Help needed converting 2 Captivate projects...

I have troubles with Captivate (another post on this forum) and was wondering whether someone would be willing to help in converting 2 captivate projects to .swf?
I can provide a link to the files.
Help wpuld be appreciated.

Hi there
I'll try to help.
Cheers... Rick
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    This is a real mystery to me. So frustrating I have the project finished! Something weird has happened...
    Hi Rich...this project is a regular 4:3 PAL format.
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  • Help needed Converting MSSQL function to PL/SQL

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    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[QueryCurrentWhy]
    @ColumnID INT,
    @GroupID INT,
    @Parents VARCHAR(8000)
    RETURNS @R TABLE(ID1 int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, ID2 int, ColID int, [Name] VARCHAR(255), Tlevel int, ParentID int, Processed BIT)
    The code I have currently written in PL/SQL is below. I firstly create a global temp table and then a sequence and trigger for it. I then create the Function in the hope I can specify the temp table as the return type. Problem is I get the error "PLS-00201: identifier 'TEMPR' must be declared". Im guessing this is because the temp table is declared outside the function declaration?
    ID2 INT,
    ColID INT,
    Name VARCHAR2(255),
    Tlevel INT,
    ParentID INT,
    Processed CHAR(1)
         START WITH 1
         INCREMENT BY 1
    :NEW.ID1 := TEMP_NO;
    aColumnID INT,
    aGroupID INT,
    aParents VARCHAR2(8000)
    RETURN tempR
    EXCEPTION when NO_DATA_FOUND then null;
    Basically is it possible for me to declare the temp table in the return statement, if not then what is the best way to go about this?
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: redeye on Jul 27, 2009 3:26 PM

    Unfortunately I didnt write the original function or stored procedure and the person who did is no longer with the company, so apologies for any confusion with what I am saying.
    Maybe it'll be more helpful if i paste the contents of the function?
    aColumnID INT,
    aGroupID INT,
    aParents VARCHAR2(8000)
    RETURN tempR
    aPKColTypeID INT;
    aFKDColTypeID INT;
    aFKDSColTypeID INT;
    aFKIColTypeID INT;
    aColType VARCHAR2(30);
    aTableID INT;
    aName VARCHAR2(255);
    aNameWhyMost VARCHAR2(255);
    aNameWhyMost2 VARCHAR2(255);
    aLongNameStr VARCHAR2(1000);
    aConnectStr VARCHAR2(1000);
    aColID INT;
    aColIDWhyMost INT;
    aColIDWhyMost2 INT;
    aColIDWhyMostLast INT;
    aCount INT;
    aID1 INT;
    aID2 INT;
    aPreID2 INT;
    aMaxID2 INT;
    aCurrentID2 INT;
    aTLevel INT;
    aTLevel2 INT;
    aTlevelLast INT;
    aNewLevel INT;
    aMaxTLevel INT;
    aMaxTLevel2 INT;
    aParentID INT;
    aParentID2 INT;
    aNewParentID INT;
    aProcessed number (1);
    --aCurVar1 CURSOR;
    aParent INT; aStrEntityIDSet varchar(2000); aStrPipeSepValsInput varchar(2000); aEndPointInput int; aSeperatorIndex int;
    aNumTempDoc INTEGER := 0;
    --aColumnID INT DEFAULT(0);
    --aGroupID INT DEFAULT(0);
    --aParents VARCHAR(8000) DEFAULT('');
    SELECT ColumnTypeID INTO aPKColTypeID FROM TSORADB.HKColumnType WHERE ColumnTypeName = 'PK';
    SELECT ColumnTypeID INTO aFKDColTypeID FROM TSORADB.HKColumnType WHERE ColumnTypeName = 'FKD';
    SELECT ColumnTypeID INTO aFKDSColTypeID FROM TSORADB.HKColumnType WHERE ColumnTypeName = 'FKDS';
    SELECT ColumnTypeID INTO aFKIColTypeID FROM TSORADB.HKColumnType WHERE ColumnTypeName = 'FKI';
    IF (aGroupID is null)
         aGroupID := -1;
    END IF;
    --Tokenize the parent array and get back a set of values.
    IF(aParents is not null)
         aStrEntityIDSet := aParents;
         aStrPipeSepValsInput := '|' + ltrim(rtrim(aStrEntityIDSet)) + '|';
         --print aStrPipeSepValsInput
         aEndPointInput := INSTR(aStrPipeSepValsInput, '|');
         aStrPipeSepValsInput := INSTR (aStrPipeSepValsInput, LENGTH (aStrPipeSepValsInput) - aEndPointInput); -- take out the '|' pattern
         WHILE (LENGTH (aStrPipeSepValsInput) > 0)
              aEndPointInput := INSTR(aStrPipeSepValsInput, '|'); -- get the next '|' pattern
              aParent := SUBSTR(aStrPipeSepValsInput, 1, aEndPointInput - 1);
              --PRINT 'aParent is ' + CONVERT (NVARCHAR, aParent)
              aStrPipeSepValsInput := INSTR (aStrPipeSepValsInput, LENGTH (aStrPipeSepValsInput) - aEndPointInput);
              INSERT INTO TmpParent (ColID) VALUES (aParent);
         END LOOP;
    END IF;
    SELECT hkc.TableID, hkc.Name, hkct.ColumnTypeName
    INTO aTableID, aName, aColType
    FROM TSORADB.HKColumns hkc
    INNER JOIN TSORADB.HKColumnType hkct on hkc.ColTypeID = hkct.ColumnTypeID
    WHERE hkc.ColumnID = aColumnID;
    IF aColType in ('PK','PKD')
         -- Generate Unique Path Table Start
         CASE WHEN FKIs3.Name is null
         THEN PKs3.Name
         ELSE FKIs3.Name
         END Name
         INTO aName
         FROM TSORADB.HKColumns PKs3
         INNER JOIN
         SELECT hkc3.TableID FROM TSORADB.HKColumns hkc3
         WHERE hkc3.ColumnID = aColumnID
         ) HKC3 ON PKs3.TableID = HKC3.TableID
         SELECT TableID, Name
         FROM TSORADB.HKColumns
         WHERE ColTypeID = aFKIColTypeID
         ) FKIs3 ON PKs3.TableID = FKIs3.TableID
         WHERE PKs3.ColTypeID = aPKColTypeID AND ((aGroupID=-1 AND PKs3.GroupID IS NULL) OR PKs3.GroupID=aGroupID);     
    END IF;
    -- Insert query column itself
    aTlevel := 0;
    aParentID := 0;
    aID2 := 1;
    IF (aColType = 'ATT')
    INSERT INTO tempR(ID2, ColID, Name, Tlevel, ParentID, Processed)
    SELECT distinct aID2, TopHKCs.ColumnID as ColID, aName as Name,aTlevel as Tlevel, aParentID as ParentID, 1 as Processed
         FROM TSORADB.HKColumns TopHKCs
    WHERE TopHKCs.ColumnID = aColumnID;
    aID2 := aID2 + 1;
    aTlevel := 1;
         aParentID := aColumnID;
         -- Get the non-compound name for the parent
         CASE WHEN FKIs3.Name is null
         THEN PKs3.Name
         ELSE FKIs3.Name
         END Name
         INTO aName
         FROM TSORADB.HKColumns PKs3
         INNER JOIN
         SELECT hkc3.TableID FROM TSORADB.HKColumns hkc3
         WHERE hkc3.ColumnID = (SELECT ColumnID FROM TSORADB.HKColumns WHERE TableID = aTableID AND ColTypeID = aPKColTypeID)
         ) HKC3 ON PKs3.TableID = HKC3.TableID
         SELECT TableID, Name
         FROM TSORADB.HKColumns
         WHERE ColTypeID = aFKIColTypeID
         ) FKIs3 ON PKs3.TableID = FKIs3.TableID
         WHERE PKs3.ColTypeID = aPKColTypeID AND ((aGroupID=-1 AND PKs3.GroupID IS NULL) OR PKs3.GroupID=aGroupID);
         INSERT INTO tempR(ID2, ColID, Name, Tlevel, ParentID, Processed)
    SELECT aID2, ColumnID, aName, aTlevel, aParentID, 0
         WHERE TableID = aTableID
         AND ColTypeID = aPKColTypeID;
    aID2 := aID2 + 1;
         INSERT INTO TmpR1(ColID, Name, Tlevel, ParentID, Processed)
         SELECT nonCompoundHks.ColumnID as ColID, aName as Name,aTlevel as Tlevel, aParentID as ParentID, 0 as Processed
         FROM TSORADB.HKColumns nonCompoundHks
         WHERE nonCompoundHks.Name = aName --lower(nonCompoundHks.Name) = lower(aName)
         AND ((aGroupID=-1 AND nonCompoundHks.GroupID IS NULL) OR nonCompoundHks.GroupID=aGroupID)
         AND nonCompoundHks.ColTypeID = aPKColTypeID
         AND EXISTS
              select ColumnID
              From TSORADB.HKColumns hkc4
              WHERE hkc4.TableID = nonCompoundHks.TableID
              AND (hkc4.ColTypeID = aFKDColTypeID OR hkc4.ColTypeID = aFKDSColTypeID)
              select ColumnID
              From TSORADB.HKColumns hkc5
              WHERE hkc5.TableID = nonCompoundHks.TableID
              AND hkc5.ColTypeID = aFKIColTypeID
              AND ((aGroupID=-1 AND hkc5.GroupID IS NULL) OR hkc5.GroupID=aGroupID)
         INSERT INTO TmpR1(ColID, Name, Tlevel, ParentID, Processed)
         SELECT compoundPk.ColumnID as ColID, aName as Name,aTlevel as Tlevel, aParentID as ParentID, 0 as Processed
         FROM TSORADB.HKColumns compoundPk
         INNER JOIN TSORADB.HKColumns compoundHkc on compoundHkc.TableID = compoundPk.TableID AND compoundHkc.ColTypeID = aFKIColTypeID
              SELECT hkc.ColumnID
              FROM TSORADB.HKColumns hkc
              WHERE hkc.ColTypeID = aPKColTypeID
              AND hkc.Name = aName --lower(hkc.Name) = lower(aName)
              AND ((aGroupID=-1 AND hkc.GroupID IS NULL) OR hkc.GroupID=aGroupID)
              AND NOT EXISTS
              select ColumnID
              From TSORADB.HKColumns hkc2
              WHERE hkc2.TableID = hkc.TableID
              AND (hkc2.ColTypeID = aFKDColTypeID OR hkc2.ColTypeID = aFKDSColTypeID)
              AND ((aGroupID=-1 AND hkc2.GroupID IS NULL) OR hkc2.GroupID=aGroupID)
    ) Indys ON Indys.ColumnID = compoundHkc.ForeignKey
         WHERE compoundPk.ColTypeID = aPKColTypeID;
         INSERT INTO tempR(ID2, ColID, Name, Tlevel, ParentID, Processed)
         SELECT ID2, ColID, Name, Tlevel, ParentID, Processed FROM TmpR1;
         FETCH FROM aCurVar1 INTO aColID, aName, aTlevel, aParentID, aProcessed
         WHILE aafetch_status = 0
              IF(aParents is null or EXISTS (SElECT ColID FROM aTmpParent WHERE ColID = aColID) )
                   INSERT INTO tempR(ID2, ColID, [Name], Tlevel, ParentID, Processed) VALUES(aID2, aColID, aName, aTlevel, aParentID, aProcessed)
                   SET aID2 = aID2 + 1
              FETCH NEXT FROM aCurVar1 INTO aColID, aName, aTlevel, aParentID, aProcessed
         CLOSE aCurVar1 */
    END IF;
         SELECT COUNT(*) INTO aNumTempDoc FROM tempR WHERE Processed = 0 and Tlevel < 1;
    WHILE aNumTempDoc > 0
    -- Get current row
         SELECT ID1, ID2, ColID, Name, Tlevel, ParentID
         INTO aID1, aID2, aColID, aName, aTlevel, aParentID
         FROM tempR
         WHERE Processed = 0 AND ROWNUM = 1
         ORDER BY ID1;
    UPDATE tempR SET processed = 1 WHERE ID1 = aID1;
    aPreID2 := aID2;
    -- Get why parents
    declare CURSOR aCurVar1 IS --SELECT * FROM TSORADB.HKColumns;
         SELECT distinct FKDPKs.ColumnID as ColID,
              CASE WHEN FKDFKI.NAME is null
              THEN FKDPKs.Name
              ELSE FKDFKI.Name
              END Name,
         (aTlevel+1) as Tlevel,
         PREHKCs.ColID AS ParentID,
         0 as Processed
         FROM TSORADB.HKColumns FKDPKs
         INNER JOIN
         TSORADB.HKColumns FKDFKs ON FKDPKs.ColumnID = FKDFKs.ForeignKey
         TSORADB.HKColumns FKDFKs2 ON FKDFKs2.TableID = FKDFKs.TableID
         INNER JOIN
         tempR PREHKCs ON PREHKCs.ColID=aColID AND PREHKCs.ColID = FKDFKs2.ColumnID AND PREHKCs.Tlevel=aTlevel
         SELECT TableID, Name, GroupID
         FROM TSORADB.HKColumns
         WHERE ColTypeID = aFKIColTypeID
         ) FKDFKI ON FKDFKI.TableID = FKDPKs.TableID
         INNER JOIN TSORADB.HKColumnType ON FKDPKs.ColTypeID=HKcolumnType.ColumnTypeID
         WHERE FKDPKs.ColTypeID=aPKColTypeID AND FKDPKs.ColumnID <> aColumnID
         AND FKDFKs.ColTypeID=aFKDColTypeID
    AND ((aGroupID=-1 AND FKDPKs.GroupID IS NULL) OR FKDPKs.GroupID=aGroupID);
    OPEN aCurVar1;
    aCount := 1;
         FETCH aCurVar1 INTO aColID, aName, aTlevel, aParentID, aProcessed;
         Exit when aCurVar1%NOTFOUND; -- Exit the loop when no more rows are found.
    --WHILE aafetch_status = 0
    IF (aCount = 1) -- The first Why Parent
                   INSERT INTO tempR(ID2, ColID, Name, Tlevel, ParentID, Processed) VALUES(aPreID2, aColID, aName, aTlevel, aParentID, 0);
    ELSE -- The multiple Why Parents
                   aID2 := aID2 + 1;
    -- Copy the previous parent with increased ID2
    INSERT INTO tempR(ID2, ColID, Name, Tlevel, ParentID, Processed) SELECT aID2 as ID2, ColID, Name, Tlevel, ParentID, 1 AS Processed FROM tempR WHERE ID1 <= aID1 AND ID2 = aPreID2;
    -- Insert the new why parent
    INSERT INTO tempR(ID2, ColID, Name, Tlevel, ParentID, Processed) VALUES(aID2, aColID, aName, aTlevel, aParentID, 0);
    END IF;          
    aCount := aCount + 1;
              --FETCH NEXT FROM aCurVar1 INTO aColID, aName, aTlevel, aParentID, aProcessed;
         END LOOP;
    CLOSE aCurVar1;
         SELECT COUNT(*) INTO aNumTempDoc FROM tempR WHERE Processed = 0 and Tlevel < 1;
    -- Generate Unique Path Table End
    EXCEPTION when NO_DATA_FOUND then null;
    The table which is returned to the SProc is used in the following way, (MSSQL code, as am yet to migrate). Basically using some of the returned column values along with DB values to populate a second temp table
    INSERT INTO #TmpR1 SELECT * FROM QueryCurrentWhy(@ColumnID, @GroupID, @Parents)
    SET @Tlevel = 1
    SELECT HKColumns.Columnid as ColID, HKColumns.Tableid as TblID, R1.Name as [Name], HKColumns.NounID AS KeyCompA, R1.ParentID AS KeyCompB, HKColumns.ColTypeID as ColTypeID, ColumnTypeName as ColType, 0 as HasWhats,
    CASE WHEN R2.ColID is null
    THEN 0
    ELSE 1
    END HasWhyParent,
    0 as IsSelected
    FROM HKColumns
    ON HKColumns.ColumnID = R1.ColID AND R1.Tlevel=@Tlevel
    INNER JOIN HKColumnType
    ON HKColumns.ColTypeID=HKcolumnType.ColumnTypeID AND HKColumns.ColTypeID=@PKColTypeID
    LEFT JOIN #TmpR1 AS R2
    ON R2.ID2 = R1.ID2 AND R2.Tlevel=@Tlevel+1 AND R2.ParentID=R1.ColID

  • Your help needed converting video to digital

    How do I convert video to digital using a G4 Powerbook, Canopus 300 & Imovie HD 6.0.4.
    Steps needed, please.
    I have VCR, G4 Powerbook, Canopus ADVC 300 and Ilife 08 and/or Imovie HD6.0.4.
    Another poster said I needed to purchase Ilife 08 to make it work, but after the software arrived, it required G5 hardware to fully install. Not happy with that.
    Is there a workaround? Please advise.

    Assuming that you have VHS tapes that you want to convert to digital to use in iMovie? Is that correct? If so, you can find helpful information in these threads:
    An older MacWorld article with step by step instructions:
    If you are trying to do something else, please post back.

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    Thanks in advance.

    You can also use a LSMW.
    You are lucky, this is exactly the eg taken in SAP help :
    Hope this helps,

  • Help needed for new project

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    I am looking for a developer who can help me (rebuild) and
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    Pref. someone in Europe who I can keep in contact with via
    MSN Messenger and/or Skype.
    I can build myself the insert, update and delete pages on
    various tables.
    However certain things are unclear to me wether they are
    absolutely a nescessity or can be done without.
    Please if you have the time and not looking for a fast buck..
    contact me.
    Yours sincerely

    I did a project on jsp and EJB called Dataminig implemented in Online shopping. Dataminig is an upcomming technology for Customer Relationship management. You can also do some kinda project like online patient monitering. In this project you can even see how to communicate through COM port.

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    Hi guys I am Developing a project in Java.
    This program test processor performance.
    Of system.
    Please tell me which packages to use and what will be basic logic required.
    basically Test, counter, and help will be used I think.

    Note: This thread was originally posted in the [Java Programming|] forum, but moved to this forum for closer topic alignment.

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    I did a project on jsp and EJB called Dataminig implemented in Online shopping. Dataminig is an upcomming technology for Customer Relationship management. You can also do some kinda project like online patient monitering. In this project you can even see how to communicate through COM port.

  • Help need Convert SWF to AVI Video

    Hi plz help
    I have made presentation in flash cs4. I have one main file Index & loading rest all the files through LoadMovie.
    I  want to convert my presentation into AVI for video but when i export it  in avi so it converts in AVI but its not taking the file which m  loading externally & not even converting the movie clip.
    so please help me i want to convert my presentation SWF files to AVI.
    If anyone knows the free converter tool so plz tell me.

    I found a utility the other day that captures SWF playing.
    My flash pieces were to complex to use the Export too.
    Here's just one utility out there.
    iWisoft Flash SWF to Video Converter

  • Help needed converting 2 graphics
    The only image editing software I have is Fireworks which
    sees these files
    as flattened bitmaps. Can anyone out there convert them for
    me to a
    FW-ready png with vectors etc.?

    Thanks so much for this, Linda. My life just became a whole
    lot easier!
    I am having a very hard time explaining to my client what
    format it is that
    I need these images in. I'm getting the feeling that I should
    really have
    more than just 1 graphics app. in order to do web design.
    Because I only do
    this as a sideline, and usually pro bono for charities, it's
    hard to justify
    the expenditure.
    Hopefully the client will agree to pay to have the starburst
    "Linda Rathgeber" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gn4ofg$31f$[email protected]..
    > Kathie McLaughlin wrote:
    >> The only image editing software I have is Fireworks
    which sees these
    >> files as flattened bitmaps. Can anyone out there
    convert them for me to
    >> a FW-ready png with vectors etc.?
    > The graphic can be converted to FW ones. I
    find that the easiest
    > way to get AI vectors into FW is to open it in AI, and
    then copy and paste
    > into a new FW document. Here's the result.
    > The star.eps image is a bitmap and, as Joey said, would
    need to be
    > recreated in vector format.
    > --
    > Linda Rathgeber - Adobe Community Expert

  • Help needed on J2ME project

    i'm trying to built a j2me browser that can access internet from a computer via bluetooth. So does anyone know a decent open source browser where I can modify its default connectivity mode(eg., gprs), so that i can create an interface which helps to connect to a computer through bluetooth and send the web pages back!!

    specifying access point is not at possible in J2ME. Search for GnuBox which was the symbian OS application. It was possible to create bluetooth access point using that software.

  • Help needed for HSC project, urgent.

    I am having further troubles. In my storybook on the first page all the buttons are appearing, I do not want this. How do I code to fix that, the only button I want on the first page is "page1_btn"
    will paste my coding into here, and could you please tell me what to do to fix this ?
    page2_btn.visible= false;
    p3_first_btn.visible= false;
    function turnpage2 (evt:MouseEvent):void {
      screen_movie.gotoAndPlay ("page2");
      page1_btn.visible = false;
    page2_btn.visible= true; 
    function turnpage3 (evt:MouseEvent):void {
    screen_movie.gotoAndPlay ("page3");
    page2_btn.visible= false;
    p3_first_btn.visible= true;
    function turnpage3a (evt:MouseEvent):void {
    screen_movie.gotoAndPlay ("page3a");
    p3_first_btn.visible= false;
    And, also the reason why I am setting the buttons to visible= true; at the start and visible= false; at the end is because I can only have one button for each page.
    Please help someone,

    In your code you are:
    1. setting page2_btn and p3_first_btn to visible false, then you set an event listener and function for page1_btn.
    2. setting page2_btn to be visible true and setting an event listener and function for that button.
    3. setting p2_first_btn to be visible true and setting an event listener and function for that button.
    If all of this code is in the same frame, then you are turning all of the buttons' visible properties to true.
    If you only want one of those buttons to be visible at any one time then set the visible property for page2_btn to true at the end of the function turnpage2 and do the same for p2_first_btn.
    Something like this:
    page2_btn.visible= false;
    p3_first_btn.visible= false;
    function turnpage2 (evt:MouseEvent):void {
      screen_movie.gotoAndPlay ("page2");
      page1_btn.visible = false;
      page2_btn.visible= true; 
    function turnpage3 (evt:MouseEvent):void {
    screen_movie.gotoAndPlay ("page3");
    page2_btn.visible= false;
    p3_first_btn.visible= true;
    function turnpage3a (evt:MouseEvent):void {
    screen_movie.gotoAndPlay ("page3a");
    p3_first_btn.visible= false;
    You may have to make more changes, I'm guessing at what is going on in your movie.

  • Re-post - Help needed converting .ai file to Fireworks png

    My client's printer has taken another stab at sending me a
    starburst graphic
    in a full vector format.
    Iit's (allegedly) in Adobe Illustrator format, the same as
    the prism that
    Linda R was kind enough to convert
    for me last week.
    Can anyone spare a few minutes to look at
    ? If it is in AI format, would you
    be kind enough convert it for me to a FW-readable png?
    Thanks in advance,

    Linda has fixed me up!
    "Kathie McLaughlin" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    news:gnf5fk$61g$[email protected]..
    > My client's printer has taken another stab at sending me
    a starburst
    > graphic in a full vector format.
    > Iit's (allegedly) in Adobe Illustrator format, the same
    as the prism that
    > Linda R was kind enough to convert
    > for me last week.
    > Can anyone spare a few minutes to look at
    ? If it is in AI format, would
    > you be kind enough convert it for me to a FW-readable
    > Thanks in advance,
    > Kathie

  • Help needed (converting string to double)

    keep getting an error someone give me a hint
    public class q1d
        public static void main(String [] args)
            String whats;
            double x;
            x = (String)whats;

    Then study this tutorial
    Specifically, this part
    You need some basic knowledge. These forums are not suitable for teaching Java. The tutorial is.

  • Hi apple users, I am in need of your expertise. I have a mov file and mp4 file which I need converted to DVD. However IDVD quality is terrible and wondering if anyone can help!?

    Hi apple users, I am in need of your expertise. I have a mov file and mp4 file which I need converted to DVD. However IDVD quality is terrible and wondering if anyone can help!?
    I created project in iMovie then exported it to MP4 and also MOV file at highest definition possible + I added it to iDVD and had a number issues about encoding errors regarding the mp4 file. MOV worked but the quality was terrible.....
    MOV file is as follows:
    Codecs: H.264, ACC
    Colour Profile: HD (1-1-1)
    Dimensions: 1920 x 1080
    Duration: 12:33
    Audio Channels: 2
    MP4 File is as follows:
    Codecs: H.264, ACC
    Colour Profile: HD (1-1-1)
    Dimensions: 1280 x 720
    Duration: 12:33
    Audio Channels: 6
    I have a MacBook Pro using the Yosemite system upgrade.
    I have updated iDVD and iMovie.
    I even bought the iSkysoft app from the mac store and that was terrible too.
    PLEASE HELP i am getting desperate and about to launch this macbook into the air
    2.66 GHz Intel Core i7
    Version 10.10. 2

    First of all, Hunt--thanks for responding!
    "First, where are you playing the MPEG-2, that you see that jitter?"
    On both a MacBook Pro, an Acer laptop and my Mac Tower. I would love to think that it is a problem with the playback system, and that if I merely send the file off to the duplicator they won't have the same problem. Maybe that is the case...I don't know if I have a choice rather than sending it off to see. But it happens in the same spots, in the same way, on all three of the players so I'm a little reluctant to have faith.
    "Another thing that can cause jitter in an MPEG-2 is the Bit-Rate - higher the Bit-Rate, the better the quality, but the larger the file. For a DVD, one is limited by the total Bit-Rate (both Audio & Video), but with longer prodcutions, some users choose too low a Bit-Rate. If this is the issue, one would need to go back to the original Project and do a new Export/Share."
    Of course, but in the case there is no more 'original project.' It is gone like the wind, stolen along with his computer and backups.
    I think I am stuck using one of two files as my master: a DVD he burned where I only see the stutter/vibration/jitter once, or the mpeg2 file where I see it three times. Hopefully, the duplication house can rip if off of one of them and not see the jitter. I know that in audio, my personal filed, you can do a lot to enhance already existing sound--EQ, compression, tape saturation emulation software, etc. I guess I'm hoping there is some kind of analog to the video world that address jitter after a source has been printed--if indeed the source has been printed to be jittery.

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