLUMN attribue of the column definition structure tableviewcontrol for which the grouping should apply(in your case first column).
    Code goes like this...
    data: ls_col_def  type tableviewcontrol.
      clear ls_col_def.
      move: '<FieldName>'    to ls_col_def-columnname,
            'Icon'          to ls_col_def-title,
            'X'             to ls_col_def-encode,
            'X'             to ls_col_def-FIXEDCOLUMN,
            '1%'            to ls_col_def-width.
      append ls_col_def to p_column_definitions.

  • HTMLB:TableView

    I have used the table view in my BSP application and use the concept of iterator class inherited from  interface 'IF_HTMLB_TABLEVIEW_ITERATOR' to manipulate the column of each row
    <%data: LV_ITERATOR  type ref to if_htmlb_tableview_iterator.
      create object LV_ITERATOR  type zcl_test
             exporting ir_context_node = db_controller
                       data_tab = =<LT_TABLE1>
                             fillUpEmptyRows = "true"
                             id              = "ResultTable"
                             onNavigate      = "navigate"
                             selectionMode   = "SINGLESELECT"
                             table           = "<%=<LT_TABLE1>%>"
                             visibleFirstRow = "1"
                             visibleRowCount = "8"
                             width           = "100%"
                             filter = "server"
                             sort = "server"
                             iterator        = "<%=LV_ITERATOR %>"
                             keyColumn = "template_id"
                             design = "alternating"
    <%--                         columnFilters="<%=filters%>"--%>
                             tabIndexCell = "FALSE"
                    selectedRowIndexTable = "<%=LT_SELECTEDROWINDEXTABLE%>"
    and implemented class 'zcl_test' , for some reason something strange is happening , the BSP page will be something like
    at the top there are buttons and below this is the TableView that display the content store in internal table 'LT_TABLE1'
    now the table contain 10 records,the 1-8 records are displayed on page1 and next 2 records are displayed on page2.
    So the issue is , if i naviagte to page2 and press any of the button on top of table view ,it redirect me to page1(display 1-8 records) and don;t stay back on 2'nd page.
    Please let me know how i can achieve this of staying on the same page

    Hi All,
    Sorry for the delay,explanation provided is amazing and may help other searching for the same issue but unfortunately selected row travel back to page index1
    and i don;t understand why the selected record is the first record in the internal table of iterator class and that result in this record to appear on page index1
    any how i have resolve this by pointing always to page index1.
    Code that can be useful:
    <htmlb:tableView fillUpEmptyRows = "true"
                     id              = "tvTempl"
                     onNavigate      = "navigate"
                     selectionMode   = "SINGLESELECT"
                     table           = "xyz"
                     visibleFirstRow = "<%= lv_first_rowindex %>"
                     selectedRowIndex = "<%= lv_selected %>"
                     visibleRowCount = "8"
                     width           = "100%"
                     filter          = "server"
                     sort            = "server"
                     iterator        = "<%= lr_iterator %>"
                     keyColumn       = "template_id"
                     design          = "alternating"
                     tabIndexCell    = "FALSE" />
    code in do_handle_event  or in do_request:
    DATA: lv_row_index TYPE i,
                  lv_page_index TYPE i,
                  lv_mod TYPE i,
                 lr_html_table_view TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_event_tableview.
            lr_cl_descriptor = cl_abap_refdescr=>describe_by_object_ref( htmlb_event ).
            IF lr_cl_descriptor->absolute_name CS 'CL_HTMLB_EVENT_TABLEVIEW'.
              lr_html_table_view ?= htmlb_event.                                                                            // parameter: importing in method   HTMLB_EVENT  Type Ref To   CL_HTMLB_EVENT
              CASE lr_html_table_view->navigationtype.
                WHEN 'pageUp'.
                  MOVE mv_first_rowindex TO lv_row_index.
                  lv_row_index = lv_row_index - lr_html_table_view->visiblerowcount.
                  MOVE lv_row_index TO mv_first_rowindex.
                  MOVE mv_first_rowindex TO lv_row_index.
                  lv_row_index = lv_row_index + lr_html_table_view->visiblerowcount.
                  MOVE lv_row_index TO mv_first_rowindex.
                  MOVE mv_first_rowindex TO lv_row_index.
                  lv_row_index = 1.
                  MOVE lv_row_index TO mv_first_rowindex.
                WHEN 'bottom'.
                  MOVE mv_first_rowindex TO lv_row_index.
                  lv_mod =  lr_html_table_view->rowcount MOD lr_html_table_view->visiblerowcount.
                  lv_row_index = lr_html_table_view->rowcount - lv_mod + 1 .
                  MOVE lv_row_index TO mv_first_rowindex.
                WHEN 'Index'.
                  READ TABLE mt_last_formfields INTO ls_formfields WITH KEY name = 'notificationstv_pager_index'.
                  IF ls_formfields IS NOT INITIAL.
                    MOVE ls_formfields-value TO lv_page_index.
                    lv_row_index = 1.
                    IF lv_page_index > 1.
                      lv_page_index = lv_page_index - 1.
                      DO lv_page_index TIMES.
                        lv_row_index = lv_row_index + lr_html_table_view->visiblerowcount.
                  MOVE lv_row_index TO mv_first_rowindex.

  • Htmlb:tableView event navigation within frameset

    i have a problem with event navigation in a frameset triggered from htmlb:tableView. the structure of my bsp-application:
          <frameset noresize cols="70%,*">
              <frame src="links.htm" name="left">
              <frame src="rechts.htm" name="right">
    PAGE LEFT in the frameset with the tableView
    <htmlb:form target = "right">
          <htmlb:tableView id="myTable"
                           headerText = "Mitarbeiter"
                           headerVisible = "true"
                           design = "alternating"
                           visibleRowCount      = "10"
                           fillUpEmptyRows      = "true"
                           onRowSelection       = "MyEventRowSelection"
                           selectionMode        = "singleselect"
                           table                = "<%= table_csks %>" >
    PAGE RIGHT in the frameset shuold display details of the selected tableView row:
    <htmlb:form target = "right">
         <%= lstable_csks-mandt %>
         <%= lstable_csks-kostl %>
         <%= lstable_csks-verak %>
         <%= lstable_csks-ersda %>
    PROBLEM description:
    when row is selected, displaying of the details on the right frame works well. but when another event of the tableView is triggered eg. browsing between table pages, the wohle table is displayed in the right frame instead to turn the table-page but stay in the same frame. of course this is done, because i have set the form-target attribute.
    and here the question: how can i differentiate between the onRowSelection-Event (navigation to the right frame) and the page-browsing event (stay in same frame but change the tableView page)?
    thanks a lot!

    <i><htmlb:tableView keyColumn       = "smtp_addr"
                               id              = "searchhelp"
                               table           = "<%= t_searchhelp %>"
                               visibleRowCount = "10"
                               selectionMode   = "SINGLESELECT"
                               onRowSelection  = "setHelp" ></i>
    since you dont have sort or filter option for your table value, you can simply use the rowindex to read the itab.
    read table itab index selectedrowindex.
    on your other question of using more than one field in the itab for key of a record.
    declare  another field in the itab and fillit with the concatenation of the key fields (say concatenate recornumber itemnumber into keyfield) and dont show it in the tableview. declare this field as the key column in tableview.
    onrowselection this key value will be available in
    tabvie->selectedrowkey which you can use to read the itab. however in your case this is not required as you dont use sort or filter.

  • Get value of a selected row in a TableView

    Hi all.
    I'm very new to BSP-Extensions and don't know how to get the values of a selected row in a tableview. I've written a simple bsp with a tableview and a button (both htmlb). I want to get the selected values (as a workarea of tab or cell values) of the tableview at the moment where a user hits the button. I have thought that i could use the method GET_CELL_VALUE but it never works.
    Here are my type definitions:
    TYPES t_scarr TYPE TABLE OF scarr.
    Here are my page attributes:
    DATA pa_str_scarr TYPE scarr.
    DATA pa_tab_scarr TYPE t_scarr
    Here is the layout coding:
    <htmlb:content design           = "design2003"
                   controlRendering = "SAP" >
            <htmlb:tableView id             = "tableview_scarr"
                             table          = "<%= pa_tab_scarr %>"
                             headerText     = "Table SCARR"
                             headerVisible  = "TRUE"
                             width          = "100%"
                             selectionMode  = "SINGLESELECT"
                             onRowSelection = "select" >
            <htmlb:button id      = "button_go"
                          text    = "Go"
                          onClick = "button_go" />
    Here is the coding of OnInitialization:
    SELECT * FROM scarr INTO TABLE pa_tab_scarr.
    And this is my OnInputProcessing:
    DATA: event TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_event,
          tv TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_tableview,
          table_event TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_event_tableview,
          selected_row_index TYPE selectedrow-index,
          cell_value TYPE string.
    IF event_id = 'htmlb'.
      event = cl_htmlb_manager=>get_event( runtime->server->request ).
      CASE event->server_event.
        WHEN 'button_go'.
          tv ?= cl_htmlb_manager=>get_data( request = request
                                            name    = 'tableView'
                                            id      = 'tableview_scarr' ).
          IF tv IS NOT INITIAL.
            table_event = tv->data.
            selected_row_index = table_event->selectedrowindex.
            cell_value = table_event->get_cell_value(
                row_index    = selected_row_index
                column_index = 1 ).
    What is wrong and what is the best way to get the selected data at this moment?

    In your code....
         <htmlb:button id      = "button_go"
                          text    = "Go"
                          onClick = "button_go" />
         <htmlb:button id      = "button_go"
                          text    = "Go"
                          onClick = "onInputProcessing" />
    Also you are not getting the <b>selectedRowIndextable</b>.That might also be the problem...
    <b><i>Do reward each useful answer..!</i></b>

  • HTMLB Tableview: questions..;

    Simply I output my table as follows :
      <htmlb:tableView id              = "tv1"
                       visibleRowCount = "10"
                       selectionMode   = "lineEdit"
                       table           = "<%=mytable%>"
                       iterator        = "<%=iterator%>" />
    (NOTE: where iterator is type IF_HTMLB_TABLEVIEW_ITERATOR)
    Ok, its nice, but I need to customize things a bit.  I have 5 fields... and I want 4 uneditable, and the 5th able to be updated and modified back into the SAP table.
    How can I do this?

    I have read many times the iterator weblogs, especially 830.  I understand most but still have trouble.  Allow me to show you what I have, and please tell me what is wrong.
    My BSP, index.htm:
    <%@page language="abap" %>
    <%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb" %>
    <htmlb:content design="design2003" >
      <htmlb:page title="EPCOT" >
               WHERE ZANNE = anne
               AND   ZPAYS = pays.
          <htmlb:tableView id              = "tv1"
                           visibleRowCount = "12"
                           selectionMode   = "lineEdit"
                           table           = "<%= epcots %>"
                           iterator        = "<%= iterator %>" />
    For my iterator, I have made the 5th field an input field (CL_HTMLB_INPUTFIELD).  And the 6th field an ICON:
    image2->onclick = 'OnSaveClick'.
            image2->src = cl_bsp_mimes=>sap_icon( `ICON_SYSTEM_SAVE` ).
    I want, when user selects a line, enters text in this 5th field, and then clicks the icon... an event to write/modify directly this change into my table (SAP table I created).  So, for index.htm, in OnInputProcessing, I have:
          id type string,
          row type string,
          col type string,
          other type string.
    CLASS cl_htmlb_manager DEFINITION LOAD.
    clear: event, id, row, col, other.
    event = CL_HTMLB_MANAGER=>get_event( runtime->server->request ).
    id = event->id.
    split id at '_' into other row col.
    case col.
    WHEN '6'.
    My <b>?????</b> is where I have tried many things and just dont get it.  In weblog 830, I see what he is doing, but some things he does don't work for me, like:
    id = htmlb_event->id.
        case htmlb_event->server_event.
          when 'OnUpdateUserClick'.
            data: event1 type ref to cl_htmlb_event_selection.
            event1 ?= htmlb_event.
            read table model->ug_users index i_row assigning <irow>.
    this <b>htmlb_event->id</b>, <b>htmlb_event</b>, and <b>model->ug_users</b>... for these I get syntax errors.
    So, could you tell me what I need to do here?
    Any guidance would be greatly appreciated,

  • How to fill row colors in TableView

    I have created a tableview and I need to fill different colors for the rows of the table.  How can I do this.  It would be helpful if some sample code is demonstrated.

    Hi Vijay,
    Use the styole attribute of the iterator class's RENDER_CELL_START method...
    eg. code in RENDER_CELL_START method...
    case p_column_key.
      when 'your_column_name'.
          p_style = 'celldesign:POSITIVE'.
    For all the possible values of p_style.....referr to <a href="">this Wiki Page.</a>
    For more on iterators referr to
    <a href="/people/thomas.jung3/blog/2004/09/15/bsp-150-a-developer146s-journal-part-xi--table-view-iterators:///people/thomas.jung3/blog/2004/09/15/bsp-150-a-developer146s-journal-part-xi--table-view-iterators
    <a href="/people/brian.mckellar/blog/2003/10/31/bsp-programming-htmlb-tableview-iterator:///people/brian.mckellar/blog/2003/10/31/bsp-programming-htmlb-tableview-iterator
    Hope this helps.
    <b><i>Do reward each useful answer..!</i></b>

  • HTMLB: tableview filter problems

    We developed a BSP application in CRM Web_IC. Whenever user goes to this screen, it retrieves the results from SAP CRM table and lists the entries. We used htmlb:tableview with filter attribute set to 'SERVER'. The first row of the entry is used to filter the entries displayed based on wildcard search and redisplay the same.
    We noticed that all this handled by client side eventing (Java Script) and it works okay in our development and testing environment.
    But we got wierd results when it went for user testing. On some of the machines, the page looks refreshed but the list display does not change based on the search. We thought it might be caching problem so we tried with different IE settings, it looks okay for some time on one of the machines but the problem gets repeated after wards. The situation is we cannot afford intermittent problems.
    OS are win'2000 and XP and browser is IE 6 with sp1 and sp2. The problem is not consistent so none of the combinations actually suggested if the problem is related to one area.
    Has anyone experienced similar to above. Any ideas are welcome.
    Message was edited by: Raju Datla

    Thanks Rainer,
    Without making any changes, today majority of the users are did not encounter the problem. I could not check the browser server cache settings as the BSP is using MVC and these fields are missing.
    Thanks and Regards,
    I lost how to add points. I remember there was a document on how to add points, which I could not get by search. Could you help me how I can award points to you.
    Sorry for that and Thanks
    Message was edited by: Raju Datla

  • ICWC htmlb:tableview filter problems

    We developed a BSP application in CRM Web_IC. Whenever user goes to this screen, it retrieves the results from SAP CRM table and lists the entries. We used htmlb:tableview with filter attribute set to 'SERVER'. The first row of the entry is used to filter the entries displayed based on wildcard search and redisplay the same.
    We noticed that all this handled by client side eventing (Java Script) and it works okay in our development and testing environment.
    But we got wierd results when it went for user testing. On some of the machines, the page looks refreshed but the list display does not change based on the search. We thought it might be caching problem so we tried with different IE settings, it looks okay for some time on one of the machines but the problem gets repeated after wards. The situation is we cannot afford intermittent problems.
    OS are win'2000 and XP and browser is IE 6 with sp1 and sp2. The problem is not consistent so none of the combinations actually suggested if the problem is related to one area.
    Has anyone experienced similar to above. Any ideas are welcome.

    Hi Sasi,
    Unfortunately I could not get any direct solution to the problem. I chased SAP OSS and SAP direct consultant who was working with us with no solution. Last time, I heard it was sent to htmlb team at SAP. I stopped chasing after that as project gone live and I fixed the problem by putting a search area and button using client side eventing. 
    If you read the source code once the page is displayed, you can see that SAP writes Javascript to handle the search. I copied the code as Javascript function and placed a button to fire this function which handles the filter as normally SAP does.

  • HTMLB - Tableviews

    Hi, I'm having a problem trying to 'pass' values from one htmlb screen to another.  In screen 1 I've populated a tableview.  The user then selects multiple rows from the tableview and hits a button.  Upon hitting the button I would like to extract the rows the user has chosen and display them for confirmation on screen 2 however I cannot seem to do this.  Does anyone know of an example of this?  Do I have to use htmlb?  How would I be able to know of all the classes at my disposal within htmlb?  Any help will be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,

    <a href="/people/brian.mckellar/blog/2004/06/11/bsp-trouble-shooting-getting-help">BSP Trouble Shooting: Getting Help</a> has all the pointers to the help for the taglibs (where your questions are answered) and to the test applications (where you questions are shown in action). Recommended reading.

  • Previous record values displaying in the Group Footer row in the report.

    Hi Friends,
    I have 3 tables
    TableA:(PERNR BEGDA ENDDA are key fields)
    10001 1/1/2010 12/31/9999 1001
    TableB:(PERNR BEGDA ENDDA SUBTY are key fields)
    10001 1/1/2010 12/31/9999   01          COMS1
    10001 1/1/2010 12/31/9999   02         COMS2
    TableC:(PERNR BEGDA  ENDDA are key fields)
    10001 2/2/1997 4/3/2010      1000
    10001 4/4/2010 12/31/9999  2000
    I have joined these table by the key 'PERNR'( like A->B and A->C)
    Groped by the same key 'PERNR'
    My result rows in the report:
    10001 1/1/2010 12/31/9999 1001       01         COMS1  2/2/1997 4/3/2010    1000
    10001 1/1/2010 12/31/9999 1001       02         COMS2  2/2/1997 4/3/2010    1000
    10001 1/1/2010 12/31/9999 1001       01         COMS1  4/4/2010 12/31/9999 2000
    10001 1/1/2010 12/31/9999 1001       02         COMS2  4/4/2010 12/31/9999 2000
    But in the report format is like this in the Group Footer row:
    PERNR: 10001                     WERKS:1001
    SUBTY: 02                          AMNT :2000 (Current date)
                                                AMNT :1000 (Previous record)
    I created the format with "Previous" function
    but in the report it is giving the '2000' instead of '1000' in the AMT field
    Please help me, can i use the for loop in the report? or any sugessions?
    Thanks in advance.

    A group footer will dis[lay contents of the last record. You need to sort records to ensure that the last record contains link to your dynamic image.

  • How to insert check box fields in a htmlb: tableview

    Can anybody tell me how to insert check box fields in a htmlb: tableview in a sequence of rows in a table view. How to generate the sequence no for the checkbox inorder to know the row that is checked.
    Thanks in advance,

    Here is the code which has the custom "Checkbox" in the tableview & Triggers the event. <b>You can identify the checkbox based on cell ID (p_cell_id)</b> in the method "IF_HTMLB_TABLEVIEW_ITERATOR~RENDER_CELL_START" & Based on the event name + Cell ID. Look at the code & let me know if you any issue.
    <%@page language="abap" %>
    <%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb" %>
    <htmlb:content id               = "content"
                   design           = "design2002+design2003"
                   controlRendering = "SAP"
                   rtlAutoSwitch    = "true"
                   forceEncode      = "ENABLED" >
      <htmlb:page title="Test " >
      data TV_ITERATOR Type Ref To zcl_itr.
      data iterator type ref to IF_HTMLB_TABLEVIEW_ITERATOR.
      create object tv_iterator exporting appl_cons = application.
      iterator = tv_iterator.
          <htmlb:tableView id              = "fligts"
                           headerText      = "Flight"
                           width           = "100"
                           headerVisible   = "true"
                           design          = "alternating"
                           visibleRowCount = "10"
                           fillUpEmptyRows = "true"
                           showNoMatchText = "true"
                           filter          = "server"
                           sort            = "server"
                           onHeaderClick   = "MyEventHeaderClick"
                           table           = "<%= APPLICATION->itab %>"
                           iterator        = "<%= ITERATOR %>" />
    <b>Event Handling:</b>
    IF NOT event_id1 IS INITIAL.
       if event_id1->server_event+0(9) = 'chkevent'.
      SPLIT event_id1->server_event AT '-' INTO v_event v_dummy v_row v_col.
         CLEAR p_column_definitions.
        CLEAR p_overwrites.
        tv_column-COLUMNNAME  = 'FLDATE'.
        tv_column-edit        = 'X'.
        tv_column-sort        = 'X'.
        tv_column-TITLE               = 'Flight Date'.
        tv_column-WIDTH  = '100'.
        APPEND tv_column TO p_column_definitions.
        CLEAR tv_column.
        tv_column-edit        = 'X'.
        tv_column-COLUMNNAME          = 'CONNID'.
        tv_column-TITLE               = 'Conn.ID'.
        tv_column-WIDTH  = '70'.
        tv_column-HORIZONTALALIGNMENT = 'center'.
        APPEND tv_column TO p_column_definitions.
        CLEAR tv_column.
        tv_column-edit        = 'X'.
        tv_column-COLUMNNAME          = 'CHECKBOX1'.
        tv_column-TITLE               = 'Check Box'.
        tv_column-WIDTH  = '30'.
        tv_column-HORIZONTALALIGNMENT = 'center'.
        APPEND tv_column TO p_column_definitions.
        WHEN 'fligts'.
          CASE P_COLUMN_KEY.
            WHEN 'CHECKBOX1'.
    *          CONCATENATE 'chk_event' '123' '2323' INTO L_EVENT SEPARATED BY '-' .
    CONCATENATE 'chkevent' p_cell_id INTO l_event SEPARATED BY '-'.
            ONCLICK = L_EVENT CHECKED = 'false' ).
    Hope this will solve your problem.
    <b><i>* Reward each helpful answer.</i></b>
    Raja T
    Message was edited by:
            Raja T

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