Having issues with templates in pages,

I downloaded an avery template to make mailing labels - I needed all 30 labels to be the same- but when i went to copy and paste the rest of them the document started jumping all over the place halfway through and created extra pages that I then couldn't get rid of- HELP!

I am on OS X 10.9 the most ubdated version of pages I would assume. I haven't had a mac for a while and I am getting back into the differences between a mac and a windows computer. But I remember using pages before and not having this issue.

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    If your still having problems, or anyone else......
    For future info, your in the wrong forum, your need the MBP area, this is the MacPRO area, no big deal, I can barely keep up with the M & B & P, etc...
    Sounds like when it migrated over your old settings it may have gotten corrupted? It has been known to work if you were to just make another "Location" and just re-enter the information again and sometimes that will help. You might take it back to the store and see if it does it on their connection also. The silly person should have tested it first before letting you go.
    Hope you got it fixed...

  • Having issues with custom master pages and device channels

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!--SPG:
    This HTML file has been associated with a SharePoint Master Page (.master file) carrying the same name. While the files remain associated, you will not be allowed to edit the .master file, and any rename, move, or deletion operations will be reciprocated.
    To build the master page directly from this HTML file, simply edit the page as you normally would. Use the Snippet Generator at https://otterbein.sharepoint.com/sites/Committees/_layouts/15/ComponentHome.aspx?Url=https%3A%2F%2Fotterbein%2Esharepoint%2Ecom%2Fsites%2FCommittees%2F%5Fcatalogs%2Fmasterpage%2Fmobile%5Ftest%5Fmaster%2Emaster to create and customize useful SharePoint entities, then copy and paste them as HTML snippets into your HTML code. All updates to this file will automatically sync to the associated Master Page.
    <!-- _lcid="1033" _version="16.0.3611" _dal="1" -->
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    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=10" />
    <!--CS: Start Head Snippet-->
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    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft SharePoint" />
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0" />
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    <!--CE: End Head Snippet-->
    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
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    <mso:HtmlDesignStatusAndPreview msdt:dt="string">https://otterbein.sharepoint.com/sites/Committees/_catalogs/masterpage/mobile_test_master.html, Conversion successful.</mso:HtmlDesignStatusAndPreview>
    <link href="https://otterbein.sharepoint.com/sites/Committees/Style Library/mobile_corev15.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <body style="width: 330; margin-right: 0px">
    <div id="ms-designer-ribbon" style="width:312px">
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    <div id="TurnOnAccessibility" style="display:none" class="s4-notdlg noindex">
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    <!--SID:02 {Ribbon Snippet}-->
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    <div id="s4-workspace" style="left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 329">
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    <td style="width: 312px; background: #666666; text-align:center">
    <div class="js-callout-menuAction" style="background:rgb(102, 102, 102); color:white; width:295px; padding:8px; height:64px; overflow:hidden;">In true previews of your site, the SharePoint ribbon will be here.</div></td>
    <td style="width: 312px; background: #CB1920; text-align:center">
    <img alt="Otterbein Logo" src="https://otterbein.sharepoint.com/sites/Committees/Style%20Library/otterbein-logo_towers_white_mobile.png" style="padding:5px"><br>
    <div data-name="SiteTitle" style="width: 295px; color:white; padding-bottom:5px; text-indent:5px" class="ms-chkmark-container-centerer"><!--CS: Start Site Title Snippet--><!--SPM:<%@Register Tagprefix="SharePoint" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls" Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c"%>--><!--MS:<SharePoint:AjaxDelta runat="server" ForeColor="White">--><!--PS: Start of READ-ONLY PREVIEW (do not modify)--><!--PE: End of READ-ONLY PREVIEW--><!--MS:<SharePoint:SPLinkButton runat="server" ForeColor="White" NavigateUrl="~site/">--><!--PS: Start of READ-ONLY PREVIEW (do not modify)--><!--PE: End of READ-ONLY PREVIEW--><!--MS:<SharePoint:ProjectProperty runat="server" Property="Title">--><!--PS: Start of READ-ONLY PREVIEW (do not modify)-->
    <span style="font-size:xx-large">Committees<!--PE: End of READ-ONLY PREVIEW--><!--ME:</SharePoint:ProjectProperty>--><!--PS: Start of READ-ONLY PREVIEW (do not modify)--><!--PE: End of READ-ONLY PREVIEW--><!--ME:</SharePoint:SPLinkButton>--><!--PS: Start of READ-ONLY PREVIEW (do not modify)--><!--PE: End of READ-ONLY PREVIEW--><!--ME:</SharePoint:AjaxDelta>--><!--CE: End Site Title Snippet--></span>
    <div WebPartID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" HasPers="true" id="WebPart" width="250px" class="ms-WPBody noindex " OnlyForMePart="true" allowDelete="false" style="padding-top:15px; padding-bottom:15px"><div componentid="ctl00_ctl03_csr" id="ctl00_ctl03_csr"><div id="SearchBox" name="Control"><div class="ms-srch-sb ms-srch-sb-border" id="ctl00_ctl03_csr_sboxdiv">
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    <div data-name="TopNavigationNoFlyoutWithStartNode"><!--CS: Start Top Navigation Snippet--><!--SPM:<%@Register Tagprefix="SharePoint" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls" Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c"%>--><!--MS:<SharePoint:AjaxDelta runat="server" CssClass="ms-displayInline ms-core-navigation ms-dialogHidden" Width="312px" BlockElement="True" ID="DeltaTopNavigation">--><!--PS: Start of READ-ONLY PREVIEW (do not modify)--><!--PE: End of READ-ONLY PREVIEW--><!--MS:<SharePoint:DelegateControl runat="server" Id="topNavigationDelegate" ControlId="TopNavigationDataSource">--><!--PS: Start of READ-ONLY PREVIEW (do not modify)--><span style="display:none">
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    <td nowrap="nowrap">
    <span style="font-weight:bold">PortalSiteMapDataSource</span> - topSiteMap</td>
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    <span class="additional-background ms-navedit-flyoutArrow">
    <span class="menu-item-text">Committees</span></span></a></li>
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    <td style="width: 312px">
    <div class="DefaultContentBlock" style="border:medium black solid; background:yellow; color:black;">
    This area will be filled in by content you create in your page layouts.
    <td style="width: 312px; background:#CCCCCC"><!--CS: Start Content Editor Snippet--><!--SPM:<%@Register Tagprefix="WebPartPages" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages" Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c"%>--><!--MS:<WebPartPages:ContentEditorWebPart xmlns:WebPartPages="namespace" runat="server" webpart="true">--><!--PS: Start of READ-ONLY PREVIEW (do not modify)--><div class="ms-webpart-chrome ms-webpart-chrome-fullWidth "><div WebPartID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" HasPers="true" id="WebPart" width="312px" class="ms-WPBody noindex " OnlyForMePart="true" allowDelete="false" style=""><div class="ms-rtestate-field"></div></div></div><!--PE: End of READ-ONLY PREVIEW--><!--MS:<WebPart xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v2">--><!--MS:<Title>--><!--SPM:$Resources:core,ContentEditorWebPartTitle;--><!--ME:</Title>--><!--MS:<FrameType>--><!--SPM:None--><!--ME:</FrameType>--><!--MS:<Description>--><!--SPM:$Resources:core,ContentEditorWebPartDescription;--><!--ME:</Description>--><!--MS:<IsIncluded>--><!--SPM:true--><!--ME:</IsIncluded>--><!--MS:<ZoneID>--><!--SPM:ImportedPartZone--><!--ME:</ZoneID>--><!--MS:<PartOrder>--><!--SPM:0--><!--ME:</PartOrder>--><!--MS:<FrameState>--><!--SPM:Normal--><!--ME:</FrameState>--><!--MS:<Height>--><!--ME:</Height>--><!--MS:<Width>--><!--ME:</Width>--><!--MS:<AllowRemove>--><!--SPM:true--><!--ME:</AllowRemove>--><!--MS:<AllowZoneChange>--><!--SPM:true--><!--ME:</AllowZoneChange>--><!--MS:<AllowMinimize>--><!--SPM:true--><!--ME:</AllowMinimize>--><!--MS:<AllowConnect>--><!--SPM:true--><!--ME:</AllowConnect>--><!--MS:<AllowEdit>--><!--SPM:true--><!--ME:</AllowEdit>--><!--MS:<AllowHide>--><!--SPM:true--><!--ME:</AllowHide>--><!--MS:<IsVisible>--><!--SPM:true--><!--ME:</IsVisible>--><!--MS:<DetailLink>--><!--ME:</DetailLink>--><!--MS:<HelpLink>--><!--ME:</HelpLink>--><!--MS:<HelpMode>--><!--SPM:Modeless--><!--ME:</HelpMode>--><!--MS:<Dir>--><!--SPM:Default--><!--ME:</Dir>--><!--MS:<PartImageSmall>--><!--ME:</PartImageSmall>--><!--MS:<MissingAssembly>--><!--SPM:Cannot import this Web Part.--><!--ME:</MissingAssembly>--><!--MS:<PartImageLarge>--><!--SPM:/_layouts/15/images/mscontl.gif--><!--ME:</PartImageLarge>--><!--MS:<IsIncludedFilter>--><!--ME:</IsIncludedFilter>--><!--MS:<ExportControlledProperties>--><!--SPM:true--><!--ME:</ExportControlledProperties>--><!--MS:<ConnectionID>--><!--SPM:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000--><!--ME:</ConnectionID>--><!--MS:<ID>--><!--SPM:g_4a85e298_8d8c_4770_9fc1_a5f6d6456ec7--><!--ME:</ID>--><!--MS:<ContentLink xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v2/ContentEditor">--><!--ME:</ContentLink>--><!--MS:<Content xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v2/ContentEditor">--><!--ME:</Content>--><!--MS:<PartStorage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v2/ContentEditor">--><!--ME:</PartStorage>--><!--MS:<ID>--><!--SPM:g_90f063ab_d6a1_4718_b306_b3ade5119bd1--><!--ME:</ID>--><!--ME:</WebPart>--><!--ME:</WebPartPages:ContentEditorWebPart>--><!--CE: End Content Editor Snippet--></td>
    User agent strings for mobile Channel

    The issue is likely not your HTML Master Page but your user agent string. Try a user agent string of just "iphone". To test your master page, you could also set the user agent to "MSIE", which should cause this master page to load for
    any version of IE. This will help you debug the master page as well in your normal browser.
    Eric Overfield - PixelMill -
    ericoverfield.com -

  • Issue with Template Builder

    Hello All,
    I am having issue with template builder after loading the XML data when trying to insert a field I am getting the following error
    Run-Time error '6';
    Over flow
    Where as my collegue is not getting the error. The differnce what I observe is In menu options
    for me it is showing as
    tempalte builder-->Insert-->Table/form
    where as for him it is showing as
    tempalte builder-->Insert-->Table/form ->Wizard (some thing like this)
    Is this the version differnce? please let me know
    Kind Regards,

    can you get the latest version ?

  • I have a ipad 1. I seem to be having a lot of connectivity issues. It takes a long time to load and sometimes will not load a page at all. I seem to be having issues with streaming in that it will play a song and just stop.

    I seem to be having a lot of connectivity issues my iPad. It takes a long time to load and sometimes will not load a page at all. I seem to be having issues with streaming in that it will play a song and just stop. It seems I have to turn it completely off and restart.
    Anyone had these issues?

    Settings > General > Reset > Reset network settings

  • I am having issues with connecting to the store...the page just hangs and when I run Diagnostics it states that a secure connection could not be established.

    I am having issues with connecting to the store...the page just hangs and when I run Diagnostics it states that a secure connection could not be established.
    I have contacted apple via email and tried all the steps they have recommended and it is still not working. 
    I have tried disabling my McAfee and that does not work either. 
    Anyone that the phone number to apple express so I don't have to keep waiting for them to email within 48 hours? 

    With those symptoms, I'd try the following document:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store
    (If there's a SpeedBit LSP showing up in Autoruns, it's usually best to just uninstall your SpeedBit Video Accelerator.)

  • Having issues with loading pages with large web articles..

    I'm having issues with pages loading all the way when I read articles off of wikipedia. Mainly from pages that have tons and tons of text, but it doesn't make sense. The browser indicates that the page is loaded all the way, but when I make it half way down the page, everything becomes completely white. Like LITERALLY everything becomes white. This prevents me from reading any further down the page, even though I would force the page to scroll down all the way, that doesn't help one bit.
    Does anyone have a solution or a fix to this? I would like to continue reading my web articles, without being interrupted with these white pages/bugs.
    Post relates to: HP TouchPad (WiFi)

    Try clearing the cache for the web browser. While the browser is open, go up to Web/Preferences and choose "Clear cache".
    Also try rebooting the TouchPad via Device Info/Reset Options/Restart.
    I am a Volunteer here, not employed by HP.
    You too can become an HP Expert! Details HERE!
    If my post has helped you, click the Kudos Thumbs up!
    If it solved your issue, Click the "Accept as Solution" button so others can benefit from the question you asked!

  • Hi  have the ipod touch and having issue with the reminders app. do not have the reminders page  just the completed page

    hi  have the ipod touch and having issue with the reminders app. do not have the reminders page  just the completed page

    The problem has been fixed with the most recent OS X software update.

  • I was having issues with firefox so I upgraded to firefox 4. I am connected to the internet but when I open firefox or even internet explorer it says Unable to connect problem loading page. Nothing will pull up!!! No help link or anything!!?

    I was having issues with firefox so I upgraded to firefox 4. I am connected to the internet but when I open firefox or even internet explorer it says Unable to connect problem loading page. Nothing will pull up!!!

    I don't know if you are still having the issue but if you are have you contacted your ISP? It sounds to me like it's more of a connectivity issue than a browser problem. I've dealt with similar things several times and in both cases it was something with the modem or an ISP setting.
    I'm also wondering if it could be a Wi-Fi issue. Can you log in to your router? (It varies by brand but you would go to a site such as That is for Trendnet. The information for yours should be in the documentation that came with it.)
    You should be able to get the router log in page to come up even if you can't connect to any websites. (Provided the network is set up correctly.)
    I also would double check your connection settings (if you're connecting over Wi-Fi) or your ethernet connection. (If you're connected directly to the modem and router.)
    Hopefully one of these suggestions will be helpful.

  • I am having issues with my web module on Lightroom 4 (Mac OS 10.9.5). "an unknown error occurred" while trying to upload to my FTP (no changes in my FTP). Bandaid fix was to export to local folder and upload via Filezilla. However, now that is no longer w

    I am having issues with my web module on Lightroom 4 (Mac OS 10.9.5). "an unknown error occurred" while trying to upload to my FTP (no changes in my FTP). Bandaid fix was to export to local folder and upload via Filezilla. However, now that is no longer working and although upload completes, the URL takes you to a "Forbidden - do not have permission to read this file" page. Lightroom is changing the permissions of each file to 000 instead of 644 for index files and 755 for all others. How can I change the permissions settings in Lightroom?

    I am having issues with my web module on Lightroom 4 (Mac OS 10.9.5). "an unknown error occurred" while trying to upload to my FTP (no changes in my FTP). Bandaid fix was to export to local folder and upload via Filezilla. However, now that is no longer working and although upload completes, the URL takes you to a "Forbidden - do not have permission to read this file" page. Lightroom is changing the permissions of each file to 000 instead of 644 for index files and 755 for all others. How can I change the permissions settings in Lightroom?

  • Recently upgraded to a Canon Mark 3 and now having issues with my RAW files in Bridge and Photoshop. I am operating with CS4. Photoshop produces an error " Could not complete your request because photoshop does not recognize this type of file"

    Recently upgraded to a Canon Mark 3 and now having issues with my RAW files in Bridge and Photoshop. I have operating with CS4. Photoshop produces and error " Could not complete your request because photoshop does not recognize this type of file"

    Assuming you mean 5D Mark III, Photoshop CS4 cannot directly open raw files from your camera.
    Generally speaking, Adobe stopped updating older versions to be able to read raw files from newer cameras when they released a new major version of Photoshop. Photoshop CS4 is no longer receiving Camera Raw updates.
    You can double check this yourself:
    First you need to determine whether Adobe has released support for your new camera in your version of Photoshop. To do that, look at these two pages. You'll want to find out the earliest version of Camera Raw that can support your camera, then what version of Photoshop can run that version of Camera Raw.
    Camera Raw plug-in | Supported cameras
    Camera Raw-compatible Adobe applications
    If you find your camera is supported by your version of Photoshop, you need to download the latest update for Camera Raw. There's more information on how to do that here:
    Keeping Photoshop Up-To-Date
    If your version of Photoshop cannot support your camera, you can download and install the latest version of the free Adobe DNG Converter, which can take your raw files as input and put out DNG format files, which your version of Photoshop can open.
    Photoshop Help | Digital Negative (DNG)
    The DNG converter DOES work, but if you want maximal quality from your raw files (not to mention the convenience and ease of use of directly opening your raw files) you'll want the latest version of Photoshop. Adobe has made substantial improvements in raw conversion quality in recent years.

  • Users are having issues w/ the community page for pa.

    It seems other users are having issues with accessing the community page for pa, as noted on
    URL: http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r22862991-Any-else-out-there-having-issues-w-the-community-page-4-pa
    Title/Location: DSLR (dslreports.com) Forums -> US Telco Support -> Verizon -> Verizon Fiber Optics -> Any else out there having issues w/ the community page 4 pa?
    If you are the original poster (OP) and your issue is solved, please remember to click the "Solution?" button so that others can more easily find it. If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the "Kudos" button.

    This is what I told at the online chat..
    Richardo: if some people can get to both URLs and others can only get to the new one that could be that the old one is being done away with or if not that then it would have to be the setting for those computers that are not getting to the old one.
    Me: Like what kind of settings?
    Me: I have, as you may know, A Static Public IP (IP, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and DNS Servers) as assigned by Verizon.
    Richardo: that would be the settings within the browser.
    Me: like cache, or proxy server for example... ?
    Me: connection setting
    Me: You do not need to tell me where these settings are, just what type of browser settings...
    Me: Please, and thanks.
    Richardo: the security , cookies, temporary internet files
    [EDIT] My appolgies for Cross posting.
    If you are the original poster (OP) and your issue is solved, please remember to click the "Solution?" button so that others can more easily find it. If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the "Kudos" button.

  • Did this resolve my Safari 5 issue with not loading pages as fast?

    I've been having this problem every since I got my laptop a month ago... I have a wireless router that's connected to a PC, and I use wireless on my laptop. My old laptop was a PC, and the internet connection was just fine on it. However, I'm having issues with my MacBook Pro. When I first turned on my laptop after taking it out of the box, Airport detected my wireless router and connected me to the internet. Obviously, I used Safari 5 as my browser and although it works... it doesn't load the pages as fast as it should. It even stops loading at times. Usually, I quit Safari and reopen Safari and it works and if it doesn't, I click on the reload button or just keep re-opening Safari until it does work... buttt I am tired of doing that now. So after a lot of attempts by trial and error, I think I found the solution and was wondering if anyone could confirm this with me. I went to my router's IP address and I looked at the settings. I looked at the router's DNS settings and I copied and pasted that router setting into the DNS settings on my laptop for the wireless network. Now, my internet seems to be working... but then again it has only been 5 minutes. So my question is... the router's DNS has to match the wireless network's DNS address?
    Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question... I'm not an expert when it comes to internet, LAN, proxies, and etc. settings. Thank you!

    Further investigation has revealed that the following error message is being generated within Safari during the first time the that the page is loading,
    "Refused to load from document base URL. URL found within request."
    The <base> directive in the HTML, in this instance, is referring to a different URL than the one that the page is running from. The page with the problem is running on a remote server and back referencing to the home server for the <base> reference. This fails when the page first loads but seems to be accepted if a page-reload is done. It also works on all other browsers that have been tested.
    Is this related to a security setting in the browser?

  • Anybody having issues with OS 10.9.2?

    My Mac book pro has been having issues with restarting rather than waking from sleep. Noticed this at the time I updated software to OS 10.9.2.  Seems to be fairly consistent, pressing track pad to awake, it restarts, get msg from Apple to describe problem, so looks like it might be systemic. I have experineced same problem when using my Apple wireless keyboard, restarts instead of wakes. Some applications - mail, numbers, pages also seem slow to load and quit. Also had situation yesterday where numbers files came up scrambled with seemingly random patterns of letters, numbers and symbols. Fortunately when I manually restarted machine it cleared up. Do these occurrences sound familiar and if so, any direction on correction??

    Here you go, this may be a different one, but still lists "panic" Thanks!
    Thu Mar 20 08:32:25 2014
    panic(cpu 1 caller 0xffffff8002cdbe2e): Kernel trap at 0xffffff8002b0e11b, type 14=page fault, registers:
    CR0: 0x000000008001003b, CR2: 0xffffff8096f7c000, CR3: 0x0000000005169000, CR4: 0x00000000001606e0
    RAX: 0x0000000000000000, RBX: 0x000000000000029a, RCX: 0x00000000000000d0, RDX: 0x0000000016070000
    RSP: 0xffffff8082733c78, RBP: 0xffffff8082733cf0, RSI: 0x0000000000001680, RDI: 0xffffff8096f7c000
    R8:  0x0000000000000000, R9:  0xffffff8003201910, R10: 0x00000000000003ff, R11: 0xffffffffffffffff
    R12: 0x0000000000000004, R13: 0x0000000000000002, R14: 0xffffff8096f7b000, R15: 0xffffff806d61f000
    RFL: 0x0000000000010202, RIP: 0xffffff8002b0e11b, CS:  0x0000000000000008, SS:  0x0000000000000010
    Fault CR2: 0xffffff8096f7c000, Error code: 0x0000000000000002, Fault CPU: 0x1
    Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address
    0xffffff8082733900 : 0xffffff8002c22fa9
    0xffffff8082733980 : 0xffffff8002cdbe2e
    0xffffff8082733b50 : 0xffffff8002cf3326
    0xffffff8082733b70 : 0xffffff8002b0e11b
    0xffffff8082733cf0 : 0xffffff7f83b21f8f
    0xffffff8082733d20 : 0xffffff7f84683094
    0xffffff8082733d80 : 0xffffff7f8468ada8
    0xffffff8082733dd0 : 0xffffff7f8468af33
    0xffffff8082733e20 : 0xffffff7f83b23484
    0xffffff8082733e60 : 0xffffff7f83b2283e
    0xffffff8082733e90 : 0xffffff7f83b1eb4a
    0xffffff8082733ef0 : 0xffffff80030ae020
    0xffffff8082733f30 : 0xffffff80030acac2
    0xffffff8082733f80 : 0xffffff80030acb97
    0xffffff8082733fb0 : 0xffffff8002cd6ff7
          Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
             com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(2.4.1)[4421462D-2B1F-3540-8EEA-9DFCB0565E39]@0 xffffff7f83b14000->0xffffff7f83b4bfff
                dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[EDA75271-4E9D-34E7-A2C5-14F0C8817D37]@0xffffff 7f832bb000
             com.apple.driver.AppleIntelFramebufferCapri(8.2.4)[944341BF-F951-3F1A-AB0D-EE5A D9D35565]@0xffffff7f8467a000->0xffffff7f846d1fff
                dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily(1.4)[045D5D6F-AD1E-36DB-A249-A346E2B48E54]@0xfffff f7f83528000
                dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[EDA75271-4E9D-34E7-A2C5-14F0C8817D37]@0xffffff 7f832bb000
                dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(2.4.1)[4421462D-2B1F-3540-8EEA-9DFCB0565E39]@0 xffffff7f83b14000
                dependency: com.apple.AppleGraphicsDeviceControl(3.4.35)[E4C033B8-08F5-34D3-8720-C105D48F0B C4]@0xffffff7f84674000
                dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOAcceleratorFamily2(98.14)[30D694F4-CF00-3CC3-9732-C6DEB6986B5 7]@0xffffff7f84591000
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 13.1.0: Thu Jan 16 19:40:37 PST 2014; root:xnu-2422.90.20~2/RELEASE_X86_64
    Kernel UUID: 9FEA8EDC-B629-3ED2-A1A3-6521A1885953
    Kernel slide:     0x0000000002a00000
    Kernel text base: 0xffffff8002c00000
    System model name: MacBookPro9,2 (Mac-6F01561E16C75D06)
    System uptime in nanoseconds: 6888807926985
    last loaded kext at 6867301751331: com.apple.driver.AppleIntelMCEReporter    104 (addr 0xffffff7f84ac3000, size 49152)
    last unloaded kext at 5742900317412: com.apple.driver.AppleIntelMCEReporter    104 (addr 0xffffff7f84ac3000, size 32768)
    loaded kexts:
    com.apple.driver.AppleIntelMCEReporter    104
    com.apple.driver.AudioAUUC    1.60
    com.apple.driver.AGPM    100.14.15
    com.apple.driver.X86PlatformShim    1.0.0
    com.apple.filesystems.autofs    3.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch    80.14
    com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothSerialManager    4.2.3f10
    com.apple.driver.AppleMikeyHIDDriver    124
    com.apple.driver.AppleUpstreamUserClient    3.5.13
    com.apple.driver.AppleMikeyDriver    2.6.0f1
    com.apple.driver.AppleHDA    2.6.0f1
    com.apple.driver.AppleBacklight    170.3.5
    com.apple.iokit.IOUserEthernet    1.0.0d1
    com.apple.iokit.BroadcomBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport    4.2.3f10
    com.apple.driver.AppleThunderboltIP    1.1.2
    com.apple.driver.AppleMCCSControl    1.1.12
    com.apple.Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X    7.0.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleHWAccess    1
    com.apple.driver.AppleSMCLMU    2.0.4d1
    com.apple.driver.AppleLPC    1.7.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleSMCPDRC    1.0.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleIntelHD4000Graphics    8.2.4
    com.apple.driver.AppleIntelFramebufferCapri    8.2.4
    com.apple.driver.SMCMotionSensor    3.0.4d1
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBTCButtons    240.2
    com.apple.driver.AppleIRController    325.7
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBTCKeyboard    240.2
    com.apple.AppleFSCompression.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless    1.0.0d1
    com.apple.AppleFSCompression.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib    1.0.0d1
    com.apple.BootCache    35
    com.apple.iokit.SCSITaskUserClient    3.6.6
    com.apple.driver.XsanFilter    404
    com.apple.iokit.IOAHCIBlockStorage    2.5.1
    com.apple.iokit.AppleBCM5701Ethernet    3.8.1b2
    com.apple.driver.AirPort.Brcm4331    700.20.22
    com.apple.driver.AppleSDXC    1.5.2
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBHub    666.4.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleAHCIPort    3.0.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleFWOHCI    4.9.9
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBEHCI    660.4.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBXHCI    670.4.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleSmartBatteryManager    161.0.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleRTC    2.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleACPIButtons    2.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleHPET    1.8
    com.apple.driver.AppleSMBIOS    2.1
    com.apple.driver.AppleACPIEC    2.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleAPIC    1.7
    com.apple.driver.AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient    216.0.0
    com.apple.nke.applicationfirewall    153
    com.apple.security.quarantine    3
    com.apple.driver.AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement    216.0.0
    com.apple.kext.triggers    1.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothHIDKeyboard    170.15
    com.apple.driver.AppleHIDKeyboard    170.15
    com.apple.driver.IOBluetoothHIDDriver    4.2.3f10
    com.apple.driver.AppleMultitouchDriver    245.13
    com.apple.iokit.IOSerialFamily    10.0.7
    com.apple.driver.DspFuncLib    2.6.0f1
    com.apple.vecLib.kext    1.0.0
    com.apple.iokit.IOAudioFamily    1.9.5fc2
    com.apple.kext.OSvKernDSPLib    1.14
    com.apple.iokit.IOFireWireIP    2.2.6
    com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport    4.2.3f10
    com.apple.driver.X86PlatformPlugin    1.0.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleSMBusController    1.0.11d1
    com.apple.driver.AppleSMBusPCI    1.0.12d1
    com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothFamily    4.2.3f10
    com.apple.driver.IOPlatformPluginFamily    5.7.0d10
    com.apple.driver.AppleHDAController    2.6.0f1
    com.apple.iokit.IOHDAFamily    2.6.0f1
    com.apple.iokit.IOSurface    91
    com.apple.iokit.IOAcceleratorFamily2    98.14
    com.apple.AppleGraphicsDeviceControl    3.4.35
    com.apple.driver.AppleBacklightExpert    1.0.4
    com.apple.iokit.IONDRVSupport    2.4.1
    com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily    2.4.1
    com.apple.driver.AppleSMC    3.1.8
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBMultitouch    240.9
    com.apple.iokit.IOUSBHIDDriver    660.4.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleThunderboltDPInAdapter    3.1.7
    com.apple.driver.AppleThunderboltDPAdapterFamily    3.1.7
    com.apple.driver.AppleThunderboltPCIDownAdapter    1.4.5
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBMergeNub    650.4.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBComposite    656.4.1
    com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIMultimediaCommandsDevice    3.6.6
    com.apple.iokit.IOBDStorageFamily    1.7
    com.apple.iokit.IODVDStorageFamily    1.7.1
    com.apple.iokit.IOCDStorageFamily    1.7.1
    com.apple.iokit.IOAHCISerialATAPI    2.6.1
    com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily    3.6.6
    com.apple.driver.AppleThunderboltNHI    2.0.1
    com.apple.iokit.IOThunderboltFamily    3.2.7
    com.apple.iokit.IOEthernetAVBController    1.0.3b4
    com.apple.driver.mDNSOffloadUserClient    1.0.1b5
    com.apple.iokit.IO80211Family    630.35
    com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily    3.2
    com.apple.iokit.IOAHCIFamily    2.6.5
    com.apple.iokit.IOUSBUserClient    660.4.2
    com.apple.iokit.IOFireWireFamily    4.5.5
    com.apple.iokit.IOUSBFamily    675.4.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleEFINVRAM    2.0
    com.apple.driver.AppleEFIRuntime    2.0
    com.apple.iokit.IOHIDFamily    2.0.0
    com.apple.iokit.IOSMBusFamily    1.1
    com.apple.security.sandbox    278.11
    com.apple.kext.AppleMatch    1.0.0d1
    com.apple.security.TMSafetyNet    7
    com.apple.driver.AppleKeyStore    2
    com.apple.driver.DiskImages    371.1
    com.apple.iokit.IOStorageFamily    1.9
    com.apple.iokit.IOReportFamily    23
    com.apple.driver.AppleFDEKeyStore    28.30
    com.apple.driver.AppleACPIPlatform    2.0
    com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily    2.9
    com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily    1.4
    com.apple.kec.corecrypto    1.0
    com.apple.kec.pthread    1

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