Help needed with Carriage Return in Unicode system

Hi Experts,
we have an issue with one of our programs regarding the carriage return that is used when creating a csv file. This issue has only came about because of the recent upgrade to ECC6.
The main change to the program was the redefinition of the line feed variable.
Existing statement was --> DATA: v_lf TYPE x VALUE '0D'.
This was then replaced with
New statement --> DATA: v_lf type c VALUE cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf.
Since this change has been implemented, the csv file that is created and sent on as an attachment via the function SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 is now not displayed correctly.
When looking at the attachment in trn SOST, a message is also displayed saying the file is not in a recognizable format when selecting the file to view.
The hex value for cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf is 000D000A and this seems to be causing the issue.
I've also tried using Function FI_DME_CHARATERS as I only really want to use the CR. However, the hex value for this is 000D and not 0D.
Is there any way of converting this to have a hex value of 0D?
Thanks in advance,

Sorry it is not the CONTENTS_TXT it is CONTENTS_BIN. Instead of CONTENTS_BIN you need to pass to CONTENTS_HEX
Check my Code..i have used the CONTENTS_HEX instead of CONTENTS_BIN
DATA: l_tab_lines TYPE i,
        l_string TYPE char300,
        l_line TYPE string.
  CONSTANTS : l_c_255(255)  TYPE c VALUE '255',
              l_c_txt(3)    TYPE c VALUE 'TXT'.
  DATA: lt_reclist  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF somlreci1,       "Recipients
        lt_objpack  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF sopcklsti1,
        lt_objhead  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF solisti1,
        lt_objtxt   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF solisti1,     "Body of EMail
        lt_objbin   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF solisti1."Attachment of EMail
  DATA: l_doc_chng TYPE sodocchgi1,     "attributes of document to send
        l_reclist  LIKE LINE OF lt_reclist,
        l_objpack  LIKE LINE OF lt_objpack,
        l_obj      LIKE LINE OF lt_objhead.
  DATA :
    l_hex LIKE solix,
    lt_contents_hex LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF solix ,
    conv TYPE REF TO cl_abap_conv_out_ce,
    l_buffer TYPE xstring,
    l_hexa(510) TYPE x.
* Completing the recipient list
  l_reclist-receiver = p_emailid.
  l_reclist-express  = 'X'.
  l_reclist-rec_type = 'U'.
  APPEND l_reclist TO lt_reclist.
  CLEAR  l_reclist.
* Body of Email Message
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.       " Blank line
  l_obj-line = '<html>'.
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.
  l_obj-line = '<body>'.
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.
  l_obj-line =  '<p><code>Hello,</p></code>'(t04).
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.
  l_obj-line = cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline.
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.       " Blank line
   'Please click the link to access the Confirmation Form.'(t01)
   'Kindly complete the same and return it to the HR contact 15 days' &
   ' prior to the date of confirmation of the employee.'(t02)
   '</p></code>'(f02) INTO l_obj-line SEPARATED BY space.
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.
  l_obj-line = cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline.
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.       " Blank line
  CONCATENATE '<a href="' text-l01 text-l02 '">'
         INTO l_obj-line.
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.
  CONCATENATE  '<p><code>'(f01)
               'Link to Confirmation Forms'(034)
         INTO l_obj-line.
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.
  l_obj-line = cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline.
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.       " Blank line
  l_obj-line = '<p><code>The details of the employees ' &
               'are as follows:</p></code>'(017).
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.
  l_obj-line = cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline.
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.       " Blank line
* Table headings in the Mail Body
  l_obj-line =  '<table border="1">'.
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.
  l_obj-line =  '<tr>'.
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.
  l_obj-line =   '<th><p><code>Name</p></code></th>'(030).
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.
  l_obj-line =  '<th><p><code>Department</p></code></th>'(031).
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.
  l_obj-line =  '<th><p><code>DOJ</p></code></th>'(032).
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.
  l_obj-line =  '<th><p><code>Confirmation Date</p></code></th>'(033).
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.
  l_obj-line =  '</tr>'.
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.
** Body of Email Message
* Email Attachment
* Append headings
  CONCATENATE 'Employee No.'(002)
              'Employee Group'(016)
              'Employee Name'(001)
              'Joining Date'(004)
              'Confirmation Due'(008)
              'Form sent on'(009)
              'Form Return by'(010)
              'Employee Group'(016)
              'Trainee Category'(013)
            INTO l_string
       SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab.
  APPEND l_string TO lt_objbin.
  CLEAR l_string.
  LOOP AT p_emp_details INTO i_emp_details_line.
    CONCATENATE i_emp_details_line-pnalt
           INTO l_string
      SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab.
    APPEND l_string TO lt_objbin.
    CLEAR l_string.
    l_obj-line =  '<tr>'.
    APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.
    CONCATENATE '<td>' '<p><code>'(f01)
                 i_emp_details_line-ename '</p></code>'(f02) '</td>'
                 INTO l_string.
    APPEND l_string TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_string.
    CONCATENATE '<td>' '<p><code>'(f01)
                i_emp_details_line-ltext '</p></code>'(f02) '</td>'
                INTO l_string.
    APPEND l_string TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_string.
    CONCATENATE '<td>' '<p><code>'(f01)
                i_emp_details_line-srvdt '</p></code>'(f02) '</td>'
                INTO l_string.
    APPEND l_string TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_string.
    CONCATENATE '<td>' '<p><code>'(f01)
                i_emp_details_line-mndat '</p></code>'(f02) '</td>'
                INTO l_string.
    APPEND l_string TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_string.
    l_obj-line =  '</tr>'.
    APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.
  l_obj-line = '  </table>'.
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.
  l_obj-line = '</body>'.
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.
  l_obj-line = '</html>'.
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objtxt.   CLEAR l_obj.
  IF r_cprob EQ 'X'.
    l_string = 'Completion of probation List'(018).
    l_string = 'Completion of extension of probation List'(035).
  APPEND l_string TO lt_objhead.
* APPEND object_header.
      objcont_old = lt_objbin
      objcont_new = lt_objbin.
  LOOP AT lt_objbin INTO l_line.
   conv = cl_abap_conv_out_ce=>create( encoding = 'UTF-8' endian = 'B').
    CALL METHOD conv->write( data = l_line ).
    l_buffer = conv->get_buffer( ).
    MOVE l_buffer TO l_hexa.
    MOVE l_hexa TO l_hex-line.
    APPEND l_hex TO lt_contents_hex.
* File name for attachment
  CONCATENATE 'Completion of probation List'(018)
               sy-datum '.XLS' INTO l_obj SEPARATED BY space.
  APPEND l_obj TO lt_objhead.
* Email Body Details
  CLEAR l_tab_lines.
  DESCRIBE TABLE lt_objtxt LINES l_tab_lines.
  l_doc_chng-doc_size = ( l_tab_lines - 1 ) * 255 +
                          STRLEN( l_string ).  "size of doc in bytes
  l_doc_chng-obj_name = sy-repid.
  l_doc_chng-obj_langu = sy-langu.
  l_doc_chng-obj_descr = l_string.
  l_doc_chng-sensitivty = 'P'.          "  Send mail as a confidential
  l_objpack-head_start = 1.
  l_objpack-head_num   = 1.
  l_objpack-body_start = 1.
  l_objpack-body_num   = l_tab_lines.
  l_objpack-doc_type   = 'HTML'. "l_c_txt.
  APPEND l_objpack TO lt_objpack.
  CLEAR  l_objpack.
* Email Attachment Details
  CLEAR l_tab_lines.
  DESCRIBE TABLE lt_objbin LINES l_tab_lines.
* Creation of the entry for the compressed attachment
  l_objpack-transf_bin = 'X'.
  l_objpack-head_start = 1.
  l_objpack-head_num   = 1.
  l_objpack-body_start = 1.
  l_objpack-doc_type   = 'XLS'.
  l_objpack-obj_name   = l_obj.
  l_objpack-obj_descr  = l_obj.
  l_objpack-body_num   = l_tab_lines.
  l_objpack-doc_size   = l_tab_lines * l_c_255.
  APPEND l_objpack TO lt_objpack.
  CLEAR  l_objpack.
* Send the document
      document_data              = l_doc_chng
      put_in_outbox              = ' '
      commit_work                = 'X'
      packing_list               = lt_objpack
      object_header              = lt_objhead
*      contents_bin               = lt_objbin
      contents_txt               = lt_objtxt
      contents_hex               = lt_contents_hex
      receivers                  = lt_reclist
      too_many_receivers         = 1
      document_not_sent          = 2
      document_type_not_exist    = 3
      operation_no_authorization = 4
      parameter_error            = 5
      x_error                    = 6
      enqueue_error              = 7
      OTHERS                     = 8.

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    A Class that maintains Information about a book
    This might form part of a larger application such
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    @author (your name)
    *@version (a version number or a date)*
    public class Book
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    private String title;
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    title = bookTitle;
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    PS. sorry it looks so messey

    1. In the future, please use a more meaningful subject. "Help needed with java" contains no information. The very fact that you're posting here tells us you need help with Java. The point of the subject is to give the forum an idea of what kind of problem you're having, so that individuals can decide if they're interested and qualified to help.
    2. You need to ask a specific question. If you have no idea where to start, then start here: []
    3. When you post code, use code tags. Copy the code from the original source in your editor (NOT from an earlier post here, where it will already have lost all formatting), paste it in here, highlight it, and click the CODE button.

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    Assuming you're talking about the output XML rather than the schema; if you open the XML in Visual Studio press the following keys
    <crtl>KD and the XML will be formatted with indentation (hold the
    <crtl> key down while pressing both the K and
    D keys).
    If you want a simple command line utility to format XML for you, the following should do the trick (pass in the name of the XML file):
    static void Main(string[] args)
    XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
    XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(args[0], Encoding.UTF8);
    writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
    NOTE: this key sequence also formats source code.
    David Downing... If this answers your question, please Mark as the Answer. If this post is helpful, please vote as helpful.


    ......THIS ENSURES NO SMOKE!!!                                                                                           

    Quote from: BOBHIGH on 17-December-05, 09:21:31
    Get over it mate !
    I find it easy t read CAPS...and if you dont like it ...DONT READ IT!
    And why bother to reply...some people have nothing better to do.
    Yes there chep and easy to come by...Ive already got a new one.
    All I wanted was to make a diagram of whats inside the bloody was a simple question and required a simple answer.
    I feel a bann comming up.
    Have you tryed Google ? really.. your question is inrelevant. No need to reply indeed.
    Why do you come here asking this question anyway ? is it becouse you have a MSI gfx card ? and the adapter has nothing to do with this ?
    You think you can come in here yelling.. thinking we have to put up with it and accept your style of posting. This is not a MSI tech center.. it's a user to user center.. Your question has nothing to do with MSI relavant things anyway's.
    Google = your friend.
    Quote from: BOBHIGH on 17-December-05, 09:21:31
    it was a simple question and required a simple answer
    Simple for who ? you (buying a new one) ? me ? we ?   .really...........
    Quote from: Dynamike on 16-December-05, 04:11:48
    1: There are allot of diffrent types of those adapters.
    If any of the mods have a problem about my reply.. please pm me.

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    (Make sure the Music (top left) library is selected before beginning this.)
    If you have bad song links in your library, hilite them and hit the delete button. Then locate the folder(s) where your music is located and drag and drop into the large library window in iTunes ( where your tracks show up). This will force the tunes into iTunes. Before you start, check your preferences in iTunes specifically under the"Advanced" tab, general settings. I prefer that the 1st 2 boxes are unchecked. (Keep iTunes Music folder organized & Copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library). They are designed to let iTunes manage your library. I prefer to manage it myself. Suit yourself. If there is a way for iTunes to restore broken links other than locating one song at a time I haven't found it yet. (I wish Apple would fix this, as I have used that feature in other apps.) This is the way I do it and I have approx. 25,000 songs and podcasts and videos at present. Hope this helps.

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    Hi Nigel
    If you hold the Shift key when opening the mail app, it will start up without any folders selected & no emails showing. Hopefully this will enable you to start Mail ok.
    Then from the Mail menus - choose Mailbox-Erase Junk Mail . The problem mail should now be in the trash. If there's nothing you want to retain from the Trash, you should now choose Mailbox- Erase Deleted Messages....
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    The shift key starts Mail in a sort of Safe mode.

  • Help needed with this form in DW

    Hi, i have created this form in dreamweaver but ive got this problem.
    In the fields above the text field, the client needs to fill in some info such as name, email telephone number etc.
    But the problem is when ill get the messages. Only the text from the large text field is there.
    What did i do wrong??
    Thank you

    Thank you for your response. So what do i have to do to fix this?
    Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2013 07:57:56 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Help needed with this form in DW
        Re: Help needed with this form in DW
        created by Ken Binney in Dreamweaver General - View the full discussion
    You have several duplicate "name" attributes in these rows which also appears in the first row
    Aantal personen:
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  • Receiver File channel for XML files: with carriage return

    Hi all,
    we are using a receiver FILE channel to generate an XML file that is sent to an external partner.
    The XML file looks good in a parser (IExplorer). But in fact there are not carriage return / line feeds between the XML tags
    of the XML payload in the file.
    Our partner now requires the XML file in a more vertical structure which means: for every tag a separate line (like it is displayed in a parser)
    Does anybody know a more general way to convert to a vertical XML structure (so with carriage return line feed).
    There is one entry in the SDN dealing with this topic but suggesting using an UDF. I think this is a very specific way.
    I don't think it is a good way to change/enhance the message mapping just because of a general formating change.
    Is it better to use an XSLT mapping as a second step in the interface mapping or a JAVA adapter module to convert ?
    any experiences? suggestions? examples?
    Thank you very much
    best regards
    original by XI receiver FILE adapter
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <MT_batchStatus><type>BS</type><header><message><messageSender>SENDER</messageSender><messageDate>20090723143720</messageDate> ... and so on
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    ... and so on

    Hans Georg Walter wrote:
    > Is it better to use an XSLT mapping as a second step in the interface mapping or a JAVA adapter module to convert ?
    > any experiences? suggestions? examples?
    In such a case, the best is to write an generic XSLT or Java mapping that will attempt to do the pretty printing/formatting of the xml.
    The advantage of a generic one is that you can reuse the same class/jar for many other scenarios.
    so the flow will be as below in your interface mapping;
    1. your specific source to target mapping
    2. the generic formatting class

  • How to load data with carriage return through DRM action script ?

    We are using DRM to manage Essbase metadata. These metadata contain a field for member formula.
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    But DRM support other data type property : memo or formatted memo where we can use carriage return.
    Then in the export file, we have change the record delimiter to an other character than CRLF
    Our issue : we are regularly using action script to load new metadata => How to load data properties with carriage return using action script ? There is no option to change the record delimiter.

    Hello Sandeep
    here what I want to do through action script : loading a formula that use more on than one line:
    Here, I write my formula using 4 lines but action script cannot load since one line = 1 record.

  • Help needed with header and upload onto business catalyst

    Can someone help with a problem over a header please?
    I have inserted a rectangle with a jpeg image in  background, in the 'header' section, underneath the menu. It comes up fine on most pages when previsualised, going right to the side of the screen, but stops just before the edge on certain pages. I have double checked that I have placed it in the right place in relation to the guides on the page.
    That's one problem.
    The second problem is that I tried to upload onto business catalyst, which got to 60% and refused to go any further, saying it couldn't find the header picture, giving the title and then The picture is in the right folder I have double checked. And it isn't a png. Does it have to be ?
    And the third problem is that I got an email following my upload from business catalyst in Swedish. I am living in France.
    Can anyone help ? Thanks.

    Thanks for replying,
    How can I check the preview in other browsers before I publish a provisional site with BC?
    The rectangle width issue happens on certain pages but not others. The Welecom page is fine when the menu is active, also the contact page, but others are slightly too narrow. Changing the menu spacing doesn’t help - I was already on uniform but tried changing to regular and back.
    In design mode the rectangle is set to the edge of the browser, that’s 100%browser width right?
    Re BC I have about 200 images on 24 different pages and it seems to be having difficulty uploading some of them. But it has managed a couple I named with spaces but not others I named with just one name.
    Is there an issue on size of pictures ? If I need to replace is there a quick way to rename and relink or do I have to insert the photos all over again?
    I’m a novice with Muse with an ambitious site !
    Thanks for your help.
    Mary Featherstone
    Envoyé depuis Courrier Windows
    De : Sanjit_Das
    Envoyé : vendredi 14 février 2014 22:15
    À : MFeatherstone
    Re: Help needed with header and upload onto business catalyst
    created by Sanjit_Das in Help with using Adobe Muse CC - View the full discussion 
    Answering the questions :
    - Have you checked the preview in Muse and also in other browsers ?
    - Does the rectangle width issue happens when menu is active , or in any specific state , Try to change the menu with uniform spacing and then check.
    - In design view the rectangle is set to 100% browser width ?
    With publishing :
    - Please try to rename the image file and then relink
    - If it happens with other images as well , see if all the image names includes strange characters or spaces.
    - Try again to publish
    With e-mail from BC :
    - Under preferences , please check the country selected.
    - If you have previously created partner account in BC and selected country and language then it would follow that, please check that.
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    Start a new discussion in Help with using Adobe Muse CC at Adobe Community
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  • Help needed with Elements 5.0

    Trying to Edit photos.  Click on Edit icon and I get the Message " Attempt to Access invalid address".  Click OK get message "Unable to connect to editor application.
    What is the problem?   I have unenstalled to program and reinstalled, I have tried repairing from CD.  Nothing works.  Please help.

    I have the disc and re-installed a couple of time. No positive result. PSE 09 which I bought thereafter is giving a lot of problems also!!!
    Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2011 10:31:24 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Help needed with Elements 5.0
    Doesn't really help either of us very much but I'm also having the same problem with Elements 5. I downloaded the program so I don't have disks to reinstall. And it seems from the other reply that Adobe has given up with the "old program," which incidentally was working fine until two days ago. Maybe I'll have to think about PSE9!

  • Help needed with BBDM 5.0.1 IP Modem

    Hi I was happily connecting thru the Net via the IP Modem in BBDM ver 5.0.1 all this while. Only this happened yesterday. Accidentally during the connection, my 9500 was disconnected from the USB cable. From that moment on, I cannot access the Net using the IP Modem feature. Tried to reboot the laptop as well as the 9500 but now all I get is the connecting message and then a pop up saying there is a hardware failure in the connecting device (or modem) ie the BB 9500.
    I even uninstalled BBDM 5.0.1 and reinstalled ver 5.0 and also updated back to 5.0.1 - same story. I can still access the Net via the BB browser etc
    Advise please thanks in advance

    I have the disc and re-installed a couple of time. No positive result. PSE 09 which I bought thereafter is giving a lot of problems also!!!
    Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2011 10:31:24 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Help needed with Elements 5.0
    Doesn't really help either of us very much but I'm also having the same problem with Elements 5. I downloaded the program so I don't have disks to reinstall. And it seems from the other reply that Adobe has given up with the "old program," which incidentally was working fine until two days ago. Maybe I'll have to think about PSE9!

  • [SOLVED] systemd: Launch helper exited with unknown return code1

    Why might I be seeing messages like the following when trying to set up systemd?
    [root@blah ~]# hostnamectl set-hostname foobar
    Failed to issue method call: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1
    EDIT: The solution for me was to remove sysvinit and initscripts and go for pure systemd.
    Last edited by amadar (2012-11-01 05:47:08)

    amadar wrote:
    2ManyDogs wrote:Did you search the forum, as I suggested?
    Yeah, I already found that post but the solution is not there. I'm not trying to use echo to set hostname manually, I'm trying to see why my hostnamectl command (and other *ctl comands) doesn't work, and there's no solution on that thread, just a workaround.
    I have systemd 195 and polkit 0.107 installed.
    EDIT: I replaced sysvinit with systemd-sysvcompat; then enabled syslog-ng, NetworkManager, and cronie services using systemctl enable; then I uninstalled initscripts. I'm not sure where during that process the commands started working, but they work now. But, that doesn't help people trying to migrate without having to replace sysvinit or remove initscripts first.
    This is a problem because the wiki explicitly says to migrate rc.d settings to the new files used by systemd. However, since the *ctl commands don't work at this point, it's impossible for the user to know how to make the config files manually without intimate knowledge of their formats without using *ctl commands.
    For example, how is one supposed to complete step one on the following wiki section? … stallation
    As you can see in those instructions, there is no information on how to create the new config files other than using *ctl commands, which don't even work at that stage. Some of the examples show a sample file, but the problematice ones are the ones that don't show a sample file.
    For example, how do you make /etc/adjtime without timedatectl?
    The wiki says that timedatectl [...] "will generate /etc/adjtime automatically; no further configuration is required", but then the Failed message in my original post is displayed.
    I think I will change the wiki to offer a better walk through when I get the chance to migrate to systemd on my desktop which has many daemons and modules.
    the same problem here....

  • Help needed with a design!

    HELP! I need help with designing something!
    IMAGE on this link " "
    i need this patch on the picture to be "remade" in higher definition and the text should be MILF HUNTERS intstead of milf hunter... Anyone that might be able to help me out?
    reson for all this is that its gonna be made to a 30x40cm big patch fitting the back of our Team jackets!
    send me a pm or a mail ([email protected]) if you need any futher info or if you can help me out! I am really thankful for all the help i can get!
    With best regards J. Nilsson, Milf Hunters Mc

    I simply did as i got a tip on FB to do
    quote from adobe themselves on facebook "Adobe Illustrator You might also want to try asking on our forums as there are many people that can help there as well!"
    sry if it was wrong of me, simply thought there might be someone nice out there to give a helping hand
    Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2012 13:41:48 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Help needed with a design!
        Re: Help needed with a design!
        created by in Illustrator - View the full discussion
    This really isn't the place to ask for free services.
         Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
         To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
         Start a new discussion in Illustrator by email or at Adobe Forums
      For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to

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